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Make Peace With Satan / Lucifer - A Message To Our Enemies

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Joy of Satan has a lot of self proclaimed "enemies", which are also unfortunately grossly misinformed in regards to who "Satan" or other "Demons" are.

Because the enemy systems are based solely on "hating" something, being solely "reactionary" cultures to the Ancient and Pagan ones, they have not much to offer, besides maybe warfare and stolen legends that they stole from...The people that they persecute today and their cultures are what gives them any form of remotely interesting content.

In the Joy of Satan, we know and prove beyond any doubt that these falsely "hated" beings are merely the Ancient Gods, and the "system" that we follow is essentially the Ancient Initiation system of meditation, self realization and spirituality.

What is commonly cited as a "reason" for this, is an array of both misunderstood, deception based, and foolish "texts" which are centered around the jewish people, which are the only ones on the planet who admit they made up a lot of fraudulent false propaganda against the Gods, merely for their own personal gains.

Even worse, because high knowledge made it to measly minds, it eventually became measly and translated falsely. Satan is currently setting this straight: Gifted teachers are given to humanity to explain these subjects again and set people free from ignorance. The Sadghus of the Gods will do their job again and again, until all falsehood is rectified.

This process is unstoppable. It is futile to resist it. We are foolishly trying to resist our higher potential, for no reason other than the false claims and "opinions" of a very few fools, which were certified to be both inferior and foolish since the Ancient times, arrogant and having taken a bad turn, namely, the Jews.

But their opinion doesn't have to matter. They aren't the greatest, nowhere even close. Hindus and many others dwarf them by far. They are in fact, one of the lowest cultures and levels of understanding that has appeared itself to exist on the surface of the world.

They are only above maybe the cannibal tribes if at that with some of the things they state, write or practice.

All others who were better and knew better, agreed with the obvious message of the primordial system that the Joy of Satan gives: The Gods are heroes, their path is noble, and we elevate ourselves as beings towards becoming our fullest potential when we walk this.

All of this is hardwired in all of us, from the time we are born, and since the time before we even exist in the earth. All of this is based on the natural laws inside both of this material universe and the universe above it, that we call "spiritual realm".

Everyone knows this to be the case. In fact, those who wanted for their own personal petty and failure reasons to construct a false dialectic to deceive humanity, know this too. Many of the enemy, as they reach higher levels of understanding, fall to Father Satan and apologize to Him.

They know that Lucifer is God, and that there is not a single reason to continue ongoing with a great blasphemy filled with errors against the guide of the cosmos or the universe.

They also know very well, that Father Satan/Lucifer, same as Beelzebul, do indeed rule all of the universe, seen and unseen, and that the Gods are beings versed to help lesser beings evolve and be brought upwards into the evolutionary ladder into what we refer to as "God" or the "Akasha" or the "Supernal Light".

Further, those in the "know", even those who try to oppose Father Satan, still do walk on this very same path and they cannot avoid this. If a soul wants to ascend, it must go through them. Humans and especially misguided humans, think they are waging a form of "War" against these entities, but in the end of the day, these entities remain as perfect as they always were.

To make this even more obvious, even the enemy "Popes" and many "Imams" and others, when they are past a level, essentially start practising corrupted forms of Spiritual Satanism to try to cope with the lack of knowledge of their systems.

They practice all of what their foolish system tell them is "Forbidden", and they have all the same aims that they "prohibit" with their false teachings. They are exposed on their own lies.

Astrology, divination, summoning, everything they say they shouldn't do, they "do". The soul of all human beings longs for the Luciferian path, because it's the path of bringing the soul back to it's lustre.

The world is lied to by these people who prohibit others of this, but they cannot do this forever towards the Gods. Anyone who advances past a point, will see THEM and there will be no escape. One will lie to humans, but one can never lie to the Gods.

Certain "grimoire" of even the "pope" are nothing but a show of obsession, fear and awe of the Ancient Gods. They know where the knowledge and illumination is. Making lies, they try to cover it up, pretending there are other forces,lying again and again.

Gentiles know in their being that this is a futile endeavour. Soul memory doesn't allow the lies to go on forever. Eventually, all lies collapse.

The Truth eventually digs itself out of the mud and cement that was put on it to cover it. It resurfaces and takes over again and again.

We are the ones at a loss as a species for not engaging in the knowledge and the abilities they could give us, and for not being partakers into an ever rising state of being. The universe's laws fall hard on those who do not do this, and the universe does not care what one "believes" based on hearsay about any "Jesus" or anything of the sort, or what people "assume" is the Truth because of poor knowledge of history.

Jesus and Mohammed, two "personalities" which people have falsely elevated into cult status, are inferior compared to many others who were many millions of times more advanced. Plato and Aristotle are only two examples here.

In fact, the obsession of people with two inferior characters who hardly are proven to have existed, is solely because their "stories" and "teachings" came from real teachers and real messengers of the Gods, who spoke in Truth and came before them.

From a psychological and ancestral standpoint, we still remember the impact of these great souls, and falsely, people are misdirected to worship the hoaxes of the jewish people in place of the real teachings of the real systems of the past. We know in our souls that our Gods and their people have a plan, that those initiated can walk upon.

The opposition to sense, spirituality, truthfulness, or development of the soul will lead humanity nowhere. The endless spiral of hate that is proposed by the enemy systems of lies, merely work to instil heavy mental and spiritual problems in humanity that constantly perpetuate more of the same misery and affliction of the lower levels of understanding that the enemy hoaxes keep generating.

