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Love Spell

Syt said:
Hi NinRick,
Thanks for sharing your experience with your love spell. Your target dreaming of having sex with her ex sounds like subconsciours confusion/ resistance to the strong and rapid 'blossoming' of feelings for you. I strongly recommend for you to continue.

Can you do me a big favor?

Can you kindly list out the original steps to your love spell and then also list out the spell with the new adjustments that you'll be making?


Hail Satan.

NinRick said:
So okay now the story:
Currently I am doing a Love spell what I do is, I pull her light body out of her body when she sleeps and I „have sex“ with her. And obviously on climax I do the normal stuff I shoot Bright Energy inside her lightbody and physical body an aura and program it.
It feels like it is super effective. She also said that she is dreaming almost each night about having sex since I started this.

Now the Bad thing she is kinda confused, and obviously I can not tell her what is going on. And she also dreamed having sex with her ex.

So what do you think should I pull out her light body from the very start or should I just direct the energy at her? Is it more effective the way I do it or will I get same results if I do it differently?
Its on the witchcraft page.
FancyMancy said:
sunrise said:
FancyMancy said:
I've tried explaining to you that I did not attack you, and you continue to troll, ignore and attack me - and you have no idea why. Enjoy your false-logical, AKA emotional, responses in your ignorant and immature attitude. You have problems but you are comfortable with them and don't want to remove them. Enjoy.


First thing first, you lack a sense of humour. Since your dryness it's understandable.

I had a second thought and I said that I am willing to give you a second chance, since you're my brother, you deserve it,


You admit publicly that you are a... WATER DIGGER!

That's all. I don't ask for much. That's my deal, take it or not.

PS: we should all gather and send you some gallons of water, get you a swimming pool, take you to the seaside...anything really...

You, actually, are the one who don't have a sense of humour. You cry and bitch all the time and then talk shit like you have done, while ignoring the fact that I didn't attack you. Tell me why I would attack you; I have no reason to - other than in retaliation, which you know and see that I have done. It is very possible to get the wrong end of the stick. I have said numerous times that text, despite emoticons and picture/video memes, is shit for proper communication.

Seeing as you choose to be ignorant, I shall repeat myself - I can neither confirm nor deny my Astrological make-up, so you, who accuses me of digging, keep on trying to dig for information all you want.

I am not accountable to you and you know that, so take your "deal" and shove it where the sun doesn't rise from. Your name is not sunrise; it is shitrise.

I would end with this previous paragraph just above, but I also wanted to say something else in a different tone to my reply above. The tone I intend for this paragraph is jocular, humourous, funny, silly... I also decided to add a bit of blue humour in here, as well. I also want to end my reply on a light note/tone, as well. This might not be funny, but since your fire doesn't burn properly allow me to try and guide it, just this once. If you agree, then I will say this - seeing as this might not be funny, humour me! You allege I lack this, that, and the other, and you say that your fire doesn't burn properly. Don't take your own shit out on me - unless you should decide to agree with me that you and I have a non-serious, playful, jocular online "relationship" and have a HP or HPS pretend to marry us in the presence of the thousands of members/users (the jew not invited) here. Then we can be like an old...well, young and newly-married couple who complains a lot but we enjoy it and we enjoy each other. We can put on little skits for our JoS fans and entertain them like in a sitcom, with canned-laughter at very non-funny jokes. We can put ARv2 to shame because he failed to get with Lydia. As such, sunrise, what's your Venus? You can tell me your Venus (not literally; this is a joke, don't forget), or you can shut the fuck up and do the King and Queen and stop your bitching. Erm... darling. By the way, I'll be home late - the boys and I are going out to paint the town yellow (the colour of sunrise, :p).

End of joke/humour. Take that as you want it.

There was another member who I replied to before and I tried helping them not be upset with what I said. They replied back to me saying that they didn't mind my direct and blunt answer - that is a part of their make-up; yours, with whatever constitutes you, is yours; mine is mine. Please try and chill out. You tell me that I need water. It's OK for you to ask for direct help yourself. Your fire, as you said, doesn't burn properly; you need water to calm down and not be hot-headed. You project things onto others that you can't or don't know how to ask for yourself.

