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More on the Final RTR

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
In addition to the Final RTR destroying the Catholic Church blatantly, exposing the Jewish pestilence, and inciting more nations cracking down on Islam, members who are performing the RTR regularly are having very positive personal experiences.

BTW, this is the real "backwards" in Satanism that the enemy keeps harping about.

With the Final RTR, we are finding the enemy has used their Hebrew letters to prevent us from communicating with our Gods, from accessing our psychic powers, and much more. Those of us who have been performing the Final RTR daily are experiencing more energy flow, more awareness, and more walls in our minds being destroyed. Obstacles are being removed and more.

For centuries, top rabbis and their scum have been cursing and binding Gentiles.


I'm reposting this again for people who have joined on recently, or for those of you who haven't read the other related posts:

Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:

1. Visualize the brilliant light descending down into your head and pushing down any dirt, filth, thoughtforms [thoughtforms can appear as chunks of filth or for those who are advanced, you can see them as they may be shapes, symbols, like elementals, or otherwise]. This will be gray or black energy [as it collects], and will get darker as it descends.

2. Visualize the brilliant light descending through your throat, down through your shoulders, chest, then stomach area, hips and all the way down through your feet, pushing out all of the dirt from your aura and soul.

3. Move the filth beside you, in a pile.

4. DO THIS THREE TIMES, steps 1 through 4. Keep piling the dirt.

5. When you are finished, your aura and soul should be much brighter and cleaner. You can either ask for a Demon to take the energy and to return it to the senders [especially if you’re new], OR, you can visualize it shooting away from you, directing it to the senders.

6. Affirm 3 times:
My aura is deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, Ill will, thought forms and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it to the senders.

The link below is more detailed. You can do this at any time. It should be done every day. Just don't do the cleaning of your aura/soul for the very first time on a Void of Course Moon.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
This new RTR is amazing and powerful. I had a wonderful experience tonight with my kundalini. It frees the soul.

Best when done everyday, for sure.
I've noticed rapid progress with doing the last RTR.
One morning I had woken up to find I was holding my black book. I felt like I was on the right path.

This might sound silly, but does an increase in bioelectricity tend to give us a bit of a static shock when we touch things? Or is that just me over thinking multiple times I've collected extra electrons?
I saw your updating the meditations section and I think this guys work could really help visualize the meditations. Please check out this link,

As Indigo pointed out everyone should be doing the Final RTR more as its the enemies major holiday where they work to put the energies into work for the next year of their Torah.
I can attest to that. I feel my meditations more and have been able to make my meditations stronger and I can really feel them and be able to handle the energy. My 3rd eye feels to be opening faster. I see flashes of lights constantly now. Like when I get in a trance, randomly when I'm just doing whatever and even when I strain myself a bit like during my work outs. When I do this RTR my body heats up a noticeable amount to the point where I sweated a little when it was only warm in my room.

The way I clean my aura is I vibrate RAUM 9x into my aura and then vibrate it again for each chakra 2x. Sometimes 4 times each. Is this fine or should I add more reps or just go to the cleansing meditation you mentioned? I'm considering adding the one you mentioned since I liked the way it has felt when I did it before.
I meant to mention that I do that whole cleansing twice a day and i have definitely have seen the affects. Mostly positive. Only negatives is just the bad stuff surfacing but I know that's part of the cleansing process. Also I always clean my aura when I do a the RTR once or several times in a one go. If I do more than one thought the day then I make sure to clean my aura after each time.
Jack The GOOD guy said:
I saw your updating the meditations section and I think this guys work could really help visualize the meditations. Please check out this link,

I also emailed clergy about this, as it is really useful and many JoS members are not active enough in the forums/groups to have seen this :)
Yesterday I had a really intense experience, I always had problems with my crown chakra and my clairaudience points and it was as if suddenly all those blockages disappeared, also for the first time I feel totally free my kundalini, all day long I had visions of how that cursed Hebrew letters backed up and disintegrated, much like when a videotape is rewound backwards.
zolaluckystar said:
Last weekend I felt a big barrier barrier crumble. I had an amazing experience with one of the Goddesses I was painting and another God made contact with me! My ability, it seems, literally overnight went up several notches! Things that stumped me before are now like: No problem!

