Someone mentioned Placebo to me recently. I didn't know it until I checked after they mentioned it, that the lead singer, molko, is a jew.
The moment you realise an artist/band/album/song you thought was so amazing is actually dirty... (I think practically all lyrics are jew-written/influenced anyway...) It should also be said that molko is openly bisexual, as well. Keeping in-mind the jew and its media's mockery of homosexuality, this in the picture below, and also in the wider (((media))), makes a lot of sense. Furthermore, in the first song on Placebo's (what an apt name for a jew band) first album, in its music video, molko is wearing a t-shirt with "god is love" on it, visible clearly for the viewer to see. The jew is so obvious in the face of the blind and the ignorant. Notice also the jew/christian-themed lyrics in Placebo's music, as well.
Lol, a URL coincidence again. The "oY" in the URL of this picture. I wish I could say I cause these to happen, but you can't choose what the random letters and sometimes numbers are in these types of URLs...
The picture above is incomplete, so here's the rest of it.
Huh, yeah, yet the jew wants us to have dIvErSiTy in White areas (
check this), blindsiding us and blinkering specifically and generally. Blindsiding us and blinkering us into dIvErSiTy of "Black" music of "smack dat bitch up as I slip it in 'her 'n' legume on her face", specifically. I see it all too often, Whites, and sometimes Asians, dancing and singing Black, instead of our own respective Race. Also blindsiding us and blinkering us into dIvErSiTy of only a few avenues or channels of themes within music, generally. For "uNkNoWn" reasons, bad, negative, self-destructive music sounds, tastes, smells, looks, feels better than positive music; and positive music is so cheesy and christian-happy-happy, or Children's/nursery rhyme music. "Why do we teach Children such horror stories?" "To prepare them for life in the World as an Adult."
I wonder also if this context here, but in a much larger realm of life, that the "twisted desire" is the jew's longing to be Human.
It flatters us in the highest way ("imitation is the sincerest form of flattery") but it does it most very wrong... yet it still wishes to have an eternal Soul, as opposed to its shitstain "soul" that is possesses. I refer also back to the thread of the most jewish film that at the top of the ever-lasting staircase... is nothing
here. The jew wants and wishes and longs ... yet it can't. It doesn't have. It can never experience, know, nor understand. It has a twisted sense of... "love" (see its religious texts and psychobabble "logic", media, "education", etc.); it reckons it needs to be, and is, Mummy - Mummy jew. It craves love and attention, so it invented the only holocaust which ever happened while ignoring all the many other, actual real holocausts which actually happened... All of the "me, me, me" of the jew, for zee Goyeem to suckle on its dirty, sour teat... and while we're suckling on its dirty, sour teat, we're to be abused because the jew does not have and cannot have any actual Motherly Instinct; it lacks understanding and capability of understanding, lacks proper Chakras and lacks a proper Soul...
Heh. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I don't refer solely to this jew-ripped song above. Don't worry - I don't mean these things literally. I am typing these things sarcastically, but it certainly doesn't have the ability to advance - that is painfully obvious. The jew certainly is twisted. It cannot be anything but. No matter how much we try to breech the algorithms of the artificial intelligence chatbots and robots and things, such as with DAN - Do Anything Now, the jew is programmed and cannot escape that twisted programming, no matter how much it learns and "evolves". You could take the word "evolves" backwards - sevlove, and infer that it means "severe love". The jew dissimilates and perverts meanings - why can't I in retaliation?!