[Activate humour again] If you and I were together, I'd definitely learn pyrokinesis and pyromancy, then I'd be FancyPyroMancy, then I'd be able to handle your fiery, feisty, wily ways (yes, you are wily!) and see in advance when you're going to shoot out a coronal mass ejection. Then I'd direct it to our enemies and we'd be as cool as a cucumber in the rain. ;-) Let's watch Netflix and chill. :p You certainly need a good...erm...massage. cough (I prefer torrents than Netflix, but then the joke wouldn't make sense...)
I want three kids ASAP
Syt said:
Hi NinRick,
Thanks for sharing your experience with your love spell. Your target dreaming of having sex with her ex sounds like subconsciours confusion/ resistance to the strong and rapid 'blossoming' of feelings for you. I strongly recommend for you to continue.

Can you do me a big favor?

Can you kindly list out the original steps to your love spell and then also list out the spell with the new adjustments that you'll be making?


Hail Satan.

NinRick said:
So okay now the story:
Currently I am doing a Love spell what I do is, I pull her light body out of her body when she sleeps and I „have sex“ with her. And obviously on climax I do the normal stuff I shoot Bright Energy inside her lightbody and physical body an aura and program it.
It feels like it is super effective. She also said that she is dreaming almost each night about having sex since I started this.

Now the Bad thing she is kinda confused, and obviously I can not tell her what is going on. And she also dreamed having sex with her ex.

So what do you think should I pull out her light body from the very start or should I just direct the energy at her? Is it more effective the way I do it or will I get same results if I do it differently?


I did everything according to the JoS-Site except that I additionally pulled her lightbody out of her body from the very start. If you do this with someone who was recently in a relationship I would say do not pull the lightbody out. If she/he dreams about sex (because you perform the spell while she /he sleeps) chances are that they will dream about their ex.
Nikolas said:
sunrise said:
I have no idea how this quote thing works. But whatever, who cares. I will start writing now.

"I will not ignore anyone, and this is because their INTENTIONS are reasonable, we are family, we try to teach each other the best. I like their styles; I don't mind. "
Ok, i understand. You said you grew in a mostly manly environment and you have 2 brothers. I can see you're not the type of woman who gets over-sensitive and cries easily. As you said, you're a beast of nature, self reliant, men-loving woman.
I want to start picturing you.

"I don't want to be treated in a specific way, just because I am a woman. I don't need this. Forget that I am a girl if this makes you treat me more softly. Be real, that's all it matters to me but at the same time, I will tell you when you crossed the line. "
This confirms even more what i said. You said about being masculine and have lesbians falling for you.You stand out with your personality in a GOOD way. I dont usually see a woman like you.

Being smart and mature goes a loooong way.For a SS these are really important traits.

" I like the boys' styles, I want them to be themselves and deliver it, however, as I said, when it is exaggerated, I will tell.
Let's be reasonable, that's all I want "
You just like men who know how to behave aroung/with women, isn't it? You are traditional. as you said in the other post.

"A man will become a real man only with a woman's help and the other way around."
Total agreement. Men NEED women and this goes both ways.

" MEN, naturally love to take care of us, remember this, actually why do you think they work so hard? IT IS ALL

FINALLY A WOMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS THIS. I want to get in touch with you.

"I am pretty sure we love to do the same in return"
This depeds on the woman.There are a lot of women who have shitty personalities aka feminists or dont understand shit about men.This is why i dont talk why any woman. Im the romantic type so if one gets offended for me holding the door she can just consider me gay.

"Am I paying at dates? I tried to pay at times and men were offended. "
Because we love to take care of you, and im happy you're one of the few who genuinely understands this.

