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Need help... Scared and feeling alone.

Sep 2, 2003
Hey brothers and sisters... I need some guidance, what if you suspect that your own family can read your mind and is doing witchcraft on you? My own brother, sister, grandmother... and so forth. I also had an incident last night where I was hanging out with my cousin at his house, we were downstairs drinking in his basement, he also had a friend with him, there was 3 of us... and I swear they were reading my mind, and then somehow I caught on and realized it, and when I realized it they realized it and they both got this look on their face that I would never forget... this look like they wanted to kill me. Personally, last night had to been one of the scariest nights of my life. I know my cousin use to get into witchcraft the occult, he even talked to me once how he can move objects with his mind and even saw people levitate, I don't know if I believe him, but I do know one thing... he can read minds, but as for my brother, sister, grandmother, and the rest of my family goes who is related to me on my mom's side and also the side of the family I grew up with, unlike my cousin his is related to me on my father's, I never saw my mom's side of the family get into witchcraft... It feels like the deeper I get involved in the occult, the deeper I see their true side... they been trying to scare me away from Satanism since day one and turn back to xianity, and last night was one of the deepest spiritual experiences I had, and also the scariest... I swear, for a second there I was convinced that they (my family) weren't human beings, but something else... and I feel scared and I personally think they are out to get me, kill me in other words... I don't have no words to explain the situation I'm in, but I'm scared... and I don't know what to do. Need advice.
Hi brother! I wish I could iveou beter diceuudgng fom hti've
rad,itsnslik yo nedt get heuc y rmyur faiy! beeve ht yosadabutthm;
why should i not?

On 4/14/14, richardlesterhailsatan11@...
<richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
In one instance last night... I don't know if I was just 'seeing' things or
what, but I swear my cousin and his friend had fangs,,, like vampire fangs
for example (and not saying they're actual vampires, because I don't believe
such things, but I do believe energy vampires). I sound crazy and feel lost
and hopeless, like no one on these forums are going to believe me, or even
help. I just hope someone can give me some insight. Not only do I feel this
way about my cousin, but my own family as well.

Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat.
Program your aura daily so that others cannot hear your thoughts. Also work on your aura of protection. On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:52:58 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  Hey Allison, you can kscu ym kcdi, but... you'd probably like it, so you can kscu smeonoe lses. :)

Also, do a banishing ritual. On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 6:57:14 PM, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@... wrote:
  Program your aura daily so that others cannot hear your thoughts. Also work on your aura of protection. On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 12:52:58 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  Hey Allison, you can kscu ym kcdi, but... you'd probably like it, so you can kscu smeonoe lses. :)

It's just hard for me to believe that these are people I knew my whole life... how would I not even know about this if they can? And there's been so many signs and red flags that they can do exactly that. I don't get it... I want to get it, but I don't... It's just itching away at me, a question I can't get out of my head.
I understand, somewhat, as I have been betrayed by a family member and still have to deal with their shit everyday.Just focus on protecting yourself to your fullest abilities and here are some articles that may help you further:
http://web.archive.org/web/201308312048 ... urself.htm

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ching.html

Hail Satan! On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 7:40:42 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  It's just hard for me to believe that these are people I knew my whole life... how would I not even know about this if they can? And there's been so many signs and red flags that they can do exactly that. I don't get it... I want to get it, but I don't... It's just itching away at me, a question I can't get out of my head.

Thanks. I've been through those articles before, but there's nothing wrong with reading through them again I guess, but still... even if they are telepathic, why wouldn't they tell me? These are people that raised me since birth.
People have their secrets, just like you have yours. I used to know one guy who was able to hear people's thoughts. I wasn't an SS back then (this was about 12 years ago) but when I hinted that I knew about his intuition he just laughed it off.
On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 8:32:03 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  Can someone please answer this question?

This  guy  you speak of sounds a lot like my cousin, but only difference is when I found out about his intuition he got ready to kill me... literally... and I'm closing in on my own family as well... and I'm honestly quite scared, I'm scared that if I find out about their intuition they actually will kill me... But why would they keep this a secret from me? That's the question... Why?
I suppose they get angry and more then that, fearful... when their secrets are found out by another whom they were keeping it from.Don't be scared, friend. Be strong inside, mentally. If they can sense your fear they may do something about it.
Keep practicing void meditation and breathing exercises. When you start to fear, focus on slowing down your breath and being present in the moment, don't let the fear override and take you away with it.

