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Movies, games, series

Egon said:
Naruto. Definitively worth watching, but I shall recommend the fan-made cut called Naruto Kai, where they cutted all the fillers (ie., the unnecessary addings made for commercial purposes) so you don't have to watch like 900 episodes but 72 instead:


Withing the anime's mythology they just changed some terms, like they call Vrill as "chakra" and call the chakras as "gates": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iG-481_5Ds

One of the most interesting characters, the villain or anti-hero Orochimaru is a snake-worshipper scientist who seeks for immortality and to learn all mystical-powers (Jutsus), has as common enemy with the main heroes, the masonic-like jihadist gang of race traitors Akatsuki:


So naruto teach us what all we can do with our vril/chi how to direct and how they channel they chi into they feet chakras and jump high like sasuke did when he battle Haku I feel it’s possible I have no limits
EnkiUK55 said:
Egon said:
Up there is Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, which I liked a lot because of the Ancient Greek theme, and I wrote this mini review here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=269374#p269374
Ryse: Som of Rome seems superior in every sense to what I told about AC Odyssey, such as better game design and the Gods guiding the main hero in a more literal sense, that's my impression by the little I've seen of the gampley, though unfortunately I don't have a gaming PC nor an Xbox so I can't review and say for sure:



Now for Playstation there is The Forgotten City, deals with time travel and exploring Ancient Rome to try to save it, also not sure about this one but it seems interesting:


Egon said:
Download before it gets shoahed:

Attack On Titan's Racial Themes Explored


Unfortunately the author of the video is a deluded christian.

How do I download youtube Egon, appologies bro not tech adept :eek: :eek:
Egon said:

EnkiUK55 said:
How do I download youtube Egon, appologies bro not tech adept :eek: :eek:

Okay Egon

Thank you mate also had a quick look at youre page i shall save that too.

Top man.
EnkiUK55 said:
I fancy one im not sure if they are still hard to aquire but I think I will get one for my birthday :D

What are the best games guys. I play Football games and sadly hear Pro evo have stopped making them and are doing it for free as an add on.......hope not as i couldnt join the fifa brigade.

I still find it hard to source a PS5 in the UK though due to my lack of interest in such things at the moment, I can’t really justify paying huge money for the ones I do come across.

PES is certainly ruined this year with the free release which as I understand, is going to come with paid DLC that will give access to features like master league, it is essentially a glorified demo.

I enjoy AC: Valhalla but I still think Odyssey was better. I have been enjoying a lot of Chivalry 2 recently, I guess it is quite a niche game but if you find it on a sale then it’s worth checking out.
ZT02 said:
EnkiUK55 said:
I fancy one im not sure if they are still hard to aquire but I think I will get one for my birthday :D

What are the best games guys. I play Football games and sadly hear Pro evo have stopped making them and are doing it for free as an add on.......hope not as i couldnt join the fifa brigade.

I still find it hard to source a PS5 in the UK though due to my lack of interest in such things at the moment, I can’t really justify paying huge money for the ones I do come across.

PES is certainly ruined this year with the free release which as I understand, is going to come with paid DLC that will give access to features like master league, it is essentially a glorified demo.

I enjoy AC: Valhalla but I still think Odyssey was better. I have been enjoying a lot of Chivalry 2 recently, I guess it is quite a niche game but if you find it on a sale then it’s worth checking out.

Yeah bro same unable to source one that isnt inflated by people, even so called friends have a few for sale but im not paying £650-750

If gets nearer xmas maybe the 650 if still gets them.

This song is all about the Antichrist. There are several hints in the song that makes me think about this:

"This blue eyed boy
Who wants to be

This worthy cause
Of human kind
This pawn set up by time"

The Antichrist will be seen at the end of the current Yuga ,resuurecting Dharma to the world and defeating all the false religions.
"Like a bright light on the horizon
Shining so bright, he'll get you flying
He'll drive you away, he'll drive you insane
But then he'll remove all of your pain"

Planet Venus, when seen as a bright light in the sky just before sunrise, has been called for centuries under the name 'Lucifer'. 'Lucifer' come from a Latin expression that means 'Lightbearer', and is one of the names given by Christian tradition to the devil. Anyone who can make a person fly, make him insane and remove all his pain (does not specify whether the pain is physical or spiritual) needs to have magical or spiritual qualities that not anyone would have or could develop.

"This open book
Yet to be read
This second look
This leap ahead

The hope I held inside
With you, was kept alive"

The Knowledge of Spirituality is yet to flood the world and this second way of looking at things is yet to be prevalent in peoples minds.
'We're here to stay...'

The followers of the Light Bearer ,Lucifer the greatest high are here to stay and rule this world in a thousand year reich. A ONE WORLD EMPIRE like it was in the days of the old , with the God Emperor at the helm driving our evolution.

A NEW ORDER .Neuordnung.
Moving the quote to this thread to avoid polution.

jrvan said:
Nothing is perfect. Anime/manga is hardly pure either. Manga authors are particularly obsessed with themes such as "7 deadly sins" and "Hero smiting the Demon Lord." Find me a popular adventure manga where this garbage isn't inserted or even centered around for a time. An increase of weeaboos doesn't mean western comics were shit nor is it even a correlative factor for why the industry is dying. The industry is dying because it was hijacked by progressive ideologues with an agenda, and they essentially became the target audience.

The illusion that this hasn't always been the case is wishful thinking and nostalgia from conservative nerds. Progressive, or even far-felt ideals with subtle anti-White themes were majoritarily common case before and were praised by the White sheeps unmanimously who think just now comics became bad - to name some "classics" and popular ones the Jew Stan Lee or communist Alan Moore who's also considered even by these "anti-left comic fans" having written "the greatest Super-hero book of all times" - people just started to notice now because they stopped being just subtle to be on face value, when they have been brainwashed all along. Yes there are some garbage tropes in many anime, like the ones you mention and Super-heroes, I quote other anime examples in this thread. There's many of this new Isekai anime that attempts to be "Western-christard-friendly" and fail miserably. The question is will anime resist and make a blasphemous turn with these symbols (such as the "Hero" finds out the "Demon Lord" is the good guy and start dating them or some things like that), and take anti-christian out values of this, or sellout and become what the Western comic book industry is.