" I know a girl in her 20s with a partner in his 30s she would split the bills in half, not in terms of 'I pay this,
and you pay that', in terms of here is the gas bill 40 euros, give me 20. Do I agree with this? NO. All the bloody
romance is dead. "
That girl needs me in her life.

" In the universities, in our current times, there is a big emphasis and brainwashing on how women are being paid less,
etc. I raised my voice in the class one day and asked, what about the family, bearing kids and all that things, what
about paying on dates, receiving flowers, covering the most of the family bills, etc., etc.? We, at an unconscious
level as women, EXPECT THIS. Why then expect equal pay? Isn't this degenerating in abuse? "
Im curious what did the other women say.... I would get pissed if they disrespected you for standing up for us.
Forget about whatever they said. You are clearly above them in terms of mindset.

" The romance is dead!!!!! " Wait for the right guy to show up.

" Remember a man who is in love would actually give you the world, whatever he is capable of, in other words.
Don't focus on this. Focus on building up that man, you have no idea what kind of impact you can actually have."
Fuuckkkk . I guess having grown in that environment with a manly father and 2 brothers made you a great woman.
You said something about having unfortunate love experiences with other men ? Forget about them. Glad you made them suffer. They have no idea they lost a becoming Goddess.

" You have a gentleman mindset which makes me respect you a lot, but I repeat, it is fine. It is fun, we are learning from each other. People are so diverse. But thank you for being what you are. "
I appreciate.Imagine me after a few years. I have the co-dominant planets in my astrology chart retrograde. I will be a beast in a few years.

" Men can be both at the same time. They can love deeply one woman and sleep with others. Or love them all in different ways. A mix of this can arise. I think for some the label is redundant.
What I meant in my previous post, was that, for some polygamous being sensitive in a sense that They are afraid to commit themselves to one single person deeply. This is for some. They have been hurt before, they just jump fast, making sure this way that this doesn't happen again. But only for some, as men are capable to love many women at the same time, differently, and I respect that. Or they simply want to have fun, etc etc, hard to label or classify. "

Well, we are complex beings, and those trillion sexual cells are definetely having an impact. I think i understand polygamous behaviour. Im interested in this subject.Im also curious about myself. I would like to find out more about this is possible. How can I love more women at the same time?? Or deeply one but spend time with others? Will she get bothered. I think this depends on the specific couple. We all have different mindsets and personalities. This is why direct communication in a relationshop is necessary. She should tell directly what bothers her so that the man changes it. This goes Both ways.

" You are not using anybody. sex is in 2. it is a mutual thing. "
Well, the saying goes : man FUCKS woman, not woman fucks man. This is why i care about her satisfaction. I just honesly like to fuck her hard lol and see her having an orgasm, or 10. I want her to MOAN A LOT. Im an Aries . If you like the type that takes charge and controls you in bed, im the perfect partner for you.

" This is the romanian style. Our men are charming. Flower shops are their normal, AT LEAST WEEKLY route.
Not sure if this is only in Romania. I also lived in France and will go again in one month because Im at University there.
I got to see that french men are different and this made me realize that men for every specific country are different when it comes to seducing women. I tried to learn all the best from them and combine it with my romanian style , and BANG. The french is the sexiest language and i learned some tips and tricks. This is why im even more romantic now. I know everything about women, i can read them like a book. I know how to make you smile, happy, or whatever. I can be your best friend or the amazing lover.

" People are different Nickolas, that's life, that's the diversity of it. Overall that's the beauty of it,
There are plenty of women who wants this so-called diversity as well. Or girls highly respected who are cheating horribly. Or many many other examples. People are doing what they want, you know... "

Again, forget about the fucking pussies who made you sad in the past. They dont deserve your attention. My name is not Nickolas, call me by my name if you dont mind. I will send it privately, though.
Again an interesting topic. Why do people cheat? hmm. If a woman's cheating, then is the man's fault for seducing her.
When it comes to men cheating, i can understand a little bit. I heard one guy saying that for us sex is a necessity, just like going to a restaurant to eat, or taking a shower. If a man has sex with a different woman , this doesnt mean he will stop caring about his Gf . His girl is still going to be the center of his Universe and he's still going to stay with her.
Again the monogamous/ polygamous question now.
Well, i guess we are too complex. This is impossible to label.

