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Minneapolis Riots - Jews At It Yet Again...

Oh, here's a new development: They're attacking the CNN Headquarters!

For once, CNN's melanin-enriched pets are biting the hand that feeds them.

Jack said:
Why is the gas a completely different price?

Watch the video – it’s clear that it says diesel is 99 cents.

We haven’t had 99 cent diesel in this country in a long time. Based on what I’ve been able to find, the most recent time that could have happened was 2016. People need to examine the rest of this footage and see if there are other irregularities leading to the conclusion that it could be older. We’re told the death happened on May 25.

Maybe the sign was wrong. That’s probably the easiest answer. But you must understand that it is so very convenient that this event would happen just in time for the media to stage these riots, which are going to lead to the entire country accepting that a police state is necessary to keep the peace.

Maybe George Floyd died of something else recently, and this footage from a while ago was rolled out? Maybe he isn’t even dead? Maybe that’s why they knew each other – because they were filming a hoax together. Maybe he got paid off, relocated to somewhere else with a new name. No one would ever notice – they all look alike!
when i first looked up the date when this happened, the search results showed 2014. Now when i search it shows May 25th 2020. There was all this info about how the officers were already let off with pay, which i find too soon for that kind of info to be circulating. It probably was staged.
Aku said:
I just hope one day my people awaken and see who’s behind this bullshit

It's a diversion from the scamdemic. And it shows how easily the people can be controlled by social media.
The Floyd murder is being used by the Elite to Channel the Hatred of America over this massive Covid-19 hoax and Economic Crash,,, into fighting each other and authorities. "Divide and Rule".
They timed this one perfectly,,, if the murderer Cop is a mind controlled slave.
((Beyond what society already is, of course ))
People are required to wear masks. 2 fold for protesters. Protects from coronavirus. Protects from identification by authorities and cameras. Elite knew what they were doing with this virus lock down.
Next, when the unemployment benefits end, around July ( 600 federal aid a month ), and with 40 million Officially unemployed, then all of these people required to wear masks, will use guns, 'concealed carry permits" and Illegally obtained, to rob, loot, riot, kill, Civil War = Martial Law.
Get another major Mass Shooting ( Lets NOT give these Fuckers any ideas , but unfortunately, I think they got this figured out, long time ago ), and divide society all that much more, especially when multiple go postal, just because of their life crisis.
Then China and Russia take advantage of our ''distractive state" with Civil Unrest, and we are FUCKED PERIOD !
I see it happening now, ( in the future. )
Next, when the unemployment benefits end, around July ( 600 federal aid a month ), and with 40 million Officially unemployed, then all of these people required to wear masks, will use guns, 'concealed carry permits" and Illegally obtained, to rob, loot, riot, kill, Civil War = Martial Law.
Get another major Mass Shooting ( Lets NOT give these Fuckers any ideas , but unfortunately, I think they got this figured out, long time ago ), and divide society all that much more, especially when multiple go postal, just because of their life crisis.
Then China and Russia take advantage of our ''distractive state" with Civil Unrest, and we are FUCKED PERIOD !
I see it happening now, ( in the future. )
What many of these insigators, on all sides, of this attempt to create a "race-war" do not understand is: Why do they so much consider race? They may see "Black man being beaten up by a horrible colonialist white supremacist", or "A gangster black being subdued by the superior white race", but they do not realize that Anarchists and Communists, for example, are trying to play this as "Why all government is evil", Hardcore Government supporters and WASP-types try to play this as "An enemy of strong government subdued", etc., already Capitalists and Communists are having their way with it, because one of the persons involved was realistically richer than the other, or had a different job, etc.

In fact, if one of them was female/glbt, then one can expect the feminist/mgtow/incel/whatever types pulling a "sex" or "sex orientation" "war" of their sorts.

Jew-created (as in most of the times is so, with a pendulum effect), or not, one must see past everything, including what everyone else is doing, and formulate the opinions for themselves.

