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New Cycle For Transformation: Do We Act For The Next Cycle?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Currently, there is a calm before the storm before the JoS will undergo a major and empowering transformation. The next large cycle for our affairs won't be like the previous ones, which were about survival, coming out of the darkness and having to re-establish ourselves.

It's easy to be left, right or not on the task while that happens. Some will also be left behind, in the sense that, they won't follow through the necessities of the next cycle out of their own fault. They will leave themselves behind despite of the fact the Gods had better plans for them and their future.

As things oscillate to reach a higher level and there is a transition phase going on, work and creation is required to maintain the momentum upward. This is necessary for things to evolve. I will keep this message short, as there are many things incoming for the temple of the Gods on earth. It's important that we follow through.

If anyone has been in cycles of failure, guilt-tripping themselves, laziness, self damaging, it's all a good idea to wake up from this now and waste no more time; enter the path of development and re-assume your duties.

Over the last 16 years, I had to confront all of the above monsters of the mind, and by showing decisive action, one can defeat them. Then one transforms, is above them and is ready to achieve greater things. Stayed around through thick and thin. I lost count of the times I stumbled, and I lost count because I overcame these every single time.

It's bad to let yourself not manifest your potential for the most lowly of reasons, such as boredom, laziness, foolishness or related. The harm you do to your higher self with this, is inexcusable, and it chases us when we live. Even worse, when the bell of death goes ringing, we understand we have done a monumental mistake against ourselves.

One has to evolve past these mechanisms to become fully a human being. Many people out there are not even human with the depths of simplicity and lowness they display around all of these topics.

They will be at loss and they will never be truly blessed or happy. And their denial of this state or even accepting their current state, won't cut it in the end; their souls will KNOW.

Participation, creativity and carving a higher path is the destiny for people here. A never ending sea of excuses and saying this or that, won't do anything to develop you in the end. Stagnation, death and to be just another nothing in a sideline, is not the best thing to do with one's lifetime. Most people on the planet will do this and earn nothing from life.

People who might be on the above categories have to understand that it's easy to be lost in purposeless affairs, but that these will not yield anything to you in the end. One will still end up empty from following empty affairs and weaknesses one might have followed, those which have led to quitting, laziness and disorientation. Then when one will wake up to this through other forces of life, it might be too late to take the correct path.

Putting one's destiny into pointless weaknesses, what if's, laziness or whatever of that nature, or following a feeling of disorientation and purposeless, is just a waste of time when one has embarked upon this path to exist. One cannot unsee what they have seen.

Everyone wants Golden Ages and all these things, but nothing built itself. Everything was built by people who built themselves and maintained also a building momentum externally. If one does not, what Golden Age? Do you expect 10 or 20 people to do it all? That won't work unfortunately.

The solitary and rare opportunity to evolve one's self and provide a better chance of humanity, is to be embarked into now. It was before, and now we have a new cycle. Do we move upward or lower?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
If anyone has been in cycles of failure, guilt-tripping themselves, laziness, self damaging, it's all a good idea to wake up from this now and waste no more time; enter the path of development and re-assume your duties.

Over the last 16 years, I had to confront all of the above monsters of the mind, and by showing decisive action, one can defeat them. Then one transforms, is above them and is ready to achieve greater things.
HP, what would you advise to people who have been stuck in those cycles but want to break the cycle?

How did you slay the monsters of the mind?
HP, what would you advise to people who have been stuck in those cycles but want to break the cycle?

To just break the fucking cycle.

I know someone expects a complicated response, but one has to get up simply and say "Fuck it, this is not for me" and basically get up and do what one has to do.

This is called the feeling of duty to one's self.

When that is established over a long period, the monsters will re-appear less and less frequently, but they will not over-run one's whole life and existence. They will have such minimal power, that dismissing them will be very easy. After a point they basically don't exist, they only arrive in very rare cases in one's mind.

That's called willpower and to say "fuck this futility cycle" is the first pivotal step to that direction. Everytime one follows the futile things for example, not grow today, not meditate, not work; one is closer to death and they gain literally nothing from it, only depression, guilt, failure and unhappiness.

These monsters mentioned in the original thread, metaphorically, are the robbers of your existence. Due to considering them very normal, people feed them up by engaging them, and one gets cornered. But one can win by saying "Fuck you" to them and moving on from that state and keeping it that way.

Everytime these monsters come, one must say to them "fuck you" and keep on going.

Every great personality is created because of these "fuck you, I will do better" moments.

