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Love Spell

sunrise said:
Guys, this is really degrading and cheap, to laugh about women's biological functions, and you should be ashamed of yourself, this is not satanism, I don't know how to call this, I never came across something like this. Laughing about my periods will definitely convince me to stop posting once and for all.
Your deliberate ignorance knows no bounds. You also know I am doing nothing more than retaliating.

Nikolas said:
Ok, ok ,ok. So. Let me think about it all. Im curious why didnt a HP interfere here to tell us now and for ever who is right and who wrong.
I'll tell you who is right and who is wrong - neither that God, whom a member was working with, for disliking that Goddess who enjoys casual, open (at least partly-Astral) sex with multiple partners, nor that Goddess who enjoys casual, open (at least partly-Astral) sex with multiple partners who is disliked by that God, whom a member was working with.

" So who is right? Sunrise AND FancyMancy both make valid points. I just dont understand the arguement? As some said, sunrise got triggered or at least mistook fancymancy the wrong way "

What arguments ? " why not? ; because we can " . I think she felt the need to respond to others disrepecting her opinion.She feels maybe like you dont understand what she already repeated 10 times.
Someone should enlight us all. I think both of them are right, in a way.
And Mancy's last reply.....
" So because you all (whomever, relevant individuals) need to have the last word, I give you my permission - please have the last word. You may have the last word. You need it. "
" .but my points have been made - and I bet ignored yet again."
" If this wasn't such a place of importance to help ourselves and each other, then I would go on a lot more than I have - and those who have learnt things about my posts on here know that I can go on for quite a while"
" said I don't come here for "friendship". This is hardly the place, and I said already that as far as I know this retarded nonsense all started after I made a silly reply to someone, who chose to get the wrong end of the stick - or at the very least, chose to ignore the fact that they were mistaken when they were told. "
" If I were to attack, it would be obvious."

Oh boy. He is pissed off. Watch out.
I am not pissed off. If anyone chooses to be pissed off by a username online, then they need to find some priorities and then sort them out from Highest Priority to Lowest Priority and also No Priority.

I like how arrogant he is. Lord Mancy, teach me more.
I'm not arrogant. Try reading my posts where I ask questions for help and where I get things wrong. They are very plain to see, if you wish to not be ignorant. If you want to be ignorant, as I said whomever would be, then please enjoy. If you are not ignorant/don't want to be ignorant, then you would know that I have never once claimed to know everything nor have all of the answers, so your subjective response here is both baseless and also trolling - and why is it only me in this particular thread who, according to you, is arrogant? If people were mature instead of ignoring attempts to explain things were not attacks and subsequently continuing on in that ignorance, and instead of misusing usernames, which one would argue makes them arrogant to think that they can do so, then why is it me and only me who is supposed to be arrogant for retaliating? Will you answer me and explain it clearly? What point do you have to prove?

Now to attempt to sound arrogant and whatever deliberately, but in a trolling and mocking/sarcastic tone - I am so glad that you proved that my points would be ignored and that you responded accordingly. I said so, and you did that for me correctly. Thank you.

This thread, minus the stupidity of ignoring deliberately the attempts to ease the fighting and lighten the mood again, but subsequently continuing on with the stupidity, just goes to show that:
  1. definitely, what people know, or think they know, about love and relationships and partnerships is, and for such a long time has been, fucked up, through - what I expect is - very little or no fault of their own, and
  2. possibly, no "right" or "wrong" either:
    • exists or
    • matters at all in such closed, small matters, which is either done by ignorance or through little understanding or large misunderstanding

If it's "wrong" to pursue someone with Magick means or non-Magick means or both, then "more power to them" - why waste your energy on being bothered about them doing that?

Again - I refer back to the God and Goddess above, whom I have mentioned several times before after reading it on the other forum. Which of those is "right" or "wrong" - the God or the Goddess? Neither? Both? Then go to Satan and petition Him, demand that He meet with you to hear your own lowly opinions (or perhaps "your" opinions, meaning that you might have other influences in there) about how and why either or both that God and/or Goddess are right or wrong, and why you think Satan is right or wrong for Him not interfering with Them and Their lives.
sunrise said:
I just saw after laughing and commenting on this, the above comm with 'the period'

Guys, this is really degrading and cheap, to laugh about women's biological functions, and you should be ashamed of yourself, this is not satanism, I don't know how to call this, I never came across something like this. Laughing about my periods will definitely convince me to stop posting once and for all.

Don't make your "biological functions" our problem and we won't, no one owes you anything. Besides, laughing is better than yelling or violence, right? Why are you guys taking teenage "Cosmo" dating advice from this person anyway? Just enjoy yourself in the real world without this "sunrise" person policing your thoughts, morals, biologically based behaviors or spiritual doings. Take it from someone who has been there and done that, and is grown with raised children if their own: when you just do what your nature dictates as Satan said, you will be happy and will see that you are blowing the "gender differences" out of proportion a bit... there may be terrible "ambitious men" but there are equally immature and mentally stunted women with giant L' s on their foreheads. Women aren't some kind of unknowable holy ethereal goddesses, they dooky as well and wipe afterwards. There are great ones, too, who naturally follow you as you become happier and more involved in life. I am married to such a fine lady who is planted in reality, unlike some speaking here. My friend had an awful woman like the before mentioned one years ago... now she is sad, bloated, depressed, bitter and alone... except for her 12 cats and nightly tubs of ice cream of course. He's doing fine, married and ambitious as ever. Let sunrise do her thing by herself, as Nikolas said, she doesnt want YOUR opinion or to hear what others have to say, she needs herself to be heard and respected above others. She is clearly not open to learning anything, don't bother her. You dont need that.

