1. Many countries that were once white are now hinging on becoming fully black. A fact everyone is all too familiar with. I try my best to keep up with the white awareness ritual, but I still think it isn't enough. There must be something else that can be done. The more I see the decline of my race, the more distraught I feel.
Can these effects be reversed? Will there ever be another time as with Adolf Hitler when there were so many prosperous white families? The thought of my race being completely wiped out is one I can't bear. This is by far my biggest fear.
2. The amount of knowledge that was destroyed in the Library of Alexandria was unsurmountable. Will we ever gain this knowledge back? This leads me to the Babylonians and Egyptians, will we ever return to that time again? A time of knowledge, spirituality and open worship of Satan and the Gods?
3. The deterioration of our Earth is concerning. The amount of waste, the destruction of rain forests, woods, and rivers only to be replaced with cities or land fills is beyond dismaying. Astarte once referred to our Earth as her beautiful garden. Is it, still, a garden?
Perhaps these events could only be occurring in the US, I haven't looked into other countries. Regardless, this is still something I fear.
The following point is more of a personal matter and less related to humanity as a whole.
4. I'm concerned with the amount of time it has been taking for me to advance. I know full well that serious advancement isn't something that is attained within the span of a few months, it takes vigorous years of meditation and not a single day skipped. Even then, past lives can make or break this.
My concern lies in psychic ability. In my natal chart, there are multiple factors supporting intuition and natural psychic ability. I have yet to see any indications of this, even after recently using the meditations to open the clairaudience and clairvoyance points for roughly 40 days, I have not heard or seen anything out of the ordinary. I had two seizures when I was around nine years old. Could this contribute to my lack of advancement or am I doing something wrong?
I made this list because I want to put these fears to bed, I want to find some solace from all of you here. Surely, someone shares in my fears and possibly may have the answers I'm looking for. I hate to keep these things built up inside.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Can these effects be reversed? Will there ever be another time as with Adolf Hitler when there were so many prosperous white families? The thought of my race being completely wiped out is one I can't bear. This is by far my biggest fear.
2. The amount of knowledge that was destroyed in the Library of Alexandria was unsurmountable. Will we ever gain this knowledge back? This leads me to the Babylonians and Egyptians, will we ever return to that time again? A time of knowledge, spirituality and open worship of Satan and the Gods?
3. The deterioration of our Earth is concerning. The amount of waste, the destruction of rain forests, woods, and rivers only to be replaced with cities or land fills is beyond dismaying. Astarte once referred to our Earth as her beautiful garden. Is it, still, a garden?
Perhaps these events could only be occurring in the US, I haven't looked into other countries. Regardless, this is still something I fear.
The following point is more of a personal matter and less related to humanity as a whole.
4. I'm concerned with the amount of time it has been taking for me to advance. I know full well that serious advancement isn't something that is attained within the span of a few months, it takes vigorous years of meditation and not a single day skipped. Even then, past lives can make or break this.
My concern lies in psychic ability. In my natal chart, there are multiple factors supporting intuition and natural psychic ability. I have yet to see any indications of this, even after recently using the meditations to open the clairaudience and clairvoyance points for roughly 40 days, I have not heard or seen anything out of the ordinary. I had two seizures when I was around nine years old. Could this contribute to my lack of advancement or am I doing something wrong?
I made this list because I want to put these fears to bed, I want to find some solace from all of you here. Surely, someone shares in my fears and possibly may have the answers I'm looking for. I hate to keep these things built up inside.
Any advice would be appreciated.