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Magnum Opus Levels Explained

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Due to a lot of corruption, destruction of spiritual knowledge by the enemy, and moral/psychological damage that has been deeply embed by the enemy to human beings [let alone psychic attacks to meditating individuals who make it anywhere] a lot of spiritual knowledge, and especially serious spiritual knowledge, has been desecrated.

An overwhelming amount of spiritual knowledge, if not all of it, has went through enemy hands, and has been corrupted and perverted. This happened in some cases willingly by the enemy, while in others, the enemy's insanity covered over and explained spiritual allegories they found and stolen in perverted ways. Judaism, after all, is nothing but a stolen amalgam of information from other Pagan Civilizations and Mystery Schools that existed all over the Pagan world.

Alchemists of the Middle Ages did their earnest [some in communication with the Gods] to preserve this spiritual knowledge, and so did many other people. However with each successive line of generations, corruption was inevitable. The penalty of death for actual spiritual knowledge, charlatans, and many other regular shills [books of which we can find today even in Amazon for example] have done it their life's purpose to merely misguide other individuals because they themselves feel like "Gurus" while they do it. This has created a disaster in regards to spiritual knowledge, and is a form of desecration similar to that of the enemy, only worse.

To name one example, I recently was studying a book that claimed it had the recipe of the Magnum Opus. There are many such books online. The audacity here is on levels beyond arrogance. Extreme disinformation, which contained hebrew meditations all over the book, was in there. One would never do any Magnum Opus with this, but would only destroy their Soul, possibly beyond repair [if they were a Gentile]. If the reader was a jew, maybe they would have some of confused benefit.

Quite a bunch of jews goes insane from applying corrupted knowledge that is given to them by other jews, and in particular, Rabbis. Silent warfare has been going between some jewish schools of thought who believe in secrecy of information and others who pretend they give it all out freely, in a corrupted or unfiltered manner. One needs to look no further than Madonna and how she went insane, or how many other, even jewish at times, celebrities, completely lose their mind and/or personality by the things they are instructed to do.

One in this case has to know, keep their head low, and keep practicing. The Alchemists of the Middle Ages called the Alchemy, or the road to the Great Work, the "Depressive" art. This is because especially in the beginning, meditation can bring out a lot of inner clutter. This can be psychologically heavy to deal with, but after the cleaning of it, one feels free and light from these issues permanently, and is no longer a carrier of these burdens. Another reason they named it that way, is that because, looking into this craft would possibly end in death.

Many people do not understand how far humanity has sunk because of the enemy, and how far we have came from this sinking. It really is a matter to appreciate that civilization has at least evolved past this. However, modern humans are rather ungrateful in their largest portion, and use their time in the most frivolous pursuits, letting it skip of the things of awe that can be discovered in these arts.

According to some alchemists of the past, and also philosophers, not all people were destined for this path - at least in this point, and this is something I also agree with. Those who believe that all humans will "right now or pretty soon" undertake this path, will be disappointed to see that most humans are seldom interested, and this comes most of the time with a youthful soul that doesn't really understand or ascribe importance to supernal things.

A necessity here is for one to advance and not lie to themselves and other people. It is not through lying or be worshiped that one will attain a higher level of advancement in this case, only a higher level of self deception and arrogance.

Anyhow, to dispel some confusion in regards to the Magnum Opus, there is no "singular" Magnum Opus, in the sense that, the level of advancement down this path has broadly three levels. There are levels in between but the case is to explain this with easy understanding.

In Level 1 of the Magnum Opus, one can expect the following:

-A decent connection of the soul to the body
-Siddhis and Powers
-In regards to body and youth, slower [but still progressing] ageing.
-One will still physically die, but one will be more advanced in the union of body and soul.
-The soul at this level needs to be reincarnated to be re-instated into a body, so that it doesn't run out of energy.
-In regards to wisdom, a low but decent level may be present.

An example of this level: Gopi Krishna.

In Level 2 one can expect:

-A very good connection of soul and body
-More Siddhis and Powers [some of which can appear miraculous to others, such as extreme ESP, premonition etc]
-In regards to the body and youth, very graceful ageing. In the case where one grows "old", one will still have virility and capacity of a very young person. At this point, the body can be increasingly rejuvenated by the soul to a powerful degree.
-One may physically die, but one's astral body is "Completed", also called in Pagan Cultures as: "Rainbow Body, Diamond Body, Temple of the Sun, Eternal Body" and so forth.
-The soul does not necessitate instant or forced reincarnation, and can very well exist "individually". One can still reincarnate and rebuild to this level easily.
-At the far end of this level, one can be astrally "Immortal" or have attained "Second Life". One even if killed or they die physically due to old age, accident or other factor they maintain perfect existence and full faculty in the Astral Realm.
-On very far levels of attainment, reincarnation is not only not forced, but also possible to happen "At will".

