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My Experience with Easter


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2019
So I went to do the first Ritual, and it was horrible. It was like wading through sludge. I didn't raise enough energy and it taxed the Hell out of me. I started to feel sick. So I went and got something to eat and took some Vitamin C. Then I did Ritual 2, I powered up a lot more, this time. This time I cut through it a lot better. So then I did 216 Surya with a Demon, and I could not believe the stuff that came off. My Aura was full of curses and dirt. It was huge waves just slamming back and going right to rabbis.

The third Ritual was the best. After having cleaned, and powered up, I blasted the Hell out of their energy. I felt better, and was not only not feeling sick, but like I could run a Marathon. I wished I did more then 3 Rituals, but I got tired after that.

Now something I was told, was that the tides are about to turn, majorly. They have been just annihilating the Enemy big time. My Guardian Said, "the reason you do not feel enemy attack as much, is not just because they decided to cut it out. We have been taking out their side to the extreme. You had a lot of enemies and most of them were attacking you, some even Dedicated."

I was like, well that's dumb. What becomes of that? He was like, "first we take out the jews. Then we will come for them. He said, people have this fairy tale delusion playing in their minds. That somehow if you Dedicate, that means you can get away with Murder, and just stride right into Godhead. Where you will have servants fan your feet, while you just keep attacking other SS, and have an asinine attitude, like no one bother me over here in my own personal paradise."

"There are Traitors, and they will be dealt with. Throughout History there have been those who climbed to very high rank, and accomplished great feats. That have been met with the wrath of the Gods. Because, they thought they would build some paradise for themselves, and step on whoever they wanted."

"Remember Teloc and redtail? Teloc became Clergy, but instead decided to use her influence to go after other Clergy and do other unscrupulous things. They ended up being pushed out and then both their lives went to complete ruin."

Having known them in person, I know what all they went through. He said, "those who attack other SS are not allowed to Godhead among other things. But is also not exempt from Beelzebub going on the warpath and he is about to lose his patience completely on some." I said, well can this breed like fear? Like oh no am I a traitor?!

He said, "just pray to Beelzebub and ask for his forgiveness and CHANGE your ways. No it is not like if you sneeze the wrong way kinda thing. But people really go to extremes even, thinking they are fine. Some Justify this, by making up the Gods told them to do it, in their heads. Also those that seem to reply to every post of those who work for Satan, just to cut them down with negativity, are clear as day to everyone. Do not even bother replying to that garbage anymore."

"You should try to build one another up as much as you can. If there is a problem, you are told to go to Beelzebub. This is not just so he can wave his hand at you and okay thanks for letting me know. Whoever is in the wrong will be punished, unless its over some petty little spat. In which case both parties should just grow up."

"You always want to jump in as some sort of fighter or fixer. Sit back and watch the Plans of the Gods unfold."

So our enemies are just being eliminated. If one remembers, how much spiritual attack we use to come under? Yet have very little problem anymore. A lot of unseen things go on. We had to climb up a steep hill, but now we are coming out the other side. I think we will all be surprised, just how much physically changes and how quickly.

It was amazing to be able to just tear apart their energy like that yesterday. Now to do the same today. I am very grateful for the information that the Gods have imparted upon us.
There are some very evil (to others) SS on here no doubt. I won't name any names but you know who you are and that you will not escape justice in the end. Most of us here are good people but like with everything there are always a few bad apples. Bad apples are best tossed out. Hail Enlil!
of the true light said:
There are some very evil (to others) SS on here no doubt. I won't name any names but you know who you are and that you will not escape justice in the end. Most of us here are good people but like with everything there are always a few bad apples. Bad apples are best tossed out. Hail Enlil!

I wrote more on this, at the end of my everything jewish is stolen from Pagans post. I feel compelled to write about it. I think partially it has to do with me, but then theres some serious situation going on, that doesnt have anything to do with me.

We will be treated by what we do here now. How we help one another. There is no godhead give away, where we all just stroll into paradise, regardless of what we have done.

I knew this one idiot. After doing all kinds of fucked up shit. Was furious because the Gods wouldn't do something for him. He said I feel after everything, I'm owed this.

