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New to Satanism

Hello dear brethren place i need help ,i have open my crown and third eye chakra for about 7 month ,because of where i live i did not get chance to continue ,but now is the time ,i have vibrated NEBO for almost 2 to 3 weeks but ifeel nothing in my throat i feel the vibration strongly in my throat where the hollow is but still i fell nothing .HAIL SATAN

On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:00 AM, "blackmoon0343@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

Perform the dedication ritual, then begin doing daily power meditations.

maybe you already opened it a long time ago and are used to it so you cant feel it.

On Wednesday, June 25, 2014 7:53 PM, "Don Say donsay2012@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

Hello dear brethren place i need help ,i have open my crown and third eye chakra for about 7 month ,because of where i live i did not get chance to continue ,but now is the time ,i have vibrated NEBO for almost 2 to 3 weeks but ifeel nothing in my throat i feel the vibration strongly in my throat where the hollow is but still i fell nothing .HAIL SATAN

On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:00 AM, "blackmoon0343@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

Perform the dedication ritual, then begin doing daily power meditations.

greetings, my name is kat; i am curious about the relationship with spiritual satanism and the illuminati; can anyone help me understand 
Hi Kat.

The kikes accuse Father Satan of being in charge  of the illuminati and doing all sorts of terrible things, when in fact, it's them doing it.

Their m.o. is to accuse others of doing what they do and being what they are. 

At  one time, the illuminati was a wonderful group. But, they were infiltrated by the nasty jew.

Whenever you hear of musicians - for example - selling their soul to "the devil" in order to get their music career going, just look at who runs the music industry. Who wrote the contract for said musician to sign?

Uh-huh. NOT Father Satan! The kikes are who want to buy your soul.

Hail Father Satan!
Chad, Today I joined the Joy of Satan group, so like you this is all new to me as well.   From my own personal experience I’ve learned the hard way that god is the mastermind of self-destruction to humanity, he is always trying to destroy our hearts desire, where Satan the god of this world “gives” us our earthly hearts desires which fills us with voluptuous delights of pleasure.  Since I’m new to this group maybe someone else could give you a better answer but from my own supernatural experience it’s your diligence to seek after the Spiritual world and allow Satan to direct your steps, sometimes through chanting or medication.   I can feel the presence of the dark underworld which has brought me completeness w/in myself, this is not taught by anyone and is an experience only. I can feel the dark presence of the “carnal god” of this world right now and it’s awesome.  I have a knock at the door, so I’ll write you later or you right me back. Talk to you later Abby
Answer #1: The illuminati is headed by Jews.  The Jews are destroying everything and trying to make everybody their slaves – and doing a really good job at it, having almost completely succeeded.  They stole spiritual knowledge from the people so they could make us their slaves.  They use this spiritual power for their own perverse agenda.  Satanists want to put the Jews in their place, recover the stolen and perverted spiritual knowledge they once had and become what they once were.  That means that we would all once again have immense spiritual power and with it a highly advanced and continually improving existence.  Not to mention a true religion.  They are not forming a New World Order, it’s already here and most of their goals for world domination, have already been realized. Answer #2:  You don’t sell your soul to him.  Satan is not looking to enslave you.  He wants you to be free and reach your full spiritual potential.  Selling your Soul is a lie perpetrated by Christianity.  Here’s what you do.  Study all the stuff on www.exposingchristianity.com.  Then read and study the material on the website, Joy of Satan.  Everything you believe currently will change.  How you see Satan will completely change.  You’re not going to be in any danger, if you verify the facts presented to you at www.exposingchristianity.com – so do that first.  If you seriously research that data, you will lose the fear you currently have and it will be replaced with understanding.  Good luck and I look forward to your return and questions.  You have to do the research though; nobody here has time to do the research for you.
Let me correct myself. After my response, I learned the illuminati was never a wonderful group. It as begun by kikes from the start. Please pardon me.

Hail Father Satan!

On Thursday, June 26, 2014 3:53 AM, "Don Say donsay2012@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

Hello dear brethren place i need help ,i have open my crown and third eye chakra for about 7 month ,because of where i live i did not get chance to continue ,but now is the time ,i have vibrated NEBO for almost 2 to 3 weeks but ifeel nothing in my throat i feel the vibration strongly in my throat where the hollow is but still i fell nothing .HAIL SATAN

On Tuesday, June 24, 2014 5:00 AM, "blackmoon0343@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

Perform the dedication ritual, then begin doing daily power meditations.

