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Mediterraneans aren’t white


New member
Nov 19, 2023
Germanic men are stronger taller and more masculine, worlds strongest man. Czechians and Dutch have the biggest dicks in Europe.

This one time I kept stealing a Mediterranean man’s girls and he slit his wrists because he wasn’t as attractive as me and my Anglo friend LMFAOOO Germanic bulls win again.

Don’t try and be a pretty boy when my ancestors fucked yours up weak bitch. Makes you inferior to me. Whatchu got to be proud of pussy boi? Being a short ass Manlet?
I’d knock your ass out.

If you’re greek your ancestors got raped by the Turks and replaced, called the Greek genocide, if you’re a Kike you just aren’t white. Moors fucked Iberians out of existence, Spanish civil war caused moorish Spaniards to migrate to France.

Btw you’re not Aryan dumb fuck and you never will be. Corded ware was Germanic that’s why we’re taller and stronger.

White power 0/
Germanic men are stronger taller and more masculine, worlds strongest man. Czechians and Dutch have the biggest dicks in Europe.

This one time I kept stealing a Mediterranean man’s girls and he slit his wrists because he wasn’t as attractive as me and my Anglo friend LMFAOOO Germanic bulls win again.

Don’t try and be a pretty boy when my ancestors fucked yours up weak bitch. Makes you inferior to me. Whatchu got to be proud of pussy boi? Being a short ass Manlet?
I’d knock your ass out.

If you’re greek your ancestors got raped by the Turks and replaced, called the Greek genocide, if you’re a Kike you just aren’t white. Moors fucked Iberians out of existence, Spanish civil war caused moorish Spaniards to migrate to France.

Btw you’re not Aryan dumb fuck and you never will be. Corded ware was Germanic that’s why we’re taller and stronger.

White power 0/

Hitler would disagree with you on that one. When he was asked about this situation, he responded that Germanics don't have any fundamentally deep history either, and called Himself a "Hellene". Hitler declared Greeks as Aryans, in particular because of their fighting spirit when he confronted them. Hermann Goering, the second man in command of Hitler, had married a Greek woman. I could cite examples for you until the end of time here.

He never seen an army so under-geared and so powerful in all his conquests of Europe. Meanwhile, many "White Warrior Folk" of the North simply bent over and gave their country without recourse to them. Indeed, we also have fought many invasions and still survive to this day, over examples of which you don't have historically as many as we do. High value in the world, brings high struggles.

Jews cite Greeks, Egyptians and other as the top folk that opposed them, which of course, means all Whites including you.

These divisions and discords you seek to create are inconsistent with reality, you are trying to divide White folk and it's sub-categories only to feel superior, meanwhile, you admit that you fell for the beauty of a White Mediterranean woman, of course.

Many European folk of the North are also asiatic mixes, which have arose from the fact that Genghis Khan invaded Europe, but that is many generations back and does not make you less White. The same situation of conquest has occurred in other places, with people remaining still strongly white regardless. This nonsense you speak about can be applied at any moment towards any most valuable member of the White race, which is what you do best.

Invasion policies in Europe right now are harbored mostly by Northern European countries.

It took real Aryans and the "non pure" Slavs to free you from this predicament of Geghis Khan or Muslim invasion, which you never seem to take into account, because you think you are great without any fundamental proofs for this. The last Great Men of your folk tried to turn this situation around, you folks are busy trying to prove superior on anyone else clearly and evidently on par with you, as Tayid the Arab walks out the club with your wives.

Needless to say the response you give is far from any superior race response, or an Aryan response. As the same thing is happening now to most "Northern Folk" with replacement, it would be wise to not create pointless infighting, because you will be what you blame soon, and you already are this.

Blacks steal your own wives on the daily, but I don't see you going for these ones, you are interested in the women whom you blame, because they are White and you are attracted to them, aren't you? Even on a personal level you are an inconsistent liar and pretender.

Go get a Swedish woman or some woman of your folk, to continue the race of yours which is currently committing highest betrayal rate than any other. That will help far more than inflammatory comments which are directed towards people you have inferiority syndrome with. Nietzsche has explained this psychopathology where the Northern folk fights the Southern folk, and you should see it's from the enemy of all of us.

After this, don't forget to thank us for teaching you Architecture and numerous other disciplines or math so you can count your sheep or astronomy, and why you have a theater and other things in your pretty recently developed Nation.

I am sure you are not versed on any of these at all and you are busy going only to bars, to "compete" with other people in this manner, but maybe this comment will enlighten you to do better things to bring your Aryan nature out, instead of being a divisive cattle.

The Southern Europe is actually the barrier against all the hordes, while you calmly sit there and you pretend of superiority. We face the dangers everyday, you sit there and you make tea and botanical herb teas, thinking you are safe and superior. I want to see that superiority now when everyone is going to rise against us collectively, not by belittling "Greeks" in bars. Further thank you for instating policies of bringing the hordes inside Europe without any form of war, legally and wholly.

All these peoples of Eastern, Southern Europe, are actually facing dangers, while you sit in your sauna and think you are very superior. You had not had any enemies for a long time, as you are pretty comfortable in your unholy alliance with the jews for a long time.

What they declare of you is that you bring half your population of invaders, to the point you are swarmed, but thank you for actually fighting for your volk at the bar, it means a lot. That time however is running out and you will see that bringing tens of millions of these in your Nations and instating policy so we do it too, is at nobody's net benefit.

Learn also that undervaluing your own racial family, whether distant, or perceived as inferior, is not something to decide when you go with hoes at the bar, nor it's really going to help your long-term evolution, nor it's going to stop the fact that currently the betrayal rate of European women is at the highest. It's you changing and seeing the Truth that can actually do anything in that regard, growing appreciation and understanding.

Thankfully likes of you represent the smallest minority in the North, where the real intelligent people will understand that we are all one force and must remain such, despite of pitfalls of existence.

Wish you well in that journey of understanding.
Well versed comment @Hooded

Herzlichen Glückwunsch,

du hast soeben bewiesen das du entweder noch etwas jünger bist bist und in deiner Findungsphase oder dir leider zur Zeit dein germanischer/arischer Geist noch auf reisen ist. Und nebenbei zieht die Nummer auch nicht mehr. Tut mir leid das zu sagen aber ich habe in meinem ganzen leben noch keinen Germanen von meiner Statur gesehen welcher die Pubertät verlassen hat welcher ernsthaft solche Ansichten vertritt. Wie gesagt germanischer Geist lässt grüßen.
Da du offensichtlich noch recht auf die physische Welt bezogen bist und tribalistisch eingestellt empfehle ich dir als Brücke:

Varg Vikeners - Introduction to Paganism (Ja Varg und so, aber als Brücke für dich warscheinlich genau das richtige)

Wie bereits beschrieben: Griechenland, Rom, Conquistadores mehr braucht man hier nicht zu erwähnen im Bezug auf Weiße aus dem mediteranem Raum.


you have just proved that you are either still a little younger and in your discovery phase or that your Germanic/Aryan spirit is unfortunately still traveling at the moment. I'm sorry to say this, but in my entire life I have never seen a Germanic of my stature who has left puberty and who seriously holds such views. As I said, the Germanic/Aryan spirit sends its regards.

Since you are obviously still quite focused on the physical world and tribalistic, I recommend you as a bridge:

Varg Vikeners - Introduction to Paganism (yes Varg and all that, but probably just the right bridge for you)

As already described: Greece, Rome, Conquistadores more need not be mentioned here in relation to whites from the Mediterranean region.
Germanic men are stronger taller and more masculine, worlds strongest man. Czechians and Dutch have the biggest dicks in Europe.

This one time I kept stealing a Mediterranean man’s girls and he slit his wrists because he wasn’t as attractive as me and my Anglo friend LMFAOOO Germanic bulls win again.

Don’t try and be a pretty boy when my ancestors fucked yours up weak bitch. Makes you inferior to me. Whatchu got to be proud of pussy boi? Being a short ass Manlet?
I’d knock your ass out.

If you’re greek your ancestors got raped by the Turks and replaced, called the Greek genocide, if you’re a Kike you just aren’t white. Moors fucked Iberians out of existence, Spanish civil war caused moorish Spaniards to migrate to France.

Btw you’re not Aryan dumb fuck and you never will be. Corded ware was Germanic that’s why we’re taller and stronger.

White power 0/
My ancestors were Aryan before yours thought it was cool. My uncle was 7 feet tall and would have knocked your sorry ass out.
My ancestors were Aryan before yours thought it was cool. My uncle was 7 feet tall and would have knocked your sorry ass out.

