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Old dream with a real message.

Ol argedco luciftias

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2017
Duat, Orion
This is a dream that I had when I was very young, maybe 4 or 5 years old. It felt very clear and important at the time like it was a real message I was supposed to understand and remember. I don't think about this often, but once every few years I remember about this dream. I still remember it as clearly as when it first happened, and now I finally have the knowledge to understand and explain the true meaning.

It was in some dark looking place on some other planet or other dimension. The sky was dark and red, raining with storm clouds and lightening. The ground was dark brown mud. And there were lines of thousands of people all chained together, it appeared that all of the people on Earth were taken here for this procedure. We were arranged in rows that each held 4 people wide, and hundreds or thousands of people long, and we were each chained together in a grid of chains with the people next to us and the people in front and behind us. And there were many of these rows of people parallel to each other as far as I could see on both sides, all arranged in the same way. It looked like these rows went on forever, both in the number of rows and the length, and I felt that this included all people on Earth. And the people in each row would all take one step forward once every maybe 30 seconds.

And in front of each row, there were two goblin type creatures, one on each side of the row, who each had one of these bottle openers that looks like this.

And as the line of people stepped forward, the goblins were using the pointed end of the tool to crack open the top of each person's head, of each person who was chained in these lines. The thousands of people like an assembly line all having their minds opened by these goblins when they get to the front of the line. I could feel that when the person's head becomes opened, I witnessed that each person's soul and free will was removed in this moment and they all fell under some kind of brainwashed programming. They all became like zombies and slaves. This was the creation of the enslaved christians and muslims who are brainwashed and enslaved under jewish programming and are unable to have any free will.

I was horrified that this was about to happen to me, that my soul would be removed and turn me into a zombie. But the chained rows of people kept stepping forward, and it was almost my turn for the pair of goblins to do this to me. And as I got to them, I crouched down and held my hands over my head, and I held the chains above my head. And when it took the tool to try to open the Crown chakra in the top of my head, the tool instead only hit the chains that I held, and the tool broke through these chains. This thing did not touch me, and I maintained my free will and my soul, and I was no longer chained together with the row of a thousand people. I remember how angry the face looked that I tricked him and that he was not able to get to me or enslave me. It was so hateful that I was able to escape, but it was too late. The rows of people were still stepping forward, and it had to leave me alone and instead work on the people behind me in line. I knew that I was free and they were not able to affect or harm me in any way.

I did not fully understand the meaning of this dream because I was young, but I knew that this was a very important message and I knew that it had a real and true meaning. I saw that this was something being systematically done to the souls of all people on Earth, and that these things were purposefully working to drain away and remove each person's soul. When the tool was used to pry open the crown chakra on the top of each person's head, the free will and life force drained out of them and they all went from being awake and aware, to now being like sleep walking zombies. And they would be now programmed like soulless remote controlled toys for these creatures to direct. The tool was being used both to implant curses into the person's soul through the crown chakra, and also to seal this chakra shut so that it would no longer have life force energy flowing through it. This was the jewish binding of humanity. I'm sure that this was witnessing the jewish Tetragrammaton binding that has surrounded our world, and has binded our people against being able to reach to the gods in contact.

This is the importance of the 3 parts of the Final RTR. And especially the 2nd part, the Reversing Tetragrammaton. The Final RTR breaks through these chains, and breaks through the bindings and curses against humanity.
This is a dream that I had when I was very young, maybe 4 or 5 years old. It felt very clear and important at the time like it was a real message I was supposed to understand and remember. I don't think about this often, but once every few years I remember about this dream. I still remember it as clearly as when it first happened, and now I finally have the knowledge to understand and explain the true meaning.

