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My History "Teacher"


New member
Dec 6, 2002
My US History teacher is an uber Conservative Christian (commonly sources Fox News) and yesterday he was comparing capitalism to socialism, and why the latter is better. He gave an analogy that went like this: imagine you have two cows. Under capitalism, you sell them and make money. Under socialism, instead of selling the two cows, you give one to your neighbor instead. Under nazism, the government takes both then shoots you in the head. Now, I have SEVERAL problems with this analogy. One of which is the unbelievable broadness of it. Obviously there are several types of socialism and nazism. There is the more communist type of socialism which is Marxism, and then there is National Socialism. With NS, there aren't parasites mooching off of the government, and you only earn socialist benefits if you are a productive member of society. Capitalism is a defective system in which everything is rigged towards big business. This is extremely evident in America with the huge social class gap. One only has to look at the Gilded Age in the 19th century to see capitalism in all of it's glory; business controlled hours, wages, government, etc. Capitalism wants to take away the power of the government, and give it all to the corporations. These capitalists also preach "social darwinism" which is a disgusting hybrid of Darwin's Theory of Evolution. They say that the more "superior" people make it in the world, and those that struggle are lesser. That is why Republicans are so openly opposed to socialist and progressive reforms. These progressive ideologies strip these closet communists of their control. And yes, I am aware of the argument that Democrats are also Jewish Fascists, I do not believe this for SEVERAL reasons, which I will not go into. The whole reason I am writing this is because I find it extremely dangerous that my teacher is not only teaching this poisonous ideology, but was able to with NO opposition. I seemed to be the only one that even understood what socialism truly is. I did not debate him because I am aware of the dangers of publicly declaring my support of National Socialism. But now 20+ people now have this venomous seed planted in their minds that socialism = bad, capitalism = good. I deeply fear for the future of not only my country and people, but of the world. I weep at the death and blasphemy of Father Satan and Adolf Hitler. I weep for this world and all of the poisoned souls therein. May one day the light of Satan shine into the souls of the damned and bring them knowledge.
'' Under Nazism, the government takes both then shoots you in the head ''. This sounds like communism, not Nazism. 
Your teacher has been brainwashed, sadly like the majority of the population.

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 06:12:32 -0800
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] My History "Teacher"

  My US History teacher is an uber Conservative Christian (commonly sources Fox News) and yesterday he was comparing capitalism to socialism, and why the latter is better. He gave an analogy that went like this: imagine you have two cows. Under capitalism, you sell them and make money. Under socialism, instead of selling the two cows, you give one to your neighbor instead. Under nazism, the government takes both then shoots you in the head. Now, I have SEVERAL problems with this analogy. One of which is the unbelievable broadness of it. Obviously there are several types of socialism and nazism. There is the more communist type of socialism which is Marxism, and then there is National Socialism. With NS, there aren't parasites mooching off of the government, and you only earn socialist benefits if you are a productive member of society. Capitalism is a defective system in which everything is rigged towards big business. This is extremely evident in America with the huge social class gap. One only has to look at the Gilded Age in the 19th century to see capitalism in all of it's glory; business controlled hours, wages, government, etc. Capitalism wants to take away the power of the government, and give it all to the corporations. These capitalists also preach "social darwinism" which is a disgusting hybrid of Darwin's Theory of Evolution. They say that the more "superior" people make it in the world, and those that struggle are lesser. That is why Republicans are so openly opposed to socialist and progressive reforms. These progressive ideologies strip these closet communists of their control. And yes, I am aware of the argument that Democrats are also Jewish Fascists, I do not believe this for SEVERAL reasons, which I will not go into. The whole reason I am writing this is because I find it extremely dangerous that my teacher is not only teaching this poisonous ideology, but was able to with NO opposition. I seemed to be the only one that even understood what socialism truly is. I did not debate him because I am aware of the dangers of publicly declaring my support of National Socialism. But now 20+ people now have this venomous seed planted in their minds that socialism = bad, capitalism = good. I deeply fear for the future of not only my country and people, but of the world. I weep at the death and blasphemy of Father Satan and Adolf Hitler. I weep for this world and all of the poisoned souls therein. May one day the light of Satan shine into the souls of the damned and bring them knowledge.

