jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That is impossible. The fact that we can all speak English, still I am thankful for, however. The fact it's a universal language, is a very good thing. People can understand one another. It's kind of easy to learn too. But it's very difficult to really have a common ground of communication that is 100% the same without becoming a literal philologist.
So long people understand one another, that's the whole aim. It also pays one back metaphorically to speak simply.
While I disagree with the
general idea that it's impossible, seeing as how languages such as Latin and Sanskrit remain un-bastardized with their original integrity and meaning/essence of words, I suspect you meant that English is too far gone to restore across the board so we have to make do with what we have. Even that is a hard thing for me to hear, but I see the truth in what you say. I'm just quite stubborn about it, but I suppose it's time for me to finally accept that the last century isn't coming back. The days when people were raised with proper English vocabulary and there was consensus, they are long gone. People just don't care anymore. This creates infinite opportunities for people to misunderstand each other which frustrates me terribly, but I admit that we can't do anything about it. Me being me, I prefer to do all I can to avoid misunderstandings in the first place, but clearing them up after is just as well albeit extremely... annoying. Is what it is *sigh*
I've voiced my purist heart's laments.
Well maybe impossible is the wrong word, but for the time being, that would be really difficult to achieve. For one, I think in the future we must change or have two global languages.
English is simple and the proof that it's a good language for everyday use by all people, is that everyone in the globe can use it. Anything like this would work for a language of mere communication. Languages like Latin who are compressed and simple, can work in this regard.
Philosophically or spiritually, in this order, I would think the best languages for understanding the soul would be Ancient Greek [not modern], Ancient Egyptian [language must be fully restored, almost impossible to learn with all it's hidden connotations that have been (((lost in translation)))] or Sanskrit [as a last resort]. Either of the three would work.
Spiritual advancement allows for easier transferring of meaning. That can really help when it comes to misunderstandings between human beings in general. But for the general level of communication to rise, a mix of language and telepathic communication becoming more "common", ie, the average level of spirituality rising in the world, would be necessitated.
I think everyone who understands the value of communication would indeed feel extreme thirst to have a more applicable language to all these tasks. Even English is very rich, yet it requires studying and understanding to use it properly.