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Need Help deciphering this Synastry Chart


New member
Nov 11, 2020
Satan's Earth
My Fellow SS'

I have to deal with a particular woman, and I'm strongly affected by her. For now we are "friends", but it really isn't going well at all. Due to the nature of my job, I'm privy to sensitive info about people (like their DOB). Unfortunately, I had to use 12 p.m. for her birth time, and I know where she was born from a colleague, as it would be really weird of me to ask her for her birth time.... :lol:

I feel a magnetic attraction towards this woman, yet also a terrible sense of danger. From both of us, like 2 poisons attempting to counteract one another. I've looked on the JoS Azazel's Astrology, to see the aspects, but can't quite decipher all of it in context as a whole. In terms of Synastry, I feel like I have to get as far away from her as possible, but am irresistibly drawn to her for unknown reasons, and would like understand how and why. Or if someone can list all the GOOD and BAD aspects of this Synastry.

She is the Top in the image, I am the Red on the right-hand side. I'm Water, She's Fire; in Sun signs. We both have Ascendants in Pisces, and her Saturn is smack-bang in her Ascendant AND in both our 1st Houses. Along with other aspects, that weren't good. If she's so dangerous to me, why am I magnetically pulled towards her? Assume hypothetically, for a "close relationship", so I know the darker and more intimate danger, and details of this current and dangerous, platonic friendship. It's still new, so I time to get out quickly. It's disturbing me, and online references to these aspects, are FAR TOO positive, when my intuition is telling me otherwise. Just not clued up as well as I would like to be on Astrology.

Any advice, explanations, break-downs, references, anything, etc; would be ENORMOUSLY appreciated. Thanks in Advance for any replies or comments. I already know this is BAD synastry, but I would like to better my Astrology from this experience, while I make a disappearance from her. Waste no opportunity to learn something..... :lol:

Servant Of Enki

Hail Satan!!
Hail ALL The Gods of Hell!!
Might be off-topic but it's a possible enemy intervention there. I had a similar experience with women that proved to counter and hinder my spiritual development and even almost disrupted my connection to Satan. Not that this might actually be something like that, but if there's a lot of saturn and pluto , chances might just be she's an enemy "drone" , put in the right place at the right moment so that your astral influences do the rest. I'd rather do a venus square and affirm to find a partner.
The first thing to note is that you mentioned you don't know her exact birth time, and that you used 12:00 PM as a standard. This can still be useful for knowing planetary placements, including the Moon unless the Moon changed signs on her birthday, but this means that we cannot know her Ascendant and House placements as a result. This is because the Ascendant, literally, is the eastern horizon where the sky rises - hence the term, "Rising Sign" - and this consequently changes by the minute; I think 2-3 minutes per degree, or something like that. As such, one's actual Rising Sign can change by the hour-ish. So anything you see about your planets aspecting her Ascendant/MC, or your planets being in her Xth House, I'd just do away with that altogether until you know her actual time, if you ever figure that out.

While I can't go into explicit detail about everything here, I'll try to share what I can and hopefully others will be able to add to it. Let's start with some of the bad aspects that you should be aware of.

  1. Her Saturn in your 1st House. How this can manifest can depend on other synastry factors, but generally, such people tend to be hard on you and your sense of self. They can be highly critical and in some cases, just outright mean and even harmful to you. Without the presence of harmonious aspects between your planets, a person with their Saturn in your 1st can be a largely negative influence in your life. With harmonious aspects, it ups the likelihood that such a person will be more of a positive albeit stern influence that gives you structure and helps you learn, even if the manner in which they do so isn't pleasant to you.
  2. Her Saturn forms aspects to your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus. The good thing here is your Sun, Moon, and Mars receive harmonious aspects from her Saturn, and while these placements are still not just sunshine and happiness, they could make it to where she's a firm "teacher" of sorts to you; you learn from what she says to you and how she tries to correct you, although this can leave you feeling inferior and emotionally unhappy, perhaps even jealous of her perceived superiority on certain issues. If you were wanting a deeper, perhaps sexually physical connection, then Saturn-Mars aspects tend to not be that great, as the Saturn person serves as a sort of halt to the Mars person's drive and ambitions. Simultaneously, given that it's a harmonious aspect (trine) and you have those other harmonious aspects, it can be that she puts a halt on some of your ambitions to help you think them through some more and actualize them more effectively. Mars is quite the impulsive, "I want it now" planet.

    The bad thing is the hard aspects to your Mercury and Uranus. With Saturn inconjunct Mercury, it increases the likelihood that she won't actually listen to you in conversation or debate, but rather just shut down your ideas or tune them out. Saturn doesn't want to hear Mercury, as Azazel's Astrology puts it. With her Saturn square your Uranus, this makes it likely that she would be greatly constricting of your personal freedoms. The kind of lover, if you two got together, that would accuse you of cheating and all sorts of things and consequently want to control you (I know an IRL example of such a pairing with this aspect.).
  3. Your Pluto squares her Moon. I dunno too much about Moon-Pluto aspects, but given that Pluto is the planet of intensity, obsession, and sex, I think this aspect contributes in some form to your extreme draw to her, especially since it's a square and thus a hard aspect. I think it also likely that she would be able to feel your intensity, or be able to pick up on it on some emotional wavelength, and that this could be unsettling to her.

Here are some positives, or at the very least, things that could contribute to your extreme draw to her:

  1. Your Sun is opposite her Venus. Sun-Venus aspects are good for love and being drawn to each other, even though this one is a hard aspect. The fact that it's a hard aspect could contribute to the feeling of unease you have, I'm thinking.
  2. Her Venus trines your Moon, and your Venus is sextile her Moon. Very positive aspects overall, induce feelings of love and being emotionally drawn, especially on behalf of the Moon person, but also the Venus person who relates to the emotional qualities of the Moon person.
  3. Your Mars is opposite her Venus. Mars-Venus aspects are often indicative of sexual attraction, with the Mars person being attracted to Venus. The opposition is a hard aspect which can intensify these feelings but generate conflict. Similarly, her Mars is inconjunct your Venus - another hard aspect.
  4. Her Jupiter forms inconjunctions to your Sun, Moon, and Mars, whereas your Jupiter is sextile her Sun. Sun-Jupiter aspects can be good for the self-esteem of the Sun person, albeit less so with the hard aspect but the energies are still there.
  5. Lastly, her Venus is opposite your Vertex, making it conjunct your anti-Vertex. I don't really understand the significance of these points, but have read before that you can think of them as a sort of "second Ascendant/Descendant." If there's any validity to that, then it indicates their importance in our personal lives. Here's what Azazel's Astrology has to say:

    The Vertex and anti-Vertex: these are important points of fate like the Moon's nodes. Often loved ones or others for good or ill will have an important planet conjunct the Vertex or anti-vertex. At the first meeting/beginning of a relationship, many times the other person's progressed planet/s will cojoin this point.

