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One Of The Biggest Lies In This World: The 6000 Years Old "Civilization" Timeline

FuckYu_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The jews have rewritten real history to something unrecognizable to prevent us actually understanding who we are and where we come from. Most of what is taught in schools can be thrown in the garbage.

I knew hephaistos was Father Satan :D! I love the greek perception of him also :D especially as a welder! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERTQucdIp-s

I believe his roman equivalent is Vulcan.

I thought Satan was Poseidon and therefore the equivalent was Neptune.

Satan has aspects in the Ancient Greek pantheon that are more than one, simply because you cannot have all identities clearly defined in their maximum perfection in "one" God, since all the Gods are symbolic of metaphysical states, chakras and states of existence.

So if you mix the God of Light with the Sea etc, then people get tremendously confused and cannot delve on one God or one chakra to understand it's essence.

In his lower creative aspect where he creates things, inventions, empires etc, He is Ptah/Hephaistos, and when He is patron of mysteries he is looked upon as Dionysus, to give an example.

These aspects are separated in order for them to be really really clear so that people can do practices after them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FuckYu_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
The jews have rewritten real history to something unrecognizable to prevent us actually understanding who we are and where we come from. Most of what is taught in schools can be thrown in the garbage.

I knew hephaistos was Father Satan :D! I love the greek perception of him also :D especially as a welder! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERTQucdIp-s

I believe his roman equivalent is Vulcan.

I thought Satan was Poseidon and therefore the equivalent was Neptune.

Satan has aspects in the Ancient Greek pantheon that are more than one, simply because you cannot have all identities clearly defined in their maximum perfection in "one" God, since all the Gods are symbolic of metaphysical states, chakras and states of existence.

So if you mix the God of Light with the Sea etc, then people get tremendously confused and cannot delve on one God or one chakra to understand it's essence.

In his lower creative aspect where he creates things, inventions, empires etc, He is Ptah/Hephaistos, and when He is patron of mysteries he is looked upon as Dionysus, to give an example.

These aspects are separated in order for them to be really really clear so that people can do practices after them.

This low-key makes me really excited for the Hieratic knowledge of Satan. And another cool thing about Satan, especially in Polynesian/Hawaiian mythology, is that he is directly associated to water, given the literal Pacific ocean that surrounds them and being the Lord of the waters.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Any modern scientist that adopts just about "any" theory, will clearly know that our world is definitely NOT 6000 years old. The universe itself, even by conventional calculations, is either "infinite", or billions of light years old, and definitely NOT 6000 earth years old.
Just a small note, billion-year is a unit to measure distance in space, not time.
I messed it up, I meant light-year is a unit of measuring space, the distance travelled by speed of light in one earthly year at the speed of 300.000 km/s.

Regarding the big bang theory, what is interesting about it is that it can remain unchanged for millions of years. According to the `model`, Universe is 13.8 billion years old. Exactly the same thing can be said over 1, 2, 10 or 50 million years from now on as this period won't change the official figure of the age of the universe. And after 100 million years the universe will be 13.9 billion years old. Not the same can be said about darwinism or abrahamic creationism since these can be debunked with evidence found on earth, while big bang requires astronomical research, which not many people have access to as it requires a lot of expensive equipment complex knowledge (astronomy, physics, mathematics etc). Anyway as far as I read the big bang is no longer accepted in some academical fields, not really sure which ones exactly as where I could get access to, big bang is still taught to university students, although the lessons do emphatize that the Universe can be potentially infinite in time and space as well.

Gear88 said:
To think Egypt one of the holiest most anti-communistic societies to collapse shows how badly humanity collapsed. Funny how you emphasize Egypt. Was Egypt one of the original master sites for the Gods landing on the Earth?

It seems to me like the Egyptian society survived a hell of a long time even until just recently.
Indeed for Egypt is used as a symbol that generally represents the gentile pagan society and culture, which is also reflected in the last RTR. Probably because is the longest Pagan culture of humanity, probably the most spiritually elevated, etc. I wonder how race mixing could ever occur in the empire. According to Ben Klassen, is race mixing what destroyed the Eyptian civilization. I think it occured during the last dinasty when that half grey „pharaoh” Akhenaton came to power and turned Egypt monoteistic.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Any modern scientist that adopts just about "any" theory, will clearly know that our world is definitely NOT 6000 years old. The universe itself, even by conventional calculations, is either "infinite", or billions of light years old, and definitely NOT 6000 earth years old.
Just a small note, billion-year is a unit to measure distance in space, not time. One light-year represents around 9.5 trillion kilometers.

Thank you, I have corrected the original article, everything needs to be accurate and factual, it cannot be otherwise. Light Years, [despite of the connection of time/light and distance] is not called light years, but merely years, which is around the notion of time of earth time projected on this timeline of the "creation of the universe" which is about 13.9 billion years as stated.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The jews have rewritten real history to something unrecognizable to prevent us actually understanding who we are and where we come from. Most of what is taught in schools can be thrown in the garbage.

I knew hephaistos was Father Satan :D! I love the greek perception of him also :D especially as a welder! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERTQucdIp-s

I believe his roman equivalent is Vulcan.
Shadowcat. ❣️ That is an amazing video! I love the learics! 🔥 And the positive message behind it! 🖤 That made my whole week!🤘🖤 Thank you!!!🔥 Hail Lucifer Hephaistos Satan!!! Hail Azazel Apollo Helieos!!🔥
Makes me wonder if the population numbers are real as well.

They certainly have an incentive to exaggerate population numbers:
- easier to rig votes
- makes people values themselves less
- makes people think that we are overpopulated, thus less kids and higher housing prices
- makes unemployment look small
- makes protests look less significant
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That is an estimation of what would occur based on the theory of evolution, which takes into consideration that we evolved from a specific source etc. It's an estimate. And also due to how this theory is, we cannot really observe it over the millenia it claims, so it is not certainly proven. Regardless it is true that beings evolve, but they also go up and down.

Of course the enemy has used this to instill a stupid presupposition that humans are only monkeys, while clearly we do still resemble them in some ways, but we are not. None of the people of earth are monkeys.

Can you clarify something, HP? Were there any species before us living on Earth, on their way to evolve something "hominid"?

Though you answered that Whites are descendants of Nordics, I have one more question. Do we came here from Orion as pure Nordics or Father just used Nordic genetics to create us?

