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On the angles of the chart: ASC, DC, MC and IC

Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I feel like I should do the same.
I noticed just the other week how exhausting being on the laptop is for long periods of time. And half of the time that time is just spend finding distractions anyway.
Taking small breaks and generally having balanced sitting behind screen with sports and yoga has helped me alot. Allowing some amount of feel good moments, say watching videos of cats is of course acceptable, but spending hours on the same end is not very productive.

I normally have my screen on, either with music and often with forums or something else open while doing a working, yoga or RTRs also throughout the day. Not while concentrating on the computer with some of those things obviously, but the windows will be open anyway. I also like music when I work out.
Cfecit said:
here we go..
@shadowcat, I'll answer you since you've brought me into question and explain why I used this language with you:
I have little patience with people like you who write absolute things when in fact they are wrong. Because you constitute harm to other people, and I don't like to see someone create that harm. You should say, "Thank you Cfecit, I didn't pay attention, next time I will formulate my words more appropriately."

And that's the end of it. I said in my first post that you have something negative, it's not a personal attack but it's a fact...Lydia also said it that there are millions of people who find love at work, so your statement against love at work comes from your negative experiences...it's a fact, how else should I say it? And I even gave you advice to help you with "don't bring unnecessary obstacles, it's counterproductive". You instead of thinking why I wrote these things, you interpreted it as an attack..what fault do I have? That's just your problem, and people who think like that are usually negative people.

Then you responded to me with:
- The problems would not come from any actual advanced SS
- This what I explained doesn't come from things you speculate.
- What I say is realistic and happens often
- I also know this does not count for every workplace
- But my point still stands about how these things are still common and that they should be avoided and this has nothing to do with "personal negativity" or imbalances.

And I responded to you with:
- Well, rightly you said that you have to check on a case-by-case basis. That's all there is to it.
- This is exactly where Heru and I intervened, you should never write something as an absolute thing
- This is because when you write something absolute, you influence the readers. It's like something you impose things on others. Worse, you might condition people who for a variety of reasons are not yet strong and independent intellentually into saying "lol that's just shadowcat bs" etc.

As you see, I have explained my reasons, why did you focus only on the term "bs"?

Then I added that this kind of language should never be in the library, for obvious reasons. (read the point 1 below)

Then you responded to me with useless repetitions already said, and only changed your attitude when Lydia intervened, to say the same things as Heru and I, just because she has the JG badge, maybe? Logic works regardless of badges or ranks ;)

There would be two things that don't add up for me, though:
1. No reply to my question: "You said you are here to help etc., what if a new SS here takes your indication at word, when in fact based on his natal chart or whatever, he would have just found love at work, but he doesn't because he has this mental conditioning "Shadowcat said this is evil"....now you understand what is your responsibility?"
2. this especially leaves me very confused about you: you literally made a description of how the natal chart and Saturn stuff works in relation to them (this exactly topic), this implies that you have a good knowledge in astrology, of a certain level, no? But then you say love at work is evil, while literally on the JoS you find that those who have Venus in the 6th house will find love through work. How could you not know? I have a meme for you below.... ;)
STFU you Italiano meatball trash what’s the point of even coming here just to shit all over a user that hasn’t even done anything to you go back to the sauce and pasta forum where you belong.
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I feel like I should do the same.
I noticed just the other week how exhausting being on the laptop is for long periods of time. And half of the time that time is just spend finding distractions anyway.
Taking small breaks and generally having balanced sitting behind screen with sports and yoga has helped me alot. Allowing some amount of feel good moments, say watching videos of cats is of course acceptable, but spending hours on the same end is not very productive.

I have had good success taking breaks listening to podcasts and doing the breath of fire to recharge my energy. Of course, my productivity is not yet perfect, and I restarted a working to remove any obstacles to my productivity. There are some placements on my chart which can make me a little overly cynical, yet also attempt to take on a lot of work.

Such a freeing working can cover many different aspects about oneself, so I would recommend it, in addition to other workings I have mentioned. I have done it once for 40 days before, and it dug up things I was not even aware of.

In regards to watching youtube or other digital distractions, I would put these all behind software blockers. Every time I have removed such things, like youtube or whatever, and convinced myself it was fine, I regret it later. In case you are wondering, no you do not need youtube for an emergency or whatever justification our minds may come up with. Although, some blockers will let you unlock the filter after performing a long puzzle or something.
Cfecit said:

You were correct in your initial reply to Shadowcat, and she was hypersensitive about it. However, she is coming to terms with that on her own. That does not excuse her entirely, though.

