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Minneapolis Riots - Jews At It Yet Again...

Getting replaced in your own country vs randomly going out to loot Xbox is exactly the same morals thanks for letting us know. Nathanael Kikestein on some university would argue the same.

Cowboy123 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Only the Yellow Vests were fighting for superior purposes while these g bois are just out there on a random excuse to loot some Xbox.

Yes, the Yellow Vests were 99% White and fighting against government oppression and major calamities. Not an entitled bunch that runs around to loot Xbox and randomly burn stuff because supposedly someone died at some point.

Cowboy123 said:
Shadowtheidiot it doesn’t matter what it’s about. They’re doing the exact same things. Burning stuff down , looting and attacking cops. That was the point I was making. I thought whites had high iq?

Also in the riots across America it’s whites in Antifa mostly doing the arson and looting

Except they looted Hugo Boss and other stores. I don’t care about moral reasoning because clearly people have different ones. The yellow vests looted, commited arson and attacked police. They believed they were justified and so do the people in America now rioting. No reason for a double standard. It’s hypocritical.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

... [/quote][/quote]

Except most of the violence in the protests are caused by white antifa. Plus blacks aren’t the only who’ve had “thug culture” the Irish did at one point so did the Italians even Asian immigrants to America have done it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Getting replaced in your own country vs randomly going out to loot Xbox is exactly the same morals thanks for letting us know. Nathanael Kikestein on some university would argue the same.

Cowboy123 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Only the Yellow Vests were fighting for superior purposes while these g bois are just out there on a random excuse to loot some Xbox.

Yes, the Yellow Vests were 99% White and fighting against government oppression and major calamities. Not an entitled bunch that runs around to loot Xbox and randomly burn stuff because supposedly someone died at some point.

Except they looted Hugo Boss and other stores. I don’t care about moral reasoning because clearly people have different ones. The yellow vests looted, commited arson and attacked police. They believed they were justified and so do the people in America now rioting. No reason for a double standard. It’s hypocritical.

I thought they were protesting fuel? Why change the goal post? Also what does looting expensive designer clothes have to with retaking your country? Making up a hypothetical Jew doesn’t prove me wrong.
All you do is basically pretend to understand all the points but eventually you just have permanent bias towards your own people. That is healthy. Just do not whine when other people are doing it, and try to minimize propaganda posting, since in your heat for the above you (and others), you are using shilling to explain a point that could be explained without.

Anyone can be funded to do crimes and leftist Marxist antifa working for the state is nothing new. You want to turn this into race for the usual dindu nuffinism and how black people were victimized. And how whitey is ANTIFA. ANTIFA however was built on the ideology among other things to protect the rights of minorities . They think they are creating a better world, that they are anti racist etc, and that this is moral to do.

You try to use the knowledge that Jews are doing it to criminalize Whites for no reason. Like yeah Jews may have funded it all and created ANTIFA but whatever goy ANTIFA is White and Blacks dindu nuffin.

The above is not of any point but to take the intial truth of the Jew funding and running it all and trying to turn it into something else.

Cowboy123 said:

Video proves what I was saying. They were bussed in from out of town. Most likely soros funding. Same thing in Ferguson when u had Jewish commie groups inciting violence. Let it be known the blacks don’t want this they’ve come out telling these outsiders to stop and to go home.

Mostly antifa white peoples

There are reports of supplies to riot with being left in the cities by someone. These are orchestrated



“BREAKING: tonight’s Dallas riot was pre-planned

Organizers were directing the crowd where to go

They had pallets of 100 bricks ready for rioters

They were yelling to the crowd “go left, there are 100 bricks on the corner over there”

This wasn’t random chaos“



“The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots and destroying their communities. “
Most videos and updates,
Goldxaura said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Goldxaura said:
Like literally what the fuck is up with you guys being so comfortable saying the N word. We share a common enemy which is the jew but you want me to keep doing RTR with the very same people who call me nigger? Am I not apart of this very same nature of being a gentile? yes you’re apart of the “superior race “. Oh my god good for you, I literally meditate just as much as you do. The fact that nobody cared shadow raven even said the word is appalling. If I called him a cracka would that enlighten you? Have the same human decency to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is literally what it means to be human. do not reply to this and tell me I need to accept those words because my race is acting out of character. I don’t give a fuck , that word should be forbidden. I do my part in uplifting my race at the end of the day, and I refuse for my own spiritual family to trample on it.

I think it's obvious that this comment was not directed towards all black people, but towards the people who are burning things and looting stores to "protest"... If it was directed towards all black people, this would have deserved a ban, but it's not, it's directed towards the people who are like this:


"iTs aBoUt FlOyD bRuH, I sToLe tHiS sHiT tO pRoTeSt aGaiNsT rAcIsM, I tOtAlLy cArE aBoUt FlOyD"

In the grand scheme of things you’re aware that they are gentiles right? And eventually whether it’s in this life or the next they’ll becoming spiritually aware. Calling people niggers to boost your own ego is ignorant. I used to be just like them until I started to meditate. You haven’t lived the life they live. You don’t grow up with a prejudice against you. When I was in the 4th grade people spat on me and called me a nigger? Did I grow up with a grudge towards white people? Is everybody trailer trash or a Pussy ass cracka. Do not generalize my entire race. Get that word out your fucking vocabulary . And any other black person on this sight needs to have some fucking self respect. Because at the end of the day we’re in war and who wants to fight amongst themselves. You guys are asking for a helping hand and vice versa. They’re fighting for a cause they think is right, you know that they’re brainwashed . You know how the Jews control the mass media. so I just don’t understand how you can still have that much hatred in your soul to use that word. If I called you kyke even though you aren’t how would you feel. People in my race should never be labeled as a nigger. Like I said if Hitler respected other races while advancing his own so can you.

Just to clarify - I haven't used racial slurs, and I haven't called anyone "nigger"... The comment we are talking about (calling the looters "niggers") was made by another person, not me.

When I was in the 4th grade I was bullied and called nasty things too, despite me being white. My country and most (if not all) other white countries were subject of slavery, genocide, and crimes against humanity. Could you please explain to me how exactly our slavery was "better" than the slavery of African countries? My point is, do you really think racism is the main problem and cause of all this? Do you think if you were white you wouldn't be bullied in school, do you think if Africa was white the slave owners would have treated them better?

And by the way, as a Slavic person, I've seen people talking shit about Slavic people here too... Why I don't make a big deal about it? Probably because I wasn't brainwashed my whole life how racism is the root of all evil... Just ask yourself, what exactly would've been different if African people were white? The perfect example is the way the English treated the Scots - they aren't just the same race, they are literally the same people.

Personally, I find using racial slurs vulgar, and I don't do that, I am just saying that there is a difference between calling all black people with racial slurs, and calling the looters with racial slurs...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Getting replaced in your own country vs randomly going out to loot Xbox is exactly the same morals thanks for letting us know. Nathanael Kikestein on some university would argue the same.

Cowboy123 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Only the Yellow Vests were fighting for superior purposes while these g bois are just out there on a random excuse to loot some Xbox.

Yes, the Yellow Vests were 99% White and fighting against government oppression and major calamities. Not an entitled bunch that runs around to loot Xbox and randomly burn stuff because supposedly someone died at some point.

Except they looted Hugo Boss and other stores. I don’t care about moral reasoning because clearly people have different ones. The yellow vests looted, commited arson and attacked police. They believed they were justified and so do the people in America now rioting. No reason for a double standard. It’s hypocritical.