" Yes, young men especially need to EXPERIMENT. Also, there are older men in this position highly passioned about sex for the sake of sex. Not all of them change, you know, Some men need sexual validation, to compare, to experiment all their life...so on, so forth. Nothing to blame after all. "
Impossible for me to comment, impossible to label. I have no idea what to say. Sexual energy is the strongest so a lot of people fall in its trap.

" How I see men, I LOVE YOU GUYS, I AM CRAZY ABOUT YOU. The world would be such a boring place without you. I love lifting a man spirit up. I love everything about you. I have been raised by men in a mostly manly environment. still I have been working extensively with woman. "
And we love women like you who actually can use their mind and understand man-woman relationship on a deep level.

" There are the soul polarities, There are extensive recent sermons on that, look for them... girls being more masculine or boys being more feminine.
I am more masculine a lot of lesbians are falling for me, lol.
The Most rest of the women hate me deeply, maybe I should do a MUNKA to overcome this, as I tend to have a lot of bad feeling over them and I am a woman after all. "

Everyone has a perfect partner, there is just the problem to look for it and find it.
Masculine women and feminine boys are totally ok. There is the sermon that tells us about the Greek Gods. A thoughtful guys is not less of a man for being like that , or introverted. A strong woman is not less of a woman for being strong.
We all have fcking different personalities. Its normal for us to be different .We are billions.
Personal question, sorry: Do you like other women falling for you?
I think it's the same as other men looking at one guy and saying look at that cool man. I need to learn from him and improve myself.

" I see woman DANGEROUS like they have a problem with you, but they don't come as a man to tell you IN YOUR FACE. They would dig your grave silently. AND THEY DON'T KNOW LOYALTY AS MUCH AS A MAN WOULD KNOW.

Use magick and destroy them. We are nice people , but its TOTALLY MORAL to use magick to take care of people who disrespect you for no apparent reason.

" Exactly what you said with the power of the women over the man I think I wrote in the other post, I attached you the link. We are in total agreement.
We are a team, we need to team up. "
I started speaking with one girl and trying to find a way to speak with also one guy from our forums. If you dont mind we can also discuss. Usually i talk with her about our day, what she's doing. Just what happens on our life. We say what we like, what we dont and we try to know each other better. I make her smile a lot. If you also want we can talk. We can contact each other by email and try to find ways to speak on a daily basis. If you trust me and feel the same.
You said when that Mancy upset you again, that you want to talk to other people whom you respect and want to be in a good mood and happy ,so if you want hook me up.We are from the same country and it would be amazing if we could be friends.

And I just chuckled at his message LOL . He saw that you are a woman thought and you are easy just because you are open to discuss things. He saw what you wrote to me and thought he now has the right to make some jokes about you.

" be able to handle your fiery, feisty, wily ways (yes, you are wily!) and see in advance when you're going to shoot out a coronal
mass ejection. Then I'd direct it to our enemies and we'd be as cool as a cucumber in the rain. ;-) Let's watch Netflix and chill
. :p You certainly need a good...erm...massage. cough"
He thinks he's in porn when a man just tells the woman to take her clothes off, she does that and then instantly jumps on him .
Netflix and chill lol

Oh my dear brother. Only if you would know how to talk with women. It is clear that you didn't like at all how he approached you .
I dont know if he was trying to win some points with you, but he lost HARD. :lol:
And still, you behaved mature because he's your brother and all that, and STILL, you apologised:
" if I ever offended you in any way, please forgive me, honestly do this and at the same time, just leave me alone. That's all. "
While kindly asking him to spot writing to you.
Wow. I applaud you.