I could also make the same argument for Goku being a "christ" figure by harnessing everyone's energy and saving them with a spirit bomb. The problem with the "christ idea" is that it can be applied to almost anything..
Yes, this idea can be applied. However the stretch must be immense if someone wants to christianize the momment "Mr. Satan" tells humanity to donate a bit of their Chi since Goku isn't all powerful. The time when people considered Western Comics all ok and good, Dragon Ball and other anime were being viciously attacked as "Satanic".

People are going to remember Iron Man and Batman for a long time, but I doubt many people are going to remember or be raving about Yu Yu Hakusho, Sailor Moon, Fairy Tail, or even One Piece in public.

That's a testament to how cleverly written and inspiring the old comics were which made them transcend typical cartoons that aren't as impactful and memorable.
I don't think this quote makes any sense and is just nostalgic bias. By this logic I could deffend christardanity for how it is more well known than Satanism for the time being.
It's obvious why this is the case, Marvel and DC are huge and they make products, they hire copious amounts of authors, artists and directors to make the same shit over with these character-products every year, while the anime/manga you quote have actual characters writen by individuals instead of companies, and are cherished and connected with readers in a more intimate way.
More on Batman later.

It's also a difference in values. Prevailing against enemies through determination and grit as opposed to "the power of friendship/nakama."

I can get behind the obvious spiritual elements in anime, but sometimes the realism factor retreats far beyond even sci-fi. A scrawny nerd beating someone up in the heat of the moment because friendship compelled him to win... okay.

Which anime are you watching friend? Again you're quoting one trope in a specific "genre" of anime, which is battle shonen, like "Super-hero" is another. But even so the "determination and grit" usually comes along within the shonen tropes. I'm not a fan either of anime that uses this tropes as I dislike Super-heros alike, though there are exceptions like sports anime where this is mandatory, such as Slam Dunk which is awesome. I and others have written a bunch of recommendations that stem on realism and go completly opposite to some of these tropes: Blade of the Immortal, Berserk, Vagabond... Just do your search.

It's a matter of pointing out the rotten cases in anime/manga VS. the 99% enemy trash that Super-hero comics always have been since it's inception.

If they could summon that much inner power in the first place then why do they fail at life? Clearly I'm not a fan of underdog stories.
Because they harnessed this power from within rather than being born with it and rising above the crowd, how isn't it more realistic if people here come from such background and are doing this right now rather than waiting for a hero group to descend and save the day?

People probably didn't really think about superpowers until comics came along. The public awareness of even the concept of Siddhis is due to this, most likely...

I'm also not shilling for Superman.
Popeye was the oldest Western character with super-strenght but Jew invented Superman started the Super-hero with powers genre at all VS. Humans harnessing power being from within with meditation, anime popularized the concepts of Chi, Chakra, absorbing power from the Constellations etc.

Let alone portraying Nationalism and Nazi Germany being cool or just the Swastika being a good symbol at all while Western comics were forever doing anti-NS propaganda subtly or in the face with it's "Murican christian values". Do I have to tell you that Batman is just popular today and not a forgotten carnival joke he was because of the turn writen by the anti-White cuckservative cuck Frank Miller who loves to blame muh nazis like he does in his all famous "African American Heroine" Martha Washington? All DC from now on had to do was repeat his image of Batman to milk shekels forever.

Egon said:
Moving the quote to this thread to avoid polution.

jrvan said:
Nothing is perfect. Anime/manga is hardly pure either. Manga authors are particularly obsessed with themes such as "7 deadly sins" and "Hero smiting the Demon Lord." Find me a popular adventure manga where this garbage isn't inserted or even centered around for a time. An increase of weeaboos doesn't mean western comics were shit nor is it even a correlative factor for why the industry is dying. The industry is dying because it was hijacked by progressive ideologues with an agenda, and they essentially became the target audience.

The illusion that this hasn't always been the case is wishful thinking and nostalgia from conservative nerds. Progressive, or even far-felt ideals with subtle anti-White themes were majoritarily common case before and were praised by the White sheeps unmanimously who think just now comics became bad - to name some "classics" and popular ones the Jew Stan Lee or communist Alan Moore who's also considered even by these "anti-left comic fans" having written "the greatest Super-hero book of all times" - people just started to notice now because they stopped being just subtle to be on face value, when they have been brainwashed all along. Yes there are some garbage tropes in many anime, like the ones you mention and Super-heroes, I quote other anime examples in this thread. There's many of this new Isekai anime that attempts to be "Western-christard-friendly" and fail miserably. The question is will anime resist and make a blasphemous turn with these symbols (such as the "Hero" finds out the "Demon Lord" is the good guy and start dating them or some things like that), and take anti-christian out values of this, or sellout and become what the Western comic book industry is.

I could also make the same argument for Goku being a "christ" figure by harnessing everyone's energy and saving them with a spirit bomb. The problem with the "christ idea" is that it can be applied to almost anything..
Yes, this idea can be applied. However the stretch must be immense if someone wants to christianize the momment "Mr. Satan" tells humanity to donate a bit of their Chi since Goku isn't all powerful. The time when people considered Western Comics all ok and good, Dragon Ball and other anime were being viciously attacked as "Satanic".

People are going to remember Iron Man and Batman for a long time, but I doubt many people are going to remember or be raving about Yu Yu Hakusho, Sailor Moon, Fairy Tail, or even One Piece in public.

That's a testament to how cleverly written and inspiring the old comics were which made them transcend typical cartoons that aren't as impactful and memorable.
I don't think this quote makes any sense and is just nostalgic bias. By this logic I could deffend christardanity for how it is more well known than Satanism for the time being.
It's obvious why this is the case, Marvel and DC are huge and they make products, they hire copious amounts of authors, artists and directors to make the same shit over with these character-products every year, while the anime/manga you quote have actual characters writen by individuals instead of companies, and are cherished and connected with readers in a more intimate way.
More on Batman later.

It's also a difference in values. Prevailing against enemies through determination and grit as opposed to "the power of friendship/nakama."

I can get behind the obvious spiritual elements in anime, but sometimes the realism factor retreats far beyond even sci-fi. A scrawny nerd beating someone up in the heat of the moment because friendship compelled him to win... okay.

Which anime are you watching friend? Again you're quoting one trope in a specific "genre" of anime, which is battle shonen, like "Super-hero" is another. But even so the "determination and grit" usually comes along within the shonen tropes. I'm not a fan either of anime that uses this tropes as I dislike Super-heros alike, though there are exceptions like sports anime where this is mandatory, such as Slam Dunk which is awesome. I and others have written a bunch of recommendations that stem on realism and go completly opposite to some of these tropes: Blade of the Immortal, Berserk, Vagabond... Just do your search.