I thought it was over fuel? Now your changing the narrative. I don’t see how creating fires, looting Hugo boss and other stores equals taking your country back.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All you do is basically pretend to understand all the points but eventually you just have permanent bias towards your own people. That is healthy. Just do not whine when other people are doing it, and try to minimize propaganda posting, since in your heat for the above you (and others).

Anyone can be funded to do crimes and leftist Marxist antifa working for the state is nothing new. You want to turn this into race for the usual dindu nuffinism and how black people were victimized.

You try to use the knowledge that Jews are doing it to criminalize Whites for no reason. Like yeah Jews may have funded it all and created ANTIFA but whatever goy ANTIFA is White.

How you argue is as Yeshiva as your moral relativism.

Cowboy123 said:

Video proves what I was saying. They were bussed in from out of town. Most likely soros funding. Same thing in Ferguson when u had Jewish commie groups inciting violence. Let it be known the blacks don’t want this they’ve come out telling these outsiders to stop and to go home.

Mostly antifa white peoples

There are reports of supplies to riot with being left in the cities by someone. These are orchestrated



“BREAKING: tonight’s Dallas riot was pre-planned

Organizers were directing the crowd where to go

They had pallets of 100 bricks ready for rioters

They were yelling to the crowd “go left, there are 100 bricks on the corner over there”

This wasn’t random chaos“



“The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots and destroying their communities. “

So when I talked about Jews and black lives matter in my “how Jews use blacks” article or how the Jews controlled MLK that was criminalizing blacks? Because talking about antifa is the same as talking about BLM and how the Jews controlled the civil rights movement. Lol.

I mention Antifa white gentiles are controlled by Jews just like I talk about the Jews inciting blm riots in Ferguson. In this case it’s white antifa causing most of the riots funded by Jews. Just like in Ferguson it was BLM funded by and aroused by Jews.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Goldxaura said:
Are you serious ? I have to defend my race let me know if your aura of protection is stronger than mine. :)

I've been attacked by black people, unprovoked just because I'm white and lemme tell you I will go to the depths of the planet to defend myself and my family from negro aggression. Every time a riot happens, guess what, I got attacked for no fucking reason other than I'm white. Imagine not being able to step 5 feet out of your house without being shot at or jumped, and labeled the source of all evil because of some asshole cop in Minneapolis, Ferguson, Baltimore, Detroit, or wherever. Sounds like you want a race war well fucking bring it.
I’m sorry to hear that but literally black people have LITERALLY BEEN ATTACKED THE SAME EXACT WAY. They have misguided anger, I literally told you I was spat on for being black in the 4th grade. Sounds like I want a war , are you self projecting here? I want respect. For me to hate the entire white race would just be ignorant but you seem to enjoy using a word that generalizes my entire race. No war here just me coming to you “man to man.” Lol this guy here doesn’t know the government literally put crack into our communities. You think these things disappear over night? You think the anger they have towards the white man disappears with the push of a button. I’m not justifying these attacks on you because that was extremely uncalled for, but you using that word you become the embodiment of the very same people who oppressed us.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Goldxaura said:
Are you serious ? I have to defend my race let me know if your aura of protection is stronger than mine. :)

I've been attacked by black people, unprovoked just because I'm white and lemme tell you I will go to the depths of the planet to defend myself and my family from negro aggression. Every time a riot happens, guess what, I got attacked for no fucking reason other than I'm white. Imagine not being able to step 5 feet out of your house without being shot at or jumped, and labeled the source of all evil because of some asshole cop in Minneapolis, Ferguson, Baltimore, Detroit, or wherever. Sounds like you want a race war well fucking bring it.
I’m sorry to hear that but literally black people have LITERALLY BEEN ATTACKED THE SAME EXACT WAY. They have misguided anger, I literally told you I was spat on for being black in the 4th grade. Sounds like I want a war , are you self projecting here? I want respect. For me to hate the entire white race would just be ignorant but you seem to enjoy using a word that generalizes my entire race. No war here just me coming to you “man to man.” Lol this guy here doesn’t know the government literally put crack into our communities. You think these things disappear over night? You think the anger they have towards the white man disappears with the push of a button. I’m not justifying these attacks on you because that was extremely uncalled for, but you using that word you become the embodiment of the very same people who oppressed us.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
"Kike alert, kike alert" Nice try kike, try harder.

Fuck off back to Zimbabwe if you hate white people so much.
You're the one calling people "niggers", yet you expect me to not call you a kike ? You're doing what kikes do. Disrupting the conversation with race baiting bullshit. Only logical explanation is your an infiltrator. And I'm from america, you stupid fat nose kike fuck.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He explained himself that this is not for people here, but for these animals presented. And yes this is what they are.

The identity of being a "Nigger" is a manifestation of the mentality the jews projected on Blacks to thug and be criminals. If one follows it they are what the jew define Black people to be.

Even Blacks tell other Blacks to stop n-ging. Anyone has heard that. And to stop thugging. They do not listen. If they do not they remain niggers and they have still not achieved Gentile Black status.

All you do in your comments is complained these thugs are not treated like humans verbally over some forum. Well that is because they are thugs and they suck.

The "Nigger" jew manufactured identity is the enemy number one of the Black people. Words used for condemnation and shame are not always bad.

If one sees a White crackhead woman on the ghetto doing n-ging one will not call her a damsel, not ms White because she is a Gentile.

Goldxaura said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
I think it's obvious that this comment was not directed towards all black people, but towards the people who are burning things and looting stores to "protest"... If it was directed towards all black people, this would have deserved a ban, but it's not, it's directed towards the people who are like this:


"iTs aBoUt FlOyD bRuH, I sToLe tHiS sHiT tO pRoTeSt aGaiNsT rAcIsM, I tOtAlLy cArE aBoUt FlOyD"

In the grand scheme of things you’re aware that they are gentiles right? And eventually whether it’s in this life or the next they’ll becoming spiritually aware. Calling people niggers to boost your own ego is ignorant. I used to be just like them until I started to meditate. You haven’t lived the life they live. You don’t grow up with a prejudice against you. When I was in the 4th grade people spat on me and called me a nigger? Did I grow up with a grudge towards white people? Is everybody trailer trash or a Pussy ass cracka. Do not generalize my entire race. Get that word out your fucking vocabulary . And any other black person on this sight needs to have some fucking self respect. Because at the end of the day we’re in war and who wants to fight amongst themselves. You guys are asking for a helping hand and vice versa. They’re fighting for a cause they think is right, you know that they’re brainwashed . You know how the Jews control the mass media. so I just don’t understand how you can still have that much hatred in your soul to use that word. If I called you kyke even though you aren’t how would you feel. People in my race should never be labeled as a nigger. Like I said if Hitler respected other races while advancing his own so can you.
Literally someone on this forum just called me a nigger and said nobody cared if I did the RTR.
This is analogous to when Muhammad Ali said “ain’t no Vietcong ever call me nigger”. You guys preach that you want help in this war but treat others like shit. I don’t understand, we’re not actually in a desert actively trying to find people going from village to village. We’re Internet warriors in the comfort of our own home. Do you know how fucking disturbing it is to know that I literally just got called a nigger for defending my race? I’m not even mad just disappointed. You guys don’t respect the very people who are trying to help, and it’s extremely discouraging to even continue at this point.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He explained himself that this is not for people here, but for these animals presented. And yes this is what they are.