In my case, I do conclude that while this particular cop was in the wrong for attempting to kill based on many factors:
1) It would help the African-American community to disown the culture of violence and gangsterism that surrounds them, for obvious reasons.
2) It would help for police services to enforce better training techniques and standards for optimal results.
3) It would help if there was better efforts for the police to make themselves better known as "friendly" to the community, and vice versa as well. Unlike the military, which can neither speak as much or interact as much, the police have such a responsibility to do so. Even in America, I assume that the average American does not know the "National Guard" as well as they do the police, nor receive direct in-person aid from them. Don't get me wrong, the National Guard spends every waking moment it can to protect the United States, but they do not see face-to-face in-uniform on-duty nearly as much as the police does. Hence, both the community and the police must understand this and get together as the members of the same society they are in.
4) Jews must be removed from all aspects of society. This is obvious, jews started both "racist" ideas in much of American Society, and much of the gangster culture there is. I don't deny that, for example today, in the hip-hop scene today, many jews are indeed on the "front lines" as performers, but they are also the commissioners of contracts backstage as well, forcing many Gentiles who want to perform to sign contracts that force them to do so much against their will, even signing their soul and just performing songs pre-written for them. There is a difference between a "Singer" and "Singer-songwriter". Most contracted Gentiles are the former today, with the "songwriting" coming from the jews.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Oh, here's a new development: They're attacking the CNN Headquarters!

For once, CNN's melanin-enriched pets are biting the hand that feeds them.


This almost made my day, just beautiful.
Derek Michael Chauvin's newly released mugshot:

Jooish eye structure :?:

Looks like it to me :!:

Ladies and gent's I think we may have a Joo here ;)
ShadowTheRaven said:
Same old story, niggers being niggers. Oh, yeah, you stopped racism by burning down the Auto Zone. Is this a joke?
"Kike alert, kike alert" Nice try kike, try harder.
of the true light said:
Derek Michael Chauvin's newly released mugshot:

Jooish eye structure :?:

Looks like it to me :!:

Ladies and gent's I think we may have a Joo here ;)

And he has an asian girlfriend... who wants to divorce him! Power move!
ShadowTheRaven said:
Same old story, niggers being niggers. Oh, yeah, you stopped racism by burning down the Auto Zone. Is this a joke?
Are you serious ? I have to defend my race let me know if your aura of protection is stronger than mine. :)
Like literally what the fuck is up with you guys being so comfortable saying the N word. We share a common enemy which is the jew but you want me to keep doing RTR with the very same people who call me nigger? Am I not apart of this very same nature of being a gentile? yes you’re apart of the “superior race “. Oh my god good for you, I literally meditate just as much as you do. The fact that nobody cared shadow raven even said the word is appalling. If I called him a cracka would that enlighten you? Have the same human decency to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is literally what it means to be human. do not reply to this and tell me I need to accept those words because my race is acting out of character. I don’t give a fuck , that word should be forbidden. I do my part in uplifting my race at the end of the day, and I refuse for my own spiritual family to trample on it.
Goldxaura said:
Like literally what the fuck is up with you guys being so comfortable saying the N word. We share a common enemy which is the jew but you want me to keep doing RTR with the very same people who call me nigger? Am I not apart of this very same nature of being a gentile? yes you’re apart of the “superior race “. Oh my god good for you, I literally meditate just as much as you do. The fact that nobody cared shadow raven even said the word is appalling. If I called him a cracka would that enlighten you? Have the same human decency to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is literally what it means to be human. do not reply to this and tell me I need to accept those words because my race is acting out of character. I don’t give a fuck , that word should be forbidden. I do my part in uplifting my race at the end of the day, and I refuse for my own spiritual family to trample on it.

