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Mark Zuckerberg loses $29bn overnight as people abandon Facebook


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saw $29billion wiped from his net worth when his company’s share price collapsed following its latest quarterly report.

FancyMancy said:
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saw $29billion wiped from his net worth when his company’s share price collapsed following its latest quarterly report.


Well things sure didn't go like they thought it would and I'm not too surprised. I remember seeing videos talk about how Justin Bieber was hosting a virtual concert involving an entrance fee. Snoop Dogg even has a virtual mansion. He sold 3 plots of land next to his mansion for a combined price of $1.3 million dollars.

People would have to be deranged to think anything in the Metaverse is a 'good investment'. The whole thing is just another soul trap for the gentiles.
sublimestatanist said:
FancyMancy said:
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saw $29billion wiped from his net worth when his company’s share price collapsed following its latest quarterly report.


Well things sure didn't go like they thought it would and I'm not too surprised. I remember seeing videos talk about how Justin Bieber was hosting a virtual concert involving an entrance fee. Snoop Dogg even has a virtual mansion. He sold 3 plots of land next to his mansion for a combined price of $1.3 million dollars.

People would have to be deranged to think anything in the Metaverse is a 'good investment'. The whole thing is just another soul trap for the gentiles.

The akward moment when all the reptiles were celebrating their hoaxes and full on "super intelligent plan" but somehow it's unravelling. Lol...

It takes some RTR's and here we are. Maximum enemy exposure, them collapsing, the world advancing, them incurring more and more damage.

Rabbis are pulling their hair from the roots somewhere...Annuda Shoah...How did that even happen...We wuz israel kang n shiet...
FancyMancy said:
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saw $29billion wiped from his net worth when his company’s share price collapsed following its latest quarterly report.


Oh I do love some good news. Due to the lag effect for our rituals, I think we're only noticing the beginning stages of their undoing. If the jews are capable of feeling humility, I'm sure they're becoming acquainted with the feeling of their centuries of curses against humanity, coming undone in a matter of just years, exponentially as we continue our RTRs. Or they could be living in denial.

Better start begging Satan for a quick end, filthy jews lurking here.
FancyMancy said:
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saw $29billion wiped from his net worth when his company’s share price collapsed following its latest quarterly report.


Let's aim to have him and those like him LOSE their position and power completely this time, Hail Satan
It's no surprise, if you've been following their plans. All this "metaverse" shit, and its reliance on grifts like NFTs and the like, it's no surprise why it's all gone tits up for Fuckerberg. They were so eager to commit to this, thinking it was some golden goose and they could recreate the Matrix overnight. Lo and behold, normal functioning people don't want to spend a hundred thousand dollars on a JPG of an ugly chimpanzee or whatever. I didn't expect the world to go even more full clownshow but here we are.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The akward moment when all the reptiles were celebrating their hoaxes and full on "super intelligent plan" but somehow it's unravelling. Lol...

It takes some RTR's and here we are. Maximum enemy exposure, them collapsing, the world advancing, them incurring more and more damage.

Rabbis are pulling their hair from the roots somewhere...Annuda Shoah...How did that even happen...We wuz israel kang n shiet...

You're right about that HP! The RTRs have a huge impact on the "great unveiling". The world has a front-row seat of the Jews with their pants down. I personally think the "Age of Aquarius" is a small factor yet new agers believe it's the end all be all. Planetary positions represent (to my understanding) opportunity more than they do prophecy.

I catch myself sometimes wondering if I'm making a difference being that I'm not very spiritually open and advanced. I've been doing the 3-part FRTR daily and I have noticed improvements in impulsivity (binge-watching alternative media, buying snack foods, etc). These thoughts are probably old programming from the enemy.

I'm confident that our joint efforts create this same feeling in humanity, i.e moving away from self indulgence and pity to more self-empowering and natural endeavours. This combined with (literally) destroying the enemy and their defences makes for the greatest scenario for an awakening that I can think of.

Anyway, sorry for the rambling. ^_^

Hail Satan!
This was the biggest worst idea ever when it came out.

As a gamer and game designer there's been metaworlds and metauniverises from 2010 but with all things there's reasons why they were growing slowing. 😂😂but I'm glad it blew up in their faces.
Very good news to hear!
I see this is due do our RTRs manifesting and, on concrete, DonaldTrump's will to open his own social network may have helped the process by clashing against zuckerberg's power.
That's spare change for the kike.
When will the RTRs shake up the dark web assassins to go after him? :D
Meta my first thought is that's some dystopia shit and it would have worked was it not for our rtrs.


It makes me happy to hear this news. Someday people in mass will be involved in something more intelligent when using the internet.
slyscorpion said:
It's hilarious the eternity/infinity symbol is used. Also that it might be a Möbius strip; no matter which 'side' of it the sheep are on, it always - always - goes to the same things, repeatedly, endlessly.

Meta. In pictures and videos, there is meta-data, which is sort of, but not quite, hidden data about the medium. Meta refers to something, whatever, a thing itself, sort of in a 'higher' understanding or sense. This would be the Technological attempt by the jew of Astral things, but in Technology senses, and also as said the matrix or the Star Trek holodeck "life"; what some people believe - that we're living in a virtual reality already.

I would say "Spoiler Alert!", but this is too important to not know.

