If it has not been revealed to us, then we are not to know. Also - what does it matter, really? This is a rhetorical question, so don't be a rhetard by rheplying (I expect by now that you know to keep your information to yourself! Lol) - what's the name of your mum, dad, brother/s, sister/s, son/s, daughter/s, obstetrician, GP, gynaecologist, midwife, husband/wife...? That's none of our business. We're not privy to know what They want to keep to Themselves, likewise. I understand the curiosity of wanting to know, I also share these types of curiosities as I'm sure many others also do, but They have lives and wish to keep some things private. It was only in... was it 2018... that LADY Astaroth/Inanna decided to reveal it to us that She is Satan's daughter.
Which Father Satan has "them", that is telling of his comprehension and expansion, conquering our whole reality, based on the elements and also directly tied to his holy name.
Such as the pentagram that embodies this reality on a sacred level, and is ever present in infinity.
Satan is the only true God of reality, of truth by direct consequence.