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 9:27:47 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  This  guy  you speak of sounds a lot like my cousin, but only difference is when I found out about his intuition he got ready to kill me... literally... and I'm closing in on my own family as well... and I'm honestly quite scared, I'm scared that if I find out about their intuition they actually will kill me... But why would they keep this a secret from me? That's the question... Why?

It's almost like I don't even know them anymore... it's like they're someone else... or something else, it's almost like they are waiting for me to find out and when I do, that's when they are going to get ready to strike... Do they work for angels? Why would they be fearful? The bigger question is... What are they waiting for?
<td val[/IMG]The Gods get very busy at times, you have to give them time HAIL WOTAN!!!/HAIL AMON RA !!!/HAIL HORUS!!!/ HEiL HITLER!!!/ SIEG HEIL!!!!/14/88!!!
-fourthreich666 [/TD]
From: richardlesterhailsatan11@... <richardlesterhailsatan11@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Need help... Scared and feeling alone.
Sent: Wed, Apr 16, 2014 2:12:01 AM

<td val[/IMG]As I said, the Gods are very busy, sometimes more so than usual, you have to wait for them to get the time to reply to you. HAIL WOTAN!!!/HAIL AMON RA!!!/HAIL HORUS!!!/HEIL HITLER!!!/SIEG HEIL!!!!/14/88!!!
-fourthreich666 [/TD]
From: richardlesterhailsatan11@... <richardlesterhailsatan11@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Need help... Scared and feeling alone.
Sent: Wed, Apr 16, 2014 4:52:20 PM

If you are not already dedicated, do so right away. Satan looks out for his own. I'm not really adept or anything but I know that much. He has helped me through many things. Trust in Satan, and do your aura of protection daily. Do it like 6x a day if you can. Clean your aura, and even so if you feel that way, get the fuck out of there. Don't stay where you feel physically or mentally unsafe. Ever. If they are all truly out to get you then they are not family are they? Other than that, you could very well just be freaking out. They might not even want to harm you in any way shape or form. They probably just look at you with disgust because you are a Satanist. That isn't rare occurrence for anyone who is a Satanist, whether they are being harrassed by xians, jews, muslims, whatever. I got stopped on the street by 3 xians trying to preach to me there word of god and that the devil was evil and decieving me etc. It took me 2 hours to get away from them. The ememy entities will use whatever means necessary to turn you away from Satan, including your family, your friends, and everyone you know and love. They exploit this. Remember that it is the enemy doing this. They might be into the occult, but they will never be as strong, or as protected as a True Dedicated Satanist. Their teachings are false and flawed in many ways. You will find that they won't be very hard to guard against when you realize your full potential. Just keep meditating and empowering your soul using the teachings on the JoS site. The knowledge there is directly from Satan and the Gods. Nothing can out match it. Knowledge is the absolute key to everything. Satan will guide you if you let him, as for your problem with these occult guys, just do your aura of protection, you can also use Satanic Blue Flames to cleanse your aura. It is very effective, I personally love the blue flame method. Also, in regards to your friend who can read minds, PRACTICE VOID MEDITATION. He cannot read your mind if there is nothing to be read. The Japanese ninja used void meditation to go through missions undetected. I wish you well, HAIL SATAN!
Thanks a lot Reimer, your words and advice mean a lot to me. Enemy angels is one thing, but damn... your own family? It's kind of hard to swallow, but hey, I guess it is what it is and I just got to deal with it. Thanks again brother, I appreciate your advice.
I believe that you may have possibly seen an angel. I only say this as because they are known to take on shapes of other people that you care about and change them in hideous ways to inject fear.