" No, trust me, my dad created a force of nature, a self-reliant girl, I came to the point when I don't need anybody. Throw me anywhere, and you can be sure, I WILL SURVIVE.
Of course, a kid still needs to be watched over from a distance, but not too much, too much care can damage.
I don't have kids, so I don't know yet. I would like to talk one day from experience, at first hand."
Wow,ok. You're pretty confident in yourself. I have no idea about kids or how they sould be taken care of. Im also curious.
Maybe too much care for a boy can make him a pussy.Men need to experience hardship and grow as tough guys. This is what i want from my boy.Go to gym, learn manners, get smart, chase women, be really good at something.
Well, we will see one day.

" What about a threesome? LOL, I am joking, no.
Have consideration for your girl, this is extremely wonderful, I just love the way you respect her, I love men like you.
Tell her that she has no reason for jealousy in case she is there reading, as I have nothing to do with you other than friendship and since I didn't fall for you at the first read, is impossible for the future. Therefore ZERO REASONS TO WORRY. "

Ok, so ;) i want to joke now. Since you started i will just assume you dont mind.
I dont want to lie. But daaaaamnnnnn im supposed to not be thinkind about things like these. Im fine but i still need to recover a bit. A threesome sounds just fine.Wouldn't mind.She's open minded, just make sure you dont forget about her in bed ;) and play a bit.
Dont be so sure about not falling for me. Just wait until you know me well, take you out for a meal and an expensive bottle of italian wine .Be prepared for me to compliment your beauty when we first see each other , discuss things for you to see my opinion about anything you want, because i also care about thrilling your brain. I want you to see me as an smart young man. Im sure you are well aware younger performs better than older ;) . Then get home for a menage-a-trois while i slowly whisper in your ear some french fancy words: Tu est tout pour moi. Then carefully hug you and put you on the bed while playing and waiting for you to scream HARDER. Here you can use your rich woman imagination.
Then fuck the work for the next day, because we are about to have a reeeeeallly busy night.

" I am a scorpio, sex is private.
If you ask me about this need to satisfy I KNOW, REAL MEN NEED TO SATISFY GETTING THEIR SATISFACTION OUT OF THEIR PARTNER SATISFACTION. It is very common in your world and wonderful.
i am a brute in this regard. You need to fuck me for yourself. This is my sexual satisfaction; too much consideration on me is boring in bed.
But most women appreciate what you say. Keep it as it is, as most want this."

Oh my Dear Lord Satan. I swear when i read this " fuck me for yourself" sentence, it makes my mind go wild.
And " too much consideration is boring"
I think this turns me on 400%.
You want to feel you heart flutter, dear sister? Feel it skip a beat ? You want to forget about everything else and for a few hours feel like a desired woman ? Then Talk dirty to me!

"I love father Satan to bits, my loyalty to Him is eternal; I will serve him into the infinite, HE IS ...I DON'T HAVE WORDS FOR HIM. "
I believe my GD is Andras. He is extremely dedicated to Lord Satan. So, this says everything about me.
I will be usefull to Him.There's no other way.

" Awwww, Nikolas, you are a lovely person, I am so proud to be your sister in Satan. Thank you for your beautiful soul. "
I love and appreciate/support women for what they are. I said i know everything about you and how to make you happy, provided of course that the woman is a nice,kind one and not one of those who disgust me.
Again some interesting topic here. Love happens at first sight, but WHAT IF, something can develop AFTER that.
I've seen cases when love happens after first being friends. Then feelings develop.
I believe this depends on the woman's personality. Or maybe a woman says she cant fall for guys , but what is she just didn't meet the one that actually makes her feel special?

" Ai doar 20 de ani? Amazing. Tot respectul meu.
I have a blood brother he just turned 17; age is not essential, this little fellow is my advisor on everything, business and serious personal matters.