These are the broad strokes that I can see at this time. I'm definitely happy to answer inquiries and accept corrections to anything inaccurate that I said.
Ravenheart666 said:
Might be off-topic but it's a possible enemy intervention there. I had a similar experience with women that proved to counter and hinder my spiritual development and even almost disrupted my connection to Satan. Not that this might actually be something like that, but if there's a lot of saturn and pluto , chances might just be she's an enemy "drone" , put in the right place at the right moment so that your astral influences do the rest. I'd rather do a venus square and affirm to find a partner.

Thank you for the response,

The thought DID cross my mind, I won't lie. Due my Natal configuration of Planets, AND some Fixed Stars; I have an innate ability to "sense" danger and avoid it. Pluto in 8th Scorpio, Uranus in 10th Sagittarius, etc. Very blessed and Very cursed at the same time. Reason why I brought this topic up in the Astrology Forums, was because I'm due for a very bad transit configuration. Since my Sun and Mars are conjunct in Natal Chart (Although Water Element); BOTH are in my 5th House, transiting Leo currently. Mars is currently at 15 degrees, Sun is currently 24 degrees. You can see where I'm going with this.....

So basically, I feel a "fatal" attraction to this woman. I just wanted to know the implications of us being around one another long enough, and what could be the cause of this attraction. I'm advanced and sensitive enough to feel this. But, always in the back of my mind I sense only terrible, terrible danger for me, in person.

The last time this happened to me, with another woman as always; I was almost destroyed by her. Didn't lose faith or my Spirituality, but she fucked up Everything else. Always seem to attract these femme fatales, whether for relationship, platonic, or even as a work colleague... This ex of mine, even managed to sway and turn another SS I knew my whole life against me, and our cause. Enormous damage and collateral was done dealt. Was brutal, and I survived only due to my GD saving me. Been there, done that my friend. So I see history merely repeating itself again, and wanted to only know the danger and why the attraction....... :(

Thank You. Am also attempting to use this negative encounter, as a learning experience. Waste no opportunity to learn something, from a good OR bad experience. Personal Experience is Greater than a Thousand Cookbooks...... :D
Can I ask for the same from you?

I met a girl like two days ago, but did not ask her out. So she goes to social media and posts a question asking do you know this guy who's names is that and who does "that" activity. A third person took a screenshot and posted it on public chat channel asking if that's me, and yeah that sure is me. So we hook up the next day and get to know each other. I was totally taken by surprise how we met, and how things evolved from there.

I've looked at the charts and the combatibility seems ok, or even above ok, with some hiccups, I think. If you could help me to identify the parts which could cause trouble I would appreciate it tremendously. Her birth time is not excactly accurate, but it's something in one specific hour. I set it to that one specific hour + 15 minutes since she could not tell the excact time.

So here's the synastry chart: *
ServantOfEnki said:
Ravenheart666 said:
Might be off-topic but it's a possible enemy intervention there. I had a similar experience with women that proved to counter and hinder my spiritual development and even almost disrupted my connection to Satan. Not that this might actually be something like that, but if there's a lot of saturn and pluto , chances might just be she's an enemy "drone" , put in the right place at the right moment so that your astral influences do the rest. I'd rather do a venus square and affirm to find a partner.

Thank you for the response,

The thought DID cross my mind, I won't lie. Due my Natal configuration of Planets, AND some Fixed Stars; I have an innate ability to "sense" danger and avoid it. Pluto in 8th Scorpio, Uranus in 10th Sagittarius, etc. Very blessed and Very cursed at the same time. Reason why I brought this topic up in the Astrology Forums, was because I'm due for a very bad transit configuration. Since my Sun and Mars are conjunct in Natal Chart (Although Water Element); BOTH are in my 5th House, transiting Leo currently. Mars is currently at 15 degrees, Sun is currently 24 degrees. You can see where I'm going with this.....

So basically, I feel a "fatal" attraction to this woman. I just wanted to know the implications of us being around one another long enough, and what could be the cause of this attraction. I'm advanced and sensitive enough to feel this. But, always in the back of my mind I sense only terrible, terrible danger for me, in person.

The last time this happened to me, with another woman as always; I was almost destroyed by her. Didn't lose faith or my Spirituality, but she fucked up Everything else. Always seem to attract these femme fatales, whether for relationship, platonic, or even as a work colleague... This ex of mine, even managed to sway and turn another SS I knew my whole life against me, and our cause. Enormous damage and collateral was done dealt. Was brutal, and I survived only due to my GD saving me. Been there, done that my friend. So I see history merely repeating itself again, and wanted to only know the danger and why the attraction....... :(

Thank You. Am also attempting to use this negative encounter, as a learning experience. Waste no opportunity to learn something, from a good OR bad experience. Personal Experience is Greater than a Thousand Cookbooks...... :D

You may like intense stuff to the point risking your life becomes a desire. I know the feeling and yeah, some sort of same story here with female counter-parts. Thing is, until you don't become fully competent in your powers and intuition you'll always have to deal with your karma. That's it. Karma. From previous life or ambient or what have you...it's there and can manifest in all ways. The only pattern which I sense enemy interference is that the negative manifestation of it always target your vulnerabilities as a person.. Let's say you have a high libido, and before you know it, there's the "death mistress" right in front of your nose.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
The first thing to note is that you mentioned you don't know her exact birth time, and that you used 12:00 PM as a standard. This can still be useful for knowing planetary placements, including the Moon unless the Moon changed signs on her birthday, but this means that we cannot know her Ascendant and House placements as a result. This is because the Ascendant, literally, is the eastern horizon where the sky rises - hence the term, "Rising Sign" - and this consequently changes by the minute; I think 2-3 minutes per degree, or something like that. As such, one's actual Rising Sign can change by the hour-ish. So anything you see about your planets aspecting her Ascendant/MC, or your planets being in her Xth House, I'd just do away with that altogether until you know her actual time, if you ever figure that out.