And behind every great man is obviously NOT always a great woman, many people do not have a mother or sisters or a spouse til later in life, which happens sometimes. Some great men were even molested or violently abused by their mothers or other women in their life and still turn out fine. My uncle now has his own business and happy married life, a millionare with Chevelles, Harleys, respect happiness and an Antebellum home to ice it all up. Was his psycho mother who tortured him with boiling water to the head to thank? Please guys dont waste your time here, let sunrise share her personal fantasies and opinions on a blog tucked away somewhere online, not in your heads.

And nice to see you again FancyMancy
sunrise said:
What do you mean Nikolas that its total opposite of what a feminist does? All I see is her shaming men and recent posts says she cant stand "sick ambitious men" and men's biological nature is to be ambitious,actually it seems like she doesnt like men's biological nature of being men.
She actually said the opposite of this if I remember correctly. Stating how the vast majority of men are born as natural "pursuers" and should be the ones to make the first move on females.
This is rather far up in the discussion, on page 1. Here the most important parts-
sunrise said:
Now gentlemen, allow me to have the last comment on this subject. Speaking about love is boring anyhow

Now, this is the reason why some of you get into the so-called FRIEND ZONE. You are too slow to make your move. You missed the 'moment'. Chase the fuckin' moment and act quick
You need to act when the things are 'warm-up' and don't be afraid to come up like freaks! This is nonsense. Make your intentions clear asap, see what happens, doesn't happen. move to the next and so on and so forth. After all, you are 'hunters'.
Learn how to act when 'the tension' is there, without fear, I repeat, a lot of men are stupid in this regard.

Hey Cosmo, how old are you? Still in drama loving grade school? Surely you are just in experienced in life when you say things like "ugly people are ugly because they are ugly inside"... because surely you cant be THAT ignorant. Im betting you arent too thick to acknowledge that beauty isnt always set in stone, what YOU feel as ugly may be attractive to another person. Maybe some think YOU are ugly, but are too nice to say anything. Once again, you speak your opinion as if it were the is all end all of all things, like it is the accepted standard or norm when it is just that ... an "opinion." One mans trash is another mans treasure, if one man found you ugly would it be safe to assume you are ugly on the inside as well sunrise? Would not another man find you to be "treasure" at least to him? Or are you ugly on the inside AND outside, and not attractive to anyone. Im sure someone finds you unnattractive to them. But thats not the end of things, is it? Not to mention, surely you are intelligent enough and observant enough to agree that some of the nicest and most hardworking and greatest people may not be the most attractive... Some well known serial killers are said to be quite handsome in a lot of eyes, as you know. How many ugly people are ugly because of jewish curses or problems during birth or from workplace or car accident injuries? I seriously implore you to revisit this stance of yours, it would obviously behoove you to do so.
Ascending said:
And nice to see you again FancyMancy
I don't think I know you (considering you have, at present, only 4 posts!) but thanks...I think, lol.
Ascending said:
sunrise said:
What do you mean Nikolas that its total opposite of what a feminist does? All I see is her shaming men and recent posts says she cant stand "sick ambitious men" and men's biological nature is to be ambitious,actually it seems like she doesnt like men's biological nature of being men.
She actually said the opposite of this if I remember correctly. Stating how the vast majority of men are born as natural "pursuers" and should be the ones to make the first move on females.
This is rather far up in the discussion, on page 1. Here the most important parts-
sunrise said:
Now gentlemen, allow me to have the last comment on this subject. Speaking about love is boring anyhow

Now, this is the reason why some of you get into the so-called FRIEND ZONE. You are too slow to make your move. You missed the 'moment'. Chase the fuckin' moment and act quick
You need to act when the things are 'warm-up' and don't be afraid to come up like freaks! This is nonsense. Make your intentions clear asap, see what happens, doesn't happen. move to the next and so on and so forth. After all, you are 'hunters'.
Learn how to act when 'the tension' is there, without fear, I repeat, a lot of men are stupid in this regard.

Hey Cosmo, how old are you? Still in drama loving grade school? Surely you are just in experienced in life when you say things like "ugly people are ugly because they are ugly inside"... because surely you cant be THAT ignorant. Im betting you arent too thick to acknowledge that beauty isnt always set in stone, what YOU feel as ugly may be attractive to another person. Maybe some think YOU are ugly, but are too nice to say anything. Once again, you speak your opinion as if it were the is all end all of all things, like it is the accepted standard or norm when it is just that ... an "opinion." One mans trash is another mans treasure, if one man found you ugly would it be safe to assume you are ugly on the inside as well sunrise? Would not another man find you to be "treasure" at least to him? Or are you ugly on the inside AND outside, and not attractive to anyone. Im sure someone finds you unnattractive to them. But thats not the end of things, is it? Not to mention, surely you are intelligent enough and observant enough to agree that some of the nicest and most hardworking and greatest people may not be the most attractive... Some well known serial killers are said to be quite handsome in a lot of eyes, as you know. How many ugly people are ugly because of jewish curses or problems during birth or from workplace or car accident injuries? I seriously implore you to revisit this stance of yours, it would obviously behoove you to do so.

