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On marriage


Sep 21, 2017
I was reading this page on Himmler, and it stated that a man can marry multiple women. Is the reverse true as well?
I think that a women marrying multiple men would be bad, as determining the father of the children is hard!


Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler

Reichsführer Himmler on Christian marriage, 3rd May, 1943:

“Marriage as it is today is the evil work of the Catholic Church. Regarded dispassionately and without prejudice, our present marriage laws are absolutely immoral. The marriage laws of today, presumably designed to protect the family, in fact led to a decrease in the size of families. After the war…monogamy will cease to be enforced upon promiscuous mankind. The SS and the heroes of this war will have special privileges. They will immediately have the right to take a second wife, who shall be considered to be as legitimate as the first. The permission to have two wives will be a mark of distinction.
ss666 said:
I was reading this page on Himmler, and it stated that a man can marry multiple women. Is the reverse true as well?
I think that a women marrying multiple men would be bad, as determining the father of the children is hard!


Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler

Reichsführer Himmler on Christian marriage, 3rd May, 1943:

“Marriage as it is today is the evil work of the Catholic Church. Regarded dispassionately and without prejudice, our present marriage laws are absolutely immoral. The marriage laws of today, presumably designed to protect the family, in fact led to a decrease in the size of families. After the war…monogamy will cease to be enforced upon promiscuous mankind. The SS and the heroes of this war will have special privileges. They will immediately have the right to take a second wife, who shall be considered to be as legitimate as the first. The permission to have two wives will be a mark of distinction.

Personal preference of men and women involved.
I think about this topic a lot as I am married, happily, to someone I consider a friend, first and foremost.

I found father Satan not very long ago...well, I found the JOS not too long ago. Satan has always been in my life, I just didn't know it...the JOS has changed my life in ways I cannot describe. I remember the first time I read one of our HP's state that Satan will guide you to other SS, to other Satanists...to other like minded people. It is a true statement.

I met another woman that is very like minded, by complete accident...or what I consider Satanic fate. I enjoy my friendship with her and I often think about why I cannot enjoy her physically. I know the attraction is there between the two of us. She respects my life, my marriage and my children's lives...our privacy etc. But we agree to remind platonic. We talk about all things JOS...about life, about the afterlife, about everything really. Two peas in a pod. I will never disrespect my wife or my children...but what exactly is disrespect? Ah,..the conundrum.

It is comforting to hear HP HoodedCobra say that this is up to the individual. I agree 100% with him. I imagine a lot of men and women ask themselves this. My personal spiritual journey has lead me to a woman that aligns with me spiritually...and I wonder how to proceed. Personally, I am thankful for her friendship..and oh what a most complicated situation to be in. Trust in God and you will be just fine.
ss666 said:
I think that a women marrying multiple men would be bad, as determining the father of the children is hard!

Not to point out the obvious, but there is something called psychic ability. One can know who their child is.

All this speculation of laws etc that we will have in the future, yet somehow people even here don't factor in that we will be a spiritual society and will therefore have spiritual abilities. And science will evolve, yet even now paternal DNA tests are still accurate.

(I'm only answering that part of the post, I'm not getting into monogamy/polygamy or anything else here as it will only result in people wanting to state their opinions and a huge discussion will unfold. I'm usually too busy for the groups lately but I saw that part and needed to reply on that.)
Lydia said:
ss666 said:
I think that a women marrying multiple men would be bad, as determining the father of the children is hard!

Not to point out the obvious, but there is something called psychic ability. One can know who their child is.

All this speculation of laws etc that we will have in the future, yet somehow people even here don't factor in that we will be a spiritual society and will therefore have spiritual abilities. And science will evolve, yet even now paternal DNA tests are still accurate.

(I'm only answering that part of the post, I'm not getting into monogamy/polygamy or anything else here as it will only result in people wanting to state their opinions and a huge discussion will unfold. I'm usually too busy for the groups lately but I saw that part and needed to reply on that.)

In addition to my reply, something else: Astrology. It is not "hard to determine parent-child relations", all you have to do is compare their charts. There are indicators in every chart, such as lunar nodes, vertex, part of fortune, ruling planets, ascendant, and so on. For example, I have seen quite a few charts where a child will have a stellium in the same sign as their parent's AC, and many charts where one person has a lunar node/vertex/PoF conjunct (always 2 degrees or less) to the other's ruling (or otherwise significant) planet. Often, the child to a grandparent will have these indicators as well, which can show further proof of the paternal line of the child.

Also, personality traits, facial resemblances, and more. Two people make a child, that child will inherit traits (either obvious or subtle) of both.

Note: I am not "promoting" women having multiple partners (I am unbiased in these replies), I am merely pointing out some facts here, as it really bugs me when someone claims something is hard but it isn't.
Okay so this was brought up in the other board. I believe like Cobra it's the choice of what the individual man or woman prefers.