Our opposition to this is because we are confronted with this. We could say here, that we exist and we have to encounter this dimension, and play by it's rules, but these are not the rules of the Ancient culture or the Sanatana Dharma, which seeks to elevate humanity past this.

I do sincerely pray to the Gods that humans make peace with the Gods, peace with themselves, and stop persecuting themselves or considering the world or the infinite universe "evil" and other misguided notions.

The day we will understand that this world is too a heaven and that we must behave like better human beings, and treat each other as entities on the way to the Godhead, will signify a day of awakening for mankind.

Clearly now, we are "far" from this, but this is where we will eventually be. The day of peace will come, when people decide to put the war where it should go: To advance themselves.

Until this day, pointless and meritless war will be launched against "Satan", who is the real source of awakening and revelation of Truth.

You must be certain, that we will hold the line and destroy anything until this time, equally as you think you should do until this day arrives. But we are the first to have asked for peace here, because we know the Truth and see the pointlessness in all of this.

That siege against our own Ancestral Gods and our primordial culture is the epitome of a mistake. Those who read the Joy of Satan honestly, will understand this. But we also see the reality of where we currently are as a "species".

That's because currently, humanity is a species of haters of the Truth, of which few people have the decency to turn on the other way and really turn their consciousness around.

Make peace with Father Satan and Illuminate yourselves. The greatest consequence one will pay here is not "hellfire", but the most dangerous form of ignorance.

As for us, Satan will absolve us step by step of all the layers of delusion: If you understand that this is, help yourself today and make amends.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's quite something to get your head around how we are made.

That the proverbs of us being like a drop of the ocean but we are also one with the ocean. Or when a blade of grass is cut the whole universe quivers.

It's because our consciousness isn't inside our bodies. Our consciousness is out in the field. We are the ether, we are pure energy.

That the body is an antennae that downloads our experience.

Very interesting and exceptional reality to learn.

We are in the Matrix. Like in the Matrix film where the guy has to bend a spoon with his mind. And Neo tells him he has to realise that there is no spoon. That he is the spoon and he must bend to bend the spoon.

We download it all this reality. And it's all energy. We create it all. That's why the enemy has everyone so conditioned.
Truly it is remarkable when we understand to a greater extent the power and value of our species.

Satan and the Gods are beings that are hard to comprehend at times, but they are divine and holy in the highest sense of the word.

It's hard to even describe the beauty of what they want us to become and create in this world.

It truly is the most loving and kind gesture of all, to see lesser advancing beings and want to bring them closer to the source, rectifying them into Gods.

We owe Satan and the Gods everything for what they have done. We must always keep this in mind.

We could just of been monkeys eating fruit from tree for the next 50,000 thousand years but they decided to craft us into something extremely beautiful and important.

