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Ol argedco luciftias said:
Fascist Pagan said:
Trust me, I can smell your reptilian neuroticism all the way from here...

It’s called mercurial dominance astrologically… Wouldn’t you know
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Fascist Pagan said:
And who are you? Shannon has been here for years, you've been here for only a few days, so who's the one who really has to learn their place? It's not Shannon.

What do those links go to in his signiture? I'm not going to click them because they might go somewhere bad, but I have seen links looking very similar to those in comments written by russian-language bot accounts.

And "fascist pagan" for a name, like a projection of what you think we are and what you think would help you blend in. Very sterile and robotic sounding name. The leftists always accuse everybody to be fascists, but it is the left themselves who are the true fascists. Antifa is the perfect example, stands for anti-fascist, but Antifa are actually the worst ones themselves, antifa are the ones using mob riots and intimidation to try to shut down all opposing opinions. We are not about fascism here in any form, Mussolini was dumb and did a lot of mistakes.

Nazis were clerical fascists. The used the name national Socialism to appeal to the working class because of the in indoctrination wide spread by Karl Marx. Yes they had a lot of socialized features, but they were fascist. That’s just the way it is.. I’ve been with the Joy of Satan for years. This account is just a new. Come out guns blazing rather than in a mature place of inquiry. Relax
Shael said:
Fascist Pagan said:
Know your place please like I know my own.
You are just a shitty troll, so if you truly knew your place you would keep your mouth shut and go back to 4chan where you belong.

Shannon has been here as a HPS for many years and accomplished more than your pathetic existence could ever hope to.

Maybe you should ask more questions and make less statements, that would be more mature. I spam a lot. I’m not questioning her character, everyone just needs a reality check. I suppose before personalities. If you didn’t see how rude that was then you need to check your own etiquette standards. It’s fucking ironic how people on this forum just lash out. I wasn’t lashing out at Shannon, I sternly yet tactfully let her know my opinion. I don’t fuck with Fortune. Twitter is the domain that I prefer. I’ve been with the joy of Satan, I’ve been touched by a demon, I have seen Satan twice… I‘m no Jew and I’m no troll. Are usually just stay quiet and read on here. There is so much mental illness attracted to this forum because it’s a fringe far right group. Maybe try some DBT, OK.
No, they were not. Fascism is a name given to Mussolini's ideology which is statism and places the state above everything. Fascism doesn't care about race at all, it's civic nationalism. While Hitler said that the state is just a means to an end, and the most important thing is race.

Fascist Pagan said:
Nazis were clerical fascists. The used the name national Socialism to appeal to the working class because of the in indoctrination wide spread by Karl Marx. Yes they had a lot of socialized features, but they were fascist. That’s just the way it is.. I’ve been with the Joy of Satan for years. This account is just a new. Come out guns blazing rather than in a mature place of inquiry. Relax
National Socialists were not fascists. National Socialism is far more related to the concept and the existence of the Race, while Fascism is mostly focused on what we call as "Ultranationalism", and disregards many important aspects of National Socialism. Fundamentally, these are very close, but there are defining lines which make National Socialism higher.

In National Socialist thought even the "State" is just a manifestation of the collective of the people based on race, and that's why it has any importance. The state on it's own end means nothing if it doesn't take care of the people or help them survive on the racial basis. Fascism can be applied in any "Ultranationalist" ideal, where the main objective is to promote what people call the State.

Social policy in the National Socialist party had to do with the race and taking care of your own people for improvement, not just creating idle and disabled open mouths that feed from the State, and not idle ideological grounds of merely doing it to "Follow an ideology". It was based on the realism of taking care of your race. Instead of bolstering weakness and disability as "Socialism" intends to do today, and in complete opposition to the racial blindness factor, it did the exact reverse. NS to Socialism is what proper Satanic charity is to Jewish charity. They are totally antithetic in their essence, aims, ways of execution, and the title is only a random overlap.

I understand what you mean by the statement but it requires less observation through the glasses and more through the microscope, there are many similarities, but also very important differences.

Regardless the Duce had a good ideology for the time and it would be more than enough to help Italy and restore it to glory, and the wave of the racial improvement and human improvement aspect was only getting born back then, with few countries applying these principles by "name". There weren't like tens of millions of non Italians in Italy back then, so "Statism" made sense even from a racial perspective. Most applied these without naming these as racial principles. Mussolini did not in particular take much interest in racial aspects fundamentally however.

Fascism is a word that has now lost content due to poor understanding of the term, and is mostly related to just far right stuff and other related poorly understood ideals.

In regards to your feedback, even if it had a point, it was miscommunication. This created what you saw. Also, Mercury Retrograde helps in misunderstandings.