I think it's obvious that this comment was not directed towards all black people, but towards the people who are burning things and looting stores to "protest"... If it was directed towards all black people, this would have deserved a ban, but it's not, it's directed towards the people who are like this:


"iTs aBoUt FlOyD bRuH, I sToLe tHiS sHiT tO pRoTeSt aGaiNsT rAcIsM, I tOtAlLy cArE aBoUt FlOyD"
The way they aren't hiding their agenda anymore and are just full force pulling out all the stops, it gives me comfort because it shows they are afraid, they are threatened, they are using all they can to stop us but they will fail, we are winning, they know they have lost and they are trying to hurry up their plans because they are out of time. They want riots and wars and they want to bring about their new world order, but they can't, and won't be able to succeed. They are too late, maybe they really know this but they are trying anyway, or maybe they are foolish enough to think they still have a chance. We will come out on top, think, our rtrs have brought about their fear to this level where they are cornered, and hissing and scratching and biting, trying everything they can because their masks are off. and we see their ugly noses :lol:
txg said:
Goldxaura said:
Like literally what the fuck is up with you guys being so comfortable saying the N word. We share a common enemy which is the jew but you want me to keep doing RTR with the very same people who call me nigger? Am I not apart of this very same nature of being a gentile? yes you’re apart of the “superior race “. Oh my god good for you, I literally meditate just as much as you do. The fact that nobody cared shadow raven even said the word is appalling. If I called him a cracka would that enlighten you? Have the same human decency to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is literally what it means to be human. do not reply to this and tell me I need to accept those words because my race is acting out of character. I don’t give a fuck , that word should be forbidden. I do my part in uplifting my race at the end of the day, and I refuse for my own spiritual family to trample on it.

nobody cares if you do the rtr nigger, nobone here understands race anyways.

we will admit that derek chauvin is a jew.
but when we look at the ss, we lie and say they are aryans

if you cant handle someone typing the n word you have no business being here.
get tough now, or life will be very hard for you
Don't take this guy txg seriously, he's somebody who tries so hard to make the original SS be jews, because it's so real in his mind!
Jack said:
Why is the gas a completely different price?

Watch the video – it’s clear that it says diesel is 99 cents.

We haven’t had 99 cent diesel in this country in a long time. Based on what I’ve been able to find, the most recent time that could have happened was 2016. People need to examine the rest of this footage and see if there are other irregularities leading to the conclusion that it could be older. We’re told the death happened on May 25.

I think the sign says coffee 0.99 cents. Diesel is normally higher priced than regular unleaded. The regular unleaded price is around the ballpark we are in now. The thing is staged, but I think the sign says coffee. Speedway sometimes advertises other things on their signs, such as rewards card savings. Only way to know is to go to that location either on google maps (assuming it's not edited) or physically. I couldn't get a higher resolution shot of that.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Goldxaura said:
Like literally what the fuck is up with you guys being so comfortable saying the N word. We share a common enemy which is the jew but you want me to keep doing RTR with the very same people who call me nigger? Am I not apart of this very same nature of being a gentile? yes you’re apart of the “superior race “. Oh my god good for you, I literally meditate just as much as you do. The fact that nobody cared shadow raven even said the word is appalling. If I called him a cracka would that enlighten you? Have the same human decency to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is literally what it means to be human. do not reply to this and tell me I need to accept those words because my race is acting out of character. I don’t give a fuck , that word should be forbidden. I do my part in uplifting my race at the end of the day, and I refuse for my own spiritual family to trample on it.

I think it's obvious that this comment was not directed towards all black people, but towards the people who are burning things and looting stores to "protest"... If it was directed towards all black people, this would have deserved a ban, but it's not, it's directed towards the people who are like this:


"iTs aBoUt FlOyD bRuH, I sToLe tHiS sHiT tO pRoTeSt aGaiNsT rAcIsM, I tOtAlLy cArE aBoUt FlOyD"

