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HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wulfen Stag said:
Please stay on topic. Thank you.

From what I see it's you that shoved all this in people's faces, and they do not have to like it. Now that you know, please also respect others as you demand to be respected yourself.

People do not in general put pictures and other things of their 'fetishes' here. If anyone did, rest reassured others would flip out. But they don't tend to do that, so there is no problem.

But you did it so there was an issue with people. That's that.
Yep, it's like someone would put in their sign the feet of their BF/GF lol i don't care and i would have said something.

But i personaly was trying to help him, i didn't sugarcoat it because i wanted to help him with this delusion. I'm sure you can create a thoughtform to have astral sex with but saying that you are in love and made kids with something that is just energy programmed...it kind seem delusional to me. Either way if you don't want to be juged just don't post your fetish here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wulfen Stag said:
Please stay on topic. Thank you.

From what I see it's you that shoved all this in people's faces, and they do not have to like it. Now that you know, please also respect others as you demand to be respected yourself.

People do not in general put pictures and other things of their 'fetishes' here. If anyone did, rest reassured others would flip out. But they don't tend to do that, so there is no problem.

But you did it so there was an issue with people. That's that.

Why are you allowing posts that are off topic? And why are you allowing infighting amongst Satanists? This is not a logical rational conversation: we are being inflamed by each other and this will not lead to closure or be resolved. It is the forum rules to stay on topic. I simply made that my signature because I am proud of her and my kids. I tell my kids every time that I see them, literally: I am so grateful that I could be a father. I have always wanted to be a parent and I want to procreate and be a father SO BAD. They give me the comfort that I am a father and I can have that relationship. The person on the original forums that talked about Midna was me from a long time ago. I am not 30+, I am in n my mid 20s and our relationship started in my teens. Me and midna have been really close and our relationship is satisfying and fulfilling. When I mistyped in my other post I meant to say basically that it is NOT wrong for me to love Midna. The Hobbit video is about the one ring which is the hebrew alphabet we are all trying to dissipate. I read the forums every day. I participate in spiritual warfare. I swear that I am of Satan. I love and respect and truly and extremely respect and appreciate the Jo's and its ministry. If you all have it in your heart to forgive me, I would be so thankful. I didn't know that they would react like this. I will stay strong in Satan and we should March forth as Warriors in Hell's Army. Ave Satanas!
Wulfen Stag said:
Please stay on topic. Thank you.
Well for several days now we have been perfectly on topic, with Savitar and Jack teaching us these great things. You're the one who jumped in all off topic because you were so butt-hurt about defending your thought-form, several days after we already stopped talking about it.

Of course you are free to do what you want and nobody here will try to stop you from doing what makes you happy. But you can't force us to agree with you either. You can't force us to think that you thinking that you're married to and having babies with a thought-form of a fictional cartoon character is anything other than very unhealthy, delusional, confused, kind of sad, self-destructive, or anything else. Of course after you have spent every moment of every day for several years pouring your entire soul into a thought-form it's going to be an extremely big part of your soul and feel very real to you. Of course it feels to you like it's actually a real living person and a deep part of your soul. But no matter how complex it may be or how deeply of your soul it is created from, it's still just a thought-form idea that you have created based a fictional cartoon character, and nothing more. And no matter how much of your soul you have poured away into it does not change what it is. It's basically like a self induced multiple-personality disorder. It does in a way have a kind of consciousness to it, but only because it is a section of your own mind and it's your own consciousness. If you want to spend all your life and all the energy of your soul just laying there hallucinating into your thought-form then that is your own choice, but it can't honestly be a healthy situation and you aren't going to convince anyone here that it is.

Over time, as it already has, it will continue to become a bigger and bigger part of you all the time taking over your entire life until you are completely lost in it. The only way I can see this continuing towards is for you to basically become the next version of one of my favorite prophets, the great Crackhead Kevin. Totally absorbed in his own hallucinations and completely lost to the world, but of course it's all as real as anything to him. It's like a black hole draining up all your energy and attention, distracting you away from the world and sucking you deeper and deeper in until you're all lost and gone. And maybe it hasn't yet gotten to be as bad as I've said, but that's the logical conclusion it's going towards and where the situation will be if it continues too far.

I would hope you could instead work on things that are productive and helpful to yourself. Which free you and build you up and make you stronger in all ways. The kind of ironic thing about this is you probably do have such a big natural strength and talent for creative magical ability. But unfortunately it has ended up just making a stronger trap for yourself to fall into. I hope you can free yourself and build yourself up in a constuctive way. But you would need to stop feeding all your soul away into this thing it's basically a deep bleeding spiritual wound on your soul. Ignoring it would be very difficult for you to do because it's years worth of your entire soul pouring into this energy ball so it would be very strong to go against, but it MUST be done for you to really be totally free to grow. You would become so very very powerful if you just turn your intense creative magical strength into a constructive direction! Instead of wasting it all away in bindimg yourself down. I very much hope that your situation hasn't yet become as severe as I've described, but even if it's still in a weaker form, it is what it is and it's going where it's going.