It's a matter of pointing out the rotten cases in anime/manga VS. the 99% enemy trash that Super-hero comics always have been since it's inception.

If they could summon that much inner power in the first place then why do they fail at life? Clearly I'm not a fan of underdog stories.
Because they harnessed this power from within rather than being born with it and rising above the crowd, how isn't it more realistic if people here come from such background and are doing this right now rather than waiting for a hero group to descend and save the day?

People probably didn't really think about superpowers until comics came along. The public awareness of even the concept of Siddhis is due to this, most likely...

I'm also not shilling for Superman.
Popeye was the oldest Western character with super-strenght but Jew invented Superman started the Super-hero with powers genre at all VS. Humans harnessing power being from within with meditation, anime popularized the concepts of Chi, Chakra, absorbing power from the Constellations etc.

Let alone portraying Nationalism and Nazi Germany being cool or just the Swastika being a good symbol at all while Western comics were forever doing anti-NS propaganda subtly or in the face with it's "Murican christian values". Do I have to tell you that Batman is just popular today and not a forgotten carnival joke he was because of the turn writen by the anti-White cuckservative cuck Frank Miller who loves to blame muh nazis like he does in his all famous "African American Heroine" Martha Washington? All DC from now on had to do was repeat his image of Batman to milk shekels forever.


Anti Nazi propaganda was a given after the war. There's just no way around that. I think there's still valuable occult information hidden in comics, and I think it's the science-y angle that I always liked which ended up being my gateway to researching the occult in the first place. I began to wonder thanks to comics if certain things were possible beyond current human belief, but seen from a scientific perspective. I'm trying to see the silver lining of it all such as humans contemplating at all the idea of someone with superpowers regardless of where those powers came from. From my perspective, I'm someone who always thought superpowers were impossible but interesting, and then I come to find out about the Siddhis. Imagine my amazement. To my mind it was this new revelation: superpowers are real, and everyone has the long term potential to gain them. It was exciting.

I see your points, and I certainly do yield on the finer details. I believe it's now apparent that you possess more thorough knowledge of the industries and comic history than I do. I'm really just looking at big picture perspective about it all.

As for Superman, I think that's just the jew thing to do: act like that one kid on the playground that says "I have ALL the superpowers!"
By the way, I completely forgot about it happening like that in DBZ. My mistake. I remember binge watching it a while back, and maybe my ability to remember details in that show got hindered by all the 20 minute long character grunting sessions :lol:

I'll look into your anime recommendations. I watched Berserk in the past, and although I enjoyed it, the size of Guts' sword always bothered me because I don't understand how anyone could wield such a thing. I think there's this other anime that looked promising to me at one point called Black Clover, and it had the same thing - an unwieldy giant sword. I only watched the pilot + a couple episodes so I don't know much about it. And there's also Cloud Strife, another Asian invention with a giant sword. I don't know what it is with Asian entertainers and giant swords. Are they trying to do a 180 and escape from Katana culture or something? These things aren't just your typical two hander swords like the Zweihander or Scottish Claymore both of which were only ever used directly on the battlefield and were carried there, but it's clearly even much larger than that. Most swords are only around 3 lbs in weight with two hander swords maybe going up to around 6 or 7 lbs iirc. They already are hard to wield even for bodybuilders who have never touched one before because it takes a specific kind of handling which isn't about brute strength. Add to that a giant clump of metal while calling it a "sword" and you have to wield something probably exceeding 20 lbs, and it just makes no sense. I couldn't wield 20 pound dumbbells in an extended fight let alone a giant sword. It just doesn't make sense to me why humans of typical height would wield swords that are clearly designed for giants as a finger nail filer.

Blade of the Immortal and Vagabond sound like interesting titles. Definitely will give them a go, thanks.
In essence since garbage in, garbage out. Xtians and the DC/Marvel people are the same. Look at the statement 'History repeats itself'. It can be a good thing or a horrible thing.

The best example of the worst superhero who isn't even a superhero at all rather just a rich guy who learned martial artistry. Is Batman! funny enough Batman is not only a non-superhero but apparently he is a superhero killer or knows how to take out superheros.

There's been a few Batman vs Superman and even though Kal-el is always winning or should win. Batman takes the cake often. Funny I recall Batman Beyond from the late-90s-early-00s where Batman(Terry future Batman) kills Superman. I believe old Bruce Wayne concocted a kryptonite knife with kryptonite fluid and Terry shanks him and injects the poison killing him. Bruce Wayne like in many circle comics killed Superman yet again for the thousandth time.

I say that DC/Marvel has absolutely no future it's basically like some people who when they grow up they remain that generation. Like for example you can attack hippies all you want and claim them to be liberal degenerates and sex-crazed freaks or druggie culture. But here we are and the remaining 50s-60s-70s generation in some cases there's people who are like living the 60s all day, every day.

Dragon Ball and other anime were being viciously attacked as "Satanic".

Funny enough many xtians thought that DB/DBZ back when it became popular in the 90s was racist. There was a trope of xtians who believed Goku turning Super-Saiyin with blonde and green eyes was racist an Asian character with white features.

People are going to remember Iron Man and Batman for a long time, but I doubt many people are going to remember or be raving about Yu Yu Hakusho, Sailor Moon, Fairy Tail, or even One Piece in public.

Yu Yu Hakusho was quite popular in the early 00 just before 2005 or so when it was removed on Adult Swim. I believe the reason they put YYH was because of it's popularity in Japan and elsewhere, where such material was coming in. I can see why some people might not like YYH due to fighting various stereotypical demon looking people other-wordly beings but I believe YYH emphasized them as more like kami. More like these are the ruffians of societies and not all of these stereotypical other-worldly entities are negative like the crowd of people who watched the battles.(Been a long time since I seen Yu Yu Hakusho so I could be wrong).

Funny Sailor Moon I have no idea how early in my childhood I learned about this show but while everyone else was watching cartoons or whatnot. I learned about this show quite early on and wanted to watch it. I recall not sure if this was in the late 90s or early 00s. But I think Adult Swim had Sailor Moon and one time I just snapped awake as a child I went to my broken TV(had sound volume issues) and they played Sailor Moon it was like 5:40a.m. there was this strange glowing moon kinda like a daylight night. All I can say is I woke up too early for Saturday morning cartoons but here it is 20 minutes before the show ended watching Sailor Moon. Maybe it was on the cartoon channel and they played it late at night. All I know is I woke up several Saturdays early in a row only to never see the show again.