All I can suggest for you to do is stay strong, do some Aura protections and make sure you cleanse your house by doing a Banishing Ritual which will rid all Negative entities within your household.
Hey man my opinion is that they may not be reading your mind. Do you realize how rare that is for someone to be able to do? Greys can use people to influence you. When you meditate you learn lots of "thoughts" you thought were yours aren't. When you still your mind you realize there's lots of psychic "static" all around you. They could be from Greys, thought forms, Jews, or demons could also help you by suggesting things to your subconscious. So your family isn't psychic. It's unseen entities using them to scare you. Just do that banishing ritual and don't freak out. You're practicing real satanism. You WILL be attacked.
Are you saying that you feel that they're plotting to kill you if you find out? If you are feeling extremely threatened like this then something is not right here, call social services, or confront the situation somehow. Just do not put yourself at risk of harm. On Wednesday, 16 April 2014, 3:12, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  It's almost like I don't even know them anymore... it's like they're someone else... or something else, it's almost like they are waiting for me to find out and when I do, that's when they are going to get ready to strike... Do they work for angels? Why would they be fearful? The bigger question is... What are they waiting for?

Satan says those who conform to his will have joy and comfort nobody should have any sort of fear or felling scared and alone if your close to him and doing what is expected of us not turning to men or other gods.
The answer to the question in the original post may very may very well lie within itself. As for the "look of disgust" you mention, I too get the same look when I see someone drinking. But there may still be more to this. If you are feeling under psychic attack, perhaps you are. What ideas pass through your mind now? Perhaps you need to listen to the answer you've already been given. Hail Father Satan and all of the True Gods and Goddesses!
I had this experience when first seriously reading up on the occult. I thought my friend and coworkers were somehow aware of what I was thinking to a degree and were trying to put thoughts in my head. Turns out that isn't true. the majority of people do not think the occult is real let alone even possible, and if they do they aren't doing it right. Some people subconsciously do spiritual or psychic things that you may pick up on because you're meditating and whatnot. But in my particular case I had a revelation: The enemy greys, jews, etc. can actually use your loved ones and friends against you to try to fuck with your mind. Lots of people have absolutely no spiritual defense against this and think these thoughts are their own, but they're not, and so say them innocently without thinking.. So just ignore them. The enemy is everywhere and you need to stay vigilant.
Stop drinking. Cut your ties to them. Start meditating more and more. Try to avoid even talking to them. Wait until you can get your own place.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 5:28 PM PDT richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:

Hey brothers and sisters... I need some guidance, what if you suspect that your own family can read your mind and is doing witchcraft on you? My own brother, sister, grandmother... and so forth. I also had an incident last night where I was hanging out with my cousin at his house, we were downstairs drinking in his basement, he also had a friend with him, there was 3 of us... and I swear they were reading my mind, and then somehow I caught on and realized it, and when I realized it they realized it and they both got this look on their face that I would never forget... this look like they wanted to kill me. Personally, last night had to been one of the scariest nights of my life. I know my cousin use to get into witchcraft the occult, he even talked to me once how he can move objects with his mind and even saw people levitate, I don't know if I believe him, but I do know one thing... he can read minds, but as for my brother, sister, grandmother, and the
rest of my family goes who is related to me on my mom's side and also the side of the family I grew up with, unlike my cousin his is related to me on my father's, I never saw my mom's side of the family get into witchcraft... It feels like the deeper I get involved in the occult, the deeper I see their true side... they been trying to scare me away from Satanism since day one and turn back to xianity, and last night was one of the deepest spiritual experiences I had, and also the scariest... I swear, for a second there I was convinced that they (my family) weren't human beings, but something else... and I feel scared and I personally think they are out to get me, kill me in other words... I don't have no words to explain the situation I'm in, but I'm scared... and I don't know what to do. Need advice.
If they are as psychic as you say then they've found out you're a Satanist. Do not be afraid from this, you should not feel as if you are doing something wrong by being a Satanist, rather I think you should mentally accept this and state this in pride, that you ARE a Satanist and that you are NOT afraid. If you are confident in yourself and the fact that you are with Satan and nothing can harm you, then they will sense that psychically and they won't fuck with you. If you fall prey to the fear then they will exploit that. This is more about conquering the fear internally more than anything else. Why they would hide this from you? I would not know, but you probably would be able to find out yourself. Do not let them bring you down. Keep on meditating and you will rise more powerful. Be strong in Satan since he will protect you. Do not allow them to bully you and threaten you! Neither psychically nor physically! Family or not you do not allow yourself to be threatened. Period. Hail Satan!!!!http://luciferiexcelsi666.blogspot.co.uk/ On Wednesday, 16 April 2014, 2:45, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@... wrote:
  I suppose they get angry and more then that, fearful... when their secrets are found out by another whom they were keeping it from.Don't be scared, friend. Be strong inside, mentally. If they can sense your fear they may do something about it.
Keep practicing void meditation and breathing exercises. When you start to fear, focus on slowing down your breath and being present in the moment, don't let the fear override and take you away with it.