In the grand scheme of things you’re aware that they are gentiles right? And eventually whether it’s in this life or the next they’ll becoming spiritually aware. Calling people niggers to boost your own ego is ignorant. I used to be just like them until I started to meditate. You haven’t lived the life they live. You don’t grow up with a prejudice against you. When I was in the 4th grade people spat on me and called me a nigger? Did I grow up with a grudge towards white people? Is everybody trailer trash or a Pussy ass cracka. Do not generalize my entire race. Get that word out your fucking vocabulary . And any other black person on this sight needs to have some fucking self respect. Because at the end of the day we’re in war and who wants to fight amongst themselves. You guys are asking for a helping hand and vice versa. They’re fighting for a cause they think is right, you know that they’re brainwashed . You know how the Jews control the mass media. so I just don’t understand how you can still have that much hatred in your soul to use that word. If I called you kyke even though you aren’t how would you feel. People in my race should never be labeled as a nigger. Like I said if Hitler respected other races while advancing his own so can you.
txg said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Trump looks like shit. Almost as if he's cursed by the enemy.
I hope the Gods are protecting and guiding him.

trump wears a yamuka and kissed the vatican wall. he is literally a jew from his dads side (fredrick drumpf)
He's not jewish.
txg said:
nobody cares if you do the rtr nigger, nobone here understands race anyways.

we will admit that derek chauvin is a jew.
but when we look at the ss, we lie and say they are aryans

if you cant handle someone typing the n word you have no business being here.
get tough now, or life will be very hard for you
Can this piece of shit txg be banned already? I get that Cobra doesn't want to swing the banhammer on people but this is going too far. He is obviously just switching between ass-kissing a bit to stay undercover, and then trying to start more fights and insult others.

Living garbage like this should not be allowed on the forums here, especially after exposing itself several times already.
Goldxaura said:
Even with the insults being only directed at the scum of the race (looters, invaders, rapists etc.) I still do agree that it's disrespectful to use it. Trust me there are lots of people here who frown at others who use those kinds of insults, but most have given up on arguing with the people who do. The JoS in general doesn't look down on blacks nor would throw insults at them. This is merely the work of a few abrasive individuals who write that kind of stuff out due to personal frustrations.
Personal Growth said:
Aku said:
I just hope one day my people awaken and see who’s behind this bullshit

It's a diversion from the scamdemic. And it shows how easily the people can be controlled by social media.
Yup that pop in my mind last night and I’ve noticed some people on other social media are seeing that too
Goldxaura said:
Are you serious ? I have to defend my race let me know if your aura of protection is stronger than mine. :)

I've been attacked by black people, unprovoked just because I'm white and lemme tell you I will go to the depths of the planet to defend myself and my family from negro aggression. Every time a riot happens, guess what, I got attacked for no fucking reason other than I'm white. Imagine not being able to step 5 feet out of your house without being shot at or jumped, and labeled the source of all evil because of some asshole cop in Minneapolis, Ferguson, Baltimore, Detroit, or wherever. Sounds like you want a race war well fucking bring it.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Goldxaura said:
Like literally what the fuck is up with you guys being so comfortable saying the N word. We share a common enemy which is the jew but you want me to keep doing RTR with the very same people who call me nigger? Am I not apart of this very same nature of being a gentile? yes you’re apart of the “superior race “. Oh my god good for you, I literally meditate just as much as you do. The fact that nobody cared shadow raven even said the word is appalling. If I called him a cracka would that enlighten you? Have the same human decency to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is literally what it means to be human. do not reply to this and tell me I need to accept those words because my race is acting out of character. I don’t give a fuck , that word should be forbidden. I do my part in uplifting my race at the end of the day, and I refuse for my own spiritual family to trample on it.

I think it's obvious that this comment was not directed towards all black people, but towards the people who are burning things and looting stores to "protest"... If it was directed towards all black people, this would have deserved a ban, but it's not, it's directed towards the people who are like this:


"iTs aBoUt FlOyD bRuH, I sToLe tHiS sHiT tO pRoTeSt aGaiNsT rAcIsM, I tOtAlLy cArE aBoUt FlOyD"

Goldxaura is right and u can’t use a racial slur and say it wasn’t against all. If that was so then don’t use a racial slur. And I didn’t see anyone here call the yellow vest protesters racial slurs or thugs when they looted and attacked cops.






