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More High Priests?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
squaremcs said:
I would like that the gods are more active and that JoS becomes more and more spiritual and physical and we bring more VIP people to our side, this I don't know how but we should reach out and find those special individuals who can do good work for our side. I think that the gods can help us here and to appoint more people into HP status

Except of the Gods helping us, a True statement, here is what more needs to be done: PEOPLE MUST FUCKING HELP THEMSELVES AND THE GODS.

If I was a VIP billionaire or however else anyone defines "VIP" and I came to the board, I would only like myself and hang out with myself and likely a few top tier contributors to the board, who are capable people. I certainly wouldn't hang out with any "past HPS", and I would likely pay 10 millions for just a dinner with HPS Maxine.

VIP's and so on as pop stars and other crackheads don't always matter in the realistic world. For example, yes, Cardi B is kind of fun, but one cannot really argue she is some spiritual genius. Regardless, Cardi B could too grow herself same as Kanye West from the Joy of Satan. And likely too take her craft to the next level.

Anyhow, the above was to make a couple of points. Generally, people give me that quantitative criteria about Joy of Satan Priesthood.

To put it simply and in all caps:







Getting the disclaimer out of the way, I have to clarify a few things.

Currently, I am climbing the mountain with the already existing reality of what is the JoS. To an extent, we make that reality, but the reality of the things is that this is thrown upon someone.

The more people are pussies, weak, slaves, servile, stingy, retarded, lazy, ungodly, and in general incarnate all the shit qualities that bring this whole existence into oblivion, then this means that is the human product produced out of one's actions.

There was a time where everyone who provided even the absolute basics in guidance and did 5 posts per year, was called a "priest".

This time is over under me, as it was only necessary back in time. At least, the older priests who mattered, like two of them, actually said a few interesting or fun things.

Here's how that went: People who were serious under performers and were doing not much about Satan, became HP's, while dudes like me who are literally living this at 1000% and spending every inch of their life force, existence, power, finances, intellect, spiritual force, very essence, we ended up wearing the same clothing or something.

The Gods fucking wake me up to write a post to help someone, or I will write from a funeral a text prepared the previous day, because I know this will save and help many of my brethern. I had deaths and blowups and still I managed to do what I was ordained to do.

Then you have some dude or female dude who claims they are a muh k00ndalini (Kool Aid) "High Priest" and will not do 5 posts per year for the so called "Community".

Here we have the definition of bullshit, in an applied form. This not only bullshits me, it bullshits the Gods, the community, and everyone else. Whomever does that, deserves no title and should be demoted to a regular member.

That is bullshit, and the new CEO is a "lil crazy with dem demands huuuhhh" doesn't want that shit. This belongs nowhere in Satan's representative positions. Women who work in brothels even show up twice per week.

I want serious priesthood and seriously advanced people that can take the reins to the future, and whom the community can look at up and idolize, and KNOW that they are seeing the advanced people one is supposed to represent and *BE* in that position.

Not by make believe, but proven, those who toil, those who do, those who are patient, and those who understand what importance it is for a soul to pray to Satan and Beelzebub and get a response, and to be their friend and warrior and comrade and friend.

Lunatics, crackheads, retards, lazy ass figs that don't have pubic hair and think that can tell me what to do, or who think you are anywhere to measure compared to me, you need to get your loonie rainbow tablets and go back to your bed. We do not compare.

Likewise, the High Priests, Priest and Joy of Satan Guardians must be firm as stone, pure as doves, and powerful like lions, big like whales, smart like ravens, and kind as a koala holding it's child when it comes to the members, organized like bees when it comes to teamwork and respect of the collective.

The High Priests of Satan must be as iron and as steel, proven and verified to be so, be these men or women, and they are to be people of grace and honor.

One cannot call themselves a honourable leader who simply gives up or just jumps out of the ship. People who did that in a war, if they were found, they were shot at the head.

That is not the criteria of Priesthood: With 5-6 posts per year, and a few bullshit words, and pretending absence, these people pretended they were supremely advanced and couldn't do what the Gods literally ordain every High Priest to do.

People of my family were dying and I was writing messages on this board that I had prepared knowing one day earlier in advance that they would die. Yet, every faggot has an excuse in this world.

So, are you an ambitious person that wants to be actually a High Priest of Satan and work to this high level of power, sanctification, purity and strength of mind and spirit, where you will have all sorts of the presence and attention of the Gods in your life?

Then you must work for this. These are the only people who will end up to the Joy of Satan Clergy position, and there will be no recourse and no reduction. There will be no catering to the needs of the "Public", as the public cannot choose because you have no idea how the Path of the Priesthood is, and what strong hands one needs to grip things together. This is like trying to vote a billionaire in their position, but billionaires are not voted in positions, they are chosen by life itself.

I will not put any "Priests" further here for decoration. I cannot answer for every amoralistic or lazy dude or female dude that dropped off the ship because they were lazy or simply didn't give a fuck about you guys, had an emotional twist, and that's the end of it.

I will only answer and will want to answer about at least people who have done things and deserve honourable mentions.

I spent enough time answer about people who didn't spend fucking time to even address our family here trice per year. Or whose best work is just a shit book that doesn't even make sense.

I will blow this place up alone if needed, or take it to the major success it should go, without some decorative plants around.

If I go by sheer amounts of work, time invested, output, goals reached, and so on, I might as well name myself a "Satanic Pope" right now, with the first Satanic Pope being HPS Maxine herself.

I am also nowhere near done; so let's see where this goes.


The only reason HPS Maxine hasn't devoted another closely 25 years to this of daily work and labor to build Satan's Empire, is because she cannot do that now. She does, but in another way.

The only thing that will keep a real High Priest from actually doing this, is essentially death, or one having to face circumstances above their own head. We are of Satan and this doesn't change. We continue on the path now or in the thereafter.

