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On Satan and the non whites again


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
This is from a post on the main JoyofSatan for section about the origins of non whites, I have noticed some confusion on the forum here and there, and on the yahoo groups. I just to clear this up more for newer members.

Satan did create the non white gentiles, as he told me this some years ago when I was a little confused on the subject too. Even some of our satanic people here still might think that other ET races created the non white gentiles, but Satan has always been our creator god and many black tribes and black gentiles still remember him, the gods, and hia sacred serpent. Many tribes can still traces their origins back to the beginning.

He said that we are still his creation, and of him. 

Again, they let it be known to me that the non whites are extensions of them (like different forms of light that are seperate but part of a bigger piece-- and yet still individual) and their consciousness and we can reach godhead because of their godly DNA within us. Which is why we were created in the first place, to be an extension of the family of the gods.

Now the non whites are more of this earth in that Satan worked with nature and natural laws to create us and you can see that difference when you compare the non whites to the white race in that you can tell the white race are more elevated and "aethereal".

At the same time though, its not fair or sensible to compare non whites with the white race since its like comparing the creation to the creator solely based on a one size fits all approach and where the only standard is just that. 

Whites are the direct blood of Satan, whereas non whites have the extra terrestrial DNA of the gods and Satan but the most important thing that we have of Satan is his kundalini energy that transforms us all into gods, which will morph our consciousness and existence. Which is a beautiful thing.

Since non whites are not direct blood descendants of Satan, degeneration is going to effect non whites more, or atleast how we respond to it. Degeneration will effect the races, more or less, according to their natural default modes. There are some exceptions though, like with poverty, it destroys, weakens and makes anyone subject to psychological problems and abberent behaviour, this goes for whites too.

The situation you see today with the non white races especially are pretty much what happens when a race degenerates and moves backwards and connects to negative energy like with christianity and Islam and without the finished god head. But we are working to change that.

The Jews want Satans blood family, who are the white race on this earth, destroyed which is their way of destroying him and what he is AND then insult and blaspheme him by destroying his precious creations which are the non white races.

Jews, the disgusting Jews, who are the ugliest things are endlessly trying to put all the races against eachother using Satan's non white creations to go against him and his white race. This angers me very much to see gentiles going against eachother when we are all a team and cosmic family all under Satan and the gods.

Whites should be proud to be of Satan's blood and non whites should be proud to come from Satan and know that he chose to create us, new races, to exist and live in divine splendour. We were chosen to be created and complete godhead- that is Satan's gift.
Most of us old member here know answer to this question already. It is the newbies that ask this question over and over again.

This question shall be in FAQ somewhere, so that newbies can see answer right away.
We are all creations of Satan gentiles(non jews) those pedophiles racists jews are just making us gentiles fight each other but one day we will take back our paradise and jews lick our feet's. Hail Satan the only king of earth.

the overt worship is ridden with the enemy as well. coming from Satan and acknowledging who he is as race and his children as white is spectacular in everyone's case. from blue eyes blonde or whatnot, their being is epic and beyond in regards to who they are. there should and is no fear and regards to such, the Gods of hell, Satan and his offspring are awesome. the jews turn this around to worship and "look at me" type bull which is pretty evident in the media and everywhere else for them, but by nature the white race is as towards the black race is something to witness, observe- kinda like evoke or invoke in terms of who there are as individuals and collectively as a race, a separate group of beings which becomes truly evident in enlightened and powerful Aryan men women and kids alike. and what is wrong with such power or conscious, not a damn thing. it isn't parasitic. .

the black race in regards to who we are is something that should and is idolized by black people in general, and we should be more then happy and excited of this existential nature of ours that needs to be express, freed, and unlock. what is absolute wrong with people going along with their natural selves. which in our case as people, Satan creation, order and natural construct plays along perfectly. the sex between races ordeal is non existent and isnt registered besides within enemy attacks. which equates to giving Satan and the Gods of hell sexual energy. they collect it and use it for their and/our purposes and wallah. nothing else. we are awesome.
Kingiux said:
We are all creations of Satan gentiles(non jews) those pedophiles racists jews are just making us gentiles fight each other but one day we will take back our paradise and jews lick our feet's. Hail Satan the only king of earth.

If you pay close attention all of Gentiles are put in front of screens like TV's to worship jews all day, and everyone is told 24/7 how good jews are in Hollywood and everything else.

Whites in Hollywood are put as evil people, jews as saviors, blacks as another aspect of propaganda, the list goes.

The lie that we are all equal and all the same, has made us mentally ill. This lie was created by jews in the bible to cause us mental turmoil and mental damage.

Not only we are not equal, we are also different. Our only commonality is based on species and our external humanoid form, in every other aspect, we have our differences, and that is a good thing, and true diversity, and should remain this way.

Satan and the Gods may have taken their own reasons to genetically engineer us as they saw fit, especially because of environmental reasons and genetic compatibility. Different planets different rules.

Even Whites we are a mini version of the Gods and we are not yet to the level of development to be their equals, we are way behind. This is also related to spirituality (metaphysical genetics) and environmental reasons, but also mass degeneration.

We have just degenerated less and resisted more, but we have our heap of problems as it should be evident, the jews being one and major problem halting ours and everyone else's development.

Just imagine a world with only oranges or lemons, that would be really fucked up. Likewise diversity is a good thing, and mixing everyone is not diversity, the world will be a piece of boring crap if the Kalergi plan takes place, it will be totally morbid.
Whites seem to have a balance of "masculine" and "feminine" energies in both their inner and outer nature, whereas Africans and Asians go to the extremes - Africans are outwardly very masculine but inwardly feminine (emotion, feeling, and intuition over logic, reason, planning), while Asians are outwardly feminine and inwardly masculine.

Cases like the Arabs are a real tragedy - like the scene in LotR where Saruman describes how orcs were made by twisting and torturing the Elves. The Arabs interbred with Jews and black slaves, and thanks to their (((prophet))), they turned their gene pool into a sewer by routinely having marriages with four first cousins. There's nowhere on Earth with more inbreeding and genetic deformity than the modern Middle East.
Nothing Gives me Satisfaction than knowing Am of Father Satan,who is the Source of both blacks and whites,...
Average Database.
Hail Father Satan,,The Father Of The white Race And The Black Race.
Ave Satanas.
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.
Thank you very much for the clarification on this subject HPS Shannon. It is easy to get confused on the matter considering that the Aryan race is Satan and his people's direct descendants in every way and it doesn't seem to be as direct with the other Gentile races. No doubt the Jews have destroyed and perverted countless sources of knowledge in Asia and Africa on the origins of the Black and Asian races to promote this confusion and create strife and hatred toward Whites and their origins.

Every Gentile race on this planet pools different elements and energies into it which balance it according to Satan's design, these racial elements and energies are to remain pure and unadulterated so that they are always stronger, the Jews promote race mixing and race war in part to destroy this carefully conceived racial "architecture" and balance to crush the will of each race and destroy Satan's work as usual.

RoyBatty91 said:
Whites seem to have a balance of "masculine" and "feminine" energies in both their inner and outer nature, whereas Africans and Asians go to the extremes - Africans are outwardly very masculine but inwardly feminine (emotion, feeling, and intuition over logic, reason, planning), while Asians are outwardly feminine and inwardly masculine.

Cases like the Arabs are a real tragedy - like the scene in LotR where Saruman describes how orcs were made by twisting and torturing the Elves. The Arabs interbred with Jews and black slaves, and thanks to their (((prophet))), they turned their gene pool into a sewer by routinely having marriages with four first cousins. There's nowhere on Earth with more inbreeding and genetic deformity than the modern Middle East.
Likewise has occurred with the Mestizo race of Central and South America. The Jews who were thrown out of Spain came to the New World in droves and forcibly raped the native women which has resulted in a group of people more susceptible to the enemy's programs due to their lack of racial strength and ignorance of their heritage. You can see how popular Catholicism and sometimes Communism is with a lot of Central Americans, and same with the Arabs and Islam. There are some Mestizos who are embracing Aztec culture again through various movements, but due to the enemy, they usually become more anti-White "reconquista" garbage.