May we all make Satan eternally for what he has done for us. We will make him proud as we transition into eternal divine beings, who create and destroy with proper understanding and wisdom.
It's mind blowing all that I've been through and all I have learned in these 3 years since dedication to Father Satan.
It's insane to imagine the upper echelons of the enemy knowing the truth of Satan and still thinking they can wage war against Him and win.
Yet the enemy is the embodiment of insanity and evil, the horrors they've inflicted on humanity will be on their collective heads.
Satan's vengeance will be an incredible sight to behold and I am honored to help deliver justice in Satan's glorious name.
If I have to return a million times to fight under Satan's banner, I will see them crushed.
I have no mercy or pity for the enemy.
They would simply repeat the process if offered mercy.
Begging Satan for mercy and making peace is their only option and hope.
I am proud to be on his side! And I will do anything and anything in my power to show father Satan how much I love him.
I just hope that he forgives me for the stupid things that I've done throughout my life! And even some of the stupidest things I said and got off is a fucking teenager.. I know that a lot of the things that Christians say about Satan is not cute and it's not funny! It was always a rundown for me and an embarrassment and a rather painful slap in the face! To hear my own folks and my own family talk crap about Satan and his gods and demons when they don't know fuck about him! I know that I've got off a lot of stupid things to myself to my family a lot of things that would get them just to shut the fuck up and leave me alone especially when it come to silly arguments over entertainment relationships! And education! Whatever you happen to show an interest in! People should have the right to be able to express their emotions and their feelings without being shot down! And I've always had feelings towards father Satan and I've always respected him! And I've always looked up to him and appreciated him and I know but if it wasn't for him we wouldn't exist! And I know that in this day and age so many people are so confused and don't even know which direction they're going! Worse than the days of my grandparents which was bad enough with politics and war! And didn't even know who or what to believe in at times when it comes to praying or who to believe in when it comes to being in the middle of the battlefield as a soldier knowing that you were wounded and didn't know how long you were going to last with you're going to live the next day or not! And not even knowing? Who your God is is pretty pathetic! All because of some silly religion that was created by a bunch of mindless jews! If people have any idea that these soldiers in the middle of the battlefield would probably have more confidence and would actually get the work done in less time with the better attitude! And with the more of a positive note! Even if we're fighting in the middle of a European country fighting with an enemy! In the middle of Afghanistan somewhere and you just want to do the best you can as a damn Soldier get the tasks done and get it over with! But considering how many hours and days and years you're out there? Who do you depend on the most other than yourself!? And how often do soldiers look up into the sunset and wonder who their God is? And I'm sure there's many hundreds of thousands of women and children every day who want to know who their real God is? And I'm sure that a lot of people laugh at this pathetic Jesus Christ this new single cartoon variation of whatever a God is supposed to be filtering through the minds of children around the world as they watch TV with Grandma and grandpa! Especially after church on sundays! Feeling like you've wasted the whole day getting brainwashed and feeling like a part of you with sleeping away more and more when you sit down and talk about Jesus or church! What these people are missing! And what they are lacking! When it comes to spirituality real intelligence! And to get the real facts instead of fiction and more lies to be able to look into yourself and to be able to meditate and to have the confidence in doing so knowing that you're not going to go to hell when you sit down and think about father Lucifer Satan and that you will be fine! And that he was somebody that people needed from the very beginning! Especially as a soldier in the middle of the battlefield! Someone that you can work with someone that can train you and help you! And prepare you for your enemy or for whoever you have to fight! Keeping you informed what is going on and what you need to do! To help your botanian and your fellow soldiers in the middle of the battlefield! Satan could have made things a lot easier for these troops! If people knew anything about Satan and the fact that he's more than just a God he is everything! He is a god of Gods and he is the true God of the gods! But then people don't take the time to sit down and wrap their brain around that? They don't even bother to stop and think about it! How powerful he is and how might she would help anybody who would look into him and the fact that he loves you for who and what you are even if you are handicapped even if you are black! He doesn't care if you're a female he doesn't care if you're overweight! And he doesn't care if you have money in your pocket or not! He still loves you and respects you just the same he's not going to do anything to harm you! I don't know why people think that you're going to go to hell and burn or he's going to harm you when all he wants to do is help you and give you advice! Father's Satan doesn't care what color of skin you have he doesn't care what race or nationality you are! He knows who you are because he and his gods and demons created you! He knew what the fucking hell he was doing he created us in his own image and likeness! So we have every reason to communicate with him and we should have every right to communicate with him and work with him on all levels! And it doesn't matter if you're a soldier in the middle of the battlefield! Or a ballerina on the stage doing your first recital! Everything you do and get into he's a part of because you're a part of it! And because you're a part of it you know damn well he is! He created you! And he knows what's best for you! To give your offer a thanks and to show your gratitude is often as you can! Not to be a radical but to be considerate and thoughtful and to be mindful of Father Satan and the things that he has done for us and the things that he has provided for us throughout the centuries gave us a beautiful world to live on fruits and vegetables to eat taught us how to grow food and to manage cattle and to keep a house and a home and to survive and all the many things he's provided to help us live in order to survive he has provided us with knowledge and information that we needed and things that were much needed! Throughout the years especially women with families! Having the knowledge and the know-how being able to meditate and look into yourself and learn to believe in yourself bringing out your own inner god and goddess knowing that you're a part of the godhead! Especially when you know how much you've learned and how far you've come pushing yourself with