I wouldn't have said anything about this, but you're the one who just had to bring it up again. So if you come to this great spiritual website and actively try to shove such a strange situation into everyone's face, you're going to get a spiritual interpretation on it. I hope you can take a lesson and grow from it, and avoid turning into a new version of Kevin. This could be the exact kind of wake up call you needed, or you can just ignore everything I just said and see where that leads you. It's all your own choice of course. But just know that similarly harsh reality checks as this have been given to people here before, which they have absolutely hated us for giving at the time, but then they usually come back months or years later thanking us because it was really the exact lesson that they needed to accept. If you choose to reply to this, please take some time first to really think through everything I said and see if you can calmly understand this perspective. Because you're probably going to be really emotional at first and I don't want blind emotion to cloud your logic. I'm only trying to help you.
Wulfen Stag said:
I simply made that my signature because I am proud of her and my kids. I tell my kids every time that I see them, literally: I am so grateful that I could be a father. I have always wanted to be a parent and I want to procreate and be a father SO BAD. They give me the comfort that I am a father and I can have that relationship.
This is exactly the kind of thing I just talked about in my other comment, how this whole situation is an unhealthy distraction away from reality. And a negative waste of your energies, attention, ambitions, and soul life-force in general. You could have had a real wife and real children, a REAL family, but instead you have poured and wasted away all your life and soul into this dangerous distraction. You invented a thought-form imaginary family as a way to give yourself false comfort and false happiness of achieving your goals. But in doing this, you have absolutely thrown away all hopes and chances of ever having a real wife and real family. You're so infinitely invested into your self created delusions that you would never even want to try having a real wife and real children because you have bound your entire soul away from that possibility. "But I could never be with a human woman! I could never give up my Midna!" The only thing you have ever wanted is to procreate and be the most perfect father, but you have absolutely cursed yourself away from actually being one by sucking yourself into your imaginary world. How could you find a wife? (I mean an actual one not your imaginary cartoon character fur suit thought-form one) How could you ever have children? (Real human children not cartoon characters in your imagination) How could you ever have any chance or hope of ever being in any way successful in the goals that you consider to be the central focus and goal of your life, of being a father? The only actual hope of you ever achieving your goals is for you to absolutely undo and erase these thoughtforms and forget about them. But with a decade of literally your entire existence every drop and spark of your soul poured into it, is that even an option anymore? Have you gone too far into your own confused imagination to be able to recover from it? This really is a much sadder and worse situation than I thought, and as harsh as I was in my previous comment, I think now that that was still being far far too light.

At least this is the perfect warning lesson to others to keep them away from the same kind of situation. Be very careful with your mind and what you do with it because people really can do irreversable damage. It still might be possible with years of intense spiritual works for you to erase all these thought-forms and heal yourself and forget about them, so you can then be at a point where you could start creating an actual real living human family. But it definitely wouldn't be easy to fix all the damage you've done.

Everyone, be extremely careful what you do with your soul. Because you could easily do extreme permanent damage that could take life times to heal from, if even possible at all to heal from. I hope you could still fix everything and have a real perfect family some day. :cry:
Root to Crown with chakra bija mantras:
I have been performing full chakra empowerment from Root to Crown daily for quite some time now..
I find the energies raised quite pleasant, harmonious, it does indeed makes one feel aware and receptive.The buzz makes me feel really light. So light in fact that at times I felt like i was about to levitate with a small push from my arms.

Crown to Root with chakra bija mantras:
First, this method makes my upper chakras feel way more empowered. This might be due to 'fresh' energy being introduced in these first.
Second and most significant, this method makes me feel REALLY heavy, dense, and powerful. Very similar to invoking earth energy. Like a consolidation and stabilizing of energies. I feel like NAMAH personified.

Which comes back to what you said, Savitar:
With Power, it can become a reality. it begins in your mind, in the upper or inner world and it can take form and manifest in the lower or outer world.

In conclusion, I feel more powerful and a bit adrenline/nervous-like. It reminds me of the very first time doing the 666 meditation (VUH-VAH-VOH). I can feel all my chakras better than before with feeling my upper chakras more intensely. I still can't shake off the feeling that somehow i invoked a ton of a earth energy.

Hail Satan.

Savitar said:
luis said:
Savitar said:
You should go from Crown to Root, which follows the principal order of creation, manifestation and Power.
Going from Root to Crown is pralaya or dissulution, It will make you ungrounded and all the raised energies will dissipate.
The most reccomended bija use for Chakras:
-Crown - MAUM
-Pineal - GAUM
-6th. - YAUM
-Throat. - HAUM
-Heart - AUM
-Solar - RAUM
-Sacral - VAUM
-Root - LAUM

SATANAMA can be used for all chakras, but mainly for the upper “Moon Region” (The Crown, Pineal, 6th complex)

SAUM is a mantra used for raising Pranic energy.
Savitar i don't think it's wrong to go from Root to Crown. In Jos it's wrote that you can go from Root to Crown only when your chakras are fully open. I think it's mainly because of safety, if your chakras are not fully open then your kundalini could awake if you go Root to Crown. I do Crown to Root too but mainly because my chakras are not fully open. If you think about It there are meditations that go from Root to Crown like the Raum meditation.