Everyone here has the potential to be that type of being, or you wouldn't be here. While we might not be "perfect", improving is the key to happiness.
To just break the fucking cycle.

I know someone expects a complicated response, but one has to get up simply and say "Fuck it, this is not for me" and basically get up and do what one has to do. This is called the feeling of duty to one's self. When that is established over a long period, the monsters will re-appear, but they will not over-run one's whole life and existence. They will have such minimal power, that dismissing them will be very easy.

That's called willpower and to say "fuck this cycle" is the first pivotal step to that direction. Then, everytime these monsters come, one must say to them "fuck you" and keep on going.

Every great personality is created because of these "fuck you, I will do better" moments.
Based. That's true to my experience. David Goggins made a whole brand, career and life out of this.
I've narrowly avoided pitfalls (potentially minor ones) on the path by simply being willing to try, to work, to advance with real effort.

I don't consider my confidence unshakable yet, but it's on the way towards being so.

What I know for a fact, and can attest to beyond a shadow of a doubt, and beyond anyone not believing me, is that doing work for the JoS is incredibly beneficial.
Not just in the sense that we're helping society and literally saving the world one day at a time, which some people here don't seem to grasp or believe, but that this work will be recognized. Both by JGs and Clergy, but also by the Gods karmically.

From good advice, to great motivation, to amazing blessings I'd consider impossible to explain without attributing them to the Gods, this all came to me in just some months of intensive work and efforts. And I have nothing but motivation to push forward with even greater forces, to push what the Gods have given me as far as I, in a healthy way, can.

Let's keep raising the true assembly of the Gods on Earth, with all our hearts. And if anyone is also putting in efforts towards this goal, know that this is a path of blessings just as much as it is one of efforts.
Based. That's true to my experience. David Goggins made a whole brand, career and life out of this.

Now that you mention it brother, I read parts of David Goggins book and the man is very powerful and a very good example. Yes, I agree with him on many things. People and especially a lot trapped in loops, can get a lot by studying this book. This can show you where your potential actually is, versus what you think it is. US Navy Seals have broken many limitations. Not everyone might be fit for this, but when one reads it, you will see your actual limits are far further than what you might have assumed [we don't say destroy yourself here, we are speaking in a balanced manner].

I've narrowly avoided pitfalls (potentially minor ones) on the path by simply being willing to try, to work, to advance with real effort.

I don't consider my confidence unshakable yet, but it's on the way towards being so.

Give it time, you are on the right track. All you have to do, is continue on the track!

Let us advance into the future, and let those who are incapable of it fall behind.

Hail Zeus! Hail Satya!

Praised be the Gods, thanks brother.
It is important to understand that looking for a real change one have to understand the connection that is between the will power and achieving a goal, the more will power you need, the harder to achieve the goal, thats why hype rarely work to make a real change in life and its with a slow and constant acceleration that we actually make real progress in the long term, i just post a topic talking about it https://ancient-forums.com/threads/going-slow-is-going-fast.298105/

Going slow is going fast
This is a very helpful post, thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra

I have been pushing myself very hard last year and this year to overcome alot of obstacles, mental, physical, bad genetics, inborn deep diseases.

And while it's feeling like a herculean endeavor, I am going to fix and surmount everything in my way no matter what.

What I cannot fix, I will cycle back to again and again until it buckles under to me, and everything will be done.

Onward to the Golden Age. Let us build this brick by brick until it is manifested through our collective efforts.
To just break the fucking cycle.

I know someone expects a complicated response, but one has to get up simply and say "Fuck it, this is not for me" and basically get up and do what one has to do.

This is called the feeling of duty to one's self.

When that is established over a long period, the monsters will re-appear less and less frequently, but they will not over-run one's whole life and existence. They will have such minimal power, that dismissing them will be very easy. After a point they basically don't exist, they only arrive in very rare cases in one's mind.

That's called willpower and to say "fuck this futility cycle" is the first pivotal step to that direction. Everytime one follows the futile things for example, not grow today, not meditate, not work; one is closer to death and they gain literally nothing from it, only depression, guilt, failure and unhappiness.

These monsters mentioned in the original thread, metaphorically, are the robbers of your existence. Due to considering them very normal, people feed them up by engaging them, and one gets cornered. But one can win by saying "Fuck you" to them and moving on from that state and keeping it that way.

Everytime these monsters come, one must say to them "fuck you" and keep on going.

Every great personality is created because of these "fuck you, I will do better" moments.

Everyone here has the potential to be that type of being, or you wouldn't be here. While we might not be "perfect", improving is the key to happiness.