passion knowing that you can do it nobody's perfect laugh out loud but we try! Satan expects us to get up off of our asses and show our interest in learning and he wants us to learn as much as we can and as much as we allow ourselves to! And that people should take the time and the initiative to look into themselves and learn to be thankful and to show their gratitude towards him and themselves and to be thankful for who and what they are and to be thankful for who and what he is and to show Satan consideration! He blessed us with a beautiful world and everything that we need! And everything that we want is right here and it is within us all! All people have to do was look at themselves in the mirror and they will see him all they have to do is take a good look around and they will see the works of the Wonders and the magic that he has done to create a beautiful world beautiful people with beautiful minds and beautiful souls healthy spiritual energy and knowledge beyond measure and then some! All of this is ours and it still is? The enemy has got us Filthy Hands All Over everything! And it's looking to do its best to just straight everything and anything it can!? When it is entirely up to you and the individual! Look into yourself thank yourself for the fact that you're alive blessed with talents and abilities and a mind of your own! And be thankful take it all back from the enemy! Because it doesn't belong to me hands of the enemy! It belongs to us gentiles! People should think about the time we have right now! And be thankful for what we have and what we can do now with the joy of Satan and everything that we can learn and participate in. Allowing ourselves time to think about this! The things that Satan has provided for us and the things that we can still do! Before everything disappears by the hands of the enemy! Think of the things that you have learned all throughout School and think about the things your parents taught you at home? Knowing the difference between what is right and what is wrong! Even the cartoons and the programs we watched just little children we should know for ourselves who Satan is and what's right from wrong! What is fair to the human being and what isn't especially small children and what they're exposed to every day! That is why it is up to the older siblings and the parents to work with your little kids brothers and sisters to teach them the ropes and to teach them the ways and to teach them how to be happy and confident and to learn to look at themselves with them and to teach them about father Satan and they need to learn about him as much as they can! I know there's a lot of radicals out there! And I guarantee you that I'm not a fucking radical! Even though it's really easy to become one because we get lost in things and get carried away! And get a bit eccentric! It happens to a lot of people! Not all these people are bad! But when people start doing stupid things then that's what makes it look bad and that's the thing I can't stand about religion and people who push religion on you! It is the biggest percent of those people that are the radicals because they look to brutally criticize other people even to start violent attacks and arguments on people this fighting and punching and kicking name calling and threats! Satanism is not about that kind of shit! And yet you've got Christians out there all over the world who seem to think that that's what satanism is? When they are completely and absolutely fucking clueless! Lost in their own frame of mind and they're confusion of who and what to believe and? Now we're looking at a generation of people who don't even believe in themselves long enough to even learn anything so used to putting each other down looking for words of hate to use to discriminate into intimidate! Instead of learning things on their own and being a better person! And taking time to do things right and preparing themselves for the future being a better person! And living by example of how father Satan wants us to be! People should stop and think about him and how much they've been blessed with their talents and their abilities and the Brain they think with! So it wasn't for Satan we wouldn't have all of this! Father Satan provided many many many things for us growing up as children education schooling Sports and among other things that people of all ages can get into and participate in! People should stop and thank Father Satan everyday and be thankful of him and think of him! And people need to learn to start saying their prayers and learn to pray to Satan. And take their time in doing so! Pour your heart and soul out onto him and let you know how much you love him and appreciate him! Do a ritual of things at least once a month! When you meditate think about him and how much you love him take a good look at your home and all of your belongings! Everything that you earned and work hard for Satan was a part of it and he was there to help you! He does everything he can to help his own people! And he does everything he can to protect you! And that we should show him just the same showing the same respect and the same love! He gives us every day 24/7 💕 and then some because he doesn't give up !! Because he loves us and appreciates his so much! A God does not stop loving his people! And we don't stop loving our creator! We keep going ! We continue to serve and we continue to grow and live and learn and practice! As a human being! And even beyond our death and Beyond the Veil we keep going! Showing our love and gratitude! Growing and progressing mentally physically and spiritually! The gods do 24/7 and so do we! Especially if you're of the Magnum opus! You have your calling and you have your mission to serve! And those that are working their way into the godhead have their calling and their things to do just the same as the next person! And that is another reason why we need it stay focused and stay connected with Father Satan and why it's important to meditate and pray! And why we should be thankful to him!? It is very important it's just like breathing in and out! He is a part of our life he is our life cycle and he is who and what we are and all that we are! When we hunger for love we thirst for him! And he knows that because he can feel it! And he responds! You're hungry for education and you want to feel appreciated! He loves you and he respects that! And he admires you for that! People who put forth the effort showing their passion their things and their pleasure and all that they do thinking about him 24/7 and all that you do that he is there and he will always be there! Father Satan is not the kind of person who's going to get up and walk away from you he's aware of you and your problems what you're having struggles with what you need help with! He knows whether or not you need that paycheck the raise, and he knows that you want that job and that you'll try anything in the world to get it and he knows that you need the help when it's necessary! And he is there to help you and he is there to provide all people need to do is think about it wake up and listen and learn! ! People need to stop and think about it!!! HAIL SATAN!! 🧡💛
