loki88 said:
Why do you
still go to this disgusting rat-faced communist whore agent Blavatsky for any information. Wtf, you still never learned? If you are still always so hooked on your christians and your communists that you always
love to listen to, why don't you just go join them then? Go be a nun or something. Is your allegiance to Satan and Eternal Truth, or are you really only dedicated to your communist agents, and your christians, and your jesuits and all that other garbage (which come directly from that which is our worst enemy). Either you are with us or you are against us, there is an important reason why Satan is against dabbling. You can't pretend to be a Satanist while living and believing just as any other dumb christian. It doesn't work like that, it is not possible to be both.
Any and every random worthless christian retard and communist who starts their own little blog page, and you are so eagerly ingesting every word they put down like it's gold. You just love sticking your head into christian garbage cans, and communist garbage cans, you're always asking us
"But what do you think about this christian group? What do you think about these communist teachings? What was this jesuit trying to explain to the gentiles when he said this...? But what about this branch of christianity, what can they teach us?" You have such a powerful drive to learn and absorb information, but then always going directly to your own worst enemy to see what you can get them to teach you.
I sincerely think that you basically just have the soul of a church janitor. You mess around in christian garbage cans and toilets at such frequency it's like it's your job. But why? What do you gain from always reading such christian shit?
If you want to keep going to learn from christian priests, and communist agents, and jesuit cults, and any smelly hobo who reminds you of jesus, then why don't you just go join them and be one of them? And if you don't want to be one of them, then stop following them. You can't mix together Satanism and christianity, it doesn't work. Stop running after hobo jesuses and crackhead kevins and trying to learn from them!