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Myths Surrounding Water and Minerals


Active member
Aug 31, 2021
I'd like to add my point of view in response to some cringey threads of the past. This is what I believe based on my own research. I'm open to hear any opinions and counterarguments.

I don't agree that hard water is healthy and one should opt for soft water. Along with potential traces of fluoride, arsenic, lead, etc, hard water has non-chelated minerals (people colloquially call these "rock minerals"). These are not broken down by the body as easily and may even contribute to kidney stones, plaque build up and other problems down the road. Non-chelated minerals are more bioavailable that chelated minerals.
Spring water is even considered hard water. Some brands even include fluoride in their list of tested minerals.

In terms of other types of mineral supplements: It's better to opt for a mineral has the word "citrate" after it and not "chloride". Citrate minerals have been shown in numerous studies to be the most easy for the body to absorb.

Concerning distilled water... The assertion scientists make regards to the fact that distilled water is negatively charged and they purport that its ions latch onto minerals. However, minerals mostly have 1 to 2 positive ions and 1 to 2 negative ions respectively, equalling a neutral ionic charge of 0.

All pathogens and inorganic minerals found in the body have a positive charge. Distilled water, with its negative charge, binds to the positively charged acidic waste and aids in flushing them from the body.

Some may say "what about ancient peoples?" Here is a brief history on how ancient civilizations purified their water:

Egypt: The Ancient Egyptians mastered the water purification process known as coagulation as early as 1,500 BC. Coagulation is the chemical water treatment process used to remove solids from water by manipulating electrostatic charges of particles suspended in water.

India: As ancient Hindu texts reveal, they used heat, sunlight, and copper to purify water. Filtration using cloth, sand, and charcoal was also used to capture other contaminants.

it's also worth noting that 80% of water consumed is absorbed in the small intestine. The other 20% of water excreted does not bind to "all" the minerals we consume and does not contribute to severe mineral loss. This is a misdirect in medical literature coming from the same people that tout fluoride as being "healthy".

I've consumed distilled water for 4 years. I get all my trace minerals from food and none of the blood tests I've had suggest that I'm losing minerals.

Some good sources of trace minerals are fish, shelfish, meat, nuts/seeds, whole milk, seaweed/dulse (rich in iodine), eggs, fruits and vegetables. Himalayan salt also contains the same 84 essential trace minerals that are found in the human body.

If you can't afford a water distiller another option would be a good water filter with a TDS meter. Zerowater is a good cheap option. The water passed through its filter reads at 0 PPM of total dissolved solids.

I hope this helps people through some of the misunderstandings surrounding water and minerals. Thanks for reading and remember not to let misconceptions or emotions dissuade you from finding truth. Always follow your spiritual intuition, listen to your body and compare all sides and all information.
I've drank distilled water with some salt added in for 1 year, no problem whatsoever, then I stopped for a couple of months and when I tried getting into it again I couldn't do it, as somehow the taste became unbearable.

After 1-2 months of drinking it I felt clicking sounds in the pineal region, as if it was "opening", nothing negative.
Aquarius said:
I've drank distilled water with some salt added in for 1 year, no problem whatsoever, then I stopped for a couple of months and when I tried getting into it again I couldn't do it, as somehow the taste became unbearable.

After 1-2 months of drinking it I felt clicking sounds in the pineal region, as if it was "opening", nothing negative.

That's an interesting anecdote. Thanks for the feedback Aquarius. I've heard from a few sources that distilled water can aid in removing fluoride from the pineal gland. Iodine, boron and turmeric are also very effective.

Fluoride is everywhere, it's crazy. It's in toothpaste, tap water (including the ingredient "water" in organic processed foods) and even organic vegetables sprayed with tap water. Lucky me though, I found a local health store that uses a spray bottle with filtered water. Farmers markets are good too.

I'm finding that living in complete fear of it isn't good either. There are people who live off the stuff, along with soda, fast food and chemical laden cleaning/hygiene products. A healthy body can do amazing things and science only knows a fraction of how resilient we are, not to mention the power foods and herbs.

