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Magnum Opus Levels Explained

Manofsatan said:
The power meditation steps for the magnum opus on the website is clearly incomplete. Because it is clearly stated int the third meditation that a fourth one is to be added which will aid the union of the two elixirs by cleansing them. It's hasn't been given.
Secondly, is Kai purr right with his write up about the magnum opus. Because I recall he strayed. I just want to be sure his meditations are authentic and even the philosopher stone he wrote about, is that true and is that stone meant to be in the heart Chakra constantly generating energy.

Thank you

It is incomplete. Those are called preleminary steps. HP Maxine has said she will share the meditations once the God's give the Ok.

The philosopher stone is not the Magnum Opus. Its just a ball of light used to empower and circulate energy. Something very simple. Kai purr is not to be trusted but even this philosopher stone was something that Maxine has shared before, its just a ball of light. There are meditation in qigong that are similar, nothing special but still useful.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
Thanks for your effort .
What if I failed in the journey of life
and did not complete magnum opus ?

will be there another chance reincarnation

Yes, most definitely.

So let me just clear this up. Is it actually possible to achieve immortality of the Magnum Opus in a single lifetime? Depending on the 'level' perhaps?

And are there ways to tell how connected your soul is to the physical body? Such as a knack for biokinesis for instance? I always figured and deduced that for such workings especially in more complex forms to be done successfully would really require a good connection between the soul and physical body in order to actually effect the biology of which the soul is tied to.

I never really grasped how difficult it's actually supposed to be and always just assumed it's the one of the more 'casual' forms of magic that just needs a lot of power to it, but this sermon has brought it to my attention once again that perhaps this connection has a lot more to do with it than I initially thought, because to change the biology of the physical body is to simultaneously spiritually alter the mirror of the soul for it as well. There'd have to be some sort of tight bridge between them is what I'm speculating but correct me if I'm wrong.

Okay, I watched an interview of Gopi Krishna and this state of consciousness within him was separate from his body to a degree. It seems like this was his first understanding of nature and reality fully. I looked into some of what Francis Bacon did, create the scientific method. This understanding was within him. It doesn’t seem like that consciousness should be so separate from a person, this was still another part of his mind.

I’m wondering if every level 2 or level 3 becomes famous and makes a major impact on the world. It seems like these people need to spend less time meditating. Hitler obviously did not spend all day everyday meditating for over a decade like gopi Krishna, unless maybe he did? He spent so much time doing so much for the world. It would seem tangibly impossible to find that much time.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, most definitely.

So let me just clear this up. Is it actually possible to achieve immortality of the Magnum Opus in a single lifetime? Depending on the 'level' perhaps?

And are there ways to tell how connected your soul is to the physical body? Such as a knack for biokinesis for instance? I always figured and deduced that for such workings especially in more complex forms to be done successfully would really require a good connection between the soul and physical body in order to actually effect the biology of which the soul is tied to.

I never really grasped how difficult it's actually supposed to be and always just assumed it's the one of the more 'casual' forms of magic that just needs a lot of power to it, but this sermon has brought it to my attention once again that perhaps this connection has a lot more to do with it than I initially thought, because to change the biology of the physical body is to simultaneously spiritually alter the mirror of the soul for it as well. There'd have to be some sort of tight bridge between them is what I'm speculating but correct me if I'm wrong.

Okay, I watched an interview of Gopi Krishna and this state of consciousness within him was separate from his body to a degree. It seems like this was his first understanding of nature and reality fully. I looked into some of what Francis Bacon did, create the scientific method. This understanding was within him. It doesn’t seem like that consciousness should be so separate from a person, this was still another part of his mind.

I’m wondering if every level 2 or level 3 becomes famous and makes a major impact on the world. It seems like these people need to spend less time meditating. Hitler obviously did not spend all day everyday meditating for over a decade like gopi Krishna, unless maybe he did? He spent so much time doing so much for the world. It would seem tangibly impossible to find that much time.

Maybe others worked on his soul for him?

There was something about the thule society channeling the spirit of the antichrist into him or something along those lines, but I don't have the time to look for it right now.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, most definitely.

So let me just clear this up. Is it actually possible to achieve immortality of the Magnum Opus in a single lifetime? Depending on the 'level' perhaps?

And are there ways to tell how connected your soul is to the physical body? Such as a knack for biokinesis for instance? I always figured and deduced that for such workings especially in more complex forms to be done successfully would really require a good connection between the soul and physical body in order to actually effect the biology of which the soul is tied to.

I never really grasped how difficult it's actually supposed to be and always just assumed it's the one of the more 'casual' forms of magic that just needs a lot of power to it, but this sermon has brought it to my attention once again that perhaps this connection has a lot more to do with it than I initially thought, because to change the biology of the physical body is to simultaneously spiritually alter the mirror of the soul for it as well. There'd have to be some sort of tight bridge between them is what I'm speculating but correct me if I'm wrong.

Okay, I watched an interview of Gopi Krishna and this state of consciousness within him was separate from his body to a degree. It seems like this was his first understanding of nature and reality fully. I looked into some of what Francis Bacon did, create the scientific method. This understanding was within him. It doesn’t seem like that consciousness should be so separate from a person, this was still another part of his mind.