I think there were, but the issue is that if something doesn't really "evolve" into sentience, it can go extinct due to rampant climatic changes, or accidents. The dinosaurs going extinct theory is not that far outlandish.

The main issue with this is that generally events occur within these very big timelines needed for evolution that wipe out a species long before it can develop full hominid status.

I think most certainly there were species that were moving in this direction, and that's also why the Gods after examination of the earth decided to come here and take the evolving "towards" hominids from here, and give them a boost forward to hopefully maintain them and advance them.

They clearly succeeded on that. We are still here, and this involves all human beings. We made it and didn't go "extinct" [yet].

After this intervention we know that big events like massive floods and other calamities occurred [that might have wiped out the simple hominid without the intervention of the Gods into our species] while the smarter new species were able to circumvent this by moving on the earth, predicting events etc. So clearly life HAS been surviving since and rebuilding itself.

About the second question I'll answer in another post. Do you see many 8 feet people that can leviatate around? The answer is therefore clearly, no, the earthern people are not "Nordics", and no matter what Gods gave us some or even many of their genes [it wasn't only Satan but others that came together and made other species, Demons known to us today], we are not like them yet.

But we are constantly reminded of this fact to evolve [and were given clear instructions by the Gods on how to do it] so that eventually, we will develop our own blueprint that will be like the one of the Gods. Some will apply and others will fall.

The dream of human civilization has always been that we will reach an average level of constant advancement for all people, but this might or might not work. So the Gods work with people to advance faster on an individual level too.

Hooded Cobra! My question is - long before, our high priestess Maxine mentioned that gods we were at
But if we were gods, then we basically have the abilities that the gods have, the basic ones, only now we have to get them back through spiritual means?
But then it also means that divinity is our true plane of being.

Regardless it is true that beings evolve, but they also go up and down.- Hooded Cobra

The other! What I want to say about progress
I would define progress as meaning forward, upward, growing stronger! Not one who/which has stopped and is sinking,because that would be more apt to be called sinking the downward progression
Fire Kobra said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Can you clarify something, HP? Were there any species before us living on Earth, on their way to evolve something "hominid"?

Though you answered that Whites are descendants of Nordics, I have one more question. Do we came here from Orion as pure Nordics or Father just used Nordic genetics to create us?

I think there were, but the issue is that if something doesn't really "evolve" into sentience, it can go extinct due to rampant climatic changes, or accidents. The dinosaurs going extinct theory is not that far outlandish.

The main issue with this is that generally events occur within these very big timelines needed for evolution that wipe out a species long before it can develop full hominid status.

I think most certainly there were species that were moving in this direction, and that's also why the Gods after examination of the earth decided to come here and take the evolving "towards" hominids from here, and give them a boost forward to hopefully maintain them and advance them.

They clearly succeeded on that. We are still here, and this involves all human beings. We made it and didn't go "extinct" [yet].

After this intervention we know that big events like massive floods and other calamities occurred [that might have wiped out the simple hominid without the intervention of the Gods into our species] while the smarter new species were able to circumvent this by moving on the earth, predicting events etc. So clearly life HAS been surviving since and rebuilding itself.

About the second question I'll answer in another post. Do you see many 8 feet people that can leviatate around? The answer is therefore clearly, no, the earthern people are not "Nordics", and no matter what Gods gave us some or even many of their genes [it wasn't only Satan but others that came together and made other species, Demons known to us today], we are not like them yet.

But we are constantly reminded of this fact to evolve [and were given clear instructions by the Gods on how to do it] so that eventually, we will develop our own blueprint that will be like the one of the Gods. Some will apply and others will fall.

The dream of human civilization has always been that we will reach an average level of constant advancement for all people, but this might or might not work. So the Gods work with people to advance faster on an individual level too.

Hooded Cobra! My question is - long before, our high priestess Maxine mentioned that gods we were at
But if we were gods, then we basically have the abilities that the gods have, the basic ones, only now we have to get them back through spiritual means?
But then it also means that divinity is our true plane of being.

Regardless it is true that beings evolve, but they also go up and down.- Hooded Cobra

The other! What I want to say about progress
I would define progress as meaning forward, upward, growing stronger! Not one who/which has stopped and is sinking,because that would be more apt to be called sinking the downward progression

I put it in past tense, there is only a translation error we are not but we were - Translators with Deepl
AgainstAllAuthority said:
Makes me wonder if the population numbers are real as well.

They certainly have an incentive to exaggerate population numbers:
- easier to rig votes
- makes people values themselves less
- makes people think that we are overpopulated, thus less kids and higher housing prices
- makes unemployment look small
- makes protests look less significant

Not to go off-topic but to reply to this.

Isn't the population closer to 13-15 billion currently. This forum is from 2012, so it moved past the meme of the mid-00s of 6-8 billion people. By 2012 the population was probably pushing past 10 billion. As a matter of fact with the insane birthing rate humans can create in such short periods of times. I can even be memeing myself by stating 13-15 billion as that number I came up with a few years ago by now we could be looking at nearing 16 billion.

In my personal opinion we are at about 13-15 billion it seems that despite the bullshit UN does. They do emphasize 30-40 billion by the 2050s or so.

I can't attack the website as with conspiracies more and more becoming fact or being proven or coming online. Sheer fact is if we only had 500 million if the mythical (((Free Masonic))) number was already in place. It would mean they won already. If anything it would prove their agenda is complete. And we are sitting with 100-200 million enforces and 200-300 million workers working for the JNWO.

On some level I can see the mythical 500million being promoted because it would surmise we are already under the JNWO. Sheer fact is it reminds me of a quote someone said the best way to take something out is to already set up the propaganda that it already happened. We are in such kosher supervised time. I don't believe the enemy has won but appear strong when weak and weak when strong.

I don't agree with the website on the nuclear stuff. I do believe in my learning of WW2 the Germans were the first to detonate nuclear weapons Libya and Polish forest. I don't agree the allies were the first but they certainly did steal nuclear fuses from the Germans to reverse engineer them to detonate nukes on the Japanese. Out of hatred of Asians as the old American propaganda, Asians have no soul. No surprise the Japanese fought to the last man.
sublimestatanist said:
This was a fascinating read! HPHC, you are truly a genius to know all this information.