On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 9:27:47 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  This  guy  you speak of sounds a lot like my cousin, but only difference is when I found out about his intuition he got ready to kill me... literally... and I'm closing in on my own family as well... and I'm honestly quite scared, I'm scared that if I find out about their intuition they actually will kill me... But why would they keep this a secret from me? That's the question... Why?

I'm not a drinker, I only drink every once in a great while... probably once a month, perhaps less than that. Never did like drinking... and now since I've been on probation, going on for about 3 to 4 months now I don't even smoke weed. Most I do now is smoke cigarettes. As for my own place, I got my own place, but unfortunately everyone knows where I live and ever since that experience happened with my cousin and his friend, I have avoided them... honestly, they scare the shit out of me for quite a few reasons... I personally even think he is a murderer... and I know what he is capable of, he is telepathic, he's bragged about moving objects with his mind before, and I think he can even astral project (leave his body at wil), I even think he comes to where I live in spirit form and harasses me, and I don't think he is the only one, but even has a few friends with him as well. He even told me once that my grandma (one of the people I live the most on this planet) could do the same thing, and I almost think he's telling the truth for many reasons. There has been a lot of red flags that pointed to this fact. I think he is even convinced that he is an angel and a few people including my other cousin (who is in prison right now for stealing a car) said that he was, and even said that my grandma was... I don't even know if they are telling the truth or just delusional. Is it possible for human beings to become vessels for angels? Because this is what I suspect, I personally think the enemy (angels) know about my practice in Spiritual Satanism and actually let their presence be known to my family and awakened some of their psychic senses to use against me in order to stop me from advancing... and maybe convinced them that they were angels as well? I don't know, and that's the problem... I wish I knew more about how the enemy works, because I don't... and they are using my ignorance to their advantage, that's for sure... Ugh... "sigh". :( 
Another thing I know for sure, is that I was never aware of the fact that they were even psychic, until I got involved in Satanism. I grew up knowing these people my whole life, besides my cousins that I use to hang out with, before I found out about their dark secrets, I only knew them about half my life, and I'm 25 years old now. I remember, about 3 weeks ago, before I stopped hanging out with my cousin (not the one in prison, but the one that can read thoughts), I was hanging out in his kitchen... watching him do drugs and eating pizza and this guy is constantly doing drugs (another sign right there that he is into angel magick I guess). I remember I was paying attention to the tv in his living room or looking at my cell phone reading txt messages (one of the two) and out of the corner of my eye, I saw him dancing... like dancing literally, and when I looked right away it's like in a split second he wasn't... I never saw anything like that in my life and I thought to myself there's no way someone can be THAT fast... and when he noticed I noticed he laughed... It honestly creeped the hell out of me. How can someone even be that fast??? And if they are telling the truth about my grandmother, and if she possibly is more than 'human' then that is scarier yet, because this woman raised me ever since I was a baby... They almost got it into my head that if I find out about their secrets, they are going to murder me... literally... So, that's the question... Is it possible that angels bestowed knowledge upon them sometime in the past when I did become a Satanist just to stop me in my endeavors? And that they aren't really angels themselves, but actually vessels for angels to use and they themselves know this? Or is there more going on than just that? My grand mother and cousin aren't the only ones either, there's a lot of red flags with my brother as well... and besides family, I've met quite a few people who aren't family that can read thoughts too and are actually open to the fact that they are telepathically, quite a few people... more so than I've met who weren't, and it's getting to that point which I'm starting to believe that the majority of people are (which I kind of doubt, let alone don't even want to believe). Then again... the majority of these people that I know are Native Americans, and I know Native American people are still pretty active spiritually and the last people that were attacked by the jewish system of enslavement. 
Oh yeah, last but not least... Once upon a time ago, I use to look at pictures... just pictures of people, or even artwork sometimes and I use to see them move, like the people in these pictures would actually move around or turn their heads or dance, ect. ect. I feel like if I can get an answer to this question as well to why these things use to happen, I can put more pieces together and figure out what is happening with my own family. Lol, I sometimes don't even think people exist... let alone the physical world, but just one big illusion... Which is my greatest fear yet, if that is true. Ugh... is it possible I'm having a psychological break down? Lol.
Ok I'm not being funny here, but do you do drugs? On Saturday, 19 April 2014, 21:45, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  Oh yeah, last but not least... Once upon a time ago, I use to look at pictures... just pictures of people, or even artwork sometimes and I use to see them move, like the people in these pictures would actually move around or turn their heads or dance, ect. ect. I feel like if I can get an answer to this question as well to why these things use to happen, I can put more pieces together and figure out what is happening with my own family. Lol, I sometimes don't even think people exist... let alone the physical world, but just one big illusion... Which is my greatest fear yet, if that is true. Ugh... is it possible I'm having a psychological break down? Lol.