On this ladder to power and knowledge, and Satan's favors, there is no "democracy". In other words, while the "many" can actually reason out and see what is helpful, valuable and good, which oftentimes also has brought formal ordainments, the real way upwards is through work and ability.

The ambitious members who have what it takes, must hone this, and they must actually become what they must become.

Step by step. Yet, even if people walk in their steps, their level must already be "high enough" to be quite high compared to the people who are being guided and led, for the safety and joy of the latter, and their advancement upwards.

There is no person married to a God who will not serve the JoS, there is no Kundalini ascended person who will laze out from writing a post to help you, there is no advanced Satanist who is carried to no "astral temple muhhhh Satin's palace uhhhh he luv's me but I can't post twice per year" bullshit that won't follow up with the REAL and NECESSARY work to build Satan's Kingdom on earth.

To hell with the above shit, and to hell to be judged for this lunacy on top of it. The above is just shows for children.

There are current members now who are Guardians or merely advanced members, having done x20 times the work others who just wore the diadems have done. These people have done WAY MORE than many priests of the "past". But they are on their way to the Guardians and the Priests of the future.

A High Priest or a Priest or a Guardian deserves the respect and love of the community, because of service and because of usefulness.

Now, before one becomes a "High Priest", one will have to become a JoS Guardian. The Joy of Satan Guardian will be equal to the Priest, but the Priest will be able to also engage further into spiritual subjects etc. Both titles are honorary, and demand that one is of service to the Gods and the community, and one gets these.

When you will get a title here, as long as I am here, you will get this IN FRONT OF THE GODS. We are all in front of them, although the physical realm tells us we are in front of one another, yet the other people are indeed the children of the Gods, so this has to be taken seriously.

The level of ability and seriousness must be to the extent the High Priest or the Priest or the JoS Guardian, when they say something, it's 99.9% powerful, with the Satanic "Pope" and "High Priest" knowing and answering with 99.99% certainty.


Long story short, since my aim is to build the STRONGEST FOUNDATION AND THE STRONGEST SPIRITUAL SATANISTS, the people who will be doing this must already be strong themselves. Firm hands are needed.

Ancient unions have fallen into the mud because of all of this. "Oh, let's bring a funny bunny into the Priesthood, so he can tells us bullshit that we like to hear" - NO. Fuck you. We want to live. Go do that shit in your shit nation where you vote jews and funny people like Biden or Zelensky in, who will flatten you.

Haha, Zelensky must have been cute, how about a cute Nuclear bomb WW3 falling on you <3 hehe goy? You got judgement right? You liked him in the Netflix series hihi? So cute...


Therefore, that's a NO AND NO.

You get the thought process I think.

Here, the Imperium of the Gods must last forever.

Therefore, with the above explained, that explains three things:

1. The past state of "priests" and how that changes.
2. When and how there will be more, and how this is wholly upgraded.
3. There are many prospective and ambitious people who will do that, but get ready to be trained.

That is the criteria, now one must get to work.

The next generation is being prepared, who will get into this is part of one's inner call and one's work and ascent efforts.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I absolutely love this post. As it tells it exactly as it is. So many people have come and gone. Many have wanted a title and or recognition and all they did was circle jerk around and do jack shit for the Joy Of Satan.

How many "MUH SERPENT IS RISEN, IM ON A MAGIC CARPET TO ORION! I AM A GAWD AN SHIEETT!" motherfuckers have walked through this place, just to make a joke of themselves, and had to be swept away like the inept court jesters they were.

I totally understand where you are coming from High Priest Cobra.

People want to be high priest, until the reality sets in of the crushing responsibility of this. Then many just do not follow through and walk away from this.

I hope to see things as they progress, Satanists who are forged of steel and deserving of this, to become clergy. Instead of what was the case for years, which was rather upsetting to say the least.

Yes things were indeed different and more lax as you describe, but things are shifting in a way better direction in regards to this.
serpentwalker666 said:

People want to be high priest, until the reality sets in of the crushing responsibility of this. Then many just do not follow through and walk away from this.

Here's the deal, when one gets a position and so on, they are given X things that they can ALWAYS handle, and X powers to do that.

However, where most fail is that they don't want to do the X things at all, which in many cases, are menial tasks.

That's actually wrong for themselves too, as these tasks are there for them to completely and to grow, ie, one is dropping a challenge that could have turned them into a wonderful human being.

If one cannot do the tasks, then they aren't getting what they could've from this SUPREMELY DIVINE POSITION, because all service to the Gods is DIVINE!

The Gods can LOVE someone and one can become a being of respect when they do this or do work for the community, WITH or WITHOUT a title.

Actually, to be given any opportunity, in the mind of the person who really knows the Gods, would look as the best opportunity where one has to wear the tie and go grab it.

Whomever doesn't do that, is a fool! What foolishness!

I am telling you from personal experience, one's life will become beautiful added the empowering levels of difficulty are also part of this.
Shadowcat said:
I simply can't believe that people have actually had the audacity to ask for such a thing for themselves. People that would this don't even know what it means or entails.

Ambition is certainly desired, but that is more on the audacity, not on the ambition level.
As always, it's quality over quantity. This is the way it's supposed to be. With leadership, quality is paramount.

The Gods and all their devotees deserve the very best among us to be at the helm.

Champions gain their status through merit and accomplishment. Nobody is entitled to receive the status of a champion, it is earned; and so it is the same with the Priesthood.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
serpentwalker666 said:

People want to be high priest, until the reality sets in of the crushing responsibility of this. Then many just do not follow through and walk away from this.

Definitely understand and agree Commander. The Gods are extremely understanding and want the best for us. Lately I've been struggling immensely with my material life and obstacles, and trying to get it all sorted out as quickly as possible.