It was in some dark looking place on some other planet or other dimension. The sky was dark and red, raining with storm clouds and lightening. The ground was dark brown mud. And there were lines of thousands of people all chained together, it appeared that all of the people on Earth were taken here for this procedure. ...
I had a similar dream when I was around that same age. There were some differences, such as with the goblins, I didn't have those, but rather the exact same greys that are shown in movies and whatnot in their places. I haven't saw the full nightmare back then because I woke up in cold sweat, one of the few nightmares that marked their way into my memory
Maybe one of you might be interested by this, or have something to say about it.
The ping didn't work. Use the tag function: write @ and then the first part of our names, and options will come up and you click on the name to select it to tag. @Ol argedco luciftias (I only had to type '@' then 'Ol' and your name was in the field to select.)


I do agree with your interpretation of the dream. This shows you were fated to leave the program and break free, especially as it was such a significant dream that you remembered it all these years.

I had dreams when I was young, they were also about how I was different from the masses and able to break free, but in mine I always helped others too, like revolted against the enemy and then gained super-human strength and carried others to safety.
This is a dream that I had when I was very young, maybe 4 or 5 years old. It felt very clear and important at the time like it was a real message I was supposed to understand and remember. I don't think about this often, but once every few years I remember about this dream. I still remember it as clearly as when it first happened, and now I finally have the knowledge to understand and explain the true meaning.

It was in some dark looking place on some other planet or other dimension. The sky was dark and red, raining with storm clouds and lightening. The ground was dark brown mud. And there were lines of thousands of people all chained together, it appeared that all of the people on Earth were taken here for this procedure. We were arranged in rows that each held 4 people wide, and hundreds or thousands of people long, and we were each chained together in a grid of chains with the people next to us and the people in front and behind us. And there were many of these rows of people parallel to each other as far as I could see on both sides, all arranged in the same way. It looked like these rows went on forever, both in the number of rows and the length, and I felt that this included all people on Earth. And the people in each row would all take one step forward once every maybe 30 seconds.

And in front of each row, there were two goblin type creatures, one on each side of the row, who each had one of these bottle openers that looks like this.

And as the line of people stepped forward, the goblins were using the pointed end of the tool to crack open the top of each person's head, of each person who was chained in these lines. The thousands of people like an assembly line all having their minds opened by these goblins when they get to the front of the line. I could feel that when the person's head becomes opened, I witnessed that each person's soul and free will was removed in this moment and they all fell under some kind of brainwashed programming. They all became like zombies and slaves. This was the creation of the enslaved christians and muslims who are brainwashed and enslaved under jewish programming and are unable to have any free will.

I was horrified that this was about to happen to me, that my soul would be removed and turn me into a zombie. But the chained rows of people kept stepping forward, and it was almost my turn for the pair of goblins to do this to me. And as I got to them, I crouched down and held my hands over my head, and I held the chains above my head. And when it took the tool to try to open the Crown chakra in the top of my head, the tool instead only hit the chains that I held, and the tool broke through these chains. This thing did not touch me, and I maintained my free will and my soul, and I was no longer chained together with the row of a thousand people. I remember how angry the face looked that I tricked him and that he was not able to get to me or enslave me. It was so hateful that I was able to escape, but it was too late. The rows of people were still stepping forward, and it had to leave me alone and instead work on the people behind me in line. I knew that I was free and they were not able to affect or harm me in any way.

I did not fully understand the meaning of this dream because I was young, but I knew that this was a very important message and I knew that it had a real and true meaning. I saw that this was something being systematically done to the souls of all people on Earth, and that these things were purposefully working to drain away and remove each person's soul. When the tool was used to pry open the crown chakra on the top of each person's head, the free will and life force drained out of them and they all went from being awake and aware, to now being like sleep walking zombies. And they would be now programmed like soulless remote controlled toys for these creatures to direct. The tool was being used both to implant curses into the person's soul through the crown chakra, and also to seal this chakra shut so that it would no longer have life force energy flowing through it. This was the jewish binding of humanity. I'm sure that this was witnessing the jewish Tetragrammaton binding that has surrounded our world, and has binded our people against being able to reach to the gods in contact.

This is the importance of the 3 parts of the Final RTR. And especially the 2nd part, the Reversing Tetragrammaton. The Final RTR breaks through these chains, and breaks through the bindings and curses against humanity.
Yes, I think it was a message.