Seeing pictures move when they aren't supposed to is usually a leftover from doing acid, whether recently or from many years ago. The effect remains.

On Saturday, April 19, 2014 4:45:48 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@..." <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote:
  Oh yeah, last but not least... Once upon a time ago, I use to look at pictures... just pictures of people, or even artwork sometimes and I use to see them move, like the people in these pictures would actually move around or turn their heads or dance, ect. ect. I feel like if I can get an answer to this question as well to why these things use to happen, I can put more pieces together and figure out what is happening with my own family. Lol, I sometimes don't even think people exist... let alone the physical world, but just one big illusion... Which is my greatest fear yet, if that is true. Ugh... is it possible I'm having a psychological break down? Lol.

I use to, I've done LSD (which was a big mistake, very bad drug to do... especially if you're a Spiritual Satanist) and I use to do meth, but haven't done meth for a while, since now I'm on probation due to meth for 5 years... I'm done with meth, that drug I put in the past, same goes with LSD although I've only done it about three or four times, and may I say the last time I'm going to do it... that drug honestly scared the shit out of me, but yeah... I'm not going to lie to my Satanic Brothers and Sisters... Drugs played a big role in my past... and maybe should I came out and said that before hand, but I guess I didn't in fear of being judged (which I should know better, because you guys would probably be the last people on planet Earth to judge me)... Also would like to add, due to drugs, my life is a lot harder than it should be, but thanks to Father Satan and the Gods they put a stop to my drug use and continue to do so, I'm feeling pretty confident that these things are in the past and going to stay in the past... I really hope anyways...
But regardless of all that, I don't see how I can be hallucinating some of the things I've seen... let alone everything else I've written about when it comes to my family, and doesn't Quantum Physics prove all of this is possible? Even without the use of drugs? There's people that don't even take drugs and they see more than I do, even when it comes to people in pictures moving and ect. ect. Or am I wrong? Can anyone explain these things to me and give me a view of the bigger picture of what is truly going on? Please don't get mad at me my Satanic Brothers and Sisters, I swear... I'm trying... and I'm trying hard to better my life, maybe not as hard as I should be, but hard... Hell, I know I'm a lot further than where I use to be, and I continue going further in my practice, that being Spiritual Satanism. I have improved, more so than I have going down hill, regardless of the drugs, which just slowed me down, and I got faith in the Gods that I'll stay clean and eventually over come this problem as well. 
I've watched a few Quantum Mechanic videos on YouTube (yeah, jew tube... probably not the best place to research this stuff...) and read a bit about Quantum Physics/Mechanics or w/e you want to call it. Basically saying human beings have the power to create their own realities from their minds, let alone the physical world being just an illusion... I'm sure there might be some disinfo in some of that, due to the jews spreading their bullshit lies, like they do everything else they got their fingers in, it's hard for me to decide what is TRUTHFUL and what is FALSE... I'm confused, and these things weigh on my shoulders everyday, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of these things, and how deep the rabbit hole really goes... I need more information... but the problem is, I don't know where to get it. Is there any links or threads within these forums that someone can give me to further explain these things, that are truthful?
Well thank you, lol. I'm glad to know my advice did some good. But I got one more piece of advice. These guys are all telling you not to worry, dwell on it etc. This isn't because they are trying to get you to let your guard down man. HPS Maxine said herself that when you give or feed anything any sort of attention whatsoever, your giving it your energy, you feeding it power. Don't feed it any attention or energies, and if you do make sure it conforms to your endeavors. In other words, like the guy above said, be vigilant. Like I said before, Satan looks out for his own, especially his warriors. As long as you meditate daily, and even do what you can for Satan, he will ensure no tragedy befalls you. There was a video sermon maxine posted a while ago about a guy who was in the middle of hurricane katrina or whatever, and everywhere around his house, all the other houses were completely destroyed, flattened like pancakes. And all his loved ones were fine too. This is next to impossible how this guy survived. And on second note, most of his neighborhood was christians alike. I hope this rests your mind a little more. Hail Satan!
