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Many Joy of Satan Webpages Down

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
The Jews are already taking down websites that expose them. They can't wait.

Right now, there are a lot of JoS webpages not available because of this. We will do our best to get them up and running again.

What the Jews are doing to try to get control and censorship of the internet will result in economic collapse. This is common sense.

Business is now prolific online and hundreds of thousands of websites that offer services will be affected for the worse.

This is extremely serious. This will affect the world.

We will do everything we can to keep the JoS going as long as possible.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Do you mean that what they are doing *now* will result in an economic collapse?

Or do you mean that what they have always been trying to do with the Internet will *someday* result in an economic collapse?
And for all HP's, please read this. You can view all deleted websites with Google Cache (for 3-4 days).

Acces Google cache and enter url/link.

Example: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Satans_Library.html
And about Satan's Library down, this is my last backup, from 10 june 2016.

+1000 files and over 700MB of all PDF's from Satan's Library. You can download. You can restore.

First time posting on these forums, or any of the Joy of Satan forums, and I didn't know how to post a topic so that's why I'm posting here, and sorry for the lengthy post

I noticed that Satan's Library was down after reading this :x


I'm getting really worried about all this that's happening recently but we will not let the enemy win, as soon as I can I'm going to print off pages and make copies of everything from Satan's Library as I downloaded a zip that was on there, and I will upload as soon as I have wifi (which will be tomorrow) so if anyone needs a link to the most recent backup, which is from this last March it'll be on this post as soon as I can. I'll add a link to my Mega, Drop box, google drive, or whatever else I have to upload on and do my best to keep it up in case it gets taken down.

I'm still new to Satanism and I haven't been staying very strong to it but I'll do my best from now on, we gotta restore Satan's Kingdom and burn the enemy to the ground!!


^ This is a mirror of the JoS site, 666blacksun.com, the RTRs and exposingchristianity.com. It works fine for me. This is also an archive of Satan's library: https://archive.is/YoFzj

This is a list of RTR backups: https://pastebin.com/YTApLu0j
Archived version: http://archive.is/HRt3y
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The Jews are already taking down websites that expose them. They can't wait.

Right now, there are a lot of JoS webpages not available because of this. We will do our best to get them up and running again.

What the Jews are doing to try to get control and censorship of the internet will result in economic collapse. This is common sense.

Business is now prolific online and hundreds of thousands of websites that offer services will be affected for the worse.

This is extremely serious. This will affect the world.

We will do everything we can to keep the JoS going as long as possible.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Will the business service websites be affected in an indirect way? Hiw exactly? I assume tgey could just cut access or limit traffic to specific url s or ip s and leave the others alone as they too have interest in business. They could just target the sites that expose them. I am missing something...
Re: Many Joy of Satan Webpages Down
PostSun Dec 03, 2017 1:33 am

Do you mean that what they are doing *now* will result in an economic collapse?

Or do you mean that what they have always been trying to do with the Internet will *someday* result in an economic collapse?

What they are doing now. They are reversing internet neutrality. What this means is servers (nearly all owned and controlled by Jews), will choose for you which content you are allowed to see and access. Content which the Jews deem as offensive or any knowledge that is a threat to them, they will see to it that you do not have any access to these websites.

The Jews will actively and aggressively see to it that you cannot access ANY websites they feel are not politically correct. Any websites that expose them (these are real off limits), any websites they consider offensive that criticise Christianity, Islam, expose communism and so forth.

This is just the beginning, if they should succeed. Free speech will be completely over with with the most severe penalties for even very minor violations.

The economic collapse I referred to will come soon, given much business is done online. Many, many different websites worldwide offer services for pay. This will affect everyone. Many website businesses will go under because of lack of internet traffic. One of the first steps the Jews take is to break people financially. Especially those they are against, or whom they deem as a threat.

Sites the Jews deem as offensive will either be deleted, as they've been doing to JoS for years, and any sites they feel the populace should not be reading will receive extremely slow access. Timed out.