That's true Personal Growth. People don't even have a clue? To the things that we can do who and what we are? Versus who and what they are? People with their ignorance the things that they make up? And how they live and learn. Vrs. The type of people we are and the possibilities! When people wake up and listen and learn! And take the time and the Gratitude to do so! And do it right. It makes it hell of a difference when people just allow themselves to give in and surrender to the truth! Opening up their mind and actually allowing themselves to listen and learn and get an education! Even though this world is in dire need of love? And self-healing! Which tells you something right there! When people are disconnected from their own god? And full captive and slave to the enemy? Then they're going to feel sick and they're going to feel more and more miserable! And then they're out there doing stupid things and they Wonder why? They want love because they don't know how to love themselves! They're stupid and they're dumb they run away from education and their chance to learn something because of fear? Because of upbringing or something their parents told them? Or because of some true to values? Either afraid to listen and learn because they're afraid they're going to go to hell? Or they just don't want to go out and do things by themselves and be independent! Because they expect mommy and daddy or somebody else to get out and do it for them? That's another thing I can't stand about the human race! And the fact that people are lacking in so many ways on so many levels I don't even know where to start! The fact that people are so dumb and the fact that people fall into the enemy's hands and they've done it repeatedly throughout the centuries and it's no wonder they laugh at us and call us cattle! The enemy and how they get up there on the stage and joke as comedians making fun of the gentile people comparing us up to fucking children and animals! Making fun of who we are and all that we do! When they're the ones that have the fucking shit on their faces because they know what they've done and what they've said and then they get all rude and disrespectful and throw more stupidity all over the place because they know what they've done and they know how sick and pathetic they are! Anybody who would sit there and make fun of other people! Worst of all making fun of their own God and lying and talking shit about them slamming their own God down and their own ancestors the gods and the goddesses that people depend on! And need! And are absolutely fucking screaming for it! And crying for it and all the enemy can do is sit there and laugh at us laugh at the people out there who are looking for the real God looking for the truth and looking for the answers! People need help and they're crying for it and they don't know who to go to? What source? A lot of people are so fucking clueless! And no they're not going to get anywhere! Because they refuse to listen and learn to who their real God is they refuse to listen to the truth they refused to open up their eyes and see for themselves! Who they came from who their God is? Whose father Satan is they need to learn to fucking open up their mind and they need to accept it like it or not truth be told! And they're going to have a pretty rude awakening when they find out! For themselves that their family and their family members relatives that have passed before them throughout the centuries didn't take the time to teach them the knowledge that they need to know the truth about their ancient background and their ancestors and who they're related to and who their God is and who father Satan is! And that they should be proud and thankful for who and what they are especially when they allow themselves to wake up and think about it! And see how things connect like a jigsaw puzzle the truth is revealed for those who seek! If you seek ye shall find! And for those who awakened to the truth! Are going to get their answers and the help that they want and need! They're going to get unconditional love healing energy and then some! And those are the ones that are going to survive and those are the ones that are going to carry the knowledge and be the example of how and what a gentile is supposed to be like and how Satan wanted us to be like in the first place very few of us are going to be recognized for who and what we are very few of us are going to be recognized for the things that we do as a human being being recognized by Satan and his gods and demons being recognized as his people! Who will do anything in the world to serve him and to give him thanks showing their passion and their pleasure and their thanks in many ways! Having a feast with them thinking about him 24/7 and having him on his mind right there along with your family and your children because father Satan and his gods and demons are a part of your family and they're a part of your family as well as my family because we are family! We treat each other equally and we treat each other with kindness and respect like we're all a part of the godhead! And we all have our problems and we all are achieving something we have our goals and we have plenty of things that we have to do and things that we need to do to help us and to provide to make things easier for us to learn and to pay attention to and to listen and we can always look things up and we can always ask for help when it's necessary and that's what I love about having this website and having this family! And being one with Father Satan and his gods and demons! The things that you learn? Is entirely up to you and what you want to learn! And how much passion and gratitude you put into it what you put into it is what you're going to get out of it and it goes along with the magic that you're learning and how much you want to learn and how serious you are with it! How far do you want to go when you learn it goes on forever so depending on how much you learn it is entirely up to you and every individual out there! You ask yourself that question? How far do you want to go and how much do you want to learn and are you serious! When you do your dedication to Father Satan it is more than serious! It is a promise and it is a pack that you've made! That means your eyes and your ears are open 24/7 to listen to his voice and to look for signs and messages! And to recognize his gods and demons that are sent there to help you and to recognize you for who and what you are and what you need help with! And when you allow that to happen many doors open up for you tables turn in your honor and in your name because father Satan wants you to learn the truth about everything and he wants you to be happy and enjoy yourself as well along the way! Just always remember him and thank him! And that's what I have to say to the people out there! :D
It's Dharma that's infinite not Adharma (opposed to Dharma). Adharma has a limit ,a rock bottom. But one doesn't have to descend to such suffering to accept Dharma. Something which they will come to accept anyway. Everything is in Dharma ,so even Asuric entities will follow it to a certain extent,until when it comes to attacking other entities. It's a mysterious force evil but it's part of the Cosmic Dance. The Polarity of creation produces the variety.
Kalki will not forgive the Jews even if they make peace with Lord Satan. They will see the retribution that they have brought upon themselves for thousands of years of their unpromted, unprovoked collective crimes against humanity.