I find this post very helpful in understanding that I should try to be active more and contribute in some way. I have not much time, but I'll figure something out.
What are the especific procedures to attain these titles? How do you "prove" that someone is "qualified"? Example: are 50 meaningful posts in the forums per year enough to become a guardian?
They want all the recognition that comes with being a HP but none of the responsibilities.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then you have some dude or female dude who claims they are a muh k00ndalini (Kool Aid) "High Priest" and will not do 5 posts per year for the so called "Community".

Here we have the definition of bullshit, in an applied form. This not only bullshits me, it bullshits the Gods, the community, and everyone else. Whomever does that, deserves no title and should be demoted to a regular member.
Very true.
And they were demoted, or even kicked out, as they should be.

It may have helped the Joy of Satan grow in its early years to have all those "High Priests", (and some of them seemed ok at the start). But now looking back, how many times do we have new members who found some dusty document of salem burke suggesting crystal meth to open astral senses? :roll: Or jake carlson telling how the Gods are actually transgender? :shock: This doesn't reflect well on the JoS.

In reality, some of these "High Priests" were lower than the average member. They just knew more than average about Satanism and spirituality.

When one becomes just moderately advanced, it is impossible to leave Satan or go down the wrong path into oblivion. Even when one undergoes a severe trauma in life, and maybe even questions the True Path of Satanism, it's just superficial doubt. In their heart, they know it's the truth. The knowledge cannot be unseen. The experiences cannot be forgotten. The red pill has been taken, and the blue pill rejected forever. For all who listen, the Gods provide guidance toward the bright, beautiful, and Satanic future.

And we have dozens of very advanced members who know this, and consistency do good work for Satan, even if they do not wear any title at all! (yet ;))
Beautiful sermon HP Hooded Cobra 666.

Quality is more important than quantity in entering the Priesthood of Satan.

Persons wishing to become Satan's Clergy should ask Saturnian Wisdom questions before leaving and consider becoming one:
Am I able to deal with the spiritual attacks of the enemy? Am I able to bring knowledge to enrich the forum and expand the kingdom of Satan on earth?

Can I communicate with the Gods with clean visual and editing spiritual communication and at the same time have a good dialectic to write sermons? Do I have total immunity to enemy programs?
Do I have the power to help others and the community with spiritual knowledge and understanding so as to lead others to ever greater levels of knowledge and power and wisdom towards the Magnum Opus?
Do I have a soul advanced enough to be High Priest?
Do I have a balance between spiritual and material so that I am able to handle the responsibilities of this job for the community and the Gods and keep myself in between so that I have the rock-solid stability this requires?

I am very happy that there are Satan's Guardians of Joy, we are all growing into a beautiful concert of advanced souls evolving towards Godhood, I feel it clearly, I have never admired a person so much as you and High Priestess Maxine, you are legends in my heart.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 I admire you very much and thanks to you my life has changed for the better like never before that I remember, it is an immense pleasure to help and be present in the forum, I am very present in the Italian forum and I help very often and gladly the new initiates to advance with exhaustive advice to the questions they ask, i make posts and create knowledge topics about dreams, traditional chinese medicine and how it is spiritual, i expose lies like the reptilian brain in psychology and i created a post about this recently , explanations of Nordic mythology in its spiritual allegories, meditation programs based on the planets of the moment and based on rune and yoga advice, I also did a job of Astrology by publishing the birth chart of Adolf Hitler read by me and I will in the future the birth chart of Rudolf Hess, this is to help people learn astrology and at the same time dissolve the Jewish propaganda lies against the Spiritual Satanists of the past.

I understand the anger you feel towards certain former High Priests, I want to be an elite Spiritual Satanist who works with meditation to advance spiritually to advance towards the Magnum Opus and before that towards the accession of the Serpent of Satan and fight like a true warrior spiritual to protect my spiritual family and for the Gods.
Most elequently put HPHC my bro the first line would have done, thats him told :lol:
I'm with you HP.

Each person is given what they deserve.

You are My High Priest and I have no desire for another one just for the sake of having more.

I will continue to grow for Satan, The Gods, The JOS, and Myself. I have already bitten off more than I could chew, or perhaps I just self deceived myself into thinking it was too much. (Refering to the fact that I was supposed to help with the Wiki but have not contributed)

To those members on that, thank you for carrying my failure and picking up my slack, I apologize.

I have other personal developments that have taken my attention whether it be my Satanic Career, Family, Work, or my latest pursuit, University. Either way it is no excuse, I will be better in the future.

