" post_id=367235 time=1655601909 user_id=21286]
DeusDemon said:
Hello. I would like to know what people's thoughts on NoFap are (ie. not ejaculating and not masturbating). The claim is it builds spiritual power and is the healthiest 'way to go'. I know boxers withhold before a fight to build aggression but this seems unhealthy to me. Some have claimed it causes prostate cancer as well as chakra blockages.
Sexual expression comes from the sacral chakra and kidney organ system (Chinese medicine view). Excess ejaculation (induced by porn) exhausts the kidneys and sacral. Those with stronger vitality, reflected in their Mars and Sun, can deal with a higher sexual output.
Find where your limit is, based on current conditions and general vitality. If you feel bad the next day after ejaculation, then your body needs longer to recover. Keep in mind that other conditions like overwork or lack of sleep can also exhaust the kidneys, not just sex. This is because semen is created from stem cells, and the kidneys create and maintain stem cells, among many other tasks.
The above is why people feel better after abstaining, but it does not grant any superpowers.