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New member
Sep 25, 2006
Just joined... Looking for a group to discuss things with. Not many dark practioners in NM. Thinking of relocating in a year or so.

I make leathercraft bracelets, collars etc.
I have a my space DevinsLair if anyone wants to see some my pics.
<td val[/IMG]Hey dude whats up? I'm new here and i was wondering if you could add me as a friend on my space? my address is DestinOrcasitas863@... .... Message me sometime.... See ya....   HAIL SATAN!!!!

--- On Mon, 5/18/09, Devin <akasha_mist4@... wrote:
From: Devin <akasha_mist4@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New Here
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, May 18, 2009, 11:46 PM

Just joined... Looking for a group to discuss things with. Not many dark practioners in NM. Thinking of relocating in a year or so.

I make leathercraft bracelets, collars etc.
I have a my space DevinsLair if anyone wants to see some my pics.
I am a newly dedicated Satanist dedicated on Samhain 2012. I am a bisexual m to f transgender. I am still new to magick and just beginning meditation. I just wanted to say Hi to all and introduce myself. HAIL SATAN!!!
Hi brother..

Welcome to the family.. HAIL SATAN..
I'll advise u to give as much time and faith u can to perform ur rituals and meditations.. And do it more to master each and every step.. You will gradually and eventually learn and improvise.. Without even knowing.. Wish u all the best.. HAIL SATAN AND GODS OF HELL.. Ave ENKI..

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "raventg666" <raventg666@... wrote:

I am a newly dedicated Satanist dedicated on Samhain 2012. I am a bisexual m to f transgender. I am still new to magick and just beginning meditation. I just wanted to say Hi to all and introduce myself. HAIL SATAN!!!
Hello group.  About a couple of weeks ago, I made my commitment.  I gave this a lot of thought.  I am extremely analytical and research just about everything.  A little of my history and maybe a few questions.  I have a strong spirit and have felt that since I was young.  I remember conversations my mom had when I was only months old.  I understood everything she was saying but was unable to communicate it to her.  I would tell her some of it years later and she would look at me in shock.  Anyway, I was out of the house when I was 14.  I started on pot around 10, started psychedelics when I was between 11 or 12 and was shooting heroin at 14.  Most people did not know my age and were shocked when they found out how old I was.  I had many experiences and they led me into Buddhism and meditation.  I quit doing drugs around 15 and the last time I used a psychedelic, it was not a good thing.  So, I spent a lot of my time in turmoil.  A friend of my mom's took me to Christ.  I accepted it trying to get myself back together but could not understand why so much of the old knowledge was not accepted.  Also, I used to argue with a lot of educated Christians about the Council of Nicea and the creation of what is the bible.  Most Christians do not know that the bible was created well after the death of their savior and many books were not included because they did not conform to what Constantine wanted everyone to know.  So, I kind of stayed a Christian but did not really adhere  to any one group or go to any one person.

Life has gone on for me up to recently.  The past few years have been very tumultuous for me.  I have just had so many bad things happen all at once, including this woman that is the love of my life.  She asked me to leave her this last Christmas and I did.  I ended up just so depressed with my situation.  I turned to Christ, the saints, the Archangels, anyone in Catholic/Christian hierarchy that should be able to help me.  No answers, as there never really ever seemed to be any answers in my life, just some force that would look out for me and get me out of things now and then.  Anyway, during the beginning of this year, I wanted this woman back so started to research spell casting.  One of the spells was supposed to be black magic and I was reluctant to use it but I did as sometimes desperation will make you do anything.  Then I started to research conjuring Djinn.  This lead to me realizing that I would be conjuring the legions of Shaitan.  This again got me a little worried but my love for this woman made me take that step with no results.  I hit walls so many times.  I had given up and tried meditation to find her and then spell casting came up in my mind again.  So, I started to research me spell casting.  In that research, this site happened to pop up.  I, of course, was extremely reluctant to get involved in any form of Satanism.  And, I was about to close the web page when I saw "The Joy of Satan" at the bottom.  That caught me off guard.  I started looking and saw "Spiritual Santanism".  First thing that pops into my mind is "BS"!  Then I start reading.  As I have had years of reading volumes like the <em>Śrīmad Bhāgavatam</em>, I saw the similarities and it interested me.  I left Buddhism when I quit drugs as I felt it was of some kind of Satanic background (ideas put in my head by the Christians I knew).  But, I always loved the tenants of Buddhism, just in private.

So, as I read the pages on the site, I thought really hard about this and even prayed to Satan for answers and guidance prior to making a commitment.  Last thing I wanted was this to be a dead  end too.  And yes, part of me wanted to find if Satan could help me with my problems.  So, half of me was driven by my insatiable quest for knowledge and the other half was driven by my love of this woman and wanting to get her back and to help with some other issues in my life.