Generally I find this behavior of foolishness mostly arising from beer drinking pub "Aryans" who just recently discovered they are not like Sahid or Tayid. Then the second stage is where they call each surrounding and non threatening White race as garbage. Then they study and get out of this mindset as their consciousness expands with historical knowledge of the reality underlying these things.

Well versed comment @Hooded

Herzlichen Glückwunsch,

du hast soeben bewiesen das du entweder noch etwas jünger bist bist und in deiner Findungsphase oder dir leider zur Zeit dein germanischer/arischer Geist noch auf reisen ist. Und nebenbei zieht die Nummer auch nicht mehr. Tut mir leid das zu sagen aber ich habe in meinem ganzen leben noch keinen Germanen von meiner Statur gesehen welcher die Pubertät verlassen hat welcher ernsthaft solche Ansichten vertritt. Wie gesagt germanischer Geist lässt grüßen.
Da du offensichtlich noch recht auf die physische Welt bezogen bist und tribalistisch eingestellt empfehle ich dir als Brücke:

Varg Vikeners - Introduction to Paganism (Ja Varg und so, aber als Brücke für dich warscheinlich genau das richtige)

Wie bereits beschrieben: Griechenland, Rom, Conquistadores mehr braucht man hier nicht zu erwähnen im Bezug auf Weiße aus dem mediteranem Raum.


you have just proved that you are either still a little younger and in your discovery phase or that your Germanic/Aryan spirit is unfortunately still traveling at the moment. I'm sorry to say this, but in my entire life I have never seen a Germanic of my stature who has left puberty and who seriously holds such views. As I said, the Germanic/Aryan spirit sends its regards.

Since you are obviously still quite focused on the physical world and tribalistic, I recommend you as a bridge:

Varg Vikeners - Introduction to Paganism (yes Varg and all that, but probably just the right bridge for you)

As already described: Greece, Rome, Conquistadores more need not be mentioned here in relation to whites from the Mediterranean region.

I have many wonderful things to share about the Northern folk, and every man from the Northern folk who has studied Europe thoroughly should understand that we are all one force. The enemy surely sees us all as one force, they don't care about who is the cousin of whom.

It's oftentimes greatly performing and very useful White people [Irish, Eastern Europeans, even Russians and Southern Europeans] get a blunt of hate from imbeciles who don't see the evident facts that none of these factions represented ever any danger to them, or even represented a form of defense and high defiance of the Aryan spirit.

I have also seen Britons who literally think they saved the White folk from Hitler, confusion is a very high level, or who will falsely state that the Irish are bastards, while evidence shows the Irish were the fact of the least annexed regions ever.

I hope the fellow cures his confusion. I believe everyone when they started understanding their own racial integrity has started to hate their own factions at some point. Greek purists also think Bjorn is also mixed and a mutt, since he couldn't even fathom how to create anything besides a hut.

Every side has it's own arguments while denying the underlying fact that all of these people stem from the same source. The enemy knows this so they aren't dividing whom they attack that much, and therefore they foster aggression between Europeans since immemorial time. Due to this aggression we have been killing each other for no reason for a very long time. That has to stop for our future survival, it's a jewish oriented thinking that causes that.

The highest, finest and most educated people from all of these factions will understand what I mean here. The best Germanics and other people are not only among the kindest in Europe, but great in all respects, which is why they flock in Ancient Greek university tier knowledge to improve themselves, or why they understand and hold an affinity for things which commonly exist as inheritence to all of us.

Still my corrective comments are because of ultimate love for all of our kind, no matter what Nation they fall into, or who they are. I see as all as one entity.
Germanic men are stronger taller and more masculine, worlds strongest man. Czechians and Dutch have the biggest dicks in Europe.

This one time I kept stealing a Mediterranean man’s girls and he slit his wrists because he wasn’t as attractive as me and my Anglo friend LMFAOOO Germanic bulls win again.

Don’t try and be a pretty boy when my ancestors fucked yours up weak bitch. Makes you inferior to me. Whatchu got to be proud of pussy boi? Being a short ass Manlet?
I’d knock your ass out.

If you’re greek your ancestors got raped by the Turks and replaced, called the Greek genocide, if you’re a Kike you just aren’t white. Moors fucked Iberians out of existence, Spanish civil war caused moorish Spaniards to migrate to France.

Btw you’re not Aryan dumb fuck and you never will be. Corded ware was Germanic that’s why we’re taller and stronger.

White power 0/

Muh dick big.
If you talk and behave like a nigger, having Germanic appearance means nothing.

Invasion policies in Europe right now are harbored mostly by Northern European countries.

It is pretty bizarre why racial betrayal seems to be rampant there for some reason. Correct me if I'm wrong but it wasn't kikes who forced their way with christardanity in Scandinavia, it was king Harald accepting the bribery with help of the Jomsvikings who decided it was a cool thing to destroy their fellow Norse Pagans and replace it with jeebus worship. Unlike Greece that is near the Middle East and had been infiltrated by subversive kikes and were doing warfare from within, Scandinavia didn't have any of that yet for some reason Vikings went YOLO and decide to genocide their good Pagans by destroying their own culture like what the fuck.

It is pretty bizarre why racial betrayal seems to be rampant there for some reason. Correct me if I'm wrong but it wasn't kikes who forced their way with christardanity in Scandinavia, it was king Harald accepting the bribery with help of the Jomsvikings who decided it was a cool thing to destroy their fellow Norse Pagans and replace it with jeebus worship. Unlike Greece that is near the Middle East and had been infiltrated by subversive kikes and were doing warfare from within, Scandinavia didn't have any of that yet for some reason Vikings went YOLO and decide to genocide their good Pagans by destroying their own culture like what the fuck.

Because jews are centered there for approximately 15 centuries and they are mindwashing the central Europeans into destroying their culture and their volk, that's why.

Then when the volks up there want to find a reasoning, they just point at irrelevant sources, like Greekoz, Slavoz and all sorts of targets they can pick, minus the jews who cause all of this anyway.

The Northern European man is renown for his bravery, war capability, and many other merits, but they are not as capable of understanding internal infiltration or subversion, as they did not have as much challenged civilization experience, due to lack of external enemies and advanced civilization problems [such as invasions, subterfuge and infiltration].

They therefore are quick to fight external wars, but they do not understand heavy things from civilization levels of danger, which they only had to face historically recently. Reasons why the Norse and others fell into the cults of xianity was due to warfare and bribery, which are universal forms of manipulation. It's not always that you need absolute internal infiltration to engage in bad decisions, just seduction based on financial gains or "war for the sake of it, yolo" can be enough.

Like they have their problems everyone else has theirs. The situation in the East and the South is that these whites had to constantly face civilization level dangers, so they are more versed in trying to understand these things. When Hitler explained the situation to Germans, they hadn't even noticed that percents of upwards to 90% jews were running their Nation. So he woke them up to this.

These types of infiltration or population replacement situations, or genocidal coups were far more prevalent in the Southern Europe especially, due to empires lasting there for more than 4 thousand years.

In the blindness these people disregard all the good that has been done to them by their neighbors and racial brothers, to give themselves a quick ego pump up, while the jews remain unabated in continuing with the racial extermination of central Europe. That's why the jews constantly strived to make central Europeans a war machine to serve their ends whether this was to expand xianity or for other things such was waging war to one another for more than thousand years. They found it easier to do, these people were not used to things like this being the norm for them like it has been for others.
Exactly that is why I have recommended the Varg Video, although there is some stuff in there which is not totally accurate in regards of interpretations of some esoteric stuff it is a wonderful piece to show such states of conciousness what connects the white folks and cultures from Greece to Scotland and from Spain to Russia.

Every side has it's own arguments while denying the underlying fact that all of these people stem from the same source. The enemy knows this so they aren't dividing whom they attack that much, and therefore they foster aggression between Europeans since immemorial time. Due to this aggression we have been killing each other for no reason for a very long time. That has to stop for our future survival, it's a jewish oriented thinking that causes that.

One word to understand why the European folks never should bait into such divides: Amalek (If you don't know look it up then you'll know)
Germanic men are stronger taller and more masculine, worlds strongest man. Czechians and Dutch have the biggest dicks in Europe.

This one time I kept stealing a Mediterranean man’s girls and he slit his wrists because he wasn’t as attractive as me and my Anglo friend LMFAOOO Germanic bulls win again.

Don’t try and be a pretty boy when my ancestors fucked yours up weak bitch. Makes you inferior to me. Whatchu got to be proud of pussy boi? Being a short ass Manlet?
I’d knock your ass out.

If you’re greek your ancestors got raped by the Turks and replaced, called the Greek genocide, if you’re a Kike you just aren’t white. Moors fucked Iberians out of existence, Spanish civil war caused moorish Spaniards to migrate to France.

