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Mars, Phaeton And Earth

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Mars, Phaeton And Earth

A high level Soviet scientist who fled to the west reported the finds of a satellite the USSR sent into space to Mars that was kept top secret by the Soviet government. What the Soviets found was identical to the photographs from the American Viking spacecraft. Some of the photo's from the Soviet satellite have surfaced and show structures on the planet of Mars.

"A Soviet scientist who defected to the West claims that photographs taken by an orbiting satellite clearly show the ruined temples of a civilization on the planet Mars..

The 58 year old scientist was a high echelon member of an elite team that has worked together since 1961 when Vostok 1 carried Yuri A. Gagarin as the first man in space.

The photographs are computer enhanced and in full color. The detail they show is far beyond anything produced in America. And there is no mistaking what they reveal.

The city scanned by the satellite's camera is three times the size of Moscow and it is ringed by wide boulevards, one inside the other and linked together by smaller avenues, like the spokes of a cartwheel..

The temples most have been huge. Most are in ruins, as thought crumbled by a tremendous Marsquke. But some still support slate grey domes that measure two to four miles in diameter." [1]

In the 1970's two American journalists where allowed into the Soviet Union they interview a series of Soviet scientists including those dealing with matter of outer space. They were flat out told the Soviet scientists had established there was once a planet between Mar's and Jupiter they called "Phaeton" that had been destroyed and that by their finds this planet would have support life identical to earth. However the lead scientist had died suddenly and his work disappeared. However this fact has also been established by western scientist's as well.

What happen to Mars?

From reports of those who studied the photo's there is evidence the planet was subject to a massive war:

"I'd seen; in examining the City under the magnifying glass, I' d viewed direct evidence of melting and flow on the Main Pyramid within the City. In addition, there was the apparent massive destruction of much of the southeast direction of both that structure, and the equal puzzling "Fort" - and of forces which had, somehow, apparently completely vaporized [or blown off] the "roof" which must have originally covered up "the honeycomb!"

Then, there was the strategically placed "impact crater" in the south-eastern flank of the D&M pyramid, and the equally suspicious "domed uplift" distorting its geometry. Was this the work of kind of "rocket-borne explosive"- which had penetrated the interior of the pyramid, and then detonated leaving an exit "blow-hole" type crater, and sever internal structural deformation?"

I explore with [plasma physicist John Brandenburg] the kinds of craters a nuclear exchange would leave behind, and the "statistical anomalies " of so many craters on the objects of most interest like the Face and the D&M pyramid.

It was his suggestion that , if crater on this part of Mars were "artificial," there would be a way to tell because nuclear explosions [as opposed to meteor craters] would be shallower... On the other hand, he said.....If the crater produced in targets in the lab as part of the new space defense initiative tests where deep not unlike meteor craters themselves a direct result of the way they were produced: Exotic particle weapons "burying" their energy deep within the targets.

.The Xenon found on Mars, a nuclear by product not normally encountered naturally?
What Hoagland has clearly implied is that the Cydonia region shows every sign of having been deliberately targeted and destroyed in a war, a war that notably was fought not only with nuclear bombs. but exotic energy weaponry, weaponry recalling the plasma discharges of Anthony Peratt, and the ancient petroglyphs, Cydonia in other words, constitutes not strong prima fair evidence of a civilization on Mars, but also of a war, a cosmic war, that destroyed it."[2]

The Hebrew Torah states that their "God destroyed worlds" and there were other worlds before earth that where destroyed by "God" the top Jewish Rabbi's not just Laitman state the Jews came to this world from out there meaning extra terrestrial planets.

The physic's of current plasma weapons and science developed now was laded out in Farrell's own book on the subject "Cosmic War" proved that Phaeton could not have been destroyed by natural forces but by technology that includes the use of high energy beam weapons. Identical to the movie "Star Wars" with the "Death Star" that was used to destroy an entire planet. The strange thing is the Death Star was made to look like the as the evidence shows the artificial moon of Saturn, Iapetus, remember in the movie Star Wars the Death Star was also referenced as a moon by the main characters as they approached it.