1. Drugs especially this hard not one but more coupled with weed that you only just stopped cos you're on probation takes time to leave a human system. Yes I understand that you stopped them maybe a long time ago but the weed (if you're using good weed) reinforces them. You need to give yourself a long period of time to rehabilitate completely and that's with the absence of any sort of weak shit. If you've been long in here or even few months old like me, you would have read that weed (common weed) is bad for Satanists. If weed is bad then how about heavier drugs? Don't be hard to teach or difficult to learn. 2. What you're saying about the things you've seen is 100% possible. I come from the part of this world where black magic is like water. People have babies and dedicate them to their deities. The baby becomes a witch or wizard without his/her knowledge and when he/she discovers it, they learn to harness their powers. I know this people are not Satanists cos they have a kind of religion known as ATR (African Traditional Religion). Its very real and they can do and undo you, what I don't know is how they get their powers. I don't know about other kinds of religions that are like this but rest assured they exist. If you're not hallucinating, then one thing is sure you're being attacked by them. One thing with this sort of people is that family don't matter to them, I don't know if any of you have heard about "blood money", no matter how unbelievable it sounds its real and a lot of people use their kids and wives for this human sacrifices to make money cos their deities demand for somebody not just really close but dear to them. Secondly, there's another one, people who are getting old sacrifice young family members so they can live longer. Now, I'm going to be open here, my very own great great great grand mother was doing this, she belonged to the cult that does this, I even met her before she died and I think someone deliberately killed her, at her age as at then she was still very strong. Now, think about this, if you belonged to something like I have described and perpetrates evil would you like someone else to know? I'm not saying this is what they're doing and I don't want you to get scared, in Satanism there shouldn't be fear but awareness, the awareness that you control the world around you, that you're the god of your situations, that you bring into existence what pleases you and destroy what pleases you. There should be a sence of the superman, someone dreaming of achieving Godhood shouldn't live like a peasant or think like one, personally I don't believe that there's anything that can defeat me so fear doesn't come any inch close to me. 3. It is possible that you're hallucinating, it is also possible that the effect of the drugs you used to do are taking there last shuts on your nerves. Which ever one learn to be a conqueror. 4. A piece of advice. Before i come here to ask questions, first i wait to see if i'll get answers on my own from my guardian demon or on JoS, learn to do that and i only ask if i cant find answers. Sometimes i give the issue time to see how it goes and be sure where the problem is coming from and to know if it will go away on its own. Patients is a virtue.  HAIL SATAN
On Apr 21, 2014 5:44 AM, <reimerwesley@... wrote:
  Well thank you, lol. I'm glad to know my advice did some good. But I got one more piece of advice. These guys are all telling you not to worry, dwell on it etc. This isn't because they are trying to get you to let your guard down man. HPS Maxine said herself that when you give or feed anything any sort of attention whatsoever, your giving it your energy, you feeding it power. Don't feed it any attention or energies, and if you do make sure it conforms to your endeavors. In other words, like the guy above said, be vigilant. Like I said before, Satan looks out for his own, especially his warriors. As long as you meditate daily, and even do what you can for Satan, he will ensure no tragedy befalls you. There was a video sermon maxine posted a while ago about a guy who was in the middle of hurricane katrina or whatever, and everywhere around his house, all the other houses were completely destroyed, flattened like pancakes. And all his loved ones were fine too. This is next to impossible how this guy survived. And on second note, most of his neighborhood was christians alike. I hope this rests your mind a little more. Hail Satan!