In the Silmarillion, if I recall correctly, didn't Melkor and Sauron make the Men of the South and East breed with orcs in order to make them more easily controlled by them?
When I was new,I thought Satan only created his race and black gods created their own race.I did not realize our(black) gods are also a creation of Satan.He is a beautiful creature who is all about beautiful creations as well.Humanity forgot about our creator and embraced vile and disgusting shit which are merely a creation.Jews are like tissue paper.That is how their creators are using them.Enemy gentiles better change their ways or they will be flushed down the toilet along with their masters for good.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kingiux said:
We are all creations of Satan gentiles(non jews) those pedophiles racists jews are just making us gentiles fight each other but one day we will take back our paradise and jews lick our feet's. Hail Satan the only king of earth.

If you pay close attention all of Gentiles are put in front of screens like TV's to worship jews all day, and everyone is told 24/7 how good jews are in Hollywood and everything else.

Whites in Hollywood are put as evil people, jews as saviors, blacks as another aspect of propaganda, the list goes.

The lie that we are all equal and all the same, has made us mentally ill. This lie was created by jews in the bible to cause us mental turmoil and mental damage.

Not only we are not equal, we are also different. Our only commonality is based on species and our external humanoid form, in every other aspect, we have our differences, and that is a good thing, and true diversity, and should remain this way.

Satan and the Gods may have taken their own reasons to genetically engineer us as they saw fit, especially because of environmental reasons and genetic compatibility. Different planets different rules.

Even Whites we are a mini version of the Gods and we are not yet to the level of development to be their equals, we are way behind. This is also related to spirituality (metaphysical genetics) and environmental reasons, but also mass degeneration.

We have just degenerated less and resisted more, but we have our heap of problems as it should be evident, the jews being one and major problem halting ours and everyone else's development.

Just imagine a world with only oranges or lemons, that would be really fucked up. Likewise diversity is a good thing, and mixing everyone is not diversity, the world will be a piece of boring crap if the Kalergi plan takes place, it will be totally morbid.
I agree with u world should be not equal cuz if world would be equal there would be no place in humanity advancement and spiritual evolution. Someone need to be stronger or faster or smarter or wiser then u to bring u a challenge and transcend that grasp the Satan and gods did great job to humanity when they genetically engineered us in that way.
Aquarius said:
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.

I understand how you feel and we all know all know the situation with Europe and the forced invasion by the Jews, it angers me too but what you wrote was not neccessary in that manner. Thanks.
Aquarius said:
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.

You came home and found your neighbour's kid playing with yours.So you kill him.
Judge-Why did you kill him?!
Aquarius-He was not in his home.
Judge-Why didn't you just return him to his home?

We do not like the status of this world right now,that is why we are performing RTRs.That is why we are Satanists.You know better than that.Satan and the Gods have shone some light concerning the above problem.It is Jews who are behind all problems we have.You know this very clearly and yet you do vent your hatred on my race for no reason?Do you hate Asians or is it just us?
HPS Shannon said:
Aquarius said:
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.

I understand how you feel and we all know all know the situation with Europe and the forced invasion by the Jews, it angers me too but what you wrote was not necessary in that manner. Thanks.

I can see where you are both coming from. Aryans are the most tolerant and sympathetic race on earth. But extremes create extremes. So extreme aggression against our race is bound to create extreme reactions. Be it the full on cucks of multiCULTuralism. Or the (more sane but also which can have its own pitfalls) warrior reaction of hating the ones who decided to be one's ennemies and to violently attack one's homeland and people. It's true that the black race is currently our enemy. Not because it is in the nature of both our races to be eternal enemies (like gentiles vs jews) but simply because of the destructive behaviour of aggression of most of the black race towards us and their serving the agenda of the enemy (knowingly or not). It does not mean either that this benefits blacks themselves as a whole on the long run, since they are simply used as "useful idiots" to be discarded later, same as the enemy using other groups be it LGBT's or nuu agers or xtians etc. We have to clean up the world on all levels and this includes cleaning up our own race in depth. We have a lot of issues as well. Ideally blacks should clean up their own race in the same way according to the guidance of the Gods. Blacks also need sensible and reasonable leadership among themselves.
We can't make extrapolations of few cases. The fact that HPS Shannon and other blacks here are reasonable and wise human beings that can be communicated with.. Does not mean every black is. In the same way nobody should claim "all whites are moral or superior or good or whatever" we have all sorts of degenerates of the worse sort as well. The difference seems to be that it's easier for aryans who are healthy in mind recognizing and blaming the worse elements of our own race.. but it seems much harder for blacks to do the same. In a way we can be harsh on others because we are harsh on ourselves. So we aren't hypocritical. Yes there are niggers and we call that the worst elements of the black race.. the ones who rape murder and shit in the streets. Does this mean we won't also be harsh towards our own degenerate elements. Of course we will be harsh towards our own degenerate elements. These race traitors and scum humiliate us as a race and we should destroy them. Unfortunately for them decent black people seem to generally have a hard time distancing themselves from the worse of their race. The thing is we whites get constant attacks on our integrity as a race (which is the agenda of jews but jews are not the only ones doing it) including for instance on the hoax that we enslaved blacks and owe blacks anything. Black slavery is simply used same way as holocau$t is used against us. The reality is the most enslaved race in history is the white race. For instance over 90% of the white race was enslaved during the whole middle ages (like almost a thousand years). The fact that they were called serfs rather then slaves.. does not change the fact that they were slaves. They were property to be own and sold like cattle and were bound by force to their land, leaving it being a death sentence like any other slave escaping the property he is working on. And then whites enslaved by african and arabs for centuries. For centuries muslim african and arabs raided european coasts burning raping murdering looting enslaving. What's been attributed to "vikings" (of course gotta blame the aryan pagans as always...) in pop culture.. it was instead done by africans and arabs. Why did France conquer North Africa for instance in the 19th century ? It was done to stop african and arab slavers from raiding looting murdering enslaving raping etc european populations. Its been proven african colonies were a money hole. France wasnt built on "african blood" it was rather France was subsidizing africans to stop acting like they used to act... France built North Africa's modern infrastructure by sending money every year not the opposite. France didnt benefit from contorlling North Africa apart from stopping constant murderous slaver raids.. who should not be happening in the first place.
It's been said already jews are the ones who enslaved africans not whites. Yes in that jews operated the slave trade like they always operate any human traffic trade, but in reality it's primarily africans enslaved africans for a quick buck to sell to jews. And also arab muslims enslaved africans for centuries and still today over 30 million africans are slaves in arab countries and considered lower then animals.. nobody talks about that because the whole game is about blaming whites and getting free gurbs out of whites. Abusing the kindness and empathetic disposition of whites. The reality is we whites as a whole race not only did not benefit at all from contact with the black race but we always ended up overall the ones paying or working for it, while blacks usually end up benefitting hugely in undue ways (see today's "positive discrimination" in workplace, education systems and in welfare given to them...) Even slavery in america (ran by jews) has been nothing but damaging for us.. it's worsened the living conditions of white workers substantially by introducing unfair economical competition, then it was one of the motives for whites killing each other during a war. Whites worked to free blacks, we were repayed in kind by blacks killing us whenever they can Haiti style (always whenever whites have power in a country blacks end up well off, whenever blacks have power we can killed by them). [https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/01/the-true-story-of-haiti-and-the-mass-murder-of-whites-under-black-rule/]. They also did it in the South after the American Civil War. Now they are doing in the South Africa as well. Anyways on top of all that, having blacks in our countries turned them into multicultural hellholes and hugely damaged our own racial integrity.. while for blacks they mostly got "upgraded" with better genes and higher IQ. See America today vs what it was intended to be (an aryan sanctuary). Europe today getting invaded from the duplicity of blacks and arabs who are in bed with jews etc. The reasons are endless for the simple fact that not only whites do not own anything to blacks as a race, but by all means and by the laws of natural justice blacks are indebted to us. Since we are a very humane and reasonable race we can settle this with simply blacks going their own way to build their own countries aka we not dealing with all their problems anymore for them. But that's simply because we are understanding and not much into enslaving people to make them repay us and out of consideration that blacks are of Satan even tho by their behaviour it may often seem superficially that they really are not. Besides its proven having blacks among us is only problems and it's leading to race mixing and furthering our own degeneration.
So to wrap this up. Many might be shocked by what Aquarius said. But really he didn't say anything shocking in substance, sure he said it in a attention grabbing way but thats simply to grab attention. I also say all sorts of stuff in an attention grabbing way because its one way to wake up lethargic people who are set in their way that maybe there is something that they need to wake up to. Rather our own people are out of touch with reality and also our black comrades here might not understand why some of us (those more woke to the depth of the subject) might be expressing this kind of ideas. Its simply that most of our people are in such a lethargy that they are for all intents and purposes much lower then animals (even animals defend themselves, even a cat will claw when cornered, even a dog will defend its home and pack) and the ones who aren't.. are simply expressing reaction to the extreme situation our race is in. Extremes call for extremes. But mostly it's just frustration and expressing pent up frustration. I have touched on the subject a bit recently saying how it feels impossible to talk about black race honestly, to which HP HC wrote a great reply in his acerbic tone enjoyable to read, so peculiar to him. It often feels (and felt even here at times) like blacks are holy and beyond any criticism. It's not possible to have any reasonable public conversation in the "real world" anyone trying might get killed by both blacks going apeshit.. and by white sjw and antifa types. This impossibility of being able to talk about it is whats causing frustration among people who realize there are some serious issues there that need to be handled honestly.
Yes blacks can (potentially) be with Satan as a whole and not be a hostile force acting against us. Thats not the case for kikes for instance who are always gonna be our ennemies.
But then again we could extrapolate all sorts of good things. In french there is an idiom that I will translate here : "with IF's we could put Paris in a bottle". That means : yes if you extrapolate and keep extrapolating you could potentially make anything seem to work in idea. But simply that's not how reality is and there is no point doing it, because thats just lying to oneself and being blind to how reality really is.
Let me also mention it, I have been censored for much less then that post in the past (hopefully this goes through), Im simply pointing the fact and Im happy we are going towards less censoring of our own people and more censoring of enemy BS. Because at one time I really felt that enemies (and especially the professional help asking psychic vampires types) are allowed to push BS for a long while before even they might be called out while I (probably others too, who knows, like if posts never appear then there is no proof there was censoring) could only say so much thats considered acceptable and anything else was risking disappearing or never even appearing on forums... Thats actually the main reason I was not around for months. I had simply enough of not knowing when my posts are gonna be approved or when they are gonna seem too polemic or going against the current flow... it felt only thing okay was answering questions and posting positive approval comments. Its not like I personally actually benefit from forums do I.. I basically never ask for questions on my own let alone asking for any help..
Aquarius said:
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.