An interesting thing I noticed is that this number (6,000) consists of the number "6", the number of slavery.
This number appears everywhere, even in time (60 seconds and minutes). Even the way we measure time seems corrupt to me. I found this interesting excerpt:
"Beginning in the New Kingdom (ca. 1500 B.C.), there is evidence that sundials, shadow clocks (12.181.307), and water clocks (17.194.2341) were used to measure the passing of the hours. There is no evidence that the Egyptians tracked minutes or seconds, although there are general terms for time segments shorter than an hour."

To me we live in such a fast-paced world where we count down time by seconds and minutes. In my mind I think "Why the urgency?" It's clear to me that the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians didn't have this concern. They lived in a relaxed state without constantly being on a time crunch.

Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us! We are so fortunate to have a strong leader like yourself to inspire and empower us.

Hail Satan!

Time as it is commonly measured with seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years is probably a concept created by the enemy. I vaguely remember reading about this and I'm paraphrasing but it basically stated that the general measurement of time is just based on the movement of the earth, the moon, sun, and the planets

On an analog clock:

Second hand represents Mercury
Minute hand represents the Moon
Hour hand represents Horus/The Sun
Days are measured by how long it takes the earth to rotate upon its on own axis 360 degrees.

Monday - Moon
Tuesday - Mars
Wednesday - Mercury
Thursday - Jupiter
Friday - Venus
Saturday - Saturn
Sunday - Sun
Look at the prefixes of the days of the week in the French language it will be easier to see

And then for a year
Summer Solstice
Autumn Equinox
Winter Solstice
Spring Equinox
all having to do with the zodiac signs

Time does have a practical usage though. A few examples: Keeping habits, planning events or meet-ups with other people... Shorter units of time are also useful for measuring things like efficiency of production also for measuring physical fitness to a degree.

I agree that the fast paced manner of it can be a trap and put people in a time crunch

The question is though, why do we use the units and specific numbers of measurement that we use?
As for the numbers aspect of time, such as 60 seconds being a minute, 60 minutes being an hour, 24 hours being a day, 7 days being a week, 54 weeks being a year, etc.....I don't know why these numbers were chosen. Can anyone explain?

I bet ancient civilizations could "tell what time of the day it was" just by looking at the angle and strength of the sun and/or the moon in the sky
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Time as it is commonly measured with seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years is probably a concept created by the enemy. I vaguely remember reading about this and I'm paraphrasing but it basically stated that the general measurement of time is just based on the movement of the earth, the moon, sun, and the planets

On an analog clock:

Second hand represents Mercury
Minute hand represents the Moon
Hour hand represents Horus/The Sun
Days are measured by how long it takes the earth to rotate upon its on own axis 360 degrees.

Monday - Moon
Tuesday - Mars
Wednesday - Mercury
Thursday - Jupiter
Friday - Venus
Saturday - Saturn
Sunday - Sun
Look at the prefixes of the days of the week in the French language it will be easier to see

And then for a year
Summer Solstice
Autumn Equinox
Winter Solstice
Spring Equinox
all having to do with the zodiac signs

Time does have a practical usage though. A few examples: Keeping habits, planning events or meet-ups with other people... Shorter units of time are also useful for measuring things like efficiency of production also for measuring physical fitness to a degree.

I agree that the fast paced manner of it can be a trap and put people in a time crunch

The question is though, why do we use the units and specific numbers of measurement that we use?
As for the numbers aspect of time, such as 60 seconds being a minute, 60 minutes being an hour, 24 hours being a day, 7 days being a week, 54 weeks being a year, etc.....I don't know why these numbers were chosen. Can anyone explain?

I bet ancient civilizations could "tell what time of the day it was" just by looking at the angle and strength of the sun and/or the moon in the sky

I love this question and it's one I'm happy to share what little I know so far.

Also, that is some mind-blowing information! Astrology is so fascinating and I seriously need to research it more.

We measure seconds and minutes using the decimal system.
This is how we divide the span of time of hours, days, months and years.
The ancient Babylonians measured 1 year as 354 days with 12 months, and the Sumerians measured 1 year as 360 days with 12 months. This part is confusing to me but I found this interesting article that explains it better than I ever could: https://www.livingwiththemoon.com/origins-of-the-calendar/

Julius Caesar first implemented the leap year in 54 BC(E). The Romans at the time had a 355 day calendar and with the Julian calendar changed it to 354.2425 day and added 1 day every 4 years. This is the calendar that we currently use today.

In terms of weeks, the Babylonians created them after the 7 planets. Here's an interesting excerpt I found from Encyclopedia Britannica:
"The week’s origin is generally associated with the ancient Jews and the biblical account of the Creation, according to which God laboured for six days and rested on the seventh. Evidence indicates, however, that the Jews may have borrowed the idea of the week from Mesopotamia, for the Sumerians and the Babylonians divided the year into weeks of seven days each, one of which they designated a day of recreation".

It's believed that it was first derived from the ancient Babylonians' sexagesimal (base 12) system.
In this system, they counted their finger-joints (12 on each hand) as a means of calculation and measurement.
Later the Egyptians adopted this measurement system. I find this very interesting also because Maxine talks about Satan being worshipped by Babylonians and Egyptians.

Other methods (particularly found in Hindu regions) used a "5" and "10" counting system by using all fingers and thumbs.

Theories suggest that the combining of these two systems is what gave rise to the number 60 in measuring time, which then spread to Europe and become the world standard.

There are 1-thousand milliseconds in a second and 1-billion nanoseconds in a second. This is what time is in modern physics, duration measured by the observer using the decimal system.

Yet in Newtons physics, Einstein's theory of relativity and in quantum physics time is variable. In the universe only changes exist and this has no duration.

You could think of it as everything being current. The universe has no past or future, only present.

This means that time is not a real tangible thing but rather it's an idea constructed by man from watching things in motion (planets, etc).

So we have this variation of time (duration measured by the observer) yet there's one other kind recognized by scholars: psychological time.

This time can be fast or slow, such as how certain memories may occur at varying speeds.

I would even argue that music is this way at times, fluid and uncoordinated.

As we know, daylight and nightfall always have varying lengths (except on equinoxes).

Ancient people used sundials to measure hours of daylight and moonlight in increments in which hours varied in speed depending on the position of the sun.
They did this by placing bowls of water with marks on their rims and would observe the sun or moon moving along the marks. Hours would generally be the same length yet always changing.

Today we measure morning (12 AM to 11:59 AM), afternoon (12:00 PM to 5:59 PM), evening (5:00 PM to 7:59 PM) and night (8:00 PM to 11:59 PM).