"I'm confused, and these things weigh on my shoulders everyday, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of these things, and how deep the rabbit hole really goes" And this, my friend, is how people become dependant on psychedelics. Now what the use of mind altering substances do, is they open some dormant parts of the brain artificially. Once the effects of the drugs have worn out this goes away with it, you will experience a bit of the non-material dimensions, but you will never have total control over it. This is a classic example of how the jews and the angels operate, they will give you a bit of insight, a bit of what it means to be spiritually capable, and then they will take it away from you. This is how the angels make you psychically dependant on them. When you take a drug like this, you may become open to the astral for a bit, but you won't be able to handle it, since this wouldn't be controlled by your conscious mind. This is explains you seeing pictures moving (and maybe all that stuff about your family), this does not mean that you have empowered yourself psychically, this simply means you have become open to some powers that you cannot handle. Seeing pictures move is just your mind playing tricks on you on the astral. There is a very thin line between spiritual empowerment and insanity. When you are given too much to handle all of a sudden (like with the use of mind altering drugs) your mind cannot handle it, so you go a bit loopy. Through meditation, you can access the astral whenever it is you wish, but you would be IN CONTROL, and power comes through control and direction, not through dependence and confusion. When you empower your chakras, you are given access to this higher dimension naturally, and are able to influence more areas of your life through this. You can access this dimension when you are in a fully stable state of consciousness, and your mind will be more aware and in control. Your mind only plays tricks on you when your mind is not psychically mature enough to handle the astral aspect of the self, since it has been dormant in you for centuries. Imagine a person that has been paralyzed in one leg. He has never been able to walk for centuries. Then all of a sudden a guy in a white suit offers him a pill that would make him walk for a few hours. Now note this guy has been paralyzed for centuries and now all of a sudden he can walk, the only natural thing for him is to slip and fall down, over and over again. The mind will not be able to send the correct nervous signals to the leg, and hence the victim will experience extreme frustration and confusion. He might feel blissful for a moment, since he can walk (even though barely) for a few hours, but this does not last. Meditation is like slowly empowering that paralyzed leg so that your mind can slowly adjust with the leg's rehabilitation, so that once the leg is able to move again, it will do so permanently, and the mind will be able to use this once paralyzed leg for whatever it is it wishes, permanently. Quantum physics is just the scientific attempt to explain the non-physical dimension. Obviously people that spread this knowledge about are out there thinking they're all new age messiahs. Power is useless if you do not know how to control it and direct it. If it is controlling and directing you then it isn't really power is it? It's total mental slavery. Empower your soul and you will rise above this, naturally, with your own powers. And yes you will able to influence your life however it is you wish using this natural power and knowledge, but this is something that takes time, and it isn't something you find in a pill. Hail Satan!!!!http://luciferiexcelsi666.blogspot.co.uk/   On Monday, 21 April 2014, 5:44, "reimerwesley@..." <reimerwesley@... wrote:
  Well thank you, lol. I'm glad to know my advice did some good. But I got one more piece of advice. These guys are all telling you not to worry, dwell on it etc. This isn't because they are trying to get you to let your guard down man. HPS Maxine said herself that when you give or feed anything any sort of attention whatsoever, your giving it your energy, you feeding it power. Don't feed it any attention or energies, and if you do make sure it conforms to your endeavors. In other words, like the guy above said, be vigilant. Like I said before, Satan looks out for his own, especially his warriors. As long as you meditate daily, and even do what you can for Satan, he will ensure no tragedy befalls you. There was a video sermon maxine posted a while ago about a guy who was in the middle of hurricane katrina or whatever, and everywhere around his house, all the other houses were completely destroyed, flattened like pancakes. And all his loved ones were fine too. This is next to impossible how this guy survived. And on second note, most of his neighborhood was christians alike. I hope this rests your mind a little more. Hail Satan!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