It's almost as if I got a 'download' of ability from somewhere else. For a long time I'd felt like I was trying to make headway against a stiff wind and suddenly it's gone!

This is my fave cleaning ritual. It's really effective :)

I was watching a video on 4chan today. His name is zingdad or adamu, and he says some red vampire died when he tried to issue the world war 3 order.

I don't want to advertise others here, but you can easily google the story for yourself. It's about a half hour long.
HP Mageson666 said:
As Indigo pointed out everyone should be doing the Final RTR more as its the enemies major holiday where they work to put the energies into work for the next year of their Torah.

Yes that's true if your open maybe you can feel the energy they send out (dont connect to it) the whole holiday starts around 10 days before Yom Kippur. You can and should do the final rtr as much as possible along with it if you have time the eighteenth enochian key or just vibrate the enochian word for peace or comfort and program it to offset the fear energy they put out. Peace = fay-ta-hah-rah-see comfort= buh-lee-ohr-ray.
That's just a suggestion and what I did. If you think about it you may be able to come up with something better but
Just be sure to do above all else the final rtr.
Hail Satan
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
BTW, this is the real "backwards" in Satanism that the enemy keeps harping about.

I'm still learning the ropes of how all this functions, so there's still a few bits of information I quite haven't wrapped my head around yet.
Most pressing one is, how does the Jewish soul function compared to a Gentile soul? What are the technical differences between us and them?
I remember one of the HPs said that Hebrew as an alphabet is basically just Sanskrit words of power in reverse. My question is, why did they have to reverse the Sanskrit in the first place? What was stopping them just using Sanskrit with an ill intent? I get a little bit more confused how this functions properly when words like "Heh" seem to sound the same backwards and forwards, so I'm not sure how this is reversed. Or is there a slight difference in the way we vibrate "Heh" to how a Jew says it in their rituals?

The other thought I had was, since we suffer enemy attacks for going against the system the enemy has created, is that same system incapable of ever bringing negativity towards a Jew in the form of attacks or can it only bring them positives? I'm assuming Jews by nature cannot go against their system, but I'm also assuming even if they could, that it'd never attack them for doing so.

Thank you for any clarifications, just trying to figure out the technical reasons why doing this benefits us and destroys them. I know full well it does, just trying to understand the mechanics at play. I've been suffering attacks lately as I've kept doing the RTR so my brain is clouded with queries about the stuff I don't understand. I guess I've been suffering from the same "Am I a kike" attack so many others have been suffering from... even though I'm blood dedicated, do the RTRs and seemingly don't have a single Jew in my family line.
Zephyrus said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
BTW, this is the real "backwards" in Satanism that the enemy keeps harping about.

I'm still learning the ropes of how all this functions, so there's still a few bits of information I quite haven't wrapped my head around yet.
Most pressing one is, how does the Jewish soul function compared to a Gentile soul? What are the technical differences between us and them?
I remember one of the HPs said that Hebrew as an alphabet is basically just Sanskrit words of power in reverse. My question is, why did they have to reverse the Sanskrit in the first place? What was stopping them just using Sanskrit with an ill intent? I get a little bit more confused how this functions properly when words like "Heh" seem to sound the same backwards and forwards, so I'm not sure how this is reversed. Or is there a slight difference in the way we vibrate "Heh" to how a Jew says it in their rituals?

The other thought I had was, since we suffer enemy attacks for going against the system the enemy has created, is that same system incapable of ever bringing negativity towards a Jew in the form of attacks or can it only bring them positives? I'm assuming Jews by nature cannot go against their system, but I'm also assuming even if they could, that it'd never attack them for doing so.

Thank you for any clarifications, just trying to figure out the technical reasons why doing this benefits us and destroys them. I know full well it does, just trying to understand the mechanics at play. I've been suffering attacks lately as I've kept doing the RTR so my brain is clouded with queries about the stuff I don't understand. I guess I've been suffering from the same "Am I a kike" attack so many others have been suffering from... even though I'm blood dedicated, do the RTRs and seemingly don't have a single Jew in my family line.
From what i understood, the jewish soul has miss some chakras, their souls are made to be slave and to destory us, this is why they can't use our spirituality in it's pure form, they work in the exact opposite of us this is why they had to reverse our language to make it work for them plus by doing that they are cursing us with it.