To goldxaura u should do rtrs for personal benefit and for Satan and the gods. The powers of hell don’t think or feel that way about u.

"Shoot the white folks!"
"We're coming to your motherfucking house!"
"When we start coming to the suburbs..."

Now, for the black folks that don't act like these animals, I sincerely apologize as I know there are good black folks out there just trying to live their lives. Unfortunately this is not the majority and when it comes to mob violence, these thugs will not miss the opportunity to assault white people wherever they can find them. My point still stands, however, that if anybody of any race is going to make threats towards my life, I'm going to defend myself by any means necessary.

Meta (edit this out): I've made my previous comments in anger, so Cobra, please delete them.
Jack said:

As we try to understand what the hell is going on with this staged riot in Minneapolis, this little piece of information is quite interesting.
A former club owner in south Minneapolis says the now-fired police officer and the black man who died in his custody this week both worked security for her club up to the end of last year.

George Floyd and now-former Officer Derek Chauvin both worked security at the El Nuevo Rodeo club on Lake Street, according to Maya Santamaria. Santamaria owned the building for nearly two decades, but sold the venue within the last few months.

“Chauvin was our off-duty police for almost the entirety of the 17 years that we were open,” Santamaria said. “They were working together at the same time, it’s just that Chauvin worked outside and the security guards were inside.”

5 INVESTIGATES has reached out to Chauvin’s attorney and the Minneapolis Police Department, but they could not be reached for comment at the time this story was published.

Although the two overlapped working security on popular music nights within the last year, Santamaria can not say for certain they knew each other because there were often a couple dozen security guards, including off-duty officers.

Santamaria says she did not recognize either one of her security guards in the video showing Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck not far from where they used to work.

My friend sent me (the video) and said this is your guy who used to work for you and I said, ‘It’s not him.’ And then they did the closeup and that’s when I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s him,'” Santamaria said. “I didn’t recognize George as one of our security guys because he looked really different lying there like that.

What are the actual chances of that coincidence?

Pretty low, I would think?

And assuming that this coincidence does happen – why would he be especially brutal with a guy he knew, instead of the opposite?

I don’t know what this coincidence means, but we seem to be entering into “crisis actor” territory here, folks.

Is This Old Footage?
I don’t even think this footage of the jogger getting killed was recent. I think they released it for the purpose of causing these riots.

Why is the gas a completely different price?

Watch the video – it’s clear that it says diesel is 99 cents.

We haven’t had 99 cent diesel in this country in a long time. Based on what I’ve been able to find, the most recent time that could have happened was 2016. People need to examine the rest of this footage and see if there are other irregularities leading to the conclusion that it could be older. We’re told the death happened on May 25.

Maybe the sign was wrong. That’s probably the easiest answer. But you must understand that it is so very convenient that this event would happen just in time for the media to stage these riots, which are going to lead to the entire country accepting that a police state is necessary to keep the peace.

Maybe George Floyd died of something else recently, and this footage from a while ago was rolled out? Maybe he isn’t even dead? Maybe that’s why they knew each other – because they were filming a hoax together. Maybe he got paid off, relocated to somewhere else with a new name. No one would ever notice – they all look alike!

His family is keeping a low profile so far – unlike Trayvon Martin’s family or the other families of dead blacks. They’ve done some weird recordings, but they aren’t being constantly interviewed by the media, as is the usual procedure.
I don’t want to sound crazy here. So I’m not saying that I believe this is a hoax. I’m just saying that it would be very easy to film something like this and release the video and cause people to riot. There is nothing preventing the government and media from running this kind of operation against the public.

We’ve seen many events over the years that we’ve confirmed as fake. The footage of Syrians reacting to a gas attack has been confirmed as fake footage by a BBC producer who blew the whistle.

More recently, we saw that the footage of medical workers blocking traffic was staged by the media.
So the media does stage events as serious as a fake gas attack and as unserious as a fake medical worker protest in order to push their agenda.

The idea of them having staged this cop killing is not the least bit extreme, given what we know about the way they operate and the fact that this would have been very easy to do.