It is not “Wrong”. Ascending order is useful if you want to increase your awareness, sensitivity, receptivity and such, and dissolution can mean dissolution of negative energies and patterns. Also, with Raum meditation, you balance out your whole energetic system with the I-O and E-A + Raum in the Aura at the end.

However the descending order advocated by Joy of Satan is what leads to true energy development and power.
Ask yourself the following question: Why are we using the downward pointing diagram instead of the upward pointing one like wiccans? Why is the symbol of Shakti (Power) the downward pointing Triangle?

Try doing an intense meditation session in the morning, empowering the chakras from root to crown, then get up and try to be as productive as possible.
Then the next day, do a meditation session from Crown to Root and see the difference for yourself.

The natural direction of Manifestation, Power, Shakti is from up to down, from the inner world to the outer world That is simply the natural order of it: Something is created in your inner world, a thougth, a goal or a purpose. With Power, it can become a reality. it begins in your mind, in the upper or inner world and it can take form and manifest in the lower or outer world.
Which one is more important for you? The abillity to receive something outside of you and be able to contemplate it, immerse yourself in it?
Or the abillity to manifest something from the insde and mold your life and evirmoment according to your will? Personally, I prefer the latter.
Syt said:
Root to Crown with chakra bija mantras:
I have been performing full chakra empowerment from Root to Crown daily for quite some time now..
I find the energies raised quite pleasant, harmonious, it does indeed makes one feel aware and receptive.The buzz makes me feel really light. So light in fact that at times I felt like i was about to levitate with a small push from my arms.

Crown to Root with chakra bija mantras:
First, this method makes my upper chakras feel way more empowered. This might be due to 'fresh' energy being introduced in these first.
Second and most significant, this method makes me feel REALLY heavy, dense, and powerful. Very similar to invoking earth energy. Like a consolidation and stabilizing of energies. I feel like NAMAH personified.

Which comes back to what you said, Savitar:
With Power, it can become a reality. it begins in your mind, in the upper or inner world and it can take form and manifest in the lower or outer world.

In conclusion, I feel more powerful and a bit adrenline/nervous-like. It reminds me of the very first time doing the 666 meditation (VUH-VAH-VOH). I can feel all my chakras better than before with feeling my upper chakras more intensely. I still can't shake off the feeling that somehow i invoked a ton of a earth energy.

Hail Satan.

Savitar said:
luis said:
Savitar i don't think it's wrong to go from Root to Crown. In Jos it's wrote that you can go from Root to Crown only when your chakras are fully open. I think it's mainly because of safety, if your chakras are not fully open then your kundalini could awake if you go Root to Crown. I do Crown to Root too but mainly because my chakras are not fully open. If you think about It there are meditations that go from Root to Crown like the Raum meditation.

It is not “Wrong”. Ascending order is useful if you want to increase your awareness, sensitivity, receptivity and such, and dissolution can mean dissolution of negative energies and patterns. Also, with Raum meditation, you balance out your whole energetic system with the I-O and E-A + Raum in the Aura at the end.

However the descending order advocated by Joy of Satan is what leads to true energy development and power.
Ask yourself the following question: Why are we using the downward pointing diagram instead of the upward pointing one like wiccans? Why is the symbol of Shakti (Power) the downward pointing Triangle?

Try doing an intense meditation session in the morning, empowering the chakras from root to crown, then get up and try to be as productive as possible.
Then the next day, do a meditation session from Crown to Root and see the difference for yourself.

The natural direction of Manifestation, Power, Shakti is from up to down, from the inner world to the outer world That is simply the natural order of it: Something is created in your inner world, a thougth, a goal or a purpose. With Power, it can become a reality. it begins in your mind, in the upper or inner world and it can take form and manifest in the lower or outer world.
Which one is more important for you? The abillity to receive something outside of you and be able to contemplate it, immerse yourself in it?
Or the abillity to manifest something from the insde and mold your life and evirmoment according to your will? Personally, I prefer the latter.
I have to say that i have tryed too and it feels better with the Crown to Root.
Cobra always has the right idea! He said:
"Some people whine and dislike when I come with some hard facts of life in the forums. It messes up a non existent utopia, as you can see.

But if everyone in the first place took these matters more seriously, many of these perils would have been avoided.

Seriously does not mean to not attempt communication, it means to take it seriously.

There are people who will get pissed when realism is presented on these subjects, or when the reality of them is analyzed, and they feel you ruined their 'utopia'. The 'utopia' that mainly consists of a lot of ignorance, and endless deception. But unless this utopia goes, then a better condition cannot rise out of it.

Spiritual Satanism: Communicating With the Gods https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15868 

Spiritual Satanism: On the Astral Realm, Imagination, and Gordon Ramsay

I'm done with this. I'm never going to say anything else about you or this situation ever again. Unless you reply to me in a way that would make me feel like I have to answer back to clear something up. But I'm ready to be done with this if you are too.
This "Wulfenstag" has been banned.