Not everyone was into normal Americana cartoons or whatever cartoons in those times. But people like me had some odd magick to attract these obscure shows. It reminds me of being 12-13 and watching Nip/Tuck on FX back in the early-00s while everyone else was on some other less mature show. I always like the more mature or the more obscure shows that people were like "Whoa WTF kinda show are you talking about?!". Like for example 1998/1999 Escaflowne before being removed it was so viciously censored it was just blood and mecha stabbing and whatnot. Always wanted to watch Escaflowne from the 90s version.

At the end of the day for me superhero shows in as much as watching them for the fact like for example Justice League back in the early-mid 00s.

Funny enough is not my thing. Maybe as a curiosity I watched. But Batman takes the cake as the most useless factor of heroes.

The funniest part is superheroes = the worst form of art possible. Think about it there are dozens upon dozens maybe hundreds just the same for anti-heroes. Well funny enough Batman proves you can be the king of superheroes and your still a failure just like other heroes, non-power heroes, and anti-heroes. No wonder in the last 10-20 years anti-hero styles became popular or pushing or crossing the line heroes has become popular for example Spawn is a good example but a negative person non-the less cause it shows the stereotypical social marxism of Hell and Malbolge. But all in all Spawn does things that causes issues like for example Deadpool is another. He is considered a hero but maims, injures, and or kills to save the day.

But returning to Batman there are times when Batman locks up all the maniacs and someone intervenes and frees them. Funny enough Batman is the same villains, same story, same 1930s society with technology or futuristic or whatever. It's always the same shit with different get up. Funny enough Batman can never stop crime it seems Gotham city is crime shithole central.

It just comes to show you that this messianic xtian kosher supervision non-sense is torahic. It's a never end sefer of bullshit. Where is the Gotham police enforcing the law and stopping criminal; tough on crime. Detective Gordon is about the most useless detective. I've seen more justice and more appropriate justice watching Perry Mason or Ben Matlock than Batman and Superman combined.

I think the problem is these humans who make all this superhero/villain non-sense are simply people running in the hamster wheel. They believe crime has no solution well yeah if you got kosher supervision your right. But look at Germany after the NSDAP took power.

I think in the end no wonder looking back as a child I hate comic books, superheros, and all this stuff everyone was in. Sure maybe I'd fallen into things everyone wanted like Pokemon etc.etc. but it seems looking back except in as much a few cartoons it seems I was more into Anime than others. Not nerdy FYI actually I cringe that Anime gets dragged down by nerds who wish to LARP as Japanese. I'm pretty sure Japan did not create Anime/Manga to have some waifu LARPers rather re-awaken the Axis powers to one day return and liberate the planet.

If anything I'm just an Anime realist. I like it but except some misunderstanding or needing a more technical understanding I cringe at the nerd-dom that some people fall into. It's no wonder it rubbed me the wrong way at times.

It's kinda like Star Wars okay from a distance but as you get into the gravitas of Star Wars it's like "Ugh man some of you guys are fucking retarded nerd fags that need a serious ass kicking".

Funny except in as much as watching all the old Star Wars it wasn't my thing. Eventually it reminds me of back in my teenage years when I played some video games and MMORPGs and eventually realized Sci-Fi and Fantasy are both shit. Except inasmuch both are extremes and not a balance. It wasn't till I understood there can be a mixture and a balance that I feel into the Sci-Fantasy section.

For example Dune is a good example it's Sci-Fi to an extreme into some sort of like poor people who do nothing at all but move around and it has no fantasy nor no science to it. It's so scientific, science is dead. And so extremely minute in Fantasy to call it Sci-Fan or to even so much as put those words near each other is an utter spitting on striking the balance.

In essence I read Egon, jrvan, and a few others who posted on this page. And I gotta agree with all of you in essence the extremes but no the balance. And if there is a balance it's always an attempt to throw it off. It seems a balance of a triangle and a board rather than the Scales of Justice, the Libra Scales. In other words mechanismless(i.e. no mechanism) to hold the balance rather there's always the subtle attempts from both sides to unbalance and even so much as eliminate the balance by removing the triangle. Rather the Scales of Balance are not used because then there is a fixed measuring device that can only balance and there will always be a force to return the balance.

In simplest terms much like religion and politics. Extremes > Balance. I would not be surprised if Hitler had more information he would agree that there seems to be a lack of balance or maybe he did quickly understand there is a distinct lack of balance.

In essence Hitleristically, it's the main point of the political side of Nazism. If Spiritual Satanism and the Empire of Orion; Satan and company attributize themselves as 'Kin Altruism'. Then politically as Hitler prominently speaks about it in a sub-chapter or two in Second Vol.2 of Dr. Dalton's Mein Kampf. He literally states the main issue that needs to occur is responsibility. To take it further Hitler furnishes the book with a principle he calls 'Fundamental Responsibility'.

If Spiritually we ascribe to Kin Altruism. Politically it's Fundamental Responsibility.

I think in the end all these people are kinda like modern day vaxx vs anti-vaxx. You got rules, laws, amendments, and constitutions protecting you from the vax. And yet everyone spits on that and goes VAX us we are goys yay goyim power. I think it's the same with comics. Just rehash the same shit and the stupid masses will never understand.

Kinda like George Lincoln Rockwell, between the TV watchers and comic book readers you got the masses.

All this culture war and all this non-sense is no surprise it pops in with comics and heroes. It's the twisting of the Ancient Gentile Heroes into some sort of messianic bullshit.

Like it was said it's better to be your own savior than rely on a dupe that posits itself as if your with me your saved already don't worry Duke Nukem yourself "Eat shit and die for my kike species and race".

Unfortunately it's not gonna change the goalposts are always moved around. It's another Operation Barbarossa at hand. Before communism is replacing xtianity. But the second the Germans come in pump the kaballah perform spiritual warfare goy goy goy goy.

It's no wonder we have Matrix members on this forum and they notice the glitches in the jewtrix.
jrvan said:
I'll look into your anime recommendations. I watched Berserk in the past, and although I enjoyed it, the size of Guts' sword always bothered me because I don't understand how anyone could wield such a thing. I think there's this other anime that looked promising to me at one point called Black Clover, and it had the same thing - an unwieldy giant sword. I only watched the pilot + a couple episodes so I don't know much about it.
For Berserk stick with the manga and avoid any anime, they are "ok" but very poor in comparison and many things aren't explained: https://youtu.be/QqHPElZViU0

Blade of the Immortal is the same, the anime rushes too much content and the art is inferior. Also they censored the Swastika in the new anime. I wrote separate topics about all these you can check.