I’m wondering if every level 2 or level 3 becomes famous and makes a major impact on the world. It seems like these people need to spend less time meditating. Hitler obviously did not spend all day everyday meditating for over a decade like gopi Krishna, unless maybe he did? He spent so much time doing so much for the world. It would seem tangibly impossible to find that much time.

The Fuhrer slept only 4 hours a day as stated by high rank officials close to him. Also he read alchemy writings and practiced yoga from a very young age, since he was trying to get accepted into the art school.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Hitler obviously did not spend all day everyday meditating for over a decade like gopi Krishna, unless maybe he did? He spent so much time doing so much for the world. It would seem tangibly impossible to find that much time.

The gods do not sleep like we do, their physical body just hibernates as they project out from it to the astral, they are awake 24/7 as far as I'm aware, or at least the busiest ones are. Physical body goes to sleep > Astral Project > Still awake and can perform meditation and all other tasks on the astral such as communications and spiritual warfare, etc. I'm confident in my belief this is how Hitler did it to find the time, but I am not him and this is just a theory, but a very educated one.

When one meditates via astral projection/lucid dreaming the meditations upon the soul are still real and effective I believe because you are still connected to a physical body which is needed in order to spiritually advance effectively. Meditations in dreams/the astral are incredibly vivid and powerful from my personal experience, you actually 'physically' see all the energy around you among other things that you work with but it takes practice to make it more 'real' to manifest it as actual energy as opposed to just imaginatory visuals.

This is where the point of a physical body I believe is important to instate the realness of the material grounding in the conscience.
Jax911 said:
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
The Fuhrer slept only 4 hours a day as stated by high rank officials close to him. Also he read alchemy writings and practiced yoga from a very young age, since he was trying to get accepted into the art school.

Awesome, yeah that makes more sense.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Fascinating. I haven’t seen myself meditate on the astral but what I have seen is myself doing certain things with others astrally. Going around healing and reconciling, along with some other powerful practice. I only saw this recently but a while back, I was falling asleep next to someone who I thought was just crazy at the time. He woke up and tried to describe what he saw my energy doing and said it was enveloping and doing xyz. I said okay whatever. Now I see it and it is exactly what he was talking about, which seems to be how the gods work but on a smaller level. What I do to with others on the astral is the same capability I’ve tapped into on the physical, but it existed before I tapped into it.
Hello fellow sisters and brothers..
I’d Like to share my experience with you guys. I’ve been a spiritual satanist, For more than 15 Years now. I’ve been practicing meditations every now and then but not really constantly until recently.
But I could always have felt the energy and my chakras spinning. I knew how to send energies and manipulate them and I always felt my chakras vibrating so intensely.
I got to the point where people could feel my energy whenever sitting next to me. Even while having sex he could feel my base chakra spinning while he was in me, and my hand chakras whenever i touch anyone..
A couple of months ago suddenly I went on a very strict diet where I barely ate enough calories a day and I lost my appetite, I wasn’t sleeping much at all either.. but i felt full and energized!
I also would like to mention, that i never had success at astral projection before, because I was never patient enough.
One day I was asleep and I woke up in the middle of my sleep then, I felt like going back to bed again after seconds of closing my eyes someone was there with me forcing me and instructing me to follow his steps encouraging me to go on climbing that stairs and then falling from up there and Baam!
I was squeezed out of my body in my own bedroom standing in front of this is huge tall bodybuilder amazingly handsome Man and I was like floating in the air asking him to hold me still because I didn’t really know how to stand still and he grabbed me closer to him and it was most amazing feeling I’ve ever had in my whole life!
Feeling his presence and talking to him face to face.. watching him shift shapes in a blink of an eye..
I asked him who was he and he answered: “Deacon/Dagon”, later on when I woke up I found out more about him and I was very lucky and blessed to have finally met a great God like him. After about a month when I was meditating intensely, to the point where I spent four hours or a whole day meditating.. barely ate anything or got enough sleep I don’t know why..
one night, when I was meditating on my base chakra, suddenly I felt this weird sensation I never felt before and I just knew it had something to do with my kundalini, I couldn’t control it.. And it felt like a hot sensation going up my spine. I got this very weird arousal and sexual energy.. then It kept going up through each of my chakras till it reached my heart chakra, it stopped here for seconds where it felt melting hot the most.. then for a second, I had visions of people I knew in the past and then I felt it going up through my throat chakra up to my third eye and crown, here where I saw bolting lights flashing out of no where.
It just felt so amazing I had no idea what it was all about.
Ever since that day amazing things been happening to me, almost miracles.
I can simply imagine anything in my head and it would happen. I got to the point where I was testing myself if I could do anything and I was like why don’t I try to move things in my head and tune into them, and see if it happens I practiced for three hours and then I made it!
My life changed drastically then since!
Things I’ve been Dreaming of and never thought i could have, reached to me..
whenever i go out, EVERY single person I encounter with, stares at me.. people I don’t know try to reach to me for whatever reasons!!