Hail Satan
All I can say about this post is WOW no sugar coating shit on this post definitely a motivating read
HAIL SATAN!! And you hit that nail on my head perfectly! Well said from the first word to the last!! And you are right about everything that has been going on here. Yes! Even myself.. I have run into a lot of EX members! Making fools of themselves doing YouTube videos talking all kinds of shit about us! And WHO AND WHAT WE are as Satanists.. and how they go on and on and on making up all kinds of bullshit! Why they even bothered to get on here in the first place? If they were interested in learning? They should have at least opened up their mind and got a clue and allowed themselves to learn,..but they wanted to get on and play.. but just because somebody has gotten somewhere or has learned something? Somebody got jealous and decided to leave! Acting and behaving like Jews! Feeling sorry for themselves because they're not smart or because they're not good enough!? And then they decided to leave the group because they felt like they weren't good enough laugh out loud that is their prerogative! And then there are those fucking idiots who run their mouth off and cause problems on purpose just to get kicked out looking to share private information all over social media talking all kinds of shit about who or whatever on here? Anyway they can build themselves up or think they can build themselves up? By being stupid and talking shit!... and I have seen it hundreds of times all over social media! Laugh out loud some dumb shit gets into my face and puts me down just because I'm on the joy of Satan! :D And decided to give me shit just because I'm getting somewhere and because I'm learning something? Or because I have a different understanding and a different perspective and things compared to what I used to be like and what I knew back in the days! Just to prove to some of these CHILDISH FUCKWADS out there that I have learned something! Yes! I used to hang with all kinds of crazy people on social media showing off! Each and every one of them acting like they know something and bragging about being this or that when they don't even have a clue! To what they're doing and where they're going and what they're getting into? All about being something they're not ranting and raving about others just because somebody happens to know something or has a deeper and a better understanding in the spiritual levels of satanism! Just because I happen to know something about yoga and the effects of it and how it helps me and explaining and going into detail with some of these idiots on Facebook and the fights that I got into day after day because of the lack of intelligence that a lot of these idiots have thinking that they know something when they don't!. And I run into their fucking YouTube videos where they're being interviewed by who or whatever? Talking and acting like some fucking terrorist running their mouth off about the joy of Satan and those who are members and those who stick up for the joy of Satan! And for the things that we people know and what we learn and for those who are having a struggle figuring things out! Allowing themselves some time to turn their mind around and learn the truth and unlearn all of the bullshit that they were taught in public schools! Or what they were taught at home if they were born in a Christian family such as myself! Who had to go out and figure things out on their own and made their own choices! And run into a lot of stupid people along the way the LED them the wrong direction! And we're still smart enough to look for the right sources and the right places! And finding themselves on the joy of Satan! And learning things that they thought that they would never know and getting a better understanding! In themselves fighting out who father Satan is and what he is really all about! And that he is not a fucking monster Hollywood Jews created! And who his gods are and what they are all about and their history who they are and where they come from and their origins! And their purpose? Compared to the bullshit that people entertain themselves watching in a movie theater! And to find out the truth about them! And to know the difference between the Hollywood bullshit! Or what some Christian dumb fuck expects you to believe! Along with me can you feel like a piece of shit and giving you a guilt trip just because you're interested in the occult and because you want to study Witchcraft and you want to learn to do things right! And the biggest percent of these people? Get on here thinking that they can play Harry potter! And get on here and mess around like they're sitting in the Gryffindor House cracking jokes about one another! And behaving like little children throwing pompousest remarks and pointing their fingers at one another and judging one another! Instead of behaving like a growing ass adults for once and for all!? And allowing themselves a chance to learn something the difference between what is real and what isn't! And then you get people who seriously and earnestly want to know the truth! And want to know who Satan is? And I am somebody who wanted to know the truth! And I am somebody who will get on here and say something? Because something motivates me after reading a nice sermon! And giving my opinion on it and how I think and feel! Even if I sound like a rambling idiot! I at least do the best I can and I am on here to learn and I'm not on here for a fucking fashion show! And I am not on here to play games! I am on here to live and learn and to do the best I can! At any level and I know that I will be challenged and I know that I will have my problems! And still I'm not going to give up no matter how difficult things get! And I'm not going to throw a 2-year-old tantrum fit and start yelling and screaming at people! Yes I may have had a disagreement from time to time and yes maybe I was a little confused about something? But at least I own up to it and I admit it and tell it like it is and then after that I go and do my own thing and take care of what needs to be done and what is most important!
I don't get on here to judge other people! And I don't put other people down just because they happen to know something? Or just because they're having a struggle with something? And I know that there's a lot of people on here that know things that I don't even know people that are way advanced in many things such as astrology and meditation and I look up to these people and I admire them! And I have never shown any jealousy towards these people! Being envious is one thing but to own up to it and talk about it and showing an interest in learning from these individuals who were smart and who are educated! Allowing That Awkward Moment to dissolve because you know that you got it within yourself as well to learn and that you can be just as good if not better if you allow yourself to! Be able to open up to that person and taking the time to get to know that individual and whatever it is about this person that motivates you or whatever you feel envious about? Overcoming that awkwardness and allowing your mind to open up and allow yourself to be teachable! Instead of a know-it-all! Like a lot of people do when they get on here thinking that they know something when they don't even have a clue pretending like they know everything! When they don't even know who they are or what they're doing to begin with? And I have seen this many times! Not just on this website but in many other groups as well! It seems to me that a lot of people no matter how well they get? They still act like they're 2 years old! And that is sad that a person cannot grow up or notice the difference or even allow themselves to shake it off and look at the picture of the whole situation retracing their steps and looking at how pathetic they are and embrace that moment! And learn something from it and allow themselves to move on being a human being and allowing themselves to grow within and to progress mentally physically and spiritually!..🍎
I have my days and I have my moments! And I admit that! But still I do the best I can! And that goes with everything I want to learn and everything I choose to get into even with the things that I've had struggles with growing up! Allowing myself to look back at it with a whole different perspective and being able to sit down and learn something that I thought that I would never learn! And having that appreciation in doing so! I am learning each and every day of my life! And I will keep learning until the day I die and I will keep learning even after I pass away! I know that a lot of you people want here are advanced in many things! And I know that there are people that are smarter than me and much better than me! And still that is not going to stop me from learning and doing the best I can! And I'm not the type of person who's going to give up and walk away! Without looking at the picture myself and retracing! Allowing myself to look at the comparison of progression mentally and physically and spiritually from what I was like when I first started! To what I am now and how much I have learned! And the experiences and the pleasure that I have gained being on this website! It is an honor to me to be a student on here! And it doesn't matter how old I am! I will still keep going and I will do the best I can! Right now I am just proud of who and what I am! I am not looking for a title or a position right now!.. that is not for me to worry about right now? Right now I have got things that I need to focus on! And a lot of growing up to do in many ways. And here I am! On one of the best websites I ever found! And thanks to the friend who found it for me! 🍎 all because of my curiosity and all because I wanted to know the truth! Which has led me here! And there's more reasons why I'm here? Learning more and more about father Satan and his gods and demons and learning more and more about my ancestors and so on! They help that I receive it the drop of a penny! Whenever I am in need for help I speak up and I ask other times I just figure out how to do things and eventually get there! It's just one day at a time for me taking my time and doing things right! Because that's what it's all about taking your time and being self-confident knowing that you can do this taking one baby step at a time and enjoying yourself and getting the pleasure that you need and deserve along the way. HP HoodedCobra666 THANK YOU for sharing this sermon. This is the motivation and the push that I have been looking for and yet there have been many powerful sermons like this! But this is about the best I have ever had and I enjoyed reading it! And yes we need to show our gratitude more and more! Especially if we need Improvement! And everybody needs improvement! And people need to stand up and show their worthiness! And act like they are interested in learning and getting somewhere if they wish to be a high priest or a priestess of any kind 🦚 HAIL SATAN!!! HAIL BEELZEBUB!!! HAIL THE JOY OF SATAN!!!🔥💗 Thank you for sharing this.
People think they want something?... But when it comes down to it they can't handle it..? people doubt themselves or they allowed others to put them down. and talk them out of it? Whatever the excuse that makes them ! into the fucking bullshit weenies... too light for heavy work? and too heavy for light work! And it's no wonder they don't get anywhere!? They don't give themselves a chance. Therefore they go nowhere and they become nobody... SAD and disturbing...
People think they want something?... But when it comes down to it they can't handle it..? people doubt themselves or they allowed others to put them down. and talk them out of it? Whatever the excuse that makes them ! into the fucking bullshit weenies... too light for heavy work? and too heavy for light work! And it's no wonder they don't get anywhere!? They don't give themselves a chance. Therefore they go nowhere and they become nobody... SAD and disturbing...
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=406052 time=1670994494 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then you have some dude or female dude who claims they are a muh k00ndalini (Kool Aid) "High Priest" and will not do 5 posts per year for the so called "Community".