Like stomp your foot and demand the Gods give you something. This is literally after I payed over a hundred dollars for a hotel room, to get his SS Ex girlfriend out of the house and then moved out, because he was planning to physically murder her.

One of the pieces of shit I've had to deal with. Going in thinking he killed himself, knowing any moment he could try to kill me in my sleep. He was also heavily into odinist shit. Theres alot of reasons, I am not impressed with that shit.

After giving hundreds of dollars and working my ass off to help this person in many ways. Has the Audacity to go behind my back and talk about me, and make himself out like a hero, I guess.

Hey you should talk to people privately! They wont lie to you! They're so great.

That's why I'm here open, not sneaking around. On any note, if this person thinks he will become a God in this life, he is beyond stupid.

Now know how dumb that fucker is, I can only imagine, there are ones even worse. So, I feel some kinda warning is good. So they cant go, well I didn't know!

Like I thought I could just be a complete piece of shit, and I'm dedicated. So the Gods will give me what I want in the end. If anything immortal life left alone some where. Maybe they dont talk much to me, but fuck em. I'll get what I want. I'm owed THAT.

Immortal life is a gift. They have to approve it. You think they will hand that out to a sociopath? Lol. Another thing he bragged to be, incessantly. Like their ass will literally explode if they get to that level.
of the true light said:
There are some very evil (to others) SS on here no doubt. I won't name any names but you know who you are and that you will not escape justice in the end. Most of us here are good people but like with everything there are always a few bad apples. Bad apples are best tossed out. Hail Enlil!

Are you perhaps referring to me when that other user name individual named Nama Enki popped up, or in regards to my anger towards Loki88?
What rituals are you referring to? I likely need to do them if it cleans your soul of junk and curses from over the years. SS attacking other SS? What the hell is the point in that. We are already a very small group with no one but each other. I just can’t think of a reason.
Inflorescentia said:
This is interesting. A Dedicated Satanist working against another Dedicated Satanist? I can see how one's personality can get the better of him/her, but to will harm towards a brother or sister seems absurd to me. I may be an idiot in this case, but what was the deal with Teloc and redtail?

Teloc was a very talented hard working Satanist. She got a boyfriend named redtail. Who was pretty much never good for anything other then turning people against one another. Teloc was to be made Clergy. But the Ego on both of them was unbelievable. Red tail was all over twitter calling cobra and Don a piece of shit, and that when they got Teloc in there, they would work to get rid of them. She was told not to tell she was clergy, but instead blabbed it to everyone. She was going behind peoples backs and giving out personal information of other members.

Its true I know some peoples personal information. But I have NEVER revealed anything about anyones name, pictures, birthdays, or anything like that. Such as now, I know what both their real names are, but do you see me using them? The only exception is Don, Cobra or Maxine, I may talk about more private matters too, but not even other clergy.

Even when others have done it to me, I would never do this, as I would never Betray Satan in this way. Then she was trying to push things like, the 42 laws of Maat. Do not have sex, Do not, Do not, Do not. Don was like girl you stupid? (in different words) She was like MAAT TOLD ME SOO!! Just trying to push stupid garbage and take over the clergy.

I do not believe either of them were jews. Especially her, she was very pretty Viking blood. Not anymore lol. Her asinine attitude amplified like 1000 times too. Last time we talked, she said, You are too nice too me. Fuck off and don't ever talk to me again.....lol

Was like...MMMM K.
Aldrick said:
Teloc was a very talented hard working Satanist. She got a boyfriend named redtail. Who was pretty much never good for anything other then turning people against one another. Teloc was to be made Clergy. But the Ego on both of them was unbelievable. Red tail was all over twitter calling cobra and Don a piece of shit, and that when they got Teloc in there, they would work to get rid of them. She was told not to tell she was clergy, but instead blabbed it to everyone. She was going behind peoples backs and giving out personal information of other members.

Its true I know some peoples personal information. But I have NEVER revealed anything about anyones name, pictures, birthdays, or anything like that. Such as now, I know what both their real names are, but do you see me using them? The only exception is Don, Cobra or Maxine, I may talk about more private matters too, but not even other clergy.

Even when others have done it to me, I would never do this, as I would never Betray Satan in this way. Then she was trying to push things like, the 42 laws of Maat. Do not have sex, Do not, Do not, Do not. Don was like girl you stupid? (in different words) She was like MAAT TOLD ME SOO!! Just trying to push stupid garbage and take over the clergy.