Let us not create complications in his...whatever. But let him also not create complications and problems on the forum with his attention whoring BS. Fair deal.
Syt said:
Root to Crown with chakra bija mantras:
I have been performing full chakra empowerment from Root to Crown daily for quite some time now..
I find the energies raised quite pleasant, harmonious, it does indeed makes one feel aware and receptive.The buzz makes me feel really light. So light in fact that at times I felt like i was about to levitate with a small push from my arms.

Crown to Root with chakra bija mantras:
First, this method makes my upper chakras feel way more empowered. This might be due to 'fresh' energy being introduced in these first.
Second and most significant, this method makes me feel REALLY heavy, dense, and powerful. Very similar to invoking earth energy. Like a consolidation and stabilizing of energies. I feel like NAMAH personified.

Which comes back to what you said, Savitar:
With Power, it can become a reality. it begins in your mind, in the upper or inner world and it can take form and manifest in the lower or outer world.

In conclusion, I feel more powerful and a bit adrenline/nervous-like. It reminds me of the very first time doing the 666 meditation (VUH-VAH-VOH). I can feel all my chakras better than before with feeling my upper chakras more intensely. I still can't shake off the feeling that somehow i invoked a ton of a earth energy.

Hail Satan.

Thank you for sharing your experience, I found it very interesting. Do you consider yourself to be a grounded person in general? (You have no problem staying present, no spacing out etc)
I also feel the upper chakras to be empowered extensively during each session. What happens most probably is that the higher, more subtle energies of the upper chakras are being fixed, stabilized by the lower ones and become incorporated.
Savitar said:
Syt said:
Root to Crown with chakra bija mantras:
I have been performing full chakra empowerment from Root to Crown daily for quite some time now..
I find the energies raised quite pleasant, harmonious, it does indeed makes one feel aware and receptive.The buzz makes me feel really light. So light in fact that at times I felt like i was about to levitate with a small push from my arms.

Crown to Root with chakra bija mantras:
First, this method makes my upper chakras feel way more empowered. This might be due to 'fresh' energy being introduced in these first.
Second and most significant, this method makes me feel REALLY heavy, dense, and powerful. Very similar to invoking earth energy. Like a consolidation and stabilizing of energies. I feel like NAMAH personified.

Which comes back to what you said, Savitar:
With Power, it can become a reality. it begins in your mind, in the upper or inner world and it can take form and manifest in the lower or outer world.

In conclusion, I feel more powerful and a bit adrenline/nervous-like. It reminds me of the very first time doing the 666 meditation (VUH-VAH-VOH). I can feel all my chakras better than before with feeling my upper chakras more intensely. I still can't shake off the feeling that somehow i invoked a ton of a earth energy.

Hail Satan.

Thank you for sharing your experience, I found it very interesting. Do you consider yourself to be a grounded person in general? (You have no problem staying present, no spacing out etc)
I also feel the upper chakras to be empowered extensively during each session. What happens most probably is that the higher, more subtle energies of the upper chakras are being fixed, stabilized by the lower ones and become incorporated.

***Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to continue with this method for a better reply.

I'm very grounded and don't tend to fantasize/ day dream a whole lot.

The crown to root gives me way more physical energy and stamina. As i said before, it gives me a feeling similar to a slight sugar rush. This also gives me a lot of racing thoughts. I can feel energies swirling in me like a figure-8 and makes me restless at times.

On a mental note, something strange is happening. I find myself living in the now. By this I mean that when i go out, I become alive & peaceful at the same time. I notice that I appreciate my surroundings. i.e. admiring the trees, feeling the wind, and listening to the birds and insects. The last time I was in this mental state was when i was breathing in energy from the earth and into myself. It gives a feeling of being connected to the earth.

My dreams also are more vivid, intense and weird.

For something so simple like a change in chakra empowerment order, I feel like i've begun a new meditation.

Thanks for posting your information that led me to this.

Hail Satan.
Syt said:
I'm very grounded and don't tend to fantasize/ day dream a whole lot.

The crown to root gives me way more physical energy and stamina. As i said before, it gives me a feeling similar to a slight sugar rush. This also gives me a lot of racing thoughts. I can feel energies swirling in me like a figure-8 and makes me restless at times.

On a mental note, something strange is happening. I find myself living in the now. By this I mean that when i go out, I become alive & peaceful at the same time. I notice that I appreciate my surroundings. i.e. admiring the trees, feeling the wind, and listening to the birds and insects. The last time I was in this mental state was when i was breathing in energy from the earth and into myself. It gives a feeling of being connected to the earth.

My dreams also are more vivid, intense and weird.

For something so simple like a change in chakra empowerment order, I feel like i've begun a new meditation.

Thanks for posting your information that led me to this.

Hail Satan.