While I can't go into explicit detail about everything here, I'll try to share what I can and hopefully others will be able to add to it. Let's start with some of the bad aspects that you should be aware of.

  1. Her Saturn in your 1st House. How this can manifest can depend on other synastry factors, but generally, such people tend to be hard on you and your sense of self. They can be highly critical and in some cases, just outright mean and even harmful to you. Without the presence of harmonious aspects between your planets, a person with their Saturn in your 1st can be a largely negative influence in your life. With harmonious aspects, it ups the likelihood that such a person will be more of a positive albeit stern influence that gives you structure and helps you learn, even if the manner in which they do so isn't pleasant to you.
  2. Her Saturn forms aspects to your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus. The good thing here is your Sun, Moon, and Mars receive harmonious aspects from her Saturn, and while these placements are still not just sunshine and happiness, they could make it to where she's a firm "teacher" of sorts to you; you learn from what she says to you and how she tries to correct you, although this can leave you feeling inferior and emotionally unhappy, perhaps even jealous of her perceived superiority on certain issues. If you were wanting a deeper, perhaps sexually physical connection, then Saturn-Mars aspects tend to not be that great, as the Saturn person serves as a sort of halt to the Mars person's drive and ambitions. Simultaneously, given that it's a harmonious aspect (trine) and you have those other harmonious aspects, it can be that she puts a halt on some of your ambitions to help you think them through some more and actualize them more effectively. Mars is quite the impulsive, "I want it now" planet.

    The bad thing is the hard aspects to your Mercury and Uranus. With Saturn inconjunct Mercury, it increases the likelihood that she won't actually listen to you in conversation or debate, but rather just shut down your ideas or tune them out. Saturn doesn't want to hear Mercury, as Azazel's Astrology puts it. With her Saturn square your Uranus, this makes it likely that she would be greatly constricting of your personal freedoms. The kind of lover, if you two got together, that would accuse you of cheating and all sorts of things and consequently want to control you (I know an IRL example of such a pairing with this aspect.).
  3. Your Pluto squares her Moon. I dunno too much about Moon-Pluto aspects, but given that Pluto is the planet of intensity, obsession, and sex, I think this aspect contributes in some form to your extreme draw to her, especially since it's a square and thus a hard aspect. I think it also likely that she would be able to feel your intensity, or be able to pick up on it on some emotional wavelength, and that this could be unsettling to her.

Here are some positives, or at the very least, things that could contribute to your extreme draw to her:

  1. Your Sun is opposite her Venus. Sun-Venus aspects are good for love and being drawn to each other, even though this one is a hard aspect. The fact that it's a hard aspect could contribute to the feeling of unease you have, I'm thinking.
  2. Her Venus trines your Moon, and your Venus is sextile her Moon. Very positive aspects overall, induce feelings of love and being emotionally drawn, especially on behalf of the Moon person, but also the Venus person who relates to the emotional qualities of the Moon person.
  3. Your Mars is opposite her Venus. Mars-Venus aspects are often indicative of sexual attraction, with the Mars person being attracted to Venus. The opposition is a hard aspect which can intensify these feelings but generate conflict. Similarly, her Mars is inconjunct your Venus - another hard aspect.
  4. Her Jupiter forms inconjunctions to your Sun, Moon, and Mars, whereas your Jupiter is sextile her Sun. Sun-Jupiter aspects can be good for the self-esteem of the Sun person, albeit less so with the hard aspect but the energies are still there.
  5. Lastly, her Venus is opposite your Vertex, making it conjunct your anti-Vertex. I don't really understand the significance of these points, but have read before that you can think of them as a sort of "second Ascendant/Descendant." If there's any validity to that, then it indicates their importance in our personal lives. Here's what Azazel's Astrology has to say:

    The Vertex and anti-Vertex: these are important points of fate like the Moon's nodes. Often loved ones or others for good or ill will have an important planet conjunct the Vertex or anti-vertex. At the first meeting/beginning of a relationship, many times the other person's progressed planet/s will cojoin this point.

These are the broad strokes that I can see at this time. I'm definitely happy to answer inquiries and accept corrections to anything inaccurate that I said.
Poganskie , Brother , I see you're doing great! How's going?
Ravenheart666 said:
ServantOfEnki said:
Ravenheart666 said:
Might be off-topic but it's a possible enemy intervention there. I had a similar experience with women that proved to counter and hinder my spiritual development and even almost disrupted my connection to Satan. Not that this might actually be something like that, but if there's a lot of saturn and pluto , chances might just be she's an enemy "drone" , put in the right place at the right moment so that your astral influences do the rest. I'd rather do a venus square and affirm to find a partner.

Thank you for the response,

The thought DID cross my mind, I won't lie. Due my Natal configuration of Planets, AND some Fixed Stars; I have an innate ability to "sense" danger and avoid it. Pluto in 8th Scorpio, Uranus in 10th Sagittarius, etc. Very blessed and Very cursed at the same time. Reason why I brought this topic up in the Astrology Forums, was because I'm due for a very bad transit configuration. Since my Sun and Mars are conjunct in Natal Chart (Although Water Element); BOTH are in my 5th House, transiting Leo currently. Mars is currently at 15 degrees, Sun is currently 24 degrees. You can see where I'm going with this.....

So basically, I feel a "fatal" attraction to this woman. I just wanted to know the implications of us being around one another long enough, and what could be the cause of this attraction. I'm advanced and sensitive enough to feel this. But, always in the back of my mind I sense only terrible, terrible danger for me, in person.