Black Clover has too much angelic magic and xtian gnosticism in the face, instead of using its concepts with a twist such as in other manga like Berserk (ie., making the angels villains etc.) so I'd avoid it myself, also Black Clover and Jujutsu Kaisen are just too much Naruto clones and this annoys me immensely. Not like for instance Naruto getting inspiration from Hunter x Hunter, but straight repeated tropes.
Any of you guys played "Omori"? I'm considering buying this game and don't know if it's worth it.

MiniMe3388 said:
Any of you guys played "Omori"? I'm considering buying this game and don't know if it's worth it

Hello! I bought Omori a few months back and my personal opinion is it’s totally worth it. If you are into the psychology of how one is affected by trauma and overcoming said trauma as well as overcoming any fears or guilt from mistakes one has made then I think it’s a good game for you to play.

(warning small spoilers) It’s basically about a boy who had experienced trauma related to one of his family members and because it was so traumatic he ended up pushing everything and everyone away as a defense mechanism (escapism) eventually dissociating from the entire experience making him forget it(which also causes some inner conflict/turmoil). The game makes the MC figure out what the trauma was through the use of lucid dreams, a place where the MC created named “Headspace” which is essentially the MC’s ideal “reality”.

In “Headspace” you go on an adventure to find the truth in a child-like space also overcoming any fears the MC may have as well as any enemies that stand in your way. There are a few choices in the game the player can take which will influence whether the MC accepts the truth and moves forward with his life or he shuts down completely avoiding/denying the truth and becoming nothing in return.

The MC is also haunted by “something” which is basically like a negative thoughtform he created around his trauma. Also if you take the true route you’ll see how others are affected by the same trauma.

There are some minor questionable things but should be able to shrug off as it doesn’t affect the overall message of the game. The game has some nice artwork and great music; it’s also like 20-25 hrs of gameplay so it will probably take a while to finish. The end of the true route was great too almost made me cry :lol:
SSGrim88 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Any of you guys played "Omori"? I'm considering buying this game and don't know if it's worth it

Hello! I bought Omori a few months back and my personal opinion is it’s totally worth it. If you are into the psychology of how one is affected by trauma and overcoming said trauma as well as overcoming any fears or guilt from mistakes one has made then I think it’s a good game for you to play.

(warning small spoilers) It’s basically about a boy who had experienced trauma related to one of his family members and because it was so traumatic he ended up pushing everything and everyone away as a defense mechanism (escapism) eventually dissociating from the entire experience making him forget it(which also causes some inner conflict/turmoil). The game makes the MC figure out what the trauma was through the use of lucid dreams, a place where the MC created named “Headspace” which is essentially the MC’s ideal “reality”.

In “Headspace” you go on an adventure to find the truth in a child-like space also overcoming any fears the MC may have as well as any enemies that stand in your way. There are a few choices in the game the player can take which will influence whether the MC accepts the truth and moves forward with his life or he shuts down completely avoiding/denying the truth and becoming nothing in return.

The MC is also haunted by “something” which is basically like a negative thoughtform he created around his trauma. Also if you take the true route you’ll see how others are affected by the same trauma.

There are some minor questionable things but should be able to shrug off as it doesn’t affect the overall message of the game. The game has some nice artwork and great music; it’s also like 20-25 hrs of gameplay so it will probably take a while to finish. The end of the true route was great too almost made me cry :lol:

Thank you very much for your opinion. I became interested in this game because I am interested in human psychology (yes, I study psychology :lol: ).
Hail Satan!
MiniMe3388 said:
Thank you very much for your opinion. I became interested in this game because I am interested in human psychology (yes, I study psychology :lol: ).
Hail Satan!

That's actually how I got into it as well :lol: there's also videos online where they explain the psychology behind Omori but I suggest if you are interested in doing so, to watch them at the end of your gameplay because it of course spoils some major plot points and it's best to go in somewhat blindly for the full experience (I made this mistake due to my interest in psychology XD) Small tip if you decide on buying it: Water Basil's flowers every time you go to headspace.
Anyways I hope this helped :D
Egon said:
EnkiUK55 said:
What are the best games guys. I play Football games and sadly hear Pro evo have stopped making them and are doing it for free as an add on.......hope not as i couldnt join the fifa brigade.

Grand theft, gran turismo, mortal kombat are they out :eek:
My favorites ever are Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne. Basically anything Fromsoftware makes, so for sure I will get Sekiro and Elden Ring at some point. They are the most challenging and hardest but once you learn they are some of the most rewarding gaming experiences.

Up there is Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, which I liked a lot because of the Ancient Greek theme, and I wrote this mini review here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=269374#p269374

I also own Mortal Kombat XL and 11, they are pretty fun, not sure if there is going to be a new one. I am a PS4 owner but all PS4 games are compatible with PS5.

My favorite games are the Final Fantasy series, Pokemon, Mortal Kombat, Forza, Gran Turismo.
Kevin Hernandez said:
My favorite games are the Final Fantasy series, Pokemon, Mortal Kombat, Forza, Gran Turismo.

My favorite is Hollow Knight. I bought it twice.
If anybody's interested in playing it, I warmly encourage you to max out your Geo account at the bank lady you find at the bottom of Fog Canyon. You'll love it.
Inflorescentia said:
The Phantom Stranger said:
Yo guys check out The Darkest Minds
Why? So we can cringe at the stereotypical casting?

Well I mean it seems suspiciously coincidental that they use the same powers as on the Satanic meditation page ie pyrokinesis, telekinesis, mind reading etc etc
Maybe its predictive programming I guess
Something related to this topic is Walt Disney.
Here is a quote from http://www.nordfront.se (Nordic Resistance Movement's online magazine):

The real problem, of course, was that Walt Disney’s vision of the world, as reflected in the films he produced, was wholly different from that of the Jewish film producers around him. As long as Walt was making Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck cartoons, this problem could be overlooked. When he began animating feature-length fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella, the Jews in Hollywood became increasingly nervous. The world of Snow White was an entirely White world, a European world. It stirred racial memories in White Americans, and the aim of the Jewish media bosses then as now was to make White Americans forget their roots. They wanted to begin promoting multiculturalism as soon as the Second World War was over, and Walt was in their way.

