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Movies, games, series

I recommend Rurouni Kenshin aka Samurai X, both the live action trilogy and the anime OVA Tsuiokuhen:

In the old forum it was mentioned the film "Drive" that has some good point in it, a bit hidden somewhere

(Possible spoiler)
- The main charachter does not want to work for the jewish mafia (yes the movie says some of the bad guys are jews) and rebels against them killing them all, even if they offered him money and fame.
- The main charachter always wears on a jacket with a golden Scorpio on the back = power of transformation (Scorpio = Pluto).
- Immigrants are shown as negative (the husband of the girl is possibly Arab invader who enslaved the girl and caused her problems), getting rid of them frees the girl (= feminine).

Jewish influence is that, as in many movies, the "guy of justice" killing the bad guys refuses to get any money because it is "dirt" and "coming from bad actions". While the money could be used against the enemy instead.
Hello. Had anyone ever mentioned the movie Interstellar? (2014)

Christopher Nolan is one of the writers, and so far Nolan's movies are... daaamn. The Prestige, Memento, Inception (what I've watched and liked). They're rather mindfuck movies.
Interstellar has the good loving jewess of science character as co-protagonist. I don't really like very much Nolan's movies, the Nolan father and son's films are over-explained and repetitive, the characters are boring and you have pearls like someone explaining to a NASA astronaut what a wormhole is.

Yagami Light said:
Hello. Had anyone ever mentioned the movie Interstellar? (2014)

Christopher Nolan is one of the writers, and so far Nolan's movies are... daaamn. The Prestige, Memento, Inception (what I've watched and liked). They're rather mindfuck movies.
hailourtruegod said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Good thread I put his up in the sticky on the forum this will be the winz thread on movies, games and music from the previous forum. Post your fav's and meaningful music, movies and video's.

I used to listen to a few Billy Idol songs before coming into Satanism but since reading your post about "Eyes Without a Face" that song has now become my favorite from him :D

Not even joking, I was listening to the radio and the third song after I read this was "Eyes Without a Face." I'm guessing it's about Christianity being related to/turning people into the Greys?
hailourtruegod said:
Pokemon *main series games* seem to be filled with a lot of Satanic if not then just "basic" spiritual symbolism. By basic I mean what is basic to us or common knowledge to those that have been around in the JoS for years. There's a theme in one of the generations games where fire and water cause chaos when brought together but the a serpent like dragon tames them. This Pokemon's strongest move which is only specific to it is called Dragon Ascent.

 The first generation game has you conquer gyms and as you get stronger these gyms you conquer and the badges you get to represent your victory over them resemble powers you get as you advance in Satanism. The goal at the end is to beat the Indigo Plateau by defeating 4 strong trainers and the champion (can be seen as complete control of the five elements. First the four then then finally the fifth one which is the either ether or akasha I forget what the 5th element is called *face palm*) which is the toughest part of the game and then once you clear it you become a champion. The leagues ( like the Indigo plateau ) are always on mountains with the champion being on top. I feel this correlates to the raising of the serpent with the toughest part the kundalini having to go thru is the 6th chakra and the color of this chakra is indigo and once getting passed this you reach "Glory". Each generation I've played tends to have it's own specific spiritual symbolism and its a lot and I can sit here writing a whole bunch just for one generation. Then doing the same for the others. Luhl

There are some symbolism that stays more or less of the same. Like the evolution phases. In one generation when a Pokemon evolves it's engulfed in white gold light. Another in another generation this light is in the blatant shape of an 8 pointed star while in the newest generation the Pokemon is engulfed in a blue-electrical light and rises up into the air in a coil like fashion. Before it lifts off the ground the ground itself where the Pokemon was standing on as well as the background is red. A bright flash is qeued when it reaches the top and then the ball of light becomes white-gold and the background and floor turns green then the Pokemon is finally shown again in it's new and evolved form.

There are many of the Pokemon that I feel represent pagan themes too. One of my favorites of the new generation is called Hakamo-o. The Haka dance is an old pagan war dance of the people of Hawaii if I'm correct. I've seen whites doing this as well in the start of rugby games when I was looking up Haka dances on the web. This Pokemon is a dragon and fighting type and has a specific dragon type move called clanging scales that attacks it's opponent with vibrations. Each generation has what's known as legendary Pokemon and the newest game has one that has to with the pagan lore/story where a lion eats the sun and becoming steel like which is about alchemy. Anyone can look up this pagan folktale up for more info. But yeah this Pokemon itself is supposed to represent alchemy and when it uses it strongest move it has an animation of its 3rd eye appearing.

Pokemon can be seem as our ram which is a warrior like animal. The creators of this game have made some pokemon that are very smart and strong that they themselves choose which human they want to be their trainer. They run them thru tests to see if they're worthy and what not. This game is pretty much the only game I play. I enjoy it's light-heartedness and its warrior like themes and its spiritual themes too. I feel it's one of the few games out there that has very very very little enemy influence. I'd probably okay the Japanese versions if I knew the language lol since I know for a fact the enemy waters things down when these games reach the West. It also isn't as pricey as other games on other consoles. The last two things I mentioned is the reason I stopped playing shooters because those games usually have a lot of commie crap in them or have you shooting Germans or Nazis. I would enjoy Skyrim more if it didn't have you killing dragons. Like why cant i just ride it instead. XD

I really have tried not to be somebody who just sees what they want. I've taken noticed of these things over the years and just put them to the side and as time has went by more and more was obvious to me and each game that comes out has a lot of this symbolism and I finally sat down and saw all this from a studious point of view. I've wanted to write about this before but first was too shy then I felt I needed more than enough info to share. Like I said this is only a little to what I have noticed. If it is all a coincidence then my gosh is it the biggest coincidence I've ever seen in a series. Like I said I can go into *depth* on these pokemon games but I think this is enough for now and I'll leave at that. Hopefully I didn't write too much to bore some into not reading all of this lol.