Note: Just to make it clear..
Ever since i was a child.. I’ve always had some powers like reading people thoughts, divination, witchcraft, telepathy, healing.
I have two birthmarks, both of them on my right side of body.. one of them has the shape of a horned man with a goatie.. and i have this white hair strip on my front hairline ever since i was 13 years old.. which strangely started turning to my natural hair color, after intensely meditating..
less than a year ago..

I never told anyone about any of the above.. the things i’ve been going through have been intense lately and i would really appreciate to hear what you guys think about all the above..
Could that by any means, mean that it was my Kundalini waking up!

Thank you so much
Hail Satan, and all the Gods from hell ❤️
Venus55 said:
Hello fellow sisters and brothers..
I’d Like to share my experience with you guys. I’ve been a spiritual satanist, For more than 15 Years now. I’ve been practicing meditations every now and then but not really constantly until recently.
But I could always have felt the energy and my chakras spinning. I knew how to send energies and manipulate them and I always felt my chakras vibrating so intensely.
I got to the point where people could feel my energy whenever sitting next to me. Even while having sex he could feel my base chakra spinning while he was in me, and my hand chakras whenever i touch anyone..
A couple of months ago suddenly I went on a very strict diet where I barely ate enough calories a day and I lost my appetite, I wasn’t sleeping much at all either.. but i felt full and energized!
I also would like to mention, that i never had success at astral projection before, because I was never patient enough.
One day I was asleep and I woke up in the middle of my sleep then, I felt like going back to bed again after seconds of closing my eyes someone was there with me forcing me and instructing me to follow his steps encouraging me to go on climbing that stairs and then falling from up there and Baam!
I was squeezed out of my body in my own bedroom standing in front of this is huge tall bodybuilder amazingly handsome Man and I was like floating in the air asking him to hold me still because I didn’t really know how to stand still and he grabbed me closer to him and it was most amazing feeling I’ve ever had in my whole life!
Feeling his presence and talking to him face to face.. watching him shift shapes in a blink of an eye..
I asked him who was he and he answered: “Deacon/Dagon”, later on when I woke up I found out more about him and I was very lucky and blessed to have finally met a great God like him. After about a month when I was meditating intensely, to the point where I spent four hours or a whole day meditating.. barely ate anything or got enough sleep I don’t know why..
one night, when I was meditating on my base chakra, suddenly I felt this weird sensation I never felt before and I just knew it had something to do with my kundalini, I couldn’t control it.. And it felt like a hot sensation going up my spine. I got this very weird arousal and sexual energy.. then It kept going up through each of my chakras till it reached my heart chakra, it stopped here for seconds where it felt melting hot the most.. then for a second, I had visions of people I knew in the past and then I felt it going up through my throat chakra up to my third eye and crown, here where I saw bolting lights flashing out of no where.
It just felt so amazing I had no idea what it was all about.
Ever since that day amazing things been happening to me, almost miracles.
I can simply imagine anything in my head and it would happen. I got to the point where I was testing myself if I could do anything and I was like why don’t I try to move things in my head and tune into them, and see if it happens I practiced for three hours and then I made it!
My life changed drastically then since!
Things I’ve been Dreaming of and never thought i could have, reached to me..
whenever i go out, EVERY single person I encounter with, stares at me.. people I don’t know try to reach to me for whatever reasons!!

Note: Just to make it clear..
Ever since i was a child.. I’ve always had some powers like reading people thoughts, divination, witchcraft, telepathy, healing.
I have two birthmarks, both of them on my right side of body.. one of them has the shape of a horned man with a goatie.. and i have this white hair strip on my front hairline ever since i was 13 years old.. which strangely started turning to my natural hair color, after intensely meditating..
less than a year ago..

I never told anyone about any of the above.. the things i’ve been going through have been intense lately and i would really appreciate to hear what you guys think about all the above..
Could that by any means, mean that it was my Kundalini waking up!

Thank you so much
Hail Satan, and all the Gods from hell ❤️

Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect
With all respect, you tend to write crap all the time, delusions mixed with disinfo and whatever. You live in a world that is not reality, you're filled with delusions it's not even funny. I suggest you to re-read your posts before submitting them and ask yourself :"Are the facts I am presenting based on my immagination or based on reality?"
"Am I being real with myself or delusional?"

You'll go nowhere if you keep at it with delusions, so I suggest to start void meditating and meditating in general and live in reality.
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect
With all respect, you tend to write crap all the time, delusions mixed with disinfo and whatever. You live in a world that is not reality, you're filled with delusions it's not even funny. I suggest you to re-read your posts before submitting them and ask yourself :"Are the facts I am presenting based on my immagination or based on reality?"
"Am I being real with myself or delusional?"

You'll go nowhere if you keep at it with delusions, so I suggest to start void meditating and meditating in general and live in reality.

Yes i know back off im still finding myself.At this point im not sure what is real and what is not. Things are not that clear for me yet give me some time will you!! Stop attcking me on my posts. You are a grumpy satanist..IF I am really that delusional why are things happening like strange thunder storms,voices in my head that lead me to things and the another thing is i came online now to tell Hp something but you distracted me.
And unlike you grumpy i can prove it..Im walking the walk,im not just talking talk you know,what i feel and what i experience i talk about and ask questions a lot.
Why does Hp not tell me himself.