The last time this happened to me, with another woman as always; I was almost destroyed by her. Didn't lose faith or my Spirituality, but she fucked up Everything else. Always seem to attract these femme fatales, whether for relationship, platonic, or even as a work colleague... This ex of mine, even managed to sway and turn another SS I knew my whole life against me, and our cause. Enormous damage and collateral was done dealt. Was brutal, and I survived only due to my GD saving me. Been there, done that my friend. So I see history merely repeating itself again, and wanted to only know the danger and why the attraction....... :(

Thank You. Am also attempting to use this negative encounter, as a learning experience. Waste no opportunity to learn something, from a good OR bad experience. Personal Experience is Greater than a Thousand Cookbooks...... :D

You may like intense stuff to the point risking your life becomes a desire. I know the feeling and yeah, some sort of same story here with female counter-parts. Thing is, until you don't become fully competent in your powers and intuition you'll always have to deal with your karma. That's it. Karma. From previous life or ambient or what have you...it's there and can manifest in all ways. The only pattern which I sense enemy interference is that the negative manifestation of it always target your vulnerabilities as a person.. Let's say you have a high libido, and before you know it, there's the "death mistress" right in front of your nose.

(Un)Fortunately, I DO have a powerful sex drive. Not that I was ever ruled by it or anything, but I've always had an abnormally high level of libido, bioelectricity, intelligence, etc. Most things in my life have been abnormal too.. :lol:

I DO also have a "DO or DIE" attitude, and enjoy taking risks. Probably because I have no fear. My innate ability to sense danger, and Divine Protection from Satan and the Gods, has kept me alive; when I should have been dead or destroyed utterly. Lesser mortals and NPC's, would never have endured even half of the shit I've endured. Has profoundly shaped my life, and if I weren't an SS, I'd be gone already. Truly. Agares, my GD, has personally saved me numerous times, and given me a good scolding for my carelessness.. Hail Satan!! Hail Agares!!

As just an example out of many many many, I've learnt the hard way with the Saturn Squares, and the power that these energies are. This even with a Saturn Scorpio, on 21 degrees, in 9th House. When it's in strong aspect to my other planets, and part of my Grand Cross in Natal Chart. This was BEFORE Lydia posted her "Obliterate Your Saturn" sermon, as I had already done that through cleaning, meditation, and a certain milestone in meditation; and with use the Saturn Squares and how that Planet rules my affairs. Honestly, I would advise anybody, especially new, to avoid them entirely. While successful in their use, there is ALWAYS a terrible price to pay for willingly evoking Saturnian energies. But I understand it's energies far better, and also believe that Saturn has been given a terribly bad reputation. You either learn from it, or it mercilessly obliterates you.

Noticed that the women I attract, are usually prominent in Saturnian energies, and have been at least 99.9% Fire element. Or have powerful outer planets. Never weaklings, as these were always "Powerful" women, one way or another.. Like they were undeveloped natural sorcerers or something. I was usually stupid when it comes to "love", honestly, despite being a genius in intellect. Always a conflict between my head and my emotions, and I'm aware of how the enemy has used that numerous times against me. I only fell for the trap ONCE, hook-line-and-sinker, and once was enough.

I just couldn't understand what was drawing me towards her, and vice versa, but I have to agree that this can only be an enemy plot at destruction. Serious case of Déjà Vu here....... Cannot directly target me, so use my own innate abilities against me. In that, I agree fully with you..

I have begun distancing myself, and will have to ultimately cut out and "ghost" her, as I can only feel bad shit with her. Was attracted to her badly, but I know that will only lead to ruin ultimately. Merely wanted to know why, via astrology, although your suggestion to my OP, DOES also make sense. I believe it's a combination of both. Also want to learn from it, and increase my knowledge of Astrology at the same time. 3 Birds, 1 stone. :D
ServantOfEnki said:
Ravenheart666 said:
ServantOfEnki said:
Thank you for the response,

The thought DID cross my mind, I won't lie. Due my Natal configuration of Planets, AND some Fixed Stars; I have an innate ability to "sense" danger and avoid it. Pluto in 8th Scorpio, Uranus in 10th Sagittarius, etc. Very blessed and Very cursed at the same time. Reason why I brought this topic up in the Astrology Forums, was because I'm due for a very bad transit configuration. Since my Sun and Mars are conjunct in Natal Chart (Although Water Element); BOTH are in my 5th House, transiting Leo currently. Mars is currently at 15 degrees, Sun is currently 24 degrees. You can see where I'm going with this.....

So basically, I feel a "fatal" attraction to this woman. I just wanted to know the implications of us being around one another long enough, and what could be the cause of this attraction. I'm advanced and sensitive enough to feel this. But, always in the back of my mind I sense only terrible, terrible danger for me, in person.

The last time this happened to me, with another woman as always; I was almost destroyed by her. Didn't lose faith or my Spirituality, but she fucked up Everything else. Always seem to attract these femme fatales, whether for relationship, platonic, or even as a work colleague... This ex of mine, even managed to sway and turn another SS I knew my whole life against me, and our cause. Enormous damage and collateral was done dealt. Was brutal, and I survived only due to my GD saving me. Been there, done that my friend. So I see history merely repeating itself again, and wanted to only know the danger and why the attraction....... :(

Thank You. Am also attempting to use this negative encounter, as a learning experience. Waste no opportunity to learn something, from a good OR bad experience. Personal Experience is Greater than a Thousand Cookbooks...... :D

You may like intense stuff to the point risking your life becomes a desire. I know the feeling and yeah, some sort of same story here with female counter-parts. Thing is, until you don't become fully competent in your powers and intuition you'll always have to deal with your karma. That's it. Karma. From previous life or ambient or what have you...it's there and can manifest in all ways. The only pattern which I sense enemy interference is that the negative manifestation of it always target your vulnerabilities as a person.. Let's say you have a high libido, and before you know it, there's the "death mistress" right in front of your nose.