Btw you’re not Aryan dumb fuck and you never will be. Corded ware was Germanic that’s why we’re taller and stronger.

White power 0/

According to your weird ideas, Czechs aren't white either. So their placement on the muh dick scale is irrelevant.

If they are so strong, tall and MASCVLINE, why are Sweden, Flemings and Holland the way they are, with copious amounts of blond and tall girls choosing to hang out with or victimized randomly by Moroccans, Somalis and Kosovars in every city center from The Hague to Jonkoping? The men meanwhile are beating their meat over at /r/trannygoonparty or something, or joining their local antifa vegan club to eat bugs and sign up to own nothing and be happy.

The Viking and Saxon thing is not contemporary reality, that's a harsh truth one has to swallow. The most masculine blond men right now are Russians and Ukrainians - by a long mile. It's evident. Even Varg admits this.

Speaking as an actual descendant of a high level Viking man - you aren't any of these anyway, you are some sort of Anglo-Celtic American hybrid according to your prior posts. So another sad little LARP.
My ancestors were Aryan before yours thought it was cool. My uncle was 7 feet tall and would have knocked your sorry ass out.

Generally I find this behavior of foolishness mostly arising from beer drinking pub "Aryans" who just recently discovered they are not like Sahid or Tayid. Then the second stage is where they call each surrounding and non threatening White race as garbage. Then they study and get out of this mindset as their consciousness expands with historical knowledge of the reality underlying these things.
I genuinely hope for the OP that this is the case. If not it's pretty sad.
I was told by Wotan this individual
Germanic men are stronger taller and more masculine, worlds strongest man. Czechians and Dutch have the biggest dicks in Europe.

This one time I kept stealing a Mediterranean man’s girls and he slit his wrists because he wasn’t as attractive as me and my Anglo friend LMFAOOO Germanic bulls win again.

Don’t try and be a pretty boy when my ancestors fucked yours up weak bitch. Makes you inferior to me. Whatchu got to be proud of pussy boi? Being a short ass Manlet?
I’d knock your ass out.

If you’re greek your ancestors got raped by the Turks and replaced, called the Greek genocide, if you’re a Kike you just aren’t white. Moors fucked Iberians out of existence, Spanish civil war caused moorish Spaniards to migrate to France.

Btw you’re not Aryan dumb fuck and you never will be. Corded ware was Germanic that’s why we’re taller and stronger.

White power 0/
Are you sure you’re not just angry that the Romans killed jesus Floyd? You think he didn’t do nuffin wrong?
No true Aryan White or any other respectable person will take you seriously if you talk like a gangster and show the psychological maturity of a teaspoon. I agree that it usually pub-attending retards who engage in this kind of unhelpful conversation, instead of thinking with their higher minds and contemplating what really matters here: uplifting people.
Here we have an example of how people can regress by not making any spiritual commitment to progress themselves, and someone who is insulting many people because of this.

Could you provide insight into why it is deemed necessary to attack anyone's existence without substantial justification, such as the offence of a serious degree like unjustified murder? Moreover, how would you come to terms with rejecting this sort of behavior if someone would belong to a different racial background or possess traits associated with another race, without any development and introspection? Individuals harboring such a mindset have to reflect on these considerations. Gangsterism is not Gentile culture.
But I see that the Germans and the peoples of the North in general are more prone to perversion and every perversion, apart from the fact that the Muslims do whatever they want in your countries, steal your women and rape them and you say thank you. If this is Aryan then I would rather be an African than a Congolese. I say this not out of malice but because I have lived in Germany for many, many years. And as far as I know, Hitler himself fought the so-called "Nordic theory" which appeals to people who have no connection to reality but are possessed by an inferiority complex.
So obvious that you are a jew. I am sure you thought that the SS from Europe would start fighting each other on this thread.
What a loser, lol.
Hitler would disagree with you on that one. When he was asked about this situation, he responded that Germanics don't have any fundamentally deep history either, and called Himself a "Hellene". Hitler declared Greeks as Aryans, in particular because of their fighting spirit when he confronted them. Hermann Goering, the second man in command of Hitler, had married a Greek woman. I could cite examples for you until the end of time here.

He never seen an army so under-geared and so powerful in all his conquests of Europe. Meanwhile, many "White Warrior Folk" of the North simply bent over and gave their country without recourse to them. Indeed, we also have fought many invasions and still survive to this day, over examples of which you don't have historically as many as we do. High value in the world, brings high struggles.

Jews cite Greeks, Egyptians and other as the top folk that opposed them, which of course, means all Whites including you.

These divisions and discords you seek to create are inconsistent with reality, you are trying to divide White folk and it's sub-categories only to feel superior, meanwhile, you admit that you fell for the beauty of a White Mediterranean woman, of course.

Many European folk of the North are also asiatic mixes, which have arose from the fact that Genghis Khan invaded Europe, but that is many generations back and does not make you less White. The same situation of conquest has occurred in other places, with people remaining still strongly white regardless. This nonsense you speak about can be applied at any moment towards any most valuable member of the White race, which is what you do best.

Invasion policies in Europe right now are harbored mostly by Northern European countries.

It took real Aryans and the "non pure" Slavs to free you from this predicament of Geghis Khan or Muslim invasion, which you never seem to take into account, because you think you are great without any fundamental proofs for this. The last Great Men of your folk tried to turn this situation around, you folks are busy trying to prove superior on anyone else clearly and evidently on par with you, as Tayid the Arab walks out the club with your wives.

Needless to say the response you give is far from any superior race response, or an Aryan response. As the same thing is happening now to most "Northern Folk" with replacement, it would be wise to not create pointless infighting, because you will be what you blame soon, and you already are this.

Blacks steal your own wives on the daily, but I don't see you going for these ones, you are interested in the women whom you blame, because they are White and you are attracted to them, aren't you? Even on a personal level you are an inconsistent liar and pretender.

Go get a Swedish woman or some woman of your folk, to continue the race of yours which is currently committing highest betrayal rate than any other. That will help far more than inflammatory comments which are directed towards people you have inferiority syndrome with. Nietzsche has explained this psychopathology where the Northern folk fights the Southern folk, and you should see it's from the enemy of all of us.

After this, don't forget to thank us for teaching you Architecture and numerous other disciplines or math so you can count your sheep or astronomy, and why you have a theater and other things in your pretty recently developed Nation.

I am sure you are not versed on any of these at all and you are busy going only to bars, to "compete" with other people in this manner, but maybe this comment will enlighten you to do better things to bring your Aryan nature out, instead of being a divisive cattle.

The Southern Europe is actually the barrier against all the hordes, while you calmly sit there and you pretend of superiority. We face the dangers everyday, you sit there and you make tea and botanical herb teas, thinking you are safe and superior. I want to see that superiority now when everyone is going to rise against us collectively, not by belittling "Greeks" in bars. Further thank you for instating policies of bringing the hordes inside Europe without any form of war, legally and wholly.

All these peoples of Eastern, Southern Europe, are actually facing dangers, while you sit in your sauna and think you are very superior. You had not had any enemies for a long time, as you are pretty comfortable in your unholy alliance with the jews for a long time.

What they declare of you is that you bring half your population of invaders, to the point you are swarmed, but thank you for actually fighting for your volk at the bar, it means a lot. That time however is running out and you will see that bringing tens of millions of these in your Nations and instating policy so we do it too, is at nobody's net benefit.

Learn also that undervaluing your own racial family, whether distant, or perceived as inferior, is not something to decide when you go with hoes at the bar, nor it's really going to help your long-term evolution, nor it's going to stop the fact that currently the betrayal rate of European women is at the highest. It's you changing and seeing the Truth that can actually do anything in that regard, growing appreciation and understanding.

Thankfully likes of you represent the smallest minority in the North, where the real intelligent people will understand that we are all one force and must remain such, despite of pitfalls of existence.

Wish you well in that journey of understanding.
If having Asiatic racial DNA doesn't make you any less white, why does being even 1% Jewish make you a Jew... Is it because it's poisionous and non-human, or is 1% of this actually irrelevant?

Also, sidenote:
I've noticed whatever behaviour a man deliberately emphasises to the world, especially in a vehement and/or emphatic manner, is usually an unconscious attempt at masking his sensitivity (or 'insecurity,') in this very same area, through a process of self-inflicted delusion, in order to overcome the weight of its psychological burden as well as the unconscious awareness of their inferiority (i.e., bullshitting themselves).
Hitler would disagree with you on that one. When he was asked about this situation, he responded that Germanics don't have any fundamentally deep history either, and called Himself a "Hellene". Hitler declared Greeks as Aryans, in particular because of their fighting spirit when he confronted them. Hermann Goering, the second man in command of Hitler, had married a Greek woman. I could cite examples for you until the end of time here.