Examples: Francis Bacon.

In Level 3 one can expect:

-An "almost total" connection of soul and body
-Extensive, or extreme Siddhis or Powers. [Miraculous powers]
-One may regularly age but one can stop ageing, and if achieved after one is of physical age, reversing their physical age is possible. Physical immortality long story short, or extensive capacity to keep the body alive and reverse the ageing clock. All of this is possible.
-Despite of if one will die, one will certainly exist in the "Rainbow Body". Destroying said individuals is closely to an impossibility as far as spiritual means go.
-Reincarnation can still occur, and in some cases of far advancement at will. There were Yogis in the East who instantly reincarnated themselves in another fetus, on will, or who can die at will.
-Extensive wisdom and knowledge of miraculous proportions.
-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events.

Examples: Adolf Hitler, Hindu Legendary Yogis, Asclepius, some of our Gods like Asmodeus who finished the Magnum Opus when the Gods were present on Earth [many thousands of years ago] etc.

These will probably clear misinformation so further knowledge can be based on understanding these precepts. Of course there is not a necessity to see this in "Three Levels", one can also see this as a linear line towards advancing. However, I made this broad categorization to help in understanding the difference between these levels. As far as I can see, these levels can readily be seen for what they represent and as clear "Checkpoints" in the soul's way to the Great Work of the Philosophers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you, HP, and the God's for this new knowledge :)
So basically the first level is the Kundalini raised, the second is building on top of this and making the astral body powerful enough to sustain itself and then the last level is immortality, of course, the second and third levels require meditations from the God's but the raising of the kundalini is something already possible with the meditations we have already.
luis said:
Thank you, HP, and the God's for this new knowledge :)
So basically the first level is the Kundalini raised, the second is building on top of this and making the astral body powerful enough to sustain itself and then the last level is immortality, of course, the second and third levels require meditations from the God's but the raising of the kundalini is something already possible with the meditations we have already.

Yes, all the tools required are in the Joy of Satan website. One takes the knowledge, and walks their own path in their own pace.

The Gods will look to that people advance, and insofar they are motivated and stay on the path, advance steadily and highly on it. Guardian Demons are guides for this upwards growth.
Thanks for your effort .
What if I failed in the journey of life
and did not complete magnum opus ?

will be there another chance reincarnation
sonnenkraft said:
Thanks for your effort .
What if I failed in the journey of life
and did not complete magnum opus ?

will be there another chance reincarnation

Yes, most definitely.
Has this been written on before? I expected to learn quite a lot but i already knew this and it was more of a recap
Jihiji12 said:
Has this been written on before? I expected to learn quite a lot but i already knew this and it was more of a recap

Yes, many of these things have been all over the place in the forums but without a clear coherent understanding about them. This caused confusion before.

From a knowledge standpoint, it exists, however, from an experiential standpoint [what one has experienced or what one is seeing] one may not know exactly where they actually have been treading. This normally happens to some meditators.

The depth of the points given is elaborate help for those who may be more advanced and are seeking a way to "ground" what they have learned to know where they are at.
Thank you HP. Hoodedcobra666 for this information it gives a light on this pad where we al walking on Great Sermon.

Hail Father Satan and the gods of Duat
sonnenkraft said:
Thanks for your effort .
What if I failed in the journey of life
and did not complete magnum opus ?

will be there another chance reincarnation

Don't entertain the idea. As long as you are not 90 years old at the time of writing this, then you can make significant progress towards this. These next years may be bumpy, but every day we better ensure our survival and prosperity.

As long as you are willing to continue meditating, I don't see why this would not be the case. There is always a way around everything, as far as physical and mental problems go. A solution always exists, and therefore none of these things will be anything greater than temporary obstacles.

Between studying on your own, consultation with your GD, and consultation with other members of JOS, I don't imagine anyone would be left without the means for continual advancement.