Currently, there is a calm before the storm before the JoS will undergo a major and empowering transformation. The next large cycle for our affairs won't be like the previous ones, which were about survival, coming out of the darkness and having to re-establish ourselves.

It's easy to be left, right or not on the task while that happens. Some will also be left behind, in the sense that, they won't follow through the necessities of the next cycle out of their own fault. They will leave themselves behind despite of the fact the Gods had better plans for them and their future.

As things oscillate to reach a higher level and there is a transition phase going on, work and creation is required to maintain the momentum upward. This is necessary for things to evolve. I will keep this message short, as there are many things incoming for the temple of the Gods on earth. It's important that we follow through.

If anyone has been in cycles of failure, guilt-tripping themselves, laziness, self damaging, it's all a good idea to wake up from this now and waste no more time; enter the path of development and re-assume your duties.

Over the last 16 years, I had to confront all of the above monsters of the mind, and by showing decisive action, one can defeat them. Then one transforms, is above them and is ready to achieve greater things. Stayed around through thick and thin. I lost count of the times I stumbled, and I lost count because I overcame these every single time.

It's bad to let yourself not manifest your potential for the most lowly of reasons, such as boredom, laziness, foolishness or related. The harm you do to your higher self with this, is inexcusable, and it chases us when we live. Even worse, when the bell of death goes ringing, we understand we have done a monumental mistake against ourselves.

One has to evolve past these mechanisms to become fully a human being. Many people out there are not even human with the depths of simplicity and lowness they display around all of these topics.

They will be at loss and they will never be truly blessed or happy. And their denial of this state or even accepting their current state, won't cut it in the end; their souls will KNOW.

Participation, creativity and carving a higher path is the destiny for people here. A never ending sea of excuses and saying this or that, won't do anything to develop you in the end. Stagnation, death and to be just another nothing in a sideline, is not the best thing to do with one's lifetime. Most people on the planet will do this and earn nothing from life.

People who might be on the above categories have to understand that it's easy to be lost in purposeless affairs, but that these will not yield anything to you in the end. One will still end up empty from following empty affairs and weaknesses one might have followed, those which have led to quitting, laziness and disorientation. Then when one will wake up to this through other forces of life, it might be too late to take the correct path.

Putting one's destiny into pointless weaknesses, what if's, laziness or whatever of that nature, or following a feeling of disorientation and purposeless, is just a waste of time when one has embarked upon this path to exist. One cannot unsee what they have seen.

Everyone wants Golden Ages and all these things, but nothing built itself. Everything was built by people who built themselves and maintained also a building momentum externally. If one does not, what Golden Age? Do you expect 10 or 20 people to do it all? That won't work unfortunately.

The solitary and rare opportunity to evolve one's self and provide a better chance of humanity, is to be embarked into now. It was before, and now we have a new cycle. Do we move upward or lower?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This Sermon was really good
And inspiring I enjoy it Thanks! !!!
Hail Satanas And the Gods of Hell !!!
For too long I have stagnated like a idiot, due to "solid reasons ", whatever they were and are, regardless, time waits for nobody, it's now or never.

I'm in my mid 20s and I remember that from 14-18Yo I was living like a "God" I was meditating, A LOT, and I had what I wished for, maybe not a family but I had money and bitchez and I was kingly, as I ever wanted but then, I left myself demoralized by life and I have fallen, I was recently thinking about my past self comparing to the present cockroach which I am today, looking at my old self with so much admiration and respect, thinking I was at my highest self and I probably surely was but now, I got to say "Fuck you, il do better" to that old self of mine.

It is never too late, until it is, knowing this, let this very moment be the moment of "It's time to change the game" and do better then ever before. Fuck being a weak pathetic little shit, life has no mercy but the Gods do.

I don't want to die without even trying to as the Gods for help as I have done, many times, don't want to wake myself in Hell with Them looking at me and be like : " Why haven't you come to us for help?"

Sometimes, being harsh with ourself can demoralize us enough to keep us crippled enough forever but we got to truly understand that if we do jack shit then jack shit will get.

I don't know about others here but I'm being honest and real with myself, I've been quite a lover on the bench but from now on, I'm gonna release my Pluto in its entire fullness and accomplish everything the fuck I want, burn the old bridges and everything that would stand in my way, everyone is free to do whatever they please, whoever/whatever contradicts this then just fucking destroy it and be Powerful enough to accomplish everything with your own hands.