Reg Barkley, from Star Trek, has holo-addiction. He escapes to "live" in holodeck programmes. Later in Star Trek, Nog does the same after having an accident. In Stargate, a similar experience is - with the actor who plays Reg, actually - a caretaker who maintains a virtual environment of people "living" in pods, in a virtual existence all connected together, because the surface of a planet has become toxic. It turns out that the planet, by 'our' time, is perfectly - or nearly perfectly - fine again, but this caretaker doesn't let anyone know because he enjoys the power and control.

Sci-fi is not "good" "just because" I'm a bit of a geek!
FancyMancy said:
Sci-fi is not "good" "just because" I'm a bit of a geek!

I think the problem is you identify as Sci-Fi fandom. But fail to expand on it from a spiritual perspective.

If your into Sci-Fi you should supplement that with Science-Fantasy. Unfortunately for most Sci-Fan isn't as popular as Sci-Fi like it was mentioned the whole Age of Pisces is either Spiritual and to an extreme or Unspiritual/No Spirituality to the extreme.

The problem with Sci-Fi it fails to address Spirituality/Religion rather like the Historian stated "The more I study history and religion the more I realize man worshiped himself". That isn't wrong but it's wrong in the sense we aren't our own Gods. Rather we had our Gods create us and placed their religious/scientific properties on us. We aren't the Nordics of Orion who self-deified themselves through Apotheosis.

Sheer fact is I was always into Sci-Fi never liked Fantasy very much. I always found it strange that people hunker down on Fantasy even to a detriment. It's like guys Fantasy is nice and all but your ignoring a huge chain of technology and evolution. For example even in Steampunk there is evolution of technology. While it heavily emphasis water/steam technology hell even full on Nuclear tech is the crowning achievement of Steampunk. If as one member put it electrical revolution technology is post-Renaissance technology in essence Nuclear is pretty much 1780s-1820s level technology.

Sheer fact is Fantasy is detrimental. A number of years ago I got into MMORPGs and the only MMORPG that combined Science with Fantasy was Anarchy Online. Though labelled a Sci-Fi game really once you study even the original version without the expansion packs, it becomes a combination of Science and Spirituality. For example the word which I use often and only seen myself use it albeit quoted by other people is "Spiritual Technology" or "Spirit-tech".

Spiritual technologies has a broad application as to whether it's a meditation or a technology that works with the spiritual property of the Universe. As it's been said the entire Universe is Spiritual even the physical dimension is a form of spirituality albeit much, MUCH slower and much, MUCH more delicate. An astral projecting entity using swords and knives or combat is far different than physically engaging in said manner on the physical plain.

I think the reason why you point out such things is your seeing the enemies glances at reality they want to implement. For example a number of years ago they put Tenchi Muyo GXP funny they had some interesting display of spiritual-technologies those Japanese creators sure as hell don't want a technocratic nightmare singularity bullshit. For example in one episode they had a holodeck that had a sun and massive tree in one of the organic civilizations. Apparently they have a ship and society that is kinda like nature-based technology. So people are enjoying nature and relaxing outdoors inside the ship inside a holodeck that is so real that it is literal to an extent. Maybe for the amusement of the viewer they don't go into detail but for the amusement of theorycrafting they should have gone further.

Either way I'm not the biggest Anime viewer nor do I bother with much Anime as unfortunately in many cases some people grow extremely immature Peterpan mentality on Anime it's like the whole debate. Either you watch cartoons for Adults like Family Guy or American Dad or certain Simpson's episodes which show more maturity than other episodes. Or you go the Anime route. Cause Cartoons are either limited or for children hell even the antics of older cartoons are probably not even reaching Y7 levels. It's so old and so outdated that it isn't even considered a higher spectrum maybe even lower spectrum cartoon. The entire point of Anime is to wake people up to the Axis powers it's Japan's way of reigniting the old Axis Federation even if that ship sailed a long time ago on the annihilation of Axis powers in WW2.

Either way consider delving into Sci-Fan. Pure science has no business in existence unless we were our own Gods and had no basis on developing from another. But pure Fantasy lets go so spiritual we don't even have bathroom technology. It's like either you choose pure evolution to a detriment of potentially fucking up your civilization or you remain so spiritual but assbackwards that people are like hyper-superstitious and even though there are teachings and proper someone somewhere invents crap and people listen to it.

There's gotta be a middle ground science to a degree we help ourselves and spirituality to a degree we help ourselves.

FancyMancy said:
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saw $29billion wiped from his net worth when his company’s share price collapsed following its latest quarterly report.


Funny enough that''s not even half of the issue. When Meta opened up on the stock exchange they bombed 220 BILLION dollars. One of the worst if not the worst not just tech stock but out of the entire stock market history one of the worst bombing of a stock ever to occur.

So if Fuckerberg lost 29 billion of his own. His companies stock properties exploded downwards. Funny I wonder if anyone was shorting the stock on Meta they'd make a killing. I bet everyone was so amused and so encouraged to ride the stock train they believed they were crash proof.
Gear88 said:
I just give examples of things, and say that the jew, in its jew media, says things in a "moral" way and takes the piss out of us by flaunting things in our faces by putting it in the media. Like adverts for certain products - there is absolutely zero need to advertise that product because people buy it already anyway and they will continue to buy it; the advertising is just to show-off and say, "I have more money than you!" and to waste money - the jew does the same in sci-fi and other media, while adding its own jew psycho "morals" and "teachings". Sci-fi is supposed to be "the future" - and that's where we're going... into the future, but it won't be as the jew wants the future to be.

