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New Satanic Year: A Prior Assesment of My Mistakes And Improvements

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As everyone notices, the Joy of Satan is improving year by year. Me, as a person, I am not excluded. To be exact, all of this is the most difficult with more added responsibility and higher stakes to uphold the love of the Gods where it should be kept.

This path is the definition of transformation. With many, we have been together here for a decade or more. You have seen me evolve and I have likewise seen many evolve, slowly or with leaps. We have looked back on the decade to see ourselves rise onto the ladder of wisdom, ability, or regular everyday life. With many, we have formed strong and meaningful bonds as it is.

As a community, we have endured and endured again and again. It is shocking to look back at this and count the blows, but also the successes. And we are still here...Better than ever.

Living close to Satan and the Gods has a transformative effect. It awakens and empowers your soul. Above all however, what one comes in strong contact with, is the moving from lower states of delusion and foolishness, moving onto the next stage. I have merely been someone alongside everyone else who has kept the determination alive to do this as a lifelong task, honouring my oaths to the Gods. At the same time, the most important thing is in ourselves.

Regularly, except of the beauty, one is also confronted with the reality of our inadequacy, stupidity, lack of wisdom or knowledge. But then you learn to admire this vastness of existence and seek to solve it.

No matter what "I" teach you, or alert you to, the last key principle in your own evolution is your very own personal self. You must understand the same is the case from the Gods too. The Gods can help you, give you a boon sometimes, or guide you to accelerate you, but you are the walker of your life's path and you own the path of your existence. If you decide to not walk, nobody can carry you.

We are the deciders of our own "Fate" when it comes to our inner transformation, especially in this day and age of current. You decide what you will do with your life and existence.

For this reason, I have seen a percent of people stray off or stagnate in the path, but this was at all times by their own hand. The path is still there to be walked. To take a break on the sideline is not a mistake, but one seriously makes a mistake against their own self if you don't apply Satanism in your life.

Flirting for years with ideas of grandiosity or evil mediocrity, and other states, but also of the opposite evil which is to not understand where one is and underestimation, is not easy. The tongue of evil that wants everyone to overestimate themselves, or underestimate themselves, has always been with me too, with many other monsters of the sea and beasts of burden.

In regards to myself, I recall not that long ago, an enemy and long term infiltrator [they never took time to advance, just to attack those who do...], was complaining on how much I have changed, borderline sounding like a different person. They were highlighting all the traits that I had in the negative, and how many of these no longer exist. That is correct.

My job is to disappoint my enemies and make the friends of Satan say "Behold, that is a manifestation of the Gods in what we do - we must become like them! And fast!". Even those against us, will in the end see the holiness of the Gods and understand even their own falsehoods.

I am a whole other reborn person and individual as time goes. This is nowhere near done. How much further do you have to walk, and how much have you walked? I owe this to the Gods, myself and Satan, but above all the JoS, because without this, we will never reach the goals that have been set. We also have the legacy of the past to uphold and build on top of it.

Becoming a partaker of the wisdom of the Gods, this has grown me exponentially. The labors of birth were indeed there, but so were the fruits. Partaking in the Divine light of the Gods, and at the same time, Satan has forced me more and more out of the shell of delusion that I have begged to be freed from.

Lighter feel your feet, without the shackles of ignorance around them, or when you loosen them up a bit. But long is the way to fly again.

I follow the dictates of the Gods everyday so that I may be freed from the need of these falsehood removal procedures of mind and spirit, from the shackle and bond of ignorance. Now, all that looks like suffering to me is the day I have not parted from ignorance at least some inches further.

In regards to our relationship with some people, as we are a brotherhood of souls wanting to rise higher, there are older members of the family and younger. As we are the younger in this generation and others are older before us, in this time and era, some are older and further than others, some are starting now; but we all walk in the same path.

Some of you have supported me, been by my side, and we have fought battles alongside one another. I have to thank you all for this. Granted I know that we have done this with the greater growth and Satanic Vision in mind, I want to verify to you that our feet are as strong as ever and set in the path than ever before.

To move into the next Satanic year which starts next week, the JoS always connects with the Gods to receive the Agenda for the next year. I cannot look back and say everything that should have been done, has been done, because that would entail that we were perfect and Gods. That would be a product of arrogance to say, especially in a world where there are infinite things to do.

But we have been doing very well, we have to admit this as to not be unjust on the side of reducing our own attainments.