After my commitment to Satan, I have read and I have prayed but have not felt any different.  I have not seen or felt Satan like most say they do.  I am not sure what I am missing.  I don't know if I am closed up and can't see or if it is that maybe Satan does not see me or care to because of my past.  I do not give up.  I meditate on incense every night, ask for his guidance, ask for his help with my problems.  Nothing yet.  I feel this has been something that has been missing from my life for a long time, as how can knowledge and enlightenment be evil?  Anyway, it is hard for me to believe those saying they are in contact with Satan as my previous experiences in other things  tell me otherwise.  Yet, I have seen things and have been places in my youth when I knew  what it was all about and could see the beauty of enlightenment and real love. 

I guess my real question would be what am I doing wrong here?  Maybe  I am out of line expecting Satan to just come to me like that and to acknowledge me.  That does not deter me, however, from meditating.  Also, I read that you communicate with him through telepathy.  I try that and also verbally pray to him.  And I wondered why your commitment prayer would have to be spoken and yet we are supposed to communicate with him telepathically.

Please, don't get me wrong.  I am not questioning the validity here, I just am trying to figure out if I am doing things wrong.  Any help, any advice would be appreciated.  I normally find things out on my own but I have been down such a few hard paths and this latest one is the hardest one as get towards the twilight of my years. I hope those with experience can point to the direction I need to follow.

Thank you.  And I want to thank Satan for (hopefully) accepting me with him.
What you're doing wrong is:
1)You expect to get contacted by Satan in a specific way when there are many forms you can get contacted, like using signs, coincidences, phone calls from friends, desire to read specific books/sites e.t.c.
2)To communicate telepathically and see/hear astrally Satan or other beings obviously you need to be spiritually experienced, as these are "supernatural" abilities not available to common people. See the mistake many people think when they hear of those who have seen Satan they assume that they are just like people like them. In truth, if you really read those people's experiences you'll see they were either experienced in the occult or had psychic experiences before coming to Satan and were pretty much born psychics. That's the only people who seem to astrally see Satan immediately when they come here. For most people aren't like that, they do have to train themselves. Which brings us to the next point:
3)You said "I meditate on incense every night, ask for his guidance, ask for his help with my problems". If it's so then you misunderstood the meditation thing in Spiritual Satanism. When we talk about meditation we mean the power meditations in the site, not just passive things. Power meditations isn't related to external beings, but it's about opening your chakras, empowering your aura, training your mind and things like that. This is the most important thing in Spiritual Satanism as we're about reaching Godhood. You didn't say that you empower your chakras, do void meditation, train your mind e.t.c. every day, which is what actually empowers your soul and unlocks your astral senses if you do that for a long time.
4)I think you could have generally misunderstood what this thing is about. If you seriously think of "bringing someone who left you back" and being a slave to that person without letting her go then this isn't a Satanic but a xian thing because you want to be a slave while Spiritual Satanism is about freedom. Satan never condones or encourages getting back somebody who left you, because if that person left you then they're obviously not for you otherwise they wouldn't leave you. If they are indeed for you then they left you temporary and they'll come back.
5)Generally having too many expectations ruins the whole thing because you disregard simple things. The least expectations you have, the better. If you have no expectations and do things without getting attached to the outcome, that's the preferrable attitude. 
To the op:

First, welcome? Hail Satan!

Second, the methods by which Father Satan may contact you will very likely be nothing like what Hollywood portrays. And, you never really know what He might have to say, when He does.

The very first time I believe I clearly saw His face, He looked disappointed in me. This made me sad.

Same with the Antichrist.

But, it also spurred me on to try harder.

All I can suggest is stay committed through honest actions and prove yourself worthy to Him.

He does not fail!
Also, as far as this particular relationship, I really didn't get into the details of it.  She has left me and asked me back a few times.  She also has told me I am the love of her life, but a lot of her decisions are based on other things.  And it is a battle in me whether or not I do want to be there.  I have started to let go and normally when I let go of someone, they come back as I release them from me.  Anyway, again, all your points are well taken. 
Thanks for your reply Fire Starter.  I don't think I have any expectations as far as what might or might not happen.  I know my feelings, which are strong, always get in the way of what I am trying to achieve.  But, I work on that, constantly. 

I actually have dealt in occult for most of my life.  Like I said, I skirted Christianity as I believed in other things because of early explorations into Buddhism.  Also, I do have a huge amount of psychic energy.  I am visited by people that have passed in my dreams.  I have spoken with people about this.  It is easy to say it is a dream but not the circumstances in the dreams.  And also, I have done a lot of lucid dreaming starting when I was young.  I think as I have gotten older, I have become more jaded towards life and people in general.  But I have always been missing something and this place, here, this seems like this is where the keys are. 