Another one:
Sometimes Disney has given the Jews less flattering features. From the original version of Three Little Pigs (1933) there was a scene where the wolf dressed up as a Jewish farm trader to trick the pigs. The Jewish trader, with a very large nose and Yiddish dialect, tries to sell brushes with the line "I'm the Fuller Brush man! I’m giving away free sample! ”

Both interesting and funny.
Gurren Lagann is an over the top mecha anime and a lot of people write it off because of this. But it's one of my all time favorite shows and it has a lot of esoteric messages and gives a fresh perspective on the fight we face. A lot of the show, especially in the second half, goes over people's heads because of the action.

Watch the show all the way through while keeping the fight and our beliefs in perspective, and your mind will be blown
"ADL How cartoons brainwashed us with jewish stereotypes"
Oy gevalt :lol:

xlnt said:
Something related to this topic is Walt Disney.
Here is a quote from http://www.nordfront.se (Nordic Resistance Movement's online magazine):

The real problem, of course, was that Walt Disney’s vision of the world, as reflected in the films he produced, was wholly different from that of the Jewish film producers around him. As long as Walt was making Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck cartoons, this problem could be overlooked. When he began animating feature-length fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella, the Jews in Hollywood became increasingly nervous. The world of Snow White was an entirely White world, a European world. It stirred racial memories in White Americans, and the aim of the Jewish media bosses then as now was to make White Americans forget their roots. They wanted to begin promoting multiculturalism as soon as the Second World War was over, and Walt was in their way.

Another one:
Sometimes Disney has given the Jews less flattering features. From the original version of Three Little Pigs (1933) there was a scene where the wolf dressed up as a Jewish farm trader to trick the pigs. The Jewish trader, with a very large nose and Yiddish dialect, tries to sell brushes with the line "I'm the Fuller Brush man! I’m giving away free sample! ”

Both interesting and funny.
TheNewGuy said:
Gurren Lagann is an over the top mecha anime and a lot of people write it off because of this. But it's one of my all time favorite shows and it has a lot of esoteric messages and gives a fresh perspective on the fight we face. A lot of the show, especially in the second half, goes over people's heads because of the action.

Watch the show all the way through while keeping the fight and our beliefs in perspective, and your mind will be blown

It's hands down the best anime ever made. The only anime I whole heartedly recommend as a Spiritual Satanist (perhaps also Dragon ball Z).

There's so much subliminal spiritual symbolism shown there that relates to the state of our world, it's really quite amazing.
Egon said:
"ADL How cartoons brainwashed us with jewish stereotypes"
Oy gevalt :lol:

xlnt said:
Something related to this topic is Walt Disney.
Here is a quote from http://www.nordfront.se (Nordic Resistance Movement's online magazine):

The real problem, of course, was that Walt Disney’s vision of the world, as reflected in the films he produced, was wholly different from that of the Jewish film producers around him. As long as Walt was making Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck cartoons, this problem could be overlooked. When he began animating feature-length fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella, the Jews in Hollywood became increasingly nervous. The world of Snow White was an entirely White world, a European world. It stirred racial memories in White Americans, and the aim of the Jewish media bosses then as now was to make White Americans forget their roots. They wanted to begin promoting multiculturalism as soon as the Second World War was over, and Walt was in their way.

Another one:
Sometimes Disney has given the Jews less flattering features. From the original version of Three Little Pigs (1933) there was a scene where the wolf dressed up as a Jewish farm trader to trick the pigs. The Jewish trader, with a very large nose and Yiddish dialect, tries to sell brushes with the line "I'm the Fuller Brush man! I’m giving away free sample! ”

Both interesting and funny.

That was an even funnier video. Interesting also.
xlnt said:
Something related to this topic is Walt Disney.
Here is a quote from http://www.nordfront.se (Nordic Resistance Movement's online magazine):

The real problem, of course, was that Walt Disney’s vision of the world, as reflected in the films he produced, was wholly different from that of the Jewish film producers around him. As long as Walt was making Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck cartoons, this problem could be overlooked. When he began animating feature-length fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella, the Jews in Hollywood became increasingly nervous. The world of Snow White was an entirely White world, a European world. It stirred racial memories in White Americans, and the aim of the Jewish media bosses then as now was to make White Americans forget their roots. They wanted to begin promoting multiculturalism as soon as the Second World War was over, and Walt was in their way.

Another one:
Sometimes Disney has given the Jews less flattering features. From the original version of Three Little Pigs (1933) there was a scene where the wolf dressed up as a Jewish farm trader to trick the pigs. The Jewish trader, with a very large nose and Yiddish dialect, tries to sell brushes with the line "I'm the Fuller Brush man! I’m giving away free sample! ”

Both interesting and funny.
Related on this topic, i still would ask why Disney made a degenerate propaganda that promoted the rape of Germany. You can find the post in The End of a Dream section of Mourning the Ancients website.

Walt Disney versus The Hollywood Jews–FROM THE CDL REPORT, 1999
SSGrim88 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Any of you guys played "Omori"? I'm considering buying this game and don't know if it's worth it

Hello! I bought Omori a few months back and my personal opinion is it’s totally worth it. If you are into the psychology of how one is affected by trauma and overcoming said trauma as well as overcoming any fears or guilt from mistakes one has made then I think it’s a good game for you to play.

(warning small spoilers) It’s basically about a boy who had experienced trauma related to one of his family members and because it was so traumatic he ended up pushing everything and everyone away as a defense mechanism (escapism) eventually dissociating from the entire experience making him forget it(which also causes some inner conflict/turmoil). The game makes the MC figure out what the trauma was through the use of lucid dreams, a place where the MC created named “Headspace” which is essentially the MC’s ideal “reality”.

In “Headspace” you go on an adventure to find the truth in a child-like space also overcoming any fears the MC may have as well as any enemies that stand in your way. There are a few choices in the game the player can take which will influence whether the MC accepts the truth and moves forward with his life or he shuts down completely avoiding/denying the truth and becoming nothing in return.

The MC is also haunted by “something” which is basically like a negative thoughtform he created around his trauma. Also if you take the true route you’ll see how others are affected by the same trauma.

There are some minor questionable things but should be able to shrug off as it doesn’t affect the overall message of the game. The game has some nice artwork and great music; it’s also like 20-25 hrs of gameplay so it will probably take a while to finish. The end of the true route was great too almost made me cry :lol:

If you guys like Omori, I strongly recommend the LISA trilogy. The order is LISA -> LISA: The Painful -> LISA: The Joyful. I would happily like to admit that these games broke my heart and that I still remember everything years later.