We can't blame only the blacks just because they are in Europe. You basically take the jews who brought them here out of equation. Exaclty the same happened in America. Jews brought black slaves in US (forcibly I assume). Whose fault is? Actually the same happened in Europe, due to the artificially created "refugee crisis", the jews flooded Europe with blacks. It wasn't 100% their initiative to flood Europe and mix it until destruction. Personally I can't stand people who race mix, I hate them irrespective of their race, in rest, as long as those blacks stay with their own race and act like normal decent persons, there is no reason to hate them just because they are here. Obviously there are savage pedophiles, rapers and murders among them like among whites also but that's a different story. What needs to be done to clean the trash that jews created, is to encourage and help them to go back to their nations and to live decent and peaceful lives there. This will be possible when the jews will be ripped of any power they have.
I often think about the videos I've seen of swarms of black immigrants that literally stampede into white countries and just wish they'd fucking realize just what in the hell they're really doing. Not only are these niggers, a word of which I use only for the black devolved lapdogs of the jews, slowly wiping out whites but incidentally they're wiping out blacks too. I have great respect for the black race, the ones who are awake and aware, the ones who refuse to be the indirect slaves of the jew's plan for a 'jew world order'.

The real and uncorrupted members of the black race have a sense of honour and code of ethics of which I really admire, this admiration of such qualities might stem from my past life as one of the pagan templar knights but it's the very real truth; they know how to lead their people when the enemy isn't holding them back and they know what empowers them. They are a very powerful people in leadership of their kin, direction, physicality and many other attributes of strength. The blacks may not be able to defeat the jews with the extinction of whites, but right now we whites know well enough that among the three races the blacks are our strongest ally and defeating the jew will be unfathomably difficult and strenuous without them fighting with us.

Which is why I'm glad you magnificent bastards are here with us and I'd have it no other way. Right now you guys are the ones capable of directing your race towards the truth, you are most qualified even above us to encourage your kin to see what goes on behind the lies of the jew. Because we both know damn well they're not gonna listen to 'evil whitey'.

I truly long for you guys to thrive in good health the way Satan meant for you just as much as I do for my own race. We'll get through this shitshow together, all three of us.
Sinistra said:
HPS Shannon said:
Aquarius said:
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.

I understand how you feel and we all know all know the situation with Europe and the forced invasion by the Jews, it angers me too but what you wrote was not necessary in that manner. Thanks.

I can see where you are both coming from. Aryans are the most tolerant and sympathetic race on earth. But extremes create extremes. So extreme aggression against our race is bound to create extreme reactions. Be it the full on cucks of multiCULTuralism. Or the (more sane but also which can have its own pitfalls) warrior reaction of hating the ones who decided to be one's ennemies and to violently attack one's homeland and people. It's true that the black race is currently our enemy. Not because it is in the nature of both our races to be eternal enemies (like gentiles vs jews) but simply because of the destructive behaviour of aggression of most of the black race towards us and their serving the agenda of the enemy (knowingly or not). It does not mean either that this benefits blacks themselves as a whole on the long run, since they are simply used as "useful idiots" to be discarded later, same as the enemy using other groups be it LGBT's or nuu agers or xtians etc. We have to clean up the world on all levels and this includes cleaning up our own race in depth. We have a lot of issues as well. Ideally blacks should clean up their own race in the same way according to the guidance of the Gods. Blacks also need sensible and reasonable leadership among themselves.
We can't make extrapolations of few cases. The fact that HPS Shannon and other blacks here are reasonable and wise human beings that can be communicated with.. Does not mean every black is. In the same way nobody should claim "all whites are moral or superior or good or whatever" we have all sorts of degenerates of the worse sort as well. The difference seems to be that it's easier for aryans who are healthy in mind recognizing and blaming the worse elements of our own race.. but it seems much harder for blacks to do the same. In a way we can be harsh on others because we are harsh on ourselves. So we aren't hypocritical. Yes there are niggers and we call that the worst elements of the black race.. the ones who rape murder and shit in the streets. Does this mean we won't also be harsh towards our own degenerate elements. Of course we will be harsh towards our own degenerate elements. These race traitors and scum humiliate us as a race and we should destroy them. Unfortunately for them decent black people seem to generally have a hard time distancing themselves from the worse of their race. The thing is we whites get constant attacks on our integrity as a race (which is the agenda of jews but jews are not the only ones doing it) including for instance on the hoax that we enslaved blacks and owe blacks anything. Black slavery is simply used same way as holocau$t is used against us. The reality is the most enslaved race in history is the white race. For instance over 90% of the white race was enslaved during the whole middle ages (like almost a thousand years). The fact that they were called serfs rather then slaves.. does not change the fact that they were slaves. They were property to be own and sold like cattle and were bound by force to their land, leaving it being a death sentence like any other slave escaping the property he is working on. And then whites enslaved by african and arabs for centuries. For centuries muslim african and arabs raided european coasts burning raping murdering looting enslaving. What's been attributed to "vikings" (of course gotta blame the aryan pagans as always...) in pop culture.. it was instead done by africans and arabs. Why did France conquer North Africa for instance in the 19th century ? It was done to stop african and arab slavers from raiding looting murdering enslaving raping etc european populations. Its been proven african colonies were a money hole. France wasnt built on "african blood" it was rather France was subsidizing africans to stop acting like they used to act... France built North Africa's modern infrastructure by sending money every year not the opposite. France didnt benefit from contorlling North Africa apart from stopping constant murderous slaver raids.. who should not be happening in the first place.
It's been said already jews are the ones who enslaved africans not whites. Yes in that jews operated the slave trade like they always operate any human traffic trade, but in reality it's primarily africans enslaved africans for a quick buck to sell to jews. And also arab muslims enslaved africans for centuries and still today over 30 million africans are slaves in arab countries and considered lower then animals.. nobody talks about that because the whole game is about blaming whites and getting free gurbs out of whites. Abusing the kindness and empathetic disposition of whites. The reality is we whites as a whole race not only did not benefit at all from contact with the black race but we always ended up overall the ones paying or working for it, while blacks usually end up benefitting hugely in undue ways (see today's "positive discrimination" in workplace, education systems and in welfare given to them...) Even slavery in america (ran by jews) has been nothing but damaging for us.. it's worsened the living conditions of white workers substantially by introducing unfair economical competition, then it was one of the motives for whites killing each other during a war. Whites worked to free blacks, we were repayed in kind by blacks killing us whenever they can Haiti style (always whenever whites have power in a country blacks end up well off, whenever blacks have power we can killed by them). [https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/01/the-true-story-of-haiti-and-the-mass-murder-of-whites-under-black-rule/]. They also did it in the South after the American Civil War. Now they are doing in the South Africa as well. Anyways on top of all that, having blacks in our countries turned them into multicultural hellholes and hugely damaged our own racial integrity.. while for blacks they mostly got "upgraded" with better genes and higher IQ. See America today vs what it was intended to be (an aryan sanctuary). Europe today getting invaded from the duplicity of blacks and arabs who are in bed with jews etc. The reasons are endless for the simple fact that not only whites do not own anything to blacks as a race, but by all means and by the laws of natural justice blacks are indebted to us. Since we are a very humane and reasonable race we can settle this with simply blacks going their own way to build their own countries aka we not dealing with all their problems anymore for them. But that's simply because we are understanding and not much into enslaving people to make them repay us and out of consideration that blacks are of Satan even tho by their behaviour it may often seem superficially that they really are not. Besides its proven having blacks among us is only problems and it's leading to race mixing and furthering our own degeneration.
So to wrap this up. Many might be shocked by what Aquarius said. But really he didn't say anything shocking in substance, sure he said it in a attention grabbing way but thats simply to grab attention. I also say all sorts of stuff in an attention grabbing way because its one way to wake up lethargic people who are set in their way that maybe there is something that they need to wake up to. Rather our own people are out of touch with reality and also our black comrades here might not understand why some of us (those more woke to the depth of the subject) might be expressing this kind of ideas. Its simply that most of our people are in such a lethargy that they are for all intents and purposes much lower then animals (even animals defend themselves, even a cat will claw when cornered, even a dog will defend its home and pack) and the ones who aren't.. are simply expressing reaction to the extreme situation our race is in. Extremes call for extremes. But mostly it's just frustration and expressing pent up frustration. I have touched on the subject a bit recently saying how it feels impossible to talk about black race honestly, to which HP HC wrote a great reply in his acerbic tone enjoyable to read, so peculiar to him. It often feels (and felt even here at times) like blacks are holy and beyond any criticism. It's not possible to have any reasonable public conversation in the "real world" anyone trying might get killed by both blacks going apeshit.. and by white sjw and antifa types. This impossibility of being able to talk about it is whats causing frustration among people who realize there are some serious issues there that need to be handled honestly.
Yes blacks can (potentially) be with Satan as a whole and not be a hostile force acting against us. Thats not the case for kikes for instance who are always gonna be our ennemies.
But then again we could extrapolate all sorts of good things. In french there is an idiom that I will translate here : "with IF's we could put Paris in a bottle". That means : yes if you extrapolate and keep extrapolating you could potentially make anything seem to work in idea. But simply that's not how reality is and there is no point doing it, because thats just lying to oneself and being blind to how reality really is.
Let me also mention it, I have been censored for much less then that post in the past (hopefully this goes through), Im simply pointing the fact and Im happy we are going towards less censoring of our own people and more censoring of enemy BS. Because at one time I really felt that enemies (and especially the professional help asking psychic vampires types) are allowed to push BS for a long while before even they might be called out while I (probably others too, who knows, like if posts never appear then there is no proof there was censoring) could only say so much thats considered acceptable and anything else was risking disappearing or never even appearing on forums... Thats actually the main reason I was not around for months. I had simply enough of not knowing when my posts are gonna be approved or when they are gonna seem too polemic or going against the current flow... it felt only thing okay was answering questions and posting positive approval comments. Its not like I personally actually benefit from forums do I.. I basically never ask for questions on my own let alone asking for any help..