All of your points are well taken and again thanks for your reply Fire Starter.
Whether you get visited in a dream isn't relevant. We aren't talking about dreams, but astral senses in your waking life. If you didn't have those in your waking life, then obviously you're not gonna experience anything astral in your waking life. Also you do have expectations, as you said in your first post:
"Maybe  I am out of line expecting Satan to just come to me like that and to acknowledge me. "
That's a pretty big expectation. In fact from your whole post it seems you expect something that's the reason why you wonder if you do anything wrong.
In short yes I know you do those things even if you don't admit them, because they get asked over and over here by people in the years I've been here. Whether you overestimate your psychic abilities I dunno, but you do need to acknowledge that they might not be as open as you think. That's the only reason people fail to experience astral things.
Well BTW if you were influenced by buddhism this could explain this misconception about meditations. Yes, in buddhism meditation is something passive where you focus on the breath or sensory experiences/thoughts or some teachings or buddhas e.t.c. Power meditation here is completely different than buddhist meditation. It's not a passive thing, but focused actively on empowering your chakras, raising the kundalini e.t.c. It's not concerned with any external beings except for an exception which isn't the most important thing to do anyway.
Buddhism also doesn't have to do anything with the astral or astral senses. It's irrelevant to it, they only focus their meditations on sensory experience and things like that. They don't even know what a chakra is, unless you mean some forms of Tibetan Buddhsm's Tantra teachings. That's the only ones who do address those things and have useful things. Besides Tantra (whether Tibetan Buddhist or Hindu), Kundalini Yoga and Tai Chi/Qi Gong there's almost nothing else that is based on the right idea in Eastern religions.
You're on the right path by looking at your story. It is an honor to even find the site and making the dedication. You are guided by the forces of hell. Now get to work, it says Youre analytical and got exp with meditation, good use that to organise basic training to open and empowering your soul, welcome to brotherhood. Your past life is dead and when time gods by you will be more happy then you would ever be with that girl or any girl. We have demon girls around dont worry.
 Humanity is dangerously insane and sick. I have always known this, but exactly how and why i've only recently understood. I have just begun working with a hypnotist to try to free my enslaved higher self from the confines ov my deluded, insane human ego/mind. The results ov this are yet to be known (i'll let you know). I've just started reading the lesser key of solomon and could use help making sense ov it. I would like to speak to(preferably irl) anyone who may be willing to help me in ANY way. I live in the Chicago/Milwaukee area.

On Tuesday, April 12, 2016 3:12 AM, "bbajdan@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

   Humanity is dangerously insane and sick. I have always known this, but exactly how and why i've only recently understood. I have just begun working with a hypnotist to try to free my enslaved higher self from the confines ov my deluded, insane human ego/mind. The results ov this are yet to be known (i'll let you know). I've just started reading the lesser key of solomon and could use help making sense ov it. I would like to speak to(preferably irl) anyone who may be willing to help me in ANY way. I live in the Chicago/Milwaukee area.

Who told you your human ego mind is insane? 

Was that your hypnotist who told you that? 

There is no reason for you or anyone to let somebody get into your mind and mess with your consciousness. 
If you believe you need to change things in the consciousness because you have xian/muslim or bhuddist or any kind of non Satanic delusions you can bring yourself in a trance and get rid of these delusions yourself.

For your own safety and mental well being never go to this person again and never contact this person for any reason again. People who are working as hypnotists are extremely dangerous and they even if they have good intentions they will damage your consciousness. Do not let anybody mess with your consciousness. 

If you feel that you can't stop going to this hypnotist or if you keep thinking about this person and if you strongly believe this person is helping you and being good for you then he already has a firm grasp on your subconsciousness. If you feel that you simply agree to everything that person is saying or suggesting then you are already under his control and it will take you a lot of effort to free your mind again from the hypnotists enslavement. If the hypnotists is skilled enough and you have a weak mind then it might already be too late if he manages to gain any sort of control over him.

Resist any kind of thoughts or urges that are not your own, identify your thoughts very carefully and pay attention to them very carefully. If there is any kind of thought or urge that suddenly get's in your head for apparently no reason or if you are thinking of something that is out of character for you for no apparent reason, or if you get distracted from something you are doing by some kind of mental interference or some kind of thoughts that pop in your mind with no clear explanation then immediatly clear your thoughts and affirm to yourself you are in control of your own mind in everyway. Resist these thoughts that aren't your own with all your mental strength and eventually you will be in control of your own mind again. 