As for sci-fi and fantasy or sci-fantasy - sci-fi and fantasy are more or less the same thing. One just uses props/technology; the other uses magic. It's more or less the same concept (from what I have seen), e.g. raising shields around a spaceship, or around a magician - what's the difference there? The RtRs are like phasers or torpedoes, etc. stripping away the shield defences, the armour, the hull and finally the ship blows up; Avada Kedavra is a death spell but just shown to be much quicker... I find hardly much difference between sci-fi and fantasy. I might have a look into sci-fantasy, though.

Regardless - this mark kikerberg meta-verse would have been a sci-fi/fantasy world. [insert relevant Futurama episodes here]
Great news. I love seeing the kike take a hit like that. We have alot to look forward to in watching their downfall. All will know that Satan is truth! Hail Satan and all SS and our Gods!
FancyMancy said:
slyscorpion said:
It's hilarious the eternity/infinity symbol is used. Also that it might be a Möbius strip; no matter which 'side' of it the sheep are on, it always - always - goes to the same things, repeatedly, endlessly.

Meta. In pictures and videos, there is meta-data, which is sort of, but not quite, hidden data about the medium. Meta refers to something, whatever, a thing itself, sort of in a 'higher' understanding or sense. This would be the Technological attempt by the jew of Astral things, but in Technology senses, and also as said the matrix or the Star Trek holodeck "life"; what some people believe - that we're living in a virtual reality already.

I would say "Spoiler Alert!", but this is too important to not know.

Reg Barkley, from Star Trek, has holo-addiction. He escapes to "live" in holodeck programmes. Later in Star Trek, Nog does the same after having an accident. In Stargate, a similar experience is - with the actor who plays Reg, actually - a caretaker who maintains a virtual environment of people "living" in pods, in a virtual existence all connected together, because the surface of a planet has become toxic. It turns out that the planet, by 'our' time, is perfectly - or nearly perfectly - fine again, but this caretaker doesn't let anyone know because he enjoys the power and control.

Sci-fi is not "good" "just because" I'm a bit of a geek!

Great information Fancy! Star Trek appears to have loads of predictive programming. Crazy! I agree that the symbol is a mobius strip. The animation of this logo shows a circle that twists and becomes the infinity symbol. My personal theory is the circle represents binding/trapping; i.e "souls eternally trapped". Another interesting thing I learned is 'meta' in Hebrew means 'dead'.

I came across a very well done video discussing the occult side of the metaverse. It's 18:53 minutes long but well worth checking out if any of you get the chance.

Amazing Polly, The Metaverse: http://www.bitchute.com/video/008Mn6yGivIj/
Brandonn said:
This was the biggest worst idea ever when it came out.

As a gamer and game designer there's been metaworlds and metauniverises from 2010 but with all things there's reasons why they were growing slowing. 😂😂but I'm glad it blew up in their faces.

Honestly we all grew up with games with medium graphics and so on. I don't even understand why the "Metaverse" is anything else but a Video Game Virtual world, with only two things extra, a "currency" [digital currencies existed before those who were into the MMORPG's in the past already know these exchanged for real world money too].

The only new and frankly quite overrated addition, is the VR headsets and all. Most of which are low tier tech for now.

I guess remarket 2010 and you have a recipe for selling people into something again. All of this isn't even something that "new". It's just hype.

Hype in general creates development and so on, but I honestly don't see yet all this nonsesne many people try to claim yet. Hype will cause growth, but in essence, that's not even much. Strictly based on a product situation.

What's the point, you can already meet with others in an avatar in Guild Wars, Lineage or World of Warcraft. But I guess rebrand this now and it's all "METAVERSE".
Jews legitimately have no creativity and this shows. They just took a video game universe and they are pretending this didn't exist even as early as 2005. With less graphics and so much more inferior, they try to market this as the super emergence trend or something.

Even in the previous decades jews were doing better. Now they only rebrand and repeat. Apparently nobody is even into these things that much.

Honestly I am personally thirsty for an actual great innovation, like we had the computers of the millennium. But as it appears with jews progress is not only getting slower, but worse.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Brandonn said:
This was the biggest worst idea ever when it came out.

As a gamer and game designer there's been metaworlds and metauniverises from 2010 but with all things there's reasons why they were growing slowing. 😂😂but I'm glad it blew up in their faces.

Honestly we all grew up with games with medium graphics and so on. I don't even understand why the "Metaverse" is anything else but a Video Game Virtual world, with only two things extra, a "currency" [digital currencies existed before those who were into the MMORPG's in the past already know these exchanged for real world money too].

The only new and frankly quite overrated addition, is the VR headsets and all. Most of which are low tier tech for now.

I guess remarket 2010 and you have a recipe for selling people into something again. All of this isn't even something that "new". It's just hype.

Hype in general creates development and so on, but I honestly don't see yet all this nonsesne many people try to claim yet. Hype will cause growth, but in essence, that's not even much. Strictly based on a product situation.

What's the point, you can already meet with others in an avatar in Guild Wars, Lineage or World of Warcraft. But I guess rebrand this now and it's all "METAVERSE".
The tech is young but it could grow. Elon musk showed a chip that can be used to control computer. It's quite read to be put in the market as far as I know and this plus the headsets could be used for a lot of things.