Note the moon of Saturn which the evidence shows is artificial build, next to the Death Star from Star Wars:


It might be this possible artificial moon was a battle station used to destroy Phaeton? There is evidence of artificial moons around Mar's and our Moon is artificial and covered in structures as is the Mar's moon Phobos.

And what is found on Saturn is there are AI ships maintaining and building the rings around the planet. This was exposed by:

"Dr. Bergrun's ultra rare in which he reveals that NASA's Voyager I (1980) and II space-probes took photographs of an estimated 7000-mile-long elliptical (cigar-shaped) craft orbiting in the rings of Saturn."

What about earth?

Something to note:
"Sanskrit documents discovered by the Chinese at Lhasa are claimed to obtain direction for building interplanetary spaceships. Flight to the moon is mentioned. The Chinese had stated that certain of the data were being studied for the inclusion in their space program."[3]

The Tibetan civilization was found to have records of interplanetary flight as well as does China. The numerous Sanskrit texts of the "Vimana's" some of them stated to be able to travel into space. The Sanskrit and Sumerian texts mention the sky once being filled with the Vimana's as normal as planes flying our skies are today. Numerous finds from the Gobi to India to the Middle East show area's that where hit with atomic weapons this includes the finding of ancient skeletons in the Ganges region around Rajasthan that are fifty times above level of normal radio activity and numerous ruins in the Gobi and Ganges region that show the effects of Atomic weapons the sands of the Gobi are full of ancient glass that resemble the effects of Atomic warfare. The Tibetan texts mention a war in the Gobi region that caused the destruction of the area and the forced migration of the survivors further west into the Middle east and beyond to Europe as the race describe was Aryan Peoples. The Indian texts mention the use of Atomic weapons in the Ganges and Rajasthan regions.

The ancient Sanskrit texts talk about a inter galaxy war fought between the forces of the Deva's our Gods and the anti-Deva's the Reptilians whom the top Jewish Rabbi's called their Gods or the Elohim. It might well be many human on this earth are the descents of survivors who made it out of Phaeton and Mar's in time and came here. If one studies the physiology of Aryan People the plain fact is we didn't evolve on this planet. Is it we where genetically created on this planet by the Gods or is the reason we just sprang up also we came here from the other worlds we lived on. Or maybe both.

Dead Men's Secrets, Gray[1] [3]
The Cosmic War, Joseph P. Farrell [2]
Its interesting about the Gobi region as the Tibetans put a lot of emphasis on this area. Then you have the statements about the sunken land. It might be Mu was from the Gobi down though China to Japan into the Pacific regions. The megalithic structures in Japan date back to this period and the most highest number of ancient pyramids on earth on in the region of northern China.

The Aryans that lived in the Gobi region migrated across central Asia to Europe. The Taoist system seems to have been Vedic and they have Vedic Temples in China and Indo-China. The Easter Island script is the same as the ancient Indus Valley.

The Tibetans mentioned the building of underground cities and passage ways from the Gobi region everywhere.
How do we stop this cycle? Run out of planets?

Last inhabitants left on the last planet wins kind of thing?
StraitShot47 said:
How do we stop this cycle? Run out of planets?

Last inhabitants left on the last planet wins kind of thing?
As far as i know the God's have won the war out there. So there is probabily no risk of another nuclear war from the space.

Keep doing the Final Rtr, this is the way to stop it. If we have a new Golden age we will know and have the tecnology to defend ourself. We just need to get rid of some rats...and re-enstabilish Satans kindom.
The Cosmic War I think is one of the greatest books for all Satanists to read. Not only for all the interesting historical timeline and events it shows, but he describes so clearly the underlying physics of what we call magick. All our websites tell what to do, but Farrell shows what is actually being done and how it works. Not just Cosmic War either, all of Joseph Farrell's books have great information like this. Like Babylon's Banksters has clear explanation of how the science of Astrology has recently been discovered and proven through "modern science" methods, and most of his books talk a lot about the akasha plane that connects everything. Just he doesn't call it alasha or anything else how we would call it, but he still describes it a lot. People should read his books if they have the time, it makes what we do so much easier to understand physically. Not just following steps in a list or imagining what we think we have to imagine, but just knowing how things work.