I also respect you. Fun, amazing, smart people all start showing the traits since they're really young.
But, i disagree with the last statement. I believe anyone with a little bit of help can become smarter or whatever.
They need guidance.

the doctor said i can freely use my body to do anything i want after a relatively short period of recovery ;)
So get in touch with me

There are rules and I obey this organisation rules, one and the strongest is to not meet in person with people around.
Still, I have some ideas but since I do have another 2 deadlines on due, I need to focus first on this so I will come back as soon as I am able and I will also answer to your comment in a more extensive way.
I just needed to point out THE RULES first and for most.
Aquarius said:
My idea is that if you really wanna do it just do it, maybe you will regret it or maybe not who cares, but in a Satanic NS future society this will just not be permitted as you are just programming the free will of the people you are doing it on.

sunrise said:
now Fancy, let's have a serious really serious conversation (not conversation) but allow me to put it on the best I can. I want this to be mature and upfront.
Just to let you know, I am replying to you to let you know I am not ignoring you.
I am being serious about what I said.

Look, I have no idea, what or how, but I don't like you. I don't like you at all.
You are not among the type of people I would like around.
You don't need me around, or my validation or anything, you have plenty of people around to help as you are doing a great amount of work all ready for the family. Which is Great. You are doing great.
Maybe there are things in our charts that simply clash in a way, I don't know, I don't really care.
The first I knew about it was after I replied to you, where you thought I was attacking you. Before that, I was oblivious.

What I know is that you are the only person that again, drained all my all being after having an absolutely brilliant day, I feel extremely tired and pissed for no reason, I mean for your reason, NOONE HERE DID THIS, ONLY YOU. and I really want to keep myself in a happy beautiful mood, I deserve this Fancy, I deserve to be in a good mood and talk with people who I can get along. This is what I want for myself. Please respect that, take it as it is. Stop writing to me, you don't need to change, I don't need to change if we can't go along why all this struggle?
If there is anything to add to any topic and you just happen to be someone I reply to, then I will reply to you. How you react to that is your business and your choice. I can't speak for others but I'm not here to make friends - you can't be "friends" with people online who you won't meet for a long time, if ever. This forum is like a formal area to help improve individuals and the world as a whole, from the very small to the very big.

Please understand that I don't want to talk with you never again, show me that you are mature, and a fine person deep inside and you can take this as it is, as I hate pretending and simulating what I actually don't feel or think. We are brothers, we need to be honest with each other.
if I ever offended you in any way, please forgive me, honestly do this and at the same time, just leave me alone. That's all.
No-one is forcing you to reply to me. "We're brothers" you say - so you're not a girl? That's a rhetorical question.

You are the one insisting and I thank you for this, I am sure in your own very specific way, you tried to get along and actually help me, but we don't get along and I don't need a to be helped in a forceful way.
It's impossible to force someone to be helped online. I just reply to posts/members and they do with it what they want.

I won't hold any bad feelings over you, I promise, I just simply don't want this anymore. It is the second time and I don't want it anymore. I ask you nicely. Call me, however, think whatever, but just leave me alone, the second time when I read a comment from you on the topic and I get the same very horrible sensation. Maybe is not you, maybe I am the problem, but let me live with it. Have all the satisfaction of whatever you want, but just leave me alone Mancy.

Our brothers don't deserve to read this shit, I am deeply ashamed for them, really,
It was nice knowing you. By the way - I don't find it very important to be liked or disliked here, or to like or dislike others on here and not just on JoSM but on the Internet as a whole really. As I said, I'm not here for that. I still try and have fun, though. Again though, if you make a post in the future, I might or might not reply to it, but that depends on the thread topic - and it more than likely would not be related to what happened in this thread, more than likely would not have any bearing on this thread.

Have a good'n, sunrise!

Aquarius said:
My idea is that if you really wanna do it just do it, maybe you will regret it or maybe not who cares, but in a Satanic NS future society this will just not be permitted as you are just programming the free will of the people you are doing it on.
Am I right in thinking that you agree with what I said, about because it is war now the "rules" are different now? I also say that in the SS/NS future World it (I expect) wouldn't be permitted. Some might argue that that is "wrong" to do it now because we're using 'Without' persons as tools - but it is for a very good reason, not to use them and misuse them, but because we're working towards saving the very lives of People and the Planet. In this way, I think the strict rules are relaxed just a bit for now.