Dear Sir,

I read and will reply just to this post. I haven't read the other one,
the other one starts with some 'WE' (like you and Patsy are the voice of this forum or some other things), and then I stopped right over there.

Whenever I will hear 'WE' from a person who just came out from nowhere and out of boredom to comment, I will not read it further.
This 'voice of the forum' position and not speaking in your own name doesn't sound right to me. Unless you are a HP, keep this WE for yourself and speak for yourself.

Let me tell you what.

In regards to ugliness. I have said, there are exceptions. Have you read that part? To any general idea, there is an exception. Always.
The jews are the only ones who don't make any sort of exception; the rest of the Gentiles are subjected to a lot of exceptions.

Now going to the 'ugly ones being cursed', I am fed up with this passing responsibilities to other entities jews or non-jews, alright?!
I got responsible for my shit from an early age. Do you even understand the word 'RESPONSIBLE? I am pretty sure it just sounds cool, but that's it.

it is our fault for how the world looks like right now.
it is our fault for allowing jews to take over.
it is our fault for our own laziness, stupidity and poverty OR UGLINESS IF YOU MAY.

YEAH, I know, you don't like to hear it.

All this shit is because of you!

Let's do an exercise; it will keep you grow, repeat after me:



Swallow it and DEAL WITH IT LIKE A MAN. If you are a man, if you are a kid, yeah, is mommy's fault or some bad ugly jew.

Do you understand that this is happening first because of you and me, and us?

Yes, they were smarter, more united, that's a fact, hard truth to swallow. We are the idiots who could have done another RTR but instead are writing comments equal in value with a shit here on subjects that doesn't educate a bug.

look how united this INDIVIDUALISTIC place looks like.



Let me tell you what, sir, if you are ugly and it bothers you, take full responsibility for it and do something about it. It is simple.

WE TALK SHIT ABOUT BEAUTY? WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT BEAUTY? DO YOU THINK THAT I HAVE TIME TO DISCUSS THIS NONSENSICAL SHIT WITH YOU? What remains to hear that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' or some other cliches? Give me a break.

I appreciate your moderate tone, that's kind of you, I honestly do. Thank you for it.

Don't take my speech as an offence; please understand that I am fed up with this continuous shit. You came when the party breaks out so sorry we don't hold any after party. You can party with Fancy, he is just a hypocrite while saying he doesn't need friends around here. As a matter of fact, he craves for attention so so much. He doesn't seem to have any outside friends. Wonder why, because I don't. Please, be kind enough to keep him some company.

You said something about fantasy world if i recall correctly? For you sir, it might sound like this indeed. I AM NOT APOLOGISING FOR MY GREAT LIFE, BECAUSE I DON'T LIVE IN SOME COMMUNIST WORLD WHERE WE NEED TO BE LINED UP. I didn't come to Satan like some of you to sell my soul or out of poverty and misery. I came here because I was actively searching for my CREATOR. I came to serve the cause and not waste eternal time on nothingness.

I didn't come to become a martyr either, for ungrateful little irresponsible beings who are all about INDIVIDUALITY AT THE COST OF COLLECTIVE FORCE;
and who waits for the Gods permanently or the HPs to be there to HELP OR warn them, when they cross the line,
aka jack,- a guy I was always respectfully answering, despite his baby cry, and while doing this like a fool myself, it came out only more shit as a result.

You didn't participate, sir, to the whole dynamic of things on the subject, I ask you why did you just come NOW to make me pity ugly people, reconsider them or call me blind? Did I say other than that my option is to avoid them out of my safety reasons? Am I allowed sir, to choose with what kind of people I spend my time with? I do have sensitive eyes and tastes in everything. If I eat a burger, I vomit my stomach out. Can I hate burgers in peace and allow you to eat them as you please? I am not for killing ugly people or burgers or any people except for the jews anyhow. Some even accused me of a new age. Wonder why this happened? It happened because of my ACCEPTANCE over a broad category of people despite my elitist mindset. Do we need some political correctness here and I am not aware of it?

I get it, you came to rescue fansy the most hypocrite christian under disguise WHO does here some reverse christianity and call it Satanism,

you are coming to defend based on your emotional response and attachment on pantsy.


This is why I hate to be trusted. Once the barrier of trust is entered, people get blind or avoid critical judgement on a person, is all about emotion then. We just love you, you can say shit, since we know you, we will defend your shit.

I do not care for your emotional attachments here. I care for IDEAS. JUSTICE. AND FAIRNESS

I don't know your identities you can be here for one day or 1000000 days, I care to hear some pertinent shit.

You think that what, you sign in to satanism and all of a sudden you are equal with all the people here, (not me, necessary) yeah, I think you are the one living in a fantasy world.