To the ancients they considered morning the time the sun rose and night when it fell. It's the same with all natural life, plants and animals alike.

Also, in spiritual practices night and morning are not measured by using time.

This I suppose is why I don't like it. That and the fact that Catholics and Jews adopted and changed the ancient Mesopotamian systems.

In the end my personal opinion is that modern (decimal) time is a way to enslave people. I could always feel something very wrong when I watched seconds counting on a clock.

You perhaps know this feeling... watching the seconds on a clock at school or at work in a meditative state. Perhaps I'm crazy but I'd rather that than anything else.

Satan is the only thing that's given me peace and true deeper meaning in life. TBH I had chronic bouts of depression before truly connecting with him.

He allowed me to accept that nearly everything isn't perfect and that I need to love myself with my imperfections and seek not to obsess over the world's problems. He also showed me that perfectionism is not an expectation in Satanism but rather it's a goal that we do our best to work towards. We will have ups and downs but its the long-term journey and how we develop, understand and empower ourselves is what matters the most.

Anyway, there I go rambling again. :lol:
These were more recent revelations for me and I think I've been adding them to just about every message lately. It's good to end these things on a positive note. The most important thing I think is that we focus on living in the here-and-now rather than stressing about the past and future. This is how we enter into flow-state; meditation and focus.

Hail Satan!!!
sublimestatanist said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Time as it is commonly measured with seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years is probably a concept created by the enemy. I vaguely remember reading about this and I'm paraphrasing but it basically stated that the general measurement of time is just based on the movement of the earth, the moon, sun, and the planets

On an analog clock:

Second hand represents Mercury
Minute hand represents the Moon
Hour hand represents Horus/The Sun
Days are measured by how long it takes the earth to rotate upon its on own axis 360 degrees.

Monday - Moon
Tuesday - Mars
Wednesday - Mercury
Thursday - Jupiter
Friday - Venus
Saturday - Saturn
Sunday - Sun
Look at the prefixes of the days of the week in the French language it will be easier to see

And then for a year
Summer Solstice
Autumn Equinox
Winter Solstice
Spring Equinox
all having to do with the zodiac signs

Time does have a practical usage though. A few examples: Keeping habits, planning events or meet-ups with other people... Shorter units of time are also useful for measuring things like efficiency of production also for measuring physical fitness to a degree.

I agree that the fast paced manner of it can be a trap and put people in a time crunch

The question is though, why do we use the units and specific numbers of measurement that we use?
As for the numbers aspect of time, such as 60 seconds being a minute, 60 minutes being an hour, 24 hours being a day, 7 days being a week, 54 weeks being a year, etc.....I don't know why these numbers were chosen. Can anyone explain?

I bet ancient civilizations could "tell what time of the day it was" just by looking at the angle and strength of the sun and/or the moon in the sky

I love this question and it's one I'm happy to share what little I know so far.

Also, that is some mind-blowing information! Astrology is so fascinating and I seriously need to research it more.

We measure seconds and minutes using the decimal system.
This is how we divide the span of time of hours, days, months and years.
The ancient Babylonians measured 1 year as 354 days with 12 months, and the Sumerians measured 1 year as 360 days with 12 months. This part is confusing to me but I found this interesting article that explains it better than I ever could: https://www.livingwiththemoon.com/origins-of-the-calendar/

Julius Caesar first implemented the leap year in 54 BC(E). The Romans at the time had a 355 day calendar and with the Julian calendar changed it to 354.2425 day and added 1 day every 4 years. This is the calendar that we currently use today.

In terms of weeks, the Babylonians created them after the 7 planets. Here's an interesting excerpt I found from Encyclopedia Britannica:
"The week’s origin is generally associated with the ancient Jews and the biblical account of the Creation, according to which God laboured for six days and rested on the seventh. Evidence indicates, however, that the Jews may have borrowed the idea of the week from Mesopotamia, for the Sumerians and the Babylonians divided the year into weeks of seven days each, one of which they designated a day of recreation".

It's believed that it was first derived from the ancient Babylonians' sexagesimal (base 12) system.
In this system, they counted their finger-joints (12 on each hand) as a means of calculation and measurement.
Later the Egyptians adopted this measurement system. I find this very interesting also because Maxine talks about Satan being worshipped by Babylonians and Egyptians.

Other methods (particularly found in Hindu regions) used a "5" and "10" counting system by using all fingers and thumbs.

Theories suggest that the combining of these two systems is what gave rise to the number 60 in measuring time, which then spread to Europe and become the world standard.

There are 1-thousand milliseconds in a second and 1-billion nanoseconds in a second. This is what time is in modern physics, duration measured by the observer using the decimal system.

Yet in Newtons physics, Einstein's theory of relativity and in quantum physics time is variable. In the universe only changes exist and this has no duration.

You could think of it as everything being current. The universe has no past or future, only present.

This means that time is not a real tangible thing but rather it's an idea constructed by man from watching things in motion (planets, etc).

So we have this variation of time (duration measured by the observer) yet there's one other kind recognized by scholars: psychological time.

This time can be fast or slow, such as how certain memories may occur at varying speeds.

I would even argue that music is this way at times, fluid and uncoordinated.

As we know, daylight and nightfall always have varying lengths (except on equinoxes).

Ancient people used sundials to measure hours of daylight and moonlight in increments in which hours varied in speed depending on the position of the sun.
They did this by placing bowls of water with marks on their rims and would observe the sun or moon moving along the marks. Hours would generally be the same length yet always changing.

Today we measure morning (12 AM to 11:59 AM), afternoon (12:00 PM to 5:59 PM), evening (5:00 PM to 7:59 PM) and night (8:00 PM to 11:59 PM).

To the ancients they considered morning the time the sun rose and night when it fell. It's the same with all natural life, plants and animals alike.

Also, in spiritual practices night and morning are not measured by using time.

This I suppose is why I don't like it. That and the fact that Catholics and Jews adopted and changed the ancient Mesopotamian systems.

In the end my personal opinion is that modern (decimal) time is a way to enslave people. I could always feel something very wrong when I watched seconds counting on a clock.

You perhaps know this feeling... watching the seconds on a clock at school or at work in a meditative state. Perhaps I'm crazy but I'd rather that than anything else.

Satan is the only thing that's given me peace and true deeper meaning in life. TBH I had chronic bouts of depression before truly connecting with him.

