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Opening a Satanic Lodge


Jan 9, 2021
I know this might seem hard to believe to some, but I'm planning on making a lot of money in the next few years and opening a Satanic Lodge like there used to be last century.

Could you people please advise and give ideas on how this could be possible and how I could do it safely so I could teach JoS doctrine and not get ridiculed for doing anti-Semitism. I want it so we could do group rituals like RTRs there without the police shutting down the place or terrorists attacking it.

I know this could seem impossible and farfetched but I don't believe so, I believe this is all possible as anything is possible and Satan said he'll help and protect me if I'm serious.

I can't do it without the help of other SS, SO PLEASE HELP ME MAKE THIS POSSIBLE INSTEAD OF TELLING ME IT WON'T HAPPEN. Sorry for the caps and thanks to those who understand and wish to help.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail The Gods of Duat!
Just plain no. Ignore that stupid shit it'll just get you put on a list of people to take out.

We work decentralized not centralized.

We do RTR/Rituals throughout the World not in one specific place or group of people. Besides we are an internet only organization. Just as we are internet only, you should be internet only.

We use the freedom of the internet to interact. The World isn't ready for Satanism above ground way too many xtian lunatics out there. I kill for the lord bullshit they state. You'll get that and then getting attacked by kosher groups for anti-sumetism. And the kvetching and incessant kvetcing by the above groundedness.

We are internet only, so should you be as well.
Player7 said:
I know this might seem hard to believe to some, but I'm planning on making a lot of money in the next few years and opening a Satanic Lodge like there used to be last century.

Could you people please advise and give ideas on how this could be possible and how I could do it safely so I could teach JoS doctrine and not get ridiculed for doing anti-Semitism. I want it so we could do group rituals like RTRs there without the police shutting down the place or terrorists attacking it.

I know this could seem impossible and farfetched but I don't believe so, I believe this is all possible as anything is possible and Satan said he'll help and protect me if I'm serious.

I can't do it without the help of other SS, SO PLEASE HELP ME MAKE THIS POSSIBLE INSTEAD OF TELLING ME IT WON'T HAPPEN. Sorry for the caps and thanks to those who understand and wish to help.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail The Gods of Duat!
You're way above your head with this, and on top of that time for physical gatherings is not yet...

This has been stated many times here past year. Ancient Forums is our lodge/coven/gathering and it remains so until we have the upper hand in the physical. This is not only for physical safety, but also for safety against all sorts of infiltrators, subverters and other enemy astral influences which do work hard day and night just as we do against them.

Feel free to share JoS and Ancient Forums around the internet in a safe manner for you. Don't forget to participate in spiritual warfare as well and advance as an indvidual. That's how we'll get more momentum going on as a group.
Henu the Great said:
Player7 said:
I know this might seem hard to believe to some, but I'm planning on making a lot of money in the next few years and opening a Satanic Lodge like there used to be last century.

Could you people please advise and give ideas on how this could be possible and how I could do it safely so I could teach JoS doctrine and not get ridiculed for doing anti-Semitism. I want it so we could do group rituals like RTRs there without the police shutting down the place or terrorists attacking it.

I know this could seem impossible and farfetched but I don't believe so, I believe this is all possible as anything is possible and Satan said he'll help and protect me if I'm serious.

I can't do it without the help of other SS, SO PLEASE HELP ME MAKE THIS POSSIBLE INSTEAD OF TELLING ME IT WON'T HAPPEN. Sorry for the caps and thanks to those who understand and wish to help.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail The Gods of Duat!
You're way above your head with this, and on top of that time for physical gatherings is not yet...

This has been stated many times here past year. Ancient Forums is our lodge/coven/gathering and it remains so until we have the upper hand in the physical. This is not only for physical safety, but also for safety against all sorts of infiltrators, subverters and other enemy astral influences which do work hard day and night just as we do against them.

Feel free to share JoS and Ancient Forums around the internet in a safe manner for you. Don't forget to participate in spiritual warfare as well and advance as an indvidual. That's how we'll get more momentum going on as a group.
Alright, I understand your viewpoint now that you mention it. Thank you.
First step: Don't talk about it.
Second step: Some SS already do this or have in mind to achieve this, so figure it out on your own.

These things are political to establish, and not for anybody to do. Only a handful can pull this off publicly while still altering the front view of it. Otherwise you cannot do it. The most important are the local laws, atmosphere, country and people you surround with, and the story you create for this. Years of hard work can be established, but to what extend is the initiation? Minimal. To what extend have you developed yourself and advanced to teach and work with others in a unity and brotherhood with your own aims and such? We have priorities here, dedicate that time here. Those who can do it, already know how.
NakedPluto said:
First step: Don't talk about it.
Second step: Some SS already do this or have in mind to achieve this, so figure it out on your own.