You are mentioning things I already know. I still do not respect what Aqiarius said because I can say that I hate a big portion of the white race in Europe who are acting like weak spineless cucks and "saints" and basically self exterminating themeselves. But no, I dont because I know the real root of the problem and its not entirely their fault. Its the same thing.

And by the way, you not being on the forums much only hurts you and no one else, I cant speak for that.

The situation with blacks and whites are all because of Jews, its sad what has happened to the white race but this wouldnt have happened if the Jew wasnt around, just like they have raped Africa and lowered the black race. They are to blame. Period.

And by the way, you want to expand on what you mean by "upgraded" and better genes? Its a relative thing. So explain...

HPS Shannon said:
Sinistra said:
HPS Shannon said:
I understand how you feel and we all know all know the situation with Europe and the forced invasion by the Jews, it angers me too but what you wrote was not necessary in that manner. Thanks.

I can see where you are both coming from. Aryans are the most tolerant and sympathetic race on earth. But extremes create extremes. So extreme aggression against our race is bound to create extreme reactions. Be it the full on cucks of multiCULTuralism. Or the (more sane but also which can have its own pitfalls) warrior reaction of hating the ones who decided to be one's ennemies and to violently attack one's homeland and people. It's true that the black race is currently our enemy. Not because it is in the nature of both our races to be eternal enemies (like gentiles vs jews) but simply because of the destructive behaviour of aggression of most of the black race towards us and their serving the agenda of the enemy (knowingly or not). It does not mean either that this benefits blacks themselves as a whole on the long run, since they are simply used as "useful idiots" to be discarded later, same as the enemy using other groups be it LGBT's or nuu agers or xtians etc. We have to clean up the world on all levels and this includes cleaning up our own race in depth. We have a lot of issues as well. Ideally blacks should clean up their own race in the same way according to the guidance of the Gods. Blacks also need sensible and reasonable leadership among themselves.
We can't make extrapolations of few cases. The fact that HPS Shannon and other blacks here are reasonable and wise human beings that can be communicated with.. Does not mean every black is. In the same way nobody should claim "all whites are moral or superior or good or whatever" we have all sorts of degenerates of the worse sort as well. The difference seems to be that it's easier for aryans who are healthy in mind recognizing and blaming the worse elements of our own race.. but it seems much harder for blacks to do the same. In a way we can be harsh on others because we are harsh on ourselves. So we aren't hypocritical. Yes there are niggers and we call that the worst elements of the black race.. the ones who rape murder and shit in the streets. Does this mean we won't also be harsh towards our own degenerate elements. Of course we will be harsh towards our own degenerate elements. These race traitors and scum humiliate us as a race and we should destroy them. Unfortunately for them decent black people seem to generally have a hard time distancing themselves from the worse of their race. The thing is we whites get constant attacks on our integrity as a race (which is the agenda of jews but jews are not the only ones doing it) including for instance on the hoax that we enslaved blacks and owe blacks anything. Black slavery is simply used same way as holocau$t is used against us. The reality is the most enslaved race in history is the white race. For instance over 90% of the white race was enslaved during the whole middle ages (like almost a thousand years). The fact that they were called serfs rather then slaves.. does not change the fact that they were slaves. They were property to be own and sold like cattle and were bound by force to their land, leaving it being a death sentence like any other slave escaping the property he is working on. And then whites enslaved by african and arabs for centuries. For centuries muslim african and arabs raided european coasts burning raping murdering looting enslaving. What's been attributed to "vikings" (of course gotta blame the aryan pagans as always...) in pop culture.. it was instead done by africans and arabs. Why did France conquer North Africa for instance in the 19th century ? It was done to stop african and arab slavers from raiding looting murdering enslaving raping etc european populations. Its been proven african colonies were a money hole. France wasnt built on "african blood" it was rather France was subsidizing africans to stop acting like they used to act... France built North Africa's modern infrastructure by sending money every year not the opposite. France didnt benefit from contorlling North Africa apart from stopping constant murderous slaver raids.. who should not be happening in the first place.
It's been said already jews are the ones who enslaved africans not whites. Yes in that jews operated the slave trade like they always operate any human traffic trade, but in reality it's primarily africans enslaved africans for a quick buck to sell to jews. And also arab muslims enslaved africans for centuries and still today over 30 million africans are slaves in arab countries and considered lower then animals.. nobody talks about that because the whole game is about blaming whites and getting free gurbs out of whites. Abusing the kindness and empathetic disposition of whites. The reality is we whites as a whole race not only did not benefit at all from contact with the black race but we always ended up overall the ones paying or working for it, while blacks usually end up benefitting hugely in undue ways (see today's "positive discrimination" in workplace, education systems and in welfare given to them...) Even slavery in america (ran by jews) has been nothing but damaging for us.. it's worsened the living conditions of white workers substantially by introducing unfair economical competition, then it was one of the motives for whites killing each other during a war. Whites worked to free blacks, we were repayed in kind by blacks killing us whenever they can Haiti style (always whenever whites have power in a country blacks end up well off, whenever blacks have power we can killed by them). [https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/01/the-true-story-of-haiti-and-the-mass-murder-of-whites-under-black-rule/]. They also did it in the South after the American Civil War. Now they are doing in the South Africa as well. Anyways on top of all that, having blacks in our countries turned them into multicultural hellholes and hugely damaged our own racial integrity.. while for blacks they mostly got "upgraded" with better genes and higher IQ. See America today vs what it was intended to be (an aryan sanctuary). Europe today getting invaded from the duplicity of blacks and arabs who are in bed with jews etc. The reasons are endless for the simple fact that not only whites do not own anything to blacks as a race, but by all means and by the laws of natural justice blacks are indebted to us. Since we are a very humane and reasonable race we can settle this with simply blacks going their own way to build their own countries aka we not dealing with all their problems anymore for them. But that's simply because we are understanding and not much into enslaving people to make them repay us and out of consideration that blacks are of Satan even tho by their behaviour it may often seem superficially that they really are not. Besides its proven having blacks among us is only problems and it's leading to race mixing and furthering our own degeneration.
So to wrap this up. Many might be shocked by what Aquarius said. But really he didn't say anything shocking in substance, sure he said it in a attention grabbing way but thats simply to grab attention. I also say all sorts of stuff in an attention grabbing way because its one way to wake up lethargic people who are set in their way that maybe there is something that they need to wake up to. Rather our own people are out of touch with reality and also our black comrades here might not understand why some of us (those more woke to the depth of the subject) might be expressing this kind of ideas. Its simply that most of our people are in such a lethargy that they are for all intents and purposes much lower then animals (even animals defend themselves, even a cat will claw when cornered, even a dog will defend its home and pack) and the ones who aren't.. are simply expressing reaction to the extreme situation our race is in. Extremes call for extremes. But mostly it's just frustration and expressing pent up frustration. I have touched on the subject a bit recently saying how it feels impossible to talk about black race honestly, to which HP HC wrote a great reply in his acerbic tone enjoyable to read, so peculiar to him. It often feels (and felt even here at times) like blacks are holy and beyond any criticism. It's not possible to have any reasonable public conversation in the "real world" anyone trying might get killed by both blacks going apeshit.. and by white sjw and antifa types. This impossibility of being able to talk about it is whats causing frustration among people who realize there are some serious issues there that need to be handled honestly.
Yes blacks can (potentially) be with Satan as a whole and not be a hostile force acting against us. Thats not the case for kikes for instance who are always gonna be our ennemies.
But then again we could extrapolate all sorts of good things. In french there is an idiom that I will translate here : "with IF's we could put Paris in a bottle". That means : yes if you extrapolate and keep extrapolating you could potentially make anything seem to work in idea. But simply that's not how reality is and there is no point doing it, because thats just lying to oneself and being blind to how reality really is.
Let me also mention it, I have been censored for much less then that post in the past (hopefully this goes through), Im simply pointing the fact and Im happy we are going towards less censoring of our own people and more censoring of enemy BS. Because at one time I really felt that enemies (and especially the professional help asking psychic vampires types) are allowed to push BS for a long while before even they might be called out while I (probably others too, who knows, like if posts never appear then there is no proof there was censoring) could only say so much thats considered acceptable and anything else was risking disappearing or never even appearing on forums... Thats actually the main reason I was not around for months. I had simply enough of not knowing when my posts are gonna be approved or when they are gonna seem too polemic or going against the current flow... it felt only thing okay was answering questions and posting positive approval comments. Its not like I personally actually benefit from forums do I.. I basically never ask for questions on my own let alone asking for any help..