I had to write this reply for over 45 minutes and then, yahoo decided to get my message to 'disappear' to thin air. I will write this again, and fuck JHVH and the jews.

Your teacher is biased. I will prove this with many points below. You need to see things for yourself and do your own research. Many lies are told about Nazism. First of all, Lenin himself had said the following, that Socialism is a stage of communism. Socialism is basically what communism promises. They promise a better life for the worker, they promise the working class will be having better standards, they promise protection from the elite and it goes on and on. Historical studying leads us to a very certain point though. See North Korea nowdays, see China under Mao, see Communist Albania and finally USSR. All these started with the same "socialist" ideals and agenda, but their theories were nevertheless infested with Marxism and other ideals that could never make these manifest. Leave alone the persons and portraits of the whole revolution who were nothing but hoaxes themselves, that never did what they promise. The same thing you will see in all the above is big promises of worker's rights and other things, then total destruction of those and then the "elite" [who are the jews or their underhands] are stronger than they ever were and were no less powerful than "Gods".

Capitalism and Communism are of a second degree cousins, they don't seem like they are from the same family, but they are, even if it seems they are not first glance. Hiter knew this, I know it, Nazis knew it and its time that you know it aswell and comprehend it. To understand Nazism, you must understand the Historical concept of the time. Lies like "in Nazism you kill the two cows" are nonsense when one takes a scientific approach to things. To make the long analysis short, the 19th and 20th century were eras of massive industrialization and market expansion. In other words Humanity and states were faced with evolution that they were not ready to cope with. If they did or not and how is a whole other matter, but I will explain it all. Capitalism gives power to a select few who own bussinesses and have the "capital" as the kike marx said. These are most of the time jewish and at that time, most were jewish stockbrockers like the Rothchilds and other rich jewish families and lobbies. They played the side of capitalism and bore fruit from it, as they had used occult means to become rich and govern with this above others. So industrialization was the big dream of the jews, on one hand.

 They could have goy to work exactly as the Talmud and their Zionist Protocols say, and the bible. They live by this and gravitate by this in an unconscious and for those who know, conscious level. They could be masters at the top ruling with endless paper money and guiding the fate of nations through this in capitalism, then the next stage because paper money gives SOME power was to remove paper money in the Communist state, for they can have total control. With the production means in the state's expense and control, nobody could run a farm or disassosiate anyhow from the state. They belonged to the state like a cow. They were the cow themselves, them and the cow were ONE, and as the jews call us, one would be a GOY [animal]. As you can see, because people were being treated like trash and could not adjust to this transition, there was a need for the revolution to be more Humane. Then their kikes from the east were founded by these large pocket capitalists, to lie to the populace, manipulate it through "socialist" ideals and then create the second state of the World Jewish state, that when people were totally the slaves of the Goverment. This was one step AFTER Capitalism, as it worked on what Capitalism has caused. Their propagandists were spread in countries and by the use of money they funded all this propaganda. These reached Germany aswell but ultimately failed. What historical knowledge shows is that when the so called "socialist"/"marxist"/"communism" revolution has happened, not only things were not better, but where far worse for workers and generally all people who were not kikes and in the goverment. All the aforesaid people of the communist nations suffered in an untold manner.