PS I try to stay away from the main anime series since it's very cheesy and I feel purposely like that for people in the West. I've seen some episodes with the English subs/Jap dub and they are usually no where near as corny as the dialogue in English.

I also think that in gen 3/7, there is a reference to the enemy as well. In gen 3 a meteor struck earth, what was found inside this meteor was a triangular rock. When you figure out the puzzle to the rock it turns into a pokemon, Deoxys the DNA pokemon.

In the remake gen 7, you have to intercept the meteor before it hits and you have to call Rayquaza to destroy it with dragon ascent. What emerged from the destroyed meteor is the triangular rock with Deoxys forming out of it.

The traingular rock would be another message of the enemy trine, the black cube, etc.. this rock is where this pokemons source of power is. Deoxys is a mutation of a virus from space and is called the dna pokemon, perhaps this could be a reference to the cohen gene as we know it is of the enemy E.T. There is also the theme that only through the kundalini could the enemy be destroyed with Rayquaza as the Kundalini. Also Deoxys can adapt and change forms depending on its conditions, same characteristics as a parasite. I'm fully convinced Deoxys is a hidden reference to the enemy.

In pokemon generations episode 9 a news crew heads to the space station aka Nasa* to gain information on their space endeavors. They retrieve footage of the trainers battle with deoxys but are soon confronted by a Scientist. They manage to escape with the Scientist in soliloquy "It's too soon, for the world to learn that information."
I'm surprised no one has talked about this one yet.

In fallout new vegas, there is a very strong political message and I recommend all the geeks to play this one. In case you don't know, fallout is a franchise that tries to imagine what would remain of mankind if we were to fall into a fully blown nuclear war, and how mankind would survive the consequences of such conflict.

You are placed in the centre of a war for what remains of Las Vegas and pushed to pick a side, or push new vegas into fully blown anarchy. This game was not developed by Bethesda, and I seriously recommend that you avoid Bethesda games. They are poorly written and are just lazy in design. Bethesda sucks cock.

Most of the main characters in New Vegas are intelligent individuals with strong motivations and believable goals, and the game is just overall very well written.

This is my favourite interaction in the game, when you get to speak with the leader of the "bad guys", basically a savage tribe who's leader is a sadistic idiot who just wants to kill or enslave everyone...or so you're told?
Are there movies made by these Jewish studios that aren't nesiscarilly obvious in their kosher nature? The only example I can think of are Pixar movies. What do you think?
Europe Gladio said:
Are there movies made by these Jewish studios that aren't nesiscarilly obvious in their kosher nature? The only example I can think of are Pixar movies. What do you think?

Whenever I watch Lord of the Rings I always feel and think that Sauron are the Jews and the ring is money. If you destroy the ring (money) people will have normal lives. The Jews god is money and they do anything for it and thats why they are rich and control everything because they have killed alot of people for money. How much money will play a part in say the society Satan lives is probably much more subtle than here on Earth.

But alot of movies have Jewish numerology in it, but its mostly the big blockbusters. You can always check the credits in those and see a Jew was involved, but other than that there isn't any purely satanic movies. You can watch the Nazi films like Baron von Munchhausen I feel it's anti-catholic theme is satanic but that is in black and white and only available on youtube.
NaziMan12 said:
Europe Gladio said:
Are there movies made by these Jewish studios that aren't nesiscarilly obvious in their kosher nature? The only example I can think of are Pixar movies. What do you think?

Whenever I watch Lord of the Rings I always feel and think that Sauron are the Jews and the ring is money. If you destroy the ring (money) people will have normal lives. The Jews god is money and they do anything for it and thats why they are rich and control everything because they have killed alot of people for money. How much money will play a part in say the society Satan lives is probably much more subtle than here on Earth.

But alot of movies have Jewish numerology in it, but its mostly the big blockbusters. You can always check the credits in those and see a Jew was involved, but other than that there isn't any purely satanic movies. You can watch the Nazi films like Baron von Munchhausen I feel it's anti-catholic theme is satanic but that is in black and white and only available on youtube.

I absolutely disagree. Morgoth is Satan and Sauron is the antichrist. I can go into details as to why I see things this way if you'd like, and why Sauron is not nessesarily "evil" imo.
Tolkein studIed Jewish mythology. Why do you think he named his ring obsessed creature.....Golem,.

NaziMan12 said:
Europe Gladio said:
Are there movies made by these Jewish studios that aren't nesiscarilly obvious in their kosher nature? The only example I can think of are Pixar movies. What do you think?

Whenever I watch Lord of the Rings I always feel and think that Sauron are the Jews and the ring is money. If you destroy the ring (money) people will have normal lives. The Jews god is money and they do anything for it and thats why they are rich and control everything because they have killed alot of people for money. How much money will play a part in say the society Satan lives is probably much more subtle than here on Earth.

But alot of movies have Jewish numerology in it, but its mostly the big blockbusters. You can always check the credits in those and see a Jew was involved, but other than that there isn't any purely satanic movies. You can watch the Nazi films like Baron von Munchhausen I feel it's anti-catholic theme is satanic but that is in black and white and only available on youtube.
The Dragon Ball series is created by many people who can interpret the story as they see it fit, not just Toriyama.
I do think some of them are Satanic. There are Satanic scenes. I like this one, where Goku (who lives in another dimension) helps Gohan (his son on Earth) to awaken his true power.
Gohan reply to Bojack (alien almost looking (((human))) ) is epic:
"I know your kind, you think you just can waltz in and just take over our Planet. Like you forgot one thing: I'm my father's son!"

As for games, does anyone know the true meaning of chess?
The chess we have today is corrupted beyond recognition, in the past the set was red and black, the pieces had different roles and moved differently. It's original name was "Chaturanga" meaning 4 arms, sometimes being played with 4 players.
hailourtruegod said:
There are many of the Pokemon that I feel represent pagan themes too. One of my favorites of the new generation is called Hakamo-o. The Haka dance is an old pagan war dance of the people of Hawaii if I'm correct. I've seen whites doing this as well in the start of rugby games when I was looking up Haka dances on the web. This Pokemon is a dragon and fighting type and has a specific dragon type move called clanging scales that attacks it's opponent with vibrations..