That was my initial thougth when I’ve read your Testimonial.
My theory is that each type (the down to earth, the mental and intense, aka kapha, vata and pitta) get amplified but rebalanced at the same time. That is why you feel heavy - you naturally have those energies.
For me, It’s sort of the reverse: My mental activity is relatively the same (very active) but the mind is more tranquil, I don’t get lost in the stream of thoughts and able to stay present after a Crown to Root session. Normally. Without Power meditation, I’m just a clumsy, day-dreaming smartass with the thoughts leaking out of my ears. :ugeek: :lol:

Looking forward to read your experiences.
I also encourage everyone else to try both methods and share your experiences.
Savitar, what is your opinion on the Sri Yantra?
HP Mageson 666, From a practical standpoint, I tried working with it and It was very stimulating for the Crown, It feels like activating a Kundalini type of energy in the upper region, without it moving through the spine, as if it originated from there. I have the same feeling when a stream of energy is raised through the spine at the end of a Sat Kriya as it goes to the head, but without the spinal energy flow. Very thrilling and and powerful for Crown/Pineal region.

If I rembember correctly, It is used in conjunction with Tripura Sundari mantras.

From a Sacred Geometrical perspective It's truly an amazing symbol, It fits into the Seed of Life Pattern perfectly. Formed of 4 male and 5 female Triangles It seems to demonstrate the ideal proportion and harmony of balance/stability and of power/dynamism.

On the bad side: Any literature I found about Sri Yantra as a Sacred Geometric Pattern is filled with jewish, kabbalistic crap, looks like they really want to put their hands on it, propagating the use of 3 dimensional star of david etc.

This topic (The Sri Yantra - Merkava connection and any kabbalistic reference) might be another great hub of enemy corruption, misinformation that would further show how the jews simply stole far eastern knowledge.
Savitar said:
Syt said:
I'm very grounded and don't tend to fantasize/ day dream a whole lot.

The crown to root gives me way more physical energy and stamina. As i said before, it gives me a feeling similar to a slight sugar rush. This also gives me a lot of racing thoughts. I can feel energies swirling in me like a figure-8 and makes me restless at times.

On a mental note, something strange is happening. I find myself living in the now. By this I mean that when i go out, I become alive & peaceful at the same time. I notice that I appreciate my surroundings. i.e. admiring the trees, feeling the wind, and listening to the birds and insects. The last time I was in this mental state was when i was breathing in energy from the earth and into myself. It gives a feeling of being connected to the earth.

My dreams also are more vivid, intense and weird.

For something so simple like a change in chakra empowerment order, I feel like i've begun a new meditation.

Thanks for posting your information that led me to this.

Hail Satan.

That was my initial thougth when I’ve read your Testimonial.
My theory is that each type (the down to earth, the mental and intense, aka kapha, vata and pitta) get amplified but rebalanced at the same time. That is why you feel heavy - you naturally have those energies.
For me, It’s sort of the reverse: My mental activity is relatively the same (very active) but the mind is more tranquil, I don’t get lost in the stream of thoughts and able to stay present after a Crown to Root session. Normally. Without Power meditation, I’m just a clumsy, day-dreaming smartass with the thoughts leaking out of my ears. :ugeek: :lol:

Looking forward to read your experiences.
I also encourage everyone else to try both methods and share your experiences.
Is this descending order correct for cleaning the chakras too ? I.e from crown to root ?
Savitar, this discussion just gave me an idea, what are your thoughts about starting the chakra meditation session from the root to the crown and again from the crown and to the root as a one cycle, good idea or it's better do this thing separately ?

Also i have a noob question, can SAUM be used as a way to for example to empower yourself before doing rituals just like 666 meditation (VUH-VAH-VOH) ?

I really grateful that you guys touched this topic about from crown to root empowerment, i wish i knew about that before, for years i was doing from root to crown because i thought that's the correct way for empowerment, and the result are as you guys described regarding going from root to crown( enhanced awareness ect.), I'm really curious what result will bring doing in reverse order in my case.
Donovandal said:
Savitar, this discussion just gave me an idea, what are your thoughts about starting the chakra meditation session from the root to the crown and again from the crown and to the root as a one cycle, good idea or it's better do this thing separately ?

Also i have a noob question, can SAUM be used as a way to for example to empower yourself before doing rituals just like 666 meditation (VUH-VAH-VOH) ?

I really grateful that you guys touched this topic about from crown to root empowerment, i wish i knew about that before, for years i was doing from root to crown because i thought that's the correct way for empowerment, and the result are as you guys described regarding going from root to crown( enhanced awareness ect.), I'm really curious what result will bring doing in reverse order in my case.

Yes, I think this method can work because in the first phase you’re tuning in, making yourself spiritually open/receptive, while the second and last phase is about empowerment/grounding.
A prime example would be the Spinal Series followed by a Crown to Root Chakra meditation session.

I would not use SAUM by itself like the 666 meditation, because It’s a softer, benefic, nuritinring type of energy that of Mercury. It’s great for rejuvenation and getting the mind fresh and energized quickly, but unless you’re using it in conjucntion with something else, I wouldn’t recommend it. Before a (Reverse Torah) ritual, I rather feel powerful and intense, working with Sun/Mars/Fire instead of softer benefic energies like Moon/Mercury/Venus

@Jack: In my opinion yes, that is the most effective thing you can do. Cleaning the crown and upper chakras first means that you’re abillity to visualise/meditate becomes enhanced, therefore the cleaning of other chakras become more and more effective.
Savitar said:
HP Mageson 666, From a practical standpoint, I tried working with it and It was very stimulating for the Crown, It feels like activating a Kundalini type of energy in the upper region, without it moving through the spine, as if it originated from there. I have the same feeling when a stream of energy is raised through the spine at the end of a Sat Kriya as it goes to the head, but without the spinal energy flow. Very thrilling and and powerful for Crown/Pineal region.