This chip to work needs to be put in the brain...which is kinda creepy if you ask me. I'm not compleatily against using something to control the device we use with the brain but it needs to be safe, something we can use without surgery on our brain and of course something that can keep our thoughts private.

Of course with the enemy this tech is just dangerous for us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What's the point, you can already meet with others in an avatar in Guild Wars, Lineage or World of Warcraft. But I guess rebrand this now and it's all "METAVERSE".
Yeah, it's all new! Re-breand, re-boot, re-do... The jew is rather unimaginative.

Star Trek Geek Alert!

For a number of months, I have been thinking, a bit, about one of the things in one of the episodes in Star Trek, of course in relation to the jew. (It being a jew franchise, of course.) It is a Cardassian (no, not that) who tells a story to a Human (I notice "Human" is misspelled with a lowercase H, and all other species have capital initials...). I must be disappointing to all of my... erm... fans who love it when I talk Star Trek - I had to check online for this, so I got a bit of a transcript for it -

GARAK: Oh, wonderful. At this rate, we'll be done eating lunch just in time for dinner.
BASHIR: There's always Quark's.
GARAK: True, but I'm really not in the mood for noisy, crowded and vulgar today.
BASHIR: Then I suppose the Klingon restaurant is out of the question.
GARAK: I can't believe that I'm having lunch with a man who thinks The Never-Ending Sacrifice is dull.
BASHIR: I just thought the story got a little redundant after a while. I mean the authour's supposed to be chronicling seven generations of a single family, but he tells the same story over and over again. All of his characters lead selfless lives of duty to the state, grow old and die. Then the next generation comes along and does it all over again.
GARAK: But that's exactly the point, Doctor. The repetitive epic is the most elegant form of Cardassian literature, and The Never-Ending Sacrifice is it's greatest achievement.
BASHIR: None of his characters ever really come alive, and there's more to life than duty to the state.
GARAK: A Federation viewpoint if ever I heard one.

That's typical of the jew. So boring and unimaginative and repetitive. The same old virtual worlds in computer gaming and things, and as a biblical quote "what has been before will be again; there is nothing new under the sun". People/sheeple paying repeatedly for the same things repeatedly... Poor jew, though - money is the jew's power and force; we have Magic and Energy, though! Poor (poo)r jew!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The only new and frankly quite overrated addition, is the VR headsets and all. Most of which are low tier tech for now.

It's funny you mention VR headsets or AR or whatever name or names for these heads up displays.

Apple recently as of last year said a while back they plopped down 500 million dollars for headset technology.

I think the reason this stuff isn't gaining traction IF anything as you put it with creativity and remasters of older game. Is that maybe the Gods don't want people using this stuff.

For example back in 2008-2009 120Hz Nvidia 3D glasses got popular. Not because of the 3D nature which some liked even if some had sickness or headaches. Funny most of the people buying the Samsung and Viewsonic monitors at the time were into old CRT high-refresh rate gaming. Funny the entire point of these 3D glasses was to give 3D effects most people gave two shits about it the Nvidia 3D system just reinnovated monitor technology for higher refresh rates. And funny enough people are complaining now a days it's getting silly and old having news pop out like then new 500Hz monitor. Or the 390Hz monitor or whatever which is hilarious because many of the people using these monitors are using Variable Refresh Rate on newer games and on older games cranking up the frame rate and playing at higher than CRT refresh rates.

I think with these headsup display it's delving into the technocratic beginnings and continuations of techno communism. It's nice I agree it's nice technology high and hyper technology. But it's not meant for us. Even people who are enthusiastic and gungho and make money from filming their gameplay playthroughs find it annoying after a while.

I think maybe the Gods do something to keep people's sanity around. Because to me it's nice and all and if I was offered a playthrough and do it even if I don't have the skills to use those headset controllers. But it's basically digital assets replacing real life. And that's what rubs me the wrong way even if my life hasn't exactly been roses. I keep the Worlds separate I don't mix and match with non-sense.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jews legitimately have no creativity and this shows.
Lol (at what I just replied!).

They just took a video game universe and they are pretending this didn't exist even as early as 2005. With less graphics and so much more inferior, they try to market this as the super emergence trend or something.

Even in the previous decades jews were doing better. Now they only rebrand and repeat. Apparently nobody is even into these things that much.

Honestly I am personally thirsty for an actual great innovation, like we had the computers of the millennium. But as it appears with jews progress is not only getting slower, but worse.
Lol and lol again. The jew has slowed life down so much. I (in my vein of using media as a way to explain things) refer to Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. In it, in "the other realm" (as a witch, wouldn't 'our' realm be the other realm?) they have to wait in a queue for something, and because it is a comedy and a Children's programme, it is very exaggerated. A woman says something like she is waiting for her son's birth certificate. "Oh, that's nice, but--" "He was born in this line!" and he is in his 40s or something like that. All the beurocracy* (re: Futurama).

*I mistyped "bureaucracy" as "buerocracy" and the suggested correction is cybernocracy.


That's like the 3rd time I have either mistyped something or typed something accidentally - and on JoS forum - which I think I might consider to be 'automatic writing' (or typing), which has led to something important or relevant...