Some letters are neutral so they can use them, like V is a connector, in the mantra Vu Va Vo the V is used to connect the solar chakra with the six chakra. They have instead Vav. Probabile because not ALL the letter could have been reversed we just let them in that way plus some like V (and i belive even He) are neutral and can be used by us.
luis said:
From what i understood, the jewish soul has miss some chakras, their souls are made to be slave and to destory us, this is why they can't use our spirituality in it's pure form, they work in the exact opposite of us this is why they had to reverse our language to make it work for them plus by doing that they are cursing us with it.

Some letters are neutral so they can use them, like V is a connector, in the mantra Vu Va Vo the V is used to connect the solar chakra with the six chakra. They have instead Vav. Probabile because not ALL the letter could have been reversed we just let them in that way plus some like V (and i belive even He) are neutral and can be used by us.

Yeah, I think I understand it now, thank you. So I'm to take it then, if one feels benefit from doing the Final RTR (as in, negative thoughts are silenced, I feel cleaner and I can actually feel some sort of divine presence every so often now after doing this stuff) then one is definitely 100% a gentile? As I said, I've also blood dedicated. Can I at long last tell the attacks to shut the fuck up and can wholly accept that I am not one of the filthy, despicable enemies? :D It'll be such a relief to have that certainty, because this attack feels so cheap. None of my family is jewish, I don't look jewish, but this attack still finds a way to make me feel rotten, even though I'm putting everything I can into the RTR. Like I said, it'll be a huge relief to have that assurance. Thanks!
Zephyrus said:
luis said:
From what i understood, the jewish soul has miss some chakras, their souls are made to be slave and to destory us, this is why they can't use our spirituality in it's pure form, they work in the exact opposite of us this is why they had to reverse our language to make it work for them plus by doing that they are cursing us with it.

Some letters are neutral so they can use them, like V is a connector, in the mantra Vu Va Vo the V is used to connect the solar chakra with the six chakra. They have instead Vav. Probabile because not ALL the letter could have been reversed we just let them in that way plus some like V (and i belive even He) are neutral and can be used by us.

Yeah, I think I understand it now, thank you. So I'm to take it then, if one feels benefit from doing the Final RTR (as in, negative thoughts are silenced, I feel cleaner and I can actually feel some sort of divine presence every so often now after doing this stuff) then one is definitely 100% a gentile? As I said, I've also blood dedicated. Can I at long last tell the attacks to shut the fuck up and can wholly accept that I am not one of the filthy, despicable enemies? :D It'll be such a relief to have that certainty, because this attack feels so cheap. None of my family is jewish, I don't look jewish, but this attack still finds a way to make me feel rotten, even though I'm putting everything I can into the RTR. Like I said, it'll be a huge relief to have that assurance. Thanks!
Many newbe face the same attack, if you feel good after doing the Rtr then you are not jewish plus you said that you are dedicated, if you were jewish you couldn't have dedicate to Satan...

Try to do more Aura of protection, use mantra to do it.
I felt compelled to create an account and post this. I just had to write and send it. And that's something, considering how averse I tend to be when it comes to joining and posting anything anywhere online. :)

On a road that somewhat recently led me here, I am extremely happy that I decided to dedicate some time yesterday for my first RTR. There is deep power to it that even I can understand with my senses. And the feeling towards the end, and especially immediately afterwards was intense. Along with a sense of increased energy I felt what I would describe as a touch of emancipation. A strange sensation of being more free than I used to be. The ritual is something I will definitely devote the time for from now on.
Tweedledee said:
I felt compelled to create an account and post this. I just had to write and send it. And that's something, considering how averse I tend to be when it comes to joining and posting anything anywhere online. :)

On a road that somewhat recently led me here, I am extremely happy that I decided to dedicate some time yesterday for my first RTR. There is deep power to it that even I can understand with my senses. And the feeling towards the end, and especially immediately afterwards was intense. Along with a sense of increased energy I felt what I would describe as a touch of emancipation. A strange sensation of being more free than I used to be. The ritual is something I will definitely devote the time for from now on.