There are limits to the benefits of continuing to harp upon a matter. Instead, it may be better to deescalate a bit when the other party is struggling emotionally. This is because they aren't going to act rationally as you may desire. Yet, this doesn't mean you have to surrender your own argument either, just lessen the intensity of it.

In regards to this specifically, her post is good enough, despite this or other errors. It is better that people study these topics regardless, which they may not have done at all without this post. So no, she shouldn't entirely delete this. However, it can be modified before uploading into the Library.
The Outlaw Torn said:
STFU you Italiano meatball trash what’s the point of even coming here just to shit all over a user that hasn’t even done anything to you go back to the sauce and pasta forum where you belong.

Thank you, I just had a very good pasta with sauce for dinner! Whole wheat spaghetti made of 100% Italian wheat, with homemade bolognese sauce -turkey and chicken meat instead of pork (forgive me, the original recipe is like this) the top though is with wild boar meat which we are still in the off season though- always from organic and bio products, and icing on the cake, parmigiano reggiano (the real and orignal one, controlled denomination of origin) 24 months old, right seasoning. Slurp Slurp!
Not to mention the meatball, Italian food is often an ecstatic experience.

The ss -I wouldn't call her a "user"- she made a mistake and we corrected her. There is nothing personal here; it is only you and other who make this mental film.

And I wanted to tell you, you literally have as a profile picture a person who worships the enemy. Do you think, is't time to change it if you want to be taken more seriously?

Charlotte61903 said:
I tell you, what a pain in the ass to repeat...you keep focusing only on her, as if she were the only thing in the universe...where is the attention and care for the reader? Why is there not this broad view of things? She did NOT make a statement, she wrote an absolute thing. They are two different things, subtle but huge. It is of a seriousness. Why don't people like you understand this? How can you say it is insignificant? I have already written above, that a ss might unconsciously transpose this statement of her "love at work is evil" and therefore will have problems in the emotional and love sphere. Why do you and others ignore this? Are you in bad faith or what? Why does she has to instill obstacles? This is not helping, but the exact opposite.

Tell me seriously..because I don't understand how you and other can treat this topic lightly...if she would have used "from my personal experience" or similiar, then I would not have intervened, because phrase like that doesn't force the reader to expend energy to contradict as in the first case.

Now she seems to have realized the mistake, and I realized that she is a sensitive person, I feel sorry for her, but that doesn't invalidate my intervention, that's all. She just need to learn to be more objective and put aside emotional feelings.

I wish to Shadowcat good things and more useful posts, preferably written with a correct approach and not through absolute truths based on limited personal experience. That's all! Ciao!

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375982 time=1658263503 user_id=21286] ...
thumbs up! ;)
The Outlaw Torn said:
STFU you Italiano meatball trash what’s the point of even coming here just to shit all over a user that hasn’t even done anything to you go back to the sauce and pasta forum where you belong.

Could not have said it better myself. Damn, zero self reflection and their narcissism is out of control, glad someone else had the balls to call them out.
Look I am sure everyone in this thread at this point has good intentions. I don't want infighting, or at least even in this case bickering started on my behalf or at all ideally. Let's let attention be put on other things.

The post does not have to be rewritten, just edited, all is not lost. It is not perfect but not completely flawed, which is why all of these must go through the editing process as was discussed before they were written. Nothing inaccurate is going to be put in the library.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=375979 time=1658263055 user_id=21286]
I have had good success taking breaks listening to podcasts and doing the breath of fire to recharge my energy. Of course, my productivity is not yet perfect, and I restarted a working to remove any obstacles to my productivity. There are some placements on my chart which can make me a little overly cynical, yet also attempt to take on a lot of work.

Such a freeing working can cover many different aspects about oneself, so I would recommend it, in addition to other workings I have mentioned. I have done it once for 40 days before, and it dug up things I was not even aware of.

In regards to watching youtube or other digital distractions, I would put these all behind software blockers. Every time I have removed such things, like youtube or whatever, and convinced myself it was fine, I regret it later. In case you are wondering, no you do not need youtube for an emergency or whatever justification our minds may come up with. Although, some blockers will let you unlock the filter after performing a long puzzle or something.
Personally, at this point, I am simply utilising my Will. It is strong, stronger than before and at this point something that I need to do instead of workings. The time is better spent on more cleaning and void meditation for me, I think.