You only blame external sources for your own incapacitates to fix your life and the fucking planet. GROW UP

and stop writing me on the subject, stop including me, questioning me etc., thank you
sunrise said:
I didn't come to become a martyr either, for ungrateful little irresponsible beings who are all about INDIVIDUALITY AT THE COST OF COLLECTIVE FORCE;
and who waits for the Gods permanently or the HPs to be there to HELP OR warn them, when they cross the line,
aka jack,- a guy I was always respectfully answering, despite his baby cry, and while doing this like a fool myself, it came out only more shit as a result.
WTF......I'm am now perfectly convinced that even after 135 posts on this thread you still haven't took the time to self introspect or read the fucking website. I never said you should wait for anyone. I simply said you need to take responsibility for your actions and if your doing something horribly wrong the gods that watch over us will show you signs that you should immediately stop. Imagine your a spiritual satanist doing RTRs ,meditating ,advancing. Ofcourse, your going to have a connection with the Gods. To seriously advance you need the guidance of a Guardian Daemon. Its impossible to advance without them. So why wouldn't they warn you. Imagine snorting Cocaine infront of your Father. Ofcourse your Father is going to tell you not to do that shit.This forum is filled with such experiences. You should check the memorable experiences from Gods thread. It also shows your not in tune with the Gods and you need serious experience in meditation.

If you make another retarded post going on and on about the exact same retarded points and keep on contradicting yourself in every other post, I might come to a conclusion you have an IQ lower than the collective IQ of Somalia(68) and permanently stop replying to you.

Anyone who reads your post will first notice the edgy Caps thing your doing,which is extremely weird. Then they'll notice how you argue on different positions, contradict yourself in every other post even sometimes line after line. Then when called out you try to connect the dots but fail miserably. You present this kind of confusing and contradicting points on threads you say you don't have any interest in. Then you say your busy. Then you try to make a case for how you have so much life experience which might be a complete lie considering your conduct here which shows you have no more life experience than a little girl. You give ideologically toxic advice to people and then create this shitstorm of retarded posts when called out. I'm being increasing wary of the possibility that your in fact an attention seeking young girl who wants attention because no one else is giving it to you.

If you don't want to, don't change. Stay retarded. Just do not misrepresent my position. Please enjoy your life with imaginary boyfriends whose faces you never saw before falling in love with them.
:) :) :)
sunrise said:
(like you and Patsy are the voice of this forum or some other things)
Those sanitary towels are not working for you, love. You choose not to learn, so grow up and stop being a pissy bitch.
FancyMancy said:
claiming to be logical when clearly you're on your period all the time.
This is just pathetic, you're better than that Mancy.
Nikolas said:
This is from a sermon: Satan's new man from 2015 . Its not all of it, just some parts because its too long. If anyone is interested to see all of it, tell me and ill post it from the romanian forum translated in english, since I didn't find it here.

Aim to become the best version of yourself. Disrespecting others.....will not help you in any way. You dont have to agree , so taste your words before you spit them out. What if one came and said those things to you? Would you like that? Put yourself in other's shoes from time to time. Hurting people ( when they didn't hurt you, this is important) is something Satanists don't do. We are supposed to have an example behaviour. Dont be a know-it-all dumb ****.
Sunrise please dont get mad at him. I hope your anger evaporates and you become happy again ;) You dont have to care about what others say to you or think about you.
And that laughing about women's period.... makes me really angry. Some bothering tissue that gets eliminated every month because the body is angry for not having children. What is funny about this? Its true, women get a lill bit more frustrated or angry in that period, but really, a woman offering children to her man is the most amazing thing ever ( im talking about real love not one night stands without using a condom.... ) . A wonderful experience when the woman needs her man's support because its also painful.
And some men laugh about it...
Mancy i saw some posts when you genuinely writed a lot just to help others. You're cool bro. I was joking with you.

The new man, as Satan sees him, is as follows. He deserves the title of being a man. His mind can fill the world, his confidence is unwavering. His emotions are vast and his mind is brilliant and can become even more magnificent. His mind is stable and his body is healthy. It is a prime example of the evolution of mankind, the superiority of nature, and billions of years of struggle for survival. Nothing can pull it down or defeat it, because it has conquered what is seen and unseen. He knows what he does not know yet. He knows his limits only in order to overcome them. He respects them. He is not in war with anything, but when he enters, he is victorious. He learns from his failures. He understood the truth and still tries to understand it. He is a good protector. He is also a warrior and poet, brutal and peaceful. She is both a woman and a man in the soul, but both are defiant. He is his own master and as a result he is the master of all the forces of nature present in him. He obeys rationality more than fear. Fear is behind him, death has overtaken her. He stands defiant in the face of death. Faced with the problems and enigmas of life, he remains curious. When he moves he takes the others back. He is not ashamed of who he is, he resonates with the rhythm of nature. He is himself. A true creator, worthy of being called the equal of the Gods. With a bright future that can make him equal and even greater than any "god".

A man of the Truth, a man of Satan.

He is part of the Divine Order. Big or small, he has defined his greatest personality and evolves continuously, according to the order of nature and the universe. He has an admirable ego, but he is not selfish, but he is a supporter of the common good. He knows that the future remains in unity with OTHERS and not only in himself. In his hands he keeps bricks to build a new future for all mankind. Higher intelligence has overcome both logic and emotions: they have become one considerable intelligence, one intelligence of life itself. He has no hatred in his heart, for he is free and there is only greatness. However, when threatened, he becomes the most angry of all beings. He does not hesitate to destroy, especially when his creation is threatened.
His mind is pure because he understands the Divine Order. He is responsible and takes care of those who can not take care of themselves by promoting power, being against weakness. He knows that weakness is the cause of all evils. He knows that power in the right hands means kindness. Ignorance does not know this man, but he does not know it either. He knows his position in the Divine Order, and that's why he drives his skill. Even death can not stop him, because his soul is immortal. His probable mortality does not mean that he is a mortal and has a firm vision of eternity. But it is also immortal. Respect, generosity, pride, beauty, altruism and heroism are the notions he holds in his heart. Everything that is physically subjected to it, he is not subjected to the physical realm. He is free. It's spontaneous like a spark. He is not mechanical.

