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Jan 4, 2025
Here's the fucker himself:


Lots of VERY powerful magick and I am being told repeatedly he is using mine and other powerful Satanic souls to fuel an apocalypse. I'm even talking actual factual zombies, 28 Days later and Darkwood type shit with HEAVY emphasis on the Bible quote "weeping and gnashing of teeth." I had a nightmare and near constant waking visions about it and intrusive soundbyte thoughts of zombies from various games I've played. I don't even need to ask, the entire pantheon is guiding me into stop being stupid and ask for help and divulge as much as I can ascertain. Please, please holy shit please help me. I am fighting for my life and it's like every time I fight back if only gets me and those I care about even hurt no matter how thorough and careful I think I am.

Here's my story to explain even further:
I have a friend group that formed on 4chan a while ago. We started on a /trash/ general for a game we all liked and we ended up forming a Discord server full of people who made content for the thread. I happened to be one of them and surprisingly prolific.

I started falling in love even, and it turns out Satan is REALLY fucking pushing me to get with this woman in particular without question. HOWEVER:

-be andrapod at the time
-bad shit suddenly started happening
-lots and lots and lots of random drama
-everything is derailed and I end up becoming enemy #1 of everybody and get stalked and harassed across the entirety of the Undertale and Deltarune /trash/ community
-parents were already fighting but it got way, waaayyy worse over time in ways that are in hindsight kinda peculiar and even out of character a lot of the time, it's like everyone was semi-suddenly different people
-on the shadows, my absolute WORSE THAN KIKES mother shuts down multiple attempts by Satan to awaken me out of fear, control, and self hatred so I end up being completely defenseless for several years past my due date for a meeting with Satan
-dad gets WEIRDLY nihilistic and suicidal
-I end up doing shit I'm not proud of and it feel it held over my head forever by OTHER witches
-get cursed by every hidden practitioner, voodoo woman looking for a man to cheat with only to curse me out of anger when they divinate me behind my back, and petty New Age wannabe dark lord and anti-cosmic program and their mothers
-shit overall just gets worse and worse and ever since I've just been constantly on the run, moving place to place, getting retaumatized again and again and again and being treated like a criminal and a parasite, never being listened to and always being tightly watched and controlled and having someone breathe right down my neck at all times
-either can't get a job or it's always awful with bad managers
-very suddenly SURROUNDED by xianity and feel lots of pulls that now I realize we're extremely frustrated and mad and forceful, almost like I'm a "Morning Star" that just won't go away and leave the sky or something
-have a spiritual awakening eventually, it seriously took Satan dragging me kicking and screaming to a family place on a ley line and isolating me physically from the outside world
-now on the street because mom came in, we attempted rebuilding bridges, she made sure they were burned for good
-I have already been assaulted and lost several important items, have a very hard time keeping a charge on my phone, and keep having interactions that make me feel unsafe
-every time I do an RTR I get horrifically distracted to the point that it's immensely frustrating to even attempt to start one, let alone finish
-have to act like a Jew in all of my wording and intent to not have it immediately hijacked to have the opposite effect, vampirized by someone stealing from my aura, or not somehow backfire or paint a massive target on the back of someone innocent
-I am never believed, everyone acts like I'm inconsiderate and crazy and now I'm afraid I may lose the very friend group and my last social connection I got right now because people I have talked to about Satanism suddenly get uncharacteristically hostile and ABSOLUTELY STUPIDLY stubborn despite shoving the CIA Gateway PDF and other shit in their stupid stubborn faces
-Hindu mantras and help from Baron Samedi are literally the only things that work anymore much other than aggressive rune casting, and they got me to finally narrow it down to this one person (THANK YOU INDRA, VISHNU, MAA KALI, LORD SHIVA, LORD GANESHA, HANUMAN, LAKSHMI AND SO MANY OTHERS I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH)
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The entire Discord server I'm in is chock full of Jews. The guy I attempted to point out is just THE gigaJew and leader of the pack. I have been unknowingly blessing them and it has horrifically scarred me and other gentiles involved. To any and all whom I felt lend their energy and are still helping me, thank you.

Also, thank you and hail to the Glorious HPS Maxine. I have felt her hand touch me on many occasions as of late and she is with me now. You guys are all awesome, and I humbly apologize for and retract any uncalled for anger and hostile energy, because I honestly had no idea what I was doing or where it all went so wrong.

