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New and with Questions


New member
Apr 15, 2003
Hello everyone.  Being a curious person of all things archana,  Personally I consider myself an agnostic theist, but I had a few questions about the nature of Satan and Satanism, and the references to him in Judeo-Christianity.
I recall from my reading that Satan was the Sumerian God, EA.  Though the Christian faith portrays him as the "fallen" archangel Lucifer.  I'm really confused how a Sumerian God can be an archangel to the Christian God and be under his power at any point in time.  It leads me to believe that somewhere during the ages the Christians appropriated the story of EA (Enki/Melek Ta'us) and turned him into the antagonist to their religion by making him a deity who fell from grace.  Could someone explain which is it?  I am pretty certain that the Sumerian Gods existed prior to the Judeo-Christian Jehova.  How is it that Jehova has any power at all if he/she/it is a falsehood, or is it by falsehood you mean that the God exists but doesn't actually have the power and authority that it asserts to possess?
The other thing I wonder is that if the Christian God is false (not arguing here if it's true or not), then how has he/she/it have any power over a true God?  On the JoyofSatan.com site it mentions that Hell is dimly lit because the Jehova had stolen a lot of Hell's power/energy.  Also, could someone explain why the preferred color of Satan and Hell is black when he was portrayed as the "Light Bringer"?  One would think that a God that epitomizes truth would be bathed in and dwell in light, because light unveils everything that is obscured, hidden, and secret.
Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully comment.  I'm genuinely curious and would like to hear answers from the horses' mouth, if you will.
It would take some time to explain it all. But, in a nutshell, so to speak, it goes like this. The Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek Gods, etc.,
are basically the same gods but with different names. The jews took all their stories, slapped jewish names and titles on them,
and declared themselves as the 'chosen' people. Their 'god' was a psychopathic murderer. They did just as much evil and more
than ISIS is doing right now. In the name of 'their' god.

Also, Prometheus, Osiris, Shiva, are all names of Father Satan.

Satan never, ever, murdered anyone. And, HE is not an angel, HE is a God! The God of mankind. He gave us HIS DNA.
There is enough evidence in history if one bothers to really study. Maxine went to extensive trouble and details to
create the Joy of Satan website. There you will find many sermons, not only by her, but by other clergy, as well. I suggest
you go to the website and read the history and sermons there.

Father Satan/Lucifer is the most loving God anyone could ever even begin to imagine. And the really good thins is --
HE'S REAL! He communicates with many of us. And many of us have seen Him. Each one of us has different
experiences. Many similar, many different. HE is our true God and creator.

All is explained on the website.

Hail Father Satan/Lucifer!


On Mon, 6/12/17, endofinfiniti@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] New and with Questions
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, June 12, 2017, 8:38 PM


Hello everyone.  Being a curious
person of all things archana,  Personally I consider myself
an agnostic theist, but I had a few questions about the
nature of Satan and Satanism, and the references to him in
I recall from my reading
that Satan was the Sumerian God, EA.  Though the Christian
faith portrays him as the "fallen" archangel
Lucifer.  I'm really confused how a Sumerian God can be
an archangel to the Christian God and be under his power at
any point in time.  It leads me to believe that somewhere
during the ages the Christians appropriated the story of EA
(Enki/Melek Ta'us) and turned him into the antagonist to
their religion by making him a deity who fell from grace.
 Could someone explain which is it?  I am pretty certain
that the Sumerian Gods existed prior to the Judeo-Christian
Jehova.  How is it that Jehova has any power at all if

he/she/it is a falsehood, or is it by falsehood you mean
that the God exists but doesn't actually have the power
and authority that it asserts to
The other thing I wonder is that
if the Christian God is false (not arguing here if it's
true or not), then how has he/she/it have any power over a
true God?  On the JoyofSatan.com site it mentions that Hell
is dimly lit because the Jehova had stolen a lot of
Hell's power/energy.  Also, could someone explain why
the preferred color of Satan and Hell is black when he was
portrayed as the "Light Bringer"?  One would

think that a God that epitomizes truth would be bathed in
and dwell in light, because light unveils everything that is
obscured, hidden, and secret.
Thanks for taking the time to read and
hopefully comment.  I'm genuinely curious and would
like to hear answers from the horses' mouth, if you

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@ endofinfiniti ref question 1. It's because billions of doops give the thoughtform jooooooooohova energy, daily.