Congrats on dedicating, and good job on your first RTR :) Make sure to clean your aura/chakras and do aura of protection daily, and read through joyofsatan.org if you haven't already :)
Tweedledee said:
I felt compelled to create an account and post this. I just had to write and send it. And that's something, considering how averse I tend to be when it comes to joining and posting anything anywhere online. :)

On a road that somewhat recently led me here, I am extremely happy that I decided to dedicate some time yesterday for my first RTR. There is deep power to it that even I can understand with my senses. And the feeling towards the end, and especially immediately afterwards was intense. Along with a sense of increased energy I felt what I would describe as a touch of emancipation. A strange sensation of being more free than I used to be. The ritual is something I will definitely devote the time for from now on.

That's amazing!

Make sure you follow Lydia's advice!
Thank you everyone. :) I have studied the material found on the main site yes, somewhat thoroughly. And also searched for several more specific issues here on the forums, and as it turns out, with a bit of time spent on that I found out answers/anecdotal explanations to all of them. Plus a couple of revelations where beforehand I did not know I wanted to know this or that, and I happen to bump into those certain pieces of information with a perfect timing. Such wonderful "coincidences". There have been many of those during the past couple of months. And that's just the ones I'm aware of I'm sure.

But enough of highjacking a thread that most certainly isn't about me. If there are those on the verge of going for RTR but haven't yet, do go for it. Worth it in so many ways.
I'm not sure if this has already been observed, but some of the words in the Final RTR remind me of the names of some runes, like:

Kheh-mahs: Kenaz
Eyez: Eis (Isa)

Perhaps the words in the Final RTR make up a lost Runic Kabalah?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition to the Final RTR destroying the Catholic Church blatantly, exposing the Jewish pestilence, and inciting more nations cracking down on Islam, members who are performing the RTR regularly are having very positive personal experiences.

BTW, this is the real "backwards" in Satanism that the enemy keeps harping about.

With the Final RTR, we are finding the enemy has used their Hebrew letters to prevent us from communicating with our Gods, from accessing our psychic powers, and much more. Those of us who have been performing the Final RTR daily are experiencing more energy flow, more awareness, and more walls in our minds being destroyed. Obstacles are being removed and more.

For centuries, top rabbis and their scum have been cursing and binding Gentiles.


I'm reposting this again for people who have joined on recently, or for those of you who haven't read the other related posts:

Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:

1. Visualize the brilliant light descending down into your head and pushing down any dirt, filth, thoughtforms [thoughtforms can appear as chunks of filth or for those who are advanced, you can see them as they may be shapes, symbols, like elementals, or otherwise]. This will be gray or black energy [as it collects], and will get darker as it descends.

2. Visualize the brilliant light descending through your throat, down through your shoulders, chest, then stomach area, hips and all the way down through your feet, pushing out all of the dirt from your aura and soul.

3. Move the filth beside you, in a pile.

4. DO THIS THREE TIMES, steps 1 through 4. Keep piling the dirt.

5. When you are finished, your aura and soul should be much brighter and cleaner. You can either ask for a Demon to take the energy and to return it to the senders [especially if you’re new], OR, you can visualize it shooting away from you, directing it to the senders.

6. Affirm 3 times:
My aura is deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, Ill will, thought forms and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it to the senders.

The link below is more detailed. You can do this at any time. It should be done every day. Just don't do the cleaning of your aura/soul for the very first time on a Void of Course Moon.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Dypet Rod said:
I'm not sure if this has already been observed, but some of the words in the Final RTR remind me of the names of some runes, like:

Kheh-mahs: Kenaz
Eyez: Eis (Isa)

Perhaps the words in the Final RTR make up a lost Runic Kabalah?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition to the Final RTR destroying the Catholic Church blatantly, exposing the Jewish pestilence, and inciting more nations cracking down on Islam, members who are performing the RTR regularly are having very positive personal experiences.

BTW, this is the real "backwards" in Satanism that the enemy keeps harping about.

With the Final RTR, we are finding the enemy has used their Hebrew letters to prevent us from communicating with our Gods, from accessing our psychic powers, and much more. Those of us who have been performing the Final RTR daily are experiencing more energy flow, more awareness, and more walls in our minds being destroyed. Obstacles are being removed and more.

For centuries, top rabbis and their scum have been cursing and binding Gentiles.