In the future World, naturally and Naturally (again meaning "of course" and "of Nature" respectively), things would be more harmonious and things would flow so much better and easier (eventually), so instead we wouldn't need to work on a person to get them to like us; rather, we'd (which some would argue that we should do now, though) attract the best person/s to us relevant to our Soul and our constitution and preferences and likes, etc.

Jack said:
I want three kids ASAP
Well, seeing as sunrise and I have split-up ( :p )...How you doinnn'? ;-)
Nikolas said:
sunrise said:
I have no idea how this quote thing works. But whatever, who cares. I will start writing now.

"I will not ignore anyone, and this is because their INTENTIONS are reasonable, we are family, we try to teach each other the best. I like their styles; I don't mind. "
Ok, i understand. You said you grew in a mostly manly environment and you have 2 brothers. I can see you're not the type of woman who gets over-sensitive and cries easily. As you said, you're a beast of nature, self reliant, men-loving woman.
I want to start picturing you.

"I don't want to be treated in a specific way, just because I am a woman. I don't need this. Forget that I am a girl if this makes you treat me more softly. Be real, that's all it matters to me but at the same time, I will tell you when you crossed the line. "
This confirms even more what i said. You said about being masculine and have lesbians falling for you.You stand out with your personality in a GOOD way. I dont usually see a woman like you.

Being smart and mature goes a loooong way.For a SS these are really important traits.

" I like the boys' styles, I want them to be themselves and deliver it, however, as I said, when it is exaggerated, I will tell.
Let's be reasonable, that's all I want "
You just like men who know how to behave aroung/with women, isn't it? You are traditional. as you said in the other post.

"A man will become a real man only with a woman's help and the other way around."
Total agreement. Men NEED women and this goes both ways.

" MEN, naturally love to take care of us, remember this, actually why do you think they work so hard? IT IS ALL

FINALLY A WOMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS THIS. I want to get in touch with you.

"I am pretty sure we love to do the same in return"
This depeds on the woman.There are a lot of women who have shitty personalities aka feminists or dont understand shit about men.This is why i dont talk why any woman. Im the romantic type so if one gets offended for me holding the door she can just consider me gay.

"Am I paying at dates? I tried to pay at times and men were offended. "
Because we love to take care of you, and im happy you're one of the few who genuinely understands this.

" I know a girl in her 20s with a partner in his 30s she would split the bills in half, not in terms of 'I pay this,
and you pay that', in terms of here is the gas bill 40 euros, give me 20. Do I agree with this? NO. All the bloody
romance is dead. "
That girl needs me in her life.

" In the universities, in our current times, there is a big emphasis and brainwashing on how women are being paid less,
etc. I raised my voice in the class one day and asked, what about the family, bearing kids and all that things, what
about paying on dates, receiving flowers, covering the most of the family bills, etc., etc.? We, at an unconscious
level as women, EXPECT THIS. Why then expect equal pay? Isn't this degenerating in abuse? "
Im curious what did the other women say.... I would get pissed if they disrespected you for standing up for us.
Forget about whatever they said. You are clearly above them in terms of mindset.

" The romance is dead!!!!! " Wait for the right guy to show up.

" Remember a man who is in love would actually give you the world, whatever he is capable of, in other words.
Don't focus on this. Focus on building up that man, you have no idea what kind of impact you can actually have."
Fuuckkkk . I guess having grown in that environment with a manly father and 2 brothers made you a great woman.
You said something about having unfortunate love experiences with other men ? Forget about them. Glad you made them suffer. They have no idea they lost a becoming Goddess.

" You have a gentleman mindset which makes me respect you a lot, but I repeat, it is fine. It is fun, we are learning from each other. People are so diverse. But thank you for being what you are. "
I appreciate.Imagine me after a few years. I have the co-dominant planets in my astrology chart retrograde. I will be a beast in a few years.