The identity of being a "Nigger" is a manifestation of the mentality the jews projected on Blacks to thug and be criminals. If one follows it they are what the jew define Black people to be.

Even Blacks tell other Blacks to stop n-ging. Anyone has heard that. And to stop thugging. They do not listen. If they do not they remain niggers and they have still not achieved Gentile Black status.

All you do in your comments is complained these thugs are not treated like humans verbally over some forum. Well that is because they are thugs and they suck.

The "Nigger" jew manufactured identity is the enemy number one of the Black people. Words used for condemnation and shame are not always bad.

If one sees a White crackhead woman on the ghetto doing n-ging one will not call her a damsel, not ms White because she is a Gentile.

Goldxaura said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
I think it's obvious that this comment was not directed towards all black people, but towards the people who are burning things and looting stores to "protest"... If it was directed towards all black people, this would have deserved a ban, but it's not, it's directed towards the people who are like this:


"iTs aBoUt FlOyD bRuH, I sToLe tHiS sHiT tO pRoTeSt aGaiNsT rAcIsM, I tOtAlLy cArE aBoUt FlOyD"

In the grand scheme of things you’re aware that they are gentiles right? And eventually whether it’s in this life or the next they’ll becoming spiritually aware. Calling people niggers to boost your own ego is ignorant. I used to be just like them until I started to meditate. You haven’t lived the life they live. You don’t grow up with a prejudice against you. When I was in the 4th grade people spat on me and called me a nigger? Did I grow up with a grudge towards white people? Is everybody trailer trash or a Pussy ass cracka. Do not generalize my entire race. Get that word out your fucking vocabulary . And any other black person on this sight needs to have some fucking self respect. Because at the end of the day we’re in war and who wants to fight amongst themselves. You guys are asking for a helping hand and vice versa. They’re fighting for a cause they think is right, you know that they’re brainwashed . You know how the Jews control the mass media. so I just don’t understand how you can still have that much hatred in your soul to use that word. If I called you kyke even though you aren’t how would you feel. People in my race should never be labeled as a nigger. Like I said if Hitler respected other races while advancing his own so can you.
Literally someone on this forum just called me a nigger and said nobody cared if I did the RTR.
This is analogous to when Muhammad Ali said “ain’t no Vietcong ever call me nigger”. You guys preach that you want help in this war but treat others like shit. I don’t understand, we’re not actually in a desert actively trying to find people going from village to village. We’re Internet warriors in the comfort of our own home. Do you know how fucking disturbing it is to know that I literally just got called a nigger for defending my race? I’m not even mad just disappointed. You guys don’t respect the very people who are trying to help, and it’s extremely discouraging to even continue at this point.
Aku said:
Aldrick said:
Aku said:
From what I could see it was a bunch of white kids or Jewish kids protesting instead of negros

I think black people are waking up. Ya know I use to have no problem with them. My best friend was black for years. Then I had this black girl, she had no confidence, so I went with her to prom. Nothing romantic, I just went and danced with her and was there as a friend, because I thought she didnt deserve to just be lonely and remember that experience, as something negative.

I use to try to protect everyone. I would go to parties and stay up all night. This one girl said please do not allow anyone to have sex with me. So I threw a guy into a wall. Told him to get to the couch and sat up in a rocking chair the entire night. In the morning I told her what happened and she got mad at me. Why didnt you let him do that to me!

I use to try to save everyone and I was met with not only ungratefulness but aggression. I was a manager of a store and this girl had to wait in the dark, on a dangerous street for her ride. So I waited in my car till they got there. She then told everyone how I was such a freak for doing that.

Thankfully the people were like are you mentally I'll? People have damaged me a lil. Because every bit of trust and trying to be there, they turned on me for doing it. This made me very hateful.

I became closed off. I thought why do you care so much? Why are you so emotional? They want a cold heartless person, fine give it to them. I then became brutal with people. Then my reputation became an unfeeling person. I would straight up tell people I hope they got murdered, so I could piss on their corpse.

People became fearful to approach me who didnt even know me. I guess the energy I was emitting. But truth be told, I was hurt. I would rather get to them before they got to me.

The same is with any racial tension. I became fanatical for my own. But deep down, I care for all Gentiles. I hate to see Satans people fighting. The offspring of the Gods and the creations of Satan, should not war with one another.

A strong culture, set up for the individual races is the only way to ensure this. Hatred for anything outside is normal, but can be remedied, if each had our own space. If blacks were in Africa, making their country strong, they could no longer scapegoat their problems to white people. They would realize the true enemy, the jew.
Uh okay the fuck you going on about I just thought it was fishy that a bunch of (((light skinned people))) was there there instead of negro so I guess my post rub off the wrong way so fuck it I’ll stay out of these kind of retarded topic

Why you took that as an attack on you, I have no idea.

I was explaining my thoughts on the Races. If I cannot have a mature conversation with you, I'll find someone else next time.
Aku said:
Aldrick said:
Aku said:
From what I could see it was a bunch of white kids or Jewish kids protesting instead of negros

I think black people are waking up. Ya know I use to have no problem with them. My best friend was black for years. Then I had this black girl, she had no confidence, so I went with her to prom. Nothing romantic, I just went and danced with her and was there as a friend, because I thought she didnt deserve to just be lonely and remember that experience, as something negative.

I use to try to protect everyone. I would go to parties and stay up all night. This one girl said please do not allow anyone to have sex with me. So I threw a guy into a wall. Told him to get to the couch and sat up in a rocking chair the entire night. In the morning I told her what happened and she got mad at me. Why didnt you let him do that to me!

I use to try to save everyone and I was met with not only ungratefulness but aggression. I was a manager of a store and this girl had to wait in the dark, on a dangerous street for her ride. So I waited in my car till they got there. She then told everyone how I was such a freak for doing that.

Thankfully the people were like are you mentally I'll? People have damaged me a lil. Because every bit of trust and trying to be there, they turned on me for doing it. This made me very hateful.

I became closed off. I thought why do you care so much? Why are you so emotional? They want a cold heartless person, fine give it to them. I then became brutal with people. Then my reputation became an unfeeling person. I would straight up tell people I hope they got murdered, so I could piss on their corpse.

People became fearful to approach me who didnt even know me. I guess the energy I was emitting. But truth be told, I was hurt. I would rather get to them before they got to me.

The same is with any racial tension. I became fanatical for my own. But deep down, I care for all Gentiles. I hate to see Satans people fighting. The offspring of the Gods and the creations of Satan, should not war with one another.

A strong culture, set up for the individual races is the only way to ensure this. Hatred for anything outside is normal, but can be remedied, if each had our own space. If blacks were in Africa, making their country strong, they could no longer scapegoat their problems to white people. They would realize the true enemy, the jew.
Uh okay the fuck you going on about I just thought it was fishy that a bunch of (((light skinned people))) was there there instead of negro so I guess my post rub off the wrong way so fuck it I’ll stay out of these kind of retarded topic
You kike infiltrators are really coming forth. Damn!!!!!
ShadowTheRaven said:

"Shoot the white folks!"
"We're coming to your motherfucking house!"
"When we start coming to the suburbs..."

Now, for the black folks that don't act like these animals, I sincerely apologize as I know there are good black folks out there just trying to live their lives. Unfortunately this is not the majority and when it comes to mob violence, these thugs will not miss the opportunity to assault white people wherever they can find them. My point still stands, however, that if anybody of any race is going to make threats towards my life, I'm going to defend myself by any means necessary.

