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My wife cheated on me

And a small complementary note: if someone asks for a succubus, it is not for +18 things only. That is all just bs as succubi / incubi are also here for our spiritual betterment and communication, if they are actually  real.

I recommend everyone to read HPHC's sermon on this matter, it is really explanatory and detailed:

You talk of this post but seem to not even understand what it entails. I guarantee you that there is no God(ess) that would consent to such a relationship with some immature kid at such a phase of life who didn't even know what they wanted or needed out of life, and even among the most advanced grown ass people who would be granted such a thing are 1 to 2 percent. You can basically assume that 99 percent of anyone in these forums who has thought to have had such a relationship is deluded, as there is virtually no one at this point on such a level to relate to such an advanced being.
A few years ago, when Lydia was not the high priestess, was only hooded cobra who led the community and worked hard for the it and shed blood and sweat to advance the community's program, he just tried much more than Lydia, like now. So Lydia can be the High Priestess to everyone else, which is fine, but from what she said, I don't agree with her, because I was committed to her,on the end I think most women would give rights to those of the same sex, even if they don't?
I am working behind the scenes on multiple JoS projects. I work far more than regular members here know. As for HP HoodedCobra working more than I, we are different people with different roles in the JoS and in life, so it doesn't make sense to compare 2 different people who have different roles. It is not the comparison of people that matters, it is that the individual is fulfilling their potential and advancing. I am very much in line with what I am meant to accomplish. It is true that HPHC does more for the community, this is his role in life, who he is meant to be. I have my own roles under Satan.

As for my reply to your first post here, it was because it sounded like the usual bait, and you have not posted much here to be confirmed as a legit member. I was merely agreeing with another member who wrote the initial skepticism based on things you had posted. But as it now seems like your OP was true, then I certainly agree with divorcing her, cursing, detaching, and then moving on with your life to find a new woman who will treat your relationship with respect.
A few years ago, when Lydia was not the high priestess, was only hooded cobra who led the community and worked hard for the it and shed blood and sweat to advance the community's program, he just tried much more than Lydia, like now. So Lydia can be the High Priestess to everyone else, which is fine, but from what she said, I don't agree with her, because I was committed to her,on the end I think most women would give rights to those of the same sex, even if they don't?
Just replying to this post, is because I have enough free time to be able to argue with this sort of thing.

A couple of things to clarify, it doesn't matter if you are a high priestess or not, I am talking about a general RESPECT that by the way, YOU DO NOT HAVE so it is not worthy to ask for it.

Here I am debating is because of the answer YOU gave so out of place and how you referred to it. Here we are free to say what we want as long as it is based on respect and well placed argumentative topics, not with stupidities like those of "sorry for your mental retardation" which was practically what he said.

Anyway, good luck on your way, for me this discussion is over. :)
I am working behind the scenes on multiple JoS projects. I work far more than regular members here know. As for HP HoodedCobra working more than I, we are different people with different roles in the JoS and in life, so it doesn't make sense to compare 2 different people who have different roles. It is not the comparison of people that matters, it is that the individual is fulfilling their potential and advancing. I am very much in line with what I am meant to accomplish. It is true that HPHC does more for the community, this is his role in life, who he is meant to be. I have my own roles under Satan.

As for my reply to your first post here, it was because it sounded like the usual bait, and you have not posted much here to be confirmed as a legit member. I was merely agreeing with another member who wrote the initial skepticism based on things you had posted. But as it now seems like your OP was true, then I certainly agree with divorcing her, cursing, detaching, and then moving on with your life to find a new woman who will treat your relationship with respect.
A few years ago, when Lydia was not the high priestess, was only hooded cobra who led the community and worked hard for the it and shed blood and sweat to advance the community's program, he just tried much more than Lydia, like now. So Lydia can be the High Priestess to everyone else, which is fine, but from what she said, I don't agree with her, because I was committed to her,on the end I think most women would give rights to those of the same sex, even if they don't?

I think this topic is going out of context by asking for explanations that should not be given.

I'm glad that a woman has come to this place, I'm glad she has come up and I was really glad when it was announced. Of course HPHC is always present and constant with its community, but I know first hand that many of Father Satan's jobs are behind the scenes, and someone very close to me used to say "There are people for everything".

I trust her courage and what she does for Father Satan is very great and that should not be doubted.

This is not the first comment I have seen questioning this and it makes me wonder is it that we have to prove what we do to others?
And I think NO, because the truth is that Satan personally has people who work in a public way and others who work in the "shadows" so to speak. Anyway, this thread for me personally became something different and far from the purpose of what YOU wrote at the beginning, if you want something to be taken seriously, then be serious in your ANSWERS and not with stupidities like insulting people :)
A few years ago, when Lydia was not the high priestess, was only hooded cobra who led the community and worked hard for the it and shed blood and sweat to advance the community's program, he just tried much more than Lydia, like now. So Lydia can be the High Priestess to everyone else, which is fine, but from what she said, I don't agree with her, because I was committed to her,on the end I think most women would give rights to those of the same sex, even if they don't?

The fact that you disagree with her or you have a formal dislike should not be followed by insults and these things. Adding the fact of my efforts in it to make an argument against someone else is not going to help anyone involved improve, nor myself.

Everyone has their own role to play in this and is integral. HPS Lydia is around for a very long time and is of the longest and most meaningful SS in service regardless of anything. Not everyone has to do the same lifting, the same work, or is tasked with the same responsibilities, and that is actually a very good thing so that people grow differently.

She has done a monumental effort, I think as far as women are concerned, one of the most longstanding women on the community, gender wise. I objectively know of this that's why she is where she is.

I do many times over the work of what appears publicly, but it's because I must and because I can handle it. Yet the situation is not to compare to nobody. The only reason to compare anyone should be to motivate and show the integral nature of all of us as one unity.

People have their personal journeys and not everyone will do the same things.
Now at this point my consultant assured me that I have the right to pursue a divorce due to infidelity, especially considering the distance between us. After asking her to leave, I reached out to a lawyer to discuss the divorce process. I aim to move forward with the divorce soon, though I'm concerned about financial matters. It's important to me that she doesn't take money that shouldn't rightfully be hers in the process of our divorce, ensuring a fair resolution.

Everyone wishes you luck and it might be a little important to take a few steps back. You mention above that you never had a relationship before marriage. This can be a problematic situation as you might not have learned to recognize red flags and other problems in life.

If any counseling is needed, you can do this on you to accelerate your healing process from all this mess.

Since you have proof [the counselor can also provide proof of her admittance to numerous cases of infidelity] then you can move away with far stronger alibi and without having to pay the whole bill. Get a good lawyer to get you out of this.
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Good catch. If someone wants to cheat (astral sex is still being unfaithful to one's spouse), then they can't be mad if their partner cheats.