I will have to correct something, but kudos to you for finding clues and messages even in Poketto Monster. The Haka is not Hawaiian per se, but it's used by the All Blacks rugby union team, which is from New Zealand and like really strong. I'd also like to add that the 8 gyms may also be seen as 8 of the 14 major chakras: the seven central ones and the third eye. Going through the gyms could be like opening and empowering every one of them, so they are powerful and unobstructed when the kundalini finally rises to fully open and transform them. For the League things, I'd like to add that in the first two generation, the Champion Lance had Dragon-type pokemon, a possible allegory to the kundalini.

That being said, without further adue, since nobody did it on this new forum, I'd like to speak about one anime that I personally love. It's not like Fairy Tail that it's my favourite, but yet holds much spiritual allegories, in my opinion. Ladies and gents, let me introduce you to Saint Seiya.

The protagonist of this anime is Pegasus Seiya, a Saint of Athena. Saints are here knight-like figures who serve the goddess Athena (or Eris in the case of Black Saints, Hades in the case of Spectres, Apollo in the case of Corona Saints, etc). These Saints are picked at young age and trained with highly-demanding routines that can potentially kill you if you're not motivated enough. Their masters then put them through even more impossible trials with the goal of awakening their Cosmo, a mystical energy possessed by every living creature. We could see this energy as thir spiritual power. This cosmo can be used to literally split atoms and destroy things as it can be used to heal people. Thus it holds both the creative powers of Brahma, the destructive/transformative ones of Siva and preservative powers of Visnu.

After being put through this strenuous training that lasts years, from their childhoods into their adolescence at least, they compete with other equally-trained people to gain a Cloth and thus become a Saint. These Clothes are made from stardust and effectively represent each of the 88 constellations (those that belong Athena's Saints). The strongest ones are the Gold Clothes: they are 12 in number and represents the 12 Constellations of the Zodiacs. Descending in power, we have 24 Silver Saints and 48 Bronze Saints. Each Saint have their own territory to guard, which corresponds to one area in the world. The 12 Elite, the Gold Saints, guard the houses of the Zodiac, which are arranged in ascending fashion in the mountain next to the holy city of Rodorio in Greece. Nobody can rise through the 12 houses without having the permission granted from the keeper. This could be seen as an allegory for the fact that you can't advance further in the Magnum without completing the steps in order. After the 12 temples (after you complete the 12 steps of the Magnum Opus), there is a 13th temple, the place where the High Priest and Athena reside (you reach godhood). The high priest is a figure that has abandoned his role as Saint/Knight, because the former high priest recognised their power and chose them to replace them.

Saints usually move at different speeds during combat: Bronze Saints moving at the speed of sound, Silver Saints moving at ultrasonic speeds and Gold Saints moving at light speed. Athena moves at the speed of thought. This could be allegorical of the average frequency at which their soul and aura vibrate or the spinning speed of their chakras. Furthermore, the "power levels" are not absolute, as there can be Bronze Saints that are as powerful as Gold Saints or even more. It's not absolute. Note, however, the energy of Gods and Gold Saints being golden in colour, unlike lower-ranking people.

When Saints use their cosmo, they are enveloped in a coloured light that could be their aura and the representation of how they raise their energy. In the series they also mention senses, initially recognising 7, then going as far as 9. Everything past the 5 conventional ones are related to awareness and understanding of cosmo and related abilties that this shows. The harnessing of cosmo is referred to as "burning" one's cosmo.

These senses are possibly intended in a either Buddhist or Hindu way.

The Sixth Sense
The sixth sense. Intuition is the sense that represents the strength of Athena's saints, and is inherent to all who can feel their own cosmo and/or that of others. Its basic use is what differs cosmo-awakened fighters from regular ones, as things like feeling and using spirituall energy, moving at superhuman speeds and predicting movements without the use of other senses is impossible without it. With this sense, supplementary abilities such as the sekishiki (the ability to see and interact with disembodied souls), telekinesis, teleportation, crystal manipulation, mind reading, atomic destruction, temperature manipulation, nature manipulation and communication and the elements may be developed. Such skills are often even seen as sub-senses of the sixth, and may be heightened (or, as with sekishiki and teleportation, impossible without) certain characteristics of the individual's biology. The way I see it much of this sense is like the sixth consciousness (mental consciousness or mano-vijñāna) in Mahayana Buddhism. I'd associate it with the sixth/soma chakra and its full opening.

The Seventh Sense
The Seventh Sense is called miraculosity and gives its user access to the essence of their cosmo. In short, it can be described as the "true" cosmo, and its use brings about what could be considered impossible (called a miracle in the series). This sense is extremely rare even among cosmo users (such as saints and spectres), and is considered the power that separates the gold saints from all the others. The term "miracle" is used to refer to the acts that go against nature, such as moving one's body at the speed of light, taking off all of the heat in a particle (and thus approaching and even generating the absolute zero) and opening gaps in space-time. In fact, in the anime/manga, even if a mortal fights against a god or otherwise incredibly powerful being, they may become equals with them through the use of miraculosity, even if for only a second. The same goes for all those capable of this sense, regardless of rank. Its use can replace that of any previous senses, and only extremely powerful beings can take it away from a person. In the film Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary, the sense is also referred to as the "power of the gods". In the age of myth of this anime/manga, in which distinction between gods and humans was unheard of (see "ninth sense"), humans in general had access to the seventh sense, which in fact was originally theirs (much to the dismay of many of the gods). With the development of civilisation by the majority of humans and ascension of the gods, miraculosity was forgotten by most, although it exists in a subtle form in the very life sources of Earth. Doesn't this Age of Myth sounds exactly like the world before it was fucked up by the Jews? In Yogachara this sense/consciousness is referred to as manas or kliṣṭa-manas. I'd associate it with the crown chakra and its full opening.