These things are political to establish, and not for anybody to do. Only a handful can pull this off publicly while still altering the front view of it. Otherwise you cannot do it. The most important are the local laws, atmosphere, country and people you surround with, and the story you create for this. Years of hard work can be established, but to what extend is the initiation? Minimal. To what extend have you developed yourself and advanced to teach and work with others in a unity and brotherhood with your own aims and such? We have priorities here, dedicate that time here. Those who can do it, already know how.

Do you have any tipps on how I can get as strong as possible within a year? I am desperate for advice.
NakedPluto said:
First step: Don't talk about it.
Second step: Some SS already do this or have in mind to achieve this, so figure it out on your own.

These things are political to establish, and not for anybody to do. Only a handful can pull this off publicly while still altering the front view of it. Otherwise you cannot do it. The most important are the local laws, atmosphere, country and people you surround with, and the story you create for this. Years of hard work can be established, but to what extend is the initiation? Minimal. To what extend have you developed yourself and advanced to teach and work with others in a unity and brotherhood with your own aims and such? We have priorities here, dedicate that time here. Those who can do it, already know how.
The problem is always the enemy. The Jos Is still alive because we are all anonimous here and they can't easily infiltrate like they could if we were a physical lodge. The enemy has infiltrated many Satanic organizations and now they either don't exist anymore or they have changed so much that they belive in enemy shits. Unfortunately right now Is not the time for physical Satanic organizations.
Joy of Satan is the best organization we have right now, both in terms of power and security. Obviously, we deserve and need to expand and institutionalize for the good of mankind, as we represent and are teaching truth and freedom.

But first we must defeat the enemy and his zombie empire, which is no small feat. The Jews have worked two thousand years to conquer the world and institutionalize their slave empire. You can't delude yourself into thinking you can defeat them in twenty years.

I agree with NakedPluto that when you are sufficiently advanced, you will be able to teach and lead people to truth, freedom and divinity successfully. But for these times I would still advise against it, because it is very risky. Here you are much safer and much more useful, so advance and fight here.
If you're that serious about it then make your money, but wait to see where we are politically in the next few years. It's been said that we will get our own politicians elected in 2024 which will be a huge help, and we're seeing just how badly the jews are hurting lately (a trend that will continue and amplify).

While I'm of the same general mind as our brothers who commented already, and I think your efforts are better utilized here with the JoS, I won't completely discourage you. We'll just have to wait and see if we can poke our necks out a bit more. If you're meant to establish a Lodge for Satan then it will happen.

I don't know what the requirements are for religious tax exemptions, but make sure to look into that. I think the CoS is tax exempt. Honestly, someone from our side should just infiltrate and take control of the CoS at this point.
Interesting, I support this idea. I think that it is important, when jews shut down internet your Lodge can still stay alive.

What most important, dont let jews in and make background check to new people.
Gear88 said:
Just plain no. Ignore that stupid shit it'll just get you put on a list of people to take out.

We work decentralized not centralized.

We do RTR/Rituals throughout the World not in one specific place or group of people. Besides we are an internet only organization. Just as we are internet only, you should be internet only.

We use the freedom of the internet to interact. The World isn't ready for Satanism above ground way too many xtian lunatics out there. I kill for the lord bullshit they state. You'll get that and then getting attacked by kosher groups for anti-sumetism. And the kvetching and incessant kvetcing by the above groundedness.

We are internet only, so should you be as well.
It is just your own weakness. Heretic groups survived middle age. They risked death. Today only thing that you afraid is that ADL write some shit article about your group. But nobody even care what they say. They even lose fight with Tucker Carlson.
Henu the Great said:
This has been stated many times here past year. Ancient Forums is our lodge/coven/gathering and it remains so until we have the upper hand in the physical. This is not only for physical safety, but also for safety against all sorts of infiltrators, subverters and other enemy astral influences which do work hard day and night just as we do against them.
It is 100x easier to infiltrate into internet group than into physic group. You can never be 100% sure who is behind computer.
NinRick said:
Do you have any tipps on how I can get as strong as possible within a year? I am desperate for advice.

Strong in what sense? To be strong you need to be healthy first and foremost. A strong bioelectric body maintained everyday. Meditating everyday. At the moment the most powerful meditations for me personally are RAUM Meditation and the male elixir creation. Other than these two I don't empower specifically myself. The energy of the spine is also extremely important.

Delve deep both in meditation and your approaches of the chakras to feel them at will and feeding them. I was for a couple of years eager for power, and when I started to get power I realized I need to clean very seriously myself. Power at the wrong time is extremely counterproductive. And power stems from daily work, nothing fancy or specific. If you don't have strong foundations of perception and control, the wrong and natural thought can mean disasters if unaware of being focused on. When power is growing or a leap is made, you'll notice how much the subcounciuos is full of dangers and needs deep cleaning.

I will try write something about this from my view soon. But everything is already known.

If anything personal or more specific: [email protected]
luis said:
NakedPluto said:
First step: Don't talk about it.
Second step: Some SS already do this or have in mind to achieve this, so figure it out on your own.