(Un)Fortunately, I DO have a powerful sex drive. Not that I was ever ruled by it or anything, but I've always had an abnormally high level of libido, bioelectricity, intelligence, etc. Most things in my life have been abnormal too.. :lol:

I DO also have a "DO or DIE" attitude, and enjoy taking risks. Probably because I have no fear. My innate ability to sense danger, and Divine Protection from Satan and the Gods, has kept me alive; when I should have been dead or destroyed utterly. Lesser mortals and NPC's, would never have endured even half of the shit I've endured. Has profoundly shaped my life, and if I weren't an SS, I'd be gone already. Truly. Agares, my GD, has personally saved me numerous times, and given me a good scolding for my carelessness.. Hail Satan!! Hail Agares!!

As just an example out of many many many, I've learnt the hard way with the Saturn Squares, and the power that these energies are. This even with a Saturn Scorpio, on 21 degrees, in 9th House. When it's in strong aspect to my other planets, and part of my Grand Cross in Natal Chart. This was BEFORE Lydia posted her "Obliterate Your Saturn" sermon, as I had already done that through cleaning, meditation, and a certain milestone in meditation; and with use the Saturn Squares and how that Planet rules my affairs. Honestly, I would advise anybody, especially new, to avoid them entirely. While successful in their use, there is ALWAYS a terrible price to pay for willingly evoking Saturnian energies. But I understand it's energies far better, and also believe that Saturn has been given a terribly bad reputation. You either learn from it, or it mercilessly obliterates you.

Noticed that the women I attract, are usually prominent in Saturnian energies, and have been at least 99.9% Fire element. Or have powerful outer planets. Never weaklings, as these were always "Powerful" women, one way or another.. Like they were undeveloped natural sorcerers or something. I was usually stupid when it comes to "love", honestly, despite being a genius in intellect. Always a conflict between my head and my emotions, and I'm aware of how the enemy has used that numerous times against me. I only fell for the trap ONCE, hook-line-and-sinker, and once was enough.

I just couldn't understand what was drawing me towards her, and vice versa, but I have to agree that this can only be an enemy plot at destruction. Serious case of Déjà Vu here....... Cannot directly target me, so use my own innate abilities against me. In that, I agree fully with you..

I have begun distancing myself, and will have to ultimately cut out and "ghost" her, as I can only feel bad shit with her. Was attracted to her badly, but I know that will only lead to ruin ultimately. Merely wanted to know why, via astrology, although your suggestion to my OP, DOES also make sense. I believe it's a combination of both. Also want to learn from it, and increase my knowledge of Astrology at the same time. 3 Birds, 1 stone. :D
For a first you should check her astromap and see what kind of karma she brings. If for example she's "traditional" in her ideology, or what kind of mental make up she has.
Sanistry alone is not enough, not only but astrology alone is not enough. You have a map and then you have the thing, and manifestations may be at the mercy of transits rather than ,lets say innate, contineous , always shining (like we SS are).
ServantOfEnki said:
Thank You for the response,

So I understand now, the whole Ascendant. Also, the whole dynamic of the energies makes more sense now. Thank You. I believe her Ascendant is also in Pisces, like mine, due to the characteristics and descriptions. But I cannot 100% confirm that. I checked the Moon House for the day, and it's definitely Leo. But I understand now what you mean by House placements, etc. The dynamic is better understood. Besides MY Neptune and Her Moon being responsible, makes sense. Like I have a "window" into her emotions, sort of thing thing.

So I basically overwhelm her with my emotions, psychically, and being NPC, she has no control over that, but to feel overwhelmed due to this "window" I have?

Using entirely different approach, I plugged in our birth dates, without any birth times. Assuming it's even accurate this way. Might probably skew the results entirely. Ignoring most of the aspects, the outer planet one's concern me, as they are strong in my Natal Chart, and have a pronounced effect upon me. Primary concerns have been put in BOLD. Ignore those you've already mentioned above. Obtained these results, without birth times for either of us:

MY Sun Quincunx HER Sun
MY Sun Opposition HER Venus
MY Sun Trine HER Saturn
MY Sun Opposition HER Neptune
MY Mercury Trine HER Sun
MY Mercury Quincunx HER Venus
MY Mercury Quincunx HER Saturn
MY Mercury Sextile HER Chiron
MY Venus Quincunx HER Mars
MY Venus Opposition HER Pluto
MY Venus Trine HER Chiron
MY Mars Opposition HER Venus
MY Mars Trine HER Saturn
MY Mars Opposition HER Neptune
MY Jupiter Sextile HER Sun
MY Jupiter Trine HER Chiron
MY Saturn Sextile HER Venus
MY Saturn Trine HER Saturn
MY Saturn Sextile HER Neptune
MY Uranus Conjunction HER Sun
MY Uranus Square HER Saturn
MY Uranus Sextile HER Chiron
MY Neptune Conjunction HER Mercury
MY Pluto Sextile HER Mercury
MY Pluto Square HER Uranus

MY Chiron Opposition HER Sun
MY Chiron Trine HER Chiron
MY True Node Trine HER Venus
MY True Node Sextile HER Saturn

Saw that MY Venus Opposition Her Pluto in Natal Synastry above. Observing my transits for the year, and a progressed synastry of the 2 of us (using 12pm for her birth time), I saw a similar configuration appear, but as My Venus in progression, aspecting Her Pluto. No matter where you look, it's her Pluto to my Venus. I smell a fatal attraction here, even if we remain friends, as we are now......

So basically, if doesn't she harm me, due to the predominance of Saturn (and she probably WILL, as it's already a love-hate relationship, even on a platonic level), she'll become obsessed with me? Due to HER Pluto aspecting MY Venus.

If you don't mind answering. I'd like to use this experience to learn from, and also to brush up on my Astrology.
Your thoughts, advice, and suggestions is most helpful, my friend. Thank You.

I'm inclined to think right off the bat that your Venus is probably not opposite her Pluto unless the website you used for your first picture used a pretty tight orb for oppositions, as Venus moves about a degree and a half each day. Thus, plugging in your data without a birth time would only shift your Venus a little bit, and if that's enough to bring it in orb of Pluto, chances are it's nevertheless a very weak opposition. Still more likely though is that your Venus is out of orb of her Pluto, since your first chart has your exact birth time. What's definitely important however is your progressed Venus aspecting her natal Pluto, as progressed planets stir responses in the person whose natal planets are being aspected. The possibility for a love-hate relationship certainly can be there from this progression in synastry, as well as deep, intense emotions and potentially obsession coming from her end. You mentioned overwhelming her with emotions, but I think it could instead be that she understands them and is drawn to you for them. Especially with that Pluto-Moon aspect and the fact that you have a harmonious aspect between her Neptune and your Moon.