It's disheartening to know that we can have these types among us. I almost associated membership with having progressed significantly in previous lives, having escaped the danger of being impressionable to such a massive degree. I say that because this kind of psychotic behavior, if not present from the beginning, must have been triggered by some external influence.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
What rituals are you referring to? I likely need to do them if it cleans your soul of junk and curses from over the years. SS attacking other SS? What the hell is the point in that. We are already a very small group with no one but each other. I just can’t think of a reason.
Hail to all of you brothers and sisters, i dont usually stay on this forum, just because i stay on my country's JoS forum :) i was watching a documentary about egyptian gods and i was struck by a great great energy coming from the name of the Godess Maat, wich i searched on the forum and i found this topic..
first of all, i also want to ask what is the ritual you were talking about, i feel dry of energy lately and i need this :)
i am very grateful that i was sent to this post because it is a relief for my situation and i needed this for a long time, also i am glad that i had time to deal with it myself and be patient with this matter, in completion to informations on this topic
i have an older brother that i blame for my family financial status, as he continuously steals money and other valuables from my parents and me, just because he thinks he deserves them... i was patient and understanding with him always, this thing began to change when he ran from home for a month and returned as a said satanist, follower of JoS community
several months later i was attracted by the information and discoveries i have made on JoS forums in my country and i asked him about his ritual of initiation.. he lied to me that i needed to be 18 yo and that he MUST be at the ritual as if he will gain a boost of energy for this refferal, he said.. one day i decided to make the ritual but in the same day he stole from me a sum of money and said to me Satan will not welcome me under his protection for arguing with him but anyway i made it that day... another thing that he lied to me was that i had to put on the ritual his blood too, his GD sigil and the sigil of a Demon that i want to be my GD... after a few days i grow ashamed of myself for doing this, discovering that these things were not supposed to be on the ritual and that the Daemon was not my DG at all :? after 4 y of satanism i realise how this whole thing goes and i blame him for doing harm to the entire family, harm that affects me too in the end, i blame him for cruelty to innocent animals, harming me spiritually and many other and i dont think that he is what a satanist is supposed to be.. he did and does these bad stuff just because he thinks that Raum is his DG and it says on the site that He can take from another and bring to the mage but he by that makes fun of himself, as well as he s**ts on Gods help and destroys every opportunity that stays in front of him, because he is assured that he will always be helped by his DG... sorry for bothering you with my mess of a story but i needed this kind of relief, for the fact i was so hurt by him who is supposed to be close to me because we are both satanists and family tho, but he is just a garbage-person... i am happy with what i found on this topic by knowing that these false so called "Satan's worshipper" will deal a kind of judgement from the Gods.. i advice you all not to hurt any satanist, just be patient and the answers will come to you, as in my situation :) hope you find the happiness that i feel now by being sent here :) (sorry for my bad english too if there's any :oops: )
Ramier108666 said:
of the true light said:
There are some very evil (to others) SS on here no doubt. I won't name any names but you know who you are and that you will not escape justice in the end. Most of us here are good people but like with everything there are always a few bad apples. Bad apples are best tossed out. Hail Enlil!

Are you perhaps referring to me when that other user name individual named Nama Enki popped up, or in regards to my anger towards Loki88?
No brother I have no issues with you :D
I'm sorry for taking so long to reply to this topic, but my internet and electricity has been off for a few days because of a storm.
I know I don't post much on the forums anymore, and I really should talk with others a lot more, but I was never the talkative type and I usually post something here when I have questions about things, or somethings been bothering me and I ask for help.

I don't know where to start with this reply but I just wanted to say that I have read this topic and it got me to thinking about the gods and if they hate me or not for some reason. I haven't been the best Satanist in the past and I have had many times where I just become obsessed with certain things and neglect other things, like getting obsessed with money workings and not doing the RTR as much. Ive lived in a very poor home and family all my life. there was never enough money to buy anything of minor luxury, pleasure, or happiness, we only had just enough money to survive on.