Are you a women? Mmmm
The last time i asked you you shat on my head and never gave me a awnser!
The first time you and i met was on the green eyes topic,where i was also kind of hitting on someone,to find you very quickly there to check it out.So my conclusion is you are a women and you like me or you are a man who does not like me checking out the females.haha
But im bet you are a women,if you are its kind of sexy the way you act but if not im standing my ground on this unless Hp agrees with you which he just might.

One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect
With all respect, you tend to write crap all the time, delusions mixed with disinfo and whatever. You live in a world that is not reality, you're filled with delusions it's not even funny. I suggest you to re-read your posts before submitting them and ask yourself :"Are the facts I am presenting based on my immagination or based on reality?"
"Am I being real with myself or delusional?"

You'll go nowhere if you keep at it with delusions, so I suggest to start void meditating and meditating in general and live in reality.

Yes i know back off im still finding myself.At this point im not sure what is real and what is not. Things are not that clear for me yet give me some time will you!! Stop attcking me on my posts. You are a grumpy satanist..IF I am really that delusional why are things happening like strange thunder storms,voices in my head that lead me to things and the another thing is i came online now to tell Hp something but you distracted me.
And unlike you grumpy i can prove it..Im walking the walk,im not just talking talk you know,what i feel and what i experience i talk about and ask questions a lot.
Why does Hp not tell me himself.

Are you a women? Mmmm
The last time i asked you you shat on my head and never gave me a awnser!
The first time you and i met was on the green eyes topic,where i was also kind of hitting on someone,to find you very quickly there to check it out.So my conclusion is you are a women and you like me or you are a man who does not like me checking out the females.haha
But im bet you are a women,if you are its kind of sexy the way you act but if not im standing my ground on this unless Hp agrees with you which he just might.


Mate, never mind being delusional or not, the amount of grammatical errors in what you just wrote is enough to give someone a seizure.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect
With all respect, you tend to write crap all the time, delusions mixed with disinfo and whatever. You live in a world that is not reality, you're filled with delusions it's not even funny. I suggest you to re-read your posts before submitting them and ask yourself :"Are the facts I am presenting based on my immagination or based on reality?"
"Am I being real with myself or delusional?"

You'll go nowhere if you keep at it with delusions, so I suggest to start void meditating and meditating in general and live in reality.

Yes i know back off im still finding myself.At this point im not sure what is real and what is not. Things are not that clear for me yet give me some time will you!! Stop attcking me on my posts. You are a grumpy satanist..IF I am really that delusional why are things happening like strange thunder storms,voices in my head that lead me to things and the another thing is i came online now to tell Hp something but you distracted me.
And unlike you grumpy i can prove it..Im walking the walk,im not just talking talk you know,what i feel and what i experience i talk about and ask questions a lot.
Why does Hp not tell me himself.

Are you a women? Mmmm
The last time i asked you you shat on my head and never gave me a awnser!
The first time you and i met was on the green eyes topic,where i was also kind of hitting on someone,to find you very quickly there to check it out.So my conclusion is you are a women and you like me or you are a man who does not like me checking out the females.haha
But im bet you are a women,if you are its kind of sexy the way you act but if not im standing my ground on this unless Hp agrees with you which he just might.

The HP's don't have time to reply to every post. I'm not grumpy, I am just telling you that you don't live in reality. Thunderstorms happen because of nature, don't think you're at the center of everything and thunderstorms happen because of you.
I am a man, and the way you act around here is creepy, this is not a forum in which you hit on women, if you want to hit on one ask email info, but at least do it discreetly. If I were a woman you wouldn't be standing your ground? That's called being a simp.
By the indiscriminate way you use the word sexy it seems like any human with a vagina is sexy to you.
This may be rude, but you previously told us that your ex girlfriend left you "for no reason", if you act here in the same way as you do in reality then I'm kinda certain of why she would've done that.
Don't take my critiques as an insult, take them as suggestions to better yourself.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect

Oh thank you! :)
Well.. I was blessed with very good genes i guess hehe..
I still get asked for my ID whenever asking for a drink when partying, even tho I’m in my early 30’s.

I’ve read some articles before about souls being reincarnated from other stars/planets here on earth to live the experience and achieve the godhead. It just can be really tricky sometimes to figure it all out because the human mind is so complicated.
But, for me I’ve been so blessed.. I always had faith in our Gods.. and always looked at them with respect and love.. they have taught me so much.
I know it can be hard in the beginning for newbies with all the distractions around.
But, I guarantee you one thing; “Every thing happens in time..”
The human body is so vulnerable! Sometimes people cant take a huge amount of energies.. it can be destructive. I remember a friend of mine once told me; She felt an earthquake when I came and sat right close to her.. I guess due to my high energy level.. people feel electrified by me!