He leaves for his devotion and deep respect, knowing what is superior and inferior to him. He understood greatness and respected it where he saw it. He is also a flock animal, who is exalted as the highest and noble of it, but at the same time, he stands alone as a god. It is both beast and God. He realizes the greatness of his FELLOWS because he himself is great. In him and in his fellow men, the beauties of nature are presented in all wealth, in all their difference, diversity and all their greatness. He loves what is above him, because he knows he can ascend further, he knows the meaning of what is sacred, and this fills him with joy and happiness. For him, everything is sacred and venerated. Life is sacred. There is not a bit of foolishness in his mind. He is the very incarnate, eternal, and supreme possibility of mankind. He is the new type of man who has risen from all distinct Gentile races that have been separated for hundreds of years. A man who created an empire, a paradise for him, in all beauty, in his own image. A man who has overcome all the heavens and all the abysses.

Nickolas, you know I highly appreciate and respect you. Moreover, every second that you dedicated to coming here to support me emotionally in a sense, even if I didn't need it, I want to tell you I acknowledge it and I thank you for it. May the Gods bless your beautiful and generous soul, as I am not able to thank you otherwise.

You will become a great man one day if you keep it on the right track.

Now let me explain to you a few essential points.

Pantsy did a considerable amount of work, and I already said this in another post. I told him out of this reason I respect him.
It is the reason why I was considerate over the guy.
As a matter of fact, I told him not only once, but several times or a hundred times that I do not have any problem with him, but I find it merely UNPLEASANT to have any chat with him;
Me, personally, which is a personal choice. I even asked apologies for whatever he found offensive and asked him politely to drop the shit here and LEAVE ME ALONE.

Just to see how crappy some people are, they would not leave you alone, they want to suck all life out of you for their own satisfaction. They take your polite tone, apologies etc. and use it further to humiliate you.

He is so desperate to be accepted by me like he can't live his life without my validation.

He kept on saying 'retribution' or other crap, which made me laugh at the beginning but then continued with PERIOD AND MENSTRUATION crap; and wouldn't stop. again and again, shit, when I clearly apologies and told him, let's stop; really, like how low you can go? Is there even lower than this?

So please, take this human dejection out of my side, if we were to interact personally, I WOULD have GIVEN HIM SOME REAL RETRIBUTION, NOT BULLSHIT ON INTERNET OR BARKING LIKE DOGS.

Some people just like the jews do some great things, AIMED AT THE BENEFIT OF THE SO-CALLED SOCIETY, GROUP, WHATEVER. But, 'accidentally', just spit some shit from time to time, thinking that they will be forgiven. 'Come on guys, look how much work I did so far, a little shit here and there doesn't smell'.

Like a guy I knew long ago with the casino addiction telling me once, 'but I do not have any quality, are you always blaming me, making me feel like the last person in the universe?'
This guy was immaculate OTHERWISE, smart, luxurious, a powerhouse of whatever but ended up with an addition that was traumatising his family, life, and APPARENTLY, HE WAS TELLING ME THAT HE COMPENSATE IN A WAY.



it is the same as the jewish strategy, they infiltrate with good intentions, do great things for people and then here and there INSERT A LITTLE SHIT, A LITTLE HERE, A LITTLE THERE, HOPING THAT IT WON'T SMELL.

It is like the jews who take the whole teaching and change a letter here, an idea there, then playing innocent. 'HEY GUYS, BUT I DID A LOT OF GOOD SHIT ALL ALONG, I AIMED THE BENEFIT OF THE GROUP, I am a human being, after all, I am not perfect'.


Or your shit spread all over the cake in such a refined method that up until I found out, I already ate shit in pure form, and it is too late to do something.

I do not care for your cake, has shit inside, it is ruining your whole cake. I am not eating it, thank you

Do listen to me Nickolas if you care to grow up. You find a little smelly shit in a person, walk away, don't look at the rest of their impeccable so-called good deeds. Trust me, don't waste your time looking at the full glass, is a waste of your beautiful soul and time. I am not saying all the people are perfect, or we are perfect, we are reasonable, we accept our faults, we apologise, we aim to improve, we come here to grow, acknowledge each other, laugh here and there because tension is not healthy and overall BEING REASONABLE - but some people take it as a weakness. Don't let this use and abuse your being.

This is how jews run the world for the last 2000 years. This why it is hard for people to take them for what they are because they do a lot of good things in between aiming to cover the real shit.

Ps. Sorry for my English today. I am tired, drained, it is Sunday, etc. you got the main idea.
Ascending said:
Hey Cosmo, how old are you? Still in drama loving grade school? Surely you are just in experienced in life when you say things like "ugly people are ugly because they are ugly inside"...
This was already discussed earlier on in the thread. I will give you quick overviews so it's easier to navigate.