From what I gleaned from reading, just stay humble, ensure you are balanced, emphasize your spiritual protection, and ensure sustainable daily advancement, and I cannot imagine anything knocking you off the course.
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I wanted to ask ,if there is any physical genetic operation/process possibly Genetic Engineering that might be required at the third stage to attain Physical immortality or if it's not required and can happen naturally.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for this HP, I had scoured the forums for information on the rainbow body and such in the past, but it is very helpful to have everything neatly available in one location.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Can you clarify some ignorance I have on the Alchemical alembic M.O. system. Well as you clearly put it's a series of systems on top of that some speculation there are other "immortalization" elements(SATANAMA chanting or Yogic practices like that female American Yogi, 30ish years old but looks 20s). I state "immortalization" as most people who delve into spirituality want to live longer or do more with their pathetic lifespans we humans currently have.

But isn't it a "requirement" to have the Kundalini? Are these things only possible with Kundalini activating the fires for the "alembic"?

Is it fair to state ONLY when Kundalini is fully activated does it delve into the Opus steps?(Nigrideo, Albedo, Red, Gold).

Or is opus separate from Kundalini in that it works without the main "tool of evolution". It's been mentioned before with the SAMAS vibration, I believe Shannon mentioned this Azazel mentioned to her chakras are secondary to Kundalini. Despite the fact it sounds more like a higher level answer and perhaps not a lower level reply to current humans.
If one has sensed consciousness flowing within a certain pattern during a samadhi than does that mean that soul is fully unlocked.

My take with fully unlocking the soul means running the serpent within the body and forcing it to make its way slowly by stimulating pineal gland and solar plexus at the same time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Thank you, HP, and the God's for this new knowledge :)
So basically the first level is the Kundalini raised, the second is building on top of this and making the astral body powerful enough to sustain itself and then the last level is immortality, of course, the second and third levels require meditations from the God's but the raising of the kundalini is something already possible with the meditations we have already.

Yes, all the tools required are in the Joy of Satan website. One takes the knowledge, and walks their own path in their own pace.

The Gods will look to that people advance, and insofar they are motivated and stay on the path, advance steadily and highly on it. Guardian Demons are guides for this upwards growth.

HP what happens to the memmory of an individual between death and reincarnation on each level?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One in this case has to know, keep their head low, and keep practicing. The Alchemists of the Middle Ages called the Alchemy, or the road to the Great Work, the "Depressive" art. This is because especially in the beginning, meditation can bring out a lot of inner clutter.
This is very true. I'm sperimenting this right now in my life after so much repression, especially sexual repression, and the feeling is really a huge depression, I'm still in the process and sometimes when "it comes out" I think I'm giving up and this makes me feel even worse.. but one thing I've noticed, as you said, is that the more I "go down" the more I feel better the next day, in a sort of "swinging" motion.

Now I know all of this is a necessary process.. thanks for the sermon.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A necessity here is for one to advance and not lie to themselves and other people. It is not through lying or be worshiped that one will attain a higher level of advancement in this case, only a higher level of self deception and arrogance.

Anyhow, to dispel some confusion in regards to the Magnum Opus, there is no "singular" Magnum Opus, in the sense that, the level of advancement down this path has broadly three levels. There are levels in between but the case is to explain this with easy understanding.

In Level 1 of the Magnum Opus, one can expect the following:

-The soul at this level needs to be reincarnated to be re-instated into a body, so that it doesn't run out of energy.
How fast? How long do they get to wait in the astral plane before running out? It wouldn't be the same every time, but is there a general time range on average that they can last before having to be reincarnated?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-The soul does not necessitate instant or forced reincarnation, and can very well exist "individually". One can still reincarnate and rebuild to this level easily.
-At the far end of this level, one can be astrally "Immortal" or have attained "Second Life". One even if killed or they die physically due to old age, accident or other factor they maintain perfect existence and full faculty in the Astral Realm.
-On very far levels of attainment, reincarnation is not only not forced, but also possible to happen "At will".
Instant reincarnation? I'm guessing the implication is that normal souls need to reincarnate instantly, or at least rather quickly? The really strange thing you said was that reincarnation can happen at will at this stage. But at that rate, just how do souls lower than that level even reincarnate? Are they reincarnated manually by more advanced spirits who carry them around and put them in the new fetus body? That would seem like the implication. Otherwise, instant reincarnation would seemingly imply that the soul of the deceased is immediately or at least automatically transported to a fetus without anything conscious actually directing them to the right place so they do not sit there unconscious on the astral until they run out of energy. Or do you mean that instead, on average, the souls of the dead generally have some kind of consciousness and quickly make their way to someone pregnant whose child they can reincarnate as if they would soon run out of energy otherwise? In that case instant would only apply in the sense that they don't have any time to wait around, not that it actually happens instantly.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Level 3 one can expect:

-Despite of if one will die, one will certainly exist in the "Rainbow Body". Destroying said individuals is closely to an impossibility as far as spiritual means go.
-Reincarnation can still occur, and in some cases of far advancement at will. There were Yogis in the East who instantly reincarnated themselves in another fetus, on will, or who can die at will.
-Extensive wisdom and knowledge of miraculous proportions.
-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This part makes more sense as it is pretty obvious how you are explaining it all. But I still wonder just how it's supposed to work for the non developed souls. After all, that is how most people die and how they did die in history. Certain things like instant reincarnation would not work out so well in scenarios like big wars in history or mass die off events like the black plague where lots of people died off at once:There weren't enough other people being born to make up for the number of deaths, so that either means a ton of people soul-died, or they had to get external help to make it through the time gap. Unless instant reincarnation does not mean what i think it means, and average souls can last quite a long time without needing to be reborn. Just knowing what the average death, afterlife, and reincarnation experience is would be pretty informative overall. It just seems like the mechanics of instant or non-active reincarnation are never clearly explained here so far, I haven't ever seen the mechanism for that laid out here as far as I've read, and I have read quite a lot of the main articles. Is it just assisted by more advanced spirits, is it somehow automatic without anyone conscious needing to intervene, are the low-advancement souls just quickly moving their way along to a reincarnation vessel before they run out of energy, or is it something else?
sonnenkraft said:
Thanks for your effort .
What if I failed in the journey of life
and did not complete magnum opus ?

will be there another chance reincarnation
i often worry about this.

when you first read about this it dosent seem like and big deal and it seems simple but its really alot of growth and work. i like to think when the gods are here they will help me, i hope they will do my work for me is what i mean and that my current, honest and pathetic viewpoint. i know its wrong but what can i say. i just keep trying i guess.
Jihiji12 said:
Has this been written on before? I expected to learn quite a lot but i already knew this and it was more of a recap
It was never put in a way like this. It was information that was scattered through the forum, if someone does not have the time to read the forum and replays then some may have even not known most of these. It's nice that now we have what each level does so someone that is advancing know at what "level" he is.
Hello Hoodedcobra666.
This is one of the best writings I have read from you!

So there are 3 levels.
Level 1 = Nigredo
Level 2 = Albedo
Level 3 = Rubedo

This is correct?
There is a so-called. Also "Citrinitas" condition, what is it?

Unfortunately, he doesn’t write about what changes are going on in the soul exactly!

Is level 1 the fully ascended kundalini, or just the awakened?

So I would love to read exactly what is happening in the soul, what is being transformed on these levels, what spiritual work needs to be done.

Another question is, for an average person, how long can it take to get to Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 in a fair amount of time? With 90-100 minutes of exercise a day, with a balanced program.
How many hours of exercise per day do you suggest anyway?
Can you develop faster with 150-200 minutes of exercise a day?

Another question if you can tell us about this:
At what level are you and the JOS High Priests?

Sorry if I asked wrong.

I hope you understand, I don't speak English well.

Thanks Hp love your sermons u def have good solid knowledge can I ask u something now I know that photoshop exists etc but I’ve seen a picture trending of Cher and her mother and it seems she has not aged a bit is this something or just in the chart or what?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Due to a lot of corruption, destruction of spiritual knowledge by the enemy, and moral/psychological damage that has been deeply embed by the enemy to human beings [let alone psychic attacks to meditating individuals who make it anywhere] a lot of spiritual knowledge, and especially serious spiritual knowledge, has been desecrated.

An overwhelming amount of spiritual knowledge, if not all of it, has went through enemy hands, and has been corrupted and perverted. This happened in some cases willingly by the enemy, while in others, the enemy's insanity covered over and explained spiritual allegories they found and stolen in perverted ways. Judaism, after all, is nothing but a stolen amalgam of information from other Pagan Civilizations and Mystery Schools that existed all over the Pagan world.

Alchemists of the Middle Ages did their earnest [some in communication with the Gods] to preserve this spiritual knowledge, and so did many other people. However with each successive line of generations, corruption was inevitable. The penalty of death for actual spiritual knowledge, charlatans, and many other regular shills [books of which we can find today even in Amazon for example] have done it their life's purpose to merely misguide other individuals because they themselves feel like "Gurus" while they do it. This has created a disaster in regards to spiritual knowledge, and is a form of desecration similar to that of the enemy, only worse.

To name one example, I recently was studying a book that claimed it had the recipe of the Magnum Opus. There are many such books online. The audacity here is on levels beyond arrogance. Extreme disinformation, which contained hebrew meditations all over the book, was in there. One would never do any Magnum Opus with this, but would only destroy their Soul, possibly beyond repair [if they were a Gentile]. If the reader was a jew, maybe they would have some of confused benefit.