Most importantly, do not go see this hypnotist again! Under any circomstances! No matter what you feel or think about him or what he tells you, do not listen and do not go to him again. This is for your own safety and mental well being. Don't try to confront him either, just don't contact him in any way and completely detach this person from your life in every way shape and form. 

Even if this hypnotists is a good person, even if he is a Satanist, it's just not necessary and way to risky to let some other person mess with your subconsciousness in any way, shape or form. 
Hi, and welcome! Please read through Joy of Satan and it will answer all your questions, as a newcomer. There is also a section on Satan, with pictures.
When you feel ready, please be sure to dedicate. The dedication ritual is also on the website.
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On Wednesday, April 26, 2017 8:56 PM, "ettomillsduodu@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Please am new here and I would to know more about Satan

Hello,I'm new here, looking to find like-minded individuals to discuss with.Any advice or comments for someone new such as myself?
Hi everyone, I have been reading www.joyofsatan.org and agree with everything said about jews and ETs.
I've noticed people get banned here for being a jew. I'm a white Anglo and with no racial mixing, so please don't ban me.
One question to ask: I've been doing meditation and I'm having real trouble opening my 3rd eye. Been doing it now for 2 weeks, and although I feel a slight pressure where my 3rd eye should be, I dont seem to be able to progress any further. Does anyone know of another meditation to open it?

Thank you all!
First of all, welcome!

Secondly, we don't ban people around in this group just because we assume they're jewish. The admins usually wait for enough evidence, there's also a clear set of rules for posting in this group that can be found on the 'about' page.

And for your 3rd eye, most importantly is you need to dedicate your soul to Satan, this way you'll be able to advance freely while being under Satan's protection. You really should dedicate before mediating regularly, and if you're still hesitant, then by all means drop the meditation for now, and get back to reading the JoS website until you're convinced enough.
If you already are dedicated, then here are the whats and whys for the 3rd eye;
The 3rd eye has two main functions, one is 'astral sight' and another one is 'a gate/filter for the mind'.
The second one gets improved simply by repeating the 3rd meditation, this function will help you defer truths from lies, and will also improve your understanding and intelligence in general. Which is very why it's the most important thing for newbies to work on, opening and empowering your 3rd eye will bring you to the point where there's no more doubt and confusion in Satanism, and you'll be able to tell jewish lies and tricks very easily (of course working on this alone might not be enough, but combining this with consistent research will do).
And for the Astral Sight, some people are born more psychic than others, but everyone with consistent meditation can achieve it, no exceptions.
But this takes a lot of dedication, and one needs to work on several other stuff to achieve it; opening all astral related major and minor chakras, like crown, 6th and throat chakras, and all minor chakras in the head. Also sometimes some chakras can be blocked, so unblocking is needed. And to empower the major chakras, you'll need to make sure to maintain balance in your soul by also empowering all other major chakras. You must also empower your Pineal Gland, which is probably the most important thing when it comes to astral senses.
TL;DR you'll achieve Astral Sight by advancing your soul.

Just don't get obsessed over it, or get overwhelmed by these facts I mentioned, Astral Sight is very easy to achieve when one is consistent, and the journey is SUPER fun.

Working on 3rd eye should be a daily habit for every Satanist, advanced or not.

Hail Satan!!!!
hey jimmydean,
about the 3e eye you only need to do the meditation 4 days in a row afterwards you just need to focus on your 3e eye daily no chant needed. i am pretty new to so i cant say much :p but i have opened my 3e eye about a month ago now and i just started to vaguely see aura's sometimes at least i think i am seeing aura's.. it just takes a of time like everything 

Op zaterdag 24 februari 22:29 2018 schreef "jimmydean1965@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] het volgende:

  Hi everyone, I have been reading www.joyofsatan.org and agree with everything said about jews and ETs.
I've noticed people get banned here for being a jew. I'm a white Anglo and with no racial mixing, so please don't ban me.
One question to ask: I've been doing meditation and I'm having real trouble opening my 3rd eye. Been doing it now for 2 weeks, and although I feel a slight pressure where my 3rd eye should be, I dont seem to be able to progress any further. Does anyone know of another meditation to open it?

Thank you all!

Yes start doing sharka work.
On Feb 24, 2018 4:28 PM, "jimmydean1965@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hi everyone, I have been reading www.joyofsatan.org and agree with everything said about jews and ETs.
I've noticed people get banned here for being a jew. I'm a white Anglo and with no racial mixing, so please don't ban me.
One question to ask: I've been doing meditation and I'm having real trouble opening my 3rd eye. Been doing it now for 2 weeks, and although I feel a slight pressure where my 3rd eye should be, I dont seem to be able to progress any further. Does anyone know of another meditation to open it?

Thank you all!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