These things are political to establish, and not for anybody to do. Only a handful can pull this off publicly while still altering the front view of it. Otherwise you cannot do it. The most important are the local laws, atmosphere, country and people you surround with, and the story you create for this. Years of hard work can be established, but to what extend is the initiation? Minimal. To what extend have you developed yourself and advanced to teach and work with others in a unity and brotherhood with your own aims and such? We have priorities here, dedicate that time here. Those who can do it, already know how.
The problem is always the enemy. The Jos Is still alive because we are all anonimous here and they can't easily infiltrate like they could if we were a physical lodge. The enemy has infiltrated many Satanic organizations and now they either don't exist anymore or they have changed so much that they belive in enemy shits. Unfortunately right now Is not the time for physical Satanic organizations.

Yes the physical realm is a different story and thing. This however in our times can be at most an organization with political or personal aims and workings. Sustaining some groups, political parties and working in ways to shape and make changes, being a backbone for the people out there for own country. And for personal aims such as prosperity and blessings. But the community must be excellent and of the same league you're in, this is the problem. But even 3 SS in an organized fashion with same aim of the physical are extremely dangerous at least for anybody.

I know when I did group rituals with one, two sometimes 3 people at the same time in the same room. Our RTRs were monumental. This is not the time yet and still not for anybody. There must be a "divine" guidance and direction of establishment. Without a parental God in an organisation, with true aims and potentiality..it is just a larping thing. If you ever hear about SS lodges in real life, be aware they are fake. These will be forever secret. Allowance is only by the Gods. Not to mention the leader must be a high advanced individual, like really advanced not fakery and clowns with ego trips.
NakedPluto said:
luis said:
NakedPluto said:
First step: Don't talk about it.
Second step: Some SS already do this or have in mind to achieve this, so figure it out on your own.

These things are political to establish, and not for anybody to do. Only a handful can pull this off publicly while still altering the front view of it. Otherwise you cannot do it. The most important are the local laws, atmosphere, country and people you surround with, and the story you create for this. Years of hard work can be established, but to what extend is the initiation? Minimal. To what extend have you developed yourself and advanced to teach and work with others in a unity and brotherhood with your own aims and such? We have priorities here, dedicate that time here. Those who can do it, already know how.
The problem is always the enemy. The Jos Is still alive because we are all anonimous here and they can't easily infiltrate like they could if we were a physical lodge. The enemy has infiltrated many Satanic organizations and now they either don't exist anymore or they have changed so much that they belive in enemy shits. Unfortunately right now Is not the time for physical Satanic organizations.

Yes the physical realm is a different story and thing. This however in our times can be at most an organization with political or personal aims and workings. Sustaining some groups, political parties and working in ways to shape and make changes, being a backbone for the people out there for own country. And for personal aims such as prosperity and blessings. But the community must be excellent and of the same league you're in, this is the problem. But even 3 SS in an organized fashion with same aim of the physical are extremely dangerous at least for anybody.

I know when I did group rituals with one, two sometimes 3 people at the same time in the same room. Our RTRs were monumental. This is not the time yet and still not for anybody. There must be a "divine" guidance and direction of establishment. Without a parental God in an organisation, with true aims and potentiality..it is just a larping thing. If you ever hear about SS lodges in real life, be aware they are fake. These will be forever secret. Allowance is only by the Gods. Not to mention the leader must be a high advanced individual, like really advanced not fakery and clowns with ego trips.
I understand now what you are trying to say, to do something more like a "political" party or just an organization to help gentiles but without saying that its Satanic. I think it would work but it need very serious SS's that can lead it for the best, of course the advice of the Gods is always useful with these things.
NakedPluto said:
NinRick said:
Do you have any tipps on how I can get as strong as possible within a year? I am desperate for advice.

Strong in what sense? To be strong you need to be healthy first and foremost. A strong bioelectric body maintained everyday. Meditating everyday. At the moment the most powerful meditations for me personally are RAUM Meditation and the male elixir creation. Other than these two I don't empower specifically myself. The energy of the spine is also extremely important.

Delve deep both in meditation and your approaches of the chakras to feel them at will and feeding them. I was for a couple of years eager for power, and when I started to get power I realized I need to clean very seriously myself. Power at the wrong time is extremely counterproductive. And power stems from daily work, nothing fancy or specific. If you don't have strong foundations of perception and control, the wrong and natural thought can mean disasters if unaware of being focused on. When power is growing or a leap is made, you'll notice how much the subcounciuos is full of dangers and needs deep cleaning.

I will try write something about this from my view soon. But everything is already known.

If anything personal or more specific: [email protected]

Thank you I send you a mail now.

Give me some time to gather my questions please.
Thinking about it... it makes me sad and angry that so many people waste their time and life playing online games. They will never experience this what we experience, even if this is just our own nature.

I also don’t understand how so many SS let everything they could be and have go to waste, because they don’t do anything.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