Unfortunately not everything I'll be able to talk about, as things like Chiron still escape my understanding and I'm a bit hazy with the generational planets. Of note though is your Neptune conjoining her Mercury, with this being important due to Neptune being your chart ruler. It's likely as a result of this aspect that she enjoys talking to you, and as this is Neptune we're dealing with, this can bring about that psychic connection feeling between two people that genuinely could be a valid connection. We still wanna be careful however with what you've mentioned about the love-hate interactions and these other placements.

Henu the Great said:
Can I ask for the same from you?

I met a girl like two days ago, but did not ask her out. So she goes to social media and posts a question asking do you know this guy who's names is that and who does "that" activity. A third person took a screenshot and posted it on public chat channel asking if that's me, and yeah that sure is me. So we hook up the next day and get to know each other. I was totally taken by surprise how we met, and how things evolved from there.

I've looked at the charts and the combatibility seems ok, or even above ok, with some hiccups, I think. If you could help me to identify the parts which could cause trouble I would appreciate it tremendously. Her birth time is not excactly accurate, but it's something in one specific hour. I set it to that one specific hour + 15 minutes since she could not tell the excact time.

So here's the synastry chart: *

Absolutely, I'm happy to help.

Above okay would be a good way to describe this synastry situation, what with a nice number of soft aspects and conjunctions. I consider the oppositions present to be fairly beneficial as well, like the Sun opposite Venus, Mercury opposite Mercury (Though this one can certainly generate conflict in the form of differing communication styles, but still.), Mars opposite Sun and Venus opposite Venus.

The immediate problematic aspects I see here, are Saturn conjunct Mercury combined with that Mercury opposite Mercury, and Saturn square Jupiter. With Saturn conjoining Mercury and your Mercuries in opposition, I'd wager the chance for fruitless arguments are increased, with the Mercury person in the Saturn-Mercury conjunction possibly feeling like they struggle to communicate or get their ideas across to the Saturn person. So communication could be an troublesome area that needs particular tending to. But, it's not so bad given that there's still a Mercury-Mercury aspect, and the Rising Virgo person has their CR Mercury square Jupiter - a hard aspect, but hey, Jupiter. Which on that note, with one person's Saturn squaring the other's Jupiter, you'd wanna look at that Jupiter-in-Scorpy person's Houses and see what House Jupiter is in and the Houses ruled by Sagittarius and Pisces. I'm more familiar with natal Jupiter-Saturn aspects, and honestly I'm pretty fond of them, but in terms of synastry, my understanding falls short. Same with Sun opposite Neptune, which I think could also come with some problems, but the nature of which I can't really explain without feeling like I'm pulling it directly out of my ass.

Ravenheart666 said:
Poganskie , Brother , I see you're doing great! How's going?

I've actually been doing increasingly well, thank you for asking. :D I mentioned recently that I've been going through some heavy transits, but the positive is I've been able to more effectively ground myself and put effort into some lifestyle changes. It's been quite effective in helping me regard my less healthy behaviors with the serious sternness that they should rightly be regarded with. HP HC's post on Saturn spoke to me greatly at the time since I was still contending with a combination of transits. I hope all's been going good on your end as well.
Ravenheart666 said:
ServantOfEnki said:
Ravenheart666 said:
You may like intense stuff to the point risking your life becomes a desire. I know the feeling and yeah, some sort of same story here with female counter-parts. Thing is, until you don't become fully competent in your powers and intuition you'll always have to deal with your karma. That's it. Karma. From previous life or ambient or what have you...it's there and can manifest in all ways. The only pattern which I sense enemy interference is that the negative manifestation of it always target your vulnerabilities as a person.. Let's say you have a high libido, and before you know it, there's the "death mistress" right in front of your nose.

(Un)Fortunately, I DO have a powerful sex drive. Not that I was ever ruled by it or anything, but I've always had an abnormally high level of libido, bioelectricity, intelligence, etc. Most things in my life have been abnormal too.. :lol:

I DO also have a "DO or DIE" attitude, and enjoy taking risks. Probably because I have no fear. My innate ability to sense danger, and Divine Protection from Satan and the Gods, has kept me alive; when I should have been dead or destroyed utterly. Lesser mortals and NPC's, would never have endured even half of the shit I've endured. Has profoundly shaped my life, and if I weren't an SS, I'd be gone already. Truly. Agares, my GD, has personally saved me numerous times, and given me a good scolding for my carelessness.. Hail Satan!! Hail Agares!!

As just an example out of many many many, I've learnt the hard way with the Saturn Squares, and the power that these energies are. This even with a Saturn Scorpio, on 21 degrees, in 9th House. When it's in strong aspect to my other planets, and part of my Grand Cross in Natal Chart. This was BEFORE Lydia posted her "Obliterate Your Saturn" sermon, as I had already done that through cleaning, meditation, and a certain milestone in meditation; and with use the Saturn Squares and how that Planet rules my affairs. Honestly, I would advise anybody, especially new, to avoid them entirely. While successful in their use, there is ALWAYS a terrible price to pay for willingly evoking Saturnian energies. But I understand it's energies far better, and also believe that Saturn has been given a terribly bad reputation. You either learn from it, or it mercilessly obliterates you.

Noticed that the women I attract, are usually prominent in Saturnian energies, and have been at least 99.9% Fire element. Or have powerful outer planets. Never weaklings, as these were always "Powerful" women, one way or another.. Like they were undeveloped natural sorcerers or something. I was usually stupid when it comes to "love", honestly, despite being a genius in intellect. Always a conflict between my head and my emotions, and I'm aware of how the enemy has used that numerous times against me. I only fell for the trap ONCE, hook-line-and-sinker, and once was enough.

I just couldn't understand what was drawing me towards her, and vice versa, but I have to agree that this can only be an enemy plot at destruction. Serious case of Déjà Vu here....... Cannot directly target me, so use my own innate abilities against me. In that, I agree fully with you..