You can see that Communism builds upon what Capitalism creates. They are not in anyway enemies and both serve the jews. Socialism is a joke and is a mere transition to communism in the long run. Your teacher is right by all means. Socialism says "if you have two cows give the one to thy neighboor" and xianity says "if you have two coats give the one to your neighboor". So basically, no matter what, you will never have more than 1 cow or coat and everyone will be living in a low living standard, without a say, without a word in society and without any real ability to be really free.
Nazism would not touch your 'cows' at all. Nazism would rather say "I will ensure everyone can get cows, not so many that nobody else can have, but many enough so that all can have their freedom in their own farm". Nazism let the rich thrive but also ensured that nobody would perish out of hunger and that nobody would be without the ABILITY to get further in life and live a better life. There were no social classes in Nazi Gemrany. Everyone was where they should be, provided to their ability and the more one provided and the more one gave the state, they would rise up higher to a MORAL ladder and not to a MONETARY ladder. The better life coming from money that comes from hard work, would come second to the MORAL upbringing of someone. So in other words, you wasn't how much money you made, you was how much you gave back to the volk. This embodies the perfect notion of Socialism [You will live humanely and work humanely, without becoming a slave to money] and then Nationalism [How much you give to the volk/state]. Also, Nazism would produce cows for people to own and have so that everyone would be pleased and keep measures if someone was trying to kill someone else's cows etc. Because he who moderates how many cows exist or how they should be handled, is the National Socialist state and not international market, stockbrookers, moneylenders and other predators. Do you now see how far behind goes National Socialism? This state had nothing to do neither with jewry, neither with xianity. Humanity and mutual support were not infested with seemingly "good" xian actions.

Nazism kept his promise of Socialism.

When in the 20th century people were working either like slave animals or didn't have work to do thanks to WWI and Capitalism, Hitler did something extraordinary. In the scope of few years, after a Germany was destroyed from the jewish WW1, Hitler managed to bring back to employment 6 million people that were unemployed. He then created spots of work so that people could work there with a nice income, that provided guarantee someone would live a great life. The Nazis gave the ordinary worker much power and untold benefits that were not found in the past, but only in the "upper classes"; a Car so they could travel all the great roads the people created, the Wolkswagen, a good salary that was enough for people to live, much free time in the day, trips inside the country or in other countries at the expense of the state as a gift to its people and other things such as wartime pension etc. Now all this, if the world knew how good it was and how Germans were infact one "Classless" volk that everyone did their job and ALSO had the ability to get a better life from the bottom to top by working [WHICH WAS REVOLUTIONARY AS IT DID NOT IN ANYWAY SUPPORT A "CLASS THEORY"] everyone would want this. Nobody would want capitalism and to work as a slave in the communist state or ideology. Nobody would want to be the slave of the jews. All the above was the Socialism end of Nazism and it was kept. Then, you have the Nationalist end. All this happened inside a nation, with its customs, territory and above all common Racial identity. The National part is what would allow Nations to have an internal economy that would be strong, so that moneylenders and predators could not feast on the work of the people or guide a Nation to destruction through money. In other words Nationalism ensured that the Nation would be autonomous and not in any system that would hyperinflate it or destroy it by other means. From the people, by the people.

Now we have to say something about the work camps, as liars keep lying about the evident. In the 20st century, Germany had to catch up with the world evolution in trading, commerce and catch up to the new market and means of production. This could not happen in any other way than to create Work Camps which it did. These work camps would have people to work there for the scope of some months, get paid, have activities inside the camp like swimming, theater, singing, football, painting etc. They were the means to improve and renegerate a country that was almost destroyed by WW1 and the means to create the new constructions needed for the evolution of the century. In Germany people there had rights and they were very happy that they now have had a job. Never were German work camps what the kikes have claimed. They were as Humane as they could possibly be and even more. There were books sold and other intellectual centers in the camps, discussions and so forth, athletics and the such.

Hitler though, fullfilling both  the National [Racial Purity] and the Socialist end [not allowing marketers to fuck over Germany to fill their jewish pockets] had to drive the jews out of Germany, as they infested the populace with ideas and practices that were ruining Germany from the inside out. They were the doctors and lawyers, higher upper 'class' for the most part and this cosmic Talmudic theory did not apply anymore to that Germany. So Hitler wanted to negotiate for the creation of a state where present day Israel is, to send the jews there. This had many purposes. For one, the people would see how jews are parasites and cannot live on their own and how atrocious and predatory they are as people. It can be seen today in present day Israel that bombs hospitals and kindergartens instead of the Hellzbolah. Then this state would attract the jews from all over the world and the people would slowly start to see how the jews used other countries to benefit their own state and the jewish race. This again has happened today. This would all, in Hitler's mind, tie into what Nazism has already proclaimed them to be and finally, people would know and eventually seek the destruction of these hateful people. The jews knew all too well that if revealed and if their hidden agenda was made known to the populace, their days of parasitism were over with and so were they.