He never seen an army so under-geared and so powerful in all his conquests of Europe. Meanwhile, many "White Warrior Folk" of the North simply bent over and gave their country without recourse to them. Indeed, we also have fought many invasions and still survive to this day, over examples of which you don't have historically as many as we do. High value in the world, brings high struggles.

Jews cite Greeks, Egyptians and other as the top folk that opposed them, which of course, means all Whites including you.

These divisions and discords you seek to create are inconsistent with reality, you are trying to divide White folk and it's sub-categories only to feel superior, meanwhile, you admit that you fell for the beauty of a White Mediterranean woman, of course.

Many European folk of the North are also asiatic mixes, which have arose from the fact that Genghis Khan invaded Europe, but that is many generations back and does not make you less White. The same situation of conquest has occurred in other places, with people remaining still strongly white regardless. This nonsense you speak about can be applied at any moment towards any most valuable member of the White race, which is what you do best.

Invasion policies in Europe right now are harbored mostly by Northern European countries.

It took real Aryans and the "non pure" Slavs to free you from this predicament of Geghis Khan or Muslim invasion, which you never seem to take into account, because you think you are great without any fundamental proofs for this. The last Great Men of your folk tried to turn this situation around, you folks are busy trying to prove superior on anyone else clearly and evidently on par with you, as Tayid the Arab walks out the club with your wives.

Needless to say the response you give is far from any superior race response, or an Aryan response. As the same thing is happening now to most "Northern Folk" with replacement, it would be wise to not create pointless infighting, because you will be what you blame soon, and you already are this.

Blacks steal your own wives on the daily, but I don't see you going for these ones, you are interested in the women whom you blame, because they are White and you are attracted to them, aren't you? Even on a personal level you are an inconsistent liar and pretender.

Go get a Swedish woman or some woman of your folk, to continue the race of yours which is currently committing highest betrayal rate than any other. That will help far more than inflammatory comments which are directed towards people you have inferiority syndrome with. Nietzsche has explained this psychopathology where the Northern folk fights the Southern folk, and you should see it's from the enemy of all of us.

After this, don't forget to thank us for teaching you Architecture and numerous other disciplines or math so you can count your sheep or astronomy, and why you have a theater and other things in your pretty recently developed Nation.

I am sure you are not versed on any of these at all and you are busy going only to bars, to "compete" with other people in this manner, but maybe this comment will enlighten you to do better things to bring your Aryan nature out, instead of being a divisive cattle.

The Southern Europe is actually the barrier against all the hordes, while you calmly sit there and you pretend of superiority. We face the dangers everyday, you sit there and you make tea and botanical herb teas, thinking you are safe and superior. I want to see that superiority now when everyone is going to rise against us collectively, not by belittling "Greeks" in bars. Further thank you for instating policies of bringing the hordes inside Europe without any form of war, legally and wholly.

All these peoples of Eastern, Southern Europe, are actually facing dangers, while you sit in your sauna and think you are very superior. You had not had any enemies for a long time, as you are pretty comfortable in your unholy alliance with the jews for a long time.

What they declare of you is that you bring half your population of invaders, to the point you are swarmed, but thank you for actually fighting for your volk at the bar, it means a lot. That time however is running out and you will see that bringing tens of millions of these in your Nations and instating policy so we do it too, is at nobody's net benefit.

Learn also that undervaluing your own racial family, whether distant, or perceived as inferior, is not something to decide when you go with hoes at the bar, nor it's really going to help your long-term evolution, nor it's going to stop the fact that currently the betrayal rate of European women is at the highest. It's you changing and seeing the Truth that can actually do anything in that regard, growing appreciation and understanding.

Thankfully likes of you represent the smallest minority in the North, where the real intelligent people will understand that we are all one force and must remain such, despite of pitfalls of existence.

Wish you well in that journey of understanding.

Hitler would disagree with you on that one. When he was asked about this situation, he responded that Germanics don't have any fundamentally deep history either, and called Himself a "Hellene". Hitler declared Greeks as Aryans, in particular because of their fighting spirit when he confronted them. Hermann Goering, the second man in command of Hitler, had married a Greek woman. I could cite examples for you until the end of time here.

He never seen an army so under-geared and so powerful in all his conquests of Europe. Meanwhile, many "White Warrior Folk" of the North simply bent over and gave their country without recourse to them. Indeed, we also have fought many invasions and still survive to this day, over examples of which you don't have historically as many as we do. High value in the world, brings high struggles.

Jews cite Greeks, Egyptians and other as the top folk that opposed them, which of course, means all Whites including you.

These divisions and discords you seek to create are inconsistent with reality, you are trying to divide White folk and it's sub-categories only to feel superior, meanwhile, you admit that you fell for the beauty of a White Mediterranean woman, of course.

Many European folk of the North are also asiatic mixes, which have arose from the fact that Genghis Khan invaded Europe, but that is many generations back and does not make you less White. The same situation of conquest has occurred in other places, with people remaining still strongly white regardless. This nonsense you speak about can be applied at any moment towards any most valuable member of the White race, which is what you do best.

Invasion policies in Europe right now are harbored mostly by Northern European countries.

It took real Aryans and the "non pure" Slavs to free you from this predicament of Geghis Khan or Muslim invasion, which you never seem to take into account, because you think you are great without any fundamental proofs for this. The last Great Men of your folk tried to turn this situation around, you folks are busy trying to prove superior on anyone else clearly and evidently on par with you, as Tayid the Arab walks out the club with your wives.

Needless to say the response you give is far from any superior race response, or an Aryan response. As the same thing is happening now to most "Northern Folk" with replacement, it would be wise to not create pointless infighting, because you will be what you blame soon, and you already are this.

Blacks steal your own wives on the daily, but I don't see you going for these ones, you are interested in the women whom you blame, because they are White and you are attracted to them, aren't you? Even on a personal level you are an inconsistent liar and pretender.

Go get a Swedish woman or some woman of your folk, to continue the race of yours which is currently committing highest betrayal rate than any other. That will help far more than inflammatory comments which are directed towards people you have inferiority syndrome with. Nietzsche has explained this psychopathology where the Northern folk fights the Southern folk, and you should see it's from the enemy of all of us.

After this, don't forget to thank us for teaching you Architecture and numerous other disciplines or math so you can count your sheep or astronomy, and why you have a theater and other things in your pretty recently developed Nation.

I am sure you are not versed on any of these at all and you are busy going only to bars, to "compete" with other people in this manner, but maybe this comment will enlighten you to do better things to bring your Aryan nature out, instead of being a divisive cattle.

The Southern Europe is actually the barrier against all the hordes, while you calmly sit there and you pretend of superiority. We face the dangers everyday, you sit there and you make tea and botanical herb teas, thinking you are safe and superior. I want to see that superiority now when everyone is going to rise against us collectively, not by belittling "Greeks" in bars. Further thank you for instating policies of bringing the hordes inside Europe without any form of war, legally and wholly.

All these peoples of Eastern, Southern Europe, are actually facing dangers, while you sit in your sauna and think you are very superior. You had not had any enemies for a long time, as you are pretty comfortable in your unholy alliance with the jews for a long time.

What they declare of you is that you bring half your population of invaders, to the point you are swarmed, but thank you for actually fighting for your volk at the bar, it means a lot. That time however is running out and you will see that bringing tens of millions of these in your Nations and instating policy so we do it too, is at nobody's net benefit.

Learn also that undervaluing your own racial family, whether distant, or perceived as inferior, is not something to decide when you go with hoes at the bar, nor it's really going to help your long-term evolution, nor it's going to stop the fact that currently the betrayal rate of European women is at the highest. It's you changing and seeing the Truth that can actually do anything in that regard, growing appreciation and understanding.

Thankfully likes of you represent the smallest minority in the North, where the real intelligent people will understand that we are all one force and must remain such, despite of pitfalls of existence.

Wish you well in that journey of understanding.
Then back it up a bit and tell me what an aryan even is, ever look at haplogroups across Europe? The aryan gene is R1a, which is Slavic. You can look at a distribution of Greek haplotypes that show both R1s distributed in smaller increments compared to even the North Indian. Indians have more relation to the aryans than you.
Then back it up a bit and tell me what an aryan even is, ever look at haplogroups across Europe? The aryan gene is R1a, which is Slavic. You can look at a distribution of Greek haplotypes that show both R1s distributed in smaller increments compared to even the North Indian. Indians have more relation to the aryans than you.
^^if you’re Greek
Then back it up a bit and tell me what an aryan even is, ever look at haplogroups across Europe? The aryan gene is R1a, which is Slavic. You can look at a distribution of Greek haplotypes that show both R1s distributed in smaller increments compared to even the North Indian. Indians have more relation to the aryans than you.