I have begun distancing myself, and will have to ultimately cut out and "ghost" her, as I can only feel bad shit with her. Was attracted to her badly, but I know that will only lead to ruin ultimately. Merely wanted to know why, via astrology, although your suggestion to my OP, DOES also make sense. I believe it's a combination of both. Also want to learn from it, and increase my knowledge of Astrology at the same time. 3 Birds, 1 stone. :D
For a first you should check her astromap and see what kind of karma she brings. If for example she's "traditional" in her ideology, or what kind of mental make up she has.
Sanistry alone is not enough, not only but astrology alone is not enough. You have a map and then you have the thing, and manifestations may be at the mercy of transits rather than ,lets say innate, contineous , always shining (like we SS are).

I'm aware that astrology and synastry merely show potentials. As they say: "The Stars compel, but never force". She is a lot like the girl I'm after, with quite similar astro aspects. I have this magnetic attraction towards both, never had it before with anybody else. Both are also more "traditional" in their mindsets, regarding society and attitudes towards relationships.. Both are also equally crazy, in each, their own way.. So it makes sense about the whole karma thing. Then again, where has my life never been complex before? :lol:

How exactly does one look for the karma in natal charts, between 2 individuals? So I can, at least, work out what I'm supposed to learn from here, without bumping my head painfully.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
  1. Her Saturn in your 1st House. How this can manifest can depend on other synastry factors, but generally, such people tend to be hard on you and your sense of self. They can be highly critical and in some cases, just outright mean and even harmful to you. Without the presence of harmonious aspects between your planets, a person with their Saturn in your 1st can be a largely negative influence in your life. With harmonious aspects, it ups the likelihood that such a person will be more of a positive albeit stern influence that gives you structure and helps you learn, even if the manner in which they do so isn't pleasant to you.
  2. Her Saturn forms aspects to your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus. The good thing here is your Sun, Moon, and Mars receive harmonious aspects from her Saturn, and while these placements are still not just sunshine and happiness, they could make it to where she's a firm "teacher" of sorts to you; you learn from what she says to you and how she tries to correct you, although this can leave you feeling inferior and emotionally unhappy, perhaps even jealous of her perceived superiority on certain issues. If you were wanting a deeper, perhaps sexually physical connection, then Saturn-Mars aspects tend to not be that great, as the Saturn person serves as a sort of halt to the Mars person's drive and ambitions. Simultaneously, given that it's a harmonious aspect (trine) and you have those other harmonious aspects, it can be that she puts a halt on some of your ambitions to help you think them through some more and actualize them more effectively. Mars is quite the impulsive, "I want it now" planet.

    The bad thing is the hard aspects to your Mercury and Uranus. With Saturn inconjunct Mercury, it increases the likelihood that she won't actually listen to you in conversation or debate, but rather just shut down your ideas or tune them out. Saturn doesn't want to hear Mercury, as Azazel's Astrology puts it. With her Saturn square your Uranus, this makes it likely that she would be greatly constricting of your personal freedoms. The kind of lover, if you two got together, that would accuse you of cheating and all sorts of things and consequently want to control you (I know an IRL example of such a pairing with this aspect.).
  3. Your Pluto squares her Moon. I dunno too much about Moon-Pluto aspects, but given that Pluto is the planet of intensity, obsession, and sex, I think this aspect contributes in some form to your extreme draw to her, especially since it's a square and thus a hard aspect. I think it also likely that she would be able to feel your intensity, or be able to pick up on it on some emotional wavelength, and that this could be unsettling to her.

I can confirm that the above is pretty accurate from own experience. Good job on that.

And I feel like, that Pluto-Moon aspects provide a strong psychic and emotional connection and attraction. A magnetic, magickal and occult pull. Something tells me that this favours also telepathic connection and communication with that person.
***but this is just my own theory***
NinRick said:
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
  1. Her Saturn in your 1st House. How this can manifest can depend on other synastry factors, but generally, such people tend to be hard on you and your sense of self. They can be highly critical and in some cases, just outright mean and even harmful to you. Without the presence of harmonious aspects between your planets, a person with their Saturn in your 1st can be a largely negative influence in your life. With harmonious aspects, it ups the likelihood that such a person will be more of a positive albeit stern influence that gives you structure and helps you learn, even if the manner in which they do so isn't pleasant to you.
  2. Her Saturn forms aspects to your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Uranus. The good thing here is your Sun, Moon, and Mars receive harmonious aspects from her Saturn, and while these placements are still not just sunshine and happiness, they could make it to where she's a firm "teacher" of sorts to you; you learn from what she says to you and how she tries to correct you, although this can leave you feeling inferior and emotionally unhappy, perhaps even jealous of her perceived superiority on certain issues. If you were wanting a deeper, perhaps sexually physical connection, then Saturn-Mars aspects tend to not be that great, as the Saturn person serves as a sort of halt to the Mars person's drive and ambitions. Simultaneously, given that it's a harmonious aspect (trine) and you have those other harmonious aspects, it can be that she puts a halt on some of your ambitions to help you think them through some more and actualize them more effectively. Mars is quite the impulsive, "I want it now" planet.

    The bad thing is the hard aspects to your Mercury and Uranus. With Saturn inconjunct Mercury, it increases the likelihood that she won't actually listen to you in conversation or debate, but rather just shut down your ideas or tune them out. Saturn doesn't want to hear Mercury, as Azazel's Astrology puts it. With her Saturn square your Uranus, this makes it likely that she would be greatly constricting of your personal freedoms. The kind of lover, if you two got together, that would accuse you of cheating and all sorts of things and consequently want to control you (I know an IRL example of such a pairing with this aspect.).
  3. Your Pluto squares her Moon. I dunno too much about Moon-Pluto aspects, but given that Pluto is the planet of intensity, obsession, and sex, I think this aspect contributes in some form to your extreme draw to her, especially since it's a square and thus a hard aspect. I think it also likely that she would be able to feel your intensity, or be able to pick up on it on some emotional wavelength, and that this could be unsettling to her.

I can confirm that the above is pretty accurate from own experience. Good job on that.