Next, the Truthbearer was hiddwn by those who would make Truth their enemy. In fact, "occult" means "hidden."

Now, to hear it directly from Him, just ask Him. And then, pay attention.

You ask reasonable questions.

I hope you're dedicated.

Hail Satan!
You must also understand, Satan, being an actual living individual who fought a war against other being of the same technological level. His crime being He did not agree to destroy us as ordered.

And, in short, He was just outnumbered.

He did His time for the "crime" of loving us, His children.

This what I've come to understand. I don't know if I'm exact or precise. There's probably a lot more to learn yet.

I highly recommend you ask Him.

Hail Satan!
Finally - and from here I really, really recommend you begin a dialogue with Him yourself - black represents many things.

I don't know if it's His preferred color or not. One's preferred color would depend largely on its application (you might like red in shirts but maybe green for a car but then again pink in your flowers, for instance)

Black often represents death and black also represents secrecy as well as, change.

But I can't really claim to fathom His mind. I'm going on simple, mortal, Human knowledge here.

Also, I am no High Priest or member of the clergy. Many here are far more advanced in many ways. I have authored nothing here.

I just hope I was helpful. Perhaps others can contribute more but, some things you can only learn from Him.

Be respectful in approaching Him, is my advice.
@edofinfiniti. Ref questions
I'll try to explain some of what you ask. Sims did an excellent job, so I'l add to her comments. Sorry, this is long. Hope you'll read it all. I've tried to answer your questions as completely and honestly as possible.
You call yourself agnostic. That means your life started with some type of judeo-xanity religion. Correct? Being a theorist, though, you're attempting to entertain both sides of the *story*. I respect that. 
You are correct that the pagan Gods predate judio and xianity. If one studied their story books, one would know that all of the jewish [here after called *joo*] stories are assimilated with them in the title role. All violence and bloodshed in the stories are solely their contribution. 
Lucifer is one of Father's names, as is Ea. Yes, He is my Father. No Love is so strong, so Pure, so REAL as is His Love! All the Gods have a Love for the Gentiles. A concept that earth-bound humans have difficulty to understand. Do let me try to explain...
Notice I say earth-bound. Once a Gentile, with all honesty and full conviction dedicates him/her self to Satan, an entirely new concept of life opens up. We, as His Children are taught how to become... more than the joo-poo cattle they would have us. 
The joos are an alien species who invaded earth in such overwhelming numbers that the Gods could not eliminate them. The joos sealed the Gods and destroyed everything and everyone connected with them. Entire cities were destroyed, people and libraries and pagan records. Much knowledge has been lost to the Gentiles.
And then their transformation truely began. The joos re-wrote history and forced their version of sovereignty upon the Gentiles in the form of christianity. Later came communism, then the xanity version of satanism. All these are nothing more than the joos brainwashing the Gentiles to forget their Gods, their rightful heritage, and to be mindless servants for the joos. Within their personal joo story books [the torah and the like] Gentiles are called *goy/goyum* which means animal/cattle. They are programmed to accept Gentiles as cattle and as slaves. 
The one xanity refers to as jehova is nothing more than a thoughtform. A powerful, very advanced thoughtform. It performs 2 functions... Keeps the goy in their place as mindless cattle [no Gentile advancement] and gives all the energy the goys give up to jvha to the joo elite. 
Now, getting back to linage... There are two distinct lines of human-looking people on this earth: Gentiles and joos. Gentiles are descendants of the Gods. We have 7 chakras and powerful kundalini ability. The joos were created by the aliens. They are reptilian-human hybrids with only 4 chakras and none or little kundalini power. 
The joo elite have taken the Gentiles' knowledge and magick, turned it around and created their own type of program, turning it against us. They are capable of extremely powerful mind games. That's all. But powerful. Their ability to seal the Gods went to the Gentiles as well. They can get into the minds of Gentiles. You know *that little guy in the back of your mind*...*something told me* is often the joos infiltrating your thoughts. The Gods do try to speak with us. However, if the Gentile is not aware of the Gods being Real, if the Gentile is corrupted so completely that their astral senses are closed, then the Gods are either not heard or not taken seriously. On the other hand, the joo mindgames can convince an unconformed, seeking [like you] Gentile that they are insane, or even kill them. You're search has put you in dangerous territory. However, Father Satan protects His own! HP Maxine had a bomb placed in her car! Satan told her!!! Countless other circumstances can be told by all SS about the Love and Protection of Father.