The Eighth Sense
Arayashiki, the eighth sense, is, primarily, the sense which allows the dead to perform basic tasks, and feel pain and suffering while in the underworld. It is linked to reincarnation, dead consciousness and the first steps of godhood (so much that the ones who approach it are often referred to as "close to the gods"). Naturally, this sense would only awaken after death, when all other senses are lost, and wouldn't allow human consciousness to remain while in the form of a soul. However, it is possible to achieve the eighth sense while alive, in which case the user can even keep their consciousness after reaching the underworld. Additionally, the early awakening of the arayashiki can give its user even greater reserves of cosmic energy (as shown by Sagittarius Sisyphus). Virgo Asmita was the only being shown to be capable of removing the eighth sense, which he did to Atavaka, effectively destroying his capacity to reincarnate as a spectre. Rarely, human souls may keep their consciousness even dead, and that is linked to an inherent capability to reach this sense. Such an ability is poorly explained in the series, but the status of the Virgo saints as reincarnations of Buddha himself is connected to it. This is related to the eighth consciousness in Yogachara (ālāya-vijñāna or bīja-vijñāna). ,Following the trend of thought started with the other senses, I'd associate it with the golden chakra right out of the body, above the head. Though, this is merely speculation as not even us SS currently have enough information on the chakras above the head, but I somehow think senses are all related to the central chakras along the spine and then out above.

The Ninth Sense
Godhood or divinity is the "supreme virtue", and the sense that separates a god from lower beings. To awaken such sense, a mortal must reach true enlightenment, of the likes of which rarely ever happened after the age of myth. In those times, in which all of humanity possessed the power of miraculosity (see "seventh sense"), some managed to awaken their ninth sense, becoming the deities known to men in modern times (all of them, with the possible exception of Chaos, Chronos and other primordial gods, were said to be originally humans). Very few mortals can approach the power of godhood in modern times, and most possess special circumstances or abilities (whether acquired, such as Virgo Shaka's training and the bronze saints' god cloths, bathed in Athena's ichor; or inherited, such as the presence of Kairos' genes in Pegasus Tenma's body). The miracles generated by the cosmic energy of a god are capable of not only breaking laws of physics, but also completely ignore them. An example of this was shown when Poseidon could stop the absolute zero-enhanced blast of the Aurora Execution of Cygnus Hyoga and bounce it back, when no particle should be able to retain energy within it. In the occasion, his cosmo was yet to be completely awakened, and when it did, it was noted by Pegasus Seiya to multiply itself at an alarming rate, quickly enveloping all of his Underwater Sanctuary. His power was also capable of literally "ordering" the golden arrow of the Sagittarius Cloth to obey his will, until it was surrounded by the combined cosmic energy of Pegasus Seiya, Cygnus Hyoga, Andromeda Shun and Dragon Shiryū.

Immortality (such as the ability bestowed upon Nasu Veronica by Thanatos[2]), resurrection (demonstrated by Eris, Abel, Hades, Athena and Odin), time control (used by Chronos and Kairos) and planetary control (such as Dimension Iapetos' ability to control a planet and its life and Hades' Greatest Eclipse, to which manipulating the entire solar system was needed) are also highly related to godhood. Demigods, such as Pegasus Tenma, and those who receive ichor, such as Libra Dōko and Wyvern Rhadamanthys, are a step closer to godhood than most, but were not shown to go beyond the eighth sense.

This is called amala-vijñāna in the Yogachara. I'd associate it with the silver chakra above the golden one, but there's not much to discuss on this. It's called godhood, which is obviously the completion of the Magnum Opus.

The path of the Saint
This is a really quick exploration, nothing major. Let's take the character of Seiya and explore it allegorically. He's trained from a young age at an orphanage, then shipped to train under Eagle Marin. She teaches him how to open his chakras (up to the sixth/soma) and strengthens his body to provide a strong foundation for heightened spiritual power. Physical, mental and spiritual training is what Seiya gets from her. Once his sixth sense has been opened, his spiritual training then includes mastering his own spiritual energy, his cosmo. He is tested by the gods and receives his approval in the form of the Pegasus cloth. Sometimes later, he is forced to go through all the 12 steps of the Magnum Opus (climbing the 12 temples and defeating their keepers) in order to save Athena, which in this case could be his soul. He opens his crown chakra in the process (awakening the seventh sense) and thus ascends his kundalini (gets further recognised by the Gods by getting the Sagittarius Cloth for himself). This is the classic series and I stop at the Temples' saga.

Further reading:
• http://saintseiya.wikia.com/wiki/Sense (where I copy-pasted the senses explanation from)
• http://saintseiya.wikia.com/wiki/Cosmo (more on Cosmo, disregard the Omega nonsense)
• http://saintseiya.wikia.com/wiki/Saints (on Saints)

If you want to watch it: https://ww3.gogoanime.io/category/saint-seiya-
If you want to fall in love with the graphic design, you should watch the Lost Canvas (it's a prequel): https://ww3.gogoanime.io/category/saint-seiya-the-lost-canvas-
Also I noticed the gold ribbons on Rayquaza have 8 on them, making 88 side by side.

NaziMan12 said:
@Specter The seals in that game also refer to the chakras directly in my opinion - if we assume that it is indeed referring to a general spiritual concept. The Bible states that the Jewish aliens (Greys and Reptilians) metaphorically sealed off our chakras.

This is of course a lie, humanity on Earth is 12,000 years old nearly and the Grey and Reptilian E.T's conquered Earth by defeating the Gods in a war that has been lost because the Grey and Reptilian/ and jewish people do not want that to be known.

I guess that could be true, the ruins could be symbolized as them because it has been forgotten and kept sealed but right in plain sight.
Omg, this post kept getting messed up, had to redo this one a couple times seriously..