I don’t know if it was staged – maybe it was just luck.

What I do know is that this event is being used to create these riots, and that the cops are purposefully standing down and letting the blacks go buckwild.

CNN was there on Thursday night after the blacks rushed the police precinct and burned it down and reported that there was “zero” police presence.


I checked a bit the image because i wanted to use it... seems that the 0.99 is actually coffe not diesel... but dont know what the other price is for.
Cowboy123 said:
Goldxaura is right and u can’t use a racial slur and say it wasn’t against all. If that was so then don’t use a racial slur. And I didn’t see anyone here call the yellow vest protesters racial slurs or thugs when they looted and attacked cops.

To goldxaura u should do rtrs for personal benefit and for Satan and the gods. The powers of hell don’t think or feel that way about u.

The Yellow Vest riots weren't about race you fuck. They were about standing up to Emmanuel Macron and his audacity to tax the living fuck out of normal French citizens just for owning a car. In the US the highest price I've seen for gas is $4 a gallon. In France, it's well over $25 a gallon!! Wouldn't you also riot? Wouldn't you also be up in arms about how it costs you $100 just to drive to work?
ShadowTheRaven said:
Cowboy123 said:
Goldxaura is right and u can’t use a racial slur and say it wasn’t against all. If that was so then don’t use a racial slur. And I didn’t see anyone here call the yellow vest protesters racial slurs or thugs when they looted and attacked cops.

To goldxaura u should do rtrs for personal benefit and for Satan and the gods. The powers of hell don’t think or feel that way about u.

The Yellow Vest riots weren't about race you fuck. They were about standing up to Emmanuel Macron and his audacity to tax the living fuck out of normal French citizens just for owning a car. In the US the highest price I've seen for gas is $4 a gallon. In France, it's well over $25 a gallon!! Wouldn't you also riot? Wouldn't you also be up in arms about how it costs you $100 just to drive to work?

Shadowtheidiot it doesn’t matter what it’s about. They’re doing the exact same things. Burning stuff down , looting and attacking cops. That was the point I was making. I thought whites had high iq?

Also in the riots across America it’s whites in Antifa mostly doing the arson and looting
ShadowTheRaven said:
Cowboy123 said:
Goldxaura is right and u can’t use a racial slur and say it wasn’t against all. If that was so then don’t use a racial slur. And I didn’t see anyone here call the yellow vest protesters racial slurs or thugs when they looted and attacked cops.

To goldxaura u should do rtrs for personal benefit and for Satan and the gods. The powers of hell don’t think or feel that way about u.

The Yellow Vest riots weren't about race you fuck. They were about standing up to Emmanuel Macron and his audacity to tax the living fuck out of normal French citizens just for owning a car. In the US the highest price I've seen for gas is $4 a gallon. In France, it's well over $25 a gallon!! Wouldn't you also riot? Wouldn't you also be up in arms about how it costs you $100 just to drive to work?

Shadowtheidiot it doesn’t matter what it’s about. They’re doing the exact same things. Burning stuff down , looting and attacking cops. That was the point I was making. I thought whites had high iq?

Also in the riots across America it’s whites in Antifa mostly doing the arson and looting
It seems that Jews are throwing heavy curses to provoke racial conflicts and even some members of the forum have been affected.
It's also hilarious to see how the long nose infiltrato (((txg))) has removed his mask.

I guess (((txg))) is not banned because it has become the forum mascot, it is useful in that sense.
Love how the videos obviously have pieces of shit from all races but somehow people here try to claim its the other race doing it.

Its the Jews doing it guys, that is the reality. Every Gentile can be corrupted and made into an animal.