And this time it's not going to be fun and games like breaking their Temple Mount. What's about to transpire to this group in the future will make it such that no one will even remember them in a hundred years.
Heil Hitler
Enemy does not make peace with Satan they're not going to be able to make peace with themselves! No matter what they have done or said in their living years! To the people the enemies and the individuals out there who show hatred towards the world and other people and their rights! I most definitely say that a lot of people have a lot of answering to do and a lot of thinking at this point! Especially when it comes to making peace with Lucifer Satan.
Not only making peace with him! But also making peace with the gods and the demons as well! And not to mention the fact! Last but not least! Make peace with their ancestors and those that have passed before them! And consider making peace with the ancients! And our ancestors for bringing us here! So people not only have a lot to think about! They've got a lot going on their ass if they don't! And if they don't even give it a think or even so much just give it a thought or a fucking try? They know what they are up against! And people should be scared for the fact that their own families turn against their own god! And throughout the centuries falling on their asses falling into the collectors and the lies and the belief system of the fucking enemy! And years and years of torture and abuse especially being passed down from generation to generation and all these stupid Christian families and it's not just the Christians that have something to think about and the guilty conscience they have? If it wasn't brought on by their choice of living? The fact that they turned against their own blood their own god! And their own people! They put their own people and their own ancestors to shame! And sit and talk dirty about them at the dinner table while they're passing the milk around and the potatoes rub a dub dub thank you for the grub! That they don't even stop and think about how pathetic they are when they bow and worship another God one that is obviously fucking make-believe and going along with the rules and the acting and the program that the enemy wants people to get into looking like some freak character from out of some fucking movie or a cartoon I'm bowing with obedience Tears in their eyes looking like some little kid about to get smacked! Just because we do what we do as human beings and getting punished for everything that we do and say regardless whether you're an adult or not! And it's sad and pathetic that children have to grow up with that image in their head old people grow old and leave this earth knowing what they had to go through and how embarrassing it was! Especially women from around the world! The abuse and the torment that they had been through throughout the centuries because of these stupid Christians Muslims and Jews and how much they hate and despise women and children! Why even bother getting married? If women are going to be dumb enough to fall for that and it doesn't matter how good looking the guy is and how sweet and Suave he may seem is all a big fucking trap and a fucking trick and a silk and thread to lead an innocent woman or young girl into slavery the form of marriage created by Christians Muslims and Jews instead of treating her with respect she gets treated like another dog or another child worst of all beaten and punished and put down just because she's got a mind of her own people not only show disrespective women and children! They have spent centuries putting Satan down making fun of them calling him names and blaming him for all kinds of things summoning him and his gods and demons for amusement and just to make fun of him! And along with it making fun of the Goddess by treating women with disrespect! People need to consider our mother and our queen! We were created In Her Image as far as us ladies are concerned! And it doesn't matter how will the woman or a little girl is laugh out loud she should be treated like a goddess and a queen! Even if she's going through those developing years as a kid going to school overcoming problems and opening up doors and discovering gifts and powers and abilities that she thought she'd never had girls should be allowed to do that! Little kid should be allowed to discover their own powers and their magic! Little girls and boys both have that right to express their knowledge and their interest in knowledge especially when it comes to their real God and their King father Lucifer satan! Who and what he is and what he represents and the fact that he is our god! And that children from around the world need to be taught about father Satan and his gods and demons and have an appreciation for him and understand him who and what he is and what he comes from what he really looks like and what he is really capable of compared to the cartoon image that they see of him everyday when they go to a movie theater or sit down to play video games with their brothers and sisters! And when they get together to have a party as teenagers listening to metal music! It doesn't make you into a Satanist just because you're a metal fan! It makes you a Satanist when you show an interest in Satan and make your dedication to him and taking your time to do things right studying and reading and meditating and taking the time and having the time and the effort to do so! And people are so far behind when it comes to these things when it comes to the knowledge that we have and the type of knowledge that we're learning here! It's going to take the world of people out there another 200 years to get an education and another 200 or more so to learn about their powers and their gifts and to learn how to use them plus not to mention the fact learning who and what they are and what they're supposed to do and what they're supposed to be when it comes to their Works their knowledge and their accountability and the choices that people make on their path! What makes the individual person unique when they open up to Satan and make their dedication to him! That it is permanent and it is forever! And that there are ways of doing things properly? Not to mention the fact being able to answer questions and get the help that people want and need if they happen to get stuck in their frame of mind somewhere and freeze out of fear or misunderstanding what they're doing and what they're getting into! And to not be afraid of asking for help or sitting down and praying and allowing themselves to open up for once and for all and meditate and pray to father satan! And learning how to figure things out on their own as an individual when they get stuck on something and learn to be self-reliant along with learning about Satan and his gods and demons people are going to be learning about themselves more and more and where they come from they're ancient background and their history! And what each individual is assigned to do according to their calling and what they have chosen to do in their life! It all adds up! All people have to do is look at themselves in the mirror and they will see their ancient ancestors by looking into their eyes and looking at the shapes of their faces and their skin! Not to mention the fact that I did they're unique individuality the things they show interest in and what they're good at and what they suck at! What they're having problems with and who they get along with better! People have a way of getting their questions answered when they sit down and think! And we may allow themselves time to relax and go into a meditation a lot of their own questions are answered and all people have to do and need to do is look into themselves and to be thankful for who and what they are and what they have and for all that they are and what they have and what they need! Or different things but it all adds up when people show their interest and show their gratitude to Father Satan and his gods and demons did they are going to get the help they want and need and that people will have their open mind their questions answered and they will learn and get the education that they want and need! The only reason why I am going on and on and on with this is the fact that this is serious! And we've got so many people around the world that don't even know what the hell they're doing or getting into when it comes down to work schooling business and finance they could use the help and use the knowledge to survive if they communicate with Father Satan anything is possible! Just to be able to get through the month having to pay the bills feeding their children or overcoming a disability or recovering from an injury people don't realize that father Satan is there to help them with these things! And it doesn't matter what kind of trouble you're into? Financially mentally physically spiritually emotionally chronological neurologically and psychologically! When people sit down and think!? About all the things that they go through and what mistakes they're making and what they're missing out on? The answer is written on the wall! Especially when people learn to look at things in different perspectives and learn to read between the lines! Knowing who their God is! And it's pretty obvious that it's father Lucifer satan! All people need to do is open up their eyes and look get a pair of glasses and take a good look around! And dig the junk out of their ears and listen for the truth! And wake the fucking hell up! And you can drink all the fucking coffee and Monster energy drinks you can get your grubby hands on! But people out there seriously need to learn to be thankful and get their priorities straight! And accept their God for who and what he is! And stop listening to the lies and the bullshit of the enemy! And learn to fucking get a backbone and walk away! And take the time to sit and think about things! And learn to love themselves and make peace within themselves and father Satan. It doesn't take much for some people but with others out there it might take a while! Depending on their family and how disrespectful they were and how they live their life I know that people have been awfully cruel and abusive to one another throughout the centuries and they have been awfully cruel and abusive to Satan and his gods and demons as well and not even allow them to give a chance to get to know and to learn about and to grow on! Yes we're dealing with a lot of crazy shit in this world! And we're dealing with a lot of lies and bullshit put out there by the government and through the mass media with television and computers! Teaching and programming little children and people all over of all ages around the fucking world making things more and more confusing when the writing is on the wall the proof is in the pudding the father Lucifer Satan is our God you can hear it in the screams of babies being born! Giving birth to her child! You can see it in the actions and the behavior children when they sit and laugh and play and sing and carry on! The energy levels that children have and how they laugh and think and play! The creative abilities that people have! When it comes to sports and art! Learning and reading and getting in education and the things that we can do with our brains! And our bodies is proof right there that shows you the father Satan is real and that he is a part of you and he has blessed us with these talents and abilities he is that knowledge and he is that power and all people have to do is sit down and think about it and tap in people don't even realize that they are doing it through their own actions when they go out and play sports competitive Sports when it comes to running and jogging and working out with weights Olympic athletes training for the Olympics whether to be track and field synchronized swimming or gymnastics considering the talents and the beauty and the energy that these athletes have that that is Satan right there and that is pure satanic energy because the individual is working with their chakra energy and their core energy mind body and soul and how coordinated the athlete is that there's proof right there that father Satan is real! Because he is that energy he is that Valor and he is that strength he is that grace! When people take care of themselves and make their connection with Father Satan Anything is Possible and people look beautiful and they show it and they express it they are literally Living Like Father Satan wants you to be happy strong athletic physically fit and capable and able to do anything and anything you want especially when you're out there living your life or on the battlefield! Or in the middle of the football field! And it doesn't matter how old you are what country you're from? Even if you were born and raised in a Christian family you still have that right to be you and make your choices! Even if you did stupid things and made bad decisions throughout your life Satanist still there for you and he understands you and it's not going to hurt for you to sit down and talk to him and communicate with him and make peace with him! 💯🖤
serpentwalker666 said:
Truly it is remarkable when we understand to a greater extent the power and value of our species.