Thankfully many are becoming awakened and search for Truth, like you. Some actually find the proper path, dedicate and start their journey back Home. However, the joos also have tricks and false programs designed to keep their goys from straying. Communism is another version of forced christianity. People are told in detail what to do and think. Homage is given to judism only. The joo-satanic movement continues to acknowledge the joo gawd as sovern, but also acknowledges the *presence* of *the devil/satan*. The joo version of heaven and hell are also lies. Their heaven is actually a spaceship where the contrite Gentile souls who has never dedicated [in any lifetime] goes to support their joo elite. Their hell is for those less contrite souls. These last 2 statements are a fact discussed within the pages of the joo storybooks, by the Hindi religion and evidenced in paintings of the Renascence time period. 
The joos need the Gentiles, but don't want them to know it. Don't want the Gentiles to become part of their rightful heritage. Why? Because once we know Satan's Truth, the joos have lost one of their goy slaves! 
The real Hell is dimly lit. For safety. The jos site says it's also because of the Gods being bound. This part of the site was written before 2001. Please read the updates within the Satan's Library. In 2002 several HPs freed the Gods! It took time and lots of dedication and energy. Now, the Gates of Satan have permanently opened wide! Yes, Father is a God of Light and of Truth and of Love. For all His people. The lighting in the Real Hell, Du'at, is for safety. 
We are in a war. A spiritual war which will determine the destiny of an entire world! Before the joo invasion, the world was like a fantasy land. Beautiful. Serene. Respect was given automatically to everything living. There was no such thing as money. No need for it. Money is a joo invention. Killing for sport is a joo invention. Blood sacrifices are a joo invention. Pollution and physical possession of things and greed are all joo inventions. We... Satan, the Gods, and the Spiritual Satanists are fighting to restore OUR great land. 
Black... Black is the most misunderstood color! Close your eyes tightly, putting your hands over your closed eyes. See anything? [I'm not being smarty just making a verbal picture.] What you see is the color black. So common it's often taken for granted. Objects are still there, but one will need to Work to find them. Spiritual Satanism is much like that color black. Also, Satan doesn't need lavish worship [like the joo thoughtform and gawd does - they need the light to be visible]. Satan doesn't run after anybody [everyone is free to come and go - no need for light when you know your way].
 I'm done talking. If your reading this then you've read the entirety. Thanks for that. Any other questions please ask on this site. For our safety we do not give personal info or answer personal email's.
The site for our forum ishttp://josministries.prophpbb.com
You'll have to register but it's free and there's no personal info required.
Hail SatanHail Lilith
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 7:26 PM, endofinfiniti@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Hello everyone.  Being a curious person of all things archana,  Personally I consider myself an agnostic theist, but I had a few questions about the nature of Satan and Satanism, and the references to him in Judeo-Christianity.
I recall from my reading that Satan was the Sumerian God, EA.  Though the Christian faith portrays him as the "fallen" archangel Lucifer.  I'm really confused how a Sumerian God can be an archangel to the Christian God and be under his power at any point in time.  It leads me to believe that somewhere during the ages the Christians appropriated the story of EA (Enki/Melek Ta'us) and turned him into the antagonist to their religion by making him a deity who fell from grace.  Could someone explain which is it?  I am pretty certain that the Sumerian Gods existed prior to the Judeo-Christian Jehova.  How is it that Jehova has any power at all if he/she/it is a falsehood, or is it by falsehood you mean that the God exists but doesn't actually have the power and authority that it asserts to possess?
The other thing I wonder is that if the Christian God is false (not arguing here if it's true or not), then how has he/she/it have any power over a true God?  On the JoyofSatan.com site it mentions that Hell is dimly lit because the Jehova had stolen a lot of Hell's power/energy.  Also, could someone explain why the preferred color of Satan and Hell is black when he was portrayed as the "Light Bringer"?  One would think that a God that epitomizes truth would be bathed in and dwell in light, because light unveils everything that is obscured, hidden, and secret.
Thanks for taking the time to read and hopefully comment.  I'm genuinely curious and would like to hear answers from the horses' mouth, if you will.
@ Denadhena Fascinating stuff. Please tell me more about jews only having four chakras and where you learned it. That sounds so bizarre.