Fascist Pagan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Fascist Pagan said:
And who are you? Shannon has been here for years, you've been here for only a few days, so who's the one who really has to learn their place? It's not Shannon.

What do those links go to in his signiture? I'm not going to click them because they might go somewhere bad, but I have seen links looking very similar to those in comments written by russian-language bot accounts.

And "fascist pagan" for a name, like a projection of what you think we are and what you think would help you blend in. Very sterile and robotic sounding name. The leftists always accuse everybody to be fascists, but it is the left themselves who are the true fascists. Antifa is the perfect example, stands for anti-fascist, but Antifa are actually the worst ones themselves, antifa are the ones using mob riots and intimidation to try to shut down all opposing opinions. We are not about fascism here in any form, Mussolini was dumb and did a lot of mistakes.

Nazis were clerical fascists. The used the name national Socialism to appeal to the working class because of the in indoctrination wide spread by Karl Marx. Yes they had a lot of socialized features, but they were fascist. That’s just the way it is.. I’ve been with the Joy of Satan for years. This account is just a new. Come out guns blazing rather than in a mature place of inquiry. Relax
Aquarius said:
HPS Shannon said:
HPS Shannon said:
@Black5, from our conversations in the past, it appears alot of things went over your head.

Aside from what Maxine said, I understand but with you, you obviously dont know enough about vaccines because if you did, you wouldn't so ignorantly be saying that I am VERY wrong.

Dont be so intellectually dishonest. The very real dangers of vaccines are very real.

@Black5, and before you repeat yourself like a broken record, how about you use that brain of yours to study what is in vaccines and how much disease it causes before opposing my post. Dont be so oblivious. You are free to stick as much mystery chemicals into yourself as you like.
I don't know if it's just a case but I noticed a lot of arrogance from doctors or medical students only because they are studying medicine, they're like:"I'm studying medicine, I obviously know more than you!" But the reality is that they believe anything they study or get told by other doctors so they're more brainwashed than others.
I noticed this in people that have decrees in history.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I also want to add here, I usually don't write of such personal things, but more than one attempt on my life, and my husband's as well has been made of late.

Satan protects us, but my point in revealing this blatantly shows just how much the Jews want to shut us up.

This forum is one of the few that by the Grace of Satan is still up and running.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Love to you both husband and HPS

Without you and the other HPS I wouldnt be advanced in life,

Thank you

and always safety first alot of morons out there want to make a name for themselves hopefully its just noise,

Over here its called an Osman warning pal got one last year not very nice.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
National Socialists were not fascists. National Socialism is far more related to the concept and the existence of the Race, while Fascism is mostly focused on what we call as "Ultranationalism", and disregards many important aspects of National Socialism. Fundamentally, these are very close, but there are defining lines which make National Socialism higher.

In National Socialist thought even the "State" is just a manifestation of the collective of the people based on race, and that's why it has any importance. The state on it's own end means nothing if it doesn't take care of the people or help them survive on the racial basis. Fascism can be applied in any "Ultranationalist" ideal, where the main objective is to promote what people call the State.

Social policy in the National Socialist party had to do with the race and taking care of your own people for improvement, not just creating idle and disabled open mouths that feed from the State, and not idle ideological grounds of merely doing it to "Follow an ideology". It was based on the realism of taking care of your race. Instead of bolstering weakness and disability as "Socialism" intends to do today, and in complete opposition to the racial blindness factor, it did the exact reverse. NS to Socialism is what proper Satanic charity is to Jewish charity. They are totally antithetic in their essence, aims, ways of execution, and the title is only a random overlap.

I understand what you mean by the statement but it requires less observation through the glasses and more through the microscope, there are many similarities, but also very important differences.

Regardless the Duce had a good ideology for the time and it would be more than enough to help Italy and restore it to glory, and the wave of the racial improvement and human improvement aspect was only getting born back then, with few countries applying these principles by "name". There weren't like tens of millions of non Italians in Italy back then, so "Statism" made sense even from a racial perspective. Most applied these without naming these as racial principles. Mussolini did not in particular take much interest in racial aspects fundamentally however.

Fascism is a word that has now lost content due to poor understanding of the term, and is mostly related to just far right stuff and other related poorly understood ideals.

In regards to your feedback, even if it had a point, it was miscommunication. This created what you saw. Also, Mercury Retrograde helps in misunderstandings.

Fascist Pagan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And who are you? Shannon has been here for years, you've been here for only a few days, so who's the one who really has to learn their place? It's not Shannon.

What do those links go to in his signiture? I'm not going to click them because they might go somewhere bad, but I have seen links looking very similar to those in comments written by russian-language bot accounts.