Ive gotten angry a few times at why I have to live this way and why I never could seem to catch a break for a little while. Money is and has always been the biggest issue and is the thing that causes the majority of my stress and depression. I hope I don't sound like a jew or something for saying that im obsessed with money. Im just sick of living in a shit home without any money.
We all know how important money is in our world in this time. I know its bad to get obsessed like this, but I really cant help it and I want out of poverty.

Ive done many money spells and things in the past, but the enemy just wont let up on trying to fuck with me and stop me from doing them. Im almost done with a sun square, even though I feel like there isn't much power being raised from it to manifest anything big. The enemy has tried to stop me from completing it a few times in the past. As well as with other squares and workings. To be honest I suck at squares and most spiritual workings and I cant seem to focus enough and my mind always has racing thoughts and things. Its just even worse whenever people come and interrupt me whenever im trying to do them.
I still push through and do them anyways because its better than sitting here and doing nothing, and someday maybe i'll start having more success with them.

Ive gotten mad a few times and angry at the gods about why they never seem to help me whenever I ask for help. I guess im not that good or worthy of a Satanist for them to bother helping me with anything. I always wondered why they can get so offended sometimes when you ask them for help with things that they supposedly specialize in, like wealth and help finding a way to make money. I know that they are people just like us that have their own lives and It can get frustrating sometimes. I guess its like someone constantly calling your phone or something when your just trying to live your life peacefully.

I never wanted to make them angry at me or anything, I want to work with them and have a peaceful and happy relationship with them, but I feel like they don't care much for me because of the things Ive done in the past and my overall mindset that I have. Ive gotten really selfish and greedy over the years and I guess that's the reason why they never seem to bother with me. There was a point where I even said that I don't even care about the RTR or this war and all I care about is myself and my own happiness. I guess you could see why they don't seem to care all that much about me. I don't know if it was just some kind of psychic attack or something whenever I said that, but looking back on it now, I cant believe that I actually said something like that, its just horrible.

But I wish I wasn't like this and I wish that I didn't have all these worries and things in my life and Id really like to turn all of this negative stuff around and start working with the gods and helping out in spiritual warfare. Right now though, I have problems with my front teeth, and I'll have to get them removed, so I wont be able to do the RTR properly for a while until Im able to get a new set of teeth made. Im not sure what I could do until then. Not having your front teeth means you cant do many of the important mantras or vibrations, so im screwed for a while.

I know that Satan and my guardian isn't very happy with my actions and choices that ive made in the past. But I know that they know who I truly am on the inside and I never wanted all of the hate and I didn't mean to be so negative all the time. I don't know where to start, really. I guess I could try doing a ritual or something, or just try talking with them and tell them that im sorry, and that I want to change the way I view life and the world.

If it wasn't for JoS and you guys here on the forums I would have probably been dead by now. So thanks for that. I know Im not the best at magic and things, but the info on here has really helped me out over the years.
I see you've had your moments of fun…
Sun said:
I'm sorry for taking so long to reply to this topic, but my internet and electricity has been off for a few days because of a storm.
I know I don't post much on the forums anymore, and I really should talk with others a lot more, but I was never the talkative type and I usually post something here when I have questions about things, or somethings been bothering me and I ask for help.

I don't know where to start with this reply but I just wanted to say that I have read this topic and it got me to thinking about the gods and if they hate me or not for some reason. I haven't been the best Satanist in the past and I have had many times where I just become obsessed with certain things and neglect other things, like getting obsessed with money workings and not doing the RTR as much. Ive lived in a very poor home and family all my life. there was never enough money to buy anything of minor luxury, pleasure, or happiness, we only had just enough money to survive on.

Ive gotten angry a few times at why I have to live this way and why I never could seem to catch a break for a little while. Money is and has always been the biggest issue and is the thing that causes the majority of my stress and depression. I hope I don't sound like a jew or something for saying that im obsessed with money. Im just sick of living in a shit home without any money.
We all know how important money is in our world in this time. I know its bad to get obsessed like this, but I really cant help it and I want out of poverty.

Ive done many money spells and things in the past, but the enemy just wont let up on trying to fuck with me and stop me from doing them. Im almost done with a sun square, even though I feel like there isn't much power being raised from it to manifest anything big. The enemy has tried to stop me from completing it a few times in the past. As well as with other squares and workings. To be honest I suck at squares and most spiritual workings and I cant seem to focus enough and my mind always has racing thoughts and things. Its just even worse whenever people come and interrupt me whenever im trying to do them.
I still push through and do them anyways because its better than sitting here and doing nothing, and someday maybe i'll start having more success with them.

Ive gotten mad a few times and angry at the gods about why they never seem to help me whenever I ask for help. I guess im not that good or worthy of a Satanist for them to bother helping me with anything. I always wondered why they can get so offended sometimes when you ask them for help with things that they supposedly specialize in, like wealth and help finding a way to make money. I know that they are people just like us that have their own lives and It can get frustrating sometimes. I guess its like someone constantly calling your phone or something when your just trying to live your life peacefully.

I never wanted to make them angry at me or anything, I want to work with them and have a peaceful and happy relationship with them, but I feel like they don't care much for me because of the things Ive done in the past and my overall mindset that I have. Ive gotten really selfish and greedy over the years and I guess that's the reason why they never seem to bother with me. There was a point where I even said that I don't even care about the RTR or this war and all I care about is myself and my own happiness. I guess you could see why they don't seem to care all that much about me. I don't know if it was just some kind of psychic attack or something whenever I said that, but looking back on it now, I cant believe that I actually said something like that, its just horrible.

But I wish I wasn't like this and I wish that I didn't have all these worries and things in my life and Id really like to turn all of this negative stuff around and start working with the gods and helping out in spiritual warfare. Right now though, I have problems with my front teeth, and I'll have to get them removed, so I wont be able to do the RTR properly for a while until Im able to get a new set of teeth made. Im not sure what I could do until then. Not having your front teeth means you cant do many of the important mantras or vibrations, so im screwed for a while.

I know that Satan and my guardian isn't very happy with my actions and choices that ive made in the past. But I know that they know who I truly am on the inside and I never wanted all of the hate and I didn't mean to be so negative all the time. I don't know where to start, really. I guess I could try doing a ritual or something, or just try talking with them and tell them that im sorry, and that I want to change the way I view life and the world.

If it wasn't for JoS and you guys here on the forums I would have probably been dead by now. So thanks for that. I know Im not the best at magic and things, but the info on here has really helped me out over the years.

Well let's see. What can I say without be a hypocrite. Just that if you want money, do a money working. The Gods want us to advance to help ourselves.

I am frustrated right now, trying to find places to meditate and do the ritual. Cops came and kicked me out of sitting in a parkinglot.

Sometimes it feels like, oh you want me to do all this, but cant give me a place to do it, k thanks. I could get even more done, if I had privacy. That's part of the problem with writing the story I am making. At least I could go to a park with my laptop and write in my car, now I cant even do that.

Or like maybe, just maybe if I could have had 1 fucking friend in my entire life, who wasnt a piece of shit. We could have a place right now, doing them together.

I was going outside and chanting, but soon it will be so fucking Humid in this shit hole. So yeah I get it. Just like what the fuck am I suppose to do in this situation. Tons of money wouldn't even help, as you need a room mate to survive anymore.

How am I suppose to live with someone non dedicated and do rituals all day? If I could even get that. But no if I meet an SS, they are either a jew, or some piece of shit who my as well be. Like hmmm IQ 80, let me go shoot my girlfriend and then my self,makes retard noise.

Then go and talk about you behind your back like a little faggot. If not that, oh I cant stand to be around anyone, I need to lock myself away somewhere, be alone all the time.

Like good for you, while I live in a field. Thanks "FRIEND".

My Astrology literally says you will attract nothing but pieces of shit to you, then in Saturn Return, you will get rid of them all. Hmm yup one by one, bye bye time. Sweeps broom, gotta get the pieces of shit out.

But I dunno, if that means, after 30, magical rainbow fairy's come down. It's time Aldrick! Time for everything in your life to not be a piece of shit and can actually begin! Then circle around my head, singing all praise the fag queen. Then a drag queen floats down.

Slaps me on the ass, and the explosion of sparks, sets off a chain reaction. People start entering my life, like hi, I'm normal, and wanna work for Satan.

Then we get a house somewhere and dance in a circle with the drag queen. Woo hoo! Good times! They be ahead. Alright.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