But ever since that day when I saw the bolting flashing lights, I thought I was going blind!!
Ever since that day, I have changed and learned alot.
Two weeks right before feeling my Kundalini and the heated spinal sensations.. I would get some symptoms..
note: I was meditating my ass off everyday for hrs in a high vibrational environment.. using hertz sounds, natural oils, incense, candles etc; they help in raising the energy vibrations around us.
It felt like my whole body was vibrating and shaking like crazy!
My chakras were vibrating and spinning on their own the whole time to the point I could feel my whole body vibrates with them..
I literally felt my body beat with every heartbeat!
I couldn’t tolerate processed food..
I would eat just fruit/veggies, nuts and cold cuts.. I found out that the lighter the body weights, the more i could feel the energies and chakras.
I started paying attention to the ultrasounds “of the unseen or unheard things by normal people”
and the universal vibrations of numbers and every living being, plants and earthly elements and how they affect us in every possible way.
I’d literally smell vanilla and caramel if the person next to me was thinking about desert!!

The gods have taught me that; what we call “Magic” is nothing but very advanced Alien Physics and alchemy!
And the picture/visualizations aheads the manifestation!
Only if you have enough energy you can make anything happen in real life. the gods have helped me alot throughout my whole life..
and handed me the right instructions and meditations in time.
They test us.. and observe everything.. they want us to evolve Mentally before even evolving spiritually..

Much love ❤️
Aquarius said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
With all respect, you tend to write crap all the time, delusions mixed with disinfo and whatever. You live in a world that is not reality, you're filled with delusions it's not even funny. I suggest you to re-read your posts before submitting them and ask yourself :"Are the facts I am presenting based on my immagination or based on reality?"
"Am I being real with myself or delusional?"

You'll go nowhere if you keep at it with delusions, so I suggest to start void meditating and meditating in general and live in reality.

Yes i know back off im still finding myself.At this point im not sure what is real and what is not. Things are not that clear for me yet give me some time will you!! Stop attcking me on my posts. You are a grumpy satanist..IF I am really that delusional why are things happening like strange thunder storms,voices in my head that lead me to things and the another thing is i came online now to tell Hp something but you distracted me.
And unlike you grumpy i can prove it..Im walking the walk,im not just talking talk you know,what i feel and what i experience i talk about and ask questions a lot.
Why does Hp not tell me himself.

Are you a women? Mmmm
The last time i asked you you shat on my head and never gave me a awnser!
The first time you and i met was on the green eyes topic,where i was also kind of hitting on someone,to find you very quickly there to check it out.So my conclusion is you are a women and you like me or you are a man who does not like me checking out the females.haha
But im bet you are a women,if you are its kind of sexy the way you act but if not im standing my ground on this unless Hp agrees with you which he just might.

The HP's don't have time to reply to every post. I'm not grumpy, I am just telling you that you don't live in reality. Thunderstorms happen because of nature, don't think you're at the center of everything and thunderstorms happen because of you.
I am a man, and the way you act around here is creepy, this is not a forum in which you hit on women, if you want to hit on one ask email info, but at least do it discreetly. If I were a woman you wouldn't be standing your ground? That's called being a simp.
By the indiscriminate way you use the word sexy it seems like any human with a vagina is sexy to you.
This may be rude, but you previously told us that your ex girlfriend left you "for no reason", if you act here in the same way as you do in reality then I'm kinda certain of why she would've done that.
Don't take my critiques as an insult, take them as suggestions to better yourself.

Thanks yes i know your intention means well. And yes my exgirl did leave me! I cry almost everyday about it. I doen't see a reason for me not to get my mind off it by talking to other women,i know its not a dating forum but in my delusional mind i find peace here so leave me alone on this subject. Like i sayed before if i am out of line the High priest will tell me so, it does not take long to type a 3 sentences telling a dedicated Satanist who listens that he she is wrong and should stop or what ever the case may be. If it really is serious he will tell me.
And i meant what i sayed about that maby she is from Orion or born a demi God because how do you explain the white hair?
And you know what my friend,Satanism is about the self,so in my world i am the centre of everything. I never sayed i am the reason for the thunder storm,i sayed it could be the rTR or the Gods. And no dude that was no natrual thunder storm,if you payed attention you would know what i was talking about.
Simp?? Well i never heard that word before in my life,whatever it is its probably not a good thing,and i would like to know why you think me useing the word sexy the way i did bla bla im tired of this now,if i am wrong Hp or someone imp can tell me.
Bye and thnx
Powerofjustice said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Aquarius said:
With all respect, you tend to write crap all the time, delusions mixed with disinfo and whatever. You live in a world that is not reality, you're filled with delusions it's not even funny. I suggest you to re-read your posts before submitting them and ask yourself :"Are the facts I am presenting based on my immagination or based on reality?"
"Am I being real with myself or delusional?"

You'll go nowhere if you keep at it with delusions, so I suggest to start void meditating and meditating in general and live in reality.

Yes i know back off im still finding myself.At this point im not sure what is real and what is not. Things are not that clear for me yet give me some time will you!! Stop attcking me on my posts. You are a grumpy satanist..IF I am really that delusional why are things happening like strange thunder storms,voices in my head that lead me to things and the another thing is i came online now to tell Hp something but you distracted me.
And unlike you grumpy i can prove it..Im walking the walk,im not just talking talk you know,what i feel and what i experience i talk about and ask questions a lot.
Why does Hp not tell me himself.