To everyone here who replied emotionally, this is the internet, we get all sorts of people here. You don't know the full story of someone here. You can't automatically believe that some random on the internet is fully on our side and deserves to destroy their spouse, when they themselves wanted to cheat.
Regardless of whether or not this actually happened or if he did try to get a Succubus I’m questioning your intent here.

Why after hearing such an awful and unpleasant story you immediately try to justify the position of the cheating coal burner? What made you want to defend this woman so badly?

You make the clam to have direct personal telepathic communication with the Gods, have been personally instructed in ethics by them, and have done years of soul transformative work to make yourself the holiest woman on earth worthy of being the Gods representative high priestess.

Did the Gods not warn you about making such a posting? Don’t you feel their will? In everything I do I think of them and how they might think of me after taking such an action, even in such mundane this as eating I think “if the Gods could eat with me would they enjoy this meal” because I love them, do you not love and think of the Gods often?

Do you not think the Goddess would be embarrassed to see the you defend cheating on your spouse with a golem?
I always think of the gods, I know I feel them.

I believe you misunderstood what Lydia said. I don't think she's trying to justify anyone. She's just considering every possibility. Isn't that the right thing to do?

She certainly deserved to become a High Priestess. She's worked so hard over the years. And now it feels strange to question it.

Cheating is not just a verb. I'm not sure love is such a thing.
Regardless of whether or not this actually happened or if he did try to get a Succubus I’m questioning your intent here.

Why after hearing such an awful and unpleasant story you immediately try to justify the position of the cheating coal burner? What made you want to defend this woman so badly?

You make the clam to have direct personal telepathic communication with the Gods, have been personally instructed in ethics by them, and have done years of soul transformative work to make yourself the holiest woman on earth worthy of being the Gods representative high priestess.

Did the Gods not warn you about making such a posting? Don’t you feel their will? In everything I do I think of them and how they might think of me after taking such an action, even in such mundane this as eating I think “if the Gods could eat with me would they enjoy this meal” because I love them, do you not love and think of the Gods often?

Do you not think the Goddess would be embarrassed to see the you defend cheating on your spouse with a golem?
She was just trying to be objective while the rest of us took it at face value, while most people do with well-meaning intentions thinking someone actually needs help. Sometimes there is more to something sometimes there isn't. There were people who apparently thought there were less than genuine motives for the post. Nevertheless who the hell are you to heckle and disrespect the HPS and expect the Gods to intercept on such trivial matters? They aren't going to hold someone's hand 24 7 and do expect humans to judge and think for themselves.
Regardless of whether or not this actually happened or if he did try to get a Succubus I’m questioning your intent here.

Why after hearing such an awful and unpleasant story you immediately try to justify the position of the cheating coal burner? What made you want to defend this woman so badly?

You make the clam to have direct personal telepathic communication with the Gods, have been personally instructed in ethics by them, and have done years of soul transformative work to make yourself the holiest woman on earth worthy of being the Gods representative high priestess.

Did the Gods not warn you about making such a posting? Don’t you feel their will? In everything I do I think of them and how they might think of me after taking such an action, even in such mundane this as eating I think “if the Gods could eat with me would they enjoy this meal” because I love them, do you not love and think of the Gods often?

Do you not think the Goddess would be embarrassed to see the you defend cheating on your spouse with a golem?
You misread. I did not defend "her", I thought this was a troll post making up the scenario, as these things happen frequently here recently. I thought there was no cheating wife. We have had dozens of troll posts over the past 6 months regarding this same topic, insinuating that all women are race traitors and sluts. Again, I did not defend any woman.

This new forum layout was brand new, I have never used or visited any forum in my life other than the previous one, I do not use social media. So it should be understandable that I was a bit overwhelmed getting used to this and therefore I was not able to properly tune into the situation. Think about someone who never used internet stuff like this suddenly having all these new features. As it is, I skipped meditations and had lack of sleep in order to help other members and get used to this new layout. This mistake I made is a lesson learned, to take a step back to get used to internet stuff first, but fortunately we won't be changing forums again. Must I really be so prosecuted for a mistake?

You have gone overboard with what you wrote. It doesn't even make sense as I did not defend his wife.
You misread. I did not defend "her", I thought this was a troll post making up the scenario, as these things happen frequently here recently. I thought there was no cheating wife. We have had dozens of troll posts over the past 6 months regarding this same topic, insinuating that all women are race traitors and sluts. Again, I did not defend any woman.

This new forum layout was brand new, I have never used or visited any forum in my life other than the previous one, I do not use social media. So it should be understandable that I was a bit overwhelmed getting used to this and therefore I was not able to properly tune into the situation. Think about someone who never used internet stuff like this suddenly having all these new features. As it is, I skipped meditations and had lack of sleep in order to help other members and get used to this new layout. This mistake I made is a lesson learned, to take a step back to get used to internet stuff first, but fortunately we won't be changing forums again. Must I really be so prosecuted for a mistake?

You have gone overboard with what you wrote. It doesn't even make sense as I did not defend his wife.
My High Priestess, I believe you should not justify yourself for what you have done, as there is literally nothing that you have done wrong.

This Havoc guy is clearly not posting from an objective point of view, and his post reeks of animosity towards you.

You are a fantastic High Priestess, and we who see the Truth love you very much, don't give too much of your time to useless haters, as sooner or later they are gonna reveal themselves.

We love you High Priestess.
You misread. I did not defend "her", I thought this was a troll post making up the scenario, as these things happen frequently here recently. I thought there was no cheating wife. We have had dozens of troll posts over the past 6 months regarding this same topic, insinuating that all women are race traitors and sluts. Again, I did not defend any woman.

This new forum layout was brand new, I have never used or visited any forum in my life other than the previous one, I do not use social media. So it should be understandable that I was a bit overwhelmed getting used to this and therefore I was not able to properly tune into the situation. Think about someone who never used internet stuff like this suddenly having all these new features. As it is, I skipped meditations and had lack of sleep in order to help other members and get used to this new layout. This mistake I made is a lesson learned, to take a step back to get used to internet stuff first, but fortunately we won't be changing forums again. Must I really be so prosecuted for a mistake?

You have gone overboard with what you wrote. It doesn't even make sense as I did not defend his wife.
I’ve re read your post just to be sure. You don’t actually say the post is fake you accuse him of wanting to cheat by being interested in a Succubus, that doesn’t sound like you’re saying it’s not real it sounds like you’re trying to justify her behavior.

You’re saying it didn’t happen now (that may or may not be true I have no way of knowing) but that wasn’t in your post and all this stuff about being tried and not doing practices, I don’t see what that has to do with my point.

It was hard for me today to do my practices I kept thinking “If this is our high priestess then what is the point? Is this even real? I’m I actually going to be able to talk with the Gods” And it was hard for me to keep motivated.