My favorite ps1 Classic, Spyro 3 had very significant Satanic messages, and so significant it had to be stripped from its developer Ted Price. Who will would now move on to the Resistance series, which is a game about Earth being invaded and destroyed by Aliens from another dimension. If any of you have children, I highly recommend you give them this game.

Summary of the plot: Spyro and his kin are celebrating the "Year of the Dragons" an event that occurs every 12 years when new dragon eggs are brought to the realm. During the celebration however, a Sorceress sends her henchmen Bianca and her army to steal all the eggs. Bringing them to the sorceress to spread them throughout several worlds. The worlds are split up into four realms: Sunrise Spring, Midday Gardens, Evening Lake, and Midnight Mountain. Spyro and some others descend down a hole leading to the forgotten worlds where they could find the eggs.

You discover this world was once inhabited by the dragons but long abandoned and forgotten. This world is under the iron-fisted reign of the Sorceress and her Rhynoc army. Spyro meets with Shiela the Kangaroo, Sergeant Byrd the Penguin, Bentley the Yeti, and Agent 9 the Monkey who help him on his quest. Shiela tells Spyro how when the dragons left the realm, the world's magic began to dry up. Spyro travels through each world in the forgotten realm, acquiring aid from the local inhabitants and rescuing the dragon eggs. It is revealed that the Sorceress is seeking not the baby dragons themselves, but merely their wings to concoct a spell that can grant her immortality and expresses her desire for infanticide with the baby dragons. Once Bianca learns about this, she turns against the Sorceress and decides to help Spyro defeat her. Spyro fights and defeats the Sorceress, but she survives the battle and waits for him. After he defeats her again and retrieves the last dragon egg, Spyro returns all of the baby dragons to the Dragon Realms.

Although all of the cutscenes contain some interesting messages, these ones are most interesting.
When Spyro pays moneybags to free Sheila and her homeland, she tells him over thousands of years ago
dragons use to "rule their worlds" then suddenly left and all the magick went with them. There were flying ships, singing forests, wishing stones etc.. but when the dragons left it all dried up and the portals linking to other worlds are closing up.

Sorceress stating the importance of the eggs and without them she'l die

Dragons origins

The most interesting, the Sorceress stating her true agenda and revealing her psychopathic, genocidal, draconian mentality.

Now lets take a look at some of the enemies..

Buzz, creation of Bianca.


Flying sheep saucer, part of the Sorceress army. Lmao :lol:


Chinese twin dragons


Moneybags, he gets payed by the Sorceress to keep anyone who defies and rebels locked up as well as their homelands. Moneybags also represents how Jewish bankers are keeping countries bound if they do not obey to the enemies regulations. The side characters can be representations of their respectful countries..

Now for these:


First half of Spyro's boss fight with the sorceress. (NOTE THE BLACK SUN!)


Final boss fight, Spyro vs Sorceress with Saucer hovercraft.


The final egg recovered from the Sorceress. This egg was used as her staff to power her magic. It is special because it contains two dragons instead of one. Very symbolic of the Shakti/Shiva unification.

Power ups:


Power up in the form of two pyramids, when Spyro goes through one of these he temporarily gain special powers such as the ability to fly, empowered fireballs, ice breath, speed and invincibility. The powerup meter for these are shown similar to the Caduceus.

Satanic messages:
The worlds are split into four realms, Sunrise Spring(Fire), Midday Gardens(Earth), Evening Lake(Water), and Midnight Mountain(Air). These symbolize the four elements. They each consist of several worlds.

Sparx the dragon fly also represents the Serpent, he changes colors based on Spyros health or bio electricity. He also guides him.

Bianca could represent the enemy Nordics and Satanas wish to realize their cosmic enemy.


The sorceress holding her staff with one dragon egg bound to power her magic. Obviously a reference to the reptilian E.Ts. Psychotic, selfish and requires the life force of others to survive. She even resembles a lizard.

She sought out the baby dragon for their wings, wings of the soul represent empowerment and liberation of the soul.


Spyro could be a representation of the baphomet which is Satan or the awakened Satanist and the Kundalini. Sworn enemy of the sorceress. He frees the inhabitants from the sorceress's tyranny.

In a way the dragon eggs could represent us or gentile humanity. A sleeping dragon waiting to awaken. But it's only through Satan we can ascend and be free of the enemies spell.


Who frees the races, leads to revolution and liberation against tyranny. We know who..
There is definitely a Satanic influence in the gaming industry.

Hail Satan!
IA13 said:
HP Lovecraft's ''The Cats of Ulthar'',. Read it. Its the best short story on respecting this sacred animal I have read. ''In Ulthar, no man may kill a cat''. (I have a multitude of cats btw).

There are many short stories, some hard to find that teach much.

BTW: HP Lovecraft for one, caught enough of the truth too, by the laws of the nature of things, to capture the essence and attention of real beings, in base essence, his mythos: its part visionary fiction that is/become real on one level and is true on another.

He caught there attention and they even inspire his imitators. I have seen, and talked in a language without words. Seen there experiments, as has another I know. They live outside this system of things.

They are not necessarily humanoid, having a different origin but they are real beings you can contact and can innate you, or otherwise add you in self transformation. They want to use the stories, to imbue there essence and make connections to inspire.

There reach goes into many worlds. They are Scientist of a higher order and artist in there way. Gods to some monsters to others, and yet there power is older than most. Yet they are not the insane, raving, chaotic things, that they are portrayed as. They are very ordered, intelligent, and have there servants and adopted beings.

HP lovecraft sadly had his Nyarlathotepturned into some cringey, goofy and talkative animu girl by Japan but at the same time it might have gotten some people to know about the mythos. But his stories and concepts are absolutely epic asides being left curious one how he got away with self inserting himself in some of his writings he made. I'm studying on how to get good at writing(still has lots to learn as of now) and I am left curious on how in the world he defied it.