I'm reposting this again for people who have joined on recently, or for those of you who haven't read the other related posts:

Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:

1. Visualize the brilliant light descending down into your head and pushing down any dirt, filth, thoughtforms [thoughtforms can appear as chunks of filth or for those who are advanced, you can see them as they may be shapes, symbols, like elementals, or otherwise]. This will be gray or black energy [as it collects], and will get darker as it descends.

2. Visualize the brilliant light descending through your throat, down through your shoulders, chest, then stomach area, hips and all the way down through your feet, pushing out all of the dirt from your aura and soul.

3. Move the filth beside you, in a pile.

4. DO THIS THREE TIMES, steps 1 through 4. Keep piling the dirt.

5. When you are finished, your aura and soul should be much brighter and cleaner. You can either ask for a Demon to take the energy and to return it to the senders [especially if you’re new], OR, you can visualize it shooting away from you, directing it to the senders.

6. Affirm 3 times:
My aura is deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, Ill will, thought forms and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it to the senders.

The link below is more detailed. You can do this at any time. It should be done every day. Just don't do the cleaning of your aura/soul for the very first time on a Void of Course Moon.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Some of the letters are reversed gentile Word of Powers like Set for example.
Yes, I know about that. So this must probably be true for some of the Runes, too.

And maybe this reveals something about which Runes are the most powerful ones, to the point of the jews making a point of reversing them.

luis said:
Dypet Rod said:
I'm not sure if this has already been observed, but some of the words in the Final RTR remind me of the names of some runes, like:

Kheh-mahs: Kenaz
Eyez: Eis (Isa)

Perhaps the words in the Final RTR make up a lost Runic Kabalah?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition to the Final RTR destroying the Catholic Church blatantly, exposing the Jewish pestilence, and inciting more nations cracking down on Islam, members who are performing the RTR regularly are having very positive personal experiences.

BTW, this is the real "backwards" in Satanism that the enemy keeps harping about.

With the Final RTR, we are finding the enemy has used their Hebrew letters to prevent us from communicating with our Gods, from accessing our psychic powers, and much more. Those of us who have been performing the Final RTR daily are experiencing more energy flow, more awareness, and more walls in our minds being destroyed. Obstacles are being removed and more.

For centuries, top rabbis and their scum have been cursing and binding Gentiles.


I'm reposting this again for people who have joined on recently, or for those of you who haven't read the other related posts:

Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:

1. Visualize the brilliant light descending down into your head and pushing down any dirt, filth, thoughtforms [thoughtforms can appear as chunks of filth or for those who are advanced, you can see them as they may be shapes, symbols, like elementals, or otherwise]. This will be gray or black energy [as it collects], and will get darker as it descends.

2. Visualize the brilliant light descending through your throat, down through your shoulders, chest, then stomach area, hips and all the way down through your feet, pushing out all of the dirt from your aura and soul.

3. Move the filth beside you, in a pile.

4. DO THIS THREE TIMES, steps 1 through 4. Keep piling the dirt.

5. When you are finished, your aura and soul should be much brighter and cleaner. You can either ask for a Demon to take the energy and to return it to the senders [especially if you’re new], OR, you can visualize it shooting away from you, directing it to the senders.

6. Affirm 3 times:
My aura is deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, Ill will, thought forms and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it to the senders.

The link below is more detailed. You can do this at any time. It should be done every day. Just don't do the cleaning of your aura/soul for the very first time on a Void of Course Moon.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Some of the letters are reversed gentile Word of Powers like Set for example.
Not to be weird, but recently as I have been doing this for 5 or so days in a row, it feels nice for my prostate vibrating and moving my diaphragm. I'm happy that this RTR is making me entranced and relaxed while doing so, it helps me come back to base in a respect since I haven't caught up with chakra meditations or yoga as of recently.
Thank you for the Aura cleaning, I imagine using one of those bright white paper filters made of white light as little gray black particules starting moving around and accumulating, yuck ahaha :lol:
I got an idea ...
Would it be effective to do the final RTR during the hours of Saturn or Mars?
Apart from that the RTR is effective.
I apologize for the grammar mistakes, I understand English but I can't write it correctly
The Jews use the energies of Saturn, and the Hebrew letters relate to it.
"I say yes, it's more effective to do it during Saturn's hours."
This is the answer of a member from Romania.