Enemy programs have never been able to capture my soul, I have always felt the truth with my soul and my heart, even when they tried to mislead my mind, so it is very important to listen to yourself, to your intuition!
The ping didn't work. Use the tag function: write @ and then the first part of our names, and options will come up and you click on the name to select it to tag. @Ol argedco luciftias (I only had to type '@' then 'Ol' and your name was in the field to select.)
Ok, so quote to notify people is another feature that has been lost/broken.

I don't know if the way you did this is working either. I got two notifications that you replied to this topic and that you quoted me here. There was nothing saying that you mentioned me with that @ symbol.
Ok, so quote to notify people is another feature that has been lost/broken.

I don't know if the way you did this is working either. I got two notifications that you replied to this topic and that you quoted me here. There was nothing saying that you mentioned me with that @ symbol.
As far as I know, if you reply directly to someone's post, they get the quote notification.

Xenforo is another forum software, so you don't need to quote someone to notify them.

You can tag them by putting an @ in front of their name, like HPS Lydia did. This is actually much more efficient because you don't have to quote them and fill up your post if you want more than one person to see it.

The reason you didn't receive a notification is probably because this post belongs to you. So you didn't get a tag notification because you already get a notification when someone writes a message on your post.
As far as I know, if you reply directly to someone's post, they get the quote notification.

Xenforo is another forum software, so you don't need to quote someone to notify them.

You can tag them by putting an @ in front of their name, like HPS Lydia did. This is actually much more efficient because you don't have to quote them and fill up your post if you want more than one person to see it.

The reason you didn't receive a notification is probably because this post belongs to you. So you didn't get a tag notification because you already get a notification when someone writes a message on your post.
Thank you.

For me, the easiest way is to say [quote="name" ]....[/quote ]. Without the spaces, but I put the space so it will show what I wrote. I'm used to always doing it that way and it always used to work perfectly.
Ok, so quote to notify people is another feature that has been lost/broken.

I don't know if the way you did this is working either. I got two notifications that you replied to this topic and that you quoted me here. There was nothing saying that you mentioned me with that @ symbol.

It is neither broken nor lost, you simply did it wrong. Even in the old forums, doing that wouldn't notify anyone either...

BlackOnyx8 said:

If that's what you've been doing this entire time, you never notified anyone unless you included the post ID, just as it is here. It works exactly the same way, with slightly different (but easier) syntax:

[quote="Ol argedco luciftias, post: 490618, member: 1291"]..[/quote]

They do look very similar indeed, but only one method will notify you, exactly like in the old forums.

Now, there's a more efficient way to notify someone, which is simply by using @Ol argedco luciftias ← it takes just 2 seconds to do this.

If you don't want to use it and prefer the old way, manually writing BB code, pretending that somehow it's easier because you don't want to expend the mental effort to learn something new even if it's an easier method, that's perfectly fine. Nobody is judging you. Just don't pretend the forum is broken when it was you who used it incorrectly.
You're telling me it didn't work that way in the old forum, when I know for a fact that it did work without the post ID because other people have notified me the same way. I have a lot of experience with that with both sending and receiving notifications in that way.

In the new version, there is not just name and post ID anymore, but it looks like there is also a user ID number. I think this User ID is probably what is needed to get it to work.

Yes, doing something in an easy way that I have a habit of doing is easy. And like I said, when Lydia used the @ symbol with my name, that did not give me a notification. So I have experienced right there that that way of notifying was not working. I got a notification that she replied to the topic, and that she quoted me, but there was no notification to say she mentioned my name with the @ symbol. I also just think that it looks bad that way, it makes everything look like a twitter post.
You must be confusing it. It does not work if you don't put the ID. If you clicked the quote button it would automatically add the post ID just like it does now, but if you manually write [quote=BlackOnyx8][/quote] it does not notify anyone. If you received a notification it was because you subscribed the thread either automatically by posting on it, or doing it manually. But you never got a quote notification from a quote block without the ID, it's just how the forum software works.

Here, I'll show you, this is the old forum:


The preview:

Do you see the difference between the two? Only the one with the ID will notify the user.
Ok, so quote to notify people is another feature that has been lost/broken.