Hi I am very new to this religion, I converted last week. And after viewing questions here I noticed mention of a dedication ritual to satan, can somebody explain that to me and what must be done? Thank you. Hail Satan!
Information on the dedication ritual is on the homepage of www.joyofsatan.org
Hail Satan!

On Monday, July 21, 2014 12:06:28 PM, "jesse_slaven@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hi I am very new to this religion, I converted last week. And after viewing questions here I noticed mention of a dedication ritual to satan, can somebody explain that to me and what must be done? Thank you. Hail Satan!

You say you "converted" last week... without doing the dedication ritual? How exactly did you convert? :p You'll find the answers here: www.joyofSatan.com

Στις 7:06 μ.μ. Δευτέρα, 21 Ιουλίου 2014, ο/η "jesse_slaven@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Hi I am very new to this religion, I converted last week. And after viewing questions here I noticed mention of a dedication ritual to satan, can somebody explain that to me and what must be done? Thank you. Hail Satan!

Hello, I am 19 years old and currently living in Miami Florida with my parents. I am entirely new to satanism, and I have been wondering what should be the first ritual I should preform (besides the dedication ritual, as I wish to see if satanism is TRULY for me before I do anything binding). If I should not preform any rituals yet, then what kinds of meditation should I do? What materials should I gather, what should be the atmosphere in my room, what should I do in general?
Again I am brand new to satanism, and I have little knowledge in the spiritual section. If someone could explain this to me in a nonrude manner, it would be fantastic.
PS: I still do live with my parents as i am currently attending local state university so i dont want to do anything to draw unnecessary attention to myself or possibly conflict, as I may have interruptions.
Thank you, Hail Satan.
Well, first of all you should study www.joyofSatan.com and www.exposingchristianity.com as much as you can. These sites have the information you need in order to see if Satanism is really for you and to see what a scum christianity really is...Then, if you want to meditate you could start by cleaning your aura and chakras and put an aura of protection around you (try doing this twice or three times a day; not only one time a day) but I do *not* suggest you to go any further with the meditations if you do not intend to dedicate your soul to Satan as the enemy will attack you relentlessly if they see that you are unprotected and without guidance.Cleaning your aura and chakras, and building an aura of protection are essential, so do that despite whether you do the dedication or not. These things are essential for any living human being. :)
Anyway, there are also some youtube videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm38z0 ... 58wEzPDliQ that may help you.
Lastly, do not do any kind of ritual before doing the dedication ritual. It is not necessary. If you wish to talk to Satan, just talk to Him like you would with a friend. You don't need any formalities like doing rituals and such (especially since you're undedicated).That's all.

Στις 6:56 μ.μ. Σάββατο, 4 Οκτωβρίου 2014, ο/η "knotfan3605@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Hello, I am 19 years old and currently living in Miami Florida with my parents. I am entirely new to satanism, and I have been wondering what should be the first ritual I should preform (besides the dedication ritual, as I wish to see if satanism is TRULY for me before I do anything binding). If I should not preform any rituals yet, then what kinds of meditation should I do? What materials should I gather, what should be the atmosphere in my room, what should I do in general?
Again I am brand new to satanism, and I have little knowledge in the spiritual section. If someone could explain this to me in a nonrude manner, it would be fantastic.
PS: I still do live with my parents as i am currently attending local state university so i dont want to do anything to draw unnecessary attention to myself or possibly conflict, as I may have interruptions.
Thank you, Hail Satan.

This'll be what you want to do first.

Doing any rituals while being without can be extremely dangerous.

How to Dedicate You Soul to Satan  
Secondly, it's important to know that satanism isn't just about cursing your enemies, or the sort. It's about empowering yourself to becoming a gd. Hope that clears things up.
hi i wish to take the rituals but its difficult to see the red,black or blue candle,can i use the white candle???
Yes, that's fine. Hail Satan!

On Friday, October 31, 2014 6:24 PM, "conrad_suleman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  hi i wish to take the rituals but its difficult to see the red,black or blue candle,can i use the white candle???

I want to get a Satanic Rosary but I dont know where to get one, or how it should look, or be made.
Can yall help me out? Thanks in advance.

Hail Satan! Hail The Gods Of Duat!
Satanic Rosary (Satanic Witchcraft; Runes)
  You can get the materials at Michael's, if there's one in your area.Hail Satan!

On Saturday, November 1, 2014 3:22 PM, "mariojrm1@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I want to get a Satanic Rosary but I dont know where to get one, or how it should look, or be made.
Can yall help me out? Thanks in advance.