It may be time to take a break. Imagine having a problem that can be solved by turning off your computer. Because that's what you have, so turn off your computer.
Give gaming a rest, give associating with jews a full stop, give your mind time to breathe.
Father Satan Lucifer isn't pushing you hard on anyone, that's all on you.
HPS Maxine covers this in one of her articles, you're overwhelmed and kind of irrational.
You would benefit from stepping back from spirituality for a time.
The things you've described almost certainly wouldn't happen to someone that has dedicated.
When you're more emotionally settled you may want to consider dedicating to Father before you attempt a re-entry into Satanism, your issues are resonating as self inflicted.
Sending clarity your way.
Honestly having a hard time following that. Assuming you are not troll. The green text stories don't really explain what is going on. If you can write out your situation a little better some people might be able to help. As for your phone not charging you can usually clean out the usb charge area with a plastic tooth pick. If its full of dust it won't charge and can even discharge.

Most of the advice on here is going to be AOP and RTR. There is a lot in the meditation section for beginners. If you can make a concise explanation of what is happen we might be able to give specific help.
It may be time to take a break. Imagine having a problem that can be solved by turning off your computer. Because that's what you have, so turn off your computer.
Give gaming a rest, give associating with jews a full stop, give your mind time to breathe.
Father Satan Lucifer isn't pushing you hard on anyone, that's all on you.
HPS Maxine covers this in one of her articles, you're overwhelmed and kind of irrational.
You would benefit from stepping back from spirituality for a time.
The things you've described almost certainly wouldn't happen to someone that has dedicated.
When you're more emotionally settled you may want to consider dedicating to Father before you attempt a re-entry into Satanism, your issues are resonating as self inflicted.
Sending clarity your way.
Your clarity has worked. Thank you. Mantras are also helping immensely still. There is still very much a fucking gigakike pretending to be my friend and spearheading a lot of anti-me type shit though, but there's a lot of lore to all of this when I take into consideration everything that's been happening to me.

-take a break
I couldn't. Here's the thing:
Turns out my mother is extremely powerful and gifted, and yet is a walking nightmare and has been one of the biggest thorns in Satan's side for a while now because of the absolute evil and atrocities she's committed in the astral on me and several others.

First, she has kept a tight lock and key on me and has never let me go since day one. I am told by basically any God who listens that yeah, apparently my mom made a "deal with the Devil" to make me a studio plant and get me into entertainment so she could ride my coattails and the kikes could get their little sacrifice out of me, effectively soul-tying me to the fucking kikes but granting me immense potentially WMD levels of soul power mainly only gained from using my throat chakra or "voice" aka music, poetry, the arts, and singing. This explains gigakike explicitly too, dude is assigned to keep tabs on me and see if I'll be a nice new groomable star to push globohomo kike shit with like any other Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus of the world. He's literally just a handler and that's kind of it, besides Jewry and yes, even after clarity spells, he and other kikes were genuinely attempting an apocalypse akin to SCP-610/Darkwood (video game).

My dad worked security for many celebrities and was a major player at a lot of parties. I feel P Diddy type of shit as well, disgusting filthy death and decay energy all over it. Mom was always so weirdly pushy with me and music specifically, and looking back I felt her magickal energy and kike shit on me and did weird little out of character musical habits and things I wasn't truly interested in.

When I use music with my magick and thoughts, it has a lot of potent energy and power behind it to the point of actually kinda startling the shit out of me on several occasions. Not only that but I accidentally became a ghost celebrity and got constantly accosted by many ghosts and curious observers because they were hypnotically attracted to the cool imagery I had running through my head whilst listening to music on my walks. It got fucking annoying even and I couldn't ever not have someone looking at me or asking me for something or wanting to see or do something with or to me because of how immensely attractive my aura always seemed to be with literally anything musical.

These days I got SEETHING, frothing-at-the-mouth-buttmad CIA agents and Hollywood actors, kike congressman, and CCP and NK leadership in my third eye and talking to me all the time and constantly doing rapey (mind break attempts), humiliating, and/or manipulative shit to me. Mom got cold feet, backed out and tried to be sneaky and live a "normal life," got bitchslapped by kikes for it, and she has actively been trying to "protect me" with so many layers of obfuscation and other methods that I could never figure it out without divine intervention "from God" or some other such xian New Age bullshit nonsense. She never wanted me to know why she brought me into this world and kept me away from the truth as if it was life and death, cuz she never trusted or listened to Satan despite the DURECT LINK TO LILITH AND THE DEAL SHE MADE AAGGGHHH WHAT A RETARD

So this is it. I am a living musical Azazel goat sacrifice and I am having to fight tooth and bloody nail as... ironically being one of the reasons Gods like Thoth are so busy these days. I am constantly looked after, protected, and fought for, and my magick is incredibly and tightly controlled via external forces. My life is just one big major "what in the actual fuck!?!?!?!?" as it turns out.