Forgive my language, but fuck sake! The jew put exactly this in multiple episodes of Star Trek! "The Custodian" being the name of one of the computers... :twisted:
(The Episode of Futurama regarding bureaucracy is "How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back". It is a rather ridiculous episode of stupid legality and things, where a bureaucrat woman, Morgan Proctor, is so clean and prim and proper, she falls in lust with Fry, a "dirty, dirty boy!" slob, and when she was 17 or something she had a "regulation date that ended in regulation disappointment", and at one time she stamped a document 4 times instead of the regulated 5 times... Hermes wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a building but Proctor said "Bureaucrat Conrad, if you complete your death transaction without filing a suicide and/or falling accident permit, you will be posthumously demoted.", and Hermes is contemplating "life, death, either way [he'll be] demoted to a tiny cubicle"... - and I just so happened to be thinking about one of the - SLOW - 'slowmobiles' when in traffic recently... and now this which I just posted...)

If you do the same thing over and over (and over (and over)) again, then you make very little or no progress. As this says, things are forced into certain channels, and it is slow and has other bad qualities. Does Imbolc have special... power or abilities in communication? Although, at this precise time, I think Imbolc has finished, but surely some residual Energies and effects are still lingering. Either that, or this is either automatic writing (typing) or just so coincidental (plus I have had one or two other rather big coincidences happening with me recently, as well).
Is Mark Zuckerberg a Jew? I also gave up Facebook some time ago. I just can't make sense of it. I think it's just a waste of time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Brandonn said:
This was the biggest worst idea ever when it came out.

As a gamer and game designer there's been metaworlds and metauniverises from 2010 but with all things there's reasons why they were growing slowing. 😂😂but I'm glad it blew up in their faces.

Honestly we all grew up with games with medium graphics and so on. I don't even understand why the "Metaverse" is anything else but a Video Game Virtual world, with only two things extra, a "currency" [digital currencies existed before those who were into the MMORPG's in the past already know these exchanged for real world money too].

The only new and frankly quite overrated addition, is the VR headsets and all. Most of which are low tier tech for now.

I guess remarket 2010 and you have a recipe for selling people into something again. All of this isn't even something that "new". It's just hype.

Hype in general creates development and so on, but I honestly don't see yet all this nonsesne many people try to claim yet. Hype will cause growth, but in essence, that's not even much. Strictly based on a product situation.

What's the point, you can already meet with others in an avatar in Guild Wars, Lineage or World of Warcraft. But I guess rebrand this now and it's all "METAVERSE".

At this point i feel it's just to detach people from reality. We've seen how easily they control people with media. The timing of " Meta " is also very clearly planned out.

From covid requiring less human interactions to meta allowing for more human interactions from the comfort of your home. If the body is weak the mind will follow. They want to ensure people don't have the chance to breathe. Similar to the Wall-E movie , i can easily see people becoming overweight and lazy as more " Comfort Based solutions " are brought up.

It's the thread I'm seeing lately. If you have a problem don't worry we won't solve but we'll make you comfortable living in it.

This war is not a easy one.
Luana Stoicea said:
Is Mark Zuckerberg a Jew? I also gave up Facebook some time ago. I just can't make sense of it. I think it's just a waste of time.

Yes he is a jew.
Brandonn said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Brandonn said:
This was the biggest worst idea ever when it came out.

As a gamer and game designer there's been metaworlds and metauniverises from 2010 but with all things there's reasons why they were growing slowing. 😂😂but I'm glad it blew up in their faces.

Honestly we all grew up with games with medium graphics and so on. I don't even understand why the "Metaverse" is anything else but a Video Game Virtual world, with only two things extra, a "currency" [digital currencies existed before those who were into the MMORPG's in the past already know these exchanged for real world money too].

The only new and frankly quite overrated addition, is the VR headsets and all. Most of which are low tier tech for now.

I guess remarket 2010 and you have a recipe for selling people into something again. All of this isn't even something that "new". It's just hype.

Hype in general creates development and so on, but I honestly don't see yet all this nonsesne many people try to claim yet. Hype will cause growth, but in essence, that's not even much. Strictly based on a product situation.

What's the point, you can already meet with others in an avatar in Guild Wars, Lineage or World of Warcraft. But I guess rebrand this now and it's all "METAVERSE".

At this point i feel it's just to detach people from reality. We've seen how easily they control people with media. The timing of " Meta " is also very clearly planned out.

From covid requiring less human interactions to meta allowing for more human interactions from the comfort of your home. If the body is weak the mind will follow. They want to ensure people don't have the chance to breathe. Similar to the Wall-E movie , i can easily see people becoming overweight and lazy as more " Comfort Based solutions " are brought up.

It's the thread I'm seeing lately. If you have a problem don't worry we won't solve but we'll make you comfortable living in it.

This war is not a easy one.

Exactly, it's clearly going there. Unfortunately, many weak people will be used by these means instead of using them [as per usual in the history of the world]. We have to be optimistic this won't be anyone, and likely, it won't be.

You have a good grasp of the picture as it escalates towards a whole. If you go back in my writings and the things JoS communicates for the previous decade, you will see we have exposed this situation as it unfolded and also exposed it before it's time.

Thanks for your comment. "Meta" also means "Later" in Ancient Greek from where it's stolen, or it means, "What will come after".