Satan and the Gods are beings that are hard to comprehend at times, but they are divine and holy in the highest sense of the word.


May we all make Satan eternally for what he has done for us. We will make him proud as we transition into eternal divine beings, who create and destroy with proper understanding and wisdom.

Absolutely, existence is remarkable. When humanity understands, we will thank the Gods all day in their wisdom for making us.

Silverfire said:
They would simply repeat the process if offered mercy.
Begging Satan for mercy and making peace is their only option and hope.

That's why this process is on the hands of the Gods who will discipline these creatures in a way that is beyond current understanding.

Because it's too far, and all other methods of reason have failed. Everytime they are excused, they repeat the same thing, doing it even worse than the previous time.

What is even worse is that this sorry state is also costing the existence of others and rather innocent souls in the process.

This kind of goes beyond the opinion of human beings. One might have mercy and even pity them for being in this situation [most regular people who have no clue of what is going on especially, for obvious reasons that others aren't monsters], but we must never allow this to affect our growth.

We have to grow past them. There are piece in the Gita that explain all of this and how it will transpire, and also how this will eventually wash this nonsense off. The Final RTR is fundamental to this washout of the spiritual monstrosity that has built itself up.

likman666 said:
It's Dharma that's infinite not Adharma (opposed to Dharma). Adharma has a limit ,a rock bottom. But one doesn't have to descend to such suffering to accept Dharma. Something which they will come to accept anyway. Everything is in Dharma ,so even Asuric entities will follow it to a certain extent,until when it comes to attacking other entities. It's a mysterious force evil but it's part of the Cosmic Dance. The Polarity of creation produces the variety.

Surely, the Adharma has a limit to it, but there is something below the limit.

There is a level below Adharma, and that is non-existence. It's part of a recycling process. When one dips too low, they will inevitably fall into the recycling process of the universe.

General Yeager said:
Kalki will not forgive the Jews even if they make peace with Lord Satan. They will see the retribution that they have brought upon themselves for thousands of years of their unpromted, unprovoked collective crimes against humanity.

And this time it's not going to be fun and games like breaking their Temple Mount. What's about to transpire to this group in the future will make it such that no one will even remember them in a hundred years.

Technically they have been warned. Jews always like to see every statement as an attack to them and every criticism they consider is "anti-semitism" and a call to violence which is a typical trait of a psychopathy based culture that will take no discourses.

Everytime a person points them on anything they instantly want to either kill them or want to cause mass genocide to them, over literally not much but even this. Every remote statement or every "dislike" against them they consider a deadly attack and they cannot let go. Judaism is essentially cumulative hate of 2500 years against all other cultures and even against themselves.

All this hate is going somewhere and it's going to eventually self implode. Everytime it self implodes and it crushes them, they always try to blame someone else for it, which makes matters even worse.

In India there are many tribes who have traditionally both misused and done severe crimes based on stealing low level divine knowledge. Many of them no longer exist and the Ancients knew this was an outcome when this behavior continues both on the individual level but even worse on a collective level.

To this day some still survive, but others are simply gone because of this unceasing behavior.

Jews have been repeatedly warned on a mass level to not do this because of the obvious outcomes of this [and have paid with 130 expulsions and many other problems]. These problems never notified them that they should change to where this has made everyone consider this an impossiblity. More atrocity based actions like wanting to chip humans, forcibly bastardize humanity and so on, adds even worse things in store.

In the same way one gives many notices to a criminal to stop what they are doing, when they do not, they increase the output. The "calamities" that fell on them were essentially for what they did "up until the time".

But they haven't really stopped since and only intensified their actions. At this point what is going to happen is liable to higher judgement by the Gods themselves, it's really that bad. They haven't stopped in anyway to consider anything.

It is also correct that these were for the most part completely unprovoked. People haven't done something to have to do 40 more reincarnations because jews suck and experience inevitable suffering as a result of hoaxing them.

They have walked a path which the continuation of it is really severe. Some of them knew it too. They are also on a suffering state as a result which is also reflected upon humanity and the common crimes they do by power misuse against others who are innocent because of this hate based mentality.

The Gods also will never allow them anywhere close to their own things again on a mass level, because of obvious reasons. They didn't respect the fact that Gentiles tried to treat them in a normal way and have violated all the ethical and moral laws of behaviour in levels never seen before in history.
Silverfire said:
It's insane to imagine the upper echelons of the enemy knowing the truth of Satan and still thinking they can wage war against Him and win.

Isn’t it more like that the upper echelons of the enemy know they can’t win, but they don’t want to evolve, so instead stay at 12 grade for eons and eons (the cycle keeps on repeating), until they decide they want to put the work in and evolve…..

and if it wasn’t for them (jews), like the high school bully, we wouldn’t have a challenge. And we need a challenge in order to evolve, after all…..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We have to grow past them. There are piece in the Gita that explain all of this and how it will transpire, and also how this will eventually wash this nonsense off. The Final RTR is fundamental to this washout of the spiritual monstrosity that has built itself up.

I feel like these earth cycles have played out many many times before, with history repeating itself. And as you say, somehow the jews are able to play better and better each time, as they retain some level of memory, knowledge.