And I feel like, that Pluto-Moon aspects provide a strong psychic and emotional connection and attraction. A magnetic, magickal and occult pull. Something tells me that this favours also telepathic connection and communication with that person.
***but this is just my own theory***

Thanks Everyone,

It's definitely a push-pull effect with these aspects. Alternates between Love and Hate, like a pendulum. As a poet would say, "A Rollercoaster of Emotions". But definitely, there's an attraction. There IS also a telepathic connection. Thank Satan for Void Meditation and AoP, on my side..........
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
ServantOfEnki said:
Saw that MY Venus Opposition Her Pluto in Natal Synastry above. Observing my transits for the year, and a progressed synastry of the 2 of us (using 12pm for her birth time), I saw a similar configuration appear, but as My Venus in progression, aspecting Her Pluto. No matter where you look, it's her Pluto to my Venus. I smell a fatal attraction here, even if we remain friends, as we are now......

So basically, if doesn't she harm me, due to the predominance of Saturn (and she probably WILL, as it's already a love-hate relationship, even on a platonic level), she'll become obsessed with me? Due to HER Pluto aspecting MY Venus.

If you don't mind answering. I'd like to use this experience to learn from, and also to brush up on my Astrology.
Your thoughts, advice, and suggestions is most helpful, my friend. Thank You.

I'm inclined to think right off the bat that your Venus is probably not opposite her Pluto unless the website you used for your first picture used a pretty tight orb for oppositions, as Venus moves about a degree and a half each day. Thus, plugging in your data without a birth time would only shift your Venus a little bit, and if that's enough to bring it in orb of Pluto, chances are it's nevertheless a very weak opposition. Still more likely though is that your Venus is out of orb of her Pluto, since your first chart has your exact birth time. What's definitely important however is your progressed Venus aspecting her natal Pluto, as progressed planets stir responses in the person whose natal planets are being aspected. The possibility for a love-hate relationship certainly can be there from this progression in synastry, as well as deep, intense emotions and potentially obsession coming from her end. You mentioned overwhelming her with emotions, but I think it could instead be that she understands them and is drawn to you for them. Especially with that Pluto-Moon aspect and the fact that you have a harmonious aspect between her Neptune and your Moon.

Unfortunately not everything I'll be able to talk about, as things like Chiron still escape my understanding and I'm a bit hazy with the generational planets. Of note though is your Neptune conjoining her Mercury, with this being important due to Neptune being your chart ruler. It's likely as a result of this aspect that she enjoys talking to you, and as this is Neptune we're dealing with, this can bring about that psychic connection feeling between two people that genuinely could be a valid connection. We still wanna be careful however with what you've mentioned about the love-hate interactions and these other placements.

The first website used a pretty tight aspect for everything. But they significantly differ from Astrodienst and Astro-Seek, even with the exact angles and house placements for any chart. And we all know how critical the angles are..... Good rule of thumb though. According to Astro-Seek, HER Pluto is in Opposition to MY Venus, at an angle of 5 degrees 47''. Not entirely certain of the allowable range for these aspects though.... I've looked online, but they're too New-Agey with their explanations mostly, but I've got the gist of it though. Now, just to put it all together in context.......................

I'm just going to take Henu's interpretations here elsewhere with his synastry chart, and apply it to mine. Besides, adding immeasurably to my knowledge regarding Astrology, in general. Thank You Poganskie!!!!! :cool:
Henu the Great said:
Can I ask for the same from you?

I met a girl like two days ago, but did not ask her out. So she goes to social media and posts a question asking do you know this guy who's names is that and who does "that" activity. A third person took a screenshot and posted it on public chat channel asking if that's me, and yeah that sure is me. So we hook up the next day and get to know each other. I was totally taken by surprise how we met, and how things evolved from there.

I've looked at the charts and the combatibility seems ok, or even above ok, with some hiccups, I think. If you could help me to identify the parts which could cause trouble I would appreciate it tremendously. Her birth time is not excactly accurate, but it's something in one specific hour. I set it to that one specific hour + 15 minutes since she could not tell the excact time.

So here's the synastry chart: *

I think it would be wise to delete or edit the synasty chart, cause you have all degrees exposed and everyone can recreate both charts easily.
NinRick said:
I can confirm that the above is pretty accurate from own experience. Good job on that.

And I feel like, that Pluto-Moon aspects provide a strong psychic and emotional connection and attraction. A magnetic, magickal and occult pull. Something tells me that this favours also telepathic connection and communication with that person.
***but this is just my own theory***

Thank you, friend. I would agree with what you've stated here, especially the term "magnetic," as Scorpio and Pluto do have a strong governance over deep, intense attraction - combine that with the Moon's ruling of emotions and the subconscious, and it makes sense. Harmonious Moon-Neptune aspects seem to have a similar effect when it comes to that "intrinsic psychic/spiritual connection" that people can sometimes feel with each other, with increased perception of the other's mood and mental state.

ServantOfEnki said:
The first website used a pretty tight aspect for everything. But they significantly differ from Astrodienst and Astro-Seek, even with the exact angles and house placements for any chart. And we all know how critical the angles are..... Good rule of thumb though. According to Astro-Seek, HER Pluto is in Opposition to MY Venus, at an angle of 5 degrees 47''. Not entirely certain of the allowable range for these aspects though.... I've looked online, but they're too New-Agey with their explanations mostly, but I've got the gist of it though. Now, just to put it all together in context.......................

I'm just going to take Henu's interpretations here elsewhere with his synastry chart, and apply it to mine. Besides, adding immeasurably to my knowledge regarding Astrology, in general. Thank You Poganskie!!!!! :cool:

Definitely happy to help, I'm glad the thread proved useful. With this new information, knowing her Pluto is about six-ish degrees in opposition to your Venus, that would definitely be in orb, as I use an orb of 9 degrees for oppositions. Other sources have used 10, sometimes I see 8, but yes. This would add even more to her strong attraction and possible obsession with you, and as oppositions are a hard aspect, the more negative manifestations are likely to come about here - obsession, possibility of intense love turning to equally intense hatred, possessiveness, things of that nature.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