Are you a women? Mmmm
The last time i asked you you shat on my head and never gave me a awnser!
The first time you and i met was on the green eyes topic,where i was also kind of hitting on someone,to find you very quickly there to check it out.So my conclusion is you are a women and you like me or you are a man who does not like me checking out the females.haha
But im bet you are a women,if you are its kind of sexy the way you act but if not im standing my ground on this unless Hp agrees with you which he just might.


Mate, never mind being delusional or not, the amount of grammatical errors in what you just wrote is enough to give someone a seizure.

Good day mate
That is so true,im not a english speaking person,but i have improved you should have seen me when i first came here mate..
Venus55 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect

Oh thank you! :)
Well.. I was blessed with very good genes i guess hehe..
I still get asked for my ID whenever asking for a drink when partying, even tho I’m in my early 30’s.

I’ve read some articles before about souls being reincarnated from other stars/planets here on earth to live the experience and achieve the godhead. It just can be really tricky sometimes to figure it all out because the human mind is so complicated.
But, for me I’ve been so blessed.. I always had faith in our Gods.. and always looked at them with respect and love.. they have taught me so much.
I know it can be hard in the beginning for newbies with all the distractions around.
But, I guarantee you one thing; “Every thing happens in time..”
The human body is so vulnerable! Sometimes people cant take a huge amount of energies.. it can be destructive. I remember a friend of mine once told me; She felt an earthquake when I came and sat right close to her.. I guess due to my high energy level.. people feel electrified by me!

But ever since that day when I saw the bolting flashing lights, I thought I was going blind!!
Ever since that day, I have changed and learned alot.
Two weeks right before feeling my Kundalini and the heated spinal sensations.. I would get some symptoms..
note: I was meditating my ass off everyday for hrs in a high vibrational environment.. using hertz sounds, natural oils, incense, candles etc; they help in raising the energy vibrations around us.
It felt like my whole body was vibrating and shaking like crazy!
My chakras were vibrating and spinning on their own the whole time to the point I could feel my whole body vibrates with them..
I literally felt my body beat with every heartbeat!
I couldn’t tolerate processed food..
I would eat just fruit/veggies, nuts and cold cuts.. I found out that the lighter the body weights, the more i could feel the energies and chakras.
I started paying attention to the ultrasounds “of the unseen or unheard things by normal people”
and the universal vibrations of numbers and every living being, plants and earthly elements and how they affect us in every possible way.
I’d literally smell vanilla and caramel if the person next to me was thinking about desert!!

The gods have taught me that; what we call “Magic” is nothing but very advanced Alien Physics and alchemy!
And the picture/visualizations aheads the manifestation!
Only if you have enough energy you can make anything happen in real life. the gods have helped me alot throughout my whole life..
and handed me the right instructions and meditations in time.
They test us.. and observe everything.. they want us to evolve Mentally before even evolving spiritually..

Much love ❤️

I think you should be a High Priestess on the forum,you really do sound like one..

It would be nice to have you as a high priestess in a Coven.. I really wish South Africa had more Satanists,i have never been in a Coven but i can imagine myself being really happy if i was..

Much love to you too
Venus55 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect

Much love ❤️

Can you elaborate more on your diet? You said you cut out processed stuff, what do you eat on a day to day basis? I hope you're eating some meats too :lol:
Venus55 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect

Oh thank you! :)
Well.. I was blessed with very good genes i guess hehe..
I still get asked for my ID whenever asking for a drink when partying, even tho I’m in my early 30’s.

I’ve read some articles before about souls being reincarnated from other stars/planets here on earth to live the experience and achieve the godhead. It just can be really tricky sometimes to figure it all out because the human mind is so complicated.
But, for me I’ve been so blessed.. I always had faith in our Gods.. and always looked at them with respect and love.. they have taught me so much.
I know it can be hard in the beginning for newbies with all the distractions around.
But, I guarantee you one thing; “Every thing happens in time..”
The human body is so vulnerable! Sometimes people cant take a huge amount of energies.. it can be destructive. I remember a friend of mine once told me; She felt an earthquake when I came and sat right close to her.. I guess due to my high energy level.. people feel electrified by me!

But ever since that day when I saw the bolting flashing lights, I thought I was going blind!!
Ever since that day, I have changed and learned alot.
Two weeks right before feeling my Kundalini and the heated spinal sensations.. I would get some symptoms..
note: I was meditating my ass off everyday for hrs in a high vibrational environment.. using hertz sounds, natural oils, incense, candles etc; they help in raising the energy vibrations around us.
It felt like my whole body was vibrating and shaking like crazy!
My chakras were vibrating and spinning on their own the whole time to the point I could feel my whole body vibrates with them..
I literally felt my body beat with every heartbeat!
I couldn’t tolerate processed food..
I would eat just fruit/veggies, nuts and cold cuts.. I found out that the lighter the body weights, the more i could feel the energies and chakras.
I started paying attention to the ultrasounds “of the unseen or unheard things by normal people”
and the universal vibrations of numbers and every living being, plants and earthly elements and how they affect us in every possible way.
I’d literally smell vanilla and caramel if the person next to me was thinking about desert!!