Sunrise said:
sunrise said:
I hate ugly people and avoid them like the plague,( as the outside is a reflection of the inside) and those kinds of people have only hate inside.
My reply:
Shael said:
Your statement here is generally true, but not in every case. I agree that internal unbalance and disharmony can commonly cause an ugly outward appearance, and I too would stay away from any ugly normies I encounter. However, when it comes to the topic of a fellow SS being "ugly", I believe there should be a bit more leeway allowed. Keep in mind that many of us have been fighting for this cause for several lifetimes, and almost all of us have sustained wounds and trauma in varying degrees in these past lives. This of course can be due to stupidity, or other fallacies on our own part, which had intensified consequences due to the enemy energy-grid. But some of us may have sustained these injuries not out of stupidity, but out relentless battling for our cause. Some may have spoken out against the enemy openly when they had a chance to reach thousands, and spread the word thereby. These brave souls would have likely been tortured by the enemy afterwards before fading into death, all so they could spread the word further and foul the plans of the enemy, to give us more time to win this war. Now if one of these souls reincarnates today, and has internal struggles as a result of past life trauma, they could indeed have an ugly outward appearance until they have managed to fully heal their wounds. If one of these people came up to you offering knowledge on a topic they are experienced in, or asking for your assistance in some way, would you feel good about yourself if you just ignored them or cast them aside, because they are "ugly"? I know this is a far stretch, and only applies to a few cases, but still. I think that just plain "rejecting" everyone who is ugly, even SS, is a bit too extreme. Perhaps give some of your brothers and sisters a chance and let them share their story, instead of just ignoring them instantly based on their appearance.
Sunrise's reply:
sunrise said:
Shael, Thank you, my brother, for your answer and mostly for your time. I appreciate that.


When we speak about something, we put it on a general note, OF COURSE, THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO EVERYTHING.

Except for the jews, there are always exceptions to the rule.

A thing to keep in mind is that having a handicap doesn't make you ugly. I have an uncle SS who is gorgeous but he has a scar on his eye. This damage his inside a lot along all his developing years.

I am extremely considerate on any matter. I don't look superficially at anything, anyhow since you made your point I want to make a few more points in relation to that:

People, be careful with people without who are less than you on any level. I have lived since 9 among various types of people, being exposed to a huge amount of people from aristocracy to the worse mafia. I have been reading a vast amount of books, years I had one book a day. I have experience when I say BE CAREFUL THAT PEOPLE WILL WANT TO STEAL YOUR LIGHT, PEOPLE WILL WANT TO SUCK YOU UP, USE YOU, in ways that are so sophisticated to even notice.

One example, I had a friend who was a sort of midget, SORT OF, about for 2 years, she was sabotaging everything around me, (since she was short and sweet) I could not even imagine in my mighty. I was blind. I was young, myself and still learning about life. Everything was collapsing around me and didn't know why. When I finally figure it out, I confronted her and she looked at me with big innocent eyes and said: 'ME, WHAT CAN A TINY CREATURE as I DO TO YOU? ' Moment when I got in a shock. Everything made sense, her strategy all along, everything. She was using her stature to manipulate people around in such a way... all strong people were in big pity for her and helping out but the gratitude was never there. She had only hate as life was unfair to her. I have more examples, I will stop to this.

I wrote this just for my brothers here, be careful with weaklings, nobody wants you to have more money, more women, more success, be smarter, etc THEY WILL HATE YOU PROFOUNDLY IF YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEM.
SEEK FOR EQUALS IN ANY DEAL. Even when you find sort of equals, people from the outside want competition, they are that stupid, they don't want to work in a team to create something even greater. BE CAREFUL what friend you are making. That's all I had to say. People around you are ultimately making your life. Better alone if this is the case.
Aquarius said:
FancyMancy said:
claiming to be logical when clearly you're on your period all the time.
This is just pathetic, you're better than that Mancy.
It's pathetic for me to retaliate but it's perfectly fine and dandy for shitrise to continue attacking me ignorantly and without proper reason, other than because it decided I was attacking it in my first reply, when I was not attacking at all. Thanks. I love this logic here.

My point has been made and proven beyond all possible - not just reasonable but beyond any and all possible - doubt. Y'all can keep feeding the troll if y'all laak. All be raddin ma pig in preperayshun for me pig-raadin contest on the forrm next month. Yahugh. Oink-oink.
Unfortunately this topic has started looping as some sort of philosophical ideology. There are 138 posts and people are going off in wild tangents and we're currently in a far off world not even close to the discussion of the original post. This thread has devolved into a cycle of attacking each other without any reason whatsoever.
In many philosophical treatise's which are often written by atheists or Christians they have a habit to start from a neutral point (which is untrue or false) and then build upon that false statement and they start looping over it till they've completed two to three books. The problem is that the neutral point aka false assumption was not real(or didn't exist) and thus all of their arguments, even if some are true individually ,collapse when seen in context with the neutral point.

To the folks who have read till here, I must interject and again inform them of some basic realities.