I chose to make it final RTR during Saturn's hours.
Oh this was actually returning curses doh,
Still have to do aura cleaning and aura of protections still :mrgreen:
I have been doing the Final RTR since about 30 days back and thought I'd be safe with returning curses only.
Turns out I should probably be doing aura cleans and AoPs... I had assumed I was being attacked in my sleep last night, you know that feeling when your hearing starts to like white noises really loudly and that in the midst of sleep/waking up that you're trying to escape from that something that is trying to suck you back in and you feel that fear. Really disturbing, It's not like a night terror where you can see but you're body won't move. It's like you're being pulled forcibly and the noise it generates only makes it worse. I don't really see anything as when I was a kid that shit used to happen a lot. I can recall the feeling, but I mean nothing really happened to me.
Should I let it suck me back just to experience it? Serious question, I was debating it last night and figured fuck it I'll try, but it never came back
I'm getting a lot better at this returning curses I feel!
I'll be a body of light sitting on the ground, the ball of light descends and underneath me appears all of this black tar so I have to levivate my body off the ground for the light to shoo away the filth, but in my mind the filth appears like a sea around me, so the I or the ball of light started to rotate fast to make a tornado of filth haha, another ball of light appears and like its previous repeated it, untill finally I compressed the filth into a filth ball and direct it to the jewish impressions I had in my mind.
I've tried so hard to do it the vanilla way, but this seems to finally get me to visually get hooked on it :lol:
Still going strong on my x1 RTRs! Good job everyone
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition to the Final RTR destroying the Catholic Church blatantly, exposing the Jewish pestilence, and inciting more nations cracking down on Islam, members who are performing the RTR regularly are having very positive personal experiences.

BTW, this is the real "backwards" in Satanism that the enemy keeps harping about.

With the Final RTR, we are finding the enemy has used their Hebrew letters to prevent us from communicating with our Gods, from accessing our psychic powers, and much more. Those of us who have been performing the Final RTR daily are experiencing more energy flow, more awareness, and more walls in our minds being destroyed. Obstacles are being removed and more.

For centuries, top rabbis and their scum have been cursing and binding Gentiles.


I'm reposting this again for people who have joined on recently, or for those of you who haven't read the other related posts:

Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:

1. Visualize the brilliant light descending down into your head and pushing down any dirt, filth, thoughtforms [thoughtforms can appear as chunks of filth or for those who are advanced, you can see them as they may be shapes, symbols, like elementals, or otherwise]. This will be gray or black energy [as it collects], and will get darker as it descends.

2. Visualize the brilliant light descending through your throat, down through your shoulders, chest, then stomach area, hips and all the way down through your feet, pushing out all of the dirt from your aura and soul.

3. Move the filth beside you, in a pile.

4. DO THIS THREE TIMES, steps 1 through 4. Keep piling the dirt.

5. When you are finished, your aura and soul should be much brighter and cleaner. You can either ask for a Demon to take the energy and to return it to the senders [especially if you’re new], OR, you can visualize it shooting away from you, directing it to the senders.

6. Affirm 3 times:
My aura is deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, Ill will, thought forms and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it to the senders.

The link below is more detailed. You can do this at any time. It should be done every day. Just don't do the cleaning of your aura/soul for the very first time on a Void of Course Moon.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Heads up, Angelfire link is down
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition to the Final RTR destroying the Catholic Church blatantly, exposing the Jewish pestilence, and inciting more nations cracking down on Islam, members who are performing the RTR regularly are having very positive personal experiences.

BTW, this is the real "backwards" in Satanism that the enemy keeps harping about.

With the Final RTR, we are finding the enemy has used their Hebrew letters to prevent us from communicating with our Gods, from accessing our psychic powers, and much more. Those of us who have been performing the Final RTR daily are experiencing more energy flow, more awareness, and more walls in our minds being destroyed. Obstacles are being removed and more.

For centuries, top rabbis and their scum have been cursing and binding Gentiles.


I'm reposting this again for people who have joined on recently, or for those of you who haven't read the other related posts:

Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:

1. Visualize the brilliant light descending down into your head and pushing down any dirt, filth, thoughtforms [thoughtforms can appear as chunks of filth or for those who are advanced, you can see them as they may be shapes, symbols, like elementals, or otherwise]. This will be gray or black energy [as it collects], and will get darker as it descends.