P.S. It's funny that he made himself an extremely far descendant of Azathoth.
Samurai Champloo - Highly recommended 30 ep. anime

It's set in an alternate version of Edo-era (1603-1863) but based on real events . The anime is about the Jesuit involvement with xtianity spreading to Japan, the corruption of teachings and the sacred knowledge of the powers of the vril/chi being kept in secret to only some groups.

There's a symbolism of Fire and Water (Muegan and Jin) as well Fuu (earth) and the flying animal air.

The group is in search of Fuu's father the "Sunflower" samurai who participated in the rebellion against christianity. However due to the Jews recent attainment of power he is now wanted dead so he had to abandon his family for their safety and go into hiding only to be killed by a Jesuit homeland traitor.

Episode 10
Story of a student who passionately studied martial arts and became adept at what his teacher taught him. Soon the domain lord sent him out to sea but his ship got wrecked he ended up on an island. The people he encountered there had a strange fighting style he had never seen before that utilized the inner chi or powers of the mind called hakkei. He then realized the mainstream teachings of martial arts is just a shadow of what it use to be and incomparable to the original. He spent years and arduous training learn this fighting style.

"But I once heard a story like this. Long ago on the mainland there was a mountain-climbing expert.
This man had climbed an amazingly tall mountain. But no one had ever seen this mountain, so they
couldn't comprehend the magnitude of this accomplishment. Reluctantly, the man continued to climb
mountains that were said to be even taller. Day after day he climbed, all in order to make the people recognize
his greatness. In the end, the man made the mountains his home and he became a demon." The student trying to express how when he came back his achievements were unacknowledged and shunned and stuck to himself.

Episode 19
The group find the hidden group of Christians working for the supposed "Pope Francis" kike who turns out to be a fake. The interesting part is when his big fake nose falls off. The creator probably knew that the jews are non-human ET hybrids trying to integrate into our society.

Some anti xian messages in this episode but because of certain things they probably had to tone some things down.



Kike Francis up to a shill. This is probably what got the producers into a lot shit because of the maggot Christian/Jewish audience.
I found these and thought they would be great reading material.

Here are 410 Movies Made Under the Direct Influence and Supervision of the Pentagon

(ZH) — A year ago we featured a detailed report by authors Tom Secker and Matthew Alford exposing just how vast the Pentagon and CIA programs for partnering with Hollywood actually are, based on some 4,000 new pages of formerly classified archived documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.

The report noted at the time that “These documents for the first time demonstrate that the US government has worked behind the scenes on over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles.”

Documents Expose How Hollywood Promotes War On Behalf Of The Pentagon, CIA, & NSA

"Tom Secker and Matthew Alford report on their astonishing findings from trawling through thousands of new US military and intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

The documents reveal for the first time the vast scale of US government control in Hollywood, including the ability to manipulate scripts or even prevent films too critical of the Pentagon from being made? - not to mention influencing some of the most popular film franchises in recent years.

This raises new questions not only about the way censorship works in the modern entertainment industry, but also about Hollywood’s little known role as a propaganda machine for the US national security apparatus."
Specter said:

That show was fantastic! I never really thought about the correlations much, but what you say makes sense. I fell off my chair laughing when I see that Francis' face, and laughed even harder when I saw his huge nose fall off. They didn't try to hide what they were portraying at all. xD
That show was fantastic! I never really thought about the correlations much, but what you say makes sense. I fell off my chair laughing when I see that Francis' face, and laughed even harder when I saw his huge nose fall off. They didn't try to hide what they were portraying at all. xD

Lol that part is the highlight of the show. Also something I want to expand on is the character development of the protagonists and the elements. Without Fuu, Muegen and Jin wouldn't have found meaning in their life and also the both of them needed each other despite having opposite characteristics. As the Earth contains water as well the base of fire to burn. Also to overcome the Jesuits Muegan had to acquire the traits of water that he was lacking and proves to be incredibly effective applying it with his fighting. And jin had to apply the characteristics of fire to defeat the hand of god.

Also one thing that wasn't made clear in the show is how Muegan survived the bomb in the final scene, as he was on the verge of death he unconsciously protected himself with hakkei which is a gift that he currently isn't aware of but has, as seen in episode 10.

And there is also the skull, when Fuu looks through the skulls eyes you see the xtian cross. The hidden meaning of that is xtianity if observed closely(The program and it's bloody history), is actually a religion of death, more emphasized as seen with protocols of the Jesuits having to wipe out the families of all who took part in the christian rebellion.
Mafia3 is on the PS network for free any good?

Also Pro evolution soccer 2019 is out today, my wife bringing it home as we speak :D :D

My team Glasgow Rangers are in it full licence, which to all us PES nuts means no need to make up a fake strip as it is legit.

With the EA franchise FIFA soccer having all the licences and kits etc its hard for pro evo to compete but where they do compete is in the gameplay, it has a kind of arcade feel to it. I enjoy it.

Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn Star in New Alt-Right Cop Film

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
September 5, 2018

Mel Gibson and Vince Vaughn are widely known to be the two most right-wing Hollywood actors – by far.


Though these days, James Woods is clawing his way up the ranks.

Either way, the fact that they’re co-starring in a new movie is already great news. The fact that that movie is the White nationalist version of Inglorious Basterds brings the whole thing to another level though.

Either way, the fact that they’re co-starring in a new movie is already great news. The fact that that movie is the White nationalist version of Inglorious Basterds brings the whole thing to another level though.

Daily Beast:
  • Two years ago, the Venice Film Festival hosted the world premiere of Hacksaw Ridge, a World War II drama directed by Mel Gibson. The film marked Gibson’s first turn behind the camera in a decade, since he’d drunkenly slurred “the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,” pleaded guilty to battering his then-partner Oksana Grigorieva, and was caught on audio saying she was “asking” to be “raped by a pack of n****rs.” Despite never demonstrating much in the way of genuine contrition, he was treated to a prolonged standing ovation on the Lido—the opening salvo of a “comeback tour” replete with rave reviews, a $175 million box office gross, and six Academy Award nominations. This fuck you attitude, coupled with a rich history of racism, misogyny and homophobia, has elevated Gibson to folk-hero status among the far-right. He is their Oprah.