And "fascist pagan" for a name, like a projection of what you think we are and what you think would help you blend in. Very sterile and robotic sounding name. The leftists always accuse everybody to be fascists, but it is the left themselves who are the true fascists. Antifa is the perfect example, stands for anti-fascist, but Antifa are actually the worst ones themselves, antifa are the ones using mob riots and intimidation to try to shut down all opposing opinions. We are not about fascism here in any form, Mussolini was dumb and did a lot of mistakes.

Nazis were clerical fascists. The used the name national Socialism to appeal to the working class because of the in indoctrination wide spread by Karl Marx. Yes they had a lot of socialized features, but they were fascist. That’s just the way it is.. I’ve been with the Joy of Satan for years. This account is just a new. Come out guns blazing rather than in a mature place of inquiry. Relax

Oh this is great insight thank you Commander!
I’ll have to make another profile now
Shrekelstein said:
No, they were not. Fascism is a name given to Mussolini's ideology which is statism and places the state above everything. Fascism doesn't care about race at all, it's civic nationalism. While Hitler said that the state is just a means to an end, and the most important thing is race.

Fascist Pagan said:
Nazis were clerical fascists. The used the name national Socialism to appeal to the working class because of the in indoctrination wide spread by Karl Marx. Yes they had a lot of socialized features, but they were fascist. That’s just the way it is.. I’ve been with the Joy of Satan for years. This account is just a new. Come out guns blazing rather than in a mature place of inquiry. Relax

I stand corrected thanks!
EnkiUK3 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Fascist Pagan said:
Trust me, I can smell your reptilian neuroticism all the way from here...

Defo an infiltrator

Maybe do a little more inquiry mate, you just seem foolish to accuse anyone who goes again the the grain a bit. Whatever helps you feel better about being in the group I guess. That one’s on you. It’s way too easy just to play the Jew card on someone. It’s like a liberal who doesn’t want to contend with a conservative so they just call them evil.It’s like you guys just had to throw that little comment in there to feel better. I’ve been doing RTRs for years And I’ve had interactions with the gods. Wipe off your smug smirk with all due* respect, we are in this together fam.
Fascist Pagan said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Trust me, I can smell your reptilian neuroticism all the way from here...

Defo an infiltrator

Maybe do a little more inquiry mate, you just seem foolish to accuse anyone who goes again the the grain a bit. Whatever helps you feel better about being in the group I guess. That one’s on you. It’s way too easy just to play the Jew card on someone. It’s like a liberal who doesn’t want to contend with a conservative so they just call them evil.It’s like you guys just had to throw that little comment in there to feel better. I’ve been doing RTRs for years And I’ve had interactions with the gods. Wipe off your smug smirk with all due* respect, we are in this together fam.

Nae Bother big yin
Relax dude it's alright. It was seen what happened there. No need to worry. Mercury is also retrograde.

Fascist Pagan said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Trust me, I can smell your reptilian neuroticism all the way from here...

Defo an infiltrator

Maybe do a little more inquiry mate, you just seem foolish to accuse anyone who goes again the the grain a bit. Whatever helps you feel better about being in the group I guess. That one’s on you. It’s way too easy just to play the Jew card on someone. It’s like a liberal who doesn’t want to contend with a conservative so they just call them evil.It’s like you guys just had to throw that little comment in there to feel better. I’ve been doing RTRs for years And I’ve had interactions with the gods. Wipe off your smug smirk with all due* respect, we are in this together fam.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Relax dude it's alright. It was seen what happened there. No need to worry. Mercury is also retrograde.

Fascist Pagan said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Defo an infiltrator

Maybe do a little more inquiry mate, you just seem foolish to accuse anyone who goes again the the grain a bit. Whatever helps you feel better about being in the group I guess. That one’s on you. It’s way too easy just to play the Jew card on someone. It’s like a liberal who doesn’t want to contend with a conservative so they just call them evil.It’s like you guys just had to throw that little comment in there to feel better. I’ve been doing RTRs for years And I’ve had interactions with the gods. Wipe off your smug smirk with all due* respect, we are in this together fam.

Ok will do sieg heil
EnkiUK3 said:
Fascist Pagan said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Defo an infiltrator

Maybe do a little more inquiry mate, you just seem foolish to accuse anyone who goes again the the grain a bit. Whatever helps you feel better about being in the group I guess. That one’s on you. It’s way too easy just to play the Jew card on someone. It’s like a liberal who doesn’t want to contend with a conservative so they just call them evil.It’s like you guys just had to throw that little comment in there to feel better. I’ve been doing RTRs for years And I’ve had interactions with the gods. Wipe off your smug smirk with all due* respect, we are in this together fam.