I do think there is some merit in the idea that two people could be so close and want to just focus on their relationship and give each other their all. Or for other factors people might just want one partner. Sometimes people just want to partner up themselves and create something unique together without others.

So if the jews continue to hold power I don't want to see in the future that they corrupt this and people throw that idea away and villify it unnecessarily. And for lower people monogamy seems to be common. David Lane has wrote about this. But it shouldn't be held over people that they must just be only two people. Someone said Satan has five wives.

And for making babies and finding the father. If a woman has like 2 or 3 husbands, it doesn't mean she.....has to take every load during a time the family wants to have children. She can just do this with the father. Or maybe during a time she has no birth control she just has sex with the future father. People seem to think the woman is too stupid to be able to plan a family or figure out how to get pregnant by a chosen partner. And hopefully the men would also understand this and not be jerks about it and confuse the process.

Personally I believe it takes advancement to have multiple lovers. I don't think the guy with multiple ex wives is suddenly going to be succesful if he has 4 wives at once. He didn't master having one in the first place. But people here as advanced beings I think have a higher chance of sucess.

And maybe people like us are more inclined to it. I am not sure. I think it's what I want personally. Maybe a husband and wife, potentially more than one wife. But perhaps if the right people come along I would just want one of each and that would be enough.

Anyway I think it's good to ask tough questions like this. If people think this is tough in the forums wait until Nazis hold political power and have Westboro protestors and SJW's demanding answers to policy decisions.
Himmler's intention was propably to save the genes of the German heroes because they have proved their worth. So, only the BEST could have had more wives.
That's one way to create the most perfect nation or even race.
Yes, Himmler was going to allow SS hero's to have two wives as a mark of honor. This also allows more of such persons genes to go into the next generation. Himmler understood the Xian practice of one man and women had limited the best genes.
Thank you everyone for the answers! I have a clearer image now, yes spiritually advanced people would be able to do it. Also it has an eugenics aspect to it.
As HPHC said - it's personal preference. As long as each person is informed that any other person is polygamous/polyamourous, then they can decide to be a part of it or not be a part of it. It could be such as e.g. 3 husbands and 3 wives in a single unit, if all so accept and agree.

Perhaps it might be more complicated for some -
Person 1: Well, I want you as my first husband/wife, but then I also want this person who has said s/he doesn't want to be married. Is that fine with you?
Person 2: Oh, yes. I'll keep you and my other husband/wife, and I am fine with that; I don't want any more partners.

That's just a random example I just made up.
HP Mageson666 said:
This also allows more of such persons genes to go into the next generation. Himmler understood the Xian practice of one man and women had limited the best genes.

It's something that can be seen even in nature; a lot of female animals choose to reproduce with the stronger male, in order for their puppies to have strong genes. :)
YoakeHoshi said:
HP Mageson666 said:
This also allows more of such persons genes to go into the next generation. Himmler understood the Xian practice of one man and women had limited the best genes.

It's something that can be seen even in nature; a lot of female animals choose to reproduce with the stronger male, in order for their puppies to have strong genes. :)
Have you ever seen a better, more truly-relatable, and obviously-realistic video to show that abraham is anti-Human; anti-Spiritual; anti-Scientific; and anti-Natural than this one? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVa6ajH6U4c
FancyMancy said:
Have you ever seen a better, more truly-relatable, and obviously-realistic video to show that abraham is anti-Human; anti-Spiritual; anti-Scientific; and anti-Natural than this one? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVa6ajH6U4c

Aww that's cute! :lol: :)
Actually I saw a documentary on some kind of chickens, idk what's their actual name. They were black with a beautiful large tail. 2 males were dancing/fighting in front of a female and then the female went to the winner :)

Then I saw another documentary on a specific spiece of frogs and it happened the same, the female chose the best "singer" as partner. :D
YoakeHoshi said:
FancyMancy said:
Have you ever seen a better, more truly-relatable, and obviously-realistic video to show that abraham is anti-Human; anti-Spiritual; anti-Scientific; and anti-Natural than this one? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVa6ajH6U4c

Aww that's cute! :lol: :)
Actually I saw a documentary on some kind of chickens, idk what's their actual name. They were black with a beautiful large tail. 2 males were dancing/fighting in front of a female and then the female went to the winner :)

Then I saw another documentary on a specific spiece of frogs and it happened the same, the female chose the best "singer" as partner. :D
Übertier, lol.
I don't think we have done a good job saying what the actual reasons are for polygamy, polyamory, etc. What logic, wisdom, spirituality etc leads us to our views on this topic.

And what does this ideal society look like? What is its structure? Sure Satan has 5 wives but is that because he is the highest caste? I know in some systems in the past it was the higher you are in society the more freedom you had to marry more people. Do these wives get to have husbands? Is this an open relationship? Do lower people also get many wives/husbands? Are they limited in the number?

Honestly if this is too much to ask then feel free to edit or outright disallow this post. It won't hurt my feelings and I dont want to disrespect Satan or pry into anybodys lives too much.