I suppose there are polyamorous Gods that would say cheating is not anything to them so I can still believe your a good person, but I don’t think it right to do it unless both parties know and are ok with it and you could have done a much better job trying to get that point across.
I’ve re read your post just to be sure. You don’t actually say the post is fake you accuse him of wanting to cheat by being interested in a Succubus, that doesn’t sound like you’re saying it’s not real it sounds like you’re trying to justify her behavior.

You’re saying it didn’t happen now (that may or may not be true I have no way of knowing) but that wasn’t in your post and all this stuff about being tried and not doing practices, I don’t see what that has to do with my point.

It was hard for me today to do my practices I kept thinking “If this is our high priestess then what is the point? Is this even real? I’m I actually going to be able to talk with the Gods” And it was hard for me to keep motivated.

I suppose there are polyamorous Gods that would say cheating is not anything to them so I can still believe your a good person, but I don’t think it right to do it unless both parties know and are ok with it and you could have done a much better job trying to get that point across.
Did you not read what the member I had replied to posted, about how it seems off? And what HPHC said, "Unless you are posting propaganda, which maybe is the case". My reply was on those, that this was a troll post and was not real. Nowhere was I defending any real cheating wife, nor would I.

I don't understand how you didn't understand. You essentially said I didn't tune into the situation, and I agreed and explained why. Now you're saying "I don’t see what that has to do with my point."

I don't talk to the Gods about every reply I make here, this isn't how things are done. You are being unrealistic by becoming unmotivated over this.

What do polyamorous Gods have to do with this? I certainly don't think it's right to cheat (unless both parties are this type of people). If one person is fully monogamous and thinks their partner is faithful to them, it can cause much damage to them to find out their partner cheated. That's a terrible thing to do. I had already explained I initially thought the OP was a troll post and that there was no wife at all, because of so many troll posts we have had.
This is very notorious trend that after someone becomes Clergy they get instantly attacked with all crap possible being put in their mouth that they never said, whatever sex they are, especially if they are not gay, black and whatever else somehow «needed» to be used (though now kikes already learned that they are not anymore «useful» so also bad goys category).

My High Priestess, my Lady, please never take any of your wise words back again because you protected us from kike infiltrators and this is exactly what you are expected to do here and is exact and only reason they whine. Kikes just use your pity and compassion against you but their real intentions are to attack us behind your back. You are a Satanic police which you are meant to be. Everyone absolutely DESERVED what was told by Clergy in this topic.

And yes, Clergy DOES speak to Gods daily and know their will much better than any random whiner who can’t even read a message, nor does Clergy have any primitive monkey motives that kikes forever put into their mouth. It is just kike tactic — to put words that Gentile never said into Gentile’s mouth, then to complain on what Gentile never did and lie about Gentile’s private life that Gentile never had, like they did to W. Clinton.

All members here are very wrong to trust everything every unknown member comes and posts. And actually the care reminder should be more often and much more harsh than HPS made. Anyone’s damaged private life is no reason to open heart to every kike and let them fuck JoS over. Also for those undervaluing of the notion «abuse», no, cheating, teasing, talking the talk and clicking the click is nothing like physical power abuse which is actual abuse. Anyone being whiny emotional pinko does not make all unimportant things «abuse». Men taught by kikes to be over-touchy princesses is nothing manly, it only further effeminizes you and makes you unable to protect and stand for any real ideal, because the last demands being able to take bruises to one’s ego. Men were never meant to be that whiny butt-hurt-centered unstable sissies (nor we ever were — infiltrator kikes make us look such). We are meant here to protect and stand up for what is right not for what is [considered by kikes] to be «our ego», not to go «compassion» every whiny jew who DESERVED to have their shit cheated out of them in the first place (and who actually never knew any real abuse).

Take good care and keep in mind, that those really sensitive here who really had their private lives damaged at some point are usually very reserved and silent about it, because real pain people tend to keep to themselves.
I don't want to speak for anyone else, but my personal reading of the posts was that no one was justifying the situation, just expressing doubt about the veracity of the OP by pointing out an inconsistent attitude towards infidelity. It's like if I made a post about wanting to rob someone else's store, but then later I posted about my own store being robbed and how mad I was. It's not that one post directly precludes another, it's just that it reflects an inconsistent attitude about theft that could be cited in questioning the accuracy of the post.
I’ve re read your post just to be sure. You don’t actually say the post is fake you accuse him of wanting to cheat by being interested in a Succubus, that doesn’t sound like you’re saying it’s not real it sounds like you’re trying to justify her behavior.

You’re saying it didn’t happen now (that may or may not be true I have no way of knowing) but that wasn’t in your post and all this stuff about being tried and not doing practices, I don’t see what that has to do with my point.

It was hard for me today to do my practices I kept thinking “If this is our high priestess then what is the point? Is this even real? I’m I actually going to be able to talk with the Gods” And it was hard for me to keep motivated.

I suppose there are polyamorous Gods that would say cheating is not anything to them so I can still believe your a good person, but I don’t think it right to do it unless both parties know and are ok with it and you could have done a much better job trying to get that point across.

Brother, your reaction is way overboard regarding what HPS Lydia had said. All she did was state that there could be more to the situation than we know, especially as this guy was asking for a succubus earlier. It doesn't take a genius to estimate that there is a high probability the relationship was not going well, if this guy was thinking of different options.

However, David clarified he was not actually married at that point, but nowhere did HPS Lydia state it was good to cheat. She only pointed out that if David was not putting effort into the relationship, then he can't be mad when his wife gets unsatisfied. That doesn't justify her cheating, but is just a simple reflection of reality.

Yet, over a miscommunication, you overreacted and started discrediting HPS Lydia, claiming you now have a lack of faith in this path, and questioning her spiritual status, and so on. This is too big of a character attack to have just over semantics.

You are telling her that she needs to do a better job communicating, but I think the problem is more on your own end, in regards to how you read her original message. She was right to call out David, because this whole post appears like a troll. He literally said: "she told me that I have a small penis and she likes to have sex with biggers". This is something you read on 4chan.
You talk of this post but seem to not even understand what it entails. I guarantee you that there is no God(ess) that would consent to such a relationship with some immature kid at such a phase of life who didn't even know what they wanted or needed out of life, and even among the most advanced grown ass people who would be granted such a thing are 1 to 2 percent. You can basically assume that 99 percent of anyone in these forums who has thought to have had such a relationship is deluded, as there is virtually no one at this point on such a level to relate to such an advanced being.
Thanks for telling me. I may have misunderstood some things. Happens, but, that is why we are all here, to grow by learning from mistakes :)
Did you not read what the member I had replied to posted, about how it seems off? And what HPHC said, "Unless you are posting propaganda, which maybe is the case". My reply was on those, that this was a troll post and was not real. Nowhere was I defending any real cheating wife, nor would I.

I don't understand how you didn't understand. You essentially said I didn't tune into the situation, and I agreed and explained why. Now you're saying "I don’t see what that has to do with my point."