Nae Bother big yin

Fascist Pagan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Fascist Pagan said:
And who are you? Shannon has been here for years, you've been here for only a few days, so who's the one who really has to learn their place? It's not Shannon.

What do those links go to in his signiture? I'm not going to click them because they might go somewhere bad, but I have seen links looking very similar to those in comments written by russian-language bot accounts.

And "fascist pagan" for a name, like a projection of what you think we are and what you think would help you blend in. Very sterile and robotic sounding name. The leftists always accuse everybody to be fascists, but it is the left themselves who are the true fascists. Antifa is the perfect example, stands for anti-fascist, but Antifa are actually the worst ones themselves, antifa are the ones using mob riots and intimidation to try to shut down all opposing opinions. We are not about fascism here in any form, Mussolini was dumb and did a lot of mistakes.

Nazis were clerical fascists. The used the name national Socialism to appeal to the working class because of the in indoctrination wide spread by Karl Marx. Yes they had a lot of socialized features, but they were fascist. That’s just the way it is.. I’ve been with the Joy of Satan for years. This account is just a new. Come out guns blazing rather than in a mature place of inquiry. Relax

You know what, I stand corrected on that and I shouldn’t have said anything. I actually came on here kind of guns blazing without having contributed to other posts beforehand. I am a sensitive individual and if I don’t want to cause any more strife. It’s not even cool that I’m stirring the pot this much. I totally understand where you are coming from so please excuse me.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Fascist Pagan said:
Trust me, I can smell your reptilian neuroticism all the way from here...

Please excuse all of my replies, I shouldn’t be stirring the pot here and causing any more arguments. I totally understand your position and I’m just going to back down. I have no reason to feed the fire with arguments on here. I wish you all the best.
Fascist Pagan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Fascist Pagan said:
Trust me, I can smell your reptilian neuroticism all the way from here...

Please excuse all of my replies, I shouldn’t be stirring the pot here and causing any more arguments. I totally understand your position and I’m just going to back down. I have no reason to feed the fire with arguments on here. I wish you all the best.
Well maybe I was wrong, sometimes I am. If you are a good person, then stay.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Fascist Pagan said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Trust me, I can smell your reptilian neuroticism all the way from here...

Please excuse all of my replies, I shouldn’t be stirring the pot here and causing any more arguments. I totally understand your position and I’m just going to back down. I have no reason to feed the fire with arguments on here. I wish you all the best.

I kind of made an ass of myself, Mercury retrograde is helping me not be a hypocrite. Thank you fam.
Well maybe I was wrong, sometimes I am. If you are a good person, then stay.
I have been here since 2016 ( I had another nickname) and I have never seen such a war between HPs and other people, who has got opposite opinion, It is very sad to watch


- Vitamin C: 1000mg per day minimum. Not too exceed 3000mg per day. Start with 500mg first few days then upgrade.

VITAMIN D: 1000mg. No need to exceed this amount per day. Keeps Vitamin A in check from causing cytokine storm, which in turn attacks the heart upon reinfection.

- Green tea: antioxidant, supplementing Vitamin C. Drink normally.

- Black tea: immunity enhancer. Drink normally.

Active Defense Checkpoint
At this point, upon confirmation
of infection, the following should be
undertaken (do not stop passive protection!)

- Choloroquine: a synthetic quinine used as an anti-malarial medication, inhibits replication

This is your first go to defense item

-CytoSorb: a cytokine absorbent that consists of polymer pellets with tiny micro pores that absorb excess cytokinos and prevents viral sepsis.

-Losartan and Telmisartan: angiotensin blockers to keep the virus away from ACE2 receptors. This is your second go to medicine to augment the first one, only if absolutely necessary

- Acetaminophen: antipyretic for mucus.

Bonus: Tylenol and Mucinex

- Guifenesan: third go to medicine. In case of coughing, to expel from lungs, not to keep it inside. Avoid suppressant medications.
If possible, augment work Mucinex and NAC.

Valacyclovir (Valtrex): Nuclear option. Used for HIV and common for herpes.



- Open all doors/handles with disposable alcoholic based tissue wipes
- Stop toying your face/eyes until hands wash or disenfected
-avoid crowds
- Coughing has 50 meter full spectrum infectivity capability, diarrhea fart gas up to 200 meters.
-Decon every time when coming from outside, wash clothes and full body shower.
I wanted to post my thoughts today before work and school. May I please start by saying I'm invoking Lucifer. I am going to use telepathic communication with Azazel. I use The Mark Of The Beast.
Nyan said:
Hey High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, can you answer a few questions about Spiritual Satanism for me.
What you should do is to go to joyofsatan.org and study for yourself. Read the material, including sermons, and then come back to ask questions.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