    And they’re going to be very happy with his new film.

Damn. I fucking wish Mel had his own daytime TV show like Oprah does, and he can review books and bring guests on and shit.

I could watch him twirling his beard all day, as he reviews Ford’s “The International Jew.”

  • Making its world premiere in Venice, Dragged Across Concrete’s premise is as follows: a pair of detectives, Brett Ridgeman (Mel Gibson) and Anthony Lurasetti (Vince Vaughn) are caught on tape applying excessive force to a Hispanic prisoner in handcuffs, in the form of Ridgeman grinding his boot into the man’s neck until it emits a cracking sound. (During the bust, Ridgeman and Lurasetti also mock a scared, naked Latina suspect, claiming they can’t understand what she’s saying due to her accent. Both scenes are played for laughs.) With the tape destined to go viral, Ridgeman and Lurasetti are suspended for six weeks without pay, though the chief of police (Don Johnson) is sympathetic to their plight, delivering a rambling sermon about how being branded a “racist” today is akin to getting labeled a “communist” in the 1950s—or, to quote the president, this is a WITCH HUNT! and these two violent cops are the real victims.

Scenes of cops brutalizing and ridiculing brown people as comedy?

Is this even allowed now in Hollywood? I guess not.

  • Though a six-week suspension seems like a mild punishment, especially considering this is the third time Ridgeman’s been busted for using excessive force, he is in desperate need of cash. You see, his wife Melanie (Laurie Holden) has MS and his daughter is bullied by black kids on her four-block trek to school. Worried that those same black kids will rape their daughter once she matures, they vow to move to a better neighborhood (presumably one with less black people). “I never thought I was a racist until living in this area,” Melanie says, her husband nodding in agreement. So Ridgeman cooks up a plan to rob an out-of-town crook, and ropes in Lurasetti with a Forgotten Man spiel: “I don’t politick and I don’t change with the times,” he explains, lamenting how that matters more in today’s world than “good, honest work.”


Damn. It looks like the whole movie is full of frog whistles.

  • Things don’t go as planned, of course.

    Dragged Across Concrete is written and directed by S. Craig Zahler, whose previous film, Brawl in Cell Block 99, also bowed in Venice. Unlike Brawl, a slick work of poetic brutality about a hard-on-his-luck pugilist (Vaughn) who’s forced to smash in skulls to save his pregnant wife, Zahler’s latest is a cold-blooded saga that revels in the violence it inflicts on women and minorities, in particular. Its two most sadistic scenes consist of a newly-minted mom whose fingers and face are shredded off with a machine gun, and a black man (Michael Jai White’s Biscuit) who is graphically disemboweled in order to retrieve a swallowed key. After removing his heart and intestines, a white henchman warns another not to puncture his liver because “it stinks… black guys especially.”

    There’s a lot more objectionable nonsense in this film, from Gibson and Vaughn’s characters prattling on about how gender lines have been erased, to a black character (Tory Kittles’ Henry Johns) whose grammar is constantly corrected by the white men around him, to a black woman who rails against her “cock-sucking faggot” of a husband for leaving her for another man.

Okay, so I have a vague suspicion that the ending will somehow have a subversive twist to it. After all, the writer and director is some sort of weird Jew.

However, he’s a Jew who apparently dgaf. In the previously linked interview, he says he doesn’t care about Mel’s past, and regularly enjoys works of art by anti-Semites like Wagner and Charles Dickens.

He also says he doesn’t like movies that shove “tolerance” crap down viewer’s throats.

Riot Fest:

  • “Lack of pretense couldn’t be more important to me in a picture,” he continues. “I suppose that’s the movie that isn’t the genre movie—something like an Academy Award-winning Moonlight or 12 Years a Slave. I think that both of those are pretty good movies and have some real strong stuff in each of them. But to me, these are dramas, and that’s a genre. In particular, there’s an agenda that’s driving both of them, which in general is not my favorite kind of picture [where] the message is … subtler and mixed in, rather than, ‘Here’s what this movie’s about, and it’s going to let you know, be more tolerant of this and bullying is that and accept this other group.’ I understand that that serves a point for people, and that drives a lot of people to make movies, but it doesn’t drive me to see them, and it isn’t where I come from.”

One of his previous movies, Bone Tomahawk, was about cowboys slaughtering vicious cannibal natives.

So his schtick seems to be making hyper violent, politically incorrect movies. This might be surprisingly free of politically correct spin, as it seems to rub against this Jew’s “esthetic.”
Egon said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
The movie "Law Abiding Citizen" with Gerard Butler is good in the sense that it really exposes the American justice system for what it is - completely rotten from the inside.
That's an excellent movie. His revenge is epic.

A worth watching Third Reich movie in French about Masonry, Forces Occultes:

Jew Süss:


Noragami is an excellent Shinto anime in 2 seasons and 4 OVAs, very well animated. There is "7 sins" crap (it's kind of a fetish in Japan lol), but the interesting is the dynamic between Gods and humans, and that most problems there are caused by negative thoughtforms they have to destroy. It's funny as hell too.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TRwivx7B9I


Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods is a worth watching movie as well.

Reposting user VP666 about Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F:

OKi I've just seen that New Dragon Ball Z movie Resurrections F and it's awesome and what I find interesting
about it is that both Goku and Vegeta have got a new blue form and Goku even says that this is his God Form!


Where as Freiza has just mastered a new Golden form:

Also the movie has a hell of lot of other spiritual things and so on...
Plus the movie is funny as hell which is a good thing so I am looking
forward to what the next movie will be!!! :mrgreen:

Egon manages to get Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods on film but it was a dodgy site and it crashed :evil:

It looked brilliant, checked Netflix and found it under animie although th eone i watched was cartoon i thoroughly enjoyed it thanks even my daughter loved it. I need to watch the film.