I had no idea and now want to learn more, please.

Any infirmation is appreciated.

Hail Satan!
Thank you all so much for taking your precious time to comment and answer some of these questions.  I've read an extensive amount of the information on the JoS site, though I'm sure there are links and many sub-sites I've yet to discover, but will continue my reading.
For those of you who have spoken to Satan, did he at any time speak directly to you prior to your dedication ritual, or formally invite you to join him?  I'd like to try to establish contact to ask questions, and am proficient at meditation as I've been practicing Soto zazen meditation for the last 20 years.  It seems very similar to Power Meditation that I see depicted on the JoS site.  I've yet to encounter any spirits or demons during my practice, but perhaps it is because I was not focused on finding them via this method or conducting the correct rituals to invite them to speak.  I will try following the suggestions on the site of how to properly conduct a respectful ritual.
Speaking of which, I have read about the Ars Goetia and The Lesser Key of Solomon about the spiritual abuse inflicted by practicing these methods of summoning/communicating.  Are the Enochian words of power that they use simply the same ones that the jews stole from the occult to coerce the demons and Gods to appear before them, or are they words that empower the judeo-christian thoughtforms?  I'm familiar with the concept of thoughtforms, or Tulpa from Tibetan Buddhism.  I've read from HP Maxine that the original Enochian keys originated from angel magick to usher in Armageddon and the Apocalypse, but she developed the 19 keys for Satanists to use.  Do the 19 Satanist Enochian keys still use angel magick, but in the inverse to exalt Satan, or are they an entirely different set of Words of Power originating from Satan and his subordinate demons?
Is it also true what I've read that the subordinates of Hell dislike being referred to as Angels, and if so is that because the word Angels is of judeo-christian origin? 
A little about myself:
Since a child, I've always been a seeker of truth.  When I was 12 I was actually kicked out of Catholic CCD (bible study) classes for asking too many questions and challenging the contradictions that I would find in the biblical scriptures.  After I was removed from these extracurricular indoctrination courses I was treated extremely poorly in class by the teachers, who were nuns, and told my parents at the end of the year that I would not return to Catholic school under any circumstances and that if they dropped me off at one I would simply leave and walk home at the first opportunity, consequences be damned. 
In probably knowing how strong willed of a child I was they took me at my word and allowed me to return to public school, and from there my search for truth continued.  If there's one thing I've promised myself, it's that I would follow truth down whatever rabbit hole it lead me through.  As I mentioned earlier, I am currently an agnostic-theist.  I'm sure there is something out there, greater than the powers of science and nature, or perhaps where science and nature originate from.  Also, I'm extremely scientifically minded.  To believe in something I have to have verifiable proof, and as we all know the best way to find truth is to experience it for yourself.  I don't usually trust others to form my own held truths, but use them to guide me in my path to discover it for myself. 
I've read an expansive amount of the information on the JoS site, though I'm sure there are links and many sub-sites I've yet to discover, but will continue my reading.
Many thanks and deep gratitude,
@ endofinfinti We are all seekers of Truth - Satan being Truth. This is not to try discounting what you say. This is to encourage you.

You read, to me, as if you are as sincere and fearless as any mortal can be. I get the impression you already have the attention of the Powers of Hell, to some degree.

Just think of Him and ask Him for guidance. You might face some challenges but I doubt you'll see disappointment.

He really is amazing.