Believe me... when you go down enough rabbit holes it's easy to become a hypochondriac and insomniac. I'm coming to terms with the fact that we can't have complete elimination of all things harmful, but we can always mitigate harm.
Distilled water is fine if you live in a city, as a means of purification. The problem is its acidic, the body needs an alkaline environement to function properly. You are in fact leeching minerals from the body by drinking distilled water.
The water I drink is run through a water ionizer, what this does is it seperates via electrolysis all positive and negative IONS, theses are very easy for your body to absorb unlinke inorganic minerals which your body can not use, if you have Calcium Carbonate (a.k.a Scale) in the water after ionization it seperates into Ca and Co3, you get a a catolyte and an anolyte solution respectively, as well as a lot of extra hydrogen in the catolyte (antioxidant) and Oxygen in the anolyte (Oxidizer, cell fuel, cleanser). Both solutions are good to drink.
I for one drink a glass of OZONATED ph 2.4 anolyte and about twenety minutes later drink my antioxidant alkaline water (Which I store in a COPPER vessel overnight and sometimes add silver to as well), what this does is increase the cell voltage in the same way these metals transmit electricity in non-biological beings. I too drank distilled water for years and my body never functioned so optimallly as now.
You can also try copper bracelets, as copper clears the body of heavy metals (lead, mercury alluminum)and regenerates the brain. Look up the reaction of copper chloride and alluminum Periodic Table Videos, it does the same thing your body, dissolving all deposits be it from vaccinations, ciggarettes and other heavy metals exposures.

sublimestatanist said:
I'd like to add my point of view in response to some cringey threads of the past. This is what I believe based on my own research. I'm open to hear any opinions and counterarguments.

I don't agree that hard water is healthy and one should opt for soft water. Along with potential traces of fluoride, arsenic, lead, etc, hard water has non-chelated minerals (people colloquially call these "rock minerals"). These are not broken down by the body as easily and may even contribute to kidney stones, plaque build up and other problems down the road. Non-chelated minerals are more bioavailable that chelated minerals.
Spring water is even considered hard water. Some brands even include fluoride in their list of tested minerals.

In terms of other types of mineral supplements: It's better to opt for a mineral has the word "citrate" after it and not "chloride". Citrate minerals have been shown in numerous studies to be the most easy for the body to absorb.

Concerning distilled water... The assertion scientists make regards to the fact that distilled water is negatively charged and they purport that its ions latch onto minerals. However, minerals mostly have 1 to 2 positive ions and 1 to 2 negative ions respectively, equalling a neutral ionic charge of 0.

All pathogens and inorganic minerals found in the body have a positive charge. Distilled water, with its negative charge, binds to the positively charged acidic waste and aids in flushing them from the body.

Some may say "what about ancient peoples?" Here is a brief history on how ancient civilizations purified their water:

Egypt: The Ancient Egyptians mastered the water purification process known as coagulation as early as 1,500 BC. Coagulation is the chemical water treatment process used to remove solids from water by manipulating electrostatic charges of particles suspended in water.

India: As ancient Hindu texts reveal, they used heat, sunlight, and copper to purify water. Filtration using cloth, sand, and charcoal was also used to capture other contaminants.

it's also worth noting that 80% of water consumed is absorbed in the small intestine. The other 20% of water excreted does not bind to "all" the minerals we consume and does not contribute to severe mineral loss. This is a misdirect in medical literature coming from the same people that tout fluoride as being "healthy".

I've consumed distilled water for 4 years. I get all my trace minerals from food and none of the blood tests I've had suggest that I'm losing minerals.

Some good sources of trace minerals are fish, shelfish, meat, nuts/seeds, whole milk, seaweed/dulse (rich in iodine), eggs, fruits and vegetables. Himalayan salt also contains the same 84 essential trace minerals that are found in the human body.

If you can't afford a water distiller another option would be a good water filter with a TDS meter. Zerowater is a good cheap option. The water passed through its filter reads at 0 PPM of total dissolved solids.