Here we have the definition of bullshit, in an applied form. This not only bullshits me, it bullshits the Gods, the community, and everyone else. Whomever does that, deserves no title and should be demoted to a regular member.
Very true.
And they were demoted, or even kicked out, as they should be.

It may have helped the Joy of Satan grow in its early years to have all those "High Priests", (and some of them seemed ok at the start). But now looking back, how many times do we have new members who found some dusty document of salem burke suggesting crystal meth to open astral senses? :roll: Or jake carlson telling how the Gods are actually transgender? :shock: This doesn't reflect well on the JoS.

In reality, some of these "High Priests" were lower than the average member. They just knew more than average about Satanism and spirituality.

When one becomes just moderately advanced, it is impossible to leave Satan or go down the wrong path into oblivion. Even when one undergoes a severe trauma in life, and maybe even questions the True Path of Satanism, it's just superficial doubt. In their heart, they know it's the truth. The knowledge cannot be unseen. The experiences cannot be forgotten. The red pill has been taken, and the blue pill rejected forever. For all who listen, the Gods provide guidance toward the bright, beautiful, and Satanic future.

And we have dozens of very advanced members who know this, and consistency do good work for Satan, even if they do not wear any title at all! (yet ;))

Thank you for your words here SoaringEagle666. I've been struggling with having self-doubts from other member's posts which came from a very cynical perspective. It's hard sometimes to rationalize things in a logical way - like, for instance, if people have good experiences here, what's the difference with the good experiences claimed by all other paths? Some things can't be explained in words I think and need to be experienced.

For me personally I tried xianism as a kid for a few days here and there. It was like taking drugs TBH and I'd always regret it afterwards. As for other paths, none of them seem to make sense given the truths of this world (the kosher control grid and the clearly disproportionate attack against Satanism and Paganism). Beyond this there is a feeling inside me that I can't shake, that my dedication was the best thing that could've ever happened in my life.

Above all else I had an experience seeing Satan for a few moments in an open visual setting (I woke up randomly one night) and this occurred in spite of my lack of spiritual/physical capability. His love and warmth is unlike anything in this world. He really does not judge us for our life circumstances no matter how bad they are.

I was born with a very unlucky hand in terms of genetics/birth defects and I often wonder if I can change these factors through this path.

I recently got a feeling from Satan that everything is within me, that I have the ability to transform myself completely. I sometimes think it would be much easier if I didn't have health issues, that perhaps things like yoga would come more naturally to me. Perhaps I'll find a specialist who can diagnose my problems and find a root cause since blood work and physical exams came to no avail. As such I've struggled with feeling like I have any shot at having a normal and happy life, especially since I missed out on so much already.

Regardless I suppose it's better to fight through even if things seem impossible. After all, Satan believes in me so I should believe in myself. I'm 31 and I think I have enough time to fix these issues and maybe even reach Magnum Opus. I just need to get myself in gear and except that there are many more good things about me than otherwise, even if everyone around me innately has things I would kill for.

I'm also very sorry to burden you with my lengthy complaint. I was mostly venting/thinking out loud. :-/

Hail Satan!
This problem extends beyond the title of Priest or JG, as part of our path involves constant growth and maturity.

Everyone should recognize how Saturn in the 10th house / Saturn in Capricorn operates: This is the home placement of Saturn and this creates a situation where one's natal Saturn energies discipline all aspects of the individual in relation to a larger goal.

Capricorn or Aquarius (Saturn's co-ruled sign) both deal with larger structures or organizations in society, respectively and this shows where and how our discipline should drive us. If someone has Saturn in a different sign or house, then this would give discipline within a different area of life, falling short of any larger goal.

For example, Saturn in Aries does give some discipline, but only by restricting the self, such as excessive self criticism. It does not give the sort of business management that derives from Saturn in Capricorn. A similar situation occurs when Saturn falls into other houses.

My point is that we should be using the energy of Nauthiz and Saturn to drive effort specifically on our Satanic career, as this will discipline every aspect of your soul to give you success here. Thankfully everyone here likely already accepts the Satanic path as their life's endeavor, as we can all see the benefits it brings. Now we need to apply the energy which helps us fulfill these goals.


Thankfully most people have natural drives which give them abilities and a focal point for how they wish to help JoS. For example, someone may have Mars in Aquarius and be driven to work on technology or coding.