We can't say always "there's time there's time" as this will actually make people even lazier, one should live like his life would end tomorrow, this shall and will be my motivation from now on, timing, what the fuck if I die today, have I accomplished for myself, what have I done with my life? Sure, I had succes and done that and that but why did I stopped like a loser? Because some others tried to fuck me up? Well, wait and see "karma" from now on for those who will stop the Will.

Survival for the fittest 💪🔥
Hail Satan! Hail To the Gods!
Currently, there is a calm before the storm before the JoS will undergo a major and empowering transformation. The next large cycle for our affairs won't be like the previous ones, which were about survival, coming out of the darkness and having to re-establish ourselves.

It's easy to be left, right or not on the task while that happens. Some will also be left behind, in the sense that, they won't follow through the necessities of the next cycle out of their own fault. They will leave themselves behind despite of the fact the Gods had better plans for them and their future.

As things oscillate to reach a higher level and there is a transition phase going on, work and creation is required to maintain the momentum upward. This is necessary for things to evolve. I will keep this message short, as there are many things incoming for the temple of the Gods on earth. It's important that we follow through.

If anyone has been in cycles of failure, guilt-tripping themselves, laziness, self damaging, it's all a good idea to wake up from this now and waste no more time; enter the path of development and re-assume your duties.

Over the last 16 years, I had to confront all of the above monsters of the mind, and by showing decisive action, one can defeat them. Then one transforms, is above them and is ready to achieve greater things. Stayed around through thick and thin. I lost count of the times I stumbled, and I lost count because I overcame these every single time.

It's bad to let yourself not manifest your potential for the most lowly of reasons, such as boredom, laziness, foolishness or related. The harm you do to your higher self with this, is inexcusable, and it chases us when we live. Even worse, when the bell of death goes ringing, we understand we have done a monumental mistake against ourselves.

One has to evolve past these mechanisms to become fully a human being. Many people out there are not even human with the depths of simplicity and lowness they display around all of these topics.

They will be at loss and they will never be truly blessed or happy. And their denial of this state or even accepting their current state, won't cut it in the end; their souls will KNOW.

Participation, creativity and carving a higher path is the destiny for people here. A never ending sea of excuses and saying this or that, won't do anything to develop you in the end. Stagnation, death and to be just another nothing in a sideline, is not the best thing to do with one's lifetime. Most people on the planet will do this and earn nothing from life.

People who might be on the above categories have to understand that it's easy to be lost in purposeless affairs, but that these will not yield anything to you in the end. One will still end up empty from following empty affairs and weaknesses one might have followed, those which have led to quitting, laziness and disorientation. Then when one will wake up to this through other forces of life, it might be too late to take the correct path.

Putting one's destiny into pointless weaknesses, what if's, laziness or whatever of that nature, or following a feeling of disorientation and purposeless, is just a waste of time when one has embarked upon this path to exist. One cannot unsee what they have seen.

Everyone wants Golden Ages and all these things, but nothing built itself. Everything was built by people who built themselves and maintained also a building momentum externally. If one does not, what Golden Age? Do you expect 10 or 20 people to do it all? That won't work unfortunately.

The solitary and rare opportunity to evolve one's self and provide a better chance of humanity, is to be embarked into now. It was before, and now we have a new cycle. Do we move upward or lower?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I needed to hear this High Priest.🙏🏼

It’s about time I stop fucking around.
The venerable HPs Maxine said that - to paraphrase - when time comes, people will wake up, and some (or all) will see the Truth, but by then, it will have been too late for them.

The recent post about stopping doing RTRs - stop dwelling on it, 'but me wants fights'. Want a fight? Wage a personal war against your weaknessess.
A lot of weird coincidences make me feel like I'm literally Neo from the matrix, like this message is personal to me, but I really don't understand what it takes to keep up.

I meditate, I do yoga, I participate in rituals.

I part-time job ridiculous amounts of money for basic needs and otherwise sit on my relatives neck

If I give it all up and go to a regular job that will take all my energy and most importantly time, crazy schedules of 12-16 hours in my country, and the salary will not be enough for my own place, not even for a car, not for anything but a new shitty cell phone or something, not even for a shitty renovation with current prices/salaries I will save up for about 7 years.

Yes I have been offered more pesrpective jobs, but the fate of those who work for them is sad, they literally do not see life, I have talked to them, they are not happy, this money they got with THAT kind of labor does not bring them the slightest pleasure.