I don't talk to the Gods about every reply I make here, this isn't how things are done. You are being unrealistic by becoming unmotivated over this.

What do polyamorous Gods have to do with this? I certainly don't think it's right to cheat (unless both parties are this type of people). If one person is fully monogamous and thinks their partner is faithful to them, it can cause much damage to them to find out their partner cheated. That's a terrible thing to do. I had already explained I initially thought the OP was a troll post and that there was no wife at all, because of so many troll posts we have had.
If that’s what you insist it would be unreasonable for me to continue to insult you over a miss-understanding. I’ll take your word for it.
Regardless of whether or not this actually happened or if he did try to get a Succubus I’m questioning your intent here.

Why after hearing such an awful and unpleasant story you immediately try to justify the position of the cheating coal burner? What made you want to defend this woman so badly?

You make the clam to have direct personal telepathic communication with the Gods, have been personally instructed in ethics by them, and have done years of soul transformative work to make yourself the holiest woman on earth worthy of being the Gods representative high priestess.

Did the Gods not warn you about making such a posting? Don’t you feel their will? In everything I do I think of them and how they might think of me after taking such an action, even in such mundane this as eating I think “if the Gods could eat with me would they enjoy this meal” because I love them, do you not love and think of the Gods often?

Do you not think the Goddess would be embarrassed to see the you defend cheating on your spouse with a golem?
I think you're having an overreaction following misunderstanding. I read it over, she did not justify cheating in any way.

OP has previously asked about getting a succubus before this post, when he was apparently in this relationship already.

The HPS equated seeking a sex partner while already in a relationship(regardless of if they're in the astral), with intention to cheat, which is a fair judgement to make, because you would say the same if they were swiping on a dating app.

Fairness means you get an equivalent of what you put out, and there are consequences to our actions. If you are seeking to cheat on your partner, then you have no right to be offended when you yourself are cheated on.

If you marry your drinking habits with your driving habits then you can't be shocked when you find yourself married to a tree and a hospital bill.

Besides, it sounds like this relationship, if it is even real, was DOA. People don't cheat because they're happy with their relationship.

That was one point that Lydia was trying to make, alongside the fact that this user could very well be disingenuous. This is evidenced by OP's totally off the wall attack on her for basically saying to take everything with a grain of salt.

I do not in any way think that OP is genuine. It reads exactly like those BBC demoralization shills on 4chan.
Although, looking back, it is possible that David is genuine. It is very possible for women this vile to exist out there. Female coomers, who think their life is a porno.

But I'm still inclined toward disbelief. The others, especially HPHC, have already given him excellent advice, and I hope things work out for the best.
My High Priestess, I believe you should not justify yourself for what you have done, as there is literally nothing that you have done wrong.
She really shouldn't have to. And as for her points about all the trolls coming in here trash talking women that probly come from noob chan there are actually a good number of supposed SS who appear to still have a number of abrahamic views about women and i feel this too when HPS gets attacked, as if it was someone else of high rank they might go about it different or say nothing. The biggest example of this was when those assholes from turkey (pisslam country that hates women no surprise idc who the hell this offends) basically dog piled her for some bullshit about muh authority. She was higher ranking and they talked to her like some POS. If it was someone else there would have probly been a different approach. It's almost always someone from some pop in the loo or pislamic country and sorry not sorry if you can't be deprogrammed from abrahamic filth after supposedly doing how many RTRs then something is....wrong.

No surprise these were banned. But I have learned certain things about certain people both on and off forums in the past that told me they are no further above the levels of NPCs and still have the mentality that they expect women to be their bitches and fuck dolls that should shut the hell up and make them a sandwich. They can fuck idk how many women but still deserve a virgin. Oy vey.

Mars square is really manifesting. But I'm probly saying what alot of people suspect. Rant over.
A few years ago, when Lydia was not the high priestess, was only hooded cobra who led the community and worked hard for the it and shed blood and sweat to advance the community's program, he just tried much more than Lydia, like now. So Lydia can be the High Priestess to everyone else, which is fine, but from what she said, I don't agree with her, because I was committed to her,on the end I think most women would give rights to those of the same sex, even if they don't?
This is horseshit as you don't know anything about who does what behind the scenes. A tremendous amount of advancement of JOS has been made possible by HPS Lydia you can't assume that one person can do everything by themselves this is unrealistic. It is infact a community effort. You are a worthless turd compared to her but go ahead and continue your arrogance and grudge against her for having two X chromosomes.
I’ve re read your post just to be sure. You don’t actually say the post is fake you accuse him of wanting to cheat by being interested in a Succubus, that doesn’t sound like you’re saying it’s not real it sounds like you’re trying to justify her behavior.

You’re saying it didn’t happen now (that may or may not be true I have no way of knowing) but that wasn’t in your post and all this stuff about being tried and not doing practices, I don’t see what that has to do with my point.

It was hard for me today to do my practices I kept thinking “If this is our high priestess then what is the point? Is this even real? I’m I actually going to be able to talk with the Gods” And it was hard for me to keep motivated.

I suppose there are polyamorous Gods that would say cheating is not anything to them so I can still believe your a good person, but I don’t think it right to do it unless both parties know and are ok with it and you could have done a much better job trying to get that point across.

Greeting Havoc, please make sure to not misrepresent people based on one quote. After a person has almost 15 years of service to this place, they generally know the Truth and they are defenders of it, nobody would defend a backstabbing coal burner.

However, for the sake of justice and for David to evolve, the question came up if he done something to warrant it. David had done nothing to warrant it and was victimized. Therefore, it is what it is.

You are both being unjust and fully harsh for no reason. David because of his pain and you because you thought this was a coal burner defense. Do you think HPS Lydia after 15 years of devotion to the Gods, would defend the coal burner? If you did, that is not on her to answer, but likely on you.

If you have doubts please express them but without an attack.

At best what HPS Lydia meant, which is totally logical, is that IN GENERAL, cheating cases, do likely involve two sides; for example, maybe a neglected wife, poor communications, or an evil wife or an evil husband - life is more complex like this and a direct spiritual assault verdict cannot be drawn out just because of looking into the final move.

She is not justifying any behavior. However the world would be a little better of a place if sometimes we look into our own motivations in relationships and not only what happened to us. Regardless the person stated later they never did something in the end. I am personally of the opinion that the mere thought of something, does not really matter unless it becomes an actual action.

The above statements are not to defend the case of THIS bad incident, but in general. It was just not properly typed.

You are over-reacting a bit because of worries that are misplaced. Don't worry.

Although, looking back, it is possible that David is genuine. It is very possible for women this vile to exist out there. Female coomers, who think their life is a porno.

But I'm still inclined toward disbelief. The others, especially HPHC, have already given him excellent advice, and I hope things work out for the best.