Quite a bunch of jews goes insane from applying corrupted knowledge that is given to them by other jews, and in particular, Rabbis. Silent warfare has been going between some jewish schools of thought who believe in secrecy of information and others who pretend they give it all out freely, in a corrupted or unfiltered manner. One needs to look no further than Madonna and how she went insane, or how many other, even jewish at times, celebrities, completely lose their mind and/or personality by the things they are instructed to do.

One in this case has to know, keep their head low, and keep practicing. The Alchemists of the Middle Ages called the Alchemy, or the road to the Great Work, the "Depressive" art. This is because especially in the beginning, meditation can bring out a lot of inner clutter. This can be psychologically heavy to deal with, but after the cleaning of it, one feels free and light from these issues permanently, and is no longer a carrier of these burdens. Another reason they named it that way, is that because, looking into this craft would possibly end in death.

Many people do not understand how far humanity has sunk because of the enemy, and how far we have came from this sinking. It really is a matter to appreciate that civilization has at least evolved past this. However, modern humans are rather ungrateful in their largest portion, and use their time in the most frivolous pursuits, letting it skip of the things of awe that can be discovered in these arts.

According to some alchemists of the past, and also philosophers, not all people were destined for this path - at least in this point, and this is something I also agree with. Those who believe that all humans will "right now or pretty soon" undertake this path, will be disappointed to see that most humans are seldom interested, and this comes most of the time with a youthful soul that doesn't really understand or ascribe importance to supernal things.

A necessity here is for one to advance and not lie to themselves and other people. It is not through lying or be worshiped that one will attain a higher level of advancement in this case, only a higher level of self deception and arrogance.

Anyhow, to dispel some confusion in regards to the Magnum Opus, there is no "singular" Magnum Opus, in the sense that, the level of advancement down this path has broadly three levels. There are levels in between but the case is to explain this with easy understanding.

In Level 1 of the Magnum Opus, one can expect the following:

-A decent connection of the soul to the body
-Siddhis and Powers
-In regards to body and youth, slower [but still progressing] ageing.
-One will still physically die, but one will be more advanced in the union of body and soul.
-The soul at this level needs to be reincarnated to be re-instated into a body, so that it doesn't run out of energy.
-In regards to wisdom, a low but decent level may be present.

An example of this level: Gopi Krishna.

In Level 2 one can expect:

-A very good connection of soul and body
-More Siddhis and Powers [some of which can appear miraculous to others, such as extreme ESP, premonition etc]
-In regards to the body and youth, very graceful ageing. In the case where one grows "old", one will still have virility and capacity of a very young person. At this point, the body can be increasingly rejuvenated by the soul to a powerful degree.
-One may physically die, but one's astral body is "Completed", also called in Pagan Cultures as: "Rainbow Body, Diamond Body, Temple of the Sun, Eternal Body" and so forth.
-The soul does not necessitate instant or forced reincarnation, and can very well exist "individually". One can still reincarnate and rebuild to this level easily.
-At the far end of this level, one can be astrally "Immortal" or have attained "Second Life". One even if killed or they die physically due to old age, accident or other factor they maintain perfect existence and full faculty in the Astral Realm.
-On very far levels of attainment, reincarnation is not only not forced, but also possible to happen "At will".

Examples: Francis Bacon.

In Level 3 one can expect:

-An "almost total" connection of soul and body
-Extensive, or extreme Siddhis or Powers. [Miraculous powers]
-One may regularly age but one can stop ageing, and if achieved after one is of physical age, reversing their physical age is possible. Physical immortality long story short, or extensive capacity to keep the body alive and reverse the ageing clock. All of this is possible.
-Despite of if one will die, one will certainly exist in the "Rainbow Body". Destroying said individuals is closely to an impossibility as far as spiritual means go.
-Reincarnation can still occur, and in some cases of far advancement at will. There were Yogis in the East who instantly reincarnated themselves in another fetus, on will, or who can die at will.
-Extensive wisdom and knowledge of miraculous proportions.
-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events.

Examples: Adolf Hitler, Hindu Legendary Yogis, Asclepius, some of our Gods like Asmodeus who finished the Magnum Opus when the Gods were present on Earth [many thousands of years ago] etc.

These will probably clear misinformation so further knowledge can be based on understanding these precepts. Of course there is not a necessity to see this in "Three Levels", one can also see this as a linear line towards advancing. However, I made this broad categorization to help in understanding the difference between these levels. As far as I can see, these levels can readily be seen for what they represent and as clear "Checkpoints" in the soul's way to the Great Work of the Philosophers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
"-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events."