About creativity or something like that, I'm all for it, but here it feels like I don't know which way to go and what to create, it feels like I'm being shouted at - hurry up and open the door and go, otherwise it will close forever, and there's no door handle, not even a wall, nothing, it's totally unclear.

There are so many directions, to make music? What instrument? Try your hand at painting? What style and what I will portray, in such musings I end up burning out nervously and prefer to live another, ordinary day for years now.
HP, what would you advise to people who have been stuck in those cycles but want to break the cycle?

How did you slay the monsters of the mind?
You only need burning courage to be better. The same courage that you had to do the dedication.
Currently, there is a calm before the storm before the JoS will undergo a major and empowering transformation. The next large cycle for our affairs won't be like the previous ones, which were about survival, coming out of the darkness and having to re-establish ourselves.

It's easy to be left, right or not on the task while that happens. Some will also be left behind, in the sense that, they won't follow through the necessities of the next cycle out of their own fault. They will leave themselves behind despite of the fact the Gods had better plans for them and their future.

As things oscillate to reach a higher level and there is a transition phase going on, work and creation is required to maintain the momentum upward. This is necessary for things to evolve. I will keep this message short, as there are many things incoming for the temple of the Gods on earth. It's important that we follow through.

If anyone has been in cycles of failure, guilt-tripping themselves, laziness, self damaging, it's all a good idea to wake up from this now and waste no more time; enter the path of development and re-assume your duties.

Over the last 16 years, I had to confront all of the above monsters of the mind, and by showing decisive action, one can defeat them. Then one transforms, is above them and is ready to achieve greater things. Stayed around through thick and thin. I lost count of the times I stumbled, and I lost count because I overcame these every single time.

It's bad to let yourself not manifest your potential for the most lowly of reasons, such as boredom, laziness, foolishness or related. The harm you do to your higher self with this, is inexcusable, and it chases us when we live. Even worse, when the bell of death goes ringing, we understand we have done a monumental mistake against ourselves.

One has to evolve past these mechanisms to become fully a human being. Many people out there are not even human with the depths of simplicity and lowness they display around all of these topics.

They will be at loss and they will never be truly blessed or happy. And their denial of this state or even accepting their current state, won't cut it in the end; their souls will KNOW.

Participation, creativity and carving a higher path is the destiny for people here. A never ending sea of excuses and saying this or that, won't do anything to develop you in the end. Stagnation, death and to be just another nothing in a sideline, is not the best thing to do with one's lifetime. Most people on the planet will do this and earn nothing from life.

People who might be on the above categories have to understand that it's easy to be lost in purposeless affairs, but that these will not yield anything to you in the end. One will still end up empty from following empty affairs and weaknesses one might have followed, those which have led to quitting, laziness and disorientation. Then when one will wake up to this through other forces of life, it might be too late to take the correct path.

Putting one's destiny into pointless weaknesses, what if's, laziness or whatever of that nature, or following a feeling of disorientation and purposeless, is just a waste of time when one has embarked upon this path to exist. One cannot unsee what they have seen.

Everyone wants Golden Ages and all these things, but nothing built itself. Everything was built by people who built themselves and maintained also a building momentum externally. If one does not, what Golden Age? Do you expect 10 or 20 people to do it all? That won't work unfortunately.

The solitary and rare opportunity to evolve one's self and provide a better chance of humanity, is to be embarked into now. It was before, and now we have a new cycle. Do we move upward or lower?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you again,for the words,you mentioned David goggins and a lot of thoughts came up from the few pages,firstly I hv always wanted to represent the characteristics of a hermit from a young age,I see a thoughtful figure like the God's as my aim,I am also loving and that I hv modeled my self to be honest caring and 100% loving at my current age of 23 this is me,however my dad is a fomer special forces who didn't hv a father things were not ok and I tried so many times to kill myself before I was thirteen I knew which methods now work,i found joy of Satan during those times and it clicked but also it gave me hope I can be great,i really want to be that God the assembly of God's represent here to be caring and thoughtful but my sense of self is always looked down upon as weak,and what life brings drowns the heart,I can surely feel it's not like it was before .my biggest pain was women,me trying to be perfect and experiencing only rejections and pain

Commander how do you keep a good heart towards your self and most importantly towards others from becoming dense and heavy so I can emulate the God's love when ones received so much pain from everywhere
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I personally needed to hear this, so I thank you for this inspiring sermon, High Priest!