Meta (edit this out): I've made my previous comments in anger, so Cobra, please delete them.
Are these jiggaboos for real I dare any them to come to my house and try and shoot me
I'm not interested in joining or starting any "race war" because that's exactly what the enemy wants, and I have no prejudice towards blacks whatsoever. None. Blacks and whites are both perfectly capable of doing moronic stuff like this, due to centuries of enemy propaganda and curses keeping us all stupid. And of course whenever the enemy causes stuff like this to happen (((antifa))) are always not far behind, ready to take advantage of the situation. Funny cohencidence as usual.

I will call out what I see though, and I must say a lot of this seems eerily similar to what happened in 1992 with the LA riots, where there were black owned businesses destroyed by blacks looting their own community. This guy had his store ruined and looted by his fellow blacks and he gives them a telling off, but many don't seem to care:


Just seems like the same thing is happening again nearly 30 years later, the decent and hard working blacks in America have to suffer, because other more brainwashed and idiotic members of their community wanna use any excuse they can to destroy and steal stuff.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Aku said:
Aldrick said:
I think black people are waking up. Ya know I use to have no problem with them. My best friend was black for years. Then I had this black girl, she had no confidence, so I went with her to prom. Nothing romantic, I just went and danced with her and was there as a friend, because I thought she didnt deserve to just be lonely and remember that experience, as something negative.

I use to try to protect everyone. I would go to parties and stay up all night. This one girl said please do not allow anyone to have sex with me. So I threw a guy into a wall. Told him to get to the couch and sat up in a rocking chair the entire night. In the morning I told her what happened and she got mad at me. Why didnt you let him do that to me!

I use to try to save everyone and I was met with not only ungratefulness but aggression. I was a manager of a store and this girl had to wait in the dark, on a dangerous street for her ride. So I waited in my car till they got there. She then told everyone how I was such a freak for doing that.

Thankfully the people were like are you mentally I'll? People have damaged me a lil. Because every bit of trust and trying to be there, they turned on me for doing it. This made me very hateful.

I became closed off. I thought why do you care so much? Why are you so emotional? They want a cold heartless person, fine give it to them. I then became brutal with people. Then my reputation became an unfeeling person. I would straight up tell people I hope they got murdered, so I could piss on their corpse.

People became fearful to approach me who didnt even know me. I guess the energy I was emitting. But truth be told, I was hurt. I would rather get to them before they got to me.

The same is with any racial tension. I became fanatical for my own. But deep down, I care for all Gentiles. I hate to see Satans people fighting. The offspring of the Gods and the creations of Satan, should not war with one another.

A strong culture, set up for the individual races is the only way to ensure this. Hatred for anything outside is normal, but can be remedied, if each had our own space. If blacks were in Africa, making their country strong, they could no longer scapegoat their problems to white people. They would realize the true enemy, the jew.
Uh okay the fuck you going on about I just thought it was fishy that a bunch of (((light skinned people))) was there there instead of negro so I guess my post rub off the wrong way so fuck it I’ll stay out of these kind of retarded topic
You kike infiltrators are really coming forth. Damn!!!!!

Is this directed at me or Aku?
Shadowbro I approved your comments without looking at them due to trust, do not allow your anger to say stupid things you did not mean. Comments were deleted now because they were unnecessary and rather shit.

Posts like this are not for us to act like dumb fucks that watch MSM and get into the race blame meme so that the enemy laughs. They are so that we exchange opinions to get on the facts. Thankfully facts were shared in many comments not just shit useless comments.

Blaming other SS and telling them shit words is not only unfitting and worthless but also unjust and undeserved. All these years in these forums this is what jews with these less than 10 posts account have been doing.

Progressively the community is starting to get this is all red herring from jews and we understand but do not attack each other everytime the kikes throw a firecracker. This takes time but everyone is getting smarter now.

Jewish Race baiting that they want to end in uncontrollable hatred and civil war is a psyop so that all possibilities of balancing out racial subjects never get to happen. Gentiles fight and refuse to co-ordinate, Jews loot and win.

Vent frustration but do not play the game of the jew the way the jew wants everyone. We know what this whole red herring is about. We are fucking the enemy up because Gentiles here are being wise and not MSM manipulated idiots.
Aldrick said:
Aku said:
Aldrick said:
I think black people are waking up. Ya know I use to have no problem with them. My best friend was black for years. Then I had this black girl, she had no confidence, so I went with her to prom. Nothing romantic, I just went and danced with her and was there as a friend, because I thought she didnt deserve to just be lonely and remember that experience, as something negative.

I use to try to protect everyone. I would go to parties and stay up all night. This one girl said please do not allow anyone to have sex with me. So I threw a guy into a wall. Told him to get to the couch and sat up in a rocking chair the entire night. In the morning I told her what happened and she got mad at me. Why didnt you let him do that to me!

I use to try to save everyone and I was met with not only ungratefulness but aggression. I was a manager of a store and this girl had to wait in the dark, on a dangerous street for her ride. So I waited in my car till they got there. She then told everyone how I was such a freak for doing that.

Thankfully the people were like are you mentally I'll? People have damaged me a lil. Because every bit of trust and trying to be there, they turned on me for doing it. This made me very hateful.

I became closed off. I thought why do you care so much? Why are you so emotional? They want a cold heartless person, fine give it to them. I then became brutal with people. Then my reputation became an unfeeling person. I would straight up tell people I hope they got murdered, so I could piss on their corpse.

People became fearful to approach me who didnt even know me. I guess the energy I was emitting. But truth be told, I was hurt. I would rather get to them before they got to me.

The same is with any racial tension. I became fanatical for my own. But deep down, I care for all Gentiles. I hate to see Satans people fighting. The offspring of the Gods and the creations of Satan, should not war with one another.

A strong culture, set up for the individual races is the only way to ensure this. Hatred for anything outside is normal, but can be remedied, if each had our own space. If blacks were in Africa, making their country strong, they could no longer scapegoat their problems to white people. They would realize the true enemy, the jew.
Uh okay the fuck you going on about I just thought it was fishy that a bunch of (((light skinned people))) was there there instead of negro so I guess my post rub off the wrong way so fuck it I’ll stay out of these kind of retarded topic

Why you took that as an attack on you, I have no idea.

I was explaining my thoughts on the Races. If I cannot have a mature conversation with you, I'll find someone else next time.
For what it's worth I enjoy your stories even if I don't reply to them all. When scrolling through comments and I see "Aldrick" I always take a second to read the post. ;)
This is an internet forum and every so often in anger people may write some bullshit. No need to get so crazy over it. Every person does that you are not the only one.

Soldiers sometimes may have arguments but in the end of the day we are all on the weapons. 9.9 ut of 10 comments are positive, if you wanna stick on one that is up to you.

Never in the military it is said that people will not sometimes vent. There is chaos going on and we cannot only force ourselves to be artificial like xians.

Every person can be mean and have a bad day. Get over it and practice what you preach on wanting to fight the enemy.

You are welcome here and all efforts are appreciated, do not let little BS dissuade you.

Goldxaura said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He explained himself that this is not for people here, but for these animals presented. And yes this is what they are.

The identity of being a "Nigger" is a manifestation of the mentality the jews projected on Blacks to thug and be criminals. If one follows it they are what the jew define Black people to be.

Even Blacks tell other Blacks to stop n-ging. Anyone has heard that. And to stop thugging. They do not listen. If they do not they remain niggers and they have still not achieved Gentile Black status.