The first game is about a girl, Lisa, who suffers incredible trauma as a prisoner in her own house and mind, from her father's abuse. The psychological effects of her suffering causes her to begin seeing the world around her warp to depictions of her torturous existence. Apart from other twisted visuals, the environment and things in it gradually mold into the shape of her father's face, seeing him everywhere as you make your way out of the nightmares with symbolic expressions of what he did to her.

The 2nd game, LISA: The Painful, is the most iconic. Its gameplay is different, but in a good way. Set in the future after the events of the first game, Lisa's uncle, Brad, finds a female baby in a world where women no longer exist. Everyone is now after the girl that Brad discovered. As you make your way sometimes recruiting, but mostly fighting the bizarre outlaws of this world, flashbacks and hallucinations of what truly happened to Lisa after the end of the first game, haunt Brad in his endeavor to save the girl's life. The best thing about this game, in my opinion, is the way it portrays the power of human desire, as it plays a big role in uh... how the enemies "turn".

The 3rd game, LISA: The Joyful, is set after the events of the 2nd game, The Painful, from the view of the young girl and the psychologies she developed from everything that occurred around her. It's stunning to say the least, and the ending is hard to forget.

Very impactful games in my opinion, all of them. The 2nd and 3rd have a lot of references to the first game, too, especially through some of the soundtracks. The music is something you kind of have to get used to at first, though. Lol
OhNoItsMook said:
SSGrim88 said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Any of you guys played "Omori"? I'm considering buying this game and don't know if it's worth it

Hello! I bought Omori a few months back and my personal opinion is it’s totally worth it. If you are into the psychology of how one is affected by trauma and overcoming said trauma as well as overcoming any fears or guilt from mistakes one has made then I think it’s a good game for you to play.

(warning small spoilers) It’s basically about a boy who had experienced trauma related to one of his family members and because it was so traumatic he ended up pushing everything and everyone away as a defense mechanism (escapism) eventually dissociating from the entire experience making him forget it(which also causes some inner conflict/turmoil). The game makes the MC figure out what the trauma was through the use of lucid dreams, a place where the MC created named “Headspace” which is essentially the MC’s ideal “reality”.

In “Headspace” you go on an adventure to find the truth in a child-like space also overcoming any fears the MC may have as well as any enemies that stand in your way. There are a few choices in the game the player can take which will influence whether the MC accepts the truth and moves forward with his life or he shuts down completely avoiding/denying the truth and becoming nothing in return.

The MC is also haunted by “something” which is basically like a negative thoughtform he created around his trauma. Also if you take the true route you’ll see how others are affected by the same trauma.

There are some minor questionable things but should be able to shrug off as it doesn’t affect the overall message of the game. The game has some nice artwork and great music; it’s also like 20-25 hrs of gameplay so it will probably take a while to finish. The end of the true route was great too almost made me cry :lol:

If you guys like Omori, I strongly recommend the LISA trilogy. The order is LISA -> LISA: The Painful -> LISA: The Joyful. I would happily like to admit that these games broke my heart and that I still remember everything years later.

The first game is about a girl, Lisa, who suffers incredible trauma as a prisoner in her own house and mind, from her father's abuse. The psychological effects of her suffering causes her to begin seeing the world around her warp to depictions of her torturous existence. Apart from other twisted visuals, the environment and things in it gradually mold into the shape of her father's face, seeing him everywhere as you make your way out of the nightmares with symbolic expressions of what he did to her.

The 2nd game, LISA: The Painful, is the most iconic. Its gameplay is different, but in a good way. Set in the future after the events of the first game, Lisa's uncle, Brad, finds a female baby in a world where women no longer exist. Everyone is now after the girl that Brad discovered. As you make your way sometimes recruiting, but mostly fighting the bizarre outlaws of this world, flashbacks and hallucinations of what truly happened to Lisa after the end of the first game, haunt Brad in his endeavor to save the girl's life. The best thing about this game, in my opinion, is the way it portrays the power of human desire, as it plays a big role in uh... how the enemies "turn".

The 3rd game, LISA: The Joyful, is set after the events of the 2nd game, The Painful, from the view of the young girl and the psychologies she developed from everything that occurred around her. It's stunning to say the least, and the ending is hard to forget.

Very impactful games in my opinion, all of them. The 2nd and 3rd have a lot of references to the first game, too, especially through some of the soundtracks. The music is something you kind of have to get used to at first, though. Lol

I am familiar with this trilogy and played it a few years ago. I am currently playing Omori and I think this game is better than LISA. Btw. I highly recommend the game "Yume Nikki". Also it has psychological themes. I love this game and it is together with Omori my favorite (and also Starbound). The game itself has themes of isolation, anxiety, brutality, escapism, separation, body and identity issues, self-mutilation, an abusive mother, and a car accident. The main character is able to have conscious dreams. There are many locations in the game and one can feel the overwhelming emptiness and loneliness, and our task is to collect all 24 effects to get the ending, which can be very surprising for people who have not read the manga (the game is based on the manga of the same title).



MiniMe3388 said:
I am familiar with this trilogy and played it a few years ago. I am currently playing Omori and I think this game is better than LISA. Btw. I highly recommend the game "Yume Nikki". Also it has psychological themes. I love this game and it is together with Omori my favorite (and also Starbound). The game itself has themes of isolation, anxiety, brutality, escapism, separation, body and identity issues, self-mutilation, an abusive mother, and a car accident. The main character is able to have conscious dreams. There are many locations in the game and one can feel the overwhelming emptiness and loneliness, and our task is to collect all 24 effects to get the ending, which can be very surprising for people who have not read the manga (the game is based on the manga of the same title).

Wow, that's awesome! I've also heard of Yume Nikki a lot before. The Dream Diary. I had no idea it also had a manga! Time to experience both, now.

Have you heard of The Witch's House? It seems to be similarly well-known, and it too has been recommended to me before. I have yet to play it myself, though. When it comes to supernatural horror in games and anime and stuff, I always wonder if it's gonna hit us with the same lame blasphemy as usual...
OhNoItsMook said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I am familiar with this trilogy and played it a few years ago. I am currently playing Omori and I think this game is better than LISA. Btw. I highly recommend the game "Yume Nikki". Also it has psychological themes. I love this game and it is together with Omori my favorite (and also Starbound). The game itself has themes of isolation, anxiety, brutality, escapism, separation, body and identity issues, self-mutilation, an abusive mother, and a car accident. The main character is able to have conscious dreams. There are many locations in the game and one can feel the overwhelming emptiness and loneliness, and our task is to collect all 24 effects to get the ending, which can be very surprising for people who have not read the manga (the game is based on the manga of the same title).