I think the best 2 books to read to know about this history are this Cosmic War book, and also Frank Joseph's book The Lost Civilization of Lemuria. Please tell me if there's more books that I need. :D
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Cosmic War I think is one of the greatest books for all Satanists to read. Not only for all the interesting historical timeline and events it shows, but he describes so clearly the underlying physics of what we call magick. All our websites tell what to do, but Farrell shows what is actually being done and how it works. Not just Cosmic War either, all of Joseph Farrell's books have great information like this. Like Babylon's Banksters has clear explanation of how the science of Astrology has recently been discovered and proven through "modern science" methods, and most of his books talk a lot about the akasha plane that connects everything. Just he doesn't call it alasha or anything else how we would call it, but he still describes it a lot. People should read his books if they have the time, it makes what we do so much easier to understand physically. Not just following steps in a list or imagining what we think we have to imagine, but just knowing how things work.

I think the best 2 books to read to know about this history are this Cosmic War book, and also Frank Joseph's book The Lost Civilization of Lemuria. Please tell me if there's more books that I need. :D

Just be aware as there is huge amounts of disinformation into his work and/or interviews from one I skimmed through. He goes a bit too far to take all the myths and literalize them.
Farrell provided a lot of interesting information on the possibility of artificial moons for Saturn and Mar's. These might have been used as battle stations to protect the actual planets from enemy fleets. The ring's around Saturn seem to be artificially made by AI and this is to generate more energy on the astral grid for this planet to beam it outwards across the etheric plane its identical to the circle shaped radar antenna's to send out a energy wave. The moon of Saturn might be used with this....
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Just be aware as there is huge amounts of disinformation into his work and/or interviews from one I skimmed through. He goes a bit too far to take all the myths and literalize them.
That's true sometimes. Like Ninurta=Nimrod=the bible character Nimrod is one obvious example. Luckily whatever problems of this kind in his work are usually pretty easy to spot and skip over. And times he doesn't understand spiritual allegories and tries to take them as a physical story, but with the knowledge we have here we can see the correct interpretations of his sources that he missed.
HP Mageson666 said:
Cigar-shaped? Certainly not another like ʻOumuamua, which apparently "'Sped Up' in the Inner Solar System" (due to the Sun's effects on it), according to an article from 12/March/2019.
HP Mageson666 said:
Farrell provided a lot of interesting information on the possibility of artificial moons for Saturn and Mar's. These might have been used as battle stations to protect the actual planets from enemy fleets. The ring's around Saturn seem to be artificially made by AI and this is to generate more energy on the astral grid for this planet to beam it outwards across the etheric plane its identical to the circle shaped radar antenna's to send out a energy wave. The moon of Saturn might be used with this....

Can you explain this a little clearer, the last half of the paragraph was pretty hard to understand and kind of mushed together. It was slightly illiterate, can you make more sense of this? It's very interesting, I just couldent understand because of the illiteracy.
Hail Satan
Hail Hitler
PerfectionMagnumOpus said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Farrell provided a lot of interesting information on the possibility of artificial moons for Saturn and Mar's. These might have been used as battle stations to protect the actual planets from enemy fleets. The ring's around Saturn seem to be artificially made by AI and this is to generate more energy on the astral grid for this planet to beam it outwards across the etheric plane its identical to the circle shaped radar antenna's to send out a energy wave. The moon of Saturn might be used with this....

Can you explain this a little clearer, the last half of the paragraph was pretty hard to understand and kind of mushed together. It was slightly illiterate, can you make more sense of this? It's very interesting, I just couldent understand because of the illiteracy.
Hail Satan
Hail Hitler
You can find the book He's talking about in my link if you want to read the whole thing yourself.
PerfectionMagnumOpus said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The rings around Saturn seem to be artificially made by AI, and this is to generate more energy on the astral grid for this planet, to beam it outwards across the etheric plane. It's identical to the circle shaped radar antennae used to send out an energy wave.