You are mentioning things I already know. I still do not respect what Aqiarius said because I can say that I hate a big portion of the white race in Europe who are acting like weak spineless cucks and "saints" and basically self exterminating themeselves. But no, I dont because I know the real root of the problem and its not entirely their fault. Its the same thing.

And by the way, you not being on the forums much only hurts you and no one else, I cant speak for that.

The situation with blacks and whites are all because of Jews, its sad what has happened to the white race but this wouldnt have happened if the Jew wasnt around, just like they have raped Africa and lowered the black race. They are to blame. Period.

And by the way, you want to expand on what you mean by "upgraded" and better genes? Its a relative thing. So explain...


And by the way, this whole black americans having some white blood therefore they are upgraded, have higher creative IQ, etc, etc makes no real difference or such a game changer since the ancient black people had their own intelligence and civilizations, and were much better than you see the shape of them today.

The situation in Africa being in the shape that it is are because of the Jews and overall degeneration, and Jewish debt and induced poverty. Azazel let this be known to me and that I should have more confidence in my race. He has lead to me great information and books on these things. So I'm not buying the whole blacks in America are better off because they have some white blood when they are suffering hard all over and still falling for and are brainwashed with the same Jewish crap that like all the other races of the world.

The only thing that really changes is high creative intelligence and that is one aspect. Creative intelligence is not the only standard here. There are blacks in Africa, like in Nigeria, the more elevated ones, outshining black americans in intellect and persistence and discipline and they are of the purer types. They usually do their schooling and further their education out of Africa to escape the Jewish induced insanity in Africa.

Just because blacks do not have the same level of creativity as whites does not mean that they are imperfect or failures.

Satan created us how we are and this whole "black americans mixed with some white blood has better genes" is crap since a race of any type has better genes when they are pure and not mixed-- nature doesnt make mistakes and neither does Satan. He intended for black gentiles to be how we are and so anyone can ask him why he made us the way he did if they have that big of a problem. He is the engineer.

And to clarify, any race with pure genes and who has reached godhead and perfected their soul had been upgraded and is made better. We are all working towards being upgraded and that goes for white gentiles too.

All blacks need to do, regardless if they have some white blood or not, is perfect and elevate their souls and higher intelligence and we will be made evolved in our own way; a perfect version of our race.

Blacks being made better with white genes is based on your own opinion and taste, and certainly not on the god's perspective. If that was the case they wouldnt even have been bothered creating non whites they way we are.

Blacks will find their own beauty and divinity. That is our creator's destiny for us.

The black nationalist Marcus Garvey was a great leader who tried to help the black race leave America and have our own land and self sufficiency economically and racially but the Jews STOPPED him and now we see this ecomomic mess with whites and blacks in America. Jews have been bringing blacks to our knees ever since, like with the welfare system and economic failure. Not our fault...
Aquarius said:
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.

Until the time cave people go back to Europe they will continue to be hated. Non white lands such as South Africa Australia and the Americas belong to non whites and albino rats are not allowed. You’re so superior but you’re being genocided. Lol
HPS Shannon said:
Sinistra said:
HPS Shannon said:
I understand how you feel and we all know all know the situation with Europe and the forced invasion by the Jews, it angers me too but what you wrote was not necessary in that manner. Thanks.

You are mentioning things I already know. I still do not respect what Aqiarius said because I can say that I hate a big portion of the white race in Europe who are acting like weak spineless cucks and "saints" and basically self exterminating themeselves. But no, I dont because I know the real root of the problem and its not entirely their fault. Its the same thing.

And by the way, you not being on the forums much only hurts you and no one else, I cant speak for that.

The situation with blacks and whites are all because of Jews, its sad what has happened to the white race but this wouldnt have happened if the Jew wasnt around, just like they have raped Africa and lowered the black race. They are to blame. Period.

And by the way, you want to expand on what you mean by "upgraded" and better genes? Its a relative thing. So explain...

I think the ones to blame are only the jews period. Then we can say that there is a lot of White and Blacks that act in a disgusting way and I don't particularly like these peoples but the jews are always to blame for this not the Blacks or Whites because they are highly brainwashed and spiritually dead. What Aquarius said was not quite right, the jews are to blame and these Blacks that are here its most of the time not their fault but the jews, they are forced to come here because of the jews (i assume you are talking of the illegal immigrants in Italy). Yes if they do really disgusting things they can be hated but its the jews fault.
:shock: WHAT THE FUCK?!
Sorry but why the fuck is this racist* abomination being tolerated here, in this NAZI SATANIC RACIALIST forum?!