Wow, that's awesome! I've also heard of Yume Nikki a lot before. The Dream Diary. I had no idea it also had a manga! Time to experience both, now.

Have you heard of The Witch's House? It seems to be similarly well-known, and it too has been recommended to me before. I have yet to play it myself, though. When it comes to supernatural horror in games and anime and stuff, I always wonder if it's gonna hit us with the same lame blasphemy as usual...

Nope, unfortunately I am not familiar with this game. Maybe when I have more time I'll see some gameplay from someone.
OhNoItsMook you have similar taste in games as me, hahaha.
Maybe you've heard of the game "Ib"? I played it a few years ago and really enjoyed it.
A follow up with my Game of Throne experience here to not flood the other thread. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=65366

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
I remember people asking me about this tv shows and I was like "What is that?", and they look at me like I had committed some crime lol I watched the first episode at some point. It was too boring, so I decided not to watch. The only thing I remember I took a personality test once and House Stark came out, which didn't sound too bad.

You watched the first episode? Now you aren't an antisemite let alone a serious one. If you watch the whole series, you might burn in hellfire. It's forbidden to watch any show as a Trve Antisemite based on the Gizmo standard. So be careful of this.

Anyway trolling aside, I don't understand what's bad about the show granted the plot summary I read was actually a very Pagan one. Even the idea of the eternal winter is an idea from Nordic lore. It looks similar to Lord of the Rings. Especially the Dragon symbolism and everything was nice. Would definitely want to read the book. I also saw a lot of Alchemical allegory in the show and in the descriptions online.

That aside people said it was ruined in the final season anyway, which was due to two kikes taking the series and ruining the whole story. Not sure if it had race mixing themes and the usual jew propaganda. Another typical thing is that the evil king in this Joffrey was again picked up to be a Blonde person, which is very usual in all hollywood productions. Jon Snow also looked like a very good and heroic character.

I can't imagine the author's pain after they write books that ended up being world favorites and having the series destroyed by two lazy kikes in the end of it all.

I have finished watching "Game of Thrones Redeemed", if you do check Game of Thrones at some point you can skip seasons 7 and 8 altogether and watch this instead, after 6.

For reasons of safeguarding this version online I believe, the author of this edit asks to contact them for the link rather than make the page easy to find on Google, their contact is in the description of this video: https://youtu.be/L1OcIZbrl60

Also, Joffrey was a very small fry in the greater scheme of things, and there are much more blonde and even redhead characters that are ultimate badasses (whereas in other media "ginger" or other very White actors are there for being mocked). The rabbit hole of plots, motivations and allegories go much deeper, and it's in general positive. There were only those few cases of "multicultural" couples like I mentioned (short lived ones), most of the cast is White and even the very few brown characters only mate one another.

The fan ending wasn't perfect but WAY better than the "official" TV ending. Regadless, the journey itself was great, in my opinion it is very worth checking out, it is very well acted and produced. I feel sorry for all the artists who worked hard on that to see it become a worldwide fiasco. Also because the author is very old and it seems the last book isn't coming out anytime soon.

I like this dialogue a lot, it very relatable with our struggle on a personal level:

danewpath said:

Walt Disney versus The Hollywood Jews–FROM THE CDL REPORT, 1999

Sorry for the late answer. Anyway, thanks for clearing my mind. I knew it that the post must be the work of Jews who managed to infiltrate Disney's Company. Thought the article is wrong in praising Thomas Edison, since he was a jew.

By the way, this also explains why (((Weinstein))) and his fellow chosenite did everything in their power to destroy The Thief and the Cobbler by Richard Williams. After all, the Thief character of that movie resembles the Jewish caricature (the nose, the rubbing hands, the kippah, the obsession for gold).
MiniMe3388 said:
OhNoItsMook said:
Wow, that's awesome! I've also heard of Yume Nikki a lot before. The Dream Diary. I had no idea it also had a manga! Time to experience both, now.

Have you heard of The Witch's House? It seems to be similarly well-known, and it too has been recommended to me before. I have yet to play it myself, though. When it comes to supernatural horror in games and anime and stuff, I always wonder if it's gonna hit us with the same lame blasphemy as usual...

Nope, unfortunately I am not familiar with this game. Maybe when I have more time I'll see some gameplay from someone.
OhNoItsMook you have similar taste in games as me, hahaha.
Maybe you've heard of the game "Ib"? I played it a few years ago and really enjoyed it.

No, I haven't heard of that one before! It definitely seems like something I would like.
I'm glad to know we have similar interests when it comes to these kinds of games, lol.
I'm sure you've already played Doki Doki Literature Club? It's more of a visual novel rather than an RPG, but very well known, nonetheless.
OhNoItsMook said:
MiniMe3388 said:
OhNoItsMook said:
Wow, that's awesome! I've also heard of Yume Nikki a lot before. The Dream Diary. I had no idea it also had a manga! Time to experience both, now.

Have you heard of The Witch's House? It seems to be similarly well-known, and it too has been recommended to me before. I have yet to play it myself, though. When it comes to supernatural horror in games and anime and stuff, I always wonder if it's gonna hit us with the same lame blasphemy as usual...

Nope, unfortunately I am not familiar with this game. Maybe when I have more time I'll see some gameplay from someone.
OhNoItsMook you have similar taste in games as me, hahaha.
Maybe you've heard of the game "Ib"? I played it a few years ago and really enjoyed it.

No, I haven't heard of that one before! It definitely seems like something I would like.
I'm glad to know we have similar interests when it comes to these kinds of games, lol.
I'm sure you've already played Doki Doki Literature Club? It's more of a visual novel rather than an RPG, but very well known, nonetheless.

When I went to technical school, my friend loved this game and she encouraged me to Doki Doki Literature Club. I really enjoyed this game. I love Visual Novel. I have been playing this type of game since middle school. Now I'm in college and I still love them :lol:
There will be a new Dragon Ball movie - "Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero".

The Red Ribbon Army, an evil organization that was once destroyed by Goku in the past, has been succeeded by a group of people who have created new and mightiest Androids ever, Gamma 1 and Gamma 2.

The film is scheduled to be released on April 22, 2022 in Japan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