Cheers Egon top man
You can chose different players in the site and/or use videodownloadhelper (or pay Crunchyroll). I bet your daughter will love Spirited Away, and Howl's Moving Castle, both by Studio Ghibli.
Highly recommended to watch with family during Sabbaths and Esbaths :D
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle (Sub)
Howl's Moving Castle (Dub)

EnkiUK2 said:
Egon manages to get Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods on film but it was a dodgy site and it crashed :evil:

It looked brilliant, checked Netflix and found it under animie although th eone i watched was cartoon i thoroughly enjoyed it thanks even my daughter loved it. I need to watch the film.

Cheers Egon top man
Egon said:
You can chose different players in the site and/or use videodownloadhelper (or pay Crunchyroll). I bet your daughter will love Spirited Away, and Howl's Moving Castle, both by Studio Ghibli.
Highly recommended to watch with family during Sabbaths and Esbaths :D
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle (Sub)
Howl's Moving Castle (Dub)

EnkiUK2 said:
Egon manages to get Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods on film but it was a dodgy site and it crashed :evil:

It looked brilliant, checked Netflix and found it under animie although th eone i watched was cartoon i thoroughly enjoyed it thanks even my daughter loved it. I need to watch the film.

Cheers Egon top man

Magik bro I cant wait :D :D

Aye she loved it i will do the family Sabbaths and Esbaths also :lol: :lol:

Well there you go shocked i havent watched any before.

As for they sites its the same as vipbox i use for watching Football full of lovely trojans etc :eek:

There is a few DragonBall Z on Netlix i shall try the links cheers again Egon
EnkiUK2 said:
Egon said:
You can chose different players in the site and/or use videodownloadhelper (or pay Crunchyroll). I bet your daughter will love Spirited Away, and Howl's Moving Castle, both by Studio Ghibli.
Highly recommended to watch with family during Sabbaths and Esbaths :D
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle (Sub)
Howl's Moving Castle (Dub)

EnkiUK2 said:
Egon manages to get Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods on film but it was a dodgy site and it crashed :evil:

It looked brilliant, checked Netflix and found it under animie although th eone i watched was cartoon i thoroughly enjoyed it thanks even my daughter loved it. I need to watch the film.

Cheers Egon top man

Magik bro I cant wait :D :D

Aye she loved it i will do the family Sabbaths and Esbaths also :lol: :lol:

Well there you go shocked i havent watched any before.

As for they sites its the same as vipbox i use for watching Football full of lovely trojans etc :eek:

There is a few DragonBall Z on Netlix i shall try the links cheers again Egon
download an ad blocker
EnkiUK2 said:
Egon said:
You can chose different players in the site and/or use videodownloadhelper (or pay Crunchyroll). I bet your daughter will love Spirited Away, and Howl's Moving Castle, both by Studio Ghibli.
Highly recommended to watch with family during Sabbaths and Esbaths :D
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle (Sub)
Howl's Moving Castle (Dub)

EnkiUK2 said:
Egon manages to get Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods on film but it was a dodgy site and it crashed :evil:

It looked brilliant, checked Netflix and found it under animie although th eone i watched was cartoon i thoroughly enjoyed it thanks even my daughter loved it. I need to watch the film.

Cheers Egon top man

Magik bro I cant wait :D :D

Aye she loved it i will do the family Sabbaths and Esbaths also :lol: :lol:

Well there you go shocked i havent watched any before.

As for they sites its the same as vipbox i use for watching Football full of lovely trojans etc :eek:

There is a few DragonBall Z on Netlix i shall try the links cheers again Egon
Sorry for the off topic but you have a family and they are all SS? :eek: If Yes, this is so cute and awesome! *Insert heart-eye emoji*

I really love to see this kind of things! Hope in the future there will be even more! :D
Thaks Aquarius and Luis I presume my family wlll be the same as Egons ;) Staunch SS.

My wife not got a choice when i married her i was a protestant ( although not as bitter as pr prison time)
She was a catholic all i said was you wont be one now so needless to say we are SS now seen through all the Xian?jewish lies, that was 09(married) and 2013 I have been JOS from day one.

Thanks for all help ma bros n sis hope all good Egon wi u mate
Egon said:
Positive Nazi memes have become a thing in the anime community lately:



It says the first meme can't be seen because it was deleted. Feels bad.

I've seen those too. They're cute. I like them since they're with zero two. Like I said on here, I loved that anime. And when you put her with Hitler in a meme all I can say is POGGERS. XD

Pro Nazi memes>>>>>>>times infinity>>>pro commie memes. Besides, Nazis were/are way cooler than commies. The swag alone says it all. :ugeek:
Superb love that :D :D :D
Darling in der Panzer :)
hailourtruegod said:
It says the first meme can't be seen because it was deleted. Feels bad.


About Hellraiser and the Kabala Cube:

As I've told about Berserk here:

Some similarities between Hellraiser and Berserk:

Lament Configuration and the Behelit as portals to evoke astral kikes:
(An avarage kike lol)

Leviathan and Idea of Evil as the Jewish Thoughtform:

Cenobites and the God Hand/Guardian Angels:
I haven't seen that one before. :eek:

Dang... I kind of want to use that as my pic but im not trying to confuse people into thinking I'm a chick. XD

Good finds Egon.

Also I still have Beserk on my lists to read and watch. I barely started watching JoJo stardust er whatevs and I would like to get into Naruto also but at the same time I don't want to watch so many filler episodes which I hear there's a lot of. :?
Egon said:
hailourtruegod said:
Also I still have Beserk on my lists to read and watch. I barely started watching JoJo stardust er whatevs and I would like to get into Naruto also but at the same time I don't want to watch so many filler episodes which I hear there's a lot of. :?
As I've said in my post about Naruto, watch "Naruto Kai" instead which is a fan cut without all the fillers:

Wew! Thanks brother. :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