However, there are tasks which need to be done on JoS that extend beyond the scope of these placements. That is what Saturn's energy helps with: It regulates us to perform any task necessary for the prosperity of JoS/Satanism, whether we are naturally driven or skilled in this area of not.
Koala's are actually extremely hostile creatures and are disease ridden do not get scratched by them and definitely don't get bitten by them on another note whenever you are ready to release a plan im ready to help see it through to the best of my ability.
I concur. I think some people are truly delusional and see this place as some sort of glorified social club where they can score points just by arguing and peacocking, like the other non-anonymous social media cesspits on the internet they choose to inhabit (Discord, Reddit and the rest of the trash full of idiotic masses where one gets 'ahead' by being as weak, ugly and pathetic as possible, with reptiles playing the pied piper with their toxic ideas and alphabet traps in each and every one of them).

This is a more serious age than the 2000s and has a lot of challenges that are very complex.

Being a High Priest is HARD WORK. Being a Guardian even is very hard work.
I always thought one should be more spiritually advanced than the average to become a Priest or there is no sense in this title... I don't want a Priest on my level, yeas I know things that many new members don't know because I've been longer here but I know I'm not spiritually advanced enough for the position.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Likewise, the High Priests, Priest and Joy of Satan Guardians must be firm as stone, pure as doves, and powerful like lions, big like whales, smart like ravens, and kind as a koala holding it's child when it comes to the members, organized like bees when it comes to teamwork and respect of the collective.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I do enjoy the metaphors to Animals as this has been a focus of mine since a child, I have always been inspired to be Natural. If you have time, can you expand and explain your reasoning on these concepts?

Firm as Stone? Have a determined and impenetrable mind. Knowing facts by study and meditation, constantly determined to develop Truths within one's own mind. Refining each logic at each step.

Pure as Doves? Representing Humanity as a Divine and Creative force of Nature's will. Representing Justice, allying with true Development of mankind away from Godlessness.

Powerful like Lions? Representing the entire Race of Humanity, Feeding the youth of the pack, teaching them to hunt, protecting the home against all things, by the divine force of Power and Strength.

Big like whales? Being unbreakable by any force of Nature. Impossible to defeat. Conquering entire Oceans.

Smart like Ravens? Examining and Studying Intelligence, emulating and enhancing techniques, Awakened beings, Aware of the surroundings, Independent Role Models.

Kind as a Koala holding its child? The mind, body and soul are constantly in development, understanding the progressive reality of Nature, Nurturing and providing for the Future generations.

Organized like Bees? Properly aligning oneself towards the greater will, accepting of directions from the Eternal Queen, giving oneself completely to Nature's Divine will.
Thing is people have this jewish programming about leaders in general that start at a very young age. You know the usual that if you're leader you just give orders around and do nothing. And when people see retardation of our current world "leaders" they actually believe that kike shit.

Anyway it was always strange to me that we have high priests without having normal priest rank. Would be better to have normal priest rank with less responsibilities before moving up.
Great explanation given on this topic HP HoodedCobra.

Only those of the highest quality and attainment should be on titled positions on the Joy of Satan, verified and approved by the Gods, ordained under the Gods.

The Joy of Satan is to be build to last forever, the strongest, most powerful, most capable and most established spiritual organization under direct governance of the Gods the world has ever seen.

To make that happen, the foundation must be impervious and absolutely invincible. The bar must be set at the highest so the quality and ability of members is on the necessary level to build and maintain an organization of such power and import, to be able to expand further and never crumble under pressure of the enemy and never under no circumstance drop in quality or fall under infiltration or subversion.

The JoS stands forever. As the embassy of the Gods on Earth.

It is up to the membership to uphold the Joy of Satan to the highest standard, and to grow capable enough to maintain this standard even in the absence of yourself in the far future.

So the Joy of Satan remains at the highest peak even hundreds of years to come, to protect this world and help countless many gentile people escape the enemy limbo most are stuck in.

Hail Satan!
You and Beelzebub are the Highest Degree of Force that makes me not be a Pussy and get to work and stop whining like a little bitch I am in many instances.

So much time wasted and nothingness in the wind I have created in my life...retardation.

This is the necessary energy and administration of reality needed in all sphere of life, not only for the HPs and this subject.

As an example, everytime I did Beelzebul ritual, I was Obliged to rectify critical aspects of my life that I was like a stupid retard doing. By a masculine force awoken!

This post incubated this emergency of justice and need of waking the fuck up.
I really love that you are the best High Priest Hoodedcobra666 and in these steps I feel safe knowing that you are the continuation of Maxine and in agreenment with her words.

There is a proverb "όπου λαλούν πολλοί κοκόροι, αργεί να ξημερώσει".

"Where many roosters crow, the dawn is late"

"Too many cooks spoil the broth"

If too many people participate in a task, especially in a leading role, the task will not be done very well.

That's what came to mind when I was reading this.

I would like to write more, I have a lot to do these days, overall, things in my life are suddenly improving at a much faster pace / rhythm than before and than I used to catch up on.

Hail Satan !
You are the backbone of this place HP, your work and your sacrifices are much appreciated.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
I simply can't believe that people have actually had the audacity to ask for such a thing for themselves. People that would this don't even know what it means or entails.

Ambition is certainly desired, but that is more on the audacity, not on the ambition level.

Looking at this overall I understand that there are lots of folks who dont take the concept of Priesthood seriously at all but I gotta say what the world is today is a very bleak picture and the kind of dedication your talking about is very much all consuming making this an even more bleak picture. Is there ever any chance for people in such a position to even live there lives or solve there problems? Even a few hours of spells a day is a challenge for most or feels outright impossible to them (seemingly there is almost always a problem or some attack or binding working against people and it gets only harder over time in the serious situations) and they arent even Clergy. Adding to this the constant fucking insanity of team toilet like wannabes and the like. In the state of all this how is man to get by.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=406052 time=1670994494 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Then you have some dude or female dude who claims they are a muh k00ndalini (Kool Aid) "High Priest" and will not do 5 posts per year for the so called "Community".