For instance, visiting an area that isn't there a couple years later?
This clears mental fog and helps extremely. Thank you!

Around level 2..the astral body can still out-limit the physical body? For example doing too much energy in some areas/chakras of the body can cause mayhem, on the glands at least, and death eventually?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Examples: Adolf Hitler, Hindu Legendary Yogis, Asclepius, some of our Gods like Asmodeus who finished the Magnum Opus when the Gods were present on Earth [many thousands of years ago] etc.

These will probably clear misinformation so further knowledge can be based on understanding these precepts. Of course there is not a necessity to see this in "Three Levels", one can also see this as a linear line towards advancing. However, I made this broad categorization to help in understanding the difference between these levels. As far as I can see, these levels can readily be seen for what they represent and as clear "Checkpoints" in the soul's way to the Great Work of the Philosophers.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In Level 2 one can expect:

-A very good connection of soul and body
-More Siddhis and Powers [some of which can appear miraculous to others, such as extreme ESP, premonition etc]
-In regards to the body and youth, very graceful ageing. In the case where one grows "old", one will still have virility and capacity of a very young person. At this point, the body can be increasingly rejuvenated by the soul to a powerful degree.
-One may physically die, but one's astral body is "Completed", also called in Pagan Cultures as: "Rainbow Body, Diamond Body, Temple of the Sun, Eternal Body" and so forth.
-The soul does not necessitate instant or forced reincarnation, and can very well exist "individually". One can still reincarnate and rebuild to this level easily.
-At the far end of this level, one can be astrally "Immortal" or have attained "Second Life". One even if killed or they die physically due to old age, accident or other factor they maintain perfect existence and full faculty in the Astral Realm.
-On very far levels of attainment, reincarnation is not only not forced, but also possible to happen "At will".

Examples: Francis Bacon.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Does this mean that HP Maxine is somewhere in level 2 or close to one? Based on what she show in her childhood and the distance she went for in older days included freeing the satan and demon in communication between gods and earth and other extraordinary feats.
NakedPluto said:
This clears mental fog and helps extremely. Thank you!

Around level 2..the astral body can still out-limit the physical body? For example doing too much energy in some areas/chakras of the body can cause mayhem, on the glands at least, and death eventually?

Yes, and even on the 3. Everything which is very strong has to be done on careful procedure. The physical body is not "invulnerable". This is why it builds it's power with levels, sort of how the Shaolin monks are doing in a more material way.
<o> said:
"-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events."

For instance, visiting an area that isn't there a couple years later?

This is extremely rare and closely impossible [2-3 humans have been recorded in all of history doing this] and Thoth himself [Hermes Trismegistus] but it is called "Walking through the dimensions", and one can appear and re-appear materially, sort of like teleportation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
<o> said:
"-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events."

For instance, visiting an area that isn't there a couple years later?

This is extremely rare and closely impossible [2-3 humans have been recorded in all of history doing this] and Thoth himself [Hermes Trismegistus] but it is called "Walking through the dimensions", and one can appear and re-appear materially, sort of like teleportation.
Its really a great sermon, thank you for it, made my day better.

I would have a question, maybe is not exactly a question about the sermon, but this making me thinking all the time if I read something like your cermon.

Satan created us, we are the aryan people, we have built huge buildings, cities, cultures and empires with the knowledge that our gods have coded in us, many-many tousands of years ago, before these alien judeo-christians came and start destroying everything we have built. They took the knowlegde from us step by step and used and still using againts us to destroy aryans. We all know that the knowlegde is ours what they use, but:

How they found the way that the spiritual power that is within us serves their purposes??

How is that our spiritual power not destroy their alien soul and even their physical body??

Thinking that a Jew cannot do RTR because it would have catastrophic consequences for him, but they took our spiritual power, lifeforce and using it as that is theirs and not ours and freely using it to benefit them.

How is it that our Satanic spiritual power 2000 yers ago or more didnt kill them all??
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
<o> said:
"-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events."

For instance, visiting an area that isn't there a couple years later?

This is extremely rare and closely impossible [2-3 humans have been recorded in all of history doing this] and Thoth himself [Hermes Trismegistus] but it is called "Walking through the dimensions", and one can appear and re-appear materially, sort of like teleportation.
I recall an older writing of teleportation by a former HP, dealing with the practice of disassembling and reassembling matter, which - with practice - would allegedly make teleportation possible.
This seems like the ideal topic to ask this question. To make a long story short, ive done alot of work with advancing with the kundalini under the guidance and instruction of the gods, most of this year. And ive been able to sometimes tap into its energy at will, and along with siddhis that come and go.