Yes, there DO exist people like that. And it's better for the sake of one's sanity to leave them where they belong, and not keep them with people who are looking for high fidelity and quality relationships. They represent a danger to these people.

They should be left to their decisions that they are choosing in the present.

If they ever change, they can ascend the ladder of life based on their new choices. But to keep them around like this is literally going to drive people into insanity.

Even if David was trolling, which probably not, people like this still do exist, and the thread is still of instructional value to stay away and cut ties quickly when one is played and backstabbed.
She really shouldn't have to. And as for her points about all the trolls coming in here trash talking women that probly come from noob chan there are actually a good number of supposed SS who appear to still have a number of abrahamic views about women and i feel this too when HPS gets attacked, as if it was someone else of high rank they might go about it different or say nothing. The biggest example of this was when those assholes from turkey (pisslam country that hates women no surprise idc who the hell this offends) basically dog piled her for some bullshit about muh authority. She was higher ranking and they talked to her like some POS. If it was someone else there would have probly been a different approach. It's almost always someone from some pop in the loo or pislamic country and sorry not sorry if you can't be deprogrammed from abrahamic filth after supposedly doing how many RTRs then something is....wrong.

No surprise these were banned. But I have learned certain things about certain people both on and off forums in the past that told me they are no further above the levels of NPCs and still have the mentality that they expect women to be their bitches and fuck dolls that should shut the hell up and make them a sandwich. They can fuck idk how many women but still deserve a virgin. Oy vey.

Mars square is really manifesting. But I'm probly saying what alot of people suspect. Rant over.

Most men, like most women, have no clue what they want. They just "want" things. Same as women do.

The average person is on a major state of both irrationality and confusion.

HPS Lydia does know that being misunderstood and attacked is part of this post of service. A few people will do this, almost in all cases with poor reasoning. Most people will understand or will just ask first, at least.
Greeting Havoc, please make sure to not misrepresent people based on one quote. After a person has almost 15 years of service to this place, they generally know the Truth and they are defenders of it, nobody would defend a backstabbing coal burner.

However, for the sake of justice and for David to evolve, the question came up if he done something to warrant it. David had done nothing to warrant it and was victimized. Therefore, it is what it is.

You are both being unjust and fully harsh for no reason. David because of his pain and you because you thought this was a coal burner defense. Do you think HPS Lydia after 15 years of devotion to the Gods, would defend the coal burner? If you did, that is not on her to answer, but likely on you.

If you have doubts please express them but without an attack.

At best what HPS Lydia meant, which is totally logical, is that IN GENERAL, cheating cases, do likely involve two sides; for example, maybe a neglected wife, poor communications, or an evil wife or an evil husband - life is more complex like this and a direct spiritual assault verdict cannot be drawn out just because of looking into the final move.

She is not justifying any behavior. However the world would be a little better of a place if sometimes we look into our own motivations in relationships and not only what happened to us. Regardless the person stated later they never did something in the end. I am personally of the opinion that the mere thought of something, does not really matter unless it becomes an actual action.

The above statements are not to defend the case of THIS bad incident, but in general. It was just not properly typed.

You are over-reacting a bit because of worries that are misplaced. Don't worry.

Yes, there DO exist people like that. And it's better for the sake of one's sanity to leave them where they belong, and not keep them with people who are looking for high fidelity and quality relationships. They represent a danger to these people.

They should be left to their decisions that they are choosing in the present.

If they ever change, they can ascend the ladder of life based on their new choices. But to keep them around like this is literally going to drive people into insanity.

Even if David was trolling, which probably not, people like this still do exist, and the thread is still of instructional value to stay away and cut ties quickly when one is played and backstabbed.
I’ve read the replies everyone has put forward and am content to drop it and let these people have the last word. My advancement and well being depending on peoples opinions on the internet is not a good place to be. I’m not fond of redit tear arguing on the forms when I see it and don’t want to be part of the problem.

I have sat down thought about why I got so angry, and I know what’s actually bothering me. When I made this account I decided on finding people that I agree with and who have valuable experience and told myself I wouldn’t pay time or attention to things I disagree with. I will not be getting into any more disputes and would like you to hold me to that.

I’m know I’m showing you more respect then Lydia but that is because I thought it over and cooled off, I could have just as easily blown up on you and given her the respectful answer if you would have set me off, she dose her job as well as the rest of you.
I feel sorry for your retarded mind
Actually only you know what has happened in your life ..So like I said above ,do revenge destruction ritual everyday to destroy her ..Go to JoS main page ..You will find satanic rituals ..Click it ,u will find standard destruction ritual for beginners..Read it and do it ,which would take just 20 minutes everyday ..In addition to that use combination of runes of thurisaz +tiwaz + hagl .Visualise red energy completely filling that retarded woman and that woman is completely engulfed in that red energy and visualise her to meet with whatever damage you want her to happen ..

I clearly told u do this ..You do not need to justify anybody anything when u know u are right ..But calling Lydia "retarded " absolutely is not right ..She has been a very good person working for this forum ..She has many wonderful posts written in this forum

Cheating is cheating and there are psychiatric people who will cheat no matter how good or faithful other person had been .Since she had damaged you ,you can destroy and damage her 10000 fold ..Satanism is justice ..
In my country, in this case, we people can not only do divorce our wife, but also we can arrest the third person. Because, in my country, extramarital affairs is not allowed. I am proud of my country for this law.

Divorce is not solution. Third person should be punishment.
This is horseshit as you don't know anything about who does what behind the scenes. A tremendous amount of advancement of JOS has been made possible by HPS Lydia you can't assume that one person can do everything by themselves this is unrealistic. It is infact a community effort. You are a worthless turd compared to her but go ahead and continue your arrogance and grudge against her for having two X chromosomes.
Now at this point my consultant assured me that I have the right to pursue a divorce due to infidelity, especially considering the distance between us. After asking her to leave, I reached out to a lawyer to discuss the divorce process. I aim to move forward with the divorce soon, though I'm concerned about financial matters. It's important to me that she doesn't take money that shouldn't rightfully be hers in the process of our divorce, ensuring a fair resolution.
You might find this topic interesting:

You made a thread about wanting a succubus before. You also implied you were from either Turkey or the third world and wanted to go to Europe/the USA so where is this black man from? There aren't that many black people in Turkey.

Something smells off here...
I don't know if he's telling the truth or I'm not defending him, but there are about 2 million black people in Turkey. Erdoğan's government is filling our country with immigrants from Islamic countries, including blacks.
I would just let him figure it out! He was the one that got himself into this mess? So he should take responsibility for his own actions? And find out what he did wrong and take care of it and own up to it? Or find out what she's really doing? And take care of it
I’ve read the replies everyone has put forward and am content to drop it and let these people have the last word. My advancement and well being depending on peoples opinions on the internet is not a good place to be. I’m not fond of redit tear arguing on the forms when I see it and don’t want to be part of the problem.