Kikes are throwing their last legs curses to cause racial disarray and social distraction. Following this meme is not really smart.
Wotanwarrior said:
I guess (((txg))) is not banned because it has become the forum mascot, it is useful in that sense.
I think that it hasn't been banned yet because it threw some compliments at Cobra every once in a while. That sadly seems to be enough to avoid the banhammer for a long time even in the case of vile shits like txg here.
Cowboy123 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Cowboy123 said:
Goldxaura is right and u can’t use a racial slur and say it wasn’t against all. If that was so then don’t use a racial slur. And I didn’t see anyone here call the yellow vest protesters racial slurs or thugs when they looted and attacked cops.

To goldxaura u should do rtrs for personal benefit and for Satan and the gods. The powers of hell don’t think or feel that way about u.

The Yellow Vest riots weren't about race you fuck. They were about standing up to Emmanuel Macron and his audacity to tax the living fuck out of normal French citizens just for owning a car. In the US the highest price I've seen for gas is $4 a gallon. In France, it's well over $25 a gallon!! Wouldn't you also riot? Wouldn't you also be up in arms about how it costs you $100 just to drive to work?

Shadowtheidiot it doesn’t matter what it’s about. They’re doing the exact same things. Burning stuff down , looting and attacking cops. That was the point I was making. I thought whites had high iq?

Also in the riots across America it’s whites in Antifa mostly doing the arson and looting

ANTIFA is most of the time White pencil necks and Black richy bois banded with some feminist unwashed skank leading the cucks into chaos mode. They feel like going out and burning stuff is a moral thing to do. The totem of war that is being carried is a hammer a sickle and a little Karl Marx picture on their pink vest. They also are always backed up by the deep state. They can go as far asany crime, illegally protest, loot etc and for some strange reason they are never arrested and the cops never touch them.
Shael said:
Wotanwarrior said:
I guess (((txg))) is not banned because it has become the forum mascot, it is useful in that sense.
I think that it hasn't been banned yet because it threw some compliments at Cobra every once in a while. That sadly seems to be enough to avoid the banhammer for a long time even in the case of vile shits like txg here.

He has been banned before but his post ratio from 1 to 10 has became 4 to 10 decent. An opportunity was given and its wasted now.
Only the Yellow Vests were fighting for superior purposes while these g bois are just out there on a random excuse to loot some Xbox.

Yes, the Yellow Vests were 99% White and fighting against government oppression and major calamities. Not an entitled bunch that runs around to loot Xbox and randomly burn stuff because supposedly someone died at some point.

Cowboy123 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Cowboy123 said:
Goldxaura is right and u can’t use a racial slur and say it wasn’t against all. If that was so then don’t use a racial slur. And I didn’t see anyone here call the yellow vest protesters racial slurs or thugs when they looted and attacked cops.

To goldxaura u should do rtrs for personal benefit and for Satan and the gods. The powers of hell don’t think or feel that way about u.

The Yellow Vest riots weren't about race you fuck. They were about standing up to Emmanuel Macron and his audacity to tax the living fuck out of normal French citizens just for owning a car. In the US the highest price I've seen for gas is $4 a gallon. In France, it's well over $25 a gallon!! Wouldn't you also riot? Wouldn't you also be up in arms about how it costs you $100 just to drive to work?

Shadowtheidiot it doesn’t matter what it’s about. They’re doing the exact same things. Burning stuff down , looting and attacking cops. That was the point I was making. I thought whites had high iq?

Also in the riots across America it’s whites in Antifa mostly doing the arson and looting
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Only the Yellow Vests were fighting for superior purposes while these g bois are just out there on a random excuse to loot some Xbox.

Yes, the Yellow Vests were 99% White and fighting against government oppression and major calamities. Not an entitled bunch that runs around to loot Xbox and randomly burn stuff because supposedly someone died at some point.

Cowboy123 said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
The Yellow Vest riots weren't about race you fuck. They were about standing up to Emmanuel Macron and his audacity to tax the living fuck out of normal French citizens just for owning a car. In the US the highest price I've seen for gas is $4 a gallon. In France, it's well over $25 a gallon!! Wouldn't you also riot? Wouldn't you also be up in arms about how it costs you $100 just to drive to work?