Satanism is a big no no. Especially JoS. Of course, pseudo-Satanism sites, which are heavily Jewish, promote spirit abuse, lies and blasphemy against Satan, and sick perverted Christian crap about Satanism will be promoted.

If something isn't done, all truth will be over with. People who speak the truth will be treated as criminals. Many are already. The law will bust down your door at night or in the early morning hours and arrest you and anyone else living in your house or apartment. No one will ever see or hear from you again. This is what they are rapidly advancing towards.

One other thing I want to add here. There has been a recent scandal within USA Gymnastics. Jewish doctor for the Olympic team, Larry Nassar sexually abused many female athletes. They also found loads of child pornography in his home.

Because of the internet, this maggot has been exposed and brought to justice.

One Olympic gymnast stated (after being questioned by the Jewish press as to why she didn't bring it up some 20 years ago when it happened), that no one would take her case or story. It would never have gotten to the news.

Thanks to the internet, several gymnasts were able to come forward without Jewish censorship, or Jews deciding to suppress certain news. Jews deciding what you can or can't see, what you can or can't know, what you can or can't say, what you can or can't think, believe or even feel.

I've already written concerning Jewish communism, where the Jews decide every aspect of your life for you and if you have any problem with that, they will torture and murder you.

Wake up people.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Artanis said:
Do you mean that what they are doing *now* will result in an economic collapse?

Or do you mean that what they have always been trying to do with the Internet will *someday* result in an economic collapse?
There are websites on the internet where big transactions are made daily (with gold, technology, market stocks etc.). If the jews gain control of the Internet, this websites will be affected if the jews want that and will no longer offer those services and this will cause a economic decline for the companies which are activating on such websites.
I will do the JoS protection ritual today and also drop the white/black awareness ritual in for thoroughess. Full moon on a sunday will be a boost to all white magic and protective magic.
Yup looks like 666blacksun has been killed somehow.It says its been permanently removed.
Something hit the jews hard ,didn't it. Lets keep it coming. RTR now !
"MARTIAL LAW INVASION APOCALYPTIC MOVIE 2017". This might give you an idea what is coming. RED DAWN movie as well.
They are just movies,, Jewlywood. But,, use some imagination, and a person can find more realistic shows revealing what they will do to us, if they succeed.

use this to access all pages which are down, you can normaly use any site aswell as download anything: http://timetravel.mementoweb.org/
go to this site, copy paste the link which is down and go to FIND, if there are no found pages of the site you are looking for, only then go on RESTORE, but once you are on restore, you will need to restore every page you try to open then, the best is ofcourse if there are several copies already saved so you can just normaly browse the page instead of needing to restore every single page you wish to access

---> for ALL: time travel is the best from my experience when you try to find some lost pages, if it is not on time travel, then it will be difficult to find the page elsewere trust me ive been using it for a while
Just put the time into the communication RTR and the schedule.

SS322 said:
I will do the JoS protection ritual today and also drop the white/black awareness ritual in for thoroughess. Full moon on a sunday will be a boost to all white magic and protective magic.
HP Mageson666 said:
Just put the time into the communication RTR and the schedule.

SS322 said:
I will do the JoS protection ritual today and also drop the white/black awareness ritual in for thoroughess. Full moon on a sunday will be a boost to all white magic and protective magic.

I will do the same! I can't stand this injustice.

Communications (45 reps) + 72 + JoS Protection and all the schedule. If I wake up earlier in the morning I can do all of them, maybe also reapeat the schedule twice if I organize my time. :)
Does anyone think its a cohenquincidence right when the jews are attacking the JoS trying to take us offline and we have had our forums flooded with jewish hasabra.... That rainbow kylee and Shitead Mcmethy dedicated a whole show to attacking the JoS based on literally nothing. Is this the first time this has happened as well...... They have also had other make attacks on us in the past like sprockets.