Hail Satan!
@ livingforsatan - Thank you for that.  I truly believe that fear is the most impeding force of humanity.  It is the master that serves nobody except for itself and robs us of our potential.  I've seen a lot of terrible things in my life, between the day to day and my time at war - its too much to explain for a simple post.  If there is one thing I've learned in life, is that the greatest thing that fear will deprive you of as a human it is the truth.  That is why I've never been afraid to seek it, regardless of where it takes me.  Annihilate me, but show me the axioms while I burn to a cinder.
The one thing that always frustrated me about Catholicism and christianity in general was the parable "Judge not, lest ye be judged."  To me, that seems like a license to be a waste of a human, and oh, nobody can judge you because they'll suffer the same wrath of judgement.  Good!  Judge me!  Weigh my true merits and demerits on a scale.  If I am found lacking, cast me down.  Help me be be better.  Christianity has never been about being better, rather being subservient and pliable, never good enough in the eyes of "god".  Even the moment I was born, to them I had "original sin".  What?  Really?  I've done nothing except for be pushed out of my mother's womb. How am I guilty for anything, or the "sins" of my father?  Am I truly guilty for simply drawing breath? How cruel is that?  And how nonsensical is it that "god" had to manifest himself as a human, and then kill himself (but not really) to keep his rage intact from destroying me and promising me redemption in his eyes? Perhaps I live on a completely different realm of logic than that gawd, but that seems insane to me. This, as a child and to this very day I judged, and I hated.
That being said, I will reveal another thing about myself, which I am completely unapologetic for, and that is the subject of hate.  For me, hate is the response to injustice.  Some say that hate is a degradation of the soul, but I believe that all depends on what you hate, and why.  When I truly hate something, it's surgical.  If I hate someone, or something they do or believe, I could pluck it out of them and balance it on the point of a needle.  I don't believe nor practice blind hate.  I think of it as a cone.  At it's origin, it's focused like a laser.  Very specific, very concentrated.  The farther you go out and encompass things or people, it loses that focus, the aperture becomes too wide.  The intensity is lost and thus it's overall effect on it's intended target.  You lose so much energy hating wide swaths of things or people rather than focusing on individual targets and putting your all into destroying (or changing) that which you abhor.  The results of focused hate are so much more effective than casting it out in a wide band and distributing it amongst many.  I think we who meditate regularly understand that thoughts and intentions are energy, of which we have a finite amount before we are exhausted.  I imagine it as a narrow band of light, cutting at which ails me or my interests, with the fury of a thousand suns, ever more intense, ever more precise.  Excise it like a tumor the way a skilled surgeon would.
Now when I hate a person, it is because I judged you based on your character.  If you're bad at with money, I simply won't lend you money.  If you're bad at driving, I won't ride with you.  However if you victimize innocents like children, or other vulnerable people for your own gain without care for their well being, you will face the wrath of my hatred. Though I truly give everyone, regardless of race, creed, or culture, and equal blank slate. Perhaps it is the Libra in me, but I believe everyone should be weighed on the sum of their actions and beliefs, individually, just as I expect you to weigh me on mine. There is a kharmic scale that I believe every living thing, soul and soulless, big and small, are subject to.  As humans, there are some basic instincts, some "good" and some "bad" (granted that is all subject to your personal perspective), but what seals your fate is determinate upon which side of that scale we fill.  I understand that this view may offend some, which again I am unapologetic for, but I understand.  Each of us has had our own life experiences which form our own opinions and values; but these are mine and I own them to the very fiber of my being.  I am not looking for community or bias confirmation; I am seeking truth.  If community comes with the truth to which I find, then that I consider icing on the cake and welcome that fraternity.
Again, I thank you all for the warm welcome and honest answers.  I hope to learn more, and I assure you I will seek it. 


Now when I hate a person, it is because I judged you based on your character.  If you're bad at with money, I simply won't lend you money.  If you're bad at driving, I won't ride with you.  However if you victimize innocents like children, or other vulnerable people for your own gain without care for their well being, you will face the wrath of my hatred. Though I truly give everyone, regardless of race, creed, or culture, and equal blank slate. Perhaps it is the Libra in me, but I believe everyone should be weighed on the sum of their actions and beliefs, individually, just as I expect you to weigh me on mine. There is a kharmic scale that I believe every living thing, soul and soulless, big and small, are subject to.  As humans, there are some basic instincts, some "good" and some "bad" (granted that is all subject to your personal perspective), but what seals your fate is determinate upon which side of that scale we fill.  I understand that this view may offend some, which again I am unapologetic for, but I understand.  Each of us has had our own life experiences which form our own opinions and values; but these are mine and I own them to the very fiber of my being.  I am not looking for community or bias confirmation; I am seeking truth.  If community comes with the truth to which I find, then that I consider icing on the cake.
Again, I thank you all for the warm welcome and honest answers.  I hope to learn the truth, and I assure you I will seek it and find it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
