On Jan 16, 2017 7:55 PM, "voiceofenki@... [666BlackSun]" <
[email protected] wrote:
Imagine yourself without any genetic impurities, without any esthetic impurities and yourself in perfect physical condition in all ways.
That is how you will be when you reach godhead.
However if you were born with brown hair for example, unless it's caused by some kind of race mixing, the color won't change. You'll still keep brown hair, but it will be that much more beautiful.
If you have any scars or perhaps deformities from past injury, for example an arm that is slightly twisted because you broke it in the past during an accident and it didn't heal correctly, all those things go away aswell when you reach godhead.
You become the most perfect version of yourself that you can be. Which is undoubtedly very beautiful/handsome so rest assured haha