Hail Satan! Hail The Gods Of Duat!

Hey guys um so I live in a Christian home and I've grown up Christian but recently I've felt "God" was never there for me. I have so much anger and sadness bottled up inside and nothing is helping to release the stress. I found out about satanism last night and I love the angelfire website it's amazing and very helpful. I am a bit scared of joining Satanism because I'm afraid of what I've been told since I was young. I don't want to be possessed(all do respect) or have my parents find out and then get in trouble. I do want to have respect and power which I know satan and his demons can give and I want that relationship but I am,as I have already said, afraid. Can someone help me or give advice? Thanks:)
Hello! :)Weeell, first thing's first.Satan and His Demons would NEVER possess you, unless you gave them permission to do so (but even then, it's nothing like all the bullshit movies etc show. You won't go crazy. You will probably feel a really beautiful feeling and electrified, intensified and euphoric.) but anyway, I've never heard of any kind of possession (I mean from a Brother/Sister). The only thing I've heard is of a Brother/Sister saying how he said a certain phrase, or a response to someone else, and that response didn't sound like his/her words. It was something that his/her Guardian Demon/ness said through him. And obviously we're not talking about insulting stupid things here... :p

Now in regards to "power" it is important to realize that Satan and the Gods do NOT give us power. WE ourselves, through power meditation and our own efforts gain that power. We are to become like the Gods; hence independence is really important. Of course Satan and our Guardian Demon/Demoness will help us and guide us, but from one point onwards (as we progress further) you'll see that you won't need their help for minor problems etc. Moreover, you will have empowered your instinct so even if your Guardian doesn't directly guide you, you will be able to tell on your own what's right and what not, and where you should be heading towards.

Woo, that's a long response already... :p (I'm not finished xD)

Lastly, concerning fear... I had written a rather big response to another person about fear, and maybe I should copy paste it here. :) (by the way, this copy-paste you'll read is mostly about fear in general of "the unknown" than so much of Satan and the Gods... I'm a bit tired to write more right now but hopefully more members will respond?)

Oh fear... This is one of the best weapons the enemy has. :/Personally I know a couple of people who *have* great spiritual power but they're so afraid of the "unknown" of what lies ahead that they refuse to use their power or to even *protect* themselves. They believe that by not working on their spiritual powers, they somehow avoid getting "deeper" into the unknown. Which is not true.
I will talk to you, just like I would talk to these people that I know (if I could tell them about Satan and Spiritual Satanism).There are no "doors" that are either closed or open when it comes to spirituality. When you meditate you do not "open" any doors; rather, you become *aware* of the fact that the doors never existed. We are living in the physical world, but there's also the astral world that affects us. In the astral you will find Elementals (fairies, gnomes etc :) ), you will find spirits; people who do not have a physical body but they're still as alive as they were before their physical bodies died.It's an interesting world; and it's still just one tiny part of what there's to discover in your spiritual trip. :)
Personally, I believe that "fear" is more of a choice than a "defensive mechanism" (when it comes to spirituality). You *choose* to not move ahead; you choose to stay idle. (by the way, this is how *I* see the "fear of the unknown" judging by the people I know. I could be wrong, don't take my words for granted)You choose to not advance spiritually because you believe that you either do not deserve it, or that you are not "allowed" to advance in your life, you are not "allowed" to reach perfection, to be one of those people who will have their future in their own hands. You are not "allowed" to live your dreams, because hey, who does?
Do NOT let anyone fuck with your life. You are much more important than you think and, not only do you *deserve* to advance spiritually, but THIS is what our GOD, our Father Satan wants for us! For all of us! :) He wants us to advance spiritually, to reach Godhood; He wants us to be independent, He wants to be proud of His children. :)
So, what I advice you is this...First of all, as you read this message right now, clean your aura and chakras right away. Just do it. It's such a simple process, and you'll feel alleviated right away. :) After that, do the aura of protection. This is extremely important. The aura of protection will help you under *any* circumstances. The enemy won't be able to fuck with you. The enemy won't DARE to get close to you! But of course, you need to first empower yourself. As you are right now, you are only vulnerable to the enemy. You need to show those fuckers that they can't do shit against you. YOU are the master of your own life. They WILL FUCKING NOT influence your decisions and desires!! You choose what you want to, you live the way that will make *YOU* happy, not them! No one is allowed to mess with your decisions!