I think my main issue is that I lack discipline, due to my upbringing. I know I can overcome this, my partner tells me all the time "You just need discipline, the rest will fall into place."
I admire and look up to a lot of you here, and you all inspire me to be my greatest self, every day.
Together, we can shift the entire world, but we all must each take our individual duties seriously and stay consistent!
I am grateful to have found the Temple of the Gods when I did, as I needed this inspiration to BE BETTER; not just for myself, but for the World as well, as Azazel teaches us!
Much love and blessings to all of you! WE CAN DO THIS! ✊ ⚔️
Today I was thinking and it was very clear to me to exist for the mission of the Gods. I thought about turning the little weakness to foster strength because I want to grow and see the glory of the Gods in my life. I thought through this as I returned from work, as I sat on my chairt to do the Venus square... opening the forum an hour later and it's clear to me there's a new era at hand requiring serious people of the Gods.... I'm in.
To just break the fucking cycle.

I know someone expects a complicated response, but one has to get up simply and say "Fuck it, this is not for me" and basically get up and do what one has to do.

This is called the feeling of duty to one's self.

When that is established over a long period, the monsters will re-appear less and less frequently, but they will not over-run one's whole life and existence. They will have such minimal power, that dismissing them will be very easy. After a point they basically don't exist, they only arrive in very rare cases in one's mind.

That's called willpower and to say "fuck this futility cycle" is the first pivotal step to that direction. Everytime one follows the futile things for example, not grow today, not meditate, not work; one is closer to death and they gain literally nothing from it, only depression, guilt, failure and unhappiness.

These monsters mentioned in the original thread, metaphorically, are the robbers of your existence. Due to considering them very normal, people feed them up by engaging them, and one gets cornered. But one can win by saying "Fuck you" to them and moving on from that state and keeping it that way.

Everytime these monsters come, one must say to them "fuck you" and keep on going.

Every great personality is created because of these "fuck you, I will do better" moments.

Everyone here has the potential to be that type of being, or you wouldn't be here. While we might not be "perfect", improving is the key to happiness.
There's is a certain time I'm faced with certain urges, I can't think. I can't remember why I hv to do better even if I don't give in...anyways, "fuck you" seems like the hack...
Thank you, High Priest.

I think this post is quite relevant to me. Various things here and there are going well, with my advancement and life in general. Slowly, but surely... But, as far as the JoS forums are concerned, I find myself falling back into my old lurker habits and not really posting here much. My habit is simply to say to myself "someone else will say it, anyway", and just drop a 'Like' and be done with it. Or to say "I'll post a reply here later", and then never get round to it. I partake in all of the Ritual schedules, other than that.

There are other areas in which I need to whip myself into gear a bit more. But for starters, participating in this Community more is definitely near the top of my list. There have been some very deep thoughts regarding some recent life experiences and doing the God Rituals, which I've been meaning to share here for a little while now. And even though I am not that advanced, I want to try and help others more.
Jos was always too overwhelming for me, post felt heavy for me to read and follow. I couldn't even connect with the members properly. But these past few weeks I changed completely. And I'm closer than ever to jos and it's wonderful community. Thank you Hp for always guiding me on this wonderful path.
Hail Zeus
Hail Satya
Hail all the gods and goddesses of hell
Atualmente, há uma calmaria antes da tempestade antes que o JoS passe por uma transformação importante e fortalecedora. O próximo grande ciclo para nossos assuntos não será como os anteriores, que eram sobre sobrevivência, sair da escuridão e ter que nos restabelecer.

É fácil ficar à esquerda, à direita ou não na tarefa enquanto isso acontece. Alguns também ficarão para trás, no sentido de que não seguirão as necessidades do próximo ciclo por culpa própria. Eles se deixarão para trás, apesar do fato de que os Deuses tinham planos melhores para eles e seu futuro.

À medida que as coisas oscilam para atingir um nível mais alto e há uma fase de transição apostada, trabalho e criação são necessários para manter o ímpeto ascendente. Isso é necessário para que as coisas evoluam. Mantenhai esta mensagem curta, pois há muitas coisas chegando ao templo dos Deuses na Terra. É importante que sigamos em frente.

Se alguém está em ciclos de fracasso, culpa, preguiça e automutilação, é uma boa ideia acordar agora e não perder mais tempo; entre no caminho do desenvolvimento e reassuma suas funções.

Nos últimos 16 anos, tive que enfrentar todos os monstros da mente acima, e ao mostrar uma ação decisiva, alguém pode derrotá-los. Então, alguém se transforma, está acima deles e está pronto para alcançar coisas maiores. Fiquei por perto nos bons e maus momentos. Perdi a conta das vezes em que tropecei, e perdi a conta porque superei isso todas as vezes.