So until this was possible, some jews were put to labor camps to work like any other German who worked there, until they could leave to grounds of Palestine [ Haavara Agreement] or to Madagascar and have a new state of theirs there, with ALL THEIR INHERITANCES AND PERSONAL FORTUNE. There are many reports from the camp jews that claim they would paint, that their children were taken care of, having toys and the kindergarten and that they were quite alright in the camps, infact more alright than they could imagine. But their Talmudic, Zionist, Biblical rules DO NOT WANT A JEW TO WORK IN SUCH WAY. IT WAS LIKE HITLER PUT THE "CHOSEN ONES" TO WORK and as they let us know in their Protocols of Zion and their Bible and their Talmud, a jew is never meant to work. He is "meant" to be a master, appointed by the kike god "jhvh" and All of us GOY [animals] are to be his slaves and work for him. So the jews inside the labor camps, the jews of capitalism, the jews of Russia, all were getting attacked in their root. They would slowly be removed from Eurore and then the world, in a peaceful manner and then we the "goy" would live a sound life, all in our countries. The jews hadn't built an empire of parasitizm to go down as such. For that reason they all launched a global campaign of lies, misinformation, anti-Nazism and because as time progressed, Gentiles started disregarding them and nevertheless gravitating to create and copy Hitler's state and be free in the own right, they caused WW2.

In closing the only real state that actually had "Socialism" in it that was honest and True, was the Nazi state. All other forms of socialism nowadays have crumbled and so has Nationalism on its own, because the jews from either side do the pull and push game to keep everyone in the darkness, with lies like your teacher told you, unscientific and without any historical regard, just plain emotion to serve the jews because everyone is subliminally programmed by the programs of the enemy to do the same exact thing.

So who "KILLS YOU AND TAKES BOTH OF YOUR COWS" is Communism. He who tells you to keep one cow and give the other [so you never have enough and soon be conditioned for the coming up "take all the cows and give them away] is Socialism. He who puts all the cows into the hands of a chosen few, but yet gives fake promises that you can have cows for yourself, then lends you 1 and asks you for 5 after the loan is over, is Capitalism. Then turns you over to some kike that promises that he will give everyone cows and take the cows of the rich, which is Socialism again. Then Socialism escalates by swindle to Communism and says that "The state will keep all the cows to keep you from infighting". Idiots believe it. Communism advanced and its he who puts the cows of all people and kills all people who have any say on it is again Communism and then when Communism climaxes, you don't even have a brain anymore to seek a cow, because you can never find it and because you are the cow yourself now.

Nazism is nothing of these. Step away from the propaganda. In Nazism the cows are given to those who work, everyone can have cows and the state makes sure there are always cows for everyone to have, so long they honestly work and help other people and the state. The cows are kept healthy and not in a way that they can become the reason for people to be adverse to one another. Then of course, we should stop obsessing over cows [money] because we are Human beings and we must be more than that. Thats Nazism in this silly paradigm. Its a balance. Its THE ONLY balance.

-High Priest Hooded  Cobra 666.
Thank you so much HP Hooded Cobra for taking the time to reply to my post! It really made my day :)
Man, you and I both feel the same way. Pissed off at hearing jewish poison to basically every satanic soul i.e. gentile people, on this planet, whether it be through movies, politics, now I know, college classrooms, hell even something as simple as a fucking football commercial.

My soul, and heart do too greave..
I've been so dam brainwashed.  Only very recently have I even started to become aware of the fact that what people think is Nazism or Communism or Capitalism is totally wrong.  Thanks for taking the time to write that!  I can use that to brake it all down.
Hail Satan
I'd also like to add a thaaaank youuu High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 in here. You're awesome.

Hail Father Satan!
If someone is writing a lengthy reply to ANYONE, and knows it is important, write it in MS Word first (or anywhere else where you can copy-paste it) so as to avoid such nastiness HP Hooded has experienced.

Jews are cunning, but so are we.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