2. Visualize the brilliant light descending through your throat, down through your shoulders, chest, then stomach area, hips and all the way down through your feet, pushing out all of the dirt from your aura and soul.

3. Move the filth beside you, in a pile.

4. DO THIS THREE TIMES, steps 1 through 4. Keep piling the dirt.

5. When you are finished, your aura and soul should be much brighter and cleaner. You can either ask for a Demon to take the energy and to return it to the senders [especially if you’re new], OR, you can visualize it shooting away from you, directing it to the senders.

6. Affirm 3 times:
My aura is deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, Ill will, thought forms and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it to the senders.

The link below is more detailed. You can do this at any time. It should be done every day. Just don't do the cleaning of your aura/soul for the very first time on a Void of Course Moon.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I would especially like to know what these words of powers mean in the TRR. Because saying words that I don't know the meaning of is very frustrating.
Thank you to those who can tell me more.

Heill Odin !!
ᚴᛅᚱᛚ said:
I would especially like to know what these words of powers mean in the TRR. Because saying words that I don't know the meaning of is very frustrating.
Thank you to those who can tell me more.

Heill Odin !!
We are reversing 22 Hebrew letters. Striking right to the core with it, and currently we are also reversing their "tetragrammaton" which shuts the portal they use "for backup". So basically this removes the jewish power when they do not have strenght in their aleph-bet anymore, and also when their so called portal to reptilian overlords will be destroyed they will be completely fucked.

Did this clarify the issue?
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
In addition to the Final RTR destroying the Catholic Church blatantly, exposing the Jewish pestilence, and inciting more nations cracking down on Islam, members who are performing the RTR regularly are having very positive personal experiences.

BTW, this is the real "backwards" in Satanism that the enemy keeps harping about.

With the Final RTR, we are finding the enemy has used their Hebrew letters to prevent us from communicating with our Gods, from accessing our psychic powers, and much more. Those of us who have been performing the Final RTR daily are experiencing more energy flow, more awareness, and more walls in our minds being destroyed. Obstacles are being removed and more.

For centuries, top rabbis and their scum have been cursing and binding Gentiles.


I'm reposting this again for people who have joined on recently, or for those of you who haven't read the other related posts:

Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:

1. Visualize the brilliant light descending down into your head and pushing down any dirt, filth, thoughtforms [thoughtforms can appear as chunks of filth or for those who are advanced, you can see them as they may be shapes, symbols, like elementals, or otherwise]. This will be gray or black energy [as it collects], and will get darker as it descends.

2. Visualize the brilliant light descending through your throat, down through your shoulders, chest, then stomach area, hips and all the way down through your feet, pushing out all of the dirt from your aura and soul.

3. Move the filth beside you, in a pile.

4. DO THIS THREE TIMES, steps 1 through 4. Keep piling the dirt.

5. When you are finished, your aura and soul should be much brighter and cleaner. You can either ask for a Demon to take the energy and to return it to the senders [especially if you’re new], OR, you can visualize it shooting away from you, directing it to the senders.

6. Affirm 3 times:
My aura is deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, Ill will, thought forms and destructive energy directed at me and is immediately returning it to the senders.

The link below is more detailed. You can do this at any time. It should be done every day. Just don't do the cleaning of your aura/soul for the very first time on a Void of Course Moon.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Thank you AZAZEL for this ritual !!
Heill AZAZEL !
Quick question guys: (and I feel kind of silly asking) but for the Final RTR do we say each word 9x (VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT) and move to the next word in the phrase or do we say the whole phrase at once (VAHT FUHT VUHT VUHSS OUT OUTH VAHSS) and the repeat that 9x? or does it matter? Sorry if someone already asked this, I honestly looked to see if I could find an answer before I asked. Thank you!

DragonSon said:
Quick question guys: (and I feel kind of silly asking) but for the Final RTR do we say each word 9x (VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT) and move to the next word in the phrase or do we say the whole phrase at once (VAHT FUHT VUHT VUHSS OUT OUTH VAHSS) and the repeat that 9x? or does it matter? Sorry if someone already asked this, I honestly looked to see if I could find an answer before I asked. Thank you!


Hi, we vibrate each word 9x (VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT-VAHT) and move to the next word in the phrase

I know it's like 4 months after, but better late than never :mrgreen:
darkmonkey666 said:
You are not Jewish if you do the rtr and feel positive.