Yes it's obvious there are worthless, filthy weaklings and betrayers in every gentile race too. Of course those shitty individuals deserve nothing but our hatred.
But generalizing and expanding it to every Black person (and to other non Whites I suppose) who live in White countries, is just too much.

Also I don't think it's a good idea to have such a hateful and extremist comment here. This is also such a thing what the enemy wants...
But this is not my forum.

Now I am not sure if I ever write any post later to this forum, at least for a while...

Thanks for Shannon for this important post and her replies.

* Unfortunately, it is so disgusting that I have to use this term when I am talking about a fellow satanist (?) who is allegedly dedicated...
The situation is the Jews have destroyed the African and Arab nations and are now importing the results into Europe. Now the Jews want to fully ruin Europe as Communism and Christianity have failed they also want to use Islam as the replacement control program.

The Whites in Europe most don't want this as the rise of Nationalist Parities show, however the migrant problem has been going in Europe for awhile. My Great Uncle told us back in the day of how it was dangerous to go out in the city in some areas as Whites as they could be attacked by the migrants for being White. He stated he didn't fight for England in the war to have it overrun now. He really felt betrayed he lost a lot of his friends in the war and almost lost his own life in the battles of the North Atlantic, the warship he served on in the Royal Navy was sunk by a German U-boat during a night attack on the convoys. Many of his friends were killed when the ship was struck, in the battles many men died by freezing to death in the waters or burned to death on the waves. My Great Uncle was lucky he got to a life boat in time but many of his friends didn't. That war was horrible but he believed it was for England.

The thing is the modern shitlib does not understand the European nations didn't fight the war because they wanted Europe to be replaced by the third world. They fought because they all believed they were fighting for their own People and nation to be free. They fought as Europeans for their own Europeanism.

I have been told many times by WW2 veterans that they realized too late in their life, Hitler was right and they regret being fooled into fighting against Hitler and his allies. I always wondered if my Great Uncle was one such person. It might have been too much to admit for him, but I wonder.

Europe in 2019 is the proof Hitler is right. Commander Rockwell was one such veteran he realized after the war that Hitler was right. He always stated he gave everything for National Socialism as repentance for fighting against Hitler during the war.

I believe the common threat that European Mankind is facing is bringing the European nations together as one great race to create a new and excellent future for European civilization. We will live to see the swastika fly over the capitals of Europe and our People free in the Fourth Reich. There will be no more brother wars between our noble and holy race. The great dream of the best of our race will be realized. Then we will reach for the stars and to new worlds to settle its the ultimate destiny of the Aryan.
As HPS Shannon has stated the Jews have ruined Africa the African nations are all run by the Jewish elites by the IMF and all the leaders of the African nations are as controlled as western ones. The Jews have set up these traitor classes over the African nations to turn them into third world plantation states and reduce the population to poverty and the structural violence of the Jewish system causes the situation in these nations. Gaddafi, tried to free the African nations from this and look what the Rothschild did to him, the leaders of the African nations showed they are owned when they all universally opposed Gaddafi and his attempts to liberate Africa economically and move Africa into prosperity. The areas in Africa where the leaders the Tribal Kings held on the resources the standard of living are high. Africa is also dominated by the Catholic Church and other Christian dominations the Bible is full of curses on Black People that they tie into with on their souls from Christian indoctrination. Africa has already fought their own version of the European style world war and guess Jew is always behind such. The wars have ruined much of Africa.

That being stated that is not an excuse for the rude and criminal behaviour of the Black migrants in Europe. If a person is a guest in another's nation that has taken them in. They have a moral duty to behave in a respectful and decent fashion. If not they deserve what they get. Its strange to me if I was refugee in another nation I would be grateful and respectful of the People of the nation and do what I could to give back and show my gratitude.
American Blacks, are in a situation of the Jews. The Jews brought them by force to American and forced them into Christianity, this has always been the problem, its the Jewish Christianity and the Jews. The Jews then destroyed the Black community with Communism with desegregation which allowed the Jews to wipe out the economic stability of the Black communities and dissolved the Black professional class out and then the Jewish Mossad brought the drugs into the devested Black communities. Then from here came the gangs and the destroyed families and demoralization of the Black community. Then the Jews created the gang propaganda with their media. All the gangster rap acts where put together by Mossad connected Jews. And this was then promoted as the new dominate culture for the Black individual. The only solution Blacks are given to solve the problems of their community is then Jewish Communism which ruined them. And this all ties into Christianity and the Jewish curses on the Black soul and manifests to destroy the Black race.

Before Communism the Black community was stable with its own professional classes of doctors, lawyers, business class, professors and such and solid working class. The Jews destroyed all that.

I notice the Black Nationalists that return to what they call the Khemetic way and start spiritual practices are very different in their spiritual and thus moral characters. So in that the solution is obvious all American Blacks must return to this path with Spiritual Satanism. With such the remaining enemy dross in the Khemetic way will be gone and they will have the pure path.
That's my perspective and you have yours, that's fine and the important is we actually want the same for the black race (healthy separation in humane conditions). Part of getting there is allowing our white people to talk about the black situation openly. Or would it be better if it all goes down the drain in racial war ? Turner Diaries style ? So if whites win blacks would be exterminated and if blacks "win" that the whole world would be enslaved to jewtrix forever and blacks themselves liquidated eventually ? Thats a real threat and possibility because the enemy wants race war and if our people get a brutal awakening after years of brainwashing some might turn to that option, not to mention blacks overwhelmingly will play into the role jews want them to not realizing they are dooming themselves either way. We must be allowed to think and say being proud of ourselves which is healing and like catharsis in nature. White men built civilisation (now am I gonna get some crazy feminists on my ass saying what about women obviously women have done their part and even moreso in ancient pagan civiliations however white men are those who get trash talked perpetually) We could argue endlessly about whats better or whats not culturally or otherwise but as you said its not really fair to compare besides we have our own perceptions based on our racial belonging. You might see beautiful pagan enlightened cultures of noble blacks got destroyed by jews and now they get trashtalked without deserving it by some random whites on some forums.. I might see cannibal savages in jungle wearing animal skin and having primitive stone age level tools getting essentially free upgrade to information age technology and all the benefits along the way like access to potable water, electricity, clothing and education and reliable food sources (rather then suffering periodic starving crisis) and now abusing their hospitality in our own lands and creating endless problems (this is what I meant by saying something in a way to provoke, obviously Im trying to see both sides and I don't think all blacks are cannibal savages).. But what's the reality.. something in-between. Blacks had their enlightened cultures and they had their cannibal savages or the modern equivalent of rapist criminals who also shit in the streets (we got plenty of that in europe thanks to the jews emptying african prisons on us..).
HPS Shannon said:
And by the way, you not being on the forums much only hurts you and no one else, I cant speak for that.
What do you mean by it hurts me ? I joined Satanism because I truly believed the Gods deserve justice and were the good guys getting defamed endlessly by the criminal enemy after being so good to us, not to ask for goodies or to get "powers" "free money" "reputation" or "sex slave succubus" like so some idiots seem to... so why does it hurt me if Im not here.. not like I care about being politically correct or making plenty of friends or getting influence.. Im not comparing myself to others either or believing "im so important and shiiet". Im advancing at my pace and if others do it much faster well good for them I really don't care either way.
If anything Im saying at some point I felt frustrated because I noticed I had started to self censor out of the worry my posts would not go through.. and I hated being dishonest with myself and self censoring, so I just stopped posting and would read only (mostly only clergy posts yours included). But maybe you mean it's good for me to be around so I can feel more involved in Satanism in general ? Perhaps.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Aquarius said:
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.

I respected you until I read this and lost a good bit of that respect.

I think you need to reconsoder your stance on your fellow Black Gentiles, Aquarius. To do as you are suggesting in your post is directly blasphemous to Satan and the rest of us. You need to free your soul further, my sibling. This is apparent on the matter. As a white woman in a majority black community, i attest there is no reason for your hatred here but ignorance, and we abhor that here as you already know.

Do you hate our black gods? Then why hate our black brothers and sisters? To me this makes no sense and any logical SS should too see it this way.

Greatly disappointed in someone I thought had their shit straight. Hopefully you can reverse the enemy brain washing that has caused you this blunder. Please, for the love of the Gods....don't be that kind of racist.

I think he means basically that he hates the invaders of his own country and this is nothing strange really, this evokes hate. We are also hated if and when we went into Black territories. If you saw some of the things happening in Europe now you would quickly feel extreme amounts of hatred. And this is backed up by reality.