Can you explain this a little clearer, the last half of the paragraph was pretty hard to understand and kind of mushed together.
Better now?
Where can I find these leaked images of cities on Mars?
I think the Indus and Easter Island script may have originally been Marsian
Want to know more about Mars in the Cydonia region?
I know the High Priests are very busy and I don't want to bother them, I just care about what really happened there!
Yes I will read the book, it is a pity that you do not have a Hungarian translation.
I know I know, unfortunately at first I doubted that Gods really exist!
This is important to me because I asked the Gods (just talked to them) after my commitment that if they really exist and the JOS is true then they should show some evidence.
Well, I got the answer!
Mars Valles Marineris

It is written in many places that only Geological break line.
Oh sure.....
I think it's caused by some huge weapon of the enemy in the past!
darkpath said:
Mars Valles Marineris

It is written in many places that only Geological break line.
Oh sure.....
I think it's caused by some huge weapon of the enemy in the past!
Those are scars from a weapon the enemy has used which is like a nuclear laser that melts everything. That is the weapon used to burn the cities that were on Mars. This was also used onto earth; the Gobi desert, northern India, central Asia. All those did not used to be desert, but they were hit with the nuclear lasers and burnt. There are big holes in northern India where there are still pieces of cities and buildings that can be seen around the edges of the holes, like these cities were hit by the biggest blast ever. And in these holes, they are the most radioactive places on Earth and the radiation has not gotten any weaker after all these thousands of years. These cities were important spiritual centers of the world, and they were hit with the same big laser that left those same scars on Mars, and happened around the same time on both planets.

A larger charged version of this same laser weapon is what exploded phæton.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
darkpath said:
Mars Valles Marineris

It is written in many places that only Geological break line.
Oh sure.....
I think it's caused by some huge weapon of the enemy in the past!
Those are scars from a weapon the enemy has used which is like a nuclear laser that melts everything. That is the weapon used to burn the cities that were on Mars. This was also used onto earth; the Gobi desert, northern India, central Asia. All those did not used to be desert, but they were hit with the nuclear lasers and burnt. There are big holes in northern India where there are still pieces of cities and buildings that can be seen around the edges of the holes, like these cities were hit by the biggest blast ever. And in these holes, they are the most radioactive places on Earth and the radiation has not gotten any weaker after all these thousands of years. These cities were important spiritual centers of the world, and they were hit with the same big laser that left those same scars on Mars, and happened around the same time on both planets.

A larger charged version of this same laser weapon is what exploded phæton.

Ol argedco luciftias!
The worst part of all of this is that this is not a fairy tale but a reality!
You, me and those who are in it know how fake this current world is.
I tied the strands and everything was in place, of course shocked at first and I did not recover! It is obviously not easy to process this, but we come here of our own accord.
I'll tell you what bothers you the most!
The fact that most people outside us are resigned to the fate of the world
does nothing to make it a much better and livelier place.
Many people say that we are small and that we cannot change the course of the world because we cannot do anything against the Jews.
Mainly I hear a lot that I care about it and I can't change it (I don't care more I fight)
Maybe they haven't realized that if we don't fight them, there is no future!
Now I'm copying part of an older HP article I really liked and believe in!

(We Will Finish The Job) snippet

"Satan sent us here as Golden Age people to wake up this world from this coma. And we have succeeded with our glorious effort until now. But ... This age is not here yet.

Satan will get us to regain this world as it's unacceptable for the enemy to be on it and wreck havoc with their insanity on it. We are actively claiming this world back, and we must insist on doing this until the enemy is obliterated and the world is completely free of their influence and under OUR influence. "
SdD said:

We expose the enemy's deceptions.
I see their lies every day, I am tired of them and I hate them!
Go to RTR today!
Fakes. 1998. 2001.