As for the software blockers, I think that is cheating, but to each their own.
Henu the Great said:
Personally, at this point, I am simply utilising my Will. It is strong, stronger than before and at this point something that I need to do instead of workings. The time is better spent on more cleaning and void meditation for me, I think.

As for the software blockers, I think that is cheating, but to each their own.

Whether you are utilizing your will or software blockers, make sure you are getting the results you desire. Software blockers are "cheating" because you are only using will to set up the blocker, but if this results in you meditating more, then it is worth it. This new time gives someone the ability to make permanent enhancements to their will and grow out of such handicaps.

I could also make the point that all of our entertainment is built around maximizing its addictive potential, which comes from the enemy and not what a normal person would create. So it would be wise to keep some distance from the worst of these items.

Anyway, good luck to you.
Cfecit said:
Thank you, I just had a very good pasta with sauce for dinner! Whole wheat spaghetti made of 100% Italian wheat, with homemade bolognese sauce -turkey and chicken meat instead of pork (forgive me, the original recipe is like this) the top though is with wild boar meat which we are still in the off season though- always from organic and bio products, and icing on the cake, parmigiano reggiano (the real and orignal one, controlled denomination of origin) 24 months old, right seasoning. Slurp Slurp!
Not to mention the meatball, Italian food is often an ecstatic experience.
Then perhaps you should remain on that forum, so that the sauce monkeys like you can convene on how to make wheat pasta bologna Stromboli and the other trash that you people call food, instead of harassing a fine astrologer.

And I wanted to tell you
And I wanted to tell you…

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=376149 time=1658324027 user_id=21286]
I could also make the point that all of our entertainment is built around maximizing its addictive potential, which comes from the enemy and not what a normal person would create. So it would be wise to keep some distance from the worst of these items.
This is excactly what I have done. Feeling the need to something better with my time has resulted in gradually removing more and more pieces of time wasters.

Aside from that I would point out that music is not fully controlled nor created by the enemy.
Shadowcat said:
Look I am sure everyone in this thread at this point has good intentions. I don't want infighting, or at least even in this case bickering started on my behalf or at all ideally. Let's let attention be put on other things.

I wanted to add something that came to me last night in a spontaneous way, since you have a very bad experience on the work environment, why not do a working? You can use runes or magic square, and make a good affirmation, like, "I have good relationships at work and people respect me" or similar (it all depends on which area you have problems). So you give a very good input to the reader, since usually those who have a good aura, consequently there will be very good feedback from other people and automatically turns away the bad ones.
Cfecit said:
Shadowcat said:
Look I am sure everyone in this thread at this point has good intentions. I don't want infighting, or at least even in this case bickering started on my behalf or at all ideally. Let's let attention be put on other things.

I wanted to add something that came to me last night in a spontaneous way, since you have a very bad experience on the work environment, why not do a working? You can use runes or magic square, and make a good affirmation, like, "I have good relationships at work and people respect me" or similar (it all depends on which area you have problems). So you give a very good input to the reader, since usually those who have a good aura, consequently there will be very good feedback from other people and automatically turns away the bad ones.

There has been improvements with this as things I have done in the past have also helped. It's not exclusively about the aura perse, but ones karma that comes out can influence the aura too. Cleaning always remains a must.

I also used to be too trusting of people and I learned this also the hard way, and that alone can also attract trash.
Cfecit said:
Shadowcat said:
Look I am sure everyone in this thread at this point has good intentions. I don't want infighting, or at least even in this case bickering started on my behalf or at all ideally. Let's let attention be put on other things.

I wanted to add something that came to me last night in a spontaneous way, since you have a very bad experience on the work environment, why not do a working? You can use runes or magic square, and make a good affirmation, like, "I have good relationships at work and people respect me" or similar (it all depends on which area you have problems). So you give a very good input to the reader, since usually those who have a good aura, consequently there will be very good feedback from other people and automatically turns away the bad ones.