I do not hold every black person I meet in the same regard I hold HPS Shannon or my black SS brothers here, that would be insanity.

We have to treat the average as the average and the excellent as the excellent.

I hope one day the Black people will be on a different baseline more in the form of HPS Shannon and other SS here and I hope that you will lead them and awaken them to that regard. It will happen, but we have to take the enemy down first. From there on it's a matter of a couple centuries.

I also hope Whites will start looking more like the greater form of ourselves and not like a lot of garbage which in my honest opinion deserves hatred as one hates the sickness on their own (racial in this case) limb.
Sinistra as you can see above the facts that are presented are not emotional but historical and actual facts, so emotions aside, one has to understand this and at least take it to some consideration. I allowed the post so you can vent.

HPS Shannon and HP Mageson have related facts, and facts are facts.

In my personal math 100 race traitors and "white" shabbos goyim who live to assist jews willingly, do not account to 1 black person who is awakened and is actually fighting the real enemy of humanity by warfare and developing themselves.

All your wall of text is underplaying some of these and then speaking on one side of the mouth understanding what the meritocracy of individuals is and then trashing a whole people based on the inferiors they send in Europe. SS are superior due to the fact of awakening and we are set forth by default.

What they send in Europe is not the civilized Africans either, it's emptied Somalian prisons and the worst of the worst.

Anyway to vent is very important as because people NEVER communicate on these subjects (The jew dismisses all communication as "RACISM" and "HATE") then people go on hating and hating, and the vicious circle of hatred never ends.

It was a terrific site for me to see European capitals literally taken over as if annexed by jews and their allies, but despite of in how many Muslim or Black people's faces you shout, this creates nothing but what the jew already had planned in the first place - war of Gentiles against Gentiles, delaying everyone and wasting our power, rendering us incapable of dealing with the jew who is at the center of this.

We don't have time to do the small fight and find the small justice, we have to take out the major enemy first, and then things will settle down on their own.
Sinistra said:
That's my perspective and you have yours, that's fine and the important is we actually want the same for the black race (healthy separation in humane conditions). Part of getting there is allowing our white people to talk about the black situation openly. Or would it be better if it all goes down the drain in racial war ? Turner Diaries style ? So if whites win blacks would be exterminated and if blacks "win" that the whole world would be enslaved to jewtrix forever and blacks themselves liquidated eventually ? Thats a real threat and possibility because the enemy wants race war and if our people get a brutal awakening after years of brainwashing some might turn to that option, not to mention blacks overwhelmingly will play into the role jews want them to not realizing they are dooming themselves either way. We must be allowed to think and say being proud of ourselves which is healing and like catharsis in nature. White men built civilisation (now am I gonna get some crazy feminists on my ass saying what about women obviously women have done their part and even moreso in ancient pagan civiliations however white men are those who get trash talked perpetually) We could argue endlessly about whats better or whats not culturally or otherwise but as you said its not really fair to compare besides we have our own perceptions based on our racial belonging. You might see beautiful pagan enlightened cultures of noble blacks got destroyed by jews and now they get trashtalked without deserving it by some random whites on some forums.. I might see cannibal savages in jungle wearing animal skin and having primitive stone age level tools getting essentially free upgrade to information age technology and all the benefits along the way like access to potable water, electricity, clothing and education and reliable food sources (rather then suffering periodic starving crisis) and now abusing their hospitality in our own lands and creating endless problems (this is what I meant by saying something in a way to provoke, obviously Im trying to see both sides and I don't think all blacks are cannibal savages).. But what's the reality.. something in-between. Blacks had their enlightened cultures and they had their cannibal savages or the modern equivalent of rapist criminals who also shit in the streets (we got plenty of that in europe thanks to the jews emptying african prisons on us..).

Actually there are more cases of cannibalism in Europe such as vlad the impaler and when Europeans came to Jamestown Virginia. Also most of Africa is grasslands out of the top ten jungles only 1 or 2 are in Africa https://www.stridetravel.com/blogs/top-10-most-amazing-jungles-in-the-world.html

There are ruins of palaces and mansions with toilets in kilwa east Africa and the town houses in medieval Timbuktu were two stories and has toilets. The ruins of tichit walata show they had well defined streets also the city of Benin was advanced. In Timbuktu there’s evidence they studied astronomy and in Nubia there are more pyramids than in Egypt also they invented their own language. And the city of kilwa had ships that they used to travel to China and the Middle East. Also the kingdom of Mali had ships they used to sail the seas some say to the Americas
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Aquarius said:
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.

I respected you until I read this and lost a good bit of that respect.

I think you need to reconsoder your stance on your fellow Black Gentiles, Aquarius. To do as you are suggesting in your post is directly blasphemous to Satan and the rest of us. You need to free your soul further, my sibling. This is apparent on the matter. As a white woman in a majority black community, i attest there is no reason for your hatred here but ignorance, and we abhor that here as you already know.

Do you hate our black gods? Then why hate our black brothers and sisters? To me this makes no sense and any logical SS should too see it this way.

Greatly disappointed in someone I thought had their shit straight. Hopefully you can reverse the enemy brain washing that has caused you this blunder. Please, for the love of the Gods....don't be that kind of racist.
Because what we need on these forums is more social justice and muh feelings outrage and less honest discussions....

How shall I put it.. perhaps if you care so much about the Gods then maybe try to understand their own position and what wisdom we can understand from them that's applicable at our own level... rather then including them in a SJW type rant about how your feelings got hurt...

Aquarius is kind of infamous here to give replies in a short and brutal way. That's simply his style generally. Sometimes he may come off as unfair or mean according to some. But maybe try to see the reasons for his point of view ? What does he say in substance (not in form). He says he wants separation of races. What's wrong with that.

So what are you gonna reply to niggers not accepted ? Hate the sin love the sinners ? Don't hate the rapist hate the rape ? Do you realize that would make you a (sad joke) of a meme of sjw white woman.... that's xtianity 101 for white goyim. "Live and let live, don't judge, don't hate."

I say yes criminals should not accepted in a healthy society. And also that the more successful blacks will be in cleaning up their own kind the more they will be respected and appreciated in a healthy world and the better and more cordial their relations will be to us.

This feeling of inferiority that has been mentioned, it's real roots are likely in the unconscious realization of the bad situation their own race is. Of its degeneration, like HPS Shannon said. That's the actual reason for inferiority feeling in blacks but as long as they have this jew induced PTSD mentality of "we united against evil white oppressors" they won't be able to free themselves.

The cure is first of all distancing yourselves from the bad elements among yourselves on a mental basis. Recognizing that you have terrible apples among you and that they are not your brothers but scum in the same way that we whites have all sorts of scum that are not our aryan brothers but are lowly scum that we need to dispose of.

In the same way that let's say gays here.. shouldn't be offended from remarks about how LGBTs are promoting degeneracy at every level and the enemy agenda. That doesn't mean our SS brothers and sisters do obviously.

So first is mental separation that YOU as mentally sane blacks aren't like ghetto criminals and decide you want nothing to do with them or be associated with them. Second step is actual cleaning up your race of its worse elements.
Cowboy123 said:
Sinistra said:

Actually there are more cases of cannibalism in Europe such as vlad the impaler and when Europeans came to Jamestown Virginia. Also most of Africa is grasslands out of the top ten jungles only 1 or 2 are in Africa https://www.stridetravel.com/blogs/top-10-most-amazing-jungles-in-the-world.html

You would rather say RECORDED cases of cannibalism, in this case. As in Africa you have a lot of unrecorded to this very day, it's a consistent phenomenon in some areas, especially those who are under the grip of strange beings (rooted in Judaism ironically) that instruct them to do cannibalism rituals such as the jews are doing. These may also include babies.

I don't remember where this video was, but it was about a place in Africa which was literally instructed by Rabbis to eat human meat. Sinnead McCarthy has posted on about this years ago, eating of human hearts. The jews literally went there and taught people Cannibalism, and then instantly Judaism.

The same thing has happened everywhere by the jews not solely on Africa, but also in India, their egregore has a fascination with burning human flesh and innocents being burned alive. The Torah instructs them to do such rituals.

Jews have unfortunately taught criminal spirituality to more than a few people. I remember a video of a guru named Sadhguru and he stated that in India there are still some sects that do blood sacrifices and rituals, and he said that this is retarded and it was brought by "SOME" people there, sort of like a lingering plague.