É ruim deixar que você não manifeste seu potencial por motivos mais humildes, como tédio, preguiça, tolice ou relacionados. O mal que você faz ao seu eu superior com isso é indesculpável e nos persegue enquanto vivemos. Pior ainda, quando o sino da morte toca, entendemos que cometemos um erro monumental contra nós mesmos.

É preciso evoluir além desses mecanismos para se tornar um ser humano completo. Muitas pessoas por aí nem são humanas com a profundidade de simplicidade e baixeza que demonstram em torno de todos esses tópicos.

Eles ficarão perdidos e nunca serão verdadeiramente abençoados ou felizes. E sua negação desse estado ou mesmo aceitar seu estado atual, não vai resolver no final; suas almas SABERÃO.

Participação, criatividade e trilhar um caminho mais alto é o destino das pessoas aqui. Um mar sem fim de desculpas e dizer isso ou aquilo não fará nada para desenvolvê-lo no final. Estagnação, morte e ser apenas mais um nada em uma linha lateral não é a melhor coisa a fazer com a vida. A maioria das pessoas no planeta fará isso e não ganhará nada da vida.

Pessoas que estão nas categorias acima precisam entender que é fácil se perder em assuntos sem propósito, mas que estes não renderão nada a você no final. Uma pessoa ainda acabará vazia por seguir seus vazios e fraquezas que ela pode ter seguido, aquelas que levaram à resistência, preguiça e desorientação. Então, quando uma pessoa acorda para isso por meio de outras forças da vida, pode ser tarde demais para seguir o caminho correto.

Colocar o próprio destino em fraquezas sem sentido, "e se", preguiça ou qualquer coisa dessa natureza, ou seguir um sentimento de desorientação e falta de propósito, é apenas perda de tempo quando alguém embarca neste caminho para existir. Não se pode deixar de ver o que se viu.

Todo mundo quer Eras de Ouro e todas essas coisas, mas nada se construiu sozinho. Tudo foi construído por pessoas que se construíram e manteve também um impulso de construção externamente. Se não, que Era de Ouro? Você espera que 10 ou 20 pessoas façam tudo? Infelizmente, isso não vai funcionar.

A oportunidade solitária e rara de evoluir para si mesmo e fornecer uma chance melhor para a humanidade, é embarcar agora. Era antes, e agora temos um novo ciclo. Nós nos movemos para cima ou para baixo?

-Sumo Sacerdote Cobra Encapuzada 666
Ultimamente, tenho me sentido perdido e não sinto vontade de continuar, como se todos os meus esforços ao longo dos anos tivessem sido em vão, ou pior, quanto mais certo eu acho que estou, mais problemas aparecem. É uma perseguição atrás da outra e sinto que estou perdendo minhas forças. Não me considero fraco ou um fracasso, mas ultimamente tenho estado perdido e não importa o que eu faça, é como se eu não conseguisse sair desse buraco. Estou cada vez mais sozinho em minhas lutas.

Traduzido com DeepL.com (versão gratuita)
The main problem for me is that now, after dedicating a decade to spiritual warfare, I feel like a veteran warrior who ends a war of many years and when the time comes to put away his sword he cannot find other incentives in a society that feels totally empty of deep values.
Em última análise, tenho-me sentido perdido e não sinto vontade de continuar, como se todos os meus esforços ao longo dos anos tivessem sido em vão, ou pior, quanto mais certo eu acho que estou, mais problemas aparecem. É uma perseguição atrás da outra e sinto que estou perdendo minhas forças. Não me considero fraco ou um fracasso, mas ultimamente tenho estado perdido e não importa o que eu faça, é como se eu não conseguisse sair desse buraco. Estou cada vez mais sozinho em minhas lutas.

Mas eu realmente não quero desistir, só preciso me recuperar de alguma forma
The main problem for me is that now, after dedicating a decade to spiritual warfare, I feel like a veteran warrior who ends a war of many years and when the time comes to put away his sword he cannot find other incentives in a society that feels totally empty of deep values.
A bit dramatic, find something else to occupy your time.
A bit dramatic, find something else to occupy your time.
The gym is the only activity that I find some fun in, and that allows me to distract myself for a while.
The venerable HPs Maxine said that - to paraphrase - when time comes, people will wake up, and some (or all) will see the Truth, but by then, it will have been too late for them.

The recent post about stopping doing RTRs - stop dwelling on it, 'but me wants fights'. Want a fight? Wage a personal war against your weaknessess.
Battling your weaknesses is a good thing.