I have sat down thought about why I got so angry, and I know what’s actually bothering me. When I made this account I decided on finding people that I agree with and who have valuable experience and told myself I wouldn’t pay time or attention to things I disagree with. I will not be getting into any more disputes and would like you to hold me to that.

I’m know I’m showing you more respect then Lydia but that is because I thought it over and cooled off, I could have just as easily blown up on you and given her the respectful answer if you would have set me off, she dose her job as well as the rest of you.

The important part is getting to the bottom of the issue and understanding why you may have felt the way you did. Sometimes our thoughts are twisted by our feelings. For example, if you had dealt with cheating and experienced firsthand trauma, then I could see why you may take a harsher stance. Seeing HPS Lydia take a neutral stance on something you believe should have been viewed differently may have troubled you, although we have to remain objective in how we evaluate these situations, which is certainly not easy.

Some of us can have certain views which we hold dearly, and which impact our views about life, or other grand mental conceptions. Therefore, we are sensitive about them, and this could explain perhaps why you felt the way you did regarding HPS Lydia.

However, we need to remain a community, and even if arguments happen, be able to return to a community mindset and take steps to mend our relationships. It is not realistic to assume you will only find only people that agree with you, but as long as peace is able to be maintained overall, which includes respecting hierarchy, then we can all evolve together, which helps everyone achieve their desires.

You shouldn't feel like you are necessarily backed into a corner or that you cannot ever speak your mind again, but I would suggest you apologize to HPS Lydia for being harsh towards her. You had made some negative assumptions about her and her understanding of life, based upon a miscommunication, and were a bit aggressive in how you tried to discuss this with her. These are errors which are different from simply conversing about why she had said what she did, so you shouldn't feel like no difficult conversations are allowed to happen, or anything like that.
The important part is getting to the bottom of the issue and understanding why you may have felt the way you did. Sometimes our thoughts are twisted by our feelings. For example, if you had dealt with cheating and experienced firsthand trauma, then I could see why you may take a harsher stance. Seeing HPS Lydia take a neutral stance on something you believe should have been viewed differently may have troubled you, although we have to remain objective in how we evaluate these situations, which is certainly not easy.

Some of us can have certain views which we hold dearly, and which impact our views about life, or other grand mental conceptions. Therefore, we are sensitive about them, and this could explain perhaps why you felt the way you did regarding HPS Lydia.

However, we need to remain a community, and even if arguments happen, be able to return to a community mindset and take steps to mend our relationships. It is not realistic to assume you will only find only people that agree with you, but as long as peace is able to be maintained overall, which includes respecting hierarchy, then we can all evolve together, which helps everyone achieve their desires.

You shouldn't feel like you are necessarily backed into a corner or that you cannot ever speak your mind again, but I would suggest you apologize to HPS Lydia for being harsh towards her. You had made some negative assumptions about her and her understanding of life, based upon a miscommunication, and were a bit aggressive in how you tried to discuss this with her. These are errors which are different from simply conversing about why she had said what she did, so you shouldn't feel like no difficult conversations are allowed to happen, or anything like that.
I should not have spoken to the clergy like that simply because I was vary bothered, I have been lucky enough to not have that happen to me so that is no excuse. I don't think taking a semi neutral stance on cheating warrants questing ones faith especially when we have polygamous Gods and Goddesses.

The thing about her statement that actually bothered me is justice is to bring two parties into balance hence the scales, She insinuated that a learning relationship with a God is somehow equal to an affair with a black person basically saying our Nordic are no different from them. Even the idea that a relationship with a God is in any way harmful of defiling to any party dose not sit well with me also. If my partner had an Incubus I wouldn't consider that a problem and would be hoping for some secondhand energy or some help of my own from them and that's coming from someone who is vary possessive about my lovers. That she would pull a Succubus into the drama just to score points in some stupid boys verses girls contest is wrong to me and blasphemes.

Lydia is actually my favorite of the clergy so it upset me seeing that, but coming back to the scales there is a mountain of work she has done that would be placed on the other side of the offence making it small by comparison and I I'm sorry I questioned if she had a relationship with the Gods that is an unwarranted escalation and I am sorry. I see she was just trying to push back against a perceived culture of always vilifying woman and this was not some attack on the Gods or endorsement of coal burning.
Regardless of whether or not this actually happened or if he did try to get a Succubus I’m questioning your intent here.

Why after hearing such an awful and unpleasant story you immediately try to justify the position of the cheating coal burner? What made you want to defend this woman so badly?

You make the clam to have direct personal telepathic communication with the Gods, have been personally instructed in ethics by them, and have done years of soul transformative work to make yourself the holiest woman on earth worthy of being the Gods representative high priestess.

Did the Gods not warn you about making such a posting? Don’t you feel their will? In everything I do I think of them and how they might think of me after taking such an action, even in such mundane this as eating I think “if the Gods could eat with me would they enjoy this meal” because I love them, do you not love and think of the Gods often?

Do you not think the Goddess would be embarrassed to see the you defend cheating on your spouse with a golem?
Lydia is actually a very very good person by heart ..I can clearly see that ..She genuinely cares for every person here ..Many of her posts are actually very important and life saving ..They are like DEEP TREASURES like diamond ,emeralds hidden in the earth which if found is the luckiest thing ..But her problem is that mercy is so much deeply ingrained in her heart that she does not value justice much ..

All her other life posts on other things are like encyclopaedia ..But when it comes to justice ,her take is extremely not correct ...Compare all her other posts about other things (which are extremely great and important )with that of her few posts which she made regarding cheating ,You can clearly see she thinks healing and moving on is correct ,Which obviously is extremely wrong ..

Not just Lydia ,despite of many people here being advanced satanists ,They still have NOT completely deprogrammed themself from the Christian mindset which stresses on healing yourself rather than pay due retribution to our enemies...What Lydia or other satanist don't understand is no body who has been extremely damaged by others can EVER heal completely unless they have been given justice ...Our heart can never find peace unless we have been avenged ..

I know the garbage bibull very well..It is only that garbage book and it's people who say "you focus on your healing ",and new age garbage another off shoot of Christianity which also says the same ..Most of the satanists despite even being advanced come from Christian families since whites are the one who had been poisoned and infested deeply with Christian programming in their mind..Even if few whites don't have any of their ancestors who were Christians ,still because of media (owned by jews imposing the same christians poison of healing ) has deeply infested the minds of even satanists ..Even many advanced satanists could not escape this bitter poison where they can't differentiate where healing is required and justice is

That is why Lydia and other satanists who most probably are white who are infested with this poison of Christian mindset "heal and move on" cannot see why justice and retribution alone matters when one is severly damaged by another ..What many have also failed to see is there is nothing called "healing" when it comes to justice,offense,cheating ..The only healing for all these problems is due revenge and retribution ..Only when retribution has happened to the offender or the cheater,, can healing to the abused or the one cheateD can happen and healing will automatically happen once the offended has seen the offender being punished ..