Shadowtheidiot it doesn’t matter what it’s about. They’re doing the exact same things. Burning stuff down , looting and attacking cops. That was the point I was making. I thought whites had high iq?

Also in the riots across America it’s whites in Antifa mostly doing the arson and looting

Except they looted Hugo Boss and other stores. I don’t care about moral reasoning because clearly people have different ones. The yellow vests looted, commited arson and attacked police. They believed they were justified and so do the people in America now rioting. No reason for a double standard. It’s hypocritical.
He explained himself that this is not for people here, but for these animals presented. And yes this is what they are.

The identity of being a "Nigger" is a manifestation of the mentality the jews projected on Blacks to thug and be criminals. If one follows it they are what the jew define Black people to be.

Even Blacks tell other Blacks to stop n-ging. Anyone has heard that. And to stop thugging. They do not listen. If they do not they remain niggers and they have still not achieved Gentile Black status.

All you do in your comments is complained these thugs are not treated like humans verbally over some forum. Well that is because they are thugs and they suck.

The "Nigger" jew manufactured identity is the enemy number one of the Black people. Words used for condemnation and shame are not always bad.

If one sees a White crackhead woman on the ghetto doing n-ging one will not call her a damsel, not ms White because she is a Gentile.

Goldxaura said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Goldxaura said:
Like literally what the fuck is up with you guys being so comfortable saying the N word. We share a common enemy which is the jew but you want me to keep doing RTR with the very same people who call me nigger? Am I not apart of this very same nature of being a gentile? yes you’re apart of the “superior race “. Oh my god good for you, I literally meditate just as much as you do. The fact that nobody cared shadow raven even said the word is appalling. If I called him a cracka would that enlighten you? Have the same human decency to treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is literally what it means to be human. do not reply to this and tell me I need to accept those words because my race is acting out of character. I don’t give a fuck , that word should be forbidden. I do my part in uplifting my race at the end of the day, and I refuse for my own spiritual family to trample on it.

I think it's obvious that this comment was not directed towards all black people, but towards the people who are burning things and looting stores to "protest"... If it was directed towards all black people, this would have deserved a ban, but it's not, it's directed towards the people who are like this:


"iTs aBoUt FlOyD bRuH, I sToLe tHiS sHiT tO pRoTeSt aGaiNsT rAcIsM, I tOtAlLy cArE aBoUt FlOyD"

In the grand scheme of things you’re aware that they are gentiles right? And eventually whether it’s in this life or the next they’ll becoming spiritually aware. Calling people niggers to boost your own ego is ignorant. I used to be just like them until I started to meditate. You haven’t lived the life they live. You don’t grow up with a prejudice against you. When I was in the 4th grade people spat on me and called me a nigger? Did I grow up with a grudge towards white people? Is everybody trailer trash or a Pussy ass cracka. Do not generalize my entire race. Get that word out your fucking vocabulary . And any other black person on this sight needs to have some fucking self respect. Because at the end of the day we’re in war and who wants to fight amongst themselves. You guys are asking for a helping hand and vice versa. They’re fighting for a cause they think is right, you know that they’re brainwashed . You know how the Jews control the mass media. so I just don’t understand how you can still have that much hatred in your soul to use that word. If I called you kyke even though you aren’t how would you feel. People in my race should never be labeled as a nigger. Like I said if Hitler respected other races while advancing his own so can you.

Video proves what I was saying. They were bussed in from out of town. Most likely soros funding. Same thing in Ferguson when u had Jewish commie groups inciting violence. Let it be known the blacks don’t want this they’ve come out telling these outsiders to stop and to go home.

Mostly antifa white peoples

There are reports of supplies to riot with being left in the cities by someone. These are orchestrated



“BREAKING: tonight’s Dallas riot was pre-planned

Organizers were directing the crowd where to go

They had pallets of 100 bricks ready for rioters

They were yelling to the crowd “go left, there are 100 bricks on the corner over there”

This wasn’t random chaos“



“The Black community in MN is calling out white Antifa members for starting the riots and destroying their communities. “

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