Rather, the subliminal messaging here is for famous words like "Meta-Human", "Meta-Verse", and generally things relating to the delusion that another "World" is being built.

This is a sublimation within a sublimation, as running a software system inside a software system, with neither being in connection with the real world from which people are carefully brainwashed to want to fully leave behind.
It only gets worse for them. This just in: kikerberg may even get his own constitutional amendment in the state of Wisconsin, that prevents him and others like him from financially rigging elections. I hope this goes through. Nice manifestations of our RTRS.
Not that it would matter to be honest if Trump won, (dems and reps are 2 sides of the same shekel really) Since its been made clear that he is actually a shabbos goy and is pro isreal. But this shows people waking up to the jews and holding them accountable to their shenanigans. I hope this manifests in other ways too to make them loose power, making it harder for jews to jew.
FancyMancy said:
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saw $29billion wiped from his net worth when his company’s share price collapsed following its latest quarterly report.


there's a famous Jew in my social/digital milieu who died of untreated diabetes, blind and crazy in the head.

what he did before death: he became a devout christian, preached christianity, actually believed in this crap like a true believer even STOPPED TAKING DIABETES REMEDIES, AND THE CHRONIC DISEASES HE HAD, when his wife tried to help him , he denied medical attention, with Christian delusions and other schizophrenic things THAT GOD WOULD CURE and died crazy and in bad health. he even did a last live on youtube where he was blind, swollen and not talking about anything else, scary.

this sounds obvious as rtr effect. and it shows that a Jew is nothing more than a bunch of reptilian energy that lives among us, and nothing more.
Fucking hilarious! It's funny how they tried to reinforce this meta bullshit with stuff like the new matrix movie. Failure after failure, nothing is working for them. They keep trying to screw up humanity more and more, but they keep getting fucked in their own asses.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The only new and frankly quite overrated addition, is the VR headsets and all. Most of which are low tier tech for now.

It's funny you mention VR headsets or AR or whatever name or names for these heads up displays.

Apple recently as of last year said a while back they plopped down 500 million dollars for headset technology.

I think the reason this stuff isn't gaining traction IF anything as you put it with creativity and remasters of older game. Is that maybe the Gods don't want people using this stuff.
Of course the Gods and Goddesses don't want that, but I don't think that's all of it. I think it's a mixture of a bunch of smaller things, all at once. e.g. -

  • this tech is too geeky (or just simply geeky) - and watch Beauty and the Geek to see why (as an over-the-top example);
  • the markets are saturated with so much different stuff;
  • the products are too expensive;
  • the jew "allows" Humans to have little money (after working hard for it) but then charges extortionate amounts to fuck us up with (clearly, the jew loves its god money too much);
  • the jew is moving too quickly because it slowed things right down (as said) and now needs to speed up since WW2, Führer Lord Hitler and the Nazis;
    • now with JoSM and the RtRs;
  • people are - as I have said - been ISA-Rune-ised into being obsessed and fixated on things... when "new" things come out, people don't care about it and stick with what they have;
  • etc.;
  • etc.;
  • etc.

Part of the reason the jew does things so slowly is also because it is hardly decent at all spiritually. It has to keep things at its own pace, and with billions on the Planet, the jew bit off more than it could chew. The jew was taking its swee-- sour time and was like, "Oh, shit..." and needed to pick up the pace now - and it just lost its head.

For example back in 2008-2009 120Hz Nvidia 3D glasses got popular. Not because of the 3D nature which some liked even if some had sickness or headaches. Funny most of the people buying the Samsung and Viewsonic monitors at the time were into old CRT high-refresh rate gaming. Funny the entire point of these 3D glasses was to give 3D effects most people gave two shits about it the Nvidia 3D system just reinnovated monitor technology for higher refresh rates. And funny enough people are complaining now a days it's getting silly and old having news pop out like then new 500Hz monitor. Or the 390Hz monitor or whatever which is hilarious because many of the people using these monitors are using Variable Refresh Rate on newer games and on older games cranking up the frame rate and playing at higher than CRT refresh rates.

I think with these headsup display it's delving into the technocratic beginnings and continuations of techno communism. It's nice I agree it's nice technology high and hyper technology. But it's not meant for us. Even people who are enthusiastic and gungho and make money from filming their gameplay playthroughs find it annoying after a while.

I think maybe the Gods do something to keep people's sanity around. Because to me it's nice and all and if I was offered a playthrough and do it even if I don't have the skills to use those headset controllers. But it's basically digital assets replacing real life. And that's what rubs me the wrong way even if my life hasn't exactly been roses. I keep the Worlds separate I don't mix and match with non-sense.
  • Like I said with the markets being so saturated, with so many products - people go from one to another to another and everything is a fad or a phase now. They don't last long. People will realise eventually that material pursuits are fruitless and a waste of time. The jew wastes millions and billions on things, cool/funny/impressive adverts, campaigns, etc., and people are just like, "Meh".

Luana Stoicea said:
Is Mark Zuckerberg a Jew?
Oh, no. Not at all.

I also gave up Facebook some time ago. I just can't make sense of it. I think it's just a waste of time.
It's a public personal diary or journal, in which the jew collects all of your details and advertises shit to you which you don't want nor need. Just like jewgle; it "accidentally" collected information from unsecured Wi-Fi - so it had an actual programme on the jewgle cars' computers which deliberately scanned all Wi-Fi within range and the programme was coded so that it deliberately stole information, and the hardware which was a receiver to collect it... and it was all "accidental"?! Yeah, I believe that... It was also on kikebook that Martin Lewis (money-saving expert in the UK) was falsely-advertised on; he said that the advert claimed that he supported something, but he did not. He was upset about that.