The gods have taught me that; what we call “Magic” is nothing but very advanced Alien Physics and alchemy!
And the picture/visualizations aheads the manifestation!
Only if you have enough energy you can make anything happen in real life. the gods have helped me alot throughout my whole life..
and handed me the right instructions and meditations in time.
They test us.. and observe everything.. they want us to evolve Mentally before even evolving spiritually..

Much love ❤️

You inspired me to make this video
Powerofjustice said:
Venus55 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Maby you were born a demi god or maby you were sent from Orion and you doen't know it yet. You sound sexy!!

Said with respect

Much love ❤️

Can you elaborate more on your diet? You said you cut out processed stuff, what do you eat on a day to day basis? I hope you're eating some meats too :lol:

Yes I did cut out processed food when I was going through some spiritual transformations.
I guess it doesn’t necessarily apply on everyone. Maybe it was just about me. It started out with detoxing and healthy life style and dieting.. Then I was surprised on how much it made a difference for me and my energy levels. It was just for a period of time. I had meat too.
To make it more clear; I had a diet similar to what our ancestors had if that makes sense hehe..
It just worked me for personally.
Now, I’m back to normal.. I can eat whatever I want.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I think you should be a High Priestess on the forum,you really do sound like one..

It would be nice to have you as a high priestess in a Coven.. I really wish South Africa had more Satanists,i have never been in a Coven but i can imagine myself being really happy if i was..

Much love to you too

I really appreciate that.. thanks.
For me, It makes me so happy just being on this forum with my fellow bros&sis’s sharing my experiences and learning more knowledge,,

I really honor & respect our high priests & priestess. They have done such an amazing job, true warriors of Lord Enki. ❤️

I wish you all the best and to grow stronger as a Satanist and achieve all your goals.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
It would be nice to have you as a high priestess in a Coven.. I really wish South Africa had more Satanists,i have never been in a Coven but i can imagine myself being really happy if i was..
JoS / Ancient Forums ARE a coven...
Ever since I shared my experience here with you guys, and I think I’m being attacked by enemy extraterrestrials!
I love my family but they absolutely have no idea about my beliefs for obvious reasons!

The thing is, yesterday, my sister and I were chilling and I was telling her about a dream I had when all of a sudden she was like; “Sh*t! I just remembered what happened to me yesterday.” She had a memory loss all day.

After questioning her; She had an out of body experience, she wokeup on a surgical table with 5 extraterrestrial beings who wore black suits.. big eyed and little spikes around their foreheads. Some of them had breasts which indicated there were females among them.. She was scared & screaming..

She saw one of them holding a device/tool. And at the corner of the room she saw a glowing orangish lighting big hole, which I believed what they used to enter from.
She had a hard time waking up even after trying to move her body and opened her eyes, she swore she could still see her self in a different place even after waking up for a second.

She wokeup with a pain on her right sided body.. I asked her if I could check her up for any bruises; holding my phone’s flash on her arm when I saw some real evidence of what she tried to explain to me..,
I saw an upward triangle shaped dry blood dots, like if she was injected with some micro needles.. and a horizontal shaped bruise.

I took pics of them on my phone. I believe she might have been abducted by them and implanted with a microchip..

I don’t know how to respond to this.. And I don’t know how to help her.. we’re close & live together.

Is it possible that they’re implanting people with chips now to track them down and causing them memory loss?
since we’re in this new Age,
to spy on human kind?

Or to implant some Alien DNA, to stop us from evolving?

Btw, my sister is not a Satanist. And she could have not remembered all of this, or at least the part she told me about.
But I believe the Gods have helped me refreshing her temporary memory loss to figure this all out.
Venus55 said:
Ever since I shared my experience here with you guys, and I think I’m being attacked by enemy extraterrestrials!
I love my family but they absolutely have no idea about my beliefs for obvious reasons!

The thing is, yesterday, my sister and I were chilling and I was telling her about a dream I had when all of a sudden she was like; “Sh*t! I just remembered what happened to me yesterday.” She had a memory loss all day.

After questioning her; She had an out of body experience, she wokeup on a surgical table with 5 extraterrestrial beings who wore black suits.. big eyed and little spikes around their foreheads. Some of them had breasts which indicated there were females among them.. She was scared & screaming..

She saw one of them holding a device/tool. And at the corner of the room she saw a glowing orangish lighting big hole, which I believed what they used to enter from.
She had a hard time waking up even after trying to move her body and opened her eyes, she swore she could still see her self in a different place even after waking up for a second.

She wokeup with a pain on her right sided body.. I asked her if I could check her up for any bruises; holding my phone’s flash on her arm when I saw some real evidence of what she tried to explain to me..,
I saw an upward triangle shaped dry blood dots, like if she was injected with some micro needles.. and a horizontal shaped bruise.

I took pics of them on my phone. I believe she might have been abducted by them and implanted with a microchip..