All you do in your comments is complained these thugs are not treated like humans verbally over some forum. Well that is because they are thugs and they suck.

The "Nigger" jew manufactured identity is the enemy number one of the Black people. Words used for condemnation and shame are not always bad.

If one sees a White crackhead woman on the ghetto doing n-ging one will not call her a damsel, not ms White because she is a Gentile.

Goldxaura said:
In the grand scheme of things you’re aware that they are gentiles right? And eventually whether it’s in this life or the next they’ll becoming spiritually aware. Calling people niggers to boost your own ego is ignorant. I used to be just like them until I started to meditate. You haven’t lived the life they live. You don’t grow up with a prejudice against you. When I was in the 4th grade people spat on me and called me a nigger? Did I grow up with a grudge towards white people? Is everybody trailer trash or a Pussy ass cracka. Do not generalize my entire race. Get that word out your fucking vocabulary . And any other black person on this sight needs to have some fucking self respect. Because at the end of the day we’re in war and who wants to fight amongst themselves. You guys are asking for a helping hand and vice versa. They’re fighting for a cause they think is right, you know that they’re brainwashed . You know how the Jews control the mass media. so I just don’t understand how you can still have that much hatred in your soul to use that word. If I called you kyke even though you aren’t how would you feel. People in my race should never be labeled as a nigger. Like I said if Hitler respected other races while advancing his own so can you.
Literally someone on this forum just called me a nigger and said nobody cared if I did the RTR.
This is analogous to when Muhammad Ali said “ain’t no Vietcong ever call me nigger”. You guys preach that you want help in this war but treat others like shit. I don’t understand, we’re not actually in a desert actively trying to find people going from village to village. We’re Internet warriors in the comfort of our own home. Do you know how fucking disturbing it is to know that I literally just got called a nigger for defending my race? I’m not even mad just disappointed. You guys don’t respect the very people who are trying to help, and it’s extremely discouraging to even continue at this point.
There's a lot going on in this thread but I just wanted to put some things into perspective.

Exactly one week ago, I asked in my meditations for some kind of way to achieve racial solidarity as the quickest way towards mass collectivization against the capitalist/globalist system. Obviously, I was thinking of white solidarity as the only effective group (ie whites less likely to be golems), but the timing was necessary for things to happen now in order to take advantage of the Covid-19 situation while everyone is on high alert. Although I'm not an active user here, I had actually considered making a thread about it, but I usually do not talk to anyone or tell them my plans. Basically, I can no longer contribute to this system and put in work/pay taxes that are going to be used by the enemy against me. I think this may be a necessary step in achieving racial solidarity for all races, but whites are going to be last. I think there will be some kind of "white civil war", although my goal is to attain peace, I just don't see how to undo all this brainwashing going on. I think people seeing all this looting going on will help them see the truth about how much whites are hated. It might be necessary for every single race to actively and continuously gang up on whites for whites today to even grasp their oppression.

The enemy had the same idea in my mind, namely, that it was time to use Covid-19 to their advantage. The timing is just way too coincidental. As soon as everyone becomes tired of Covid-19, the media starts pimping 3 racial stories condemning all white people not only in the US, but the world at large. In jail or prison, especially on the West coast, you get in with your race in order to survive. You don't mingle with blacks if you're white, and so on. We're living on a prison planet, either by design of the gods or doing of man, that much is certain. We are now held accountable for the actions of ANY member of our race, except that whites are the only ones held accountable for anything at all right now. A month ago, I would have said only white men were under scrutiny, but the "Karen" slur and incident in New York with the police phone call showed that even white women are on the chopping block.

The thing that pisses me off the most about people's reaction to this incident, and the thing nobody is talking about, is how Americans are rallying around this guy George Floyd, who broke into a white woman's apartment in 2007 and held her a gunpoint. There's even news posts about people who knew George Floyd personally, saying what a great guy he was. This is absolutely blasphemous that people don't see clearly right away how the Jews are overplaying their hand here. I talked to my parents who only get their news from TV, and they had no idea of this guy's past crimes. I say that not because I don't believe in second chances and forgiveness, I do, but let's be honest, any society in the past considered sane or "uncucked" would have either executed George Floyd on the spot, given him 15-20 years in prison, or at least cut his hands or genitals off. So many people have died and spent the rest of their lives in prison for much, much less.

Contrast someone like George Floyd with Brock Turner, the white kid who stuck his fingers in a drunk girl's snatch at a party. The message that I'm getting from all this is that it is worse for a white kid to finger a drunk girl he had been making out with than it is to break into a white woman's home, point a gun at her and rob her. I don't condone rape, but could you imagine, if say, 10 years from now, Brock Turner got killed by a police officer in the same manner as George Floyd? What about if he was killed by a black police officer? Would white women be in the streets rioting against police brutality, for Brock Turner? No. I'm not saying they should either, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. His death would be seen as completely justified in the media, and most whites would probably laugh gleefully at his death. Maybe his death would be justified, but that's not the point. Point is, people who do evil shit like George Floyd get what's coming to them. And I'm glad he's dead, but not in the manner it was done. Something should have been done to this man years ago besides the <5 years he spent locked up. 5 years, really? For holding a gun up to a white woman and breaking into her home? I once faced the possibility of max security prison for 15 years just for telling someone online to kill themselves.

We are paying collectively now for the sins of our race, and the biggest sin is and will always be passivity.
Cowboy123 said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Goldxaura said:
Like literally what the fuck is up with you guys being so comfortable saying the N word. We share a common enemy which is the jew but you want me to keep doing RTR with the very same people who call me nigger? Am I not apart of this very same nature of being a gentile? yes you’re apart of the “superior race “. Oh my god good for you, I literally meditate just as much as you do. The fact that nobody cared shadow raven even said the word is appalling. If I called him a cracka would that enlighten you? Have the same human decency to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is literally what it means to be human. do not reply to this and tell me I need to accept those words because my race is acting out of character. I don’t give a fuck , that word should be forbidden. I do my part in uplifting my race at the end of the day, and I refuse for my own spiritual family to trample on it.

I think it's obvious that this comment was not directed towards all black people, but towards the people who are burning things and looting stores to "protest"... If it was directed towards all black people, this would have deserved a ban, but it's not, it's directed towards the people who are like this:


"iTs aBoUt FlOyD bRuH, I sToLe tHiS sHiT tO pRoTeSt aGaiNsT rAcIsM, I tOtAlLy cArE aBoUt FlOyD"

Goldxaura is right and u can’t use a racial slur and say it wasn’t against all. If that was so then don’t use a racial slur. And I didn’t see anyone here call the yellow vest protesters racial slurs or thugs when they looted and attacked cops.






To goldxaura u should do rtrs for personal benefit and for Satan and the gods. The powers of hell don’t think or feel that way about u.
Because yellow vests were protesting against a disgusting government and against a hook nosed jew that is France's president, not going around just to act like monkeys.
Bigot Boy said:
Aldrick said:
Aku said:
Uh okay the fuck you going on about I just thought it was fishy that a bunch of (((light skinned people))) was there there instead of negro so I guess my post rub off the wrong way so fuck it I’ll stay out of these kind of retarded topic

Why you took that as an attack on you, I have no idea.

I was explaining my thoughts on the Races. If I cannot have a mature conversation with you, I'll find someone else next time.
For what it's worth I enjoy your stories even if I don't reply to them all. When scrolling through comments and I see "Aldrick" I always take a second to read the post. ;)

Aww thanks.