But I also think there are many people who only know the standard one couple marriage. So saying I feel this or that lacks something and doesn't help them understand. Because all this is very foreign to them.

And you can also research this and find any social system you could think of and also justifications to go along with it. It's pretty much all been done before in various times and places. So what makes one better than the other?

Don't misunderstand me here. I personally think we should be allowed to have multiple spouses if we choose. But that doesn't mean anything to a lot of people. It's just my opinion. And it doesn't explain how anything works. Maybe someone is more wise in this than I am.
Polygamy seems to be banned in most countries except ofcourse Muslim ones.
Personally being a man I'd love polygamy and I might have some five to six wives.I wish we could revrse these based laws.I mean it was the ancient system in india many years ago.Many women sexually and emotionally attached to each other united by one man.I mean Father Satan has 5 wives.
It'll weed the weaker genes out of existence.And the sex ,oh man.
HeilOdin666 said:
I don't think we have done a good job saying what the actual reasons are for polygamy, polyamory, etc. What logic, wisdom, spirituality etc leads us to our views on this topic.

And what does this ideal society look like? What is its structure? Sure Satan has 5 wives but is that because he is the highest caste? I know in some systems in the past it was the higher you are in society the more freedom you had to marry more people. Do these wives get to have husbands? Is this an open relationship? Do lower people also get many wives/husbands? Are they limited in the number?

Honestly if this is too much to ask then feel free to edit or outright disallow this post. It won't hurt my feelings and I dont want to disrespect Satan or pry into anybodys lives too much.

But I also think there are many people who only know the standard one couple marriage. So saying I feel this or that lacks something and doesn't help them understand. Because all this is very foreign to them.

And you can also research this and find any social system you could think of and also justifications to go along with it. It's pretty much all been done before in various times and places. So what makes one better than the other?

Don't misunderstand me here. I personally think we should be allowed to have multiple spouses if we choose. But that doesn't mean anything to a lot of people. It's just my opinion. And it doesn't explain how anything works. Maybe someone is more wise in this than I am.

Satan says,
I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.
That means, in this context, that people can have 1 of many male and/or female partners. Suppose Satan said, "I am a jealous God", and gave you a commandment "You must not be jealous of your neighbour's ox".

I also think there are many people who only know the standard one couple marriage.
Most people know only what the jew; media; education; etc. wants them to know.

Because all this is very foreign to them.
It is imperatve that they learn who their true self is. From that, they can then have however many male and/or female partners as they wish.

And you can also research this and find any social system you could think of and also justifications to go along with it. It's pretty much all been done before in various times and places. So what makes one better than the other?
I will wait for someone else to break down each and every one of the many times and places where this, that, and the other has happened.

Don't misunderstand me here. I personally think we should be allowed to have multiple spouses if we choose. But that doesn't mean anything to a lot of people.
Good for them. That's their decision and prerogative. Once they realise their true self, surely it would mean something to them in one way or another; maybe some would be monogamous and monoamourous but they could still understand, appreciate, and respect polygamy and polyamoury and those who are polygamous and polyarmourous.

If you have a Brain and a Soul, and are powerful enough so that you can do Magick to affect your world as you wish, and you want for example 5 husbands and wives, then you can do that as you please. Now I reckon at the present time, and the near future, there might be some...if not restrictions then discouragements because our first priority should be, after retaking Earth as Ours rightfully, to fix Earth and Her Inhabitants. Then again, the individual will surely learn to affirm Magick positively; happily; harmouniously; safely; etc., which would all work for the benefit of everyone naturally.
I think one man works with multiple wives because you can have two babies at the same time, so to speak. So i guess its more time "efficient" whereas one woman with multiple husbands doesnt change much.

I think in Roman times it was okay for people to have lovers besides their spouse, and i think i read that most of the time the lovers were of the same gender. So I guess even if a woman has one husband, she could have lovers with whom she doesnt "reproduce" with. Im sorry for all the technical language, i didnt want to put such a deep and sensual topic low as a mere reproduction and stuff.

And please do correct/clarify me
I am not 100% sure this would be ok in the present context and circumstances. In the present, women are very picky and expet their partner to be the ultimate alpha male. Many good Satanists have problems in finding a partner. Even if they are very physically fit! If it would be socially permissible to have one to many/man to women it would completly rule out some good men out of the game. And then what? They will start looking towards xtianity with better eyes? Not sure what to think... the number of women is about equal to the number of men and HP Maxine said on a video that when two satanists come together that bond is something so powerfull that you basically know and feel what the other is doing, but you trust them so much that you never worry about loialty andtheir decissions. because you both have the truth and a lot of knowledge!
Sure we must follow the dictates of our heart, but we should never forget about "responsability to the respionsible"
Not sure if any one has brought this up but DNA tests can now show who the children is if you need to pinpoint which partner it was.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