On a personal level, I am very much aware of my own mistakes and of potential things I have to correct and what I have to improve upon. These may not have to do with the opinion of others at all times, but they definitely have to do with the dictates of the Gods and logic.

One example that some might have observed, is how I have went from writing in a way lesser manner years ago, to progressively advancing to a best and most proper manner. I am nowhere close to the final attainment.

In the same way, this has even reflected upon the writings of other SS, which has made me really glad. Were not however of certain people to constantly "persecute" me as grammar Nazis, then this would not have happened, therefore, I am thankful for being "persecuted".

In regards to the corrections I receive from the Gods, and many of them very difficult to put in motion, I won't even go into much depth in this post. It's a lot, but all of it pleasant when it's achieved. And most rewarding. But it's uphill, in a world where all seems to go increasingly downhill.

Granted also, as with always, my e-mail is open for any dispute or any fruitful conversation or advice that has to do with important tasks. Never has anyone been turned down, except of outright enemies. The higher reason of the Gods implies that if you want to be like them, as they are here for us now, that we are here for them too.

Because the perception of many appears to be warped, thinking that one would in my shoes merely go after their personal things, and/or anything of the sort, I wanted to also clarify some things further here.

The whole idea of being a High Priest or being on this position, is not one of influence or personal affairs. Although, unironically, this is a strongly personal development path, it is not one that one receives in the way most people consider personal evolution to be a thing. It's about walking towards Truth.

It's about taking care of the souls of other people, learning to be Just, treating our own kindly, protecting knowledge, and other important tasks. The same delegated responsibility is extended to all people who by nature have grown to be influential in the community and so forth, although, we all have different roles. Many of you have this in your hands, and other hands are getting empowered to carry this beautiful gift and bestow it in your own turn.

As a whole, the idea of mine is to be able to present myself in the Gods whenever that is, and say that I really took care and massively accelerated the progress and empowerment towards Truth of all their people, to the best of my ability. And that when the best was reached, we went even further.

I have to fight all the battles for your sake and I urge people to look at the years back and see how "my" battles have become our battles, and how we have grown from all of this together. Your battles, the ones of your life and for your soul, have likewise become my very own lifelong task to solve. It's impossible to me to look at matters in any other way than what it is.

That task is very difficult, and except of the enemy, I have to fight many "monsters" everyday, not limited to and included my own "personal" monsters, which every being has, or external ones. The fight towards their eradication is a very uphill battle. But if you haven't fought then why do you even live?

These monsters go by many names, such as delusion, falsehood, acting in an unjust manner, the list goes and goes. If one looks at things directly, we all have to fight these things, what is the case is however that some of us are more advanced and more solidified in their control.

It's very difficult to explain specific things about this path unless one has walked them. I believe many of you will closely understand what I mean here or in this post, especially those who walk in the same road on a daily basis.

You cannot walk this path and not see errors, mistakes, or things you have to become better and more balanced of. If you still think after a while in this path that you are doing everything correctly, that there is nothing to solve, and nothing to get better at, go do a Regular Thanksgiving Ritual to Satan, and really mean it when you say to absolve you of all past error and delusion.

Granted also, we are looking at the future and I have seen Satan's visions for the restoration of Satanic Culture, those of you who have seen the vision, must upgrade your game alongside with "me" and all of us together as a team must do our part to bring this on.

Extending the mind and understanding how this will affect future generations, and what important task we have in our hands, will give you a lot of power to overcome obstacles that look deafening, blinding and damning if you simply look at them as an individual.

From now on there will also be certain things and exposures on how people can accelerate their advancement, but with proper function and with proper positioning. Much of this knowledge comes from our Ancestors and Cultural fathers, which the Gentiles lack of and have been left culture-less. So many are walking around totally blind.

These were teachings from the Gods that came from the past from the people they were close with, and many have disregarded them in the present. And there have been some people in the past who were incarnated in the wisdom of the Gods, to help. Yet, their work was left by the side and humanity has regressed. We must not allow this to occur again.

This will no longer be the case. I will build the Joy of Satan into the house of the Wise, where all Gentiles will want to join and will prostrate themselves by the Gods, so they can grow in their light. As we move towards the light of Sat, then a lot of falsehood will be eradicated.

I pray the Gods make me into a Just guide and a proper helper and protector of their legacy and the JoS. I pray strongly that I am judged adequate, and that my ignorance does not eat me, and that I partake towards the real light of the Gods, and help them show the straight path to all of their people.