Ahh, I see now that this was in general also as well. Yes, this is useful to add into the article also. Thanks
Enigmatic_Rabbit said:
Cfecit said:
Your response denotes an intellectual deficiency. You and shadowcat seem to espouse the "I write the way I fucking want, I don't care how readers approach it" line. You are also in bad faith saying that the place here is only for "smart people", when in fact it is not, there are different kinds of people and you need to take that into account, especially when you want to "help."
In fact, it is not about control but the exact opposite.
People who only look at their own little garden and have never integrated/confronted with different kinds of people, especially how one's own linguistic approcah can affect the status of the reader, it's useless to explain the importance of communication, because you will never understand.

Translation: "Enigmatic_Rabbit is stupid. Shadowcat is stupid. Everyone who reads and believes what Shadowcat wrote is stupid. Cfecit is the only smart one here plus anyone who disagrees with Shadowcat, and also Enigmatic_Rabbit's stupidity is incurable."

This is literally what you just said. You called everyone here stupid and you have no faith in the SS community to differentiate other people's experience from their own. The amount of projection is staggering to say the least. I will leave it at that. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shadowcat said:
Thank you lydia. I have no qualms about this being edited and elaborated on before it goes into the library. I would appreciate your insight.

Anyway, I'm going to put a light on the absolute shitshow that happened in here.

"It's not what they said, it's HOW they said it." <--- This is what everyone is getting their panties in a twist over. Yeah, kind of pathetic, isn't it? #NotAll, no matter how small the percentage is, YoU ShOuLd AlWaYs HaVe A DiScLaiMeR of #NotAll for, apparently, the "stupid people" here (I didn't say that, this is just what people believe when they cry about #NotAll. It's uncomfortable but it's true.). When someone screams out this, they are wanting to control the dialog because they cannot argue against your words. "It's HOW you said it". That's not an argument and that's not a valid point of criticism ESPECIALLY on an open Forum where people can amend and comment on what the OP said originally.

People should be encouraged to have self-agency. That means they must learn about not taking someone's word as gospel (which is what cultists do, ask any xian) or taking someone's word with a grain of salt. One leads to the path of sheep, the other to the path of self development. Saying that OP needs to amend their post to say #NotAll insinuates that most people here/coming here are braindead cultist sheep. Shadowcat, are you god or something cuz it seems like people are going to take your words as gospel.

So what happened here in Shadowcat's case, they explained their vast experience from multiple different countries (of which all have different social structures and cultures) and concluded on an uncomfortable truth. "You may not like it, but it's true." Now you have people coming out of the woodwork, with little experience of their own and only grand delusions of reality, crying that their bubble is now popped. "It's not what you said but how you said it". Experience trumps statistics.

What I saw playing out in here was "group mobbing" and "gaslighting" disguised as "innocent criticism to (((help))) the author". BullSHIT. I'm sorry, but I do Not take attacks like this lightly. How was Shadowcat attacked? Emotional manipulation and group mobbing to "shut them down". Ask anyone who can see, they will say the same thing.

With life experience comes wisdom and our OP has A LOT. Even if you are supposed to find your "true love" at work, because it's in your natal chart, it has nothing to do with disqualifying OP's statements that generally, dating in the workplace is not a good idea. This is reality. OP's article will not make someone (who is supposed to meet someone at work) NOT meet their "true love". Their article will not cause someone to miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity. OP's article is coming out of real world heartache and life experience which will in NO WAY affect Your life unless you allow it. It is all on the reader's discretion and it is not OP's responsibility to hand-hold said reader. (Personally, I think people here on JoS should have the where-with-all to have discretion in the first place because in SS you are taught to take responsibility for yourself and if I'm wrong, then I'll be damned) OP, here, did nothing wrong.

You are dangerously manipulative. You've clearly done this many times before. Not careful enough for my eyes though. Now that I've caught you, everyone is going to keep their eyes on you. Do you want to know why? Because even though people here won't admit it openly, they have slowly begun to realize how often I am right about people. Eventually I'll be vindicated, and my judge of character will be respected. But for now, I will cast the spotlight on you, and your game will be finished much sooner than you hoped. You could have done more damage over time if you had been more patient, but you got cocky. Now the lifespan of your infiltration has been dropped considerably. Just you wait and see. Everyone eventually catches up to me and realizes that I was right.