Here we have the definition of bullshit, in an applied form. This not only bullshits me, it bullshits the Gods, the community, and everyone else. Whomever does that, deserves no title and should be demoted to a regular member.
Very true.
And they were demoted, or even kicked out, as they should be.

It may have helped the Joy of Satan grow in its early years to have all those "High Priests", (and some of them seemed ok at the start). But now looking back, how many times do we have new members who found some dusty document of salem burke suggesting crystal meth to open astral senses? :roll: Or jake carlson telling how the Gods are actually transgender? :shock: This doesn't reflect well on the JoS.

In reality, some of these "High Priests" were lower than the average member. They just knew more than average about Satanism and spirituality.

When one becomes just moderately advanced, it is impossible to leave Satan or go down the wrong path into oblivion. Even when one undergoes a severe trauma in life, and maybe even questions the True Path of Satanism, it's just superficial doubt. In their heart, they know it's the truth. The knowledge cannot be unseen. The experiences cannot be forgotten. The red pill has been taken, and the blue pill rejected forever. For all who listen, the Gods provide guidance toward the bright, beautiful, and Satanic future.

And we have dozens of very advanced members who know this, and consistency do good work for Satan, even if they do not wear any title at all! (yet ;))

Although I wasn't there, but in the beginning (before he started doing drugs) Salem must have done a pretty good service, because for some reason he only got the High Priest level. This level and rank is not about "feeling in the clouds" or "wielding power" but about turning it 360 degrees. It's hard and tenacious work, against the enemy, as those at High Priest level tend to get more attention, relative to their rank.

Likewise for JoS Guardian rank people, everyone here has a job to do regardless of rank. In my opinion, it is not rank that gets us ahead, but collective cooperation and strength forged into common goals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is no person married to a God who will not serve the JoS, there is no Kundalini ascended person who will laze out from writing a post to help you, there is no advanced Satanist who is carried to no "astral temple muhhhh Satin's palace uhhhh he luv's me but I can't post twice per year" bullshit that won't follow up with the REAL and NECESSARY work to build Satan's Kingdom on earth.

And then that person who thought she was married to a god said that she left the forums for lack of time but she had it to waste hours reading books and novels, playing videogames or going out all night on Saturday to a disco to drink alcohol.
And if her husband really was a god, why was she going out with random men who are not even SS and even worse doing interracial sex with a certain black photographer?

All this truthful that is information I have gathered over 2 years spying on her instagram account.

Oy Vey! I don't have time to hang out on the forums or do the RTR or the Azazel ritual but I do have time to waste on a Saturday night going to a disco to drink alcohol and being a asshole!

Oy Vey! my husband is a high ranking god but then I am unfaithful to him by dating random unspiritual men and even having interracial sex!

And this is an example of how far someone's degeneration can go when they have bad influences and completely leave meditations and the spiritual path.
serpentwalker666 said:

People want to be high priest, until the reality sets in of the crushing responsibility of this. Then many just do not follow through and walk away from this.


Honestly cannot imagine not having the spiritual ability and wanting to be enshrined with the HP's responsibilities. I know what I'm lacking, and can't imagine half of what Cobra's duties entail, or heck even what Shannon's responsibilities are, but I sure as shit know I ain't anywhere near it. It's the paradox of people who want power most of the time not at all being the right ones to wield it. There are few rare souls in the world to have that kind of ambition, and the integrity, discipline, honor, and ability to back it up.
I appreciate your peculiar sense of humor and piquant writing style, reading this was like tasting a fine dish.
About the animal comparison passage. It made me want to say this. We have so much to learn from them, it's sad that their simple innate wisdom is, more often than not, overlooked and unappreciated. Many times I had the pleasure of observing wild and domestic animals that have taught me important lessons. I love and respect them so much.
Back to the subject, I'd much rather just know that I've contributed something valuable than have any kind of recognition or taps on the back. Being a priest in its original meaning in my eyes is a huge responsibility and a means to accomplish something that would be difficult to do otherwise. Like being a leader, a liaisons officer, a teacher and many other roles amalgamated into one calling. So thank you and the others who do those things for us.
When I had found out Magepoop was a fake. I had realized, myself being a true follower of Satan and the Gods, I would be infinitely a better HP than him.

I have despite making endless mistakes, constantly endeavored to improve in some form or another, rarely letting a single day pass that I had not taken at least one step towards enlightenment.

Constantly in the back of my mind, I did remember Maxine's voice imprinted perfectly on memory. Her sermons awakening me to the reality of our fake history. I committed to honoring and representing my Pagan ancestors who were slaughtered and slandered.

I did make the mistake of telling family and friends about my beliefs, eventually they could not bear to see that I was becoming such a powerful and intelligent man, and I was discarded from their decadent lifestyles.

Now I stand alone atop this mountain, closer to the God's and my SS siblings than my own family. I still seek to be a role model in my community, and I constantly see people watching me in confusion and awe.

Comparatively speaking, I have infinite energy, Mastery of wisdom and knowledge, Health and Beauty, Immortality, Determination and Willpower, the greatest comparison I can make is one of a Father to Humanity, a Hero, a Leader by example.

When I walk into a room, I constantly feel like the biggest and most intelligent individual.

I had for months started to believe I was Dreaming, that I was dead, that my mind was manifesting this reality.

But I cannot deny my childhood, I cannot deny what the enemy has done, I cannot deny the truth of this reality. I cannot deny that the existence of man is based upon this Natural and Eternal Truths. And I cannot deny the Spiritual powers that allow me to advance exponentially.

I will do a better job of embracing this Truth and I will continue to set myself up as an aspiring Strategic General and Empower of Spiritual Satanists.