When you get to your Saturn Return, you go through this reflection of your life. Like who the hell even am I?

I'm trying to understand my place in the world. Theres part of me that really cares, and part of me that says fuck everyone, they never cared about you.

I use to think strength was putting one strong front. Now I'm starting to rethink this. That too be a man is to accept your faults. To strive to bring Compassion and understanding.

My chart is set up with a ton of compassion and empathy. This led to me getting hurt alot. Which is why I tried to drown my soul in fire and Aries energy. To become selfish and Agressive.

So that perhaps I could stop feeling and caring, and being abused in the process. But now I've reached this strange point, where others cannot hurt me.

This has allowed me to open back up to my true self. But it's a difficult battle. As I could fall very easily into being what I considered to abhor. A sort of soft liberal viewed individual.

However my recent run ins with Satan has shocked me. Because as much as I worshipped him, I realized I didnt truly know him.

The way he approaches situations is full of love and empathy. These Gentile non Aryan Races, are his creation, which he loves intensely.

While he Hates the enemy, he does not approach a situation with malice. He approaches it with an understanding that comes from being 500,000 years old.

Anytime he has come to me, he has shown me love and understanding on a level I cannot fathom. I want to make Father Satan proud and be like him. I am like a small child in his care.

I wish to reflect the love that he shows to me to that of my Satanic Family. As I know that if he were here on these forums, he would show an understanding to all of us, that we cannot fully comprehend. I am a child of Satan, his Blood flows through me. His spirit flows through me. Now I wish for his mind to do the same.

If there is a Satanic prayer it would go like this. Father Satan may your energy and will flow through me. Direct me to be a vessel of you. So that you may be here in spirit with us in the flesh. Your kingdom come, here on Earth as it is in Hell. Hail Satan!
Lordbaphamet666 said:
You're the one calling people "niggers", yet you expect me to not call you a kike ? You're doing what kikes do. Disrupting the conversation with race baiting bullshit. Only logical explanation is your an infiltrator. And I'm from america, you stupid fat nose kike fuck.

Just because you're American doesn't mean you're not a communist faggot loving bitch. Do white people riot every time a black guy kills them? No and if we did this country would never stop burning.
Goldxaura said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He explained himself that this is not for people here, but for these animals presented. And yes this is what they are.

The identity of being a "Nigger" is a manifestation of the mentality the jews projected on Blacks to thug and be criminals. If one follows it they are what the jew define Black people to be.

Even Blacks tell other Blacks to stop n-ging. Anyone has heard that. And to stop thugging. They do not listen. If they do not they remain niggers and they have still not achieved Gentile Black status.

All you do in your comments is complained these thugs are not treated like humans verbally over some forum. Well that is because they are thugs and they suck.

The "Nigger" jew manufactured identity is the enemy number one of the Black people. Words used for condemnation and shame are not always bad.

If one sees a White crackhead woman on the ghetto doing n-ging one will not call her a damsel, not ms White because she is a Gentile.

Goldxaura said:
In the grand scheme of things you’re aware that they are gentiles right? And eventually whether it’s in this life or the next they’ll becoming spiritually aware. Calling people niggers to boost your own ego is ignorant. I used to be just like them until I started to meditate. You haven’t lived the life they live. You don’t grow up with a prejudice against you. When I was in the 4th grade people spat on me and called me a nigger? Did I grow up with a grudge towards white people? Is everybody trailer trash or a Pussy ass cracka. Do not generalize my entire race. Get that word out your fucking vocabulary . And any other black person on this sight needs to have some fucking self respect. Because at the end of the day we’re in war and who wants to fight amongst themselves. You guys are asking for a helping hand and vice versa. They’re fighting for a cause they think is right, you know that they’re brainwashed . You know how the Jews control the mass media. so I just don’t understand how you can still have that much hatred in your soul to use that word. If I called you kyke even though you aren’t how would you feel. People in my race should never be labeled as a nigger. Like I said if Hitler respected other races while advancing his own so can you.
Literally someone on this forum just called me a nigger and said nobody cared if I did the RTR.
This is analogous to when Muhammad Ali said “ain’t no Vietcong ever call me nigger”. You guys preach that you want help in this war but treat others like shit. I don’t understand, we’re not actually in a desert actively trying to find people going from village to village. We’re Internet warriors in the comfort of our own home. Do you know how fucking disturbing it is to know that I literally just got called a nigger for defending my race? I’m not even mad just disappointed. You guys don’t respect the very people who are trying to help, and it’s extremely discouraging to even continue at this point.

I am sorry someone called you this brother.

Please do not feel that the comments of one, are the reflection of all.

There are many here that are young. They make comments as a teenager would on the internet.

The enemy attacks us all to bring misunderstandings. I am glad you are here and thank you for all your service to this war efforts.

Satanic Blessings
Everyone is against us, you guys. It's true, most blacks are going wild and looting and committing arson, but where would they be without their obnoxious white comrades, who defend and virtue signal for them, and cheer on this stupidity all the same? Only a small percentage of city whites are really against this, and there's even a small percentage of blacks, who are aware of the problem as well.
Goldxaura said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He explained himself that this is not for people here, but for these animals presented. And yes this is what they are.

The identity of being a "Nigger" is a manifestation of the mentality the jews projected on Blacks to thug and be criminals. If one follows it they are what the jew define Black people to be.

Even Blacks tell other Blacks to stop n-ging. Anyone has heard that. And to stop thugging. They do not listen. If they do not they remain niggers and they have still not achieved Gentile Black status.

All you do in your comments is complained these thugs are not treated like humans verbally over some forum. Well that is because they are thugs and they suck.

The "Nigger" jew manufactured identity is the enemy number one of the Black people. Words used for condemnation and shame are not always bad.

If one sees a White crackhead woman on the ghetto doing n-ging one will not call her a damsel, not ms White because she is a Gentile.

Goldxaura said:
In the grand scheme of things you’re aware that they are gentiles right? And eventually whether it’s in this life or the next they’ll becoming spiritually aware. Calling people niggers to boost your own ego is ignorant. I used to be just like them until I started to meditate. You haven’t lived the life they live. You don’t grow up with a prejudice against you. When I was in the 4th grade people spat on me and called me a nigger? Did I grow up with a grudge towards white people? Is everybody trailer trash or a Pussy ass cracka. Do not generalize my entire race. Get that word out your fucking vocabulary . And any other black person on this sight needs to have some fucking self respect. Because at the end of the day we’re in war and who wants to fight amongst themselves. You guys are asking for a helping hand and vice versa. They’re fighting for a cause they think is right, you know that they’re brainwashed . You know how the Jews control the mass media. so I just don’t understand how you can still have that much hatred in your soul to use that word. If I called you kyke even though you aren’t how would you feel. People in my race should never be labeled as a nigger. Like I said if Hitler respected other races while advancing his own so can you.
Literally someone on this forum just called me a nigger and said nobody cared if I did the RTR.
This is analogous to when Muhammad Ali said “ain’t no Vietcong ever call me nigger”. You guys preach that you want help in this war but treat others like shit. I don’t understand, we’re not actually in a desert actively trying to find people going from village to village. We’re Internet warriors in the comfort of our own home. Do you know how fucking disturbing it is to know that I literally just got called a nigger for defending my race? I’m not even mad just disappointed. You guys don’t respect the very people who are trying to help, and it’s extremely discouraging to even continue at this point.
I'm sorry if this happened to you. There are people here with different levels of advancement, you can find some stupid people here and some that are too angry and may say bad things that they don't really mean. Hopefully, you understand that this does not represent Spiritual Satanism. Every gentile here is welcome and can advance with us. Whatever you are Black, White or Asian if you play the game of the jews in our eyes you are lower than an animal, these are the people we insult here.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
You kike infiltrators are really coming forth. Damn!!!!!