Many satanists don't even know basic differentiation between healing and due punishment .ONLY in the case of any unfortunate events like accident,losing our loved ones ,or not getting the right things or unfortunate events happening to anyone should healing be considered and in this case healing and moving on must be emphasised by right meditation practises ..

But in the case of betrayal,offense,rape ,cheating,abuse etc etc Healing does NOT work ..It is like saying for a very deeper injury which requires surgery ,you just have to apply bandage for outer wound ..This is how illogical and absurd and ridiculous it is when even satanists say "heal and move on "..This is like the same REVERSE Christian logic which instead of giving due justice to the offended ,instead is asking the offended to pity the offender and just close the deeper toxic malignant tumor only with outer band ..

What one also needs to understand is no satanists no matter how advanced they are ,are NOT gods ..In the main JoS page our HP Maxine clearly tells one needs to use black magic to destroy our enemies in case of any severe offense or abuse .And no where the HP has ever said just heal and move on ,because HP Maxine has 100 percent satanic spirit who knows the difference between healing and justice and has deeply deprogrammed herself from Christian garbage which many still have failed to do here ...One only needs to follow the main JoS page for anything ..This is just a forum where people from various background become satanists ..They may still take their religious poison with them ..In case of cheating ,offense one only needs to follow HP Maxine Black magic to destroy enemies and NOT the opinion of anyone here

Out of 100 here 80 people still have to completely deprogram themself from the little Christian toxic programming which they still have as little residue on them ..Because they still have not done it completely,they cannot see justice and black magic and revenge ritual alone can heal a person ..

Also another problem is that most of these people have not walked in other person's shoes ,so they cannot understand or feel it's pain ..It is useless to ask advice from people who do not value justice ,despite claiming themself to be satanists..Satanists must have empathy towards another satanic brother and sisters when they are in pain ,which very few here have in this forum..

When it comes to being cheated and considering the fact that legal systems is completely screwed up ,,the only way to healing is justice,punishment ,which is done by revenge ritual techniques written in the main JoS page ,There are various Revenge methods both for beginners and advanced given in the main web page which should be done everyday with full focus to enact right punishment ..This is the only right way to heal for these kind of cases and NOT other healing suggested by other satanists which will ever work ...

To this question ,out of so many answers ,only General Yeager gave the right answer ,,and that answer given by General Yeager is the ONLY right answer ..The only way to come out of pain for the illtreatment by anyone is black magic ..The only other person who I know who had 100 percent pure satanic spirit was dahaarkan,whose answer and reply to these kind of questions was exactly what I suggested .. Unfortunately Dahaarkan is not active in the forum since the last few months ..

When it comes to this forum ,,,solutions to other problems are 100 percent correct ..But when it comes to cheating,betrayal and such cases ,the replies and approach of satanists towards this is absolutely incorrect and for matters related to this,one needs to look to the main JoS page for these things and NOT to this forums at all ..

It is high time Lydia who is really am awesome person who has really done amazing contribution to this forum look to these kind of issues the right way and gives right opinions ..
Lydia is actually a very very good person by heart ..I can clearly see that ..She genuinely cares for every person here ..Many of her posts are actually very important and life saving ..They are like DEEP TREASURES like diamond ,emeralds hidden in the earth which if found is the luckiest thing ..But her problem is that mercy is so much deeply ingrained in her heart that she does not value justice much ..

All her other life posts on other things are like encyclopaedia ..But when it comes to justice ,her take is extremely not correct ...Compare all her other posts about other things (which are extremely great and important )with that of her few posts which she made regarding cheating ,You can clearly see she thinks healing and moving on is correct ,Which obviously is extremely wrong ..

Not just Lydia ,despite of many people here being advanced satanists ,They still have NOT completely deprogrammed themself from the Christian mindset which stresses on healing yourself rather than pay due retribution to our enemies...What Lydia or other satanist don't understand is no body who has been extremely damaged by others can EVER heal completely unless they have been given justice ...Our heart can never find peace unless we have been avenged ..

I know the garbage bibull very well..It is only that garbage book and it's people who say "you focus on your healing ",and new age garbage another off shoot of Christianity which also says the same ..Most of the satanists despite even being advanced come from Christian families since whites are the one who had been poisoned and infested deeply with Christian programming in their mind..Even if few whites don't have any of their ancestors who were Christians ,still because of media (owned by jews imposing the same christians poison of healing ) has deeply infested the minds of even satanists ..Even many advanced satanists could not escape this bitter poison where they can't differentiate where healing is required and justice is

That is why Lydia and other satanists who most probably are white who are infested with this poison of Christian mindset "heal and move on" cannot see why justice and retribution alone matters when one is severly damaged by another ..What many have also failed to see is there is nothing called "healing" when it comes to justice,offense,cheating ..The only healing for all these problems is due revenge and retribution ..Only when retribution has happened to the offender or the cheater,, can healing to the abused or the one cheateD can happen and healing will automatically happen once the offended has seen the offender being punished ..

Many satanists don't even know basic differentiation between healing and due punishment .ONLY in the case of any unfortunate events like accident,losing our loved ones ,or not getting the right things or unfortunate events happening to anyone should healing be considered and in this case healing and moving on must be emphasised by right meditation practises ..

But in the case of betrayal,offense,rape ,cheating,abuse etc etc Healing does NOT work ..It is like saying for a very deeper injury which requires surgery ,you just have to apply bandage for outer wound ..This is how illogical and absurd and ridiculous it is when even satanists say "heal and move on "..This is like the same REVERSE Christian logic which instead of giving due justice to the offended ,instead is asking the offended to pity the offender and just close the deeper toxic malignant tumor only with outer band ..

What one also needs to understand is no satanists no matter how advanced they are ,are NOT gods ..In the main JoS page our HP Maxine clearly tells one needs to use black magic to destroy our enemies in case of any severe offense or abuse .And no where the HP has ever said just heal and move on ,because HP Maxine has 100 percent satanic spirit who knows the difference between healing and justice and has deeply deprogrammed herself from Christian garbage which many still have failed to do here ...One only needs to follow the main JoS page for anything ..This is just a forum where people from various background become satanists ..They may still take their religious poison with them ..In case of cheating ,offense one only needs to follow HP Maxine Black magic to destroy enemies and NOT the opinion of anyone here

Out of 100 here 80 people still have to completely deprogram themself from the little Christian toxic programming which they still have as little residue on them ..Because they still have not done it completely,they cannot see justice and black magic and revenge ritual alone can heal a person ..

Also another problem is that most of these people have not walked in other person's shoes ,so they cannot understand or feel it's pain ..It is useless to ask advice from people who do not value justice ,despite claiming themself to be satanists..Satanists must have empathy towards another satanic brother and sisters when they are in pain ,which very few here have in this forum..