Reptilians and greys demand sacrifices from people this is well known, they want people sacrificed for their enjoyment. The Old Testament is filled with this stuff.
Whites have been in the America's for thousands of years the Viracocha's that built the ancient Central and South American cultures were stated to be Whites and the images of them show Whites, they have found hundreds of ancient White mummies in the Andes. The Amerindian tribes that came into North America in their histories report running into tribes of tall White people who have lived their for centuries. There were still White tribes living along the Pacific coast into the time of the European settlers. That had lived there for thousands of years. This is why the most ancient burial grounds found in America going back over five thousand years are of Whites. The Whites were known to have been in North American several thousand years before Amerindians. When Europeans came they found whole tribes of Whites on the Atlantic coast as well some of them were mixed with Amerindians. One tribe lived in a community that spoke a Gaelic language. Many of them were killed off by the Catholic Spanish for being heathens.

The fact is much of the North American region was uninhabited lands with small tribal nations living here and there. The Amerindians were fighting each other in constant tribal wars for thousands of years and exterminating the losers. Many of the areas the Europeans settled were not inhabited by anyone. And most Europeans and Amerindians lived for the most part peacefully till the King Georges war, from reports which was started by Jewsuits. The Whites did fight the Amerindians in wars but that is mainly due to Amerindian tribes not respecting treaties and attempting to raid the White regions for the amount of goods they had. Which is what Amerindian tribes did to each other all the time. Because the way in which Amerindians fought wars which involved massacring women and children. The Whites would naturally want revenge and drive them out and pay them back the same.

South Africa was not inhabited either, the English settled it and then brought the Blacks into the region as a work force. Your arguments are based on Jewish cultural Marxist ideologies. The same Jews that murdered their way thought Central and South America to build their new Zionist homeland using there control of the Catholic Church and using Spanish mercenaries. Then blame Whitey for everything.

Cowboy123 said:
Until the time cave people go back to Europe they will continue to be hated. Non white lands such as South Africa Australia and the Americas belong to non whites and albino rats are not allowed. You’re so superior but you’re being genocided. Lol
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cowboy123 said:
Sinistra said:

Actually there are more cases of cannibalism in Europe such as vlad the impaler and when Europeans came to Jamestown Virginia. Also most of Africa is grasslands out of the top ten jungles only 1 or 2 are in Africa https://www.stridetravel.com/blogs/top-10-most-amazing-jungles-in-the-world.html

You would rather say RECORDED cases of cannibalism, in this case. As in Africa you have a lot of unrecorded to this very day, it's a consistent phenomenon in some areas, especially those who are under the grip of strange beings (rooted in Judaism ironically) that instruct them to do cannibalism rituals such as the jews are doing. These may also include babies.

I don't remember where this video was, but it was about a place in Africa which was literally instructed by Rabbis to eat human meat. Sinnead McCarthy has posted on about this years ago, eating of human hearts. The jews literally went there and taught people Cannibalism, and then instantly Judaism.

The same thing has happened everywhere by the jews not solely on Africa, but also in India, their egregore has a fascination with burning human flesh and innocents being burned alive. The Torah instructs them to do such rituals.

Jews have unfortunately taught criminal spirituality to more than a few people. I remember a video of a guru named Sadhguru and he stated that in India there are still some sects that do blood sacrifices and rituals, and he said that this is retarded and it was brought by "SOME" people there, sort of like a lingering plague.

Reptilians and greys demand sacrifices from people this is well known, they want people sacrificed for their enjoyment. The Old Testament is filled with this stuff.

The same thing happened to voodoo especially Haitian voodoo
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cowboy123 said:
Sinistra said:

Actually there are more cases of cannibalism in Europe such as vlad the impaler and when Europeans came to Jamestown Virginia. Also most of Africa is grasslands out of the top ten jungles only 1 or 2 are in Africa https://www.stridetravel.com/blogs/top-10-most-amazing-jungles-in-the-world.html

You would rather say RECORDED cases of cannibalism, in this case. As in Africa you have a lot of unrecorded to this very day, it's a consistent phenomenon in some areas, especially those who are under the grip of strange beings (rooted in Judaism ironically) that instruct them to do cannibalism rituals such as the jews are doing. These may also include babies.

I don't remember where this video was, but it was about a place in Africa which was literally instructed by Rabbis to eat human meat. Sinnead McCarthy has posted on about this years ago, eating of human hearts. The jews literally went there and taught people Cannibalism, and then instantly Judaism.

The same thing has happened everywhere by the jews not solely on Africa, but also in India, their egregore has a fascination with burning human flesh and innocents being burned alive. The Torah instructs them to do such rituals.

Jews have unfortunately taught criminal spirituality to more than a few people. I remember a video of a guru named Sadhguru and he stated that in India there are still some sects that do blood sacrifices and rituals, and he said that this is retarded and it was brought by "SOME" people there, sort of like a lingering plague.

Reptilians and greys demand sacrifices from people this is well known, they want people sacrificed for their enjoyment. The Old Testament is filled with this stuff.

If you watch the show Vikings they portry the Norse pagans as doing blood sacrifices also
Cowboy123 said:
Aquarius said:
Until the time in which blacks will all be back in Africa and not degenerated anymore I will continue hating them and making them feel completely unwelcome here. White countries belong to whites only, and niggers are not accepted.
Don’t confuse this with me hating ALL blacks, there is respect for HP Shannon and our black SS comrades.

Until the time cave people go back to Europe they will continue to be hated. Non white lands such as South Africa Australia and the Americas belong to non whites and albino rats are not allowed. You’re so superior but you’re being genocided. Lol
I am not certain about South Africa (which I would say is a Black country), but North America is White originally, and I think Australia also is White originally. There is no "fourth Race" of Aborigines. I think this was explained somewhere before. Of course, Europe is White originally.

As for what Aquarius said (and I'm speaking to anyone/everyone here), take this example - if I came into your home and I demanded that you treat me as superior than you in your own home and at your expense, then you would be very upset about that, and especially so if I had "legal" BS to help me replace you in your own home. I don't expect that Aquarius hates Blacks (and Asians), but that he just hates non-Whites overrunning his own home (so to speak), town/city, country, continent. White areas are not non-Whites' home and non-Whites shouldn't be in White areas. Likewise, Black areas are not non-Blacks' home and non-Blacks shouldn't be in Black areas, and Asian areas are not non-Asians' home and non-Asians shouldn't be in Asian areas. Blacks should be Black Supermacist in Black areas, and Asians should be Asian Supremacist in Asian areas; Whites should be White Supermacist in White areas.

Let's take the White Nationalist or White Supermacist PDFs which are shared as examples - they have warnings that they are very pro-White and can be very offensive; are we to lose respect for the clergy who have uploaded and shared these for everyone to read? If we spend too much time together, then that becomes very unhealthy in many various different ways...very obviously. We each need our own space to breathe; hence, the national/continental separation of Races. You wouldn't put a cooker in the toilet/bathoom and the bath/shower in the garage/shed...
Cowboy123 said:
Actually there are more cases of cannibalism in Europe such as vlad the impaler and when Europeans came to Jamestown Virginia. Also most of Africa is grasslands out of the top ten jungles only 1 or 2 are in Africa https://www.stridetravel.com/blogs/top-10-most-amazing-jungles-in-the-world.html

There are ruins of palaces and mansions with toilets in kilwa east Africa and the town houses in medieval Timbuktu were two stories and has toilets. The ruins of tichit walata show they had well defined streets also the city of Benin was advanced. In Timbuktu there’s evidence they studied astronomy and in Nubia there are more pyramids than in Egypt also they invented their own language. And the city of kilwa had ships that they used to travel to China and the Middle East. Also the kingdom of Mali had ships they used to sail the seas some say to the Americas
Vlad defended aryans. Must be evil cannibalz, cause defending aryans is evil. Hitler defended aryans. Must be evil dictatorz and genocidal maniacz cause defending aryans is evil.
How about maybe these were jewish lies 101 out of yeshiva ?

Do you understand what's the point of impaling people ? Its very useful in reality. It sends a message which is "don't mess with me or my people or you'll get the same". That's a demonstration of strength and will, and especially of the resolved will to apply strength. Its like sending the head of an enemy envoy back in a fancy box after he insults your Gods and tries to force insulting terms of submission on you.

Vlad was simply a mentally healthy aryan ruler. But people seem so disconnected with reality these days. We need more Vlad type vigorous action (I did say I was slightly insane ) :cool:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