Kikes don't hate black people, they hate white people. What's the whole point of white genocide then? Because whites are the only race that will have a chance of fighting the jew if we're not all feminized by then through forced vaccinations and putting soy and estrogen in our food to poison us.

Cobra said:
Never in the military it is said that people will not sometimes vent. There is chaos going on and we cannot only force ourselves to be artificial like xians.

Honestly, if I were in Syria right now, damn straight I'd probably get angry after seeing something totally fucked up. Damn straight I'd be throwing out "sandnigger", "dune coon", "derka derka" and what have you but I'm still not gonna violate the Geneva Conventions and gun down civilians am I? Fuck no.

Cobra said:
Shadowbro I approved your comments without looking at them due to trust, do not allow your anger to say stupid things you did not mean. Comments were deleted now because they were unnecessary and rather shit.

For what it's worth Cobra, Goldxaura, Lordbaphomet, I'm sorry. I just get real fired up when I hear shit on the news like "We're gonna come to your house and kill you and turn this shit into South Africa" how else would you expect me to react? However there's no excuse for me taking that out on another SS, and for that I sincerely apologize.
Cowboy123 said:
Except they looted Hugo Boss and other stores. I don’t care about moral reasoning because clearly people have different ones. The yellow vests looted, commited arson and attacked police. They believed they were justified and so do the people in America now rioting. No reason for a double standard. It’s hypocritical.

Of course they attacked police, what did you expect when they got shot at by the GIGN? They're responsible for over 2000 injuries including nearly 50 of them either dead, or dismembered due to grenades. Grenades!!! I've met a few power-hungry cops, but have you seen them throw LIVE GRENADES? Not tear gas, LIVE, as in FRAG GRENADES?
Goldxaura said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He explained himself that this is not for people here, but for these animals presented. And yes this is what they are.

The identity of being a "Nigger" is a manifestation of the mentality the jews projected on Blacks to thug and be criminals. If one follows it they are what the jew define Black people to be.

Even Blacks tell other Blacks to stop n-ging. Anyone has heard that. And to stop thugging. They do not listen. If they do not they remain niggers and they have still not achieved Gentile Black status.

All you do in your comments is complained these thugs are not treated like humans verbally over some forum. Well that is because they are thugs and they suck.

The "Nigger" jew manufactured identity is the enemy number one of the Black people. Words used for condemnation and shame are not always bad.

If one sees a White crackhead woman on the ghetto doing n-ging one will not call her a damsel, not ms White because she is a Gentile.

Goldxaura said:
In the grand scheme of things you’re aware that they are gentiles right? And eventually whether it’s in this life or the next they’ll becoming spiritually aware. Calling people niggers to boost your own ego is ignorant. I used to be just like them until I started to meditate. You haven’t lived the life they live. You don’t grow up with a prejudice against you. When I was in the 4th grade people spat on me and called me a nigger? Did I grow up with a grudge towards white people? Is everybody trailer trash or a Pussy ass cracka. Do not generalize my entire race. Get that word out your fucking vocabulary . And any other black person on this sight needs to have some fucking self respect. Because at the end of the day we’re in war and who wants to fight amongst themselves. You guys are asking for a helping hand and vice versa. They’re fighting for a cause they think is right, you know that they’re brainwashed . You know how the Jews control the mass media. so I just don’t understand how you can still have that much hatred in your soul to use that word. If I called you kyke even though you aren’t how would you feel. People in my race should never be labeled as a nigger. Like I said if Hitler respected other races while advancing his own so can you.
Literally someone on this forum just called me a nigger and said nobody cared if I did the RTR.
This is analogous to when Muhammad Ali said “ain’t no Vietcong ever call me nigger”. You guys preach that you want help in this war but treat others like shit. I don’t understand, we’re not actually in a desert actively trying to find people going from village to village. We’re Internet warriors in the comfort of our own home. Do you know how fucking disturbing it is to know that I literally just got called a nigger for defending my race? I’m not even mad just disappointed. You guys don’t respect the very people who are trying to help, and it’s extremely discouraging to even continue at this point.

Stop being a victim. The nigger word has been used here before myself included but it was never directed at black SS there’s no need strawman and make something look worse than what it actually is. For some reason context doesn’t matter to blacks when it comes this word.

It is OK to say these blacks rioting are acting like niggers because it is true. No one said it was ALL of them but again people like to strawman when it comes to this. It’s very hysterical “oh my gawd cobra did you see that he called me the n worrrrd.”

I have said before it black SS want to make a post talking shit about whites for whatever reason that’s fine with me, I’m smart to enough to know they aren’t talking about the white SS.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Aku said:
Aldrick said:
I think black people are waking up. Ya know I use to have no problem with them. My best friend was black for years. Then I had this black girl, she had no confidence, so I went with her to prom. Nothing romantic, I just went and danced with her and was there as a friend, because I thought she didnt deserve to just be lonely and remember that experience, as something negative.

I use to try to protect everyone. I would go to parties and stay up all night. This one girl said please do not allow anyone to have sex with me. So I threw a guy into a wall. Told him to get to the couch and sat up in a rocking chair the entire night. In the morning I told her what happened and she got mad at me. Why didnt you let him do that to me!

I use to try to save everyone and I was met with not only ungratefulness but aggression. I was a manager of a store and this girl had to wait in the dark, on a dangerous street for her ride. So I waited in my car till they got there. She then told everyone how I was such a freak for doing that.

Thankfully the people were like are you mentally I'll? People have damaged me a lil. Because every bit of trust and trying to be there, they turned on me for doing it. This made me very hateful.

I became closed off. I thought why do you care so much? Why are you so emotional? They want a cold heartless person, fine give it to them. I then became brutal with people. Then my reputation became an unfeeling person. I would straight up tell people I hope they got murdered, so I could piss on their corpse.

People became fearful to approach me who didnt even know me. I guess the energy I was emitting. But truth be told, I was hurt. I would rather get to them before they got to me.

The same is with any racial tension. I became fanatical for my own. But deep down, I care for all Gentiles. I hate to see Satans people fighting. The offspring of the Gods and the creations of Satan, should not war with one another.

A strong culture, set up for the individual races is the only way to ensure this. Hatred for anything outside is normal, but can be remedied, if each had our own space. If blacks were in Africa, making their country strong, they could no longer scapegoat their problems to white people. They would realize the true enemy, the jew.
Uh okay the fuck you going on about I just thought it was fishy that a bunch of (((light skinned people))) was there there instead of negro so I guess my post rub off the wrong way so fuck it I’ll stay out of these kind of retarded topic
You kike infiltrators are really coming forth. Damn!!!!!
man shut the fuck up you stupid nigger you don’t ever call me a kike ever I am not a fucking kike I am a aryan man you got a problem with that say that to my face and I’ll fuck you’re shit up you stupid monkey
Aldrick said:
Aku said:
Aldrick said:

Why you took that as an attack on you, I have no idea.