I don’t know how to respond to this.. And I don’t know how to help her.. we’re close & live together.

Is it possible that they’re implanting people with chips now to track them down and causing them memory loss?
since we’re in this new Age,
to spy on human kind?

Or to implant some Alien DNA, to stop us from evolving?

Btw, my sister is not a Satanist. And she could have not remembered all of this, or at least the part she told me about.
But I believe the Gods have helped me refreshing her temporary memory loss to figure this all out.

Why would they take your sister and not you though ?

Also the memory manipulation technology they use usually doesn't wear off until several weeks after an encounter if at all, so im not sure whats up with that.

If you trust her enough to believe that story then maybe we should too, but it's super weird to me. Maybe you can share the photos here, I myself would be curious to see genuine photos with possible alien intervention, just make sure that you crop out her face and any revealing features before you upload them, If you choose to do so.
Powerofjustice said:
Venus55 said:
Why would they take your sister and not you though ?

Also the memory manipulation technology they use usually doesn't wear off until several weeks after an encounter if at all, so im not sure whats up with that.

If you trust her enough to believe that story then maybe we should too, but it's super weird to me. Maybe you can share the photos here, I myself would be curious to see genuine photos with possible alien intervention, just make sure that you crop out her face and any revealing features before you upload them, If you choose to do so.

Maybe they didn’t harm me personally because I’m a Satanist and I practice power meditations.

She’s acting all normal now, she just had a memory loss of that whole thing once she woke up.

Actually I’m just worried if she goes nuts in future or they succeed in mind controlling her, or if they’re spying on me through her.

After searching later on, I guess she was encountered with reptilians.
Powerofjustice said:
Venus55 said:
I myself would be curious to see genuine photos with possible alien intervention, just make sure that you crop out her face and any revealing features before you upload them, If you choose to do so.

It looks more vivid and clear in real. I tried not to edit the colors and brightness and just leave the picture as it is.

I zoomed out what appeared to me like a micro injection needles.
The big pic is without flash, & the zoomed one was captured from a video I took using flash light.

It all disappeared after two days.

Venus55 said:
Powerofjustice said:
Venus55 said:
I myself would be curious to see genuine photos with possible alien intervention, just make sure that you crop out her face and any revealing features before you upload them, If you choose to do so.

It looks more vivid and clear in real. I tried not to edit the colors and brightness and just leave the picture as it is.

I zoomed out what appeared to me like a micro injection needles.
The big pic is without flash, & the zoomed one was captured from a video I took using flash light.

It all disappeared after two days.


Deadass didn't expect you to upload anything, im no dermatologist so I cant say exactly what that is but what the fuuuck

There was a story online about a Doctor who took in patients who claimed they were implanted by aliens and offered to remove any foreign object free of any charge out of personal curiosity. He performed many successful surgeries on people and did remove "things" from them. Small metal objects amd most of the cases these objects were fused to major nerve endings and apparently when he removed them the people woke from anesthesia and screamed in agony.

He later had one of these objects tested in a lab and apparently it edited some sort of signal but the media that reported on the case said that's consistent with background noise or something along those lines. Still very weird.

Not sure what happened to the man afterwards.
I think your sister is delusional for thinking she got abducted, and you're even more delusional if you believe her, and the proof? a scratch on the shoulder...
Venus55 said:
Powerofjustice said:
Venus55 said:
I myself would be curious to see genuine photos with possible alien intervention, just make sure that you crop out her face and any revealing features before you upload them, If you choose to do so.

It looks more vivid and clear in real. I tried not to edit the colors and brightness and just leave the picture as it is.

I zoomed out what appeared to me like a micro injection needles.
The big pic is without flash, & the zoomed one was captured from a video I took using flash light.

It all disappeared after two days.


Maybe you can get it scanned with x-ray or even MRI and see if anything shows up
The curious case of Benjamin Button
Have you guys seen this movie. The guy gets born old but dies young. I think it was based on a true story if i can remember correctly. He must of reached some sort of Magnum Opus. Did HP Cobra rise his Kundalini before and what is the difference between it and the Magnum Opus? If He did i would like a link to read what he experienced and also what powers he got.
I get motivated to meditate when i hear powers hehe. Im in my new home and im going to join Hells Army meditation program for Satanists. Guys and if i get powers im going to document it and put it on video.
Venus55🍎 You!! Are fucking awesome!! I have just barely got into meditation. And learning about astral projection💗 I have been busy reading about the exposure of xtianity and the Islam. Getting an education on these evil minded kikes and there shit. And reading about the ancient history of Satan. And working. I am a 49 year old woman. Who is going to take her time and do things right! Reading up on things and getting the facts straight up! And going along with the program of the kundilini yoga and breathing exercises when I have enough time. You are lucky!! Lol I have a long ways to go yet! 🍎 I have big shoes to fill. 👹 And I am on my way!! You inspired me!! If you can do it!! So can I!!🔥😃 Hail Satan!! Hail Hitler !!
Death is a nuisance, the best revenge is to live a good life. Best hop too on that meditation schedule.

Calling death a nuisance is somewhat misguided
Death is part of your stay on this planet

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