" Men can be both at the same time. They can love deeply one woman and sleep with others. Or love them all in different ways. A mix of this can arise. I think for some the label is redundant.
What I meant in my previous post, was that, for some polygamous being sensitive in a sense that They are afraid to commit themselves to one single person deeply. This is for some. They have been hurt before, they just jump fast, making sure this way that this doesn't happen again. But only for some, as men are capable to love many women at the same time, differently, and I respect that. Or they simply want to have fun, etc etc, hard to label or classify. "

Well, we are complex beings, and those trillion sexual cells are definetely having an impact. I think i understand polygamous behaviour. Im interested in this subject.Im also curious about myself. I would like to find out more about this is possible. How can I love more women at the same time?? Or deeply one but spend time with others? Will she get bothered. I think this depends on the specific couple. We all have different mindsets and personalities. This is why direct communication in a relationshop is necessary. She should tell directly what bothers her so that the man changes it. This goes Both ways.

" You are not using anybody. sex is in 2. it is a mutual thing. "
Well, the saying goes : man FUCKS woman, not woman fucks man. This is why i care about her satisfaction. I just honesly like to fuck her hard lol and see her having an orgasm, or 10. I want her to MOAN A LOT. Im an Aries . If you like the type that takes charge and controls you in bed, im the perfect partner for you.

" This is the romanian style. Our men are charming. Flower shops are their normal, AT LEAST WEEKLY route.
Not sure if this is only in Romania. I also lived in France and will go again in one month because Im at University there.
I got to see that french men are different and this made me realize that men for every specific country are different when it comes to seducing women. I tried to learn all the best from them and combine it with my romanian style , and BANG. The french is the sexiest language and i learned some tips and tricks. This is why im even more romantic now. I know everything about women, i can read them like a book. I know how to make you smile, happy, or whatever. I can be your best friend or the amazing lover.

" People are different Nickolas, that's life, that's the diversity of it. Overall that's the beauty of it,
There are plenty of women who wants this so-called diversity as well. Or girls highly respected who are cheating horribly. Or many many other examples. People are doing what they want, you know... "

Again, forget about the fucking pussies who made you sad in the past. They dont deserve your attention. My name is not Nickolas, call me by my name if you dont mind. I will send it privately, though.
Again an interesting topic. Why do people cheat? hmm. If a woman's cheating, then is the man's fault for seducing her.
When it comes to men cheating, i can understand a little bit. I heard one guy saying that for us sex is a necessity, just like going to a restaurant to eat, or taking a shower. If a man has sex with a different woman , this doesnt mean he will stop caring about his Gf . His girl is still going to be the center of his Universe and he's still going to stay with her.
Again the monogamous/ polygamous question now.
Well, i guess we are too complex. This is impossible to label.

" Yes, young men especially need to EXPERIMENT. Also, there are older men in this position highly passioned about sex for the sake of sex. Not all of them change, you know, Some men need sexual validation, to compare, to experiment all their life...so on, so forth. Nothing to blame after all. "
Impossible for me to comment, impossible to label. I have no idea what to say. Sexual energy is the strongest so a lot of people fall in its trap.

" How I see men, I LOVE YOU GUYS, I AM CRAZY ABOUT YOU. The world would be such a boring place without you. I love lifting a man spirit up. I love everything about you. I have been raised by men in a mostly manly environment. still I have been working extensively with woman. "
And we love women like you who actually can use their mind and understand man-woman relationship on a deep level.

" There are the soul polarities, There are extensive recent sermons on that, look for them... girls being more masculine or boys being more feminine.
I am more masculine a lot of lesbians are falling for me, lol.
The Most rest of the women hate me deeply, maybe I should do a MUNKA to overcome this, as I tend to have a lot of bad feeling over them and I am a woman after all. "

Everyone has a perfect partner, there is just the problem to look for it and find it.
Masculine women and feminine boys are totally ok. There is the sermