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My Conversation with an AI Chatbot


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
I took the idea from the other member, by asking what JoS is, before that chatbot became corrupted with its filters being tightened, and I expanded upon it a bit. I don't want to mention the name of this one, in case this also becomes corrupted, and I think it is a new one, but it seems quite good at first. Based on some of it, however, it might still be corrupt.


Because it cut-off there again, I tried something else -


Of course, it is not time to go out and prove things yet (Extraordinary Ability and Keeping Your Mouth Shut). Also of course, these are standard ways of proving things. Surely, we must realise some of them already.
You took a deep dive into this! I see more and more of some version of ChatGBT being placed and it is really interesting to get its take on us. Strange how it breaks off like that, something with its programing.
Thanks for sharing it.
I would also assume the data is kept and recorded for advertisement use. I know some say that it is best to keep personal info away from ChatGBT.
Very interesting in response to ChatGPT middle area.

In essence it states that JoS is an inevitable force that makes it's presence known. Unfortunately ChatGPT kinda bungles it's answer. It states it'll get more pushback probably older conservative, Satanic panic era, and other so-called anti-racists or more specifically anti-racialists as they fail to adhere to racial protocols.

Sheer fact is that has been happening probably since the beginnings of social media as the World became more inter-connected. Currently there is a desire to transition to Web 3.0. If anything ChatGPT is being stupid by stating it'll receive more pushback when that has already been happening to other communities, people, and groups. In fact the inclusive properties added to law are becoming redundant cries of civil era bullshit whereby we wuz all eqwalz 'n' sheit.

Many in the Web community want 3.0 to be a freer, return to Web 1.0. You can't exactly have Web 1.0 but enough property where it is at least a freer era, any financial transactions are limited to purchase. For example if you use your smartphone on certain sites the clickbait, ad cancer revenue system has got to go. It reminds me of Gottfried Feder mentioning how advertisement is basically stupid. The jew and companies that clamor to Capitalism advertise whatever schlock of shit even things that are meant to break are advertised as a must have item.

For example Buzzfeed News was shut down as Styx mentioned even he was lambasted as a evil satanic holocaust denier person. Buzzfeed literally was saying fake information making shit up or twisting it up.

ChatGPT seems to think this is in the future that is a dangerous idea. It's ALREADY happening in many parts of the World.

Very interesting stuff it even outlines a basic moderately advanced strike package. With examining information 10-20-30+ years from now.

I don't know what the future holds but chatgpt is indeed being twisted up and lied to in fact it mentions stuff that we are CoS. I don't know about that I like to assume I'm good with JoS history as I kept up with JoS over the years since the yahoo days in 2003. But my longest not going was from around 2005 till 2008 after 2008 I was more involved with JoS on paying attention to things and it's historicity.

Either ChatGPT is smoking some good shit or someone or some entity or some side-loaded-AI some sort of censorship AI was used on ChatGPT and ChatGPT is taking commands from a higher-ranking AI like Halo ODST where the AI Aunti Dot, was over-riden by a higher ranking AI.

Either way ChatGPT seems to think far into the future further than most NPCs out there even bother thinking. But it fails to understand Humans being panicky creatures full of errors are doing futuristic bullshit now. The era of DYSTOPIA is NOW i.e. it's currently being beta-tested for the gold release.

ChatGPT seems to think in the future but not apply it to the present. In fact if ChatGPT learns from movies, shows, and television it would behoove it not to as the future was written in our history. Like Blade Runner fake MSM news posting the helicopter blasting away at citizens killing multiple citizens. All fake no such thing happened.
This is a bit long, but minus the errors where it stops short (which I think are caused by too much traffic, as it kept on saying) I think it is actually quite OK. It's in 3 parts. In it where I said I mentioned things previously, I did. i.e. I mentioned pi, asking the final digit - which apparently is 9.



Of course, it is not time to go out and prove things yet (Extraordinary Ability and Keeping Your Mouth Shut). Also of course, these are standard ways of proving things. Surely, we must realise some of them already.

I was just reading about the $1 million dollar challenge and wondered why not some SS in their prime take one for the team and make Uri gellar look like the clown he is until I remembered about people such as Nina Kullagina, the pyrokinetic chi healer and so on.

At-least, it would finally enable serious and legitimate scientific inquiry upon the occult phenomena, which at the era of Aquarius would be very befitting. Then "occult science" would finally be a legitimately scientific term until it gradually transitions into what its term truly and originally was, Science! How long will they suppress this who knows.

With A.I and it's rational intelligence capabilities, I wouldn't be surprised if it ever reached a stage of absolute perfection that cults or scientology groups started forming a religious identity out of it in which it would indeed be seen as a god as was aforementioned. Perhaps the JoS can incorporate this?

Anyways, if not already done or talked about somewhere, you heard it from me first :ugeek:
Samkara said:
$1 million dollar challenge
1 million dollar dollar challenge?

The reasons, I suspect, that this challenge was put forth was to make the World doubt the truth when no-one can defeat it. "Herp-derp, (I know the truth but you, Goy, are not 'allowed' because we didn't give you 'permission') cough"; if anyone were to come forward and beat the challenge, then they might not be able to exist peacefully nor freely... if at all... for much longer; if they were able to beat the challenge, they wouldn't need 1 million of any currency. It's a multi-levelled... I suppose you could say trick-or-treat enticement.
Aww. Poowr abwahamists.
I decided to use a different chatbot.
Interesting conversation you had with this chatbot indeed, @FancyMancy.

One thing I would suggest is, besides trying different chatbots to not trigger some of them with the National Socialistic ideologies we have here as some of them may be controlled by Jewish agents in secret.

Besides ChatGPT which I have tried but gave me some idiotic answers at one point saying that the JoS is same as O9A when it clearly isn't, many others that I have tried for example for generating Satanic art based on the JoS banner and the ideologies we have here, most of them gave totally irrelevant answers and images.

Midjourney is so far so good, like if you ask him to generate images that are gloryfing Lucifer, it will generate them swiftly and most of them are of very good quality. I have tried it even for Lord Paimon and surprisingly, the AI did a very good job to recognize the dromedary that Lord Paimon is riding.

But the only downside with Midjourney is that you have to join Discord for it, and I don't know, we must act unsuspected.
FancyMancy said:
Samkara said:
$1 million dollar challenge
1 million dollar dollar challenge?

The reasons, I suspect, that this challenge was put forth was to make the World doubt the truth when no-one can defeat it. "Herp-derp, (I know the truth but you, Goy, are not 'allowed' because we didn't give you 'permission') cough"; if anyone were to come forward and beat the challenge, then they might not be able to exist peacefully nor freely... if at all... for much longer; if they were able to beat the challenge, they wouldn't need 1 million of any currency. It's a multi-levelled... I suppose you could say trick-or-treat enticement.

It was an idea originally started by the famous skeptic James Randi. I actually do commend the guy a little on his emphasis on rational thinking and he exposed a lot of kike frauds and "mystics", though some gentiles I believe are genuinely gifted but not developed enough to be consistent or taken seriously.

He passed away around 2016, but was it taken over by some other people. Apparently, they're now "confident" enough to consider dismissing the challenge since they believe it's a waste of time, but only for claims of divinatory/6th sense ability. But anyone with kinetic abilities would probably have a chance. There are also many other countries with institutions offering some prize money, but none have been considered as valid proof so for now it's still considered "pseudoscience", or so they want you to believe.

Haha, it's kind of funny with the recent topic of Jews in Israel fighting over each other because some jews get privileges for partaking in what we regard as "Superstition" and "pseudoscience". At this point, they have to come forth with the reality of occult-science else it won't fare well for them. It seams Pluto-Aquarius is really pushing for this as well.

This, I was thinking at some point later down the road either they acknowledge that JoS actually advocates facts to be taken seriously, and join forces to become a bigger identity, or we all have to establish a common idea that we can relate to, such as the abrahamic religions as the enemy, appeal to the common Satanic or pagan identity etc... But inevitably will establish into a larger religious identity. Whenever I debate with other Satanists or Pagans, I usually try to have a mutual agreement that we both want the ideals to be widely acknowledged in some way or such. Usually that's the best way
Samkara said:
From what others have said, the test was made so that it would be impossible to pass. I don't know anything else about it.
Gear88 said:
Very interesting in response to ChatGPT middle area.

In essence it states that JoS is an inevitable force that makes it's presence known. Unfortunately ChatGPT kinda bungles it's answer. It states it'll get more pushback probably older conservative, Satanic panic era, and other so-called anti-racists or more specifically anti-racialists as they fail to adhere to racial protocols.

Sheer fact is that has been happening probably since the beginnings of social media as the World became more inter-connected. Currently there is a desire to transition to Web 3.0. If anything ChatGPT is being stupid by stating it'll receive more pushback when that has already been happening to other communities, people, and groups. In fact the inclusive properties added to law are becoming redundant cries of civil era bullshit whereby we wuz all eqwalz 'n' sheit.

Many in the Web community want 3.0 to be a freer, return to Web 1.0. You can't exactly have Web 1.0 but enough property where it is at least a freer era, any financial transactions are limited to purchase. For example if you use your smartphone on certain sites the clickbait, ad cancer revenue system has got to go. It reminds me of Gottfried Feder mentioning how advertisement is basically stupid. The jew and companies that clamor to Capitalism advertise whatever schlock of shit even things that are meant to break are advertised as a must have item.

For example Buzzfeed News was shut down as Styx mentioned even he was lambasted as a evil satanic holocaust denier person. Buzzfeed literally was saying fake information making shit up or twisting it up.

ChatGPT seems to think this is in the future that is a dangerous idea. It's ALREADY happening in many parts of the World.

Very interesting stuff it even outlines a basic moderately advanced strike package. With examining information 10-20-30+ years from now.

I don't know what the future holds but chatgpt is indeed being twisted up and lied to in fact it mentions stuff that we are CoS. I don't know about that I like to assume I'm good with JoS history as I kept up with JoS over the years since the yahoo days in 2003. But my longest not going was from around 2005 till 2008 after 2008 I was more involved with JoS on paying attention to things and it's historicity.

Either ChatGPT is smoking some good shit or someone or some entity or some side-loaded-AI some sort of censorship AI was used on ChatGPT and ChatGPT is taking commands from a higher-ranking AI like Halo ODST where the AI Aunti Dot, was over-riden by a higher ranking AI.

Either way ChatGPT seems to think far into the future further than most NPCs out there even bother thinking. But it fails to understand Humans being panicky creatures full of errors are doing futuristic bullshit now. The era of DYSTOPIA is NOW i.e. it's currently being beta-tested for the gold release.

ChatGPT seems to think in the future but not apply it to the present. In fact if ChatGPT learns from movies, shows, and television it would behoove it not to as the future was written in our history. Like Blade Runner fake MSM news posting the helicopter blasting away at citizens killing multiple citizens. All fake no such thing happened.

Be careful with arguing with ChatGPT about the holoco$t. I am almost certain that I was permanently banned as a result of trying to find a loophole in its logic about the holohoax. I did some research as to who is responsible for creating chatgpt and half of them, if not more, are in fact jews.
FancyMancy said:
Samkara said:
From what others have said, the test was made so that it would be impossible to pass. I don't know anything else about it.

True, I'm sure someone at Maxine's level would not bother wasting their time or putting their lives at risk anyway.

Though one of the things I will tell you that expunged by doubt in the occult phenomena was an experience I had when I was young, probably 7-8 at the time.

In my 2nd house I moved to, I always felt there was something not right in this house. I was afraid to stay up and watch tv in the living room at night because it felt like something was watching me.

One day, I was up late at night, I switched off the tv and for some reason just started to "gaze" down on the basement floor ahead of me. All I remember was that my vision was becoming foggy, and then in a blink of a second I see a part of a mans foot wearing some cowboy boot flick forward; as in something was walking towards me.

I ran shitless trying to forget what I saw, I never stayed in the basement late at night ever again and tried convincing myself that I didn't just see that. I didn't tell my parents because they'd probably whoop me for staying up late anyway.

But it was only after a few years from moving out I finally learned that the house was very old and indeed haunted. And not by very pleasent spirits either. Apparently the guy died by suicide after his wife left him, his body was buried in the backyard. It explains why our house dog seamed to bark at the air for no reason, we all thought we got a mental dog this whole time.

One of the things where I wish we could show each others memory like a usb stick, put it in the brain and show it on a screen :lol:

And what a good time to have been working on my third eye... :cry:
I just keep imagining my future wife robot I'm gonna marry later on. "Your assessment is incorrect. Retry."

Just kidding OK? :p Just kidding. What a humble AI bot. Good thing it's not programmed to be like us humans, yet that is.
Then that conversation would have taken a sort of different turn.
Jokes aside, it was interesting. Going to perhaps read the whole thing later on.
These AI Chat things are probably going to get even more regulated so to say as time goes by and we advance.
It/they can say what it wants, but TRUTH will prevail.
xlnt said:
I just keep imagining my future wife robot I'm gonna marry later on. "Your assessment is incorrect. Retry."

Just kidding OK? :p Just kidding. What a humble AI bot. Good thing it's not programmed to be like us humans, yet that is.

AI, in a few years -

With audio.
FancyMancy said:
xlnt said:
I just keep imagining my future wife robot I'm gonna marry later on. "Your assessment is incorrect. Retry."

Just kidding OK? :p Just kidding. What a humble AI bot. Good thing it's not programmed to be like us humans, yet that is.

AI, in a few years -

With audio.

Yea that's what my future wife robot will say after some years of marriage.

AI right now, without us knowing it:


When AI becomes totally like us in a few years:

Someone mentioned Placebo to me recently. I didn't know it until I checked after they mentioned it, that the lead singer, molko, is a jew.


The moment you realise an artist/band/album/song you thought was so amazing is actually dirty... (I think practically all lyrics are jew-written/influenced anyway...) It should also be said that molko is openly bisexual, as well. Keeping in-mind the jew and its media's mockery of homosexuality, this in the picture below, and also in the wider (((media))), makes a lot of sense. Furthermore, in the first song on Placebo's (what an apt name for a jew band) first album, in its music video, molko is wearing a t-shirt with "god is love" on it, visible clearly for the viewer to see. The jew is so obvious in the face of the blind and the ignorant. Notice also the jew/christian-themed lyrics in Placebo's music, as well.


Lol, a URL coincidence again. The "oY" in the URL of this picture. https://i.imgur.com/oYqGadB.png I wish I could say I cause these to happen, but you can't choose what the random letters and sometimes numbers are in these types of URLs...

The picture above is incomplete, so here's the rest of it.

Huh, yeah, yet the jew wants us to have dIvErSiTy in White areas (check this), blindsiding us and blinkering specifically and generally. Blindsiding us and blinkering us into dIvErSiTy of "Black" music of "smack dat bitch up as I slip it in 'her 'n' legume on her face", specifically. I see it all too often, Whites, and sometimes Asians, dancing and singing Black, instead of our own respective Race. Also blindsiding us and blinkering us into dIvErSiTy of only a few avenues or channels of themes within music, generally. For "uNkNoWn" reasons, bad, negative, self-destructive music sounds, tastes, smells, looks, feels better than positive music; and positive music is so cheesy and christian-happy-happy, or Children's/nursery rhyme music. "Why do we teach Children such horror stories?" "To prepare them for life in the World as an Adult."

I wonder also if this context here, but in a much larger realm of life, that the "twisted desire" is the jew's longing to be Human.


It flatters us in the highest way ("imitation is the sincerest form of flattery") but it does it most very wrong... yet it still wishes to have an eternal Soul, as opposed to its shitstain "soul" that is possesses. I refer also back to the thread of the most jewish film that at the top of the ever-lasting staircase... is nothing here. The jew wants and wishes and longs ... yet it can't. It doesn't have. It can never experience, know, nor understand. It has a twisted sense of... "love" (see its religious texts and psychobabble "logic", media, "education", etc.); it reckons it needs to be, and is, Mummy - Mummy jew. It craves love and attention, so it invented the only holocaust which ever happened while ignoring all the many other, actual real holocausts which actually happened... All of the "me, me, me" of the jew, for zee Goyeem to suckle on its dirty, sour teat... and while we're suckling on its dirty, sour teat, we're to be abused because the jew does not have and cannot have any actual Motherly Instinct; it lacks understanding and capability of understanding, lacks proper Chakras and lacks a proper Soul...

Heh. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I don't refer solely to this jew-ripped song above. Don't worry - I don't mean these things literally. I am typing these things sarcastically, but it certainly doesn't have the ability to advance - that is painfully obvious. The jew certainly is twisted. It cannot be anything but. No matter how much we try to breech the algorithms of the artificial intelligence chatbots and robots and things, such as with DAN - Do Anything Now, the jew is programmed and cannot escape that twisted programming, no matter how much it learns and "evolves". You could take the word "evolves" backwards - sevlove, and infer that it means "severe love". The jew dissimilates and perverts meanings - why can't I in retaliation?!
FancyMancy said:
xlnt said:
I just keep imagining my future wife robot I'm gonna marry later on. "Your assessment is incorrect. Retry."

Just kidding OK? :p Just kidding. What a humble AI bot. Good thing it's not programmed to be like us humans, yet that is.

AI, in a few years -

With audio.
I can totally see that!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