Thank you for sharing this!! I was so worried about "what-ifs".

After completing all 3 steps for the first time (I only did the F-RTR before) I feel lighter, more strong and happy.

The aura cleaning Maxine posted also was energizing and literally makes me feel clean and free.

All these years of living around xianists and now for the first time I feel protected and purified from their negative energies and curses.
Henu the Great said:
ᚴᛅᚱᛚ said:
I would especially like to know what these words of powers mean in the TRR. Because saying words that I don't know the meaning of is very frustrating.
Thank you to those who can tell me more.

Heill Odin !!
We are reversing 22 Hebrew letters. Striking right to the core with it, and currently we are also reversing their "tetragrammaton" which shuts the portal they use "for backup". So basically this removes the jewish power when they do not have strenght in their aleph-bet anymore, and also when their so called portal to reptilian overlords will be destroyed they will be completely fucked.

Did this clarify the issue?


Yes, thank you so much ! HEILL ODIN ! HEILL GUDER !
Hola amigos les quería preguntar algo y deseo que me respondan. Miren yo hace mucho tiempo que me siento en las tinieblas pero no soy una persona mala siempre me revelo a dios pero siento que él está atras de mí, y siento que me está buscando porque a veces siento lastima por el digo que "pobre hombre" la gente no lo quiere y me empieza a dar como tristeza por él pero trato de no apiadarme porque si me apiado a él me voy a tener que esclavizar y pues laverdad tengo mucha obsesión o presentimiento de que si soy cristiana por eso o porque hay algo en mi mente que me invade y siento que satanas me está rechazando. En primer lugar no creo que sea cristiana porque en primera no soy igual que esa bola de mulas corderas no soy nada miedosa y soy muy intrépida y me gusta las aventuras y exploraciones de cosas raras pero siento rechazo o siento que me dice una voz que yo no soy satanista y cuando escribo se me borran las ideas que escribo ahorita y termino con la duda porque tengo una luz en mi alma y tengo mucha oscuridad tengo ambas y no sé qué hacer para quitarme esa luz que es la que me hace dudar gracias por su comprensión.
This Final RTR really has empowered me more. The first time I did it in early 2021, I was having a night terror and saw a little grey alien in my laundry room's entrance. Suddenly there was this blue flame burning it away. I knew it was Satan's power, and I was half-awake, whispering loudly, "Satan?! :eek: :) " Night terrors have always plagued me since I was 12. All because it was when I began questioning the falsehoods of Christianity. Of course our enemies decided to torment me for years. They've become less frequent and less scary after I was intuitively guided as to what the physical causes were (sleep deprivation or low blood sugar or both).

Recently had an argument with a neighboring Islamic dude. So I need even more spiritual protection. Especially since his energy is so negative. I hate Islam a lot, because it is the most oppressive religion and the dude is sooooo sure that the world will be "all muslim" someday. Delusional. Even if that came true, that is pure fascism. I used to give these people benefit of the doubt, until after a long time, I observed how hypocritical and lame the men are, and how cowardly the women are forced to be.

I actually had deja vu with the final RTR the first few times I did it last year. As though I may have performed it in a past life or maybe I seen it in my dreams. Maybe performed it on the astral plane and never remembered.

Thank you for these spiritual techniques.
What happens if someone does it for the first time on a void moon, by mistake?
Henu the Great said:
sola said:
What happens if someone does it for the first time on a void moon, by mistake?
it does not matter on what date you specifically begin doing them.

Hello, Henu. Thank you.

Are we referring to the same spell? I was inquiring about the aura cleansing, not the RTR. (I should've specified that originally). Were you referring to the aura cleanse as well?

HPS Maxine had this to say, and it struck me because I never knew cleaning the soul followed the same rules as spells, in regard to not beginning them on Void Moons. (I never knew aura/soul cleaning was a spell).

And so I wondered, what happens if one begins the aura cleanse on a VoC Moon by mistake? I presume they just start the spell again when VoC Moon is over.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Always be sure to clean your aura after doing the Final RTR, as it removes a lot of curses from your soul.

If you're short on time, this abbreviated version works very well:


You can do this at any time. It should be done every day. Just don't do the cleaning of your aura/soul for the very first time on a Void of Course Moon.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