I've been searching for this picture for a long time.
The nose and teeth are drawn in the original!
I would like to know more about Saturn, the jews and the reptilians in relation to Saturn and its moons.

norman bergrun, "ringmakers of saturn"

David Icke (cum grano salis), "moon saturn matrix"

I recently discovered an odd book slandering hitler also and his alleged relationship to Saturn: "Saturn Hitler: Banken, Astrologie, Kabbala und die Bilderwelt des Dritten Reichs"

ordo fraternitas saturni:

Trample On Snakes youtube channel:

HP Mageson666 said:
Farrell provided a lot of interesting information on the possibility of artificial moons for Saturn and Mar's. These might have been used as battle stations to protect the actual planets from enemy fleets. The ring's around Saturn seem to be artificially made by AI and this is to generate more energy on the astral grid for this planet to beam it outwards across the etheric plane its identical to the circle shaped radar antenna's to send out a energy wave. The moon of Saturn might be used with this....

Farrell is disinfo
The information in his work on this subject is actual evidence. The mainstream claim on Saturn's rings is the rotation of the planet but there are AI ships out there.

loki88 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Farrell provided a lot of interesting information on the possibility of artificial moons for Saturn and Mar's. These might have been used as battle stations to protect the actual planets from enemy fleets. The ring's around Saturn seem to be artificially made by AI and this is to generate more energy on the astral grid for this planet to beam it outwards across the etheric plane its identical to the circle shaped radar antenna's to send out a energy wave. The moon of Saturn might be used with this....

Farrell is disinfo
Did humanity be designed by Gods on Earth and Mars?
And was Phaeton part of their civilization before?
loki88 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Farrell provided a lot of interesting information on the possibility of artificial moons for Saturn and Mar's. These might have been used as battle stations to protect the actual planets from enemy fleets. The ring's around Saturn seem to be artificially made by AI and this is to generate more energy on the astral grid for this planet to beam it outwards across the etheric plane its identical to the circle shaped radar antenna's to send out a energy wave. The moon of Saturn might be used with this....

Farrell is disinfo
Loki88 is a whole huge amount more disinfo than Farrell is.
HP Mageson666 said:
Its interesting about the Gobi region as the Tibetans put a lot of emphasis on this area. Then you have the statements about the sunken land. It might be Mu was from the Gobi down though China to Japan into the Pacific regions. The megalithic structures in Japan date back to this period and the most highest number of ancient pyramids on earth on in the region of northern China.

The Aryans that lived in the Gobi region migrated across central Asia to Europe. The Taoist system seems to have been Vedic and they have Vedic Temples in China and Indo-China. The Easter Island script is the same as the ancient Indus Valley.

The Tibetans mentioned the building of underground cities and passage ways from the Gobi region everywhere.

What has Father, the Progenitor told the priest hood about this matter? More given extreme nature of this it might be wise to point out the capabilities in proficiency manifesting functional ships our side has as well. Star wars deathstars aside. :oops: The more evolved ones have not abandoned us.

Since we mentioned star wars, lets mentioned star trek ''just a metaphor screw the writers BIO or whatever could use other metaphors''.

There is this episode about a drow, he called into being a giant ship though weak in some respects as increasingly powerful as he needed it to be, like a living epm memory, it seemed limited but could fire, its speed could through quantum mechanics, sorcery, match anything. /end theory metaphor.

Every wonder why earth jets are reported to be able to take out some of the ships? Because of energy mechanics at that given time. These ships our manifested thought that conform to human belief so it will be supported to help it exist and be tracked.

Your ''Alien'' is probably lying in bed in his penthouse apt communicating, making a circuit with a transdeminsional being while creatures board these thought constructs. Where do you think he is otherwise hiding the ship taken from a 1950's space film that is in real appearance an orb or geometric construct that looks slightly different to each beholder? Hiding it where? Up his ass?

Some of these beings form the ship around there bodies. And some are pretending to be other creatures. in complex tactics, one would think. Your just seeing manifested solidified energy with a little techno help in many cases though some are prob locked into reality. Some other beings all evidence suggest to come and go, of varied kinds. Some are from dreams or echoes of the wake of the real ones.

My guess is that temple on mars contained a slew of such beings, the temple and some relays and amps would have been all that was needed or for them to leave there bodies ''unprotected and clash like flashing gods in the sky. The underground bunkers where prob rigged to protect bodies where the occupant is not entirely home. Get enough together and you could temporarily manifest something like a drone death star.