He allowed me to accept that nearly everything isn't perfect and that I need to love myself with my imperfections and seek not to obsess over the world's problems. He also showed me that perfectionism is not an expectation in Satanism but rather it's a goal that we do our best to work towards. We will have ups and downs but its the long-term journey and how we develop, understand and empower ourselves is what matters the most.

Anyway, there I go rambling again. :lol:
These were more recent revelations for me and I think I've been adding them to just about every message lately. It's good to end these things on a positive note. The most important thing I think is that we focus on living in the here-and-now rather than stressing about the past and future. This is how we enter into flow-state; meditation and focus.

Hail Satan!!!

Here's something the Mayans did too. When designing the Chichen Itza, the shadows of the Pyramid when hitting the stairs looked like a serpent crawling down the stairs, which happens during Spring Equinox.

They based their calendar based on Venus Synodic cycles

Their 20 day monthly calendar is based on the 20 days Venus stays in a zodiac. They used the Moon, Venus and Mars to be able to predict precisely when eclipses will happen for this reason: Mars and Venus create almost perfect geometric shapes

And then you have the origin of the Star of Vishnu (6 pointed star): the orbit between Jupiter and Uranus.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Torah literally says that "God" created this earth and this universe and world, only 6000 years ago. Creationist Christians and other insane people with full disregard to any proof or science, have went as far as to clearly hijack all scientific communities and enforce this nonsense into our literal historical continuum.
When arguing-- sorry, I meant debating maturely - with christians, they might say that a lot of scientists are christians, and say that "god" gave us Science. It may be so that some scientists are christians, but christians being scientists does not prove "jesus" exists! :roll: Also the fact that they are christians and have to be scientists (to try and "prove" the jewbiblical nonsense is laughable) and to learn "what 'god' gave us" is because "god" doesn't explain anything - you just have to "have faith". Science - rather Nature - has existed since the early days of christianity and before, yet Science, Education, Learning, Reading and Literacy and similar things were illegal and "sinful"in christian history... plus the bibles were not in English originally, so learning hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, (Arabic, Latin) were also not "allowed"... so why would "the same yesterday, today and forever" "god" be not-the-same as yesterday and then now "allow" these things these days?!

Furthermore, christians being scientists should know and understand, perhaps "better"* than non-scientists can know and understand things; therefore, these christian scientists should know and "understand"** that "god" having created the Carbon Universe instilled*** it intrinsically to the core in very substance of Nature itself with 666... but then called 666 evil. Sope... christians being scientists is just a comedy piece in and of itself! :lol:

Seeing as we are "in the 6 thousandth year/on the 6th day" (although, this might be the 7th day because "god" is nowhere to be found, resting and not helping anyone...), then this 6th day is when "god" "reveals" Science to us - except that 666Nature existed forever and Science is not revealed; Science is the practice of learning Nature...

*I say ""better"" as opposed to "better", because they're christians so they skew and twist understandings
**again ""understand"" rather than "understand"
***slowly, over 6 days or 6 thousand years ("one day = 1000 years to 'god'")

However, we are literally living in a Jewtrix of false information that claims that literally when the hoaxes of the Jew began, the universe too began.
There is so much that "falls within" the jewish 6000 year timeline, as well. Perhaps that's why things which have been discovered to be any age older than 6000 years is just "a theory"; like archaeological evidence is evidence and guesses, not actual proof (except when it comes to the "Out of Africa" theory). Call it a word, and people will focus upon and remember that word, instead of realising the point; "it's a theory" makes people remember it being a theory, rather than making them remember a lot of hard work and learning has been put into it to debunk the "6000-year" nonsense, so maybe - just maybe - it is not "just a theory", but the psychology of calling it a theory is like a blinding light; they can't see past that psychological word.

The current (2021/2022) Hebrew year is 5782.
I had guessed, based on what I read before, that we were within the last 150 or 250 years of the jewish calendar. This is more accurate.

The enemy beings, merely, as they invade a planet, remove all the historical consciousness of mankind until nothing remains.
...or at least corrupt it if the jew cannot delete it. How could we be more thankful to HPS Maxine for finding her materials and doing what she did, starting what she started - and how could we be more thankful to Führer Lord Hitler and the Nazis for doing what they did and starting what they started?!

Even reading a basic history book on Egypt, all you will see is nonsense about Gender studies, foul false morals projected onto Egypt, and of course the general "air" that "these people were primitive and stupid", "insignificant" and so on.
So primitive and stupid that engineers today can't build their own Pyramids! PMSFL!

To state that we would have chances to be on the moon now, is not an understatement. To make matters even more "confusing" for our modern monkey brain and it's fake force-fed lies, there are claims of Ancient people literally having stepped on the moon on a casual basis, in contrast to ourselves. Regardless opening this subject now may blow the modern monkey mind away, and go into the realm of "conspiracy theory", and therefore that is a subject for another time.
I make no apologies for sharing these again -




We could update these pictures to where the line for knowledge was extremely high prior to the jew's advent upon Planet Earth.

That's the price humanity has paid for allowing the lice to rule over them.
Well, anti-semitism is going to be rife, surely. It is a Natural reaction. It is our Body fighting off infections. I cannot help but recall the jew's own mAgIcAl words - if Humans knew the truth about the dirty jew, then Humans would kill the dirty jew openly. (Of course, I embellished those words beautifully!) This may be illegal, since the jew has both anti-semitic laws and also anti-racist laws to protect it (whereas others have only anti-racist laws?!) but legality won't stop some people. Laws can be changed. Just like it's (supposedly) not illegal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow in York except on Sundays...

"Out of Africa" theory

Lastly, a small selection of pictures -





The jew wants the World to burn so that it folds up from being a sphere to being a nice, crisp flat thing; so that with our eyes closed, we have the bibles and the jew can have money and land.
Kevin Hernandez said:
sublimestatanist said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
Time as it is commonly measured with seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years is probably a concept created by the enemy. I vaguely remember reading about this and I'm paraphrasing but it basically stated that the general measurement of time is just based on the movement of the earth, the moon, sun, and the planets

On an analog clock:

Second hand represents Mercury
Minute hand represents the Moon
Hour hand represents Horus/The Sun
Days are measured by how long it takes the earth to rotate upon its on own axis 360 degrees.