My main question is, its like the higher senses, my astral senses, crown chakra heightens, then I go through periods of a shrinking, like coming up and down, gradually, from that state, to my current concious state, what does this mean in terms of advancement?
Jack said:
I wanted to ask ,if there is any physical genetic operation/process possibly Genetic Engineering that might be required at the third stage to attain Physical immortality or if it's not required and can happen naturally.

I wanted to ask it too. And if it can happen naturally then when? At the third level or after it? Is there any more level?
Also the Furher totally completed Magnum Opus right? So it means he reached a "god level" and immortality, right?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events.

Examples: Adolf Hitler, Hindu Legendary Yogis, Asclepius, some of our Gods like Asmodeus who finished the Magnum Opus when the Gods were present on Earth [many thousands of years ago] etc.

Thanks for this information and clarification of things that are however(for me at least) still something that belongs in the far future.

I have a question though...
when you say "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events, do you refer also to things like the so called 8 Siddhis of Hatha Yoga?

Ever since I was young and always super interested in the supernatural I read about these 8 Siddhis in a book, they're basically 8 major accomplishments that allow the individual to perform unbelievable feats:

These are:
Anima - basically the power to shrink oneself (I never really believed this and others that follow to be literal and material body changes though)
Mahima - to increase oneself in size
Laghima - Levitation (this I know to be possible through Air Element invocation and learning from it
Garima - to become incredibly heavy
Prapti - to travel great distances instantly (I assume people think of 'teleportation' here, but it might simply refer to the much safer astral projection)
Prakamya - to "instantly make one's desire a reality" (the example the book provided was about reviving a dead animal... and this is one of those things I know beyond any doubt to be real)
Isitva - the power to control anyone (I assume something like controlling others through thoughts or creating love towards oneself perhaps)
and Vasitva - the power to control matter and all nature's forces, so possibly this refers to all the 'kinesises' one may think of, Telekinesis, Pyro, Cryo, Wind manipulation (this one and TK I know to be real already, haven't had success with Pyro and Cryo yet.. not that I tried that hard with those), and so on.

I don't know if you referred to these (or the substitute non-Yoga names that consists in the same abilities) but it really rang a bell when I read that.

To be honest, and I hope no one will think I'm bragging or being 'deluded', the only thing that really feels always off for me is the Soul-Body connection... I always had the hardest time feeling energy, hence why I joined this forum in the first place, to fix this severe problem.
Almost everything else, youthful/capable body and some 'miracles' and such I've already observed. Someone here even assumed I must have reincarnated from a powerful Soul in my previous life, I don't know, but it still pisses me off to no end that feeling and working with energy comes to me as such a hard thing.

I'm going to work more on that "depressive" art as I believe there's probably some enormous forgotten clutter I need to deal with before I can say my Soul feel like this and that.

Won't lie, I feel like I am a desperate case sometimes.

Thanks for sharing so much information, I hope I'll get to make good use of it.

Hail Satan!

PS. I'm re-reading the name Asclepius. He was the god of medicine, wasn't he? I'm wondering if that prakamya (ultimate healing and reviving dead animals) is an ability he has.
1)How much spiritually advanced were the communist leaders such as Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky ? Were they of the same level as Hitler?
2) And did Adam Weishaupt also complete Magnum Opus?
Thank you for this information HP.C. The magnum opus was quite confusing, but now I have a much clearer undrstanding of it. Maybe you could add this clearification to the magnum opus page on the JOS website?
Taurus said:
when you first read about this it dosent seem like and big deal and it seems simple but its really alot of growth and work. i like to think when the gods are here they will help me, i hope they will do my work for me is what i mean and that my current, honest and pathetic viewpoint. i know its wrong but what can i say. i just keep trying i guess.

They can't do your work for you, because then you would never learn. It would not help you in the long run to do so. If I was a "super nice" deity and cleaned your aura every day for you, you would never learn how to do it. Therefore, it never helps someone to do the work for them.

Do not fret over whether you can finish or not. Yes there is work involved, by the payoff is exponentially greater. The only thing you really need is just pure time. So do everything in your power to etch out a chunk of time for yourself every day.

This could mean taking steps to improve your productivity, changing jobs, altering what you do at home to improve your time efficiency, and so forth. There is always a way around these obstacles, even in our current clownworld, so just keep trying every day.