If I rembember correctly, It is used in conjunction with Tripura Sundari mantras.

From a Sacred Geometrical perspective It's truly an amazing symbol, It fits into the Seed of Life Pattern perfectly. Formed of 4 male and 5 female Triangles It seems to demonstrate the ideal proportion and harmony of balance/stability and of power/dynamism.

On the bad side: Any literature I found about Sri Yantra as a Sacred Geometric Pattern is filled with jewish, kabbalistic crap, looks like they really want to put their hands on it, propagating the use of 3 dimensional star of david etc.

This topic (The Sri Yantra - Merkava connection and any kabbalistic reference) might be another great hub of enemy corruption, misinformation that would further show how the jews simply stole far eastern knowledge.
Is all these info in Frawley's books ?
Whats the mantra your talking about and how to use it ? You vibrate the mantra and then do void meditation on the diagram with eyes open right ?
Jack said:
Savitar said:
HP Mageson 666, From a practical standpoint, I tried working with it and It was very stimulating for the Crown, It feels like activating a Kundalini type of energy in the upper region, without it moving through the spine, as if it originated from there. I have the same feeling when a stream of energy is raised through the spine at the end of a Sat Kriya as it goes to the head, but without the spinal energy flow. Very thrilling and and powerful for Crown/Pineal region.

If I rembember correctly, It is used in conjunction with Tripura Sundari mantras.

From a Sacred Geometrical perspective It's truly an amazing symbol, It fits into the Seed of Life Pattern perfectly. Formed of 4 male and 5 female Triangles It seems to demonstrate the ideal proportion and harmony of balance/stability and of power/dynamism.

On the bad side: Any literature I found about Sri Yantra as a Sacred Geometric Pattern is filled with jewish, kabbalistic crap, looks like they really want to put their hands on it, propagating the use of 3 dimensional star of david etc.

This topic (The Sri Yantra - Merkava connection and any kabbalistic reference) might be another great hub of enemy corruption, misinformation that would further show how the jews simply stole far eastern knowledge.
Is all these info in Frawley's books ?
Whats the mantra your talking about and how to use it ? You vibrate the mantra and then do void meditation on the diagram with eyes open right ?

I cannot recall which books, but he definetly writes about the Sri Yantra and of course the Goddess Tripure Sundari too. (She is a Moon Godess, ruling over the powers of rejuvenation, regeneration and such, basicly the energetic aspect of the ambrosia. Her basic mantra is Klim, but there are more intricate ones, such as Aim Klim Sauh.

You simply visualise the Yantra and tune into It’s energy while directing energy in it, vibrating mantras, etc.
Geometric patterns are the “holders” or cups for sound energy, they are the two aspects of the same thing.
The videos below demonstrate the relationship between sound (mantra) and form (Yantra)



I don’t think Frawley writes anything about sacred geometry in itself, only Vastu (the vedic sciene of forms, directions, architecture)
There are lots of videos on youtube, start with “sacred geometry basic” on youtube if you’re interested. (make sure you ignore any kabbalistic jewish nonsense, there will be plenty.)
Savitar said:
Jack said:
Savitar said:
HP Mageson 666, From a practical standpoint, I tried working with it and It was very stimulating for the Crown, It feels like activating a Kundalini type of energy in the upper region, without it moving through the spine, as if it originated from there. I have the same feeling when a stream of energy is raised through the spine at the end of a Sat Kriya as it goes to the head, but without the spinal energy flow. Very thrilling and and powerful for Crown/Pineal region.

If I rembember correctly, It is used in conjunction with Tripura Sundari mantras.

From a Sacred Geometrical perspective It's truly an amazing symbol, It fits into the Seed of Life Pattern perfectly. Formed of 4 male and 5 female Triangles It seems to demonstrate the ideal proportion and harmony of balance/stability and of power/dynamism.

On the bad side: Any literature I found about Sri Yantra as a Sacred Geometric Pattern is filled with jewish, kabbalistic crap, looks like they really want to put their hands on it, propagating the use of 3 dimensional star of david etc.

This topic (The Sri Yantra - Merkava connection and any kabbalistic reference) might be another great hub of enemy corruption, misinformation that would further show how the jews simply stole far eastern knowledge.
Is all these info in Frawley's books ?
Whats the mantra your talking about and how to use it ? You vibrate the mantra and then do void meditation on the diagram with eyes open right ?

I cannot recall which books, but he definetly writes about the Sri Yantra and of course the Goddess Tripure Sundari too. (She is a Moon Godess, ruling over the powers of rejuvenation, regeneration and such, basicly the energetic aspect of the ambrosia. Her basic mantra is Klim, but there are more intricate ones, such as Aim Klim Sauh.