Thank you all,


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You have been, are, and will be a fantastic leader.
Thank you Brother.
Thank you HPHC for your hard work and commitment, it is an honour to live with you and all of our Brothers and Sisters in this Era to fight the enemy and to advance.

Onwards to victory! Hail Gods of Orion!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I want you to know that i personally am very grateful and proud of you. I would never be able to keep up the spirit that you have in my present state of being abd i wouldnt ever be able to handle such a huge responsibility such as yours, so be proud of yourself for having kept this up for so long. What really pains me is that we are not in any position to be genuinely affectionate towards one another, but oh well, what could be done. We are in a war after all. And in war there is Saturn. But we will prevail and endure through all the pain and all the bullshit. Thats how growth happens.

Im with you, High priest. Lets keep the morale of the community up as we progress into the Satanic year.

Which brings me to this question: what exactly is the satanic year? In that i mean is there some other way of calculating and keeping track of time or a calendar that is pagan?

Hail Satan.
Amazing sermon, absolutely brilliant Commander!

I, too, have been trying to be the absolute best version of myself as of late, bettering myslef every day, little or much, but never regressing.

And it's hard, bloody difficult, judging yourself for not doing better, always striving for more. It feels like an endless uphill battle, but such is the path we're on.

A prayer forged in battle, to be delivered from delusion and falsehoods, is something I wish all SS brothers could see the tremendous value in.
I am working on being the best version of me, when i read this you inspire me to keep going, thank you :)
As always Cobra, you excell and shine bright as always. I remember back in the early days when I started getting involved in the rituals, around 2016, around the time we did the lunar eclipse rituals.

So much as grown and changed since then, the Joy of Satan is just rising higher and higher. We brothers, and sisters in arms, just keep rising and choose not to stop. So that one day we become perfected as the demons and demonesses of Hell,along with the beautiful grace that is Satan's influence and providence in our lives.

You especially, have been such a big influence on me and others. You, Lydia, Stormblood, Aquarius, Blitzkrieg, Soaring Eagle, HPS Shannon, and many others of my fellow brothers and sisters, exalted in their power, and beauty.

I am so excited to see where Our Great Father Satan, takes us from here. As we soar on our wings, to victory and onwards.


Can be seen from a distance how much you have changed Master Cobra, for the better, compared to a few years ago (I like read writings from the past ) ...
And for me I can say that in a short period of studying in jos I have learned so many things, and with such a high value that it seems to me that I have recently really started to live my life.
I believe there are few commanders in this world and era, that have made as many boys into men as your words have. We all mature alongside you, with certainty.
Amazing speech you are inspiring, I hope I can make progress too, if I'm allowed I would like to as a question, is Maxine still around is she OK?
I still remember as if it was yesterday when ten years ago I was starting on this path and posted for the first time in the yahoo groups, it was quite chaotic, and seeing the long way we have come since then it will be very interesting to see how the JOS will be in another 10 years.
I have really enjoyed the different direction your sermons have taken, some years ago they were all mostly "motivational", can't stand reading those anymore, but the new ones are really great, it's not just big words, but rather they have a balanced grounding effect that really make you understand a lot of things.
You are doing a great job, keep going and stronger, making your/our enemies cry 😢👶
se me salieron las lagrimas
When I think of a wise person I think of you our fantastic leader and high priest.
I enjoy your Saturnian wisdom, reading your sermons and messages has enhanced my spiritual advancement in an extremely beneficial way.

ps. I have sent you an email with some questions but have not received an answer.
I guess you're kind of our own Goku :D (Super Saiyan/ Spiritual Satanist) we all look up to, I'll just leave a few quotes here for inspiration:

  • Push through the pain. Giving up hurts more - Vegeta
  • It’s not over when you lose, it’s over when you quit. - Vegeta
  • No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying. - Vegeta
  • Your training isn’t over when your body gives up, but when you’re mind gives up. - Vegeta
  • Power comes in response to a need, not a desire.You have to create that need - Goku
  • Even a low-class warrior can surpass an elite. With enough hard work. - Goku
  • Strength is the only thing that matters in this world. Everything else is just a delusion for the weak - Vegeta
  • My greatest opponent is myself. If I can discover what my weaknesses are, then I will be an even stronger fighter than I already am - Piccolo


And speaking of delusions check this out:

There are 10 common characteristics of the 144,000 among the lightworkers, which they have experienced during the awakening process.
If you possess any of them, you might as well be one of the 144 000 that will save the world:

  • You have always identified yourself with superheroes and heroic characters. This is still the case, even if you are an adult.
  • You may be experiencing panic attacks and anxiety issues.
  • You love everything living – animals, plants, you name it. The harm done unto them makes you feel devastated.
  • You are a beacon of inspiration for many, even if you don’t notice it.