When it comes to being cheated and considering the fact that legal systems is completely screwed up ,,the only way to healing is justice,punishment ,which is done by revenge ritual techniques written in the main JoS page ,There are various Revenge methods both for beginners and advanced given in the main web page which should be done everyday with full focus to enact right punishment ..This is the only right way to heal for these kind of cases and NOT other healing suggested by other satanists which will ever work ...

To this question ,out of so many answers ,only General Yeager gave the right answer ,,and that answer given by General Yeager is the ONLY right answer ..The only way to come out of pain for the illtreatment by anyone is black magic ..The only other person who I know who had 100 percent pure satanic spirit was dahaarkan,whose answer and reply to these kind of questions was exactly what I suggested .. Unfortunately Dahaarkan is not active in the forum since the last few months ..

When it comes to this forum ,,,solutions to other problems are 100 percent correct ..But when it comes to cheating,betrayal and such cases ,the replies and approach of satanists towards this is absolutely incorrect and for matters related to this,one needs to look to the main JoS page for these things and NOT to this forums at all ..

It is high time Lydia who is really am awesome person who has really done amazing contribution to this forum look to these kind of issues the right way and gives right opinions ..
You misunderstand me. I was never xian, and I have a strong sense of justice as this is also how my parents raised me (we never went to church, my parents had too much common sense to be stupid xians). I do NOT believe in mercy to people who do not deserve it.

I have told many people before in the past to curse and establish justice, this is necessary. AND THEN the person needs to heal and not dwell on the past. Just because I am not stuck in the phase of cursing, does not mean I am against cursing. It's because I am working on helping people to stop being stuck in the past. Curse, have catharsis, and then more forward. Too many people such as yourself stay stuck for years in a toxic mindset. Curse, do the cursing, get it done with, and then heal and move forward. It should only take a few months or a year. I already explained this to you so why are you still stuck on the idea that I am about "mercy"?

The reason I am not stuck in a toxic victim mindset is because I have been actively practicing magick and advancing myself for 13 years. I have done all the cursing I need to, I am very adept at black magick, justice has been established, now I focus on blessings for the community.

As I wrote already, if this OP is real, then yes he needs to curse. But I thought it was the usual troll post. Do not mistake me for being xian, I never was. Read my past posts, you will see how much I advocated cursing.

I would not be here as clergy if I still had xianity in my soul. Do not mistake this again. You can't judge people by only one post, one reply. I have made THOUSANDS of replies over the past 13 years.
You misunderstand me. I was never xian, and I have a strong sense of justice as this is also how my parents raised me (we never went to church, my parents had too much common sense to be stupid xians). I do NOT believe in mercy to people who do not deserve it.

I have told many people before in the past to curse and establish justice, this is necessary. AND THEN the person needs to heal and not dwell on the past. Just because I am not stuck in the phase of cursing, does not mean I am against cursing. It's because I am working on helping people to stop being stuck in the past. Curse, have catharsis, and then more forward. Too many people such as yourself stay stuck for years in a toxic mindset. Curse, do the cursing, get it done with, and then heal and move forward. It should only take a few months or a year. I already explained this to you so why are you still stuck on the idea that I am about "mercy"?

The reason I am not stuck in a toxic victim mindset is because I have been actively practicing magick and advancing myself for 13 years. I have done all the cursing I need to, I am very adept at black magick, justice has been established, now I focus on blessings for the community.

As I wrote already, if this OP is real, then yes he needs to curse. But I thought it was the usual troll post. Do not mistake me for being xian, I never was. Read my past posts, you will see how much I advocated cursing.

I would not be here as clergy if I still had xianity in my soul. Do not mistake this again. You can't judge people by only one post, one reply. I have made THOUSANDS of replies over the past 13 years.
lydia ,if you really HAD strong strong sense of justice ,,you would NEVER be saying anyone to just HEAL AND MOVE ON ..Not me or anyone ..Last year you had written a post "Regarding Cheating " ...That was a POST which u made ..Not even a single line in it had any sense of justice but u were saying "If someone cheated u ,it is because they are in low vibration" ...This is exactly how christians talk ..I know christian mentality very well ..If asked them ,they will say the very same but in a christian way "the person who harmed u has evil spirit or is deceived by the devil" ..This is exactly how a christian will talk in such cases ..Pitying and backing up the offender rather than speaking the right things to the offended ..

I am NOT talking of ONLY this one post ..I highly respect you of your remarkable contributions to this forum..Many of your posts are why I learnt many and many things like obliterate saturn ,,all sort of magical working ,,AOP,,,Yoga posts ,..Witch esbat workings etc etc and so many such valuable posts for which I will be eternally thankful to you and thanking the gods for giving a person like you ..But your stance on revenge and justice is definetely not right ..Had you written "do revenge ritual and do the right ritual and curse your enemies and then happily move on" ..I would NEVER have said so ..Whether this post is a troll or something serious ,,this other person is been cheated by his wife ,,Cheating is a VERY SERIOUS OFFENSE ,and the right and absolute perfect answer for such offense is ONLY justice ..But u did not address about it in the first place ..Only after this person start to call names (which is definetely not right to call you so) .,,and only after another person also was overwhelmed by your posts ,,did you write that one should curse ..

I never said you are a christian ,but when a satanist does NOT understand the pain of other satanic brothers and instead backs up the offendeR and the cheater ,,rather than giving the right answer to the above person ,it strongly means that this person still has NOT completely cleared the christian programming ..It is ONLY christianity which has poisoned this pagan people and all our cultures and fed us that we must NOT take justice and revenge but rather just heal and move on ....

I know you are an advanced 14 years soul and your wisdom in all other topics is definetely mind blowing ,But like the other person who asked ,,despite of being such an advanced soul,,how is that your eyes do NOT value justice?? ..It is because in deep sub conscious mind ,the whites are the one who are infested with christian programming ,and even if the whites do NOT have any christian ancestry ,the media brainwashes them with healing and moving on rather than pay justice ..I did NOT say you are a christian at all ..I know very well you are not because your posts have wisdom of our gods which no christian will ever have ..But u do not value justice which a satanist must do ..And hence last year u made a post where u were clearly saying if someone cheated you,,you just need to move on ,,That was a post which u made ..

and since you claim you had done cursing ,and revenge workings ,,which is what every satanist must do in case of offense ..You saying others just to heal and move on is definetely not correct ..Of course a beginner must not do any revenge stuffs ..But even for beginners,,there are revenge rituals which any beginner can do ..You claim you did many revenge ritual ,cursing ,yet last year writing a post asking others to just not do any revenge working for cheating related working is hypocritical ..I am really sorry ..I NEVER accused you of anything ..That much I love u and respect you for your contributions and valuable posts ..but being a high priestess now ,,your answer today for such topics was definetely unexpected ...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