I guess the thing to do would be to own it, really. BE musical, but do it in service of Satan. I've been getting begged for this in hindsight, I just never understood why and it always felt pushy and I even felt it was a little obnoxious and weird due to picking up on motives I didn't understand. Trust issues ironically only kept me in the shit even worse. The sheer imposter syndrome has also really hurt me too, because over and over I just couldn't believe that I was somehow super mega important and didn't want all the attention.

Ugh. I'm gonna need a shitload of weed and lots of talks with King Paimon about this shit. I'm tired on a soul level, man...
everything is derailed and I end up becoming enemy #1 of everybody
shoving the CIA Gateway PDF and other shit in their stupid stubborn faces
Hindu mantras and help from Baron Samedi are literally the only things that work anymore

Provided your message is genuine, the only advice I can think is to detach yourself from other people as you seem to much affected by their negativity. Avoid groups of people, stay safe and alone for a while, meditating and cleaning yourself daily, contact nature not people for a moment in your life. I don't see any other possibilities.
CIA... ??? are you overthinking/serious?

To all here : I may be suspicious but recently I read a lot of desperate messages of people maintain they are in big trouble and chaos for being Satanists, basically. Aren't we heavily trolled here? Like being SS would bring to chaos/craziness.
Your clarity has worked. Thank you. Mantras are also helping immensely still. There is still very much a fucking gigakike pretending to be my friend and spearheading a lot of anti-me type shit though, but there's a lot of lore to all of this when I take into consideration everything that's been happening to me.

-take a break
I couldn't. Here's the thing:
Turns out my mother is extremely powerful and gifted, and yet is a walking nightmare and has been one of the biggest thorns in Satan's side for a while now because of the absolute evil and atrocities she's committed in the astral on me and several others.

First, she has kept a tight lock and key on me and has never let me go since day one. I am told by basically any God who listens that yeah, apparently my mom made a "deal with the Devil" to make me a studio plant and get me into entertainment so she could ride my coattails and the kikes could get their little sacrifice out of me, effectively soul-tying me to the fucking kikes but granting me immense potentially WMD levels of soul power mainly only gained from using my throat chakra or "voice" aka music, poetry, the arts, and singing. This explains gigakike explicitly too, dude is assigned to keep tabs on me and see if I'll be a nice new groomable star to push globohomo kike shit with like any other Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus of the world. He's literally just a handler and that's kind of it, besides Jewry and yes, even after clarity spells, he and other kikes were genuinely attempting an apocalypse akin to SCP-610/Darkwood (video game).

My dad worked security for many celebrities and was a major player at a lot of parties. I feel P Diddy type of shit as well, disgusting filthy death and decay energy all over it. Mom was always so weirdly pushy with me and music specifically, and looking back I felt her magickal energy and kike shit on me and did weird little out of character musical habits and things I wasn't truly interested in.

When I use music with my magick and thoughts, it has a lot of potent energy and power behind it to the point of actually kinda startling the shit out of me on several occasions. Not only that but I accidentally became a ghost celebrity and got constantly accosted by many ghosts and curious observers because they were hypnotically attracted to the cool imagery I had running through my head whilst listening to music on my walks. It got fucking annoying even and I couldn't ever not have someone looking at me or asking me for something or wanting to see or do something with or to me because of how immensely attractive my aura always seemed to be with literally anything musical.

These days I got SEETHING, frothing-at-the-mouth-buttmad CIA agents and Hollywood actors, kike congressman, and CCP and NK leadership in my third eye and talking to me all the time and constantly doing rapey (mind break attempts), humiliating, and/or manipulative shit to me. Mom got cold feet, backed out and tried to be sneaky and live a "normal life," got bitchslapped by kikes for it, and she has actively been trying to "protect me" with so many layers of obfuscation and other methods that I could never figure it out without divine intervention "from God" or some other such xian New Age bullshit nonsense. She never wanted me to know why she brought me into this world and kept me away from the truth as if it was life and death, cuz she never trusted or listened to Satan despite the DURECT LINK TO LILITH AND THE DEAL SHE MADE AAGGGHHH WHAT A RETARD

So this is it. I am a living musical Azazel goat sacrifice and I am having to fight tooth and bloody nail as... ironically being one of the reasons Gods like Thoth are so busy these days. I am constantly looked after, protected, and fought for, and my magick is incredibly and tightly controlled via external forces. My life is just one big major "what in the actual fuck!?!?!?!?" as it turns out.