Στις 7:33 π.μ. Σάββατο, 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2014, ο/η "thatgurlsam101@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  Hey guys um so I live in a Christian home and I've grown up Christian but recently I've felt "God" was never there for me. I have so much anger and sadness bottled up inside and nothing is helping to release the stress. I found out about satanism last night and I love the angelfire website it's amazing and very helpful. I am a bit scared of joining Satanism because I'm afraid of what I've been told since I was young. I don't want to be possessed(all do respect) or have my parents find out and then get in trouble. I do want to have respect and power which I know satan and his demons can give and I want that relationship but I am,as I have already said, afraid. Can someone help me or give advice? Thanks:)

Read and study Exposing Christianity  once you see how fake the xtian program is you will not be afraid  ''Knowledge also removes fear and is the key to power'' - HPS Maxine   

On Friday, December 19, 2014 9:33 PM, "thatgurlsam101@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hey guys um so I live in a Christian home and I've grown up Christian but recently I've felt "God" was never there for me. I have so much anger and sadness bottled up inside and nothing is helping to release the stress. I found out about satanism last night and I love the angelfire website it's amazing and very helpful. I am a bit scared of joining Satanism because I'm afraid of what I've been told since I was young. I don't want to be possessed(all do respect) or have my parents find out and then get in trouble. I do want to have respect and power which I know satan and his demons can give and I want that relationship but I am,as I have already said, afraid. Can someone help me or give advice? Thanks:)

Possession is caused by enemy angels, those same beings who are behind xianity and not our Gods/Daemons. It's just a show to strengthen xianity or scare people away from Satanism. If you read the site you'll see there's proof for that. There's of course invocation of a God/Daemon, where you can invite a God/Goddess to enter your body and speak through you for a few minutes. This is 100% voluntary and only happens if you consent to that, and they can't even do that for more than a few minutes because their souls are very, very powerful and can incinerate your body if they stay for more than that. Even people who invoke them for some minutes or so feel their very powerful energy after that, which feels much like a sunburn. It's also impossible to do that for more because they are very busy as well. So the closest thing to possession is invocation, but only happens if you invite a God to do that by yourself, it's a voluntary thing.
As about your parents, you don't have to tell them nor do anything physical that can cause them to find anything out, since everything can be done in your mind.
<td val[/IMG]L[/IMG] From:"thatgurlsam101@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Sat, 20 Dec, 2014 at 7:33
Subject:[JoyofSatan666] New to Satanism

  Hey guys um so I live in a Christian home and I've grown up Christian but recently I've felt "God" was never there for me. I have so much anger and sadness bottled up inside and nothing is helping to release the stress. I found out about satanism last night and I love the angelfire website it's amazing and very helpful. I am a bit scared of joining Satanism because I'm afraid of what I've been told since I was young. I don't want to be possessed(all do respect) or have my parents find out and then get in trouble. I do want to have respect and power which I know satan and his demons can give and I want that relationship but I am,as I have already said, afraid. Can someone help me or give advice? Thanks:) [/TD]
If you truly are interested in spiritual satanism, then yes, I guess you got me to help you cause I just happened to be on now. Please try to not be afraid.

There's really nothing to be afraid of. The problem is this, you've been led up(raised) to believe lies, which I believe according to what you have written here, are beginning to realize. Now, taking things slowly is necessary, because the brain takes a lot of time to fully process things.

But, I suggest you start by reading this

Exposing Christianity I also strongly advise when you read this or anything that relates to exposing xianity( that's another word for christianity) to keep it very secret, and make sure you're safe. There's no telling what might happen if you get found out. On that note, I'm very sorry you have a lot of pent up stress. I do too, although for different reasons.

So, I understand. I think I should also include that there are no possessions from Father Satan, or the other gods, and goddesses, which are also your gods, and goddesses by birth right young lady. There's no contract, even though we do dedicate, it's a return to our true Father. There's no selling of anything, or deals, dirty, or otherwise.

 this is a religion, and it's a promotion of personal power and true freedom, and governing one's own fate which does eventually happen, although  it does take time and personal empowerment. Also, we all have a common enemy, and that is the jews. I really hope none of this is too fast for you. Just, let it soak in for a while. And, try to enjoy your life, if possible.
Hello, I'm new here i performed my initiation ritual, and i was doing some reading and as curious as to obtain a succubi.  Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Study and learn everything on here.