Aryan is not so much a genetic thing, it never was. Neither the National Socialists, who were the first to really classify the genetic differences between different groups of people, nor others really propagated this thing, as that is not how the word Aryan correlates.

The Aryan race in history is a mythical Race purported to originate from the Gods, who went around Earth enlightening people, these Aryan's had characteristics of white people, and thus in history they are written down as white and the term Aryan is then later picked up to conflate this as a racial term. However, more so than being related to race, this term is related to the capacity of a person to be spiritually advanced and civilized, it is traditionally used as a title for the advanced person, the conflation with race was made much later, not even by National Socialists, but by others, in order to belittle this term and destroy its meaning.

Looking at the people who would be referred as Aryan today based on the faulty racial interpretation, how many are worthy of this term when taken in its true meaning? I can tell you, almost no one is.

The Mythical Aryan's who enlightened the people of Earth and granted the spiritual knowledge to the Earth are of a completely different existential level than any people alive today. The ancients knew this, and this term was not used to refer solely to race, but to the capacity of people to be Aryan, to be like the Mythical Aryan's of the ancient past.

This genetic root you speak of has little meaning in reality, as even if it can be found and proven that these genes are hereditary genes inherited from the Ancient Mythical Aryan's, these don't mean anything if the person carrying them has none of the qualities to be Aryan besides their fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes.

Genetics matter to the extend that knowing of them allows the prevention of race mixing, however genetics are meaningless when taken to this context. Reality is that the majority of people have little of the higher civilized qualities which would be worthy of such titles as Aryan or Hellene.

Führer Adolf Hitler was certainly worthy of them, as were many of the highest ranking members of the NSDAP, who were advanced souls that reincarnated at that time with the mission to prevent the absolute societal collapse under the threat of communism and other entropic forces. Most others, they are ignorant of such qualities, and far away from them, wanting only to take this mantle in order to justify and affirm a false superiorety in themselves over others where, based not on merit, but only on a name.

These titles lose their value when used as such, as anyone can be Aryan, or anyone can be Hellene, and as such the title has lost its meaning and the purpose is lost, then later any semblance of what is truly Aryan is completely gone, exactly as the jews intent. We must not be ignorant in its usage as others are.
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Hitler would disagree with you on that one. When he was asked about this situation, he responded that Germanics don't have any fundamentally deep history either, and called Himself a "Hellene". Hitler declared Greeks as Aryans, in particular because of their fighting spirit when he confronted them. Hermann Goering, the second man in command of Hitler, had married a Greek woman. I could cite examples for you until the end of time here.

He never seen an army so under-geared and so powerful in all his conquests of Europe. Meanwhile, many "White Warrior Folk" of the North simply bent over and gave their country without recourse to them. Indeed, we also have fought many invasions and still survive to this day, over examples of which you don't have historically as many as we do. High value in the world, brings high struggles.

Jews cite Greeks, Egyptians and other as the top folk that opposed them, which of course, means all Whites including you.

These divisions and discords you seek to create are inconsistent with reality, you are trying to divide White folk and it's sub-categories only to feel superior, meanwhile, you admit that you fell for the beauty of a White Mediterranean woman, of course.

Many European folk of the North are also asiatic mixes, which have arose from the fact that Genghis Khan invaded Europe, but that is many generations back and does not make you less White. The same situation of conquest has occurred in other places, with people remaining still strongly white regardless. This nonsense you speak about can be applied at any moment towards any most valuable member of the White race, which is what you do best.

Invasion policies in Europe right now are harbored mostly by Northern European countries.

It took real Aryans and the "non pure" Slavs to free you from this predicament of Geghis Khan or Muslim invasion, which you never seem to take into account, because you think you are great without any fundamental proofs for this. The last Great Men of your folk tried to turn this situation around, you folks are busy trying to prove superior on anyone else clearly and evidently on par with you, as Tayid the Arab walks out the club with your wives.

Needless to say the response you give is far from any superior race response, or an Aryan response. As the same thing is happening now to most "Northern Folk" with replacement, it would be wise to not create pointless infighting, because you will be what you blame soon, and you already are this.

Blacks steal your own wives on the daily, but I don't see you going for these ones, you are interested in the women whom you blame, because they are White and you are attracted to them, aren't you? Even on a personal level you are an inconsistent liar and pretender.

Go get a Swedish woman or some woman of your folk, to continue the race of yours which is currently committing highest betrayal rate than any other. That will help far more than inflammatory comments which are directed towards people you have inferiority syndrome with. Nietzsche has explained this psychopathology where the Northern folk fights the Southern folk, and you should see it's from the enemy of all of us.

After this, don't forget to thank us for teaching you Architecture and numerous other disciplines or math so you can count your sheep or astronomy, and why you have a theater and other things in your pretty recently developed Nation.

I am sure you are not versed on any of these at all and you are busy going only to bars, to "compete" with other people in this manner, but maybe this comment will enlighten you to do better things to bring your Aryan nature out, instead of being a divisive cattle.

The Southern Europe is actually the barrier against all the hordes, while you calmly sit there and you pretend of superiority. We face the dangers everyday, you sit there and you make tea and botanical herb teas, thinking you are safe and superior. I want to see that superiority now when everyone is going to rise against us collectively, not by belittling "Greeks" in bars. Further thank you for instating policies of bringing the hordes inside Europe without any form of war, legally and wholly.

All these peoples of Eastern, Southern Europe, are actually facing dangers, while you sit in your sauna and think you are very superior. You had not had any enemies for a long time, as you are pretty comfortable in your unholy alliance with the jews for a long time.

What they declare of you is that you bring half your population of invaders, to the point you are swarmed, but thank you for actually fighting for your volk at the bar, it means a lot. That time however is running out and you will see that bringing tens of millions of these in your Nations and instating policy so we do it too, is at nobody's net benefit.

Learn also that undervaluing your own racial family, whether distant, or perceived as inferior, is not something to decide when you go with hoes at the bar, nor it's really going to help your long-term evolution, nor it's going to stop the fact that currently the betrayal rate of European women is at the highest. It's you changing and seeing the Truth that can actually do anything in that regard, growing appreciation and understanding.

Thankfully likes of you represent the smallest minority in the North, where the real intelligent people will understand that we are all one force and must remain such, despite of pitfalls of existence.

Wish you well in that journey of understanding.
really cuck? All I’m seeing is white Nordic women walking down the street with white children with blonde hair
Maybe I’m just more attractive than you when I see you talking about BNWO on your forum. You’re a weak low testosterone cuck.
Hitler would disagree with you on that one. When he was asked about this situation, he responded that Germanics don't have any fundamentally deep history either, and called Himself a "Hellene". Hitler declared Greeks as Aryans, in particular because of their fighting spirit when he confronted them. Hermann Goering, the second man in command of Hitler, had married a Greek woman. I could cite examples for you until the end of time here.

He never seen an army so under-geared and so powerful in all his conquests of Europe. Meanwhile, many "White Warrior Folk" of the North simply bent over and gave their country without recourse to them. Indeed, we also have fought many invasions and still survive to this day, over examples of which you don't have historically as many as we do. High value in the world, brings high struggles.

Jews cite Greeks, Egyptians and other as the top folk that opposed them, which of course, means all Whites including you.

These divisions and discords you seek to create are inconsistent with reality, you are trying to divide White folk and it's sub-categories only to feel superior, meanwhile, you admit that you fell for the beauty of a White Mediterranean woman, of course.

Many European folk of the North are also asiatic mixes, which have arose from the fact that Genghis Khan invaded Europe, but that is many generations back and does not make you less White. The same situation of conquest has occurred in other places, with people remaining still strongly white regardless. This nonsense you speak about can be applied at any moment towards any most valuable member of the White race, which is what you do best.

Invasion policies in Europe right now are harbored mostly by Northern European countries.

It took real Aryans and the "non pure" Slavs to free you from this predicament of Geghis Khan or Muslim invasion, which you never seem to take into account, because you think you are great without any fundamental proofs for this. The last Great Men of your folk tried to turn this situation around, you folks are busy trying to prove superior on anyone else clearly and evidently on par with you, as Tayid the Arab walks out the club with your wives.

Needless to say the response you give is far from any superior race response, or an Aryan response. As the same thing is happening now to most "Northern Folk" with replacement, it would be wise to not create pointless infighting, because you will be what you blame soon, and you already are this.