There are no mediators in Spiritual Satanism. We strongly encourage our people to interact one on one with Satan. The ministry is here for guidance and support only. One's relationship with Satan is between that individual and Satan. We take the stance of "responsibility to the responsible." We place no limitations on knowledge or personal power and do everything we can to make all knowledge available to EVERYONE- not just a select few who are a self-appointed "elite" as with other religions. Satan encourages self-study, learning, direct experience.
This again as I have to remind people here is the original stance of Spiritual Satanism. What you do in your individual power is your own business. We can give you advice and based on our personal ethics and morals ,we can tell you if we think you are wrong in some regard. But ultimately it is you who is living in your body. It is your responsibility, whatever you do with your life and with the magical resources we give you. One of Satanism's commandments is simply not to be dumb. Magick as any kind of power is morally neutral . It can be used for general good and bad. It can be used for individual good and bad. Having a little self consciousness is enough for you to decide what is personally wrong or right for you. Daemons are our guides in life and In the spiritual journey. To advance you must meditate on their sigils daily as per the eight fold path ,breathing in their energy and develop a sensitive connection with them. Often times if your doing something horribly wrong and are unaware of it and may suffer later, Daemons will warn you and tell you to change as any good parent will. This is however for critical life changing points in life.

Your individual responsibility is to you and only you. Don't be dumb and have a little common sense. Get rich, get girls, do whatever as long as you take responsibility for your actions and just don't do dumb shit. Use common sense. Your collective responsibility is to our organization and to the empire of Orion. Your collective responsibility is to do the RTRs, and spreading Satanism through anonymous means, and through parent to child as a religion.

"Happiness is the feeling that power is increasing and that resistance is being overcome."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Happiness has different layers.This quote by Nietzsche is about happiness that comes from the utilization of your own personal power. Use your power,wisely. And don't be a pussy.
FancyMancy said:
Aquarius said:
FancyMancy said:
claiming to be logical when clearly you're on your period all the time.
This is just pathetic, you're better than that Mancy.
It's pathetic for me to retaliate but it's perfectly fine and dandy for shitrise to continue attacking me ignorantly and without proper reason, other than because it decided I was attacking it in my first reply, when I was not attacking at all. Thanks. I love this logic here.

My point has been made and proven beyond all possible - not just reasonable but beyond any and all possible - doubt. Y'all can keep feeding the troll if y'all laak. All be raddin ma pig in preperayshun for me pig-raadin contest on the forrm next month. Yahugh. Oink-oink.
I believe all this discussion is completely pointless, but this specific part was just sad.
FancyMancy said:
All be raddin ma pig in preperayshun for me pig-raadin contest on the forrm next month. Yahugh. Oink-oink.
That's all good, but I'ma be riding on a trained black bear instead! They got softer fur to sit on, better in the forrest, don't go as crazy as a pig does, and got little cubby bears with them!!! :D :D :D But your pig might run faster :|
Aquarius said:
FancyMancy said:
Aquarius said:
This is just pathetic, you're better than that Mancy.
It's pathetic for me to retaliate but it's perfectly fine and dandy for shitrise to continue attacking me ignorantly and without proper reason, other than because it decided I was attacking it in my first reply, when I was not attacking at all. Thanks. I love this logic here.

My point has been made and proven beyond all possible - not just reasonable but beyond any and all possible - doubt. Y'all can keep feeding the troll if y'all laak. All be raddin ma pig in preperayshun for me pig-raadin contest on the forrm next month. Yahugh. Oink-oink.
I believe all this discussion is completely pointless, but this specific part was just sad.
It is, but ignorance abounds despite repeated attempts at explaining and trying to help understand.

Instead, let's try this version -

I'll be riding shotgun
underneath the hot sun
feeling like a someone

instead of feeling depressed, which is what this stupid retardation in this thread is.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
I believe all this discussion is completely pointless, but this specific part was just sad.
I believe that you're a clown! :x :lol:
How did you discover my secret identity :O
Because this platform is an educational platform, you Fancy should be well aware you do have a problem, a serious problem with women, the feminine side of your soul whatever.
All the years you served cristianity were heavily cursing your soul.

Maybe you have a problem with your mother; perhaps you were abandoned, I do not know why you insisted on smelling my tampons.
If we were face to face, I would have made you eat them.

But because you are my brother In Satan, and i do forgive you for everything, i advise you to do as many RTRs as possible, every day and overcome your guilt for whatever happened in your past.

Please help yourself the best you can, and this is not a joke anymore. I wish you the best, and I know you are a wounded soul, I feel just sorry for you.

and this message is not irony or something.
sunrise said:
Because this platform is an educational platform, you Fancy should be well aware you do have a problem, a serious problem with women, the feminine side of your soul whatever.
All the years you served cristianity were heavily cursing your soul.

Maybe you have a problem with your mother; perhaps you were abandoned, I do not know why you insisted on smelling my tampons.
If we were face to face, I would have made you eat them.

But because you are my brother In Satan, and i do forgive you for everything, i advise you to do as many RTRs as possible, every day and overcome your guilt for whatever happened in your past.

Please help yourself the best you can, and this is not a joke anymore. I wish you the best, and I know you are a wounded soul, I feel just sorry for you.

and this message is not irony or something.
FYI, my reply here is slightly-hostile but rather calm, just to let you know. I also add - again - a bit of humour, to try and lighten the mood and tone. I am not going to cushion the blow or sugar-coat things...which anyone should realise by now.

Keep speculating and keep trying to be big and hard online. "If, if." If wishes were fishes, the world would be an ocean - but that's not the case now, is it? Notice also I reply to you directly, when necessary, whereas you continue to "Wait for 20 years" to speak to me (reply to me directly). I have no problems with women. I am bisexual, which means I am attracted to females as well as males. You might forget that HPS Maxine is a female, Lydia is a female, HPS Shannon is a female, johnson_akemi is a female, etc., and I have interacted with them, to one degree or another, on far, far better terms than you have allowed me to interact with you. If anything - if anything at all - the only person with whom I might have a problem, someone who claims they are female, might - very just might - be yourself.