Monday - Moon
Tuesday - Mars
Wednesday - Mercury
Thursday - Jupiter
Friday - Venus
Saturday - Saturn
Sunday - Sun
Look at the prefixes of the days of the week in the French language it will be easier to see

And then for a year
Summer Solstice
Autumn Equinox
Winter Solstice
Spring Equinox
all having to do with the zodiac signs

Time does have a practical usage though. A few examples: Keeping habits, planning events or meet-ups with other people... Shorter units of time are also useful for measuring things like efficiency of production also for measuring physical fitness to a degree.

I agree that the fast paced manner of it can be a trap and put people in a time crunch

The question is though, why do we use the units and specific numbers of measurement that we use?
As for the numbers aspect of time, such as 60 seconds being a minute, 60 minutes being an hour, 24 hours being a day, 7 days being a week, 54 weeks being a year, etc.....I don't know why these numbers were chosen. Can anyone explain?

I bet ancient civilizations could "tell what time of the day it was" just by looking at the angle and strength of the sun and/or the moon in the sky

I love this question and it's one I'm happy to share what little I know so far.

Also, that is some mind-blowing information! Astrology is so fascinating and I seriously need to research it more.

We measure seconds and minutes using the decimal system.
This is how we divide the span of time of hours, days, months and years.
The ancient Babylonians measured 1 year as 354 days with 12 months, and the Sumerians measured 1 year as 360 days with 12 months. This part is confusing to me but I found this interesting article that explains it better than I ever could: https://www.livingwiththemoon.com/origins-of-the-calendar/

Julius Caesar first implemented the leap year in 54 BC(E). The Romans at the time had a 355 day calendar and with the Julian calendar changed it to 354.2425 day and added 1 day every 4 years. This is the calendar that we currently use today.

In terms of weeks, the Babylonians created them after the 7 planets. Here's an interesting excerpt I found from Encyclopedia Britannica:
"The week’s origin is generally associated with the ancient Jews and the biblical account of the Creation, according to which God laboured for six days and rested on the seventh. Evidence indicates, however, that the Jews may have borrowed the idea of the week from Mesopotamia, for the Sumerians and the Babylonians divided the year into weeks of seven days each, one of which they designated a day of recreation".

It's believed that it was first derived from the ancient Babylonians' sexagesimal (base 12) system.
In this system, they counted their finger-joints (12 on each hand) as a means of calculation and measurement.
Later the Egyptians adopted this measurement system. I find this very interesting also because Maxine talks about Satan being worshipped by Babylonians and Egyptians.

Other methods (particularly found in Hindu regions) used a "5" and "10" counting system by using all fingers and thumbs.

Theories suggest that the combining of these two systems is what gave rise to the number 60 in measuring time, which then spread to Europe and become the world standard.

There are 1-thousand milliseconds in a second and 1-billion nanoseconds in a second. This is what time is in modern physics, duration measured by the observer using the decimal system.

Yet in Newtons physics, Einstein's theory of relativity and in quantum physics time is variable. In the universe only changes exist and this has no duration.

You could think of it as everything being current. The universe has no past or future, only present.

This means that time is not a real tangible thing but rather it's an idea constructed by man from watching things in motion (planets, etc).

So we have this variation of time (duration measured by the observer) yet there's one other kind recognized by scholars: psychological time.

This time can be fast or slow, such as how certain memories may occur at varying speeds.

I would even argue that music is this way at times, fluid and uncoordinated.

As we know, daylight and nightfall always have varying lengths (except on equinoxes).

Ancient people used sundials to measure hours of daylight and moonlight in increments in which hours varied in speed depending on the position of the sun.
They did this by placing bowls of water with marks on their rims and would observe the sun or moon moving along the marks. Hours would generally be the same length yet always changing.

Today we measure morning (12 AM to 11:59 AM), afternoon (12:00 PM to 5:59 PM), evening (5:00 PM to 7:59 PM) and night (8:00 PM to 11:59 PM).

To the ancients they considered morning the time the sun rose and night when it fell. It's the same with all natural life, plants and animals alike.

Also, in spiritual practices night and morning are not measured by using time.

This I suppose is why I don't like it. That and the fact that Catholics and Jews adopted and changed the ancient Mesopotamian systems.

In the end my personal opinion is that modern (decimal) time is a way to enslave people. I could always feel something very wrong when I watched seconds counting on a clock.

You perhaps know this feeling... watching the seconds on a clock at school or at work in a meditative state. Perhaps I'm crazy but I'd rather that than anything else.

Satan is the only thing that's given me peace and true deeper meaning in life. TBH I had chronic bouts of depression before truly connecting with him.

He allowed me to accept that nearly everything isn't perfect and that I need to love myself with my imperfections and seek not to obsess over the world's problems. He also showed me that perfectionism is not an expectation in Satanism but rather it's a goal that we do our best to work towards. We will have ups and downs but its the long-term journey and how we develop, understand and empower ourselves is what matters the most.

Anyway, there I go rambling again. :lol:
These were more recent revelations for me and I think I've been adding them to just about every message lately. It's good to end these things on a positive note. The most important thing I think is that we focus on living in the here-and-now rather than stressing about the past and future. This is how we enter into flow-state; meditation and focus.

Hail Satan!!!

Here's something the Mayans did too. When designing the Chichen Itza, the shadows of the Pyramid when hitting the stairs looked like a serpent crawling down the stairs, which happens during Spring Equinox.

They based their calendar based on Venus Synodic cycles

Their 20 day monthly calendar is based on the 20 days Venus stays in a zodiac. They used the Moon, Venus and Mars to be able to predict precisely when eclipses will happen for this reason: Mars and Venus create almost perfect geometric shapes

And then you have the origin of the Star of Vishnu (6 pointed star): the orbit between Jupiter and Uranus.

This isn't rambling as sublime said, and both these comments are very important. Yes, the 7 day week is consistent with the planets, and it has been chosen to be the case in Sumeria. The situation of the jews stealing the concept of 6+1 day of rest, has to do with the Chakras. They have nothing of their own, and they always make sure to exterminate the sources.
Kevin Hernandez said:
Here's something the Mayans did too. When designing the Chichen Itza, the shadows of the Pyramid when hitting the stairs looked like a serpent crawling down the stairs, which happens during Spring Equinox.