I was explaining my thoughts on the Races. If I cannot have a mature conversation with you, I'll find someone else next time.
also I don’t know if I made it clear enough but I’m am sorry for being a asshole as I said just dealing with kike attack I don’t want to go in detail cause I don’t want to give these fucknuts the satisfaction but I’m glad to see you are a kind hearted soul so I’m sorry bub
Goldxaura said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Literally someone on this forum just called me a nigger and said nobody cared if I did the RTR. This is analogous to when Muhammad Ali said “ain’t no Vietcong ever call me nigger”. You guys preach that you want help in this war but treat others like shit. I don’t understand, we’re not actually in a desert actively trying to find people going from village to village. We’re Internet warriors in the comfort of our own home. Do you know how fucking disturbing it is to know that I literally just got called a nigger for defending my race? I’m not even mad just disappointed. You guys don’t respect the very people who are trying to help, and it’s extremely discouraging to even continue at this point.

Literally when someone on a forum calls me something, this is the last thing I give a fuck about... When someone on this forum here said how he hates Slavs because of some dumb reasons I didn't give a damn to even respond to his comment. I was like "what a dumbass" and then I forgot about it in like 30 seconds... That's how a grown-up man should react when someone says something nasty on the internet, not to fall in depression, don't you think?

About the first comment - the person was talking about the looters, not all black people, so I don't see why you should get offended by it... About the comment from the second person, yes, this was rude and offensive... But what are we supposed to do about it? To give you a shoulder to cry on? Because someone called you 'nigger' on the internet? And also, the second person who was actually mean to you, he is not a spokesman of the JOS or anything like that. This person doesn't represent the opinion of anyone else here. But you are talking about how the whole JOS disappointed you, as if all of us here have the same attitude like him...
TopoftheAbyss said:
txg said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Trump looks like shit. Almost as if he's cursed by the enemy.
I hope the Gods are protecting and guiding him.

trump wears a yamuka and kissed the vatican wall. he is literally a jew from his dads side (fredrick drumpf)
He's not jewish.
His family's last name was originally Drumpf which yes is Jooish.

I believe it was Mageson who had originally pointed this out for us.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
You kike infiltrators are really coming forth. Damn!!!!!

Kikes don't hate black people, they hate white people. What's the whole point of white genocide then? Because whites are the only race that will have a chance of fighting the jew if we're not all feminized by then through forced vaccinations and putting soy and estrogen in our food to poison us.

Cobra said:
Never in the military it is said that people will not sometimes vent. There is chaos going on and we cannot only force ourselves to be artificial like xians.

Honestly, if I were in Syria right now, damn straight I'd probably get angry after seeing something totally fucked up. Damn straight I'd be throwing out "sandnigger", "dune coon", "derka derka" and what have you but I'm still not gonna violate the Geneva Conventions and gun down civilians am I? Fuck no.

Cobra said:
Shadowbro I approved your comments without looking at them due to trust, do not allow your anger to say stupid things you did not mean. Comments were deleted now because they were unnecessary and rather shit.

For what it's worth Cobra, Goldxaura, Lordbaphomet, I'm sorry. I just get real fired up when I hear shit on the news like "We're gonna come to your house and kill you and turn this shit into South Africa" how else would you expect me to react? However there's no excuse for me taking that out on another SS, and for that I sincerely apologize.
They hate every gentile. They want to use Blacks to kill Whites because it's easier for them to do. When Whites are gone they will enslave everyone else.
Aku said:
Aldrick said:
Aku said:
Why you took that as an attack on you, I have no idea.

I was explaining my thoughts on the Races. If I cannot have a mature conversation with you, I'll find someone else next time.
also I don’t know if I made it clear enough but I’m am sorry for being a asshole as I said just dealing with kike attack I don’t want to go in detail cause I don’t want to give these fucknuts the satisfaction but I’m glad to see you are a kind hearted soul so I’m sorry bub

Oh okay. No problem here. I was just a lil confused.
Aldrick said:
Aku said:
also I don’t know if I made it clear enough but I’m am sorry for being a asshole as I said just dealing with kike attack I don’t want to go in detail cause I don’t want to give these fucknuts the satisfaction but I’m glad to see you are a kind hearted soul so I’m sorry bub

Oh okay. No problem here. I was just a lil confused.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Goldxaura said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
He explained himself that this is not for people here, but for these animals presented. And yes this is what they are.

The identity of being a "Nigger" is a manifestation of the mentality the jews projected on Blacks to thug and be criminals. If one follows it they are what the jew define Black people to be.

Even Blacks tell other Blacks to stop n-ging. Anyone has heard that. And to stop thugging. They do not listen. If they do not they remain niggers and they have still not achieved Gentile Black status.

All you do in your comments is complained these thugs are not treated like humans verbally over some forum. Well that is because they are thugs and they suck.

The "Nigger" jew manufactured identity is the enemy number one of the Black people. Words used for condemnation and shame are not always bad.

If one sees a White crackhead woman on the ghetto doing n-ging one will not call her a damsel, not ms White because she is a Gentile.
Literally someone on this forum just called me a nigger and said nobody cared if I did the RTR.
This is analogous to when Muhammad Ali said “ain’t no Vietcong ever call me nigger”. You guys preach that you want help in this war but treat others like shit. I don’t understand, we’re not actually in a desert actively trying to find people going from village to village. We’re Internet warriors in the comfort of our own home. Do you know how fucking disturbing it is to know that I literally just got called a nigger for defending my race? I’m not even mad just disappointed. You guys don’t respect the very people who are trying to help, and it’s extremely discouraging to even continue at this point.

Stop being a victim. The nigger word has been used here before myself included but it was never directed at black SS there’s no need strawman and make something look worse than what it actually is. For some reason context doesn’t matter to blacks when it comes this word.

It is OK to say these blacks rioting are acting like niggers because it is true. No one said it was ALL of them but again people like to strawman when it comes to this. It’s very hysterical “oh my gawd cobra did you see that he called me the n worrrrd.”

I have said before it black SS want to make a post talking shit about whites for whatever reason that’s fine with me, I’m smart to enough to know they aren’t talking about the white SS.

So I asked for Satans attention and he said he was busy but Abraxas would come. Then Abraxas said he would come in an hour or so. Then when I thought to do Surya, he came.

So I asked him what his thoughts on race were. He said, " It is the jews that cause all the problems, the Arabic people are really a great people. But when you're told from the time you grow up to hate everyone and invoke jewish energy, insanity occurs. Same with the Blacks. Notice how different one becomes when they take on Egypt as their racial home? Imagine being born where there is no racial pride, and told you were abused like some chained dog."

"That your existence is to drift aimlessly. They need pride in what they are. Same thing with whites, if they were not taught this we are all one in christ garbage, and to accept all into the fold, they would not accept this garbage."

"When you look at prisons, and other places outside of societal reach, you will find normalcy returns. If the jews and all their energy were to disappear tomorrow, the entire earth would naturally return to normal. They are the cause of all of this."

This makes more sense to me.

As far as the insult, you honestly think you can say look at these stupid niggers and not offend anyone? If I said look at this dumb white trash, that runs around acting like the garbage most white people are. You would be up in arms.

So honestly one needs to approach this with a little more intelligence.
Aldrick said:
Aku said:
also I don’t know if I made it clear enough but I’m am sorry for being a asshole as I said just dealing with kike attack I don’t want to go in detail cause I don’t want to give these fucknuts the satisfaction but I’m glad to see you are a kind hearted soul so I’m sorry bub

Oh okay. No problem here. I was just a lil confused.
Thank you for understanding brother and remember don’t hesitate to discuss anything with me

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