Blacks steal your own wives on the daily, but I don't see you going for these ones, you are interested in the women whom you blame, because they are White and you are attracted to them, aren't you? Even on a personal level you are an inconsistent liar and pretender.

Go get a Swedish woman or some woman of your folk, to continue the race of yours which is currently committing highest betrayal rate than any other. That will help far more than inflammatory comments which are directed towards people you have inferiority syndrome with. Nietzsche has explained this psychopathology where the Northern folk fights the Southern folk, and you should see it's from the enemy of all of us.

After this, don't forget to thank us for teaching you Architecture and numerous other disciplines or math so you can count your sheep or astronomy, and why you have a theater and other things in your pretty recently developed Nation.

I am sure you are not versed on any of these at all and you are busy going only to bars, to "compete" with other people in this manner, but maybe this comment will enlighten you to do better things to bring your Aryan nature out, instead of being a divisive cattle.

The Southern Europe is actually the barrier against all the hordes, while you calmly sit there and you pretend of superiority. We face the dangers everyday, you sit there and you make tea and botanical herb teas, thinking you are safe and superior. I want to see that superiority now when everyone is going to rise against us collectively, not by belittling "Greeks" in bars. Further thank you for instating policies of bringing the hordes inside Europe without any form of war, legally and wholly.

All these peoples of Eastern, Southern Europe, are actually facing dangers, while you sit in your sauna and think you are very superior. You had not had any enemies for a long time, as you are pretty comfortable in your unholy alliance with the jews for a long time.

What they declare of you is that you bring half your population of invaders, to the point you are swarmed, but thank you for actually fighting for your volk at the bar, it means a lot. That time however is running out and you will see that bringing tens of millions of these in your Nations and instating policy so we do it too, is at nobody's net benefit.

Learn also that undervaluing your own racial family, whether distant, or perceived as inferior, is not something to decide when you go with hoes at the bar, nor it's really going to help your long-term evolution, nor it's going to stop the fact that currently the betrayal rate of European women is at the highest. It's you changing and seeing the Truth that can actually do anything in that regard, growing appreciation and understanding.

Thankfully likes of you represent the smallest minority in the North, where the real intelligent people will understand that we are all one force and must remain such, despite of pitfalls of existence.

Wish you well in that journey of understanding.
you will never be white aryan little Greek faggot that’s why your women already turned on you with that Turkish cock
Hitler would disagree with you on that one. When he was asked about this situation, he responded that Germanics don't have any fundamentally deep history either, and called Himself a "Hellene". Hitler declared Greeks as Aryans, in particular because of their fighting spirit when he confronted them. Hermann Goering, the second man in command of Hitler, had married a Greek woman. I could cite examples for you until the end of time here.

He never seen an army so under-geared and so powerful in all his conquests of Europe. Meanwhile, many "White Warrior Folk" of the North simply bent over and gave their country without recourse to them. Indeed, we also have fought many invasions and still survive to this day, over examples of which you don't have historically as many as we do. High value in the world, brings high struggles.

Jews cite Greeks, Egyptians and other as the top folk that opposed them, which of course, means all Whites including you.

These divisions and discords you seek to create are inconsistent with reality, you are trying to divide White folk and it's sub-categories only to feel superior, meanwhile, you admit that you fell for the beauty of a White Mediterranean woman, of course.

Many European folk of the North are also asiatic mixes, which have arose from the fact that Genghis Khan invaded Europe, but that is many generations back and does not make you less White. The same situation of conquest has occurred in other places, with people remaining still strongly white regardless. This nonsense you speak about can be applied at any moment towards any most valuable member of the White race, which is what you do best.

Invasion policies in Europe right now are harbored mostly by Northern European countries.

It took real Aryans and the "non pure" Slavs to free you from this predicament of Geghis Khan or Muslim invasion, which you never seem to take into account, because you think you are great without any fundamental proofs for this. The last Great Men of your folk tried to turn this situation around, you folks are busy trying to prove superior on anyone else clearly and evidently on par with you, as Tayid the Arab walks out the club with your wives.

Needless to say the response you give is far from any superior race response, or an Aryan response. As the same thing is happening now to most "Northern Folk" with replacement, it would be wise to not create pointless infighting, because you will be what you blame soon, and you already are this.

Blacks steal your own wives on the daily, but I don't see you going for these ones, you are interested in the women whom you blame, because they are White and you are attracted to them, aren't you? Even on a personal level you are an inconsistent liar and pretender.

Go get a Swedish woman or some woman of your folk, to continue the race of yours which is currently committing highest betrayal rate than any other. That will help far more than inflammatory comments which are directed towards people you have inferiority syndrome with. Nietzsche has explained this psychopathology where the Northern folk fights the Southern folk, and you should see it's from the enemy of all of us.

After this, don't forget to thank us for teaching you Architecture and numerous other disciplines or math so you can count your sheep or astronomy, and why you have a theater and other things in your pretty recently developed Nation.

I am sure you are not versed on any of these at all and you are busy going only to bars, to "compete" with other people in this manner, but maybe this comment will enlighten you to do better things to bring your Aryan nature out, instead of being a divisive cattle.

The Southern Europe is actually the barrier against all the hordes, while you calmly sit there and you pretend of superiority. We face the dangers everyday, you sit there and you make tea and botanical herb teas, thinking you are safe and superior. I want to see that superiority now when everyone is going to rise against us collectively, not by belittling "Greeks" in bars. Further thank you for instating policies of bringing the hordes inside Europe without any form of war, legally and wholly.

All these peoples of Eastern, Southern Europe, are actually facing dangers, while you sit in your sauna and think you are very superior. You had not had any enemies for a long time, as you are pretty comfortable in your unholy alliance with the jews for a long time.

What they declare of you is that you bring half your population of invaders, to the point you are swarmed, but thank you for actually fighting for your volk at the bar, it means a lot. That time however is running out and you will see that bringing tens of millions of these in your Nations and instating policy so we do it too, is at nobody's net benefit.

Learn also that undervaluing your own racial family, whether distant, or perceived as inferior, is not something to decide when you go with hoes at the bar, nor it's really going to help your long-term evolution, nor it's going to stop the fact that currently the betrayal rate of European women is at the highest. It's you changing and seeing the Truth that can actually do anything in that regard, growing appreciation and understanding.

Thankfully likes of you represent the smallest minority in the North, where the real intelligent people will understand that we are all one force and must remain such, despite of pitfalls of existence.

Wish you well in that journey of understanding.

Your ancestors were taking some of
Hitler would disagree with you on that one. When he was asked about this situation, he responded that Germanics don't have any fundamentally deep history either, and called Himself a "Hellene". Hitler declared Greeks as Aryans, in particular because of their fighting spirit when he confronted them. Hermann Goering, the second man in command of Hitler, had married a Greek woman. I could cite examples for you until the end of time here.

He never seen an army so under-geared and so powerful in all his conquests of Europe. Meanwhile, many "White Warrior Folk" of the North simply bent over and gave their country without recourse to them. Indeed, we also have fought many invasions and still survive to this day, over examples of which you don't have historically as many as we do. High value in the world, brings high struggles.

Jews cite Greeks, Egyptians and other as the top folk that opposed them, which of course, means all Whites including you.

These divisions and discords you seek to create are inconsistent with reality, you are trying to divide White folk and it's sub-categories only to feel superior, meanwhile, you admit that you fell for the beauty of a White Mediterranean woman, of course.

Many European folk of the North are also asiatic mixes, which have arose from the fact that Genghis Khan invaded Europe, but that is many generations back and does not make you less White. The same situation of conquest has occurred in other places, with people remaining still strongly white regardless. This nonsense you speak about can be applied at any moment towards any most valuable member of the White race, which is what you do best.

Invasion policies in Europe right now are harbored mostly by Northern European countries.

It took real Aryans and the "non pure" Slavs to free you from this predicament of Geghis Khan or Muslim invasion, which you never seem to take into account, because you think you are great without any fundamental proofs for this. The last Great Men of your folk tried to turn this situation around, you folks are busy trying to prove superior on anyone else clearly and evidently on par with you, as Tayid the Arab walks out the club with your wives.

Needless to say the response you give is far from any superior race response, or an Aryan response. As the same thing is happening now to most "Northern Folk" with replacement, it would be wise to not create pointless infighting, because you will be what you blame soon, and you already are this.

Blacks steal your own wives on the daily, but I don't see you going for these ones, you are interested in the women whom you blame, because they are White and you are attracted to them, aren't you? Even on a personal level you are an inconsistent liar and pretender.