I still remember the phase when searching for answers and stumbling upon the lightworker bs. So if you have panic attacks, but think yourself as the anxiety superhero :lol: and love everything living (wtf ?!) you might be saving the world oh boy :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
You are a real treasure and you really deserve the best in life. Thank you!
You're a good man, HP. We're lucky to have you :)
I think your a wonderful Satanic Leader!⚡⚡ And you have done a lot of awesome things on here Brother. Hail Satan!!❤ Oath!!🐍💀🖤
I greatly admire you, High Priest. You are of a height that I cannot yet approach for myself, and you will continue to rise taller. I hope to one day follow in your brilliant footsteps, as well as continue to walk together in the glorious footsteps of our Gods.

Hail Satan!!!
It's very cringe indusing how I used to be like when I first started 10 years ago. My thought process and all. Even if I wasn't the average person. But that's how we know we've been growing when we look back and laugh at how silly we would act or think.

As for you I can see the blatant growth you been having thru your posts. I feel like every thing I read now from you I'll find something of merit and wise even if it's a passing comment sometimes to others. Keep up the great work High Priest and we'll do the same. May the Gods keep guiding you.

Hail Satan!!
It's interesting and relatable of what you say by not falling into arrogance but also acknowledging our worth. I've struggled with constantly thinking I'm writing nonsense and doubting myself when I post here and felt anxious when I have you or other respectable members reply. I've been having clear signs in the past few months to knock it off and now this post to add to it. Of course I'm being careful to not to fall into arrogance or delusion. It ain't easy that's for sure but feels good to see I'm not alone and it's a natural part of this path.
You are not only doing an awesome job keeping up the forums and going back and fourth with projects but are also great at going out of your way for us individually. Thanks for it all :). I look forward to us all becoming the best versions of ourselves.

As for the kike leave the pest to rot. A jew will call everyone the things that itself is. yids are gunna yid.
Thank you HP Hooded Cobra for all you do for us! The JoS would probably not exist anymore, if not for you.

Yes, you have been writing better. Your English is nearly perfect, and you explain topics very clearly. Thank you for putting in the time to do well!

Happy New Year Everyone!

As usual, my resolution is to do my best to help Satan and the powers of Hell with whatever talents I have.

You really are a role model and someone I strive to be like. You are always humble, kind and understanding, but also incredibly strong and just.

Your words have met me in various different stages of my life and whatever the circumstances I was in, you have always motivated and inspired me to always go upward and never settle for anything less than that; to cultivate nobility, discipline and courage; to always be strong willed and determined.

You are an outstanding Commander, I am honored to fight alongside you.

This was beautiful to read, thank you. We need you HP, I need you. You have my continues love and gratitude.
You are indeed more patient and you do allow others to have a better say even if it is not something you want to hear your answers are also no longer taking things personally but rather you take on board what people say to you (provided it is constructive) and you do seek to improve.

I myself am still trying to master patience my gods literally say to me every life time it is my greatest hurtle to overcome while I'm a powerful Sorcerer and a good leader my lack of patience has always let me down or exposed me too soon so my enemies would destroy me much more easily then if I had simply waited a little while longer.

I hope you will continue to improve and when this katyuga ends I hope we will finally come out of the shadows and organise ourselves for full-scale global take over we are about to get a major power boost and we have managed to not only survive ourselves but substantially lessened the consequences for other less aware people I'm highly surprised that rather then only 10% of people making it through it is well over 50% of people I was not expecting the number to be so high personally but we are not out of the woods yet so to speak.

But yes it's like before they had a whirl pool of power protecting them now I feel my RTRs actually hitting them injuring them even killing them they know their time is coming to an inevitable end.
We are grateful for your dedication and leadership. It is not as easy as it seems, and yet you make it look so easy. You are a role model to many Satanic souls in the JoS. Thank You.

May this next Year be of great fulfillment, accomplishments and wonder. Many many Blessings to our Satanic Brethren around the world and the clergy.




Thank you, as always, for your leadership and guidance, Hooded Cobra. This is a wonderful sermon to hear coming up to Beltane and at the end of the Satanic year.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