Martin Lewis settles lawsuit with Facebook over scam adverts

Facebook cracks down on scams ads after a Martin Lewis lawsuit

Facebook scams: will they take complaints about fake adverts seriously?

kikebook/mark kikerberg has so much money, but doesn't know how to spend it so false adverts - for the Goyim - are prevented. No, kikeberg's not a jew at all... (In case you're uncertain; I'm being sarcastic; mark kikeberg is a jew.)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Meta" also means "Later" in Ancient Greek from where it's stolen, or it means, "What will come after".

Rather, the subliminal messaging here is for famous words like "Meta-Human", "Meta-Verse", and generally things relating to the delusion that another "World" is being built.
Trans-Human? "Trans" means across, or from one to another, from here to there.

3. A prefix of Latin origin, meaning ‘across, over, beyond, on the other side of, through,’ as in transfer, ‘carry over,’ transfuse, ‘pour over,’ transgress, ‘pass beyond,’ etc., transalpine, ‘beyond the Alps,’ etc. (in the last use opposed to cis-).

Oh, so that's where the nonsense of "cis-gendered" came from... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Shadowcat said:
It only gets worse for them. This just in: kikerberg may even get his own constitutional amendment in the state of Wisconsin, that prevents him and others like him from financially rigging elections. I hope this goes through. Nice manifestations of our RTRS.
(Speaking from a UK perspective) I was always against having big businesses fund party elections' campaigns. If a newb made a brand new party and had no money, then they would get nowhere; meanwhile, the jew party (because "parties" implies they are opposing each other) has more than enough money. The fund-raising I bet is fake; they just use tax-payers' money, and the "funding" is just to spend on expensive champaign and MPs' expenses, Partygate, etc.

I hope this manifests in other ways too to make them loose[sic] power, making it harder for jews to jew.
A leopard can not stop jewing as much as a jew can change its spots... or something along those lines! (Sorry lovely Earthly leopard species! I didn't mean to imply that you're jewish!)

schwarze Krähe said:
FancyMancy said:
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saw $29billion wiped from his net worth when his company’s share price collapsed following its latest quarterly report.


there's a famous Jew in my social/digital milieu who died of untreated diabetes, blind and crazy in the head.

what he did before death: he became a devout christian, preached christianity, actually believed in this crap like a true believer even STOPPED TAKING DIABETES REMEDIES, AND THE CHRONIC DISEASES HE HAD, when his wife tried to help him , he denied medical attention, with Christian delusions and other schizophrenic things THAT GOD WOULD CURE and died crazy and in bad health. he even did a last live on youtube where he was blind, swollen and not talking about anything else, scary.

this sounds obvious as rtr effect. and it shows that a Jew is nothing more than a bunch of reptilian energy that lives among us, and nothing more.
I would be extremely sceptical to believe the jew would believe its own jew lies. The jew is an actor; it behaves in a certain way. Notice a lot of the "professional" actors and actresses all act and behave similarly; when an amateur comes to act, for example, their mannerisms, etc., are more unique and individual, smooth, not robotic and square and stuttery. I am talking about the idiosyncrasies. The jew is "supposed" to be top dog, so it behaves jewly, and that in and of itself influences any Human trying to get into acting, etc., probably including actual mentorship of how to act and behave. Like in school, the "cool" kids all behave "cool", and others have to "look up" to them.

It's all the same with shekels and using it for the jew's own means. The jew uses money in one way, or different avenues which might seem as if they are going elsewhere but which end up returning back to that one way. It is all against Humans, of course.
That’s nothing compared to what they are going to lose. It hasn’t even begun.
sublimestatanist said:
Great information Fancy! Star Trek appears to have loads of predictive programming. Crazy!
I go on about it (and other sci-fi, and media) loads. I'm not trying to be a fanboy.

I agree that the symbol is a mobius strip. The animation of this logo shows a circle that twists and becomes the infinity symbol. My personal theory is the circle represents binding/trapping; i.e "souls eternally trapped". Another interesting thing I learned is 'meta' in Hebrew means 'dead'.
I didn't know about the animation, nor about that "meta" means "dead" in hebrew, but that is very interesting. With the animation showing a circle twisting into the Möbius strip, that it must be binding - it is very symbolic... and of course with it meaning "dead" then...

I can't believe how retarded the jew can be. It is supposed to be very clever, but it reveals itself. Is it arrogance/conceit/hubris, or is it that the jew appears to be much cleverererer than Humans, but is only a bit cleverer?...

I came across a very well done video discussing the occult side of the metaverse. It's 18:53 minutes long but well worth checking out if any of you get the chance.

Amazing Polly, The Metaverse: http://www.bitchute.com/video/008Mn6yGivIj
I'll have to have a look at that.

By the way, I'm replying seemingly-late to you. I didn't see a notification for you quoting me (or I did but it was within another one), and I saw you reply only now.
FancyMancy said:

The Government run by proper information even metadata since it's a form of information.

