High school DXD(only first season). Issei become a demon(or better, they use devil but i think are same thing)...and the demon help and protect the,...the demon help the people...in episode 5/6 Issei figth and angel...Issei become friend of a Nun...but the nun was want only friend...the Nun risk to die...they pray the Xian god "please listen me, they want only have friends, I am a demon...but listen me" but xian god not reply(Because not Exist!
) the angel insult the: "a demon can pray god in a church patetic". At this time, Issei say "I am a demon...maybay i can pray Satan...Please Satan...permit me to Hit this bitch...ONE TIME" and they hit them and Say "You are and angel!? Fly!" Ok, the is an anime can normally see only for nude...but the first seaon have a good story...