In the coming years, the Jew will have lost its influence, and while this may have resulting in lots of chaos, the result will be a world that is even easier to spiritually advance in.

My point being, have faith in yourself to succeed. It is not so impossible that the Gods have to do it for you. Through advice from them and us, you will be able to get through anything blocking your advancement.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-On the higher levels, manifestation or de-manifestation of the body may occur, and other "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events.

Examples: Adolf Hitler, Hindu Legendary Yogis, Asclepius, some of our Gods like Asmodeus who finished the Magnum Opus when the Gods were present on Earth [many thousands of years ago] etc.

Thanks for this information and clarification of things that are however(for me at least) still something that belongs in the far future.

I have a question though...
when you say "phenomenal" or "unbelievable" events, do you refer also to things like the so called 8 Siddhis of Hatha Yoga?

Ever since I was young and always super interested in the supernatural I read about these 8 Siddhis in a book, they're basically 8 major accomplishments that allow the individual to perform unbelievable feats:

These are:
Anima - basically the power to shrink oneself (I never really believed this and others that follow to be literal and material body changes though)
Mahima - to increase oneself in size
Laghima - Levitation (this I know to be possible through Air Element invocation and learning from it
Garima - to become incredibly heavy
Prapti - to travel great distances instantly (I assume people think of 'teleportation' here, but it might simply refer to the much safer astral projection)
Prakamya - to "instantly make one's desire a reality" (the example the book provided was about reviving a dead animal... and this is one of those things I know beyond any doubt to be real)
Isitva - the power to control anyone (I assume something like controlling others through thoughts or creating love towards oneself perhaps)
and Vasitva - the power to control matter and all nature's forces, so possibly this refers to all the 'kinesises' one may think of, Telekinesis, Pyro, Cryo, Wind manipulation (this one and TK I know to be real already, haven't had success with Pyro and Cryo yet.. not that I tried that hard with those), and so on.

I don't know if you referred to these (or the substitute non-Yoga names that consists in the same abilities) but it really rang a bell when I read that.

To be honest, and I hope no one will think I'm bragging or being 'deluded', the only thing that really feels always off for me is the Soul-Body connection... I always had the hardest time feeling energy, hence why I joined this forum in the first place, to fix this severe problem.
Almost everything else, youthful/capable body and some 'miracles' and such I've already observed. Someone here even assumed I must have reincarnated from a powerful Soul in my previous life, I don't know, but it still pisses me off to no end that feeling and working with energy comes to me as such a hard thing.

I'm going to work more on that "depressive" art as I believe there's probably some enormous forgotten clutter I need to deal with before I can say my Soul feel like this and that.

Won't lie, I feel like I am a desperate case sometimes.

Thanks for sharing so much information, I hope I'll get to make good use of it.

Hail Satan!

PS. I'm re-reading the name Asclepius. He was the god of medicine, wasn't he? I'm wondering if that prakamya (ultimate healing and reviving dead animals) is an ability he has.

"Garima - to become incredibly heavy" - It is clear that this will be the complete domination of the earth element.
DragonFire11 said:
Its really a great sermon, thank you for it, made my day better.

I would have a question, maybe is not exactly a question about the sermon, but this making me thinking all the time if I read something like your cermon.

Satan created us, we are the aryan people, we have built huge buildings, cities, cultures and empires with the knowledge that our gods have coded in us, many-many tousands of years ago, before these alien judeo-christians came and start destroying everything we have built. They took the knowlegde from us step by step and used and still using againts us to destroy aryans. We all know that the knowlegde is ours what they use, but:

How they found the way that the spiritual power that is within us serves their purposes??

How is that our spiritual power not destroy their alien soul and even their physical body??

Thinking that a Jew cannot do RTR because it would have catastrophic consequences for him, but they took our spiritual power, lifeforce and using it as that is theirs and not ours and freely using it to benefit them.

How is it that our Satanic spiritual power 2000 yers ago or more didnt kill them all??
Because not everyone took spirituality very seriously, and these were rallied by the Jews against humanity at large under Christianity and used in a 'holy war' to speed up the decline of the old world. Plus the Jews got a lot of energy from Christianity to curse us even better. It was a temporary victory that we're now undoing.
Nero said:
1)How much spiritually advanced were the communist leaders such as Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky ? Were they of the same level as Hitler?
2) And did Adam Weishaupt also complete Magnum Opus?
These are Jews. They don't have the Kundalini of Satan. They can advance only far enough to develop some few siddhis like telepathy and of course to curse humanity.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