I never wanted to fight with anyone, I have a completely different character altogether.

I wanted to change the conditions in this world for the better, less favorable for the jews and more favorable for myself.

At this point, I see that these are hard and difficult times, literally for everyone.

HPS Lydia's words that things will get better in time - that's hopeful.

By the way, I would like to know - that once a month that we will hold RTR is what date is preferable?

I think the last day of the waning moon would be good?
Very much appreciated for such a truthful Sermon, Big Brother Cobra!

It is exactly as you write. A lot of «Monsters» I had to send the fuck away, and they came back, but weakened. When some «Monsters» were destroyed, others still showed themselves. It's a long process. But it's worth it.

Thank you for all your efforts, very valuable material. And, of course, our Noble and Sacred Community is only moving upward! Upward, in breadth and in depth. The new Cycle will be epic, I have a feeling it will be.

Hail Satan!
Hail Gods of the Duat!
Hail Lady Maxine!

Hail JoS!
People need to start developing this sense of urgency. You think you have time, but you really don't. Not only do we physically age day by day, but more importantly, none of us know when our cognitive abilities will stop being what they are.
I read a chinese proverb a while back that goes: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is right now.”
Each of us deep down knows what are the right things to do, but for some reason we always deviate toward the useless and never do them.

Thank you High Priest for this enlightening post and very important reminder.
that once a month that we will hold RTR is what date is preferable?
This is up to the Clergy to decide.

My remark in regards to wanting to do RTRs was aimed at people who refuse to change their aim (hopefully there aren't many of them).

Aim at your weaknesses, aim at what hinders you, stops you from attaining your highest potential. Back before HPs Lydia stated we are not to do RTRs daily any more, we had been focusing our attention to combat the jew.

Now, we ought to target our internal foes.
The main problem for me is that now, after dedicating a decade to spiritual warfare, I feel like a veteran warrior who ends a war of many years and when the time comes to put away his sword he cannot find other incentives in a society that feels totally empty of deep values.
"They shall beat their swords into ploughshares."

Focus on growth and development. What do you think Romans did when they retired from the military? They worked the fields. Or, go fight in the social and intellectual space. Join the outreach project.
It pains me to admit it, but I've been stuck in a rut too.
Not just physically, but spiritually too.
I've just been doing the same few meditations over and over again every day for the past few years.
I know it's better than nothing, but deep down I know the bare minimum isn't cutting it anymore.
At least you do them, I keep starting a schedule and then falling into inactivity, it feels like even the simplest schedule at one point becomes "too much to bear", I don't know if I'm clear.
I'll get back on track but this is frustrating.
Excellent post High Priest!

We need to defeat our weaknesses, as all they give are only excuses to stop fighting for our goals, because it's easier to remain in our little circle called comfort zone.

In my signature there is an article I wrote, about defeating procrastination, something I suffered from for years, but now I managed to defeat it, and I hope it can help the readers.

Now I'm in the Outreach project, I contribute to it everyday, and I meditate more consistently and I do more spiritual exercises, because I wanted to defeat my weaknesses.

Hail Satan!
I hope the martial arts gym I promised to join will instill in me some discipline, I never practiced sports with pleasure so that's a starting point.
HP, what would you advise to people who have been stuck in those cycles but want to break the cycle?

How did you slay the monsters of the mind?
Similar to what HP said, I've found that it's the act of saying "No" over and over again to something which actually diminishes its power over you, which also includes things which are good for you.

And more importantly than self-discipline, what one actually has to build first is "self-trust"; faith in your own mind to obey your commands.

Imagine leading an army and your soldiers decide on a whim whether or not to follow orders?

Once there is trust the discipline follows automatically, in fact it is a symptom of self-trust.

Because your words (or "commands") begin to hold more weight. Your brain can't even take your words seriously when you always capitulate on them.

The first thing to do I think is small acts of self-trust, start as small as possible. Each act builds on itself a level of self-trust, similar to how energy builds via daily meditation.
I never practiced sports with pleasure so that's a starting point.
That's a HUGE starting point. Tell you what, if you can work out in peace, prepare for PAIN and subsequent PLEASURE.

Humans are so designed that we release endorphins; sometimes I run when I am in a hurry, and after I stop I pant BUT feel awesome overall.

And as far as intilling discipline - 'fk, I have to go'. Yes, but you know WHY, and know WHAT happens later: being in shape, discipline, conscientiousness.

Enjoy the fun, as you'll have a LOT of it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