I offered to be light and playful with you in a non-serious, jokey way, and offered, in and among that, to attempt to help guide your burning fire into some less-than-shit ways, less-than-hostile ways, or at least less-shit ways, less-hostile ways, but you refused and continued on as you did. I could just ignore you outright, but why didn't I? I will let you, or your "friends" here who ignore the fact that you keep ignoring me trying to explain that I didn't attack you, and who ignore that you continue to attack me regardless, all decide why I didn't.

You just need some fuel to burn your fire. I actually offered that - it might not be a proper, actual, effective way to do it in real-life, but this is the best I could offer you, and you refused. Although, on the other hand, you accepted it but didn't tell me, "Yes. Thanks. I could do with that type of help, even if you might not be able to do it perfectly-well for me". You did accept it - you keep 'burning' by using me, as your fuel.

By the way, the only way I'd not put up a fight for you forcing me to eat your tampons would be if I liked you enough (in particular ways) and I was in the mood for rainbow kisses, etc. (Don't worry anyone reading this - I won't go into graphic, perverse, pornographic details here!)

Maybe I should ignore you outright, sunrise - then you wouldn't be able to use me as fuel to burn for your fire. Maybe I should - but that's what you need, isn't it, some fuel to burn your fire?

There isn't really any way I can tell for certain if you are being genuine or not...but regardless, thank you for not misusing my username this time. If I may be so bold as to be presumptuous - I am guessing that you did type my username incorrectly deliberately or out of force or habit, but then you decided to change it. Even if you typed my username correctly deliberately (or accidentally), thank you, regardless. My silly offer of a fake "marriage" and playfulness would still stand, but maybe we'll leave that alone for now or forever.
This entire thread is an utter disgrace, the worst infighting I've seen in a long time. Instead of taking it to PMs or elsewhere, everyone arguing in this thread decided to drag it out. This is a complete turn off to new members and it gives the Jew more ways to drive a wedge in Satan's house.

We're all Spiritual Satanists here serving a purpose light years beyond this bickering, so let's be worthy of our Gods and act like it. Take the hatred out in your RTRs as you focus on the letters. The shitbrew alphabet only catches a rest when we fight eachother.

I hope Sunrise and Mancy meet up in real life some day and discover a powerful love between them, laughing at this thread on their honeymoon.
Aquarius said:
Also care to explain maybe?
Explain what? How I was right I never should have made my original comment in this topic because I'll get 1,000 replies of people just crying about dumb shit. And my prediction was right. And still they all cry and whine. But I'm not going to let their problems bother me because I can still make myself laugh and be happy! :D This can be an example and lesson for other people. Don't be a crybaby over things that don't matter at all because it's just dumb and just going to bring you down. Just find little things to make yourself laugh! :D Is that what I was supposed to explain, or something else?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
Also care to explain maybe?
Explain what? How I was right I never should have made my original comment in this topic because I'll get 1,000 replies of people just crying about dumb shit. And my prediction was right. And still they all cry and whine. But I'm not going to let their problems bother me because I can still make myself laugh and be happy! :D This can be an example and lesson for other people. Don't be a crybaby over things that don't matter at all because it's just dumb and just going to bring you down. Just find little things to make yourself laugh! :D Is that what I was supposed to explain, or something else?
I understand your point of view, you're right my friend:)
Aquarius said:
My idea is that if you really wanna do it just do it, maybe you will regret it or maybe not who cares, but in a Satanic NS future society this will just not be permitted as you are just programming the free will of the people you are doing it on.

No offence, but I think you are wrong.

What you are describing sounds more like North Koreea / Communist China than a Satanic NS future.


Because a Satanic NS Future means an advanced society / civilisation. And here are two things that happen in an advanced society :

1. Nobody stops you from advancing even more. So, if you have a stronger aura and you are more advanced than the person who tries to ”program your free will” , you will deflect his/her ”programming” .
And this results in a continuously improvement of that society.

2. In a really, and I mean REALLY advanced society, you WOULD NOT HAVE to use such methods. Why ? Because, the society, being an advanced one, would care for its members. Informations would be free so everybody would know how to use his / her powers of the mind and this means that if everybody would program their auras to attract the ideal partner, there would be no mismatch . No divorce, No drama like in our current society.

And you really believe that in an advanced society, someone stays with a stick in their hand to smack the heads of those who DO NOT obey ?

In a really advanced society, there are, generally speaking, very few ”rules” and ”laws”.

Why? Because the members of that society are spiritually opened.... That means that the members of those societies are much more ETHICAL than we are. They see past the deceptions and lies. They see the truth through lies, so there is no point in them trying to ”use” or ”manipulate” their co-members.... They DO NOT resorts to this. Instead, they use COOPERATIONS, they help each other when in need. Totally different than our current world.

And when they have arguments / disagreements (probably very, very rare, but still) they try to work it out somehow. They DONT put a smiley face on and then try to back stabb each other, as humans currently do

And those societies (that are advanced) really go by the saying : ”Responsibility to the Responsible.”

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