Hail to those who have taken up this task as I have.
Hail to the God's who have guided us.
Hail to Satan, whom willed all these things first.
EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

But don't you want Ryhanna to be a HP? They say she is part of the Satanic Illuminati.

Yes, I forgot, she is a High Priestess of Balenciaga. Get RiRi on the phone, her service is necessitated, she must serve the Dark Lord now.

Also call A$AP Rocky, because he sold his soul for 10 million and it's time he has to write 2 posts per week here to replay his debts.

As for their child it will be destined to become a super Priest of evil, by the time they are 18. *evil laugh here* :cool: :evil:

Wotanwarrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

And then that person who thought she was married to a god said that she left the forums for lack of time but she had it to waste hours reading books and novels, playing videogames or going out all night on Saturday to a disco to drink alcohol.

Look, love and respect and all, and friendship, but that shit is bollocks on the actual field of reality. I cannot see these situations solely as a friend, as the lives and mental health of others depend on these statements.

I go out occasionally too, we too have a life, yes, sure. I drink a beer and so on, yeah, whatever. One's life won't lack the necessary recreational elements, whatever these might be for a human being. If you ask other people who are currently being trained, then they will tell you how much I put emphasis on this too, because if one lives without any joy, one will become depressed.

But this type of lifestyle to the extremes coupled with ignorance does not yield any serious result.

When I asked certain people to appear at least once a week on the forums, I was told "Yes, Yes". Then, I will boot if one does not want to do this. This is the family.

A person who does not show up to feed the children is not a mother.

Blitz and others are into this 100%, taking care of all the souls here, not to mention others. THESE are the people who deserve the respect and the love. Not people who just make up random things to justify whatever.

Fucking Period.

GoldenBolt said:
A hp shouldnt have to turn on all caps and speak like some brain dead neanderthal.
you have 0 respect for the people here and you dont speak for the gods at all im sure theyre completely disgusted with your behavior.
learn basic communication skills next time maybe.

now i understand why i was guided away from this forum lead by a completely flathead.
ever since maxine and the other hps left this forum turned into a cesspool of filth.

maxine said the gods have everything they could ever want and dont need our help and now you take the gods to be some need brat like yourself.
keep your disgusting behavior to yourself and dont bring the gods into this filth.

Kike fix your hat and then learn to capitalize the first letter of your sentence. Also, learn to speak not in places where you do not belong, or where you might be turned to ash if you continue talking.

Here are some caps for you:

Yes, the Gods want us to become like the Gods, that's why the universe exists. We are supposed to discover this.



WiseDragon said:
You are the backbone of this place HP, your work and your sacrifices are much appreciated.

Thank you for understanding me. There are many others too.

You have my love and eternal gratitude, and I will do everything I possibly can to do what is best for all of you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wotanwarrior said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

And then that person who thought she was married to a god said that she left the forums for lack of time but she had it to waste hours reading books and novels, playing videogames or going out all night on Saturday to a disco to drink alcohol.

Look, love and respect and all, and friendship, but that shit is bollocks. I cannot see these situations solely as a friend, as the lives and mental health of others depend on these statements.

I go out occasionally too, we too have a life, yes, sure. I drink a beer and so on. One's life won't lack the necessary recreational elements, whatever these might be for a human being. We exist like human beings too, I don't spend existence in a cave.

But this type of lifestyle to the extremes coupled with ignorance does not yield any serious result.

When I asked certain people to appear at least once a week on the forums, I was told "Yes, Yes". Then, I will boot if one does not want to do this. This is the family.

A person who does not show up to feed the children is not a mother.

Fucking Period.
Question, is Shannon still a HPS? She really fits in the "never posts" category.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=406052 time=1670994494 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Here we have the definition of bullshit, in an applied form. This not only bullshits me, it bullshits the Gods, the community, and everyone else. Whomever does that, deserves no title and should be demoted to a regular member.
Very true.
And they were demoted, or even kicked out, as they should be.


In reality, some of these "High Priests" were lower than the average member. They just knew more than average about Satanism and spirituality.

And we have dozens of very advanced members who know this, and consistency do good work for Satan, even if they do not wear any title at all! (yet ;))

There are SOME of you, you know who YOU all are, that give a LOT. Therefore, I want you to be given a lot, and gain the proper attention.

We work for honor in the eyes of the Gods and to be beneficial to their tasks. Honor is the pinnacle of the values of our Ancestral line of beliefs. Therefore, I cannot have fools stealing what rightfully exists to others, which is honor for ACTUAL work given.

There is honor coming from the Gods, and honor coming from admiration from our fellow community members. Both must be given to those who DO, not those who make up nonsense.

For one, who is being bullshitted here? Me? Of course not, I know that's a joke. The Gods? Certainly NOT, they are the ones who bring about this mentality and handling of the situation? The community? Only newer members would believe that nonsense, and advanced members are looking in revulsion.

Therefore, that is unacceptable going forward.

I cannot be having retards and hoax creators getting credit, and then the people who lift all the burdens and bricks with honor everyday, to be overlooked, because some fools "invent" shit to compensate for their utter uselessness.

The above is ultimate injustice.

As thus, the post explains the points. Which might sound severe or whatever, but it is what it is.
This is of the most inspiring sermons of the year. I want to become qualified one day for whatever, anything the Gods see fit, I have near zero initiative (no fire) to start anything of my own except sites, but if told what to do and how, I am thorough. I hope others who aren't of any titles and don't know where to start get inspired as well regardless.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Look, love and respect and all, and friendship, but that shit is bollocks on the actual field of reality. I cannot see these situations solely as a friend, as the lives and mental health of others depend on these statements...
I am glad this has been adressed, delusions are one of the only scary things I can see while being a Satanists, trusting words of the wrong people because titles was very dangerous and I'm glad this has been mostly dealt with.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