They based their calendar based on Venus Synodic cycles

Their 20 day monthly calendar is based on the 20 days Venus stays in a zodiac. They used the Moon, Venus and Mars to be able to predict precisely when eclipses will happen for this reason: Mars and Venus create almost perfect geometric shapes

And then you have the origin of the Star of Vishnu (6 pointed star): the orbit between Jupiter and Uranus.

That's some fascinating information, thanks for enlightening me brother.

I don't much of anything pertaining to numerology yet I'm starting to think that the numbers 6 and 10 belong to the enemy and seem to appear a lot in the yhvh bible.

I shouldn't over-think it however. There's the 10 of Rods in Tarot, so I suppose those numbers aren't inherently 'evil' or anything like that.

Still, I feel like if I really started understanding numerology I'd probably go crazy and start seeing the enemy's number system everywhere.

I definitely already feel that way already with Illuminati occult symbols lol. Still, it's very fascinating to learn.

Thanks for this uplifting and beautiful revelation in astrology. It brightened my day. :)
sublimestatanist said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
Here's something the Mayans did too. When designing the Chichen Itza, the shadows of the Pyramid when hitting the stairs looked like a serpent crawling down the stairs, which happens during Spring Equinox.

They based their calendar based on Venus Synodic cycles

Their 20 day monthly calendar is based on the 20 days Venus stays in a zodiac. They used the Moon, Venus and Mars to be able to predict precisely when eclipses will happen for this reason: Mars and Venus create almost perfect geometric shapes

And then you have the origin of the Star of Vishnu (6 pointed star): the orbit between Jupiter and Uranus.

That's some fascinating information, thanks for enlightening me brother.

I don't much of anything pertaining to numerology yet I'm starting to think that the numbers 6 and 10 belong to the enemy and seem to appear a lot in the yhvh bible.

I shouldn't over-think it however. There's the 10 of Rods in Tarot, so I suppose those numbers aren't inherently 'evil' or anything like that.

Still, I feel like if I really started understanding numerology I'd probably go crazy and start seeing the enemy's number system everywhere.

I definitely already feel that way already with Illuminati occult symbols lol. Still, it's very fascinating to learn.

Thanks for this uplifting and beautiful revelation in astrology. It brightened my day. :)

Remember, all of those numbers were ours. The Jews stole it and perverted, and tried to program it to abuse us. It doesn't belong to them. The only thing they can claim is parasitism. Not our knowledge, wisdom, power, greatness, magic, numerology, astrology, etc. So don't be afraid. But at the same time, once you understand where things come from, the truth begins to shine clear, and the lies Jews say become even more obvious to where you can REALLY punish them for doing so. RTR definitely has come a long way.
Kevin Hernandez said:
Remember, all of those numbers were ours. The Jews stole it and perverted, and tried to program it to abuse us. It doesn't belong to them. The only thing they can claim is parasitism. Not our knowledge, wisdom, power, greatness, magic, numerology, astrology, etc. So don't be afraid. But at the same time, once you understand where things come from, the truth begins to shine clear, and the lies Jews say become even more obvious to where you can REALLY punish them for doing so. RTR definitely has come a long way.

I am officially mind-blown! Thank you for informing me of these things in your previous post. I apologize, I was getting ready for work this morning and didn't give it the proper attention it deserved.

That original Star of Vishnu is insane! Jews literally are and always were parasites!!

You inspired me better than any one ever could. I'll be adding more RTRs to my schedule and taking things to a higher level.

I've found myself torn between history, politics, occult, mythology, literature, astrology, philosophy, sociology, religion and biology.

It's clear that I can't learn all these things at once. I'm 30 and I'm sure I'll have ample time in the future. I think getting too deep into these endless rabbit-holes would make anyone go insane. It's a viscious cycle of discovery with gratification followed by humility for lack of knowledge. These things can really become a trap. It's just like Socrates said: "I know that I know nothing".

I'll keep the 4-D stuff below 30 minutes per day and focus on spirituality as my main priority. Just because I made some progress doesn't mean I should rest on my laurels. The biggest reason for my recent exponential progress was (through internal struggles) a better understanding of myself combined with a more profound connection to Satan. I won't allow his work to be in vain.

Thank you brother for the help! This place really is a family!

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fire Kobra said:
That's for sure! That the whole monkey story and the rest of Darwin's theory is complete fiction.

That is an estimation of what would occur based on the theory of evolution, which takes into consideration that we evolved from a specific source etc. It's an estimate. And also due to how this theory is, we cannot really observe it over the millenia it claims, so it is not certainly proven. Regardless it is true that beings evolve, but they also go up and down.

Of course the enemy has used this to instill a stupid presupposition that humans are only monkeys, while clearly we do still resemble them in some ways, but we are not. None of the people of earth are monkeys.

Don't fall for the nonesense jewish theory of bullshit evolution people, the only evolution is the understanding of racial
backgrounds, and these very same racial backgrounds prove that most gentile races carry some blood lineage from this
very advanced civilizations that took place in this world 500,000 years ago or so. Monkeys are a mixture of man and
an animal, and this was done deliberately to confuse the world and make belive that these were our ancestors, how can a
monkey all of a sudden turn into a man physically, pure nonesense and the jew is in on it. Although some gentile people
do have some neanderthal blood and can be seen in face features on some, and lot of jews also carry neanderthal blood
and rest where they picked up genes from all other races, thats why is hard to identify a jew. Lots of pure gentile races
have racially declined mostly black, white, and indian(native americans). A.Hitler wanted to restore the white race to
at least back to 1600 hundreds because racial decline was already a factor even back in the early 19th century where not
that many people mixed. Keep up the good work HP.Hoodedcobra666 HAIL SATAN!
sublimestatanist said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
Remember, all of those numbers were ours. The Jews stole it and perverted, and tried to program it to abuse us. It doesn't belong to them. The only thing they can claim is parasitism. Not our knowledge, wisdom, power, greatness, magic, numerology, astrology, etc. So don't be afraid. But at the same time, once you understand where things come from, the truth begins to shine clear, and the lies Jews say become even more obvious to where you can REALLY punish them for doing so. RTR definitely has come a long way.

I am officially mind-blown! Thank you for informing me of these things in your previous post. I apologize, I was getting ready for work this morning and didn't give it the proper attention it deserved.

That original Star of Vishnu is insane! Jews literally are and always were parasites!!

You inspired me better than any one ever could. I'll be adding more RTRs to my schedule and taking things to a higher level.