Go get a Swedish woman or some woman of your folk, to continue the race of yours which is currently committing highest betrayal rate than any other. That will help far more than inflammatory comments which are directed towards people you have inferiority syndrome with. Nietzsche has explained this psychopathology where the Northern folk fights the Southern folk, and you should see it's from the enemy of all of us.

After this, don't forget to thank us for teaching you Architecture and numerous other disciplines or math so you can count your sheep or astronomy, and why you have a theater and other things in your pretty recently developed Nation.

I am sure you are not versed on any of these at all and you are busy going only to bars, to "compete" with other people in this manner, but maybe this comment will enlighten you to do better things to bring your Aryan nature out, instead of being a divisive cattle.

The Southern Europe is actually the barrier against all the hordes, while you calmly sit there and you pretend of superiority. We face the dangers everyday, you sit there and you make tea and botanical herb teas, thinking you are safe and superior. I want to see that superiority now when everyone is going to rise against us collectively, not by belittling "Greeks" in bars. Further thank you for instating policies of bringing the hordes inside Europe without any form of war, legally and wholly.

All these peoples of Eastern, Southern Europe, are actually facing dangers, while you sit in your sauna and think you are very superior. You had not had any enemies for a long time, as you are pretty comfortable in your unholy alliance with the jews for a long time.

What they declare of you is that you bring half your population of invaders, to the point you are swarmed, but thank you for actually fighting for your volk at the bar, it means a lot. That time however is running out and you will see that bringing tens of millions of these in your Nations and instating policy so we do it too, is at nobody's net benefit.

Learn also that undervaluing your own racial family, whether distant, or perceived as inferior, is not something to decide when you go with hoes at the bar, nor it's really going to help your long-term evolution, nor it's going to stop the fact that currently the betrayal rate of European women is at the highest. It's you changing and seeing the Truth that can actually do anything in that regard, growing appreciation and understanding.

Thankfully likes of you represent the smallest minority in the North, where the real intelligent people will understand that we are all one force and must remain such, despite of pitfalls of existence.

Wish you well in that journey of understanding.

Muh dick big.
If you talk and behave like a nigger, having Germanic appearance means nothing.

It is pretty bizarre why racial betrayal seems to be rampant there for some reason. Correct me if I'm wrong but it wasn't kikes who forced their way with christardanity in Scandinavia, it was king Harald accepting the bribery with help of the Jomsvikings who decided it was a cool thing to destroy their fellow Norse Pagans and replace it with jeebus worship. Unlike Greece that is near the Middle East and had been infiltrated by subversive kikes and were doing warfare from within, Scandinavia didn't have any of that yet for some reason Vikings went YOLO and decide to genocide their good Pagans by destroying their own culture like what the fuck.

Literally I have more masculinity than you bitch lmfao, get bitched for your masculinity sissy. Oh yeah go flex your bicep for me and look back at my picture. I chased race mixers down the street and roundhoused another one, punched a shitskin in the back of the head. What do you do when you see one on the streets pussy? I’d slay your little boy pussy.
When did genghis khan conquer Scandinavia or Germany?
^^if you’re Greek
Aryan is not so much a genetic thing, it never was. Neither the National Socialists, who were the fist to really classify the genetic differences between different groups of people, nor others really propagated this thing, as that is not how the word Aryan correlates.

The Aryan race in history is a mythical Race purported to originate from the Gods, who went around Earth enlightening people, these Aryan's had characteristics of white people, and thus in history they are written down as white and the term Aryan is then later picked up to conflate this as a racial term. However, more so than being related to race, this term is related to the capacity of a person to be spiritually advanced and civilized, it is traditionally used as a title for the advanced person, the conflation with race was made much later, not even by National Socialists, but by others, in order to belittle this term and destroy its meaning.

Looking at the people who would be referred as Aryan today based on the faulty racial interpretation, how many are worthy of this term when taken in its true meaning? I can tell you, almost no one is.

The Mythical Aryan's who enlightened the people of Earth and granted the spiritual knowledge to the Earth are of a completely different existential level than any people alive today. The ancients knew this, and this term was not used to refer solely to race, but to the capacity of people to be Aryan, to be like the Mythical Aryan's of the ancient past.

This genetic root you speak of has little meaning in reality, as even if it can be found and proven that these genes are hereditary genes inherited from the Ancient Mythical Aryan's, these don't mean anything if the person carrying them has none of the qualities to be Aryan besides their fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes.

Genetics matter to the extend that knowing of them allows the prevention of race mixing, however genetics are meaningless when taken to this context. Reality is that the majority of people have little of the higher civilized qualities which would be worthy of such titles as Aryan or Hellene.

Führer Adolf Hitler was certainly worthy of them, as were many of the highest ranking members of the NSDAP, who were advanced souls that reincarnated at that time with the mission to prevent the absolute societal collapse under the threat of communism and other entropic forces. Most others, they are ignorant of such qualities, and far away from them, wanting only to take this mantle in order to justify and affirm a false superiorety in themselves over others where, based not on merit, but only on a name.

These titles lose their value when used as such, as anyone can be Aryan, or anyone can be Hellene, and as such the title has lost its meaning and the purpose is lost, then later any semblance of what is truly Aryan is completely gone, exactly as the jews intent. We must not be ignorant in its usage as others are.
your gods aren’t real fuckin nerd, they originated in Jewish fairy tales about demons trying to enslave your soul and force you into subservience. You’re delusional. I’d slit my arteries if I was you.
really cuck? All I’m seeing is white Nordic women walking down the street with white children with blonde hair
Maybe I’m just more attractive than you when I see you talking about BNWO on your forum. You’re a weak low testosterone cuck.

you will never be white aryan little Greek faggot that’s why your women already turned on you with that Turkish cock

your gods aren’t real fuckin nerd, they originated in Jewish fairy tales about demons trying to enslave your soul and force you into subservience. You’re delusional. I’d slit my arteries if I was you.

For someone who claims to be a man, you sure bark like a little dog, up the wrong tree as well.

Go taut your big masculine dick to the jews and spit in their faces how masculine you are, rather than try and make enemies of the only people who give a damn about your race and people in this world. Or go become a person of value who can be in office and have their voice heard regarding the immigrant desecration of Europe and numerous other issues, of the Germany you are so proud of.

Of course you won't, because you are a worthless little man. If you are white, you truly are an embarrassment among our people. What a joke.
When I was a moderator in a gaming website forum over 15 years ago I closed these kinds of inflammatory topics right away and banned the user account. At first for three to seven days. If it continued, then for longer and longer. I really do not agree with giving any attention to these lowlives.
When I was a moderator in a gaming website forum over 15 years ago I closed these kinds of inflammatory topics right away and banned the user account. At first for three to seven days. If it continued, then for longer and longer. I really do not agree with giving any attention to these lowlives.

Because the state of people in some places literally is this low, where people truly believe such thinking is normal, we do need to be capable of rectifying such idiocy, and not merely ban it on the spot in order to bury it. A refutation and appeal to Truth and logic needed. If we cannot even show that, then what does that make us?

However, rest assured, as you know from the past, these things do get banned sooner or later, when they ramble on with meaningless insults, likely because they are jews to begin with just trying to stir something because they have nothing worthwhile to do in their life.

You can also get a good laugh from it as well.
Because the state of people in some places literally is this low, where people truly believe such thinking is normal, we do need to be capable of rectifying such idiocy, and not merely ban it on the spot in order to bury it. A refutation and appeal to Truth and logic needed. If we cannot even show that, then what does that make us?

However, rest assured, as you know from the past, these things do get banned sooner or later, when they ramble on with meaningless insults, likely because they are jews to begin with just trying to stir something because they have nothing worthwhile to do in their life.

You can also get a good laugh from it as well.
I knew you’d like a good laugh brother. Can’t I say I can’t relate. But still business beckons us to our spiritual journey, so off I go.
A refutation and appeal to Truth and logic needed. If we cannot even show that, then what does that make us?
I believe what Hooded Cobra replied would have been more than enough to clarify all that needed to be clarified about the issue. When I saw other replies after his initial reply I knew it was going to be another case of circus.

It looks very much that OP has bad intentions going beyond being programmed a certain way. And if not, it does not change the above anyway.
you will never be white aryan little Greek faggot that’s why your women already turned on you with that Turkish cock

Not everyone is meant to be from the supreme master race where you don't even know how to type brother, that's fine. I respect your deficiencies you should respect mine, these are basic lessons in mutual European care and self respect. May your haplogroup be with you, R1a.

However seeing the hope in that you observe a lot of strollers with our people in them, I am very happy about that. Go make a large family and may you carry a lot of strollers yourself, even with the Greek woman you like so much.