Joy of Satan Welcome Message  
Exposing Christianity   The True Origins of Satanism  

---In [email protected], <chad388@... wrote :

Hi everyone I am new to all of this, and just have some questions. I as many others was brought up in a xtian house and taught all the crap that comes with it. I am now 38 years old and feel that so much time has been wasted trying to live up to all that is expected and getting absolutely nothing in return even now as my life is falling apart around me there is nothing. I am just so done with that BS. Anyway I have been reading some about Satanism and would like to know the best way to get started and if it as real and tangible as some of the things I have read. I absolutely believe Satan and his Demons exist.

Thanks Chad
Maxine tells you all you need to know on the JOS website. Under Demons.
Hail Satan!
On Sat, 5/23/15, itsfubz@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New to Satanism
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, May 23, 2015, 7:29 PM


Hello, I'm new here i performed my initiation
ritual, and i was doing some reading and as curious as to
obtain a succubi.  Any help or advice would be greatly

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If you have just done the ritual then you are probably not advanced enough to be able to see and hear demons, you might want to wait on that.
Everything you need to know is on Incubi and Succubi: Sexual Relations With Demons PS If your new then i wouldn't summon a Succubus or any Demon for that matter. As your probably not spiritually advanced enough yet. 

On Sunday, May 24, 2015 5:50 AM, "itsfubz@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hello, I'm new here i performed my initiation ritual, and i was doing some reading and as curious as to obtain a succubi.  Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

thank you for the reply, and yes i read that article, but it didn't give specifics, i will take your advice and hold off on that (unfortunately), theres so much i have to learn but don't know how or where to begin. :(
Good day everyone,

I'm thinking of becoming a satanist ( switching to somewhat of a family coven ) but I have lots of questions to be answered, so I can even consider to do so.
One of my questions I have is how to find and actually join a coven since what I can say from my expierences is, that it's much easier and effective to learn with a professional guide/teacher.
Because I'm not completely sure about the Hell's Army Spiritual Warfare Training Manual.
It's leaving quite alot spots in my opinion for a lets use the term newbie to start.
I thank everyone who read this aswell as I appreciate your time of answering my question/s.

Sincerly, Doppler.

(I have posted this aswell in the JoyofSatan666 group)
@youngfluttershy: No, you have the wrong idea about covens. Covens in Spiritual Satanism aren't really for inexperienced people trying to learn. But for advanced people who join to practice spiritual warfare together and help destroy the enemy hoaxes through magick and group rituals. You must be a dedicated Satanist as well as being experienced first before trying to do anything with a coven.
If you are new, you're encouraged to study and practice on your own first. If you don't understand things then you can ask about them here or study more. Some people simply ignore the theoretical part of the site which is the most important and jump into trying to do things. I hope you don't do that because if you do this explains why you can't understand things.
Also trying to meet with others is dangerous because there are many enemy infiltrators. It has happened before where some infiltrators here claimed to have a coven where one of our members "joined" them and they tried to have him do illegal acts in order to frame him. There are many more examples like those. The thing is you should have been studying and practicing for at least a year (and also being a member in these groups) to know what it's about before trying to meet with others, so in the case you see any delusional infiltrators you won't swayed by them.
Spiritual Satanism is mostly a solitary thing because each person can have a direct relationship with Satan and learn by himself. He doesn't need any other humans to do that.
I mean I'm pretty surprised with you and other asking things like those, because obviously most of us were xians and we were told by our parents "don't go meeting with random people you see in the internet, they may lead you into a dangerous cult where they'll brainwash you, take all your money and kill you". How come you aren't afraid of that sort of thing? Spiritual Satanism being a solitary thing really has the answer to all that xian nonsense: you don't have to meet with anyone, all the things here are practiced in the safety of your home and you can have a direct relationship with Satan by yourself. This downright refutes all that xian bs and pretty much guarantees your safety.

Is there a forum version of this website apart from the yahoo group, which I find inconvenient to navigate through?
Do Satanists also hold meetings outside of the online world? If so, where can I find the one nearest to where I live?
Yes there's a forum too:
No, there're no "meetings" or anything like that. In fact it's been said here many times that this sort of thing is very dangerous as there are many infiltrators in those groups. Especially if a person is new here is not advised to try to meet with anyone. If someone is new what he needs to do is study the website, practice and study for a year or two and then if he is a regular member here for a long time he may find other people who are also trusted members and meet with them. But not advised at all if you just join to ask about meeting. It's very dangerous. An experienced person doesn't ask questions like that, he simply can happen to communicate with many trusted people here and find one in his area.

I know there are a lot of Satanists on twitter but be careful as there are people who claim to be dedicated but are just trying to delude people as to meeting people in public, it's dangerous to do that as once again, infiltrators, it's best of just to stay in these groups.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