One more thing... Get lost with your MBTI pseudo psychology bull crap. Personality theory is as fake as you are. If I thought you were a real psychologist then I would be hunting you with the legal system for fraud and deliberate malicious malpractice. Instead I will reverse the Torah to make you unhappy. Wither to irrelevance, fool.
Regardless of any information one wants to share in the forums, we must always be careful of subconscious bias based in negative experiences or traumas, karma, etc. Naturally, because of this, one can end up speaking form a "negative" place when writing said information, laying down personal thoughts of situations rather than being able to come out of that bubble and expand awareness to include the things that in some ways have or do hurt us or make us uncomfortable to acknowledge, and speak without tones on. This can influence people in one way or another. We're not completely immune from the influence of others, but here we can learn how to manage it over time. It's not easy, but that's why we're here.

We all have a responsibility as to how our words impact whoever they are directed to, be it another SS in discussion/argument, or simply those reading them. There are two sides to every coin. Finding the balance between them, rather than the "he said/she said" game of bite-and-bite-back-and-bite-again-harder until the bridges are burned, will help improve communications between each other no matter the topic at hand. We're capable of being considerate of each other, and considerate of our audiences, who can be of any age group and any background, any programming and karma. After all, we're all people, and we all deserve the respect to be spoken to as people by our own. I don't mean coddling, to clarify.

If emotional battles are a struggle for anyone here, then work further with void meditation and clearing moon related karma.

Shadowcat, if you're going through Mercury karma right now, then this entire situation is self-explanatory, and something to keep in mind if you find yourself in argument like this again during it. JG Blitz mentioned to me some time back, that as we work through karma, situations relating to it can be "artificially" created and occur in our lives (or something like that), until it is passed and cleared away.

People react to this since it's all energy affecting energy, and vice versa from yourself to others.

This goes for anyone reading this, and just something to keep in mind.
tabby said:
Regardless of any information one wants to share in the forums, we must always be careful of subconscious bias based in negative experiences or traumas, karma, etc. Naturally, because of this, one can end up speaking form a "negative" place when writing said information, laying down personal thoughts of situations rather than being able to come out of that bubble and expand awareness to include the things that in some ways have or do hurt us or make us uncomfortable to acknowledge, and speak without tones on. This can influence people in one way or another. We're not completely immune from the influence of others, but here we can learn how to manage it over time. It's not easy, but that's why we're here.

We all have a responsibility as to how our words impact whoever they are directed to, be it another SS in discussion/argument, or simply those reading them. There are two sides to every coin. Finding the balance between them, rather than the "he said/she said" game of bite-and-bite-back-and-bite-again-harder until the bridges are burned, will help improve communications between each other no matter the topic at hand. We're capable of being considerate of each other, and considerate of our audiences, who can be of any age group and any background, any programming and karma. After all, we're all people, and we all deserve the respect to be spoken to as people by our own. I don't mean coddling, to clarify.

If emotional battles are a struggle for anyone here, then work further with void meditation and clearing moon related karma.

Shadowcat, if you're going through Mercury karma right now, then this entire situation is self-explanatory, and something to keep in mind if you find yourself in argument like this again during it. JG Blitz mentioned to me some time back, that as we work through karma, situations relating to it can be "artificially" created and occur in our lives (or something like that), until it is passed and cleared away.

People react to this since it's all energy affecting energy, and vice versa from yourself to others.

This goes for anyone reading this, and just something to keep in mind.

I appreciate your input. This is something I started sometime back so mercury will not be the only planet I am trying to purge karma from. If it gets bad enough there may even be periods that I keep to myself for a time. Deep cleaning brings up ALOT, and this also includes sometimes a repeat of annoying patterns of behaviors, also as a way to "clear the air" so to speak, and it sucks.

Due to water dominance, I can have a flair for the dramatic also, which I do know has irritated certain people, I just hope they know I have never had ill intent or lied about anything and will always have good intentions for JOS and every legitimate SS here. I have noticed however due to finding that JOS gives me the semblance of community I never had but wanted, that it has also led me to be too overprotective of the forum and other things, which has probably been more of a hindrance than a help and has also led me to attract the wrong people even at some points, due to being too trusting and open.

Like I mentioned before, family can quarrel sometimes and have problems but it doesn't mean they can't be solved, and I will always differentiate between wanting to direct ill will and hate, and simple argument out of frustration and feeling unheard or misunderstood, although this should have as little time wasted on it as possible also, ideally none. The first as we all know, should be reserved for the enemy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