I hope this helps people through some of the misunderstandings surrounding water and minerals. Thanks for reading and remember not to let misconceptions or emotions dissuade you from finding truth. Always follow your spiritual intuition, listen to your body and compare all sides and all information.
Essentially you can't go wrong with distilled, but its just not the MOST optimal for your body. (The water is totally energetically dead, there is no minerals or anything benefical to to the body besides pure H20, the plus is you are not poisioning yourself with the death that comes from the tap) Just make sure you filter it before you ionize it if its tap water, I don't have to worry because my water is from the well.

sublimestatanist said:
I'd like to add my point of view in response to some cringey threads of the past. This is what I believe based on my own research. I'm open to hear any opinions and counterarguments.

I don't agree that hard water is healthy and one should opt for soft water. Along with potential traces of fluoride, arsenic, lead, etc, hard water has non-chelated minerals (people colloquially call these "rock minerals"). These are not broken down by the body as easily and may even contribute to kidney stones, plaque build up and other problems down the road. Non-chelated minerals are more bioavailable that chelated minerals.
Spring water is even considered hard water. Some brands even include fluoride in their list of tested minerals.

In terms of other types of mineral supplements: It's better to opt for a mineral has the word "citrate" after it and not "chloride". Citrate minerals have been shown in numerous studies to be the most easy for the body to absorb.

Concerning distilled water... The assertion scientists make regards to the fact that distilled water is negatively charged and they purport that its ions latch onto minerals. However, minerals mostly have 1 to 2 positive ions and 1 to 2 negative ions respectively, equalling a neutral ionic charge of 0.

All pathogens and inorganic minerals found in the body have a positive charge. Distilled water, with its negative charge, binds to the positively charged acidic waste and aids in flushing them from the body.

Some may say "what about ancient peoples?" Here is a brief history on how ancient civilizations purified their water:

Egypt: The Ancient Egyptians mastered the water purification process known as coagulation as early as 1,500 BC. Coagulation is the chemical water treatment process used to remove solids from water by manipulating electrostatic charges of particles suspended in water.

India: As ancient Hindu texts reveal, they used heat, sunlight, and copper to purify water. Filtration using cloth, sand, and charcoal was also used to capture other contaminants.

it's also worth noting that 80% of water consumed is absorbed in the small intestine. The other 20% of water excreted does not bind to "all" the minerals we consume and does not contribute to severe mineral loss. This is a misdirect in medical literature coming from the same people that tout fluoride as being "healthy".

I've consumed distilled water for 4 years. I get all my trace minerals from food and none of the blood tests I've had suggest that I'm losing minerals.

Some good sources of trace minerals are fish, shelfish, meat, nuts/seeds, whole milk, seaweed/dulse (rich in iodine), eggs, fruits and vegetables. Himalayan salt also contains the same 84 essential trace minerals that are found in the human body.

If you can't afford a water distiller another option would be a good water filter with a TDS meter. Zerowater is a good cheap option. The water passed through its filter reads at 0 PPM of total dissolved solids.

I hope this helps people through some of the misunderstandings surrounding water and minerals. Thanks for reading and remember not to let misconceptions or emotions dissuade you from finding truth. Always follow your spiritual intuition, listen to your body and compare all sides and all information.
samsin369 said:
Essentially you can't go wrong with distilled, but its just not the MOST optimal for your body. (The water is totally energetically dead, there is no minerals or anything benefical to to the body besides pure H20, the plus is you are not poisioning yourself with the death that comes from the tap) Just make sure you filter it before you ionize it if its tap water, I don't have to worry because my water is from the well.

I've heard this a lot, that it's dead and harmful on its own either because of 'lack of alkalinity' (i.e acidity) or because of its has a slightly negative ionic charge. I think a lot of this comes from new agers and alternative health companies, like Kangen water, which is actually a pyramid scheme if you really look into it.
I don't agree that either of these things are the case and I believe on its own it's quite healthy. The reasons are:

1.) I don't believe in the acid/alkaline diet trend going on. The reason for that is because our bodies constantly maintain its own PH. If it didn't we would be dead. Stomach acid has a PH of 1.5 to 3 (extremely acidic). Any food, be it alkaline or acidic gets dissolved and broken down largely in the stomach and does not affect other parts of the body.