I think there were once such things, long ago, even for that time, but the original ones that made them are probably long gone millions of years before the splinters remaining degenerated into war, and pettiness, forming unions and contacting telepathically the otherwise unreachable, save to some ''individuals''. Like a Legacy left to those where things went half right.

Its in the racial memory to build these things. Maybe, revived be human dreams, and futurism, to ignite these racial sparks painfully. That is my Theory for what its worth. Maybe, maybe just something like. Books alone are not enough to be certain.

Maybe somethings seek to inarticulately live again ''racial and down to a one'' and some pasts want to repeat themselves and must? Differently, the same? What will be, what could be, what is. Possibilities and probabilities. What would you see in the histories? Also what do we assume? Important questions.
HP Mageson666 said:
The information in his work on this subject is actual evidence. The mainstream claim on Saturn's rings is the rotation of the planet but there are AI ships out there.

loki88 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Farrell provided a lot of interesting information on the possibility of artificial moons for Saturn and Mar's. These might have been used as battle stations to protect the actual planets from enemy fleets. The ring's around Saturn seem to be artificially made by AI and this is to generate more energy on the astral grid for this planet to beam it outwards across the etheric plane its identical to the circle shaped radar antenna's to send out a energy wave. The moon of Saturn might be used with this....

Farrell is disinfo

"the ringmakers of saturn" by Bergrun as you probably know reveals that. He was no rense.com before (rense also probable disinfo woo)
Farrell is into the project paperclip runs the world, Jim Marrs clown worldview. But he still has interesting information in his work.
The ordo fraternitas saturni was banned by Himmler in 1937 and its founder was arrested and questioned by the SS. The reason for its banning was Himmler passed a law banning all societies that used the Jewish Kabbalah or Jewish racial magic. This was to follow up on Hitler's order banning all Judeo-Masonic organizations. The ordo fraternitas saturni was based on Kabbalah and was Masonic.

loki88 said:
I recently discovered an odd book slandering hitler also and his alleged relationship to Saturn: "Saturn Hitler: Banken, Astrologie, Kabbala und die Bilderwelt des Dritten Reichs"

ordo fraternitas saturni/
HP Mageson666 said:
The ordo fraternitas saturni was banned by Himmler in 1937 and its founder was arrested and questioned by the SS. The reason for its banning was Himmler passed a law banning all societies that used the Jewish Kabbalah or Jewish racial magic. This was to follow up on Hitler's order banning all Judeo-Masonic organizations. The ordo fraternitas saturni was based on Kabbalah and was Masonic.

loki88 said:
I recently discovered an odd book slandering hitler also and his alleged relationship to Saturn: "Saturn Hitler: Banken, Astrologie, Kabbala und die Bilderwelt des Dritten Reichs"

ordo fraternitas saturni/

Yes they are a corrupt group of scum. I read there blurb on their website regarding what they intend to bring about, a neo-feudalist world, typically jewish

the good (Aryan) and bad (jewish) forms of neo-feudalism



they also state the core of saturn is lead which is false given hollow planets...
Here's the truth, in vain they try to hide it!

"Subtle Details in Face
In addition to its gross humanoid features, the Face contains a number of subtle details or
embellishments (Figure 7). They include a dark cavity within the eye socket that looks like an
eyeball (DiPietro and Molenaar 1988), broad stripes across the face (Hoagland 1992), thin lines
that intersect above the eyes, and fine structure in the mouth that appear as teeth (Carlotto 1988).
These features are visible in both images and so it is very unlikely that they are due to noise in the
imagery or artifacts of image processing. It is also noted that if erosional processes are responsible
for the Face they would also have to explain these subtle details - details that one would expect to
have been obliterated by erosion over time.
Figure 7 Subtle details in Face. Contrast enhanced image left showing broad stripes (black
arrows) and crossed lines (white arrows). Magnified image on right shows eyeball (white arrow)
and “teeth” (black arrows)."


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