Literally I have more masculinity than you bitch lmfao, get bitched for your masculinity sissy. Oh yeah go flex your bicep for me and look back at my picture. I chased race mixers down the street and roundhoused another one, punched a shitskin in the back of the head. What do you do when you see one on the streets pussy? I’d slay your little boy pussy.
When did genghis khan conquer Scandinavia or Germany?

Congratulations for your great achievements for your race.

Ok, now, R1a haplogroup specimen of the master race, now use the literature we taught you to go read a book. That will enlighten you more than you wasting our time with pointless conversations about you chasing people and being infatuated with Greek women.

Don't read these long history books because they will illustrate you as a dwarf compared to everyone else in Europe, that might make trigger more inferiority rage against anyone but that won't save your people or anyone in Europe who is your racial cousin, nor your Greek wife that you are infatuated with.

I'll be back to doing great things for your racially traitorous haplogroup [Not you of course, R1a] or whatever in the meantime, be well incarnate club going and boose drinking Viking.

If you see me in a club don't try to attack me chances are it might not end well for you, unless you plan to smack me on the back of the head like a pussy that you do in the fights you describe. Then my army of Mediterranean [Non Aryan half arab rape offspring worthless short skinny mongreloids] that are not spartan and are midgets are going to take you down.
Not everyone is meant to be from the supreme master race where you don't even know how to type brother, that's fine. I respect your deficiencies you should respect mine, these are basic lessons in mutual European care and self respect. May your haplogroup be with you, R1a.

However seeing the hope in that you observe a lot of strollers with our people in them, I am very happy about that. Go make a large family and may you carry a lot of strollers yourself, even with the Greek woman you like so much.

Congratulations for your great achievements for your race.

Ok, now, R1a haplogroup specimen of the master race, now use the literature we taught you to go read a book. That will enlighten you more than you wasting our time with pointless conversations about you chasing people and being infatuated with Greek women.

Don't read these long history books because they will illustrate you as a dwarf compared to everyone else in Europe, that might make trigger more inferiority rage against anyone but that won't save your people or anyone in Europe who is your racial cousin, nor your Greek wife that you are infatuated with.

I'll be back to doing great things for your racially traitorous haplogroup [Not you of course, R1a] or whatever in the meantime, be well incarnate club going and boose drinking Viking.

If you see me in a club don't try to attack me chances are it might not end well for you, unless you plan to smack me on the back of the head like a pussy that you do in the fights you describe. Then my army of Mediterranean [Non Aryan half arab rape offspring worthless short skinny mongreloids] that are not spartan and are midgets are going to take you down.
Drop address pussy boi
I train mma to fuck up pussies like you skinny little twat. A fight with you and I would end with you on the ground getting your eyes pummeled and caved in little pussy boy.

It's not MMA to hit other baboons in the head behind their back R1a, do I have to teach you anything?

Now I have to leave you to your own, I am not your dad. Because if I was your dad you would have something better in that R1a haplogroup of yours.

Be well and don't beat every other monkey you see on the street, master specimen.
Germanic men are stronger taller and more masculine, worlds strongest man. Czechians and Dutch have the biggest dicks in Europe.

This one time I kept stealing a Mediterranean man’s girls and he slit his wrists because he wasn’t as attractive as me and my Anglo friend LMFAOOO Germanic bulls win again.

Don’t try and be a pretty boy when my ancestors fucked yours up weak bitch. Makes you inferior to me. Whatchu got to be proud of pussy boi? Being a short ass Manlet?
I’d knock your ass out.

If you’re greek your ancestors got raped by the Turks and replaced, called the Greek genocide, if you’re a Kike you just aren’t white. Moors fucked Iberians out of existence, Spanish civil war caused moorish Spaniards to migrate to France.

Btw you’re not Aryan dumb fuck and you never will be. Corded ware was Germanic that’s why we’re taller and stronger.

White power 0/
So much ego got into you.

Talking about dicks and stealing other mans woman thats kinda disrespectful

“i’d kNoCk YoUr ASs OuT” i bet you scared shitless when someone comes to your size,

So acting all that through the internet thats kinda funny and cringe

Just saying.
Honestly it looks like this is a mockup account from the usual suspects to make people who are supposedly "for white people" to appear retarded, there is almost no way this is actually real.
Germanic men are stronger taller and more masculine, worlds strongest man. Czechians and Dutch have the biggest dicks in Europe.

This one time I kept stealing a Mediterranean man’s girls and he slit his wrists because he wasn’t as attractive as me and my Anglo friend LMFAOOO Germanic bulls win again.

Don’t try and be a pretty boy when my ancestors fucked yours up weak bitch. Makes you inferior to me. Whatchu got to be proud of pussy boi? Being a short ass Manlet?
I’d knock your ass out.

If you’re greek your ancestors got raped by the Turks and replaced, called the Greek genocide, if you’re a Kike you just aren’t white. Moors fucked Iberians out of existence, Spanish civil war caused moorish Spaniards to migrate to France.

Btw you’re not Aryan dumb fuck and you never will be. Corded ware was Germanic that’s why we’re taller and stronger.

White power 0/
You express yourself like a black gangster
I train mma to fuck up pussies like you skinny little twat. A fight with you and I would end with you on the ground getting your eyes pummeled and caved in little pussy boy.
I bet this is that chrisfur guy from GAB that sent me a death threat one time. What a useless POS
Drop address pussy boi

We all know who his (((beloved people))) are, therefore this doesn't need any explanation. Amusing are the choice of words here, since they are so degenerate and obvious, however it is not enough to make me laugh; they haven't tried enough as it seems.

I'd prefer to ban you immediately rather than let you type more if I had moderator permissions here. Masculinity is nothing like you portray, and stating that you are doesn't make you masculine. You lack masculinity completely. However you are the embodiment of Jewish "masculinity".

Interesting how this degenerate is trying to attack HPHC, and this type of styling is common amongst trolls. Haven't there been similar cases such as "BehemothWarrior666"? With the choice of words, probably another one who thinks that being of a different sexuality is inhuman, and likes watching gore and doing other Jewish shit amongst having the Abrahamic thinking. Case closed, this is an obvious jewish troll.

Nevertheless, this has no impact on anyone. The motive behind these efforts to troll remains unclear to me. If anything, it contributes to my cognitive processes, aids in the development of coherent sentences, and serves as a valuable mental exercise for both myself and potentially others in this context.
Masculinity is nothing like you portray, and stating that you are doesn't make you masculine. You lack masculinity completely. However you are the embodiment of Jewish "masculinity".
There is a term for this behavior and it is "wigger".
Lol.. a lot of men these days seem to have this kind of attitude..🤔
Hahaha..🤣 I don't know why? But I find it very defensive, I don't know how? Girls find this sexy these days? Makes me feel lucky and blessed that I'm from the old school. Were guys in my generation open up a car door for a girl and help the girl with her books on the way home from school, and showed character and dignity and have respect. And didn't talk like a junkyard Junkie. I don't know what it is about Guys these days? But they seem more and more like little boys in a big body. And this gangster wigger shit is not attractive. I find it very childish and immature. 😂🤣🙄
Maybe I’m just more attractive than you when I see you talking about BNWO on your forum.
You're literally the only one talking about that. In fact, you made many accounts to talk about that, like 6The6One6 and TheOneLuciftias and Kwashiblahblah (some long word nobody knows what it) where you bragged about how black males are better. Funny how you pretend to be pro-White in some accounts and anti-White in others while posting literally the same thing. Which is it? Are you a black supremacist troll pretending to be pro-White, because it looks like that. Only black supremacists on Twitter claim that White women prefer blacks, no pro-White person ever claimed that.

Yes, all of them are the same person, you. Just like you made an "ArchangelMichael" account and asked "Nazis" to "fight you" in real life and fedposted just like you're fedposting on this one.

It's all so transparent.
You're literally the only one talking about that. In fact, you made many accounts to talk about that, like 6The6One6 and TheOneLuciftias and Kwashiblahblah (some long word nobody knows what it) where you bragged about how black males are better. Funny how you pretend to be pro-White in some accounts and anti-White in others while posting literally the same thing. Which is it? Are you a black supremacist troll pretending to be pro-White, because it looks like that. Only black supremacists on Twitter claim that White women prefer blacks, no pro-White person ever claimed that.

Yes, all of them are the same person, you. Just like you made an "ArchangelMichael" account and asked "Nazis" to "fight you" in real life and fedposted just like you're fedposting on this one.

It's all so transparent.

Brother, he was banned months ago. Don't give your attention to baboons, especially ones that insulted everyone here and more.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