You simply visualise the Yantra and tune into It’s energy while directing energy in it, vibrating mantras, etc.
Geometric patterns are the “holders” or cups for sound energy, they are the two aspects of the same thing.
The videos below demonstrate the relationship between sound (mantra) and form (Yantra)



I don’t think Frawley writes anything about sacred geometry in itself, only Vastu (the vedic sciene of forms, directions, architecture)
There are lots of videos on youtube, start with “sacred geometry basic” on youtube if you’re interested. (make sure you ignore any kabbalistic jewish nonsense, there will be plenty.)
Thank you for this information
Savitar said:
Jack said:
Savitar said:
HP Mageson 666, From a practical standpoint, I tried working with it and It was very stimulating for the Crown, It feels like activating a Kundalini type of energy in the upper region, without it moving through the spine, as if it originated from there. I have the same feeling when a stream of energy is raised through the spine at the end of a Sat Kriya as it goes to the head, but without the spinal energy flow. Very thrilling and and powerful for Crown/Pineal region.

If I rembember correctly, It is used in conjunction with Tripura Sundari mantras.

From a Sacred Geometrical perspective It's truly an amazing symbol, It fits into the Seed of Life Pattern perfectly. Formed of 4 male and 5 female Triangles It seems to demonstrate the ideal proportion and harmony of balance/stability and of power/dynamism.

On the bad side: Any literature I found about Sri Yantra as a Sacred Geometric Pattern is filled with jewish, kabbalistic crap, looks like they really want to put their hands on it, propagating the use of 3 dimensional star of david etc.

This topic (The Sri Yantra - Merkava connection and any kabbalistic reference) might be another great hub of enemy corruption, misinformation that would further show how the jews simply stole far eastern knowledge.
Is all these info in Frawley's books ?
Whats the mantra your talking about and how to use it ? You vibrate the mantra and then do void meditation on the diagram with eyes open right ?

I cannot recall which books, but he definetly writes about the Sri Yantra and of course the Goddess Tripure Sundari too. (She is a Moon Godess, ruling over the powers of rejuvenation, regeneration and such, basicly the energetic aspect of the ambrosia. Her basic mantra is Klim, but there are more intricate ones, such as Aim Klim Sauh.

You simply visualise the Yantra and tune into It’s energy while directing energy in it, vibrating mantras, etc.
Geometric patterns are the “holders” or cups for sound energy, they are the two aspects of the same thing.
The videos below demonstrate the relationship between sound (mantra) and form (Yantra)



I don’t think Frawley writes anything about sacred geometry in itself, only Vastu (the vedic sciene of forms, directions, architecture)
There are lots of videos on youtube, start with “sacred geometry basic” on youtube if you’re interested. (make sure you ignore any kabbalistic jewish nonsense, there will be plenty.)
Thank you for this information
Savitar said:
Jack said:
Savitar said:
HP Mageson 666, From a practical standpoint, I tried working with it and It was very stimulating for the Crown, It feels like activating a Kundalini type of energy in the upper region, without it moving through the spine, as if it originated from there. I have the same feeling when a stream of energy is raised through the spine at the end of a Sat Kriya as it goes to the head, but without the spinal energy flow. Very thrilling and and powerful for Crown/Pineal region.

If I rembember correctly, It is used in conjunction with Tripura Sundari mantras.

From a Sacred Geometrical perspective It's truly an amazing symbol, It fits into the Seed of Life Pattern perfectly. Formed of 4 male and 5 female Triangles It seems to demonstrate the ideal proportion and harmony of balance/stability and of power/dynamism.

On the bad side: Any literature I found about Sri Yantra as a Sacred Geometric Pattern is filled with jewish, kabbalistic crap, looks like they really want to put their hands on it, propagating the use of 3 dimensional star of david etc.

This topic (The Sri Yantra - Merkava connection and any kabbalistic reference) might be another great hub of enemy corruption, misinformation that would further show how the jews simply stole far eastern knowledge.
Is all these info in Frawley's books ?
Whats the mantra your talking about and how to use it ? You vibrate the mantra and then do void meditation on the diagram with eyes open right ?

I cannot recall which books, but he definetly writes about the Sri Yantra and of course the Goddess Tripure Sundari too. (She is a Moon Godess, ruling over the powers of rejuvenation, regeneration and such, basicly the energetic aspect of the ambrosia. Her basic mantra is Klim, but there are more intricate ones, such as Aim Klim Sauh.

You simply visualise the Yantra and tune into It’s energy while directing energy in it, vibrating mantras, etc.
Geometric patterns are the “holders” or cups for sound energy, they are the two aspects of the same thing.
The videos below demonstrate the relationship between sound (mantra) and form (Yantra)



I don’t think Frawley writes anything about sacred geometry in itself, only Vastu (the vedic sciene of forms, directions, architecture)
There are lots of videos on youtube, start with “sacred geometry basic” on youtube if you’re interested. (make sure you ignore any kabbalistic jewish nonsense, there will be plenty.)