But they cant ever win, or transcend this level, as they cant ever evolve past the gods.

And as you suggest, at some point in time, when all chances to evolve have been exhausted, their souls will be totally recycled, i.e their souls won't exist anymore.

Though, errors are likely always to happen again in future creations, just as mutations and corruption exist today, because higher beings, like parents, with empathy give them a chance to correct themselves to a limit…. And then at some point, no more chances are given, and the mutated have to be exterminated.
Solar Legion said:
Silverfire said:
It's insane to imagine the upper echelons of the enemy knowing the truth of Satan and still thinking they can wage war against Him and win.

and if it wasn’t for them (jews), like the high school bully, we wouldn’t have a challenge. And we need a challenge in order to evolve, after all…..
Saying one needs jews to evolve is like saying you need a tapeworm to make your diet regimen more challenging.
Silverfire said:
Saying one needs jews to evolve is like saying you need a tapeworm to make your diet regimen more challenging.

The immune systems evolves because of parasites, viruses...

Technological systems evolve because of threats, attacks, viruses...

Societal systems evolve because of corruption, manipulative behaviors...

So, I disagree, even if the jews are comparable to astral tape worms.

Tape worms, especially in mass, pose a threat to larger living systems, so they have to be dealt with accordingly, which prompts that being to act, and evolve.
Will enemies of Satan really make peace with Him?

They have no other choice if you ask me.
Solar Legion said:
Silverfire said:
Saying one needs jews to evolve is like saying you need a tapeworm to make your diet regimen more challenging.

The immune systems evolves because of parasites, viruses...

Technological systems evolve because of threats, attacks, viruses...

Societal systems evolve because of corruption, manipulative behaviors...

So, I disagree, even if the jews are comparable to astral tape worms.

Tape worms, especially in mass, pose a threat to larger living systems, so they have to be dealt with accordingly, which prompts that being to act, and evolve.
Maybe we can agree to disagree.
Good luck on your path.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have a question. are the rohingya related to the jews just like the gypsies since the rohingya get persecuted a lot. are they just a separate worthless species like the gypsies or are they blood related?
Solar Legion said:
Silverfire said:
Saying one needs jews to evolve is like saying you need a tapeworm to make your diet regimen more challenging.

The immune systems evolves because of parasites, viruses...

Technological systems evolve because of threats, attacks, viruses...

Societal systems evolve because of corruption, manipulative behaviors...

So, I disagree, even if the jews are comparable to astral tape worms.

Tape worms, especially in mass, pose a threat to larger living systems, so they have to be dealt with accordingly, which prompts that being to act, and evolve.
Jews are astral AIDS. At best.
What has AIDS done for anybody's immune system?

Jews aren't comparable to any virus, bacteria or parasite anyway because they aren't even natural. It's a twisted artificial perversion, and an inversion of nature's order. They are not here for any natural ecological need, reason or purpose and that is why your argument cannot be applied to them despite its validity for threats native to Earth.

Humanity doesn't evolve because of jews anymore than your neurons evolve because of sarin gas.
Beautiful sermon High Priest
I stand with the unalienable, undeniable, irrefutable Creator of Man kind Father Satan & the God's of Hell!!

Hail SATAN!!
Hail Victory!
All that bless Israel are cursed,, to the Lake of Fire. All that curse Israel are blessed. Israel shall have it's part in the lake of fire. I curse Israel to the lake of fire. ( Israel is having hard times now, embassies closed worldwide. ) The SOUL of Judah shall have it's part in the lake of fire. The Seed of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob shall have it's part in the lake of fire. The Seed of King David shall have it's part in the lake of fire. The Seed of Moses shall have their part in the lake of fire. The seed of Aaron shall have their part in the lake of fire. THE SEED OF THE LEVITES AND LEVI SHALL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE OF FIRE. Use their own word and tools against them.
Jews are astral AIDS. At best.
What has AIDS done for anybody's immune system?

Jews aren't comparable to any virus, bacteria or parasite anyway because they aren't even natural. It's a twisted artificial perversion, and an inversion of nature's order. They are not here for any natural ecological need, reason or purpose and that is why your argument cannot be applied to them despite its validity for threats native to Earth.

Humanity doesn't evolve because of jews anymore than your neurons evolve because of sarin gas.

I agree, that these engineered biological weapons (AIDS / COVID vaccines) are causing extreme harm to humans, and it is sad to see people still supporting vaccines and attacking their friends and family for their opinions, for they do not know their enemy.

I think any damage (physical, mental, spiritual) caused to humans by the jew parasite can be reversed/healed, and then the human can develop the physical and mental skill, and spiritual fortitude to exterminate them.
What a wonderful sentence in your masterful contribution: "The soul of all people longs for the Luciferian path, because it is the path that brings the soul back to its splendor".

That's exactly right! And this is also true: "Satan ... who is the true source of awakening and the revelation of truth". Glory be to Satan for all eternity. My creator, my salvation.

I actually already knew this as a child, but so-called socialization, especially at school, had filled me with a false image of Satan and his teachings. I couldn't defend myself against forced baptism and although I hardly attended confirmation classes and didn't collect any "sweet pictures of Jesus", I was surprisingly admitted to confirmation, or rather: forced. I then had to eat "his body" and drink "his blood".

For everything I have done, even unknowingly, to offend or slander Satan and his hosts, I ask a thousand times for forgiveness. I entrust my life and my soul to him.

I am infinitely grateful that he came into my life.

Thank you for your wonderful contribution, HPHC666.

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Abraxas!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