Well what else do we need to know here. Hey goyim don't listen to the JoS and don't do those RTR rituals we just tried to pull off line goyim......um muh rainbow kabala kylee Christ and muh veganism flat earth that is the only way goyim. Don't forget ms rothman either goyim and send us some shekels. Oh and um Hitler was jewish goyim our main host we give all the attention to Charlie told you so and ummmmm Pan is really Yahweh and all European paganism is like jewish, goyim but were like rainbow kabala pagans and stuff......And don't you dare listen to Scott Roberts goyim we like told you not to, he is too good at exposing us goyim....Like the JoS is too.....
Academic Scholar said:

^ This is a mirror of the JoS site, 666blacksun.com, the RTRs and exposingchristianity.com. It works fine for me. This is also an archive of Satan's library: https://archive.is/YoFzj

This is a list of RTR backups: https://pastebin.com/YTApLu0j
Archived version: http://archive.is/HRt3y

mirror.spiritualsatanism.org is down.

spiritualsatanism.org is down too.
SSDF said:
Academic Scholar said:

^ This is a mirror of the JoS site, 666blacksun.com, the RTRs and exposingchristianity.com. It works fine for me. This is also an archive of Satan's library: https://archive.is/YoFzj

This is a list of RTR backups: https://pastebin.com/YTApLu0j
Archived version: http://archive.is/HRt3y

mirror.spiritualsatanism.org is down.

spiritualsatanism.org is down too.

The mirror SS site works fine for me. I know it works fine for other SS too but I know there's one another SS whom it doesn't work for. It may have to do with location.
It seems more and more of the links are becoming invalid and even the backup cache is being removed.
I am currently downloading all links and pages as I find them.

A good tool for this is HTTRack. I have used this in the past. Once I have collated all the JOS information I will make it available for all.
Anyone have a link to a full version of HP Hooded Cobras 40 day program? All of the links I find don't have the links within the program workings inside...I want to archive this and print it out to share with a personal friend.

Thank you in advance
sip said:
Anyone have a link to a full version of HP Hooded Cobras 40 day program? All of the links I find don't have the links within the program workings inside...I want to archive this and print it out to share with a personal friend.

Thank you in advance

Here is the direct download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ba8fiob53cky65l/Joy_of_Satan_Ministries_Meditation_Program_40_day.pdf?dl=1 If you don't trust downloading directly, just delete ?dl=1 and you will be able to see it's legit.
sip said:
Anyone have a link to a full version of HP Hooded Cobras 40 day program? All of the links I find don't have the links within the program workings inside...I want to archive this and print it out to share with a personal friend.

Thank you in advance

No.. please. This site can’t go down. The JoS site can’t go down. Without it I feel disconnected from my brothers and sisters. This shit isn’t a fucking joke man, FUCK THE JEWS
Well, let's see what I can do.
Here is a PDF mostly of the entire JoS website:

2011 Version of 6 month Spiritual Warfare

This website from 2011 Contains the Entire 666BlackSun website up until that point:

Wow, someone actually made a website for the entire Satanic Library (2016)

And because I'm very Biased, here are the PDfs of the "Website Downed" GLBT Thule Society as well as the Third Sex 666 Packets, respectively:


..and now a word.
Do you ever wonder if the enemy is looking at this right now and closing every link? Save your very best ones and hide them. What is the Clergy's Position on Net Neutrality by the way? It sounds like if these anti-Net neutrality laws get passed, this website and all small websites will be extremely close to access.

Food for thought,
Hope I helped someone
Hail Satan!
Hello! I am Agustina, I am 17 years old and I am from Argentina.
The truth is that I had some doubts about the rituals, I was reading too much and I am confused. Is it the same, the initiation ritual as the ritual to make a covenant with our Lord Satan? It really is something that has me confused.
From already thank you very much.
I got locked out and banned lol they must not like my input or view on the enemy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