I've found myself torn between history, politics, occult, mythology, literature, astrology, philosophy, sociology, religion and biology.

It's clear that I can't learn all these things at once. I'm 30 and I'm sure I'll have ample time in the future. I think getting too deep into these endless rabbit-holes would make anyone go insane. It's a viscious cycle of discovery with gratification followed by humility for lack of knowledge. These things can really become a trap. It's just like Socrates said: "I know that I know nothing".

I'll keep the 4-D stuff below 30 minutes per day and focus on spirituality as my main priority. Just because I made some progress doesn't mean I should rest on my laurels. The biggest reason for my recent exponential progress was (through internal struggles) a better understanding of myself combined with a more profound connection to Satan. I won't allow his work to be in vain.

Thank you brother for the help! This place really is a family!

Hail Satan!

You're welcome. The dawn is shining and Venus always comes first before the Sun. And even when the Sun dies, Venus always shine after.

You're welcome. The dawn is shining and Venus always comes first before the Sun. And even when the Sun dies, Venus always shine after.

That is beautiful. It's a comforting idea but it went over my head just a little. :lol:
Venus is feminine and rules love/relationships so I guess this means that there are always some positive energies even when the sun is gone?

I think a good start for me would be to grab some books on astrology from the library, take notes, watch videos and learn what I can. It confuses me a lot but it's fascinating nonetheless.

I have one question: can you plan certain workings based on the planets' current position without a natal chart? Or do you need to have one? I haven't got my birth time figured out but I'm hoping to soon.

Thanks again. I am very excited to dip my feet into astrology (I'm just learning the 12 zodiacs so I've got a ways to go). :)
sublimestatanist said:

You're welcome. The dawn is shining and Venus always comes first before the Sun. And even when the Sun dies, Venus always shine after.

That is beautiful. It's a comforting idea but it went over my head just a little. :lol:
Venus is feminine and rules love/relationships so I guess this means that there are always some positive energies even when the sun is gone?

I think a good start for me would be to grab some books on astrology from the library, take notes, watch videos and learn what I can. It confuses me a lot but it's fascinating nonetheless.

I have one question: can you plan certain workings based on the planets' current position without a natal chart? Or do you need to have one? I haven't got my birth time figured out but I'm hoping to soon.

Thanks again. I am very excited to dip my feet into astrology (I'm just learning the 12 zodiacs so I've got a ways to go). :)

It means a lot of things, but Venus is Satan, and the Sun is you. You, like the Sun, came multiple times here, before leaving, but Satan (or Venus) is always close to the Sun, never further than 2 zodiac signs away. That alone should be comforting. There's a reason most of Satan's sons are associated with the Sun, like Azazel and Amon.
Kevin Hernandez said:
It means a lot of things, but Venus is Satan, and the Sun is you. You, like the Sun, came multiple times here, before leaving, but Satan (or Venus) is always close to the Sun, never further than 2 zodiac signs away. That alone should be comforting. There's a reason most of Satan's sons are associated with the Sun, like Azazel and Amon.

I see, that makes sense. The sun rises and falls just like how humans live, die and reincarnate. It's no wonder so many ancient civilizations worshipped the sun. It gives life to all things on this planet and it relates to our solar-plexus chakra (what Maxine describes as the powerhouse of the soul).
I recently learned that the 6th chakra relates to the moon, the 6th sense (psychics) and aether. This in some way adds to the idea of death and ascension into the 5th dimension.

So Venus represents Satan, which always follows closely to the sun almost like a father watching its child (given the Gods' planetary symbols).
Very beautiful... We are so deeply connected with Satan and the Gods that it's mind-boggling. Thank you again for the thought-provoking information. I will surely never forget it. :)
Hail Satan,

High priest hooded cobra could you please clear the topic on the Roman Empire not "holy Roman Empire" which was Christianised and blasphemed...I mostly think they were the works or Jews and Christians who made their name bad... And how come our pagan religions began to fight each other until one became to the point of extinction I believe these were the works of our enemy...
Also Romans weren't cruel or lustful neither they crucified people .... And also please clear about the slave Spartacus I mean they didn't used to treat slaves badly either right?

And my second question is related to Lord Tengri ... I saw an image of him on google and it was some what similar to Lord Shiva... Is he Lord shiva aka Father Satan or our some other God...

And also I would like to share with you...
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JOWFPTzK7D4 This is the link which exposes that kaba was of pagan origin... It has a black stone which is Shiva Lingam
Online Games describes any computer game that gives on-line interactions with different players. Video games accustomed be classified by {an on-line|a web|an internet} Content PEGI descriptor to indicate whether or not they were online or not. However, as most games currently give on-line interactions this distinction is not any longer used.

I think this video is very pertinent to the subject and summarizes all that was discussed so far in our circle. The best part is that it comes from the perspective of a strictly secular person, an outsider if you will. Maybe the theory proposed in his video might not be 100% right, but i can't underline enough how concise and efficiently it is presented.

In my opinion this should be imperative for everybody to see. (advise to the hypersensitive to skip from 19:00 to 19:10 if you don't want to see the picture of a random cathedral)

If anything else, and the moderator agrees, this link might be better off pinned somewhere under this already amazing sermon.

Cheers! Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Egyptians, do also explicitly mention that the Greek God "Hephaistos" was the Creator of Mankind, who fashioned mankind, known to them as Ptah.

In Plato's works, the name Hephaistos is analyzed as the "most skilled in the knowledge or the embodiment of the light" [Cratylus], a God of the Light and Architecture but also science, and Ptah is also the "Fashioner" in the same sense. Later on, we had Jewish nonsense telling us that "Lucifer" was an evil creature with horns that is the ultimate evil that everyone must hate. Hephaistos is credited with the creation of the material body of humanity, with the soul having another underlying allegory for it, with Satan [in the Hephaistos aspect] acting as the life giver and body giver of humanity.

Hephaistos was written to have literally hand-crafted the first human beings on earth, and has been documented of literally descending here.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP hooded cobra, Wasn't the creator of humanity Prometheus instead of Hephaestus, or have I been lied to this whole time? I know it's not important, but I'm a big fan of Greek mythology and heard that there were a lot of fake blasphemies hidden in greek mythology. I had heard that prometheus made humanity and stole flame from Hephaestus' forge, got caught by zeus, got told not to do it again, then did it again only to get caught again and sacrificed himself to zeus for us to keep the fire. Did I get the wrong version? thx

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