That is funny it seems to me like the entire borging process is create Spirituality. I gotta give it to the jews creating spirituality through technology. For all the bullshit they come up with this is their form of how spirituality should be. Slave communist tech.

Funny but reading the sermon from a few weeks ago as of the time of this posting, late last-year. Unless the entity is purely organic any delving into spirituality isn't possible. The organic body might be very weak and very limited but it has the potential for grand design. We could be injured or killed but unless it's an organic body it does not posses the process of the Universal evolution.

No wonder even the enemy has issues with the Gods. I recall back in Yahoo forums or was it the old ProPHP that as the Gods advance and fight against the enemy they bind them down from higher spectrum of spirituality. For example Runes are pretty neutral and used by the enemy both as above and below(to my knowledge I would not be surprised if high ranking kikes use this spiritual technology). But it seems the higher purposes and pursuits of what the Runes do is limited for the enemy.

I'm not entirely sure how these bindings work in what way or something. All I know is the person mentioned as the Gods gain traction they keep the enemies spirituality at a lower level like a wave of lower levels unable to out muscle a higher level wave. 500Mhz cannot surpass 1Ghz wave.

Although it gets old doing RTRs it reminds me of Lydia mentioning even she had her breaking points the F-RTR covered for her limitations. I can't wait for the RTRs to become obsolete and we perform the Runic manipulation rituals as mentioned by HP.Cobra sometime last year during the end of the 2021 Offensive. Sheer fact is like he said we can't stop everything cause 2,000 years of Xtianity and about 1,000 of Pislam is literally engraved into societies. But we sure as hell can steer the course much better.

I like technology but also hate it. For example my main PC in my room is 14 years old. Completely utterly incapable of even playing games of it's times, I didn't know the PC back in 2007 when I bought it was considered already second-class by even by 2007 standards. But it works for email and using the internet to speak to a friend of mines.

It's like smartphones I regret getting a smartphone but if it was an appropriate smartphone with GMG(Godlike-Military-Grade) Vrillya level tech i.e. a smartphone built by the Gods. Despite limited uses I do text my family from time to time, call, and use the internet to search. Funny for most weeks my usage of smartphone is about 40-90 minutes in total for each week. A few weeks back I hardly used my smartphone and it said my combined usage amounted to 13 minutes, while another time watching some videos amounted to about 28 minutes.

Technology is good but I can see why people (hodl) technology. It reminds me of Vinyl discs they've come back due to the hipster craze from a few years ago. I recall a hipster saying even modern Vinyl discs aren't all that great they aren't the old heavy discs there is more technology and more Vinyl manufacturing than the past and yet they can't get the heavy high gram weight discs.

I think this is by design of the enemy. Isolation patterns and limitations and create a mental fuck up. I think the Gods wanted to avoid all this non-sense. For example on many tech websites that I visit people hate crypto many of them adamantly defend central bank money like saying crypto is fake stuff gonna get banned and whatnot our money is from the bank and the Federal Reserve of our nation/s.

I think this is the kind of shit the Gods wanted to avoid. While they can't exactly give us direct tech even now if the Gods show up they won't give us tech we'd probably blow ourselves up. They can steer the ship and force multiply properly.

Like it's been said on many tech websites people visit and even professional people visit. It's all a race to the bottom multi-cell solid state drives are a race to the bottom. No one imagined SSDs would out-muscle HDD in such a short period of time and literally push the boundaries of tech in these last decade SSDs pushed storage performance so far and wide it begs the question how the hell do we even satisfy the market. Even the buses like PCIe 3/4/5/6 except certain random performance properties of SSDs on a sequential level it is pushing the envelope of the buses.

It's like the technology doesn't want us as a race to the bottom. Rather from the bottom it is pushing and grinding down anyone who believes items should be manufactured as cheaply as possible.

It's like I mentioned before if we are Gods in training. If Humans are destined for a higher propagation. Our items, houses, buildings, technology. The entire spectrum of material physical goods is to be built as a race to the top and Godlike better yet.

I think if the Gods were around pushing spirituality and delving into the peering of the future on our technology. I think once a civilization enters the technological phase of low, mid, high, and hyper technology. It enters waters whereby it can do good or bad. Look at crypto even if the enemy manipulates it which they've been doing for some time. Crypto in a proper way by the Gods can do wonders IF such a thing is needed. I'm under the assumption crypto is just a breaker technology to break the enemies financial grip. IF anything Crypto and Stock Exchange technologies have become purely lolable like literally it's trolling technology. Back in February of 2021 if you put down 10,000 dollars worth of AMC stock a bit after the Gamestop rebellion. By June of 2021 early around a week or so into it you could have made 64,000 dollars a 54,000 dollar gain.

It's a shame HP.Cobra for good reason doesn't want to talk about moneyless societies i.e. using spirituality to pay for things. But even here on Earth money is becoming a joke. I think the lack of Hitler/Feder's Everyone who can work must work is a factor in contributing. People get free UBI money from O'Biden's shekel printing and invest in the stock market or crypto they cash out and some are millionaires within a short period of time. More and more and more money more shekels but WTF is the point eventually. It's like O'Biden's build back America why didn't you plop down a good 100-200 million dollars to inspect all the bridges across the entirety of the U.S. there is one state where 98% of the 4,680 bridges are unfit for the future.

It seems the extremes no balance. It's the same with technology extremes, extremes, extremes, but no balance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