2.) There are many foods we already eat that have a negative ionic charge.
Vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower and cucumbers, as well as eggplant, mushrooms, pumpkins, spinach, spirulina, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.
Fruits: Apples, avocado, bananas and berries, grapes, oranges, pineapples, peaches, strawberries and watermelon.

I'm not at all against adding minerals to distilled water. I think average people can benefit from a few extra minerals because of soil depletion, but people who eat 8-10 servings of "organic" vegetables should be fine (pesticides reduce mineral content and soils and several studies show that organic vegetables actually have a higher mineral content than non-organic crops). One serving is roughly considered 1 cup of lightly packed vegetables or 1/2 cup of firmly packed vegetables.

Having stated this, I don't think anyone is reducing harm by adding minerals to their water. If anything, one would be negating the antibacterial and cleansing aspect of distilled water.

I'll add a link below for a good article on this. We're all free to our opinion. In my view I think things in health have been over-complicated. Again, I mostly follow my intuition. What we decide is best for us is individual... I'm not aiming to change people's minds but rather give a different perspective.

sublimestatanist said:
Fluoride is everywhere, it's crazy. It's in toothpaste, tap water (including the ingredient "water" in organic processed foods) and even organic vegetables sprayed with tap water. Lucky me though, I found a local health store that uses a spray bottle with filtered water. Farmers markets are good too.
Many countries actually don't have fluoride in the tap water, also, you can buy fluoride-free tothpastes.
Serbon said:
sublimestatanist said:
Fluoride is everywhere, it's crazy. It's in toothpaste, tap water (including the ingredient "water" in organic processed foods) and even organic vegetables sprayed with tap water. Lucky me though, I found a local health store that uses a spray bottle with filtered water. Farmers markets are good too.
Many countries actually don't have fluoride in the tap water, also, you can buy fluoride-free tothpastes.

That's interesting, I had no clue about that. I knew about the toothpastes though.
I guess I was using hyperbole out of frustration/dramatic effect. It's a bad habit and one that's all too common.
Thanks for the correction Serbon! :)

As an aside, I learned that 36 countries banned GMO crops. Hundreds have partial bans, including Canada. In our case it's very slight; we allow about the same as the USA but raw milk is banned. I saw a video where cops were dumping milk into a trailer as they were waking a man out in handcuffs.
Farmers who sell or give away raw milk here can face fines up to $250,000 and up to three years in jail.

What a backwards world. One day I've got to move to Mexico or somewhere. At my job they require us to ask every customer to give money to the Red Cross (run by Rothschild's) for Ukraine, who's citizens will get 1% (if that... look at Hati). I'm starting to reach my wits end and might have to get away from the insanity. I can't stand selling overpriced Chinese crap that constantly gets returned because it's cheap Chinese crap. Maybe I should get back into doing art, see where it goes and eke my way into labour jobs part time.

Sorry to be a debbie downer. Sometimes all we can do is laugh at how crazy everyone is and how sane "crazy" people are. All I can say is we're on the right side of history. We should look at the big picture, have pride and admire ourselves for our resilience. It's quite inspiring really.

Article (36 countries that banned GMOs): https://sustainablepulse.com/2015/10/22/gm-crops-now-banned-in-36-countries-worldwide-sustainable-pulse-research/#.YjL8gTXF1mM
Raw milk video: (Buried in time in one of DollarVigilante's videos.) :cry:
Stormblood said:

Seems kind of pricy, but if you're in an area with heavy chemical water it could be a good choice. But if you're not getting your food from independent farmers you're still getting polluted food. Diluting water with hydrogen peroxide seems a more cost affordable alternative. I personally drink well water and add hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day.

All the benefits these sites claim seem could be easily solved by balancing doshas and eating with the seasons.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