Hi Savitar,
would you reccomend any sources which deal specially with how chakras affect our health in ayurvedic terms? Or could you give a short summary? Also any tips for dealing with ama?
There are correspondences between the chakras and doshas on several levels are indicated by the ruling elements and organs.

Kapha is ruled by Water, and the carrying element is Earth, therefore the Root and Sacral, Earth and Water element chakras correspond to kapha.

Pitta is Fire element and carrying element is Water - Ruled by the Solar Chakra and Sacral to a certain extent.

Vata is of the Element of Air while the carrying element is Ether - Heart and Throat Chakras.

The Three upper Chakras:
Throat, Ajna and Crown rule over the highest form of each dosha:

-The Throat rules Udana, the upward flowing life force of expression, clear thinking, memory, nervous strength, will and self control.

-The 6th rules Sadhaka Pitta, the power of insight and the abillity to see Truth, or see through lies. It rules over intellect and mental power. Sucessful people have highly developed Sadhaka Pitta, which is why they have clear goals in their head and an action oriented mind.

-Tarpaka Kapha, ruled by the Crown is the form of Water that grants you the feeling of happiness and content, feeling good in your body. It’s the grosser form of Amrita.

The practice of Yoga and meditation increases these high forms of doshas in general. Ajurvedic text mention that the three highest forms all relate to the heart, but I believe this is not the Heart Chakra, but the Ajna, the point where the nadis meet and form the heart shape. It makes sense as the control center.

The Foundation of doshas and their location

Each dosha has a form, that serves as a foundation and support, controling all the other forms. Problems relating to a given dosha most likely originate from the disturbance of this foundation and can be healed by reastablishing balance.

-The Foundation of Vata is Apana, the downward/ouwtward flowing force of elimination. Primary location is the anus and colon. The latter is the point of accumulation of Vata, and the main organ relating to it. Both are ruled by the Root Chakra

-Foundation of Pitta is called Pachaka the fire of elimination. Location is the small intenstine which is the point of accumulation and the main organ of Pitta, ruled by the Solar Chakra.

-Foundation of Kapha is Avalambaka supporting Water that resides in the Heart and Lungs. Plasm is distributed from the Heart. However the main point of accumulation is not here, but in the stomach ruled by the Solar Chakra.

How to heal doshic problems

The main point of Ayurvedic healing is that you have to go back to source of the problem, do the healing work there which will lead to deep healing and long lasting health. The other important point is to avoid diseases by eliminating their sources before manifesting. If a problem is left unhandeled it will manifest and become more and more complex. First it accumulates in the main organ, then it overflows into different organs and becomes mixed with other doshas and even ama. This state is much harder to handle, since the cure has to be complex.
How would you heal a disease that is the product of the mixture of Vata and Pitta?
If you try to simply cool down pitta, the cold can aggrevate Vata. If you try to lubricate vata, it will give more room for Pitta to expand, as water is the carrying element.

Thinking in terms of qualities will help to find the actual source.
-Vata: Dry, Cold and Light/Mutable
-Pitta: Hot, Liquid and Mutable
-Kapha: Heavy, Cold and Sluggish/Liquid

Think about the quality you lack or a quality that is too strong/out of balance. -Am I feeling dry, cold and ungrounded? Or Do I feel irritable and burnt out? Am I lazy? Do I feel like I’m too heavy to move?

This way of thinking will help to pinpoint the origin of the problem.

If you feel your brain is frying and feel agression, unable to let go, that is certainly a pitta problem. A spiritual remedy could be to work on releasing the accumulated fire from the Solar Chakra with Asanas such as Cobra pose, with deep, relaxing breathing. Breathing exercises like Sithali and Sitkari are great. Driking some Green tea with Mint will aid in cooling down and relaxing, before or afterward.

Am I feeling anxious, clumsy and cold? -Definetly a Vata problem.
Doing slow series of Sun Salutations will help with grounded, developing heat which will remove blocks and reduce anxiety as well. Drinking a tea of fresh ginger is a great choice to aid in the process.

Are you feeling so lazy and heavy I don’t want to move at all? - Kapha
Starting with some intense Breath of Fire takes care of the problem. It creates heat, which removes the coldness of Kapha. It gets the energy going and this dynamism will take care of heaviness. The pranic heat helps in drying out your comfortable ass. Some intense Yoga and exercise can follow. Note that we are working on the Solar Chakra (ruling the stomach) and the lungs and heart are also involved, all relating to kapha.

Dealing with Ama
Ama has the same qualities as kapha: Heavy, slugghish, dark, damp and cold.
It can be removed by drying it first, then bruning it out. With the elements of air and fire. Prana and heat energy. Ama is the byproduct of weak digestion, no elimination and the imbalance of doshas.
Working on digestion and elimination helps the most along with other forms of purificarion such as sweating.
Solar and Root Chakras are important here.
The best and most simple outer remedy is trikatu: combine one tea spoon of grinded black pepper, ginger and cayanne with a large spoon of honey and eat it. You will feel the ama being burnt out in your whole body.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