I don't know if the way you did this is working either. I got two notifications that you replied to this topic and that you quoted me here. There was nothing saying that you mentioned me with that @ symbol.
The quote function works, but only if you quote a post/comment, not if you write a quote that wasn't actually there. If that makes sense.

Yes, you got one notification for me quoting you, and another for me tagging you :)
The quote function works, but only if you quote a post/comment, not if you write a quote that wasn't actually there. If that makes sense.

Yes, you got one notification for me quoting you, and another for me tagging you :)
I never got a notification from you using the @ symbol. I just got a notification from you quoting me, and from you replying to the topic.

I would put a happy face, but instead of having a button for that, I have to click through many locations to get to emojis, and then it is scrolling down a list that covers my whole screen of like 1,000 different faces, so I don't know where a normal face is.
I never got a notification from you using the @ symbol. I just got a notification from you quoting me, and from you replying to the topic.

I would put a happy face, but instead of having a button for that, I have to click through many locations to get to emojis, and then it is scrolling down a list that covers my whole screen of like 1,000 different faces, so I don't know where a normal face is.
Or you can type : and ) and it would automatically add a :)

Anyway, it seems I was wrong about the quote. I was pretty sure it didn't quote without the ID, but I did test it on another phpBB forum and it does quote.
Or you can type : and ) and it would automatically add a :)

Anyway, it seems I was wrong about the quote. I was pretty sure it didn't quote without the ID, but I did test it on another phpBB forum and it does quote.

Thank you. But there was 3 or 4 different faces that I used to use sometimes, and I can't find these in that long list. One has a red mouth, and one is laughing. I sometimes want to put the laughing one.
Another example is I see people react to posts in different ways. The only one I am able to use is Like, none of the other things show up as an option anywhere. I'm happy about the Like, I think that was a good idea.
To reveal additional reactions, press and hold the "like" button on your mobile phone until other reactions appear. On the computer, simply hover your mouse over the "like" button.
I've seen that other things show up by those dots. That's what I have to do every time I quote someone to get it to show up the way I want it to look, with the [ ] symbol.

But many of these symbols, the symbol does not appear to be anything that makes sense to me to tell me what it does. Many of these I do understand, but I don't have a reason to ever use them.

Thank you. But there was 3 or 4 different faces that I used to use sometimes, and I can't find these in that long list. One has a red mouth, and one is laughing. I sometimes want to put the laughing one.
If you mean these two:

The equivalents are:
:p and :LOL:

You can type :P or :LOL:

Additionally, you can also search there for what you're looking for, example:
I've seen that other things show up by those dots. That's what I have to do every time I quote someone to get it to show up the way I want it to look, with the [ ] symbol.

But many of these symbols, the symbol does not appear to be anything that makes sense to me to tell me what it does. Many of these I do understand, but I don't have a reason to ever use them.
I am working on a guide to explain what everything does. It will be available some time during this week.
Had a couple of dreams in the past too.. one where there were voting bills thrown around like flyers like it was a questionnaire of some sort. They were everywhere, like litter.
Most people turned into some kind of zombies and then tried to hunt me and the few others that never filled that thing in..
Or that time where I was in a place and there was some kind of frequency change that brainwashed everyone and turned them into some kind of.. I don't know. I couldn't talk to them. Like they were stuck in a borg mentality.
I think they also grew tails or something.
Had to hide and be sneaky.. I remember trying to find the source of that crap and trying to turn it off but I woke up before I could.
...there were lines of thousands of people all chained together...

But the chained rows of people kept stepping forward, and it was almost my turn for the pair of goblins to do this to me. And as I got to them, I crouched down and held my hands over my head, and I held the chains above my head. And when it took the tool to try to open the Crown chakra in the top of my head, the tool instead only hit the chains that I held, and the tool broke through these chains.
The dream alerted you than among thousands, you are one being able to break your chains, their tools, protect yourself... others people in the "factory" cannot, majority have no will nor conscience (7th chakra).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