I guess the thing to do would be to own it, really. BE musical, but do it in service of Satan. I've been getting begged for this in hindsight, I just never understood why and it always felt pushy and I even felt it was a little obnoxious and weird due to picking up on motives I didn't understand. Trust issues ironically only kept me in the shit even worse. The sheer imposter syndrome has also really hurt me too, because over and over I just couldn't believe that I was somehow super mega important and didn't want all the attention.

Ugh. I'm gonna need a shitload of weed and lots of talks with King Paimon about this shit. I'm tired on a soul level, man...

What you have stated here is not likely to be true, in comparison to this likely being a product of your own mind. It is impossible for so much random activity to be centered are you whilst also having your life in disarray, because the enemy must be selective.

I hate to be rude, but this appears written almost like a made up story. Alternatively, if you truly believe such events are going on, this points towards severe schizophrenia or something of the sort, in conjunction with a complex of grandiosity, especially if you believe the CCP leaders are astrally communicating with you, of all people.
The entire Discord server I'm in is chock full of Jews. The guy I attempted to point out is just THE gigaJew and leader of the pack. I have been unknowingly blessing them and it has horrifically scarred me and other gentiles involved. To any and all whom I felt lend their energy and are still helping me, thank you.

Also, thank you and hail to the Glorious HPS Maxine. I have felt her hand touch me on many occasions as of late and she is with me now. You guys are all awesome, and I humbly apologize for and retract any uncalled for anger and hostile energy, because I honestly had no idea what I was doing or where it all went so wrong.

Quit the groups, don't say anything else, ghost them, and move on with your life.

jews are nobodies, you are a dedicated SS under the protection of Lord Satanas, nothing can touch you (don't play rambo, it's not what I meant here, that's ultimate stupidity).

Do the Power Ritual of Lord Abrasax, to banish all the negative energies from your life, do it everyday. Then also do cleaning and Aura of Protection.

Many things are just self inflicted mental things that aren't real, so do not pay attention to these, just focus on the above and on building your life, free from problems.

Good luck Brother!
Yea just quit the shity groups and focus on what's important , many if not all of those shitheads are just delulu tards so carry on with your path and focus on empowerment , nobody can touch you while you're protected by the Gods but don't be foolish neither to think you're invincible , stay safe and if you want to release the hate do it on the rivs , those wicca useless being would be eventually all taken care of and not in a good way for them.
Aight after some power rituals and good spellcasting, I know now that most of this is just a direct consequence of my mother spiritually and constantly sheltering me and blocking me out of spirituality, subtly pushing New Age Xian horseshit on me instead, and flagrantly disrespecting the Gods, and with extremely angry, terror infused intentions, severely attacking my ability out of my ability to go after the Jews in any meaningful capacity and going back on deals she made. Now here's the kicker.

I am literally a gift given to her by my TRUE mother, Lady Lilith because she was having fertility issues and really wanted to be a mom. Mom was even explicitly told it would paint a target on our backs and that she would have to be ready for anything. She went back on her word after getting spooked by of all things Rosemary's Baby (thanks Hollyjew), got cold feet and ran back to daddy Jewsus and (((Mary))). I do wonder if me being the biggest goodie two shoes and not being the little monster she pop-culturally expected also may have fucked with her and drove her a liiiiitle bit nutty over the course of several years.

That target on our backs she was warned about didn't ever go away and we have been hit by lots of evil, ESPECIALLY (very misplaced) jealousy and envy that had resulted in lots of attacks on my family. In the house where the family fell apart, she had the nerve to let me sleep on a bed a man got shot to death on in a VERY haunted house and only cleansed that shit once and didn't care to replace it with the money we had so much of at the time or at least ACTUALLY clean it.

Fed shit is *mostly* because mom got experimented in the 80's and had it dressed up as institutionalization and therapy. They kept tabs as it turns out and that sorta dropped onto me, especially due to the demonic and powerful nature of my conception. When I ACTUALLY awakened, my very altruistic and nationalistic and anti-establishment/NWO views and pushes from the Gods to use their energy to make a better world got me spotted almost immediately (and I was also very spiritually confused and figuring my shit out whilst STILL being spiritually abused and lied directly to my face through lying fucking teeth about it at the time, which made it damn near impossible to listen to genuinely good advice about astral stealth and defense), and it's been an uphill battle ever since.

Mom has only ever been doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down and has specifically targeted me very, very fucking hard for going to JoS and ESPECIALLY for performing RTR's like the goodest, most obedient goy Israel's ever seen. My life kinda sorta just spiraled into this and I'm not entirely sure where it's gonna go from here.

The advice only made things more clear and succinct in my head and made it all the more real so thanks for that. However, no, my Siblings in Satan, I am not making any of this up. Don't put me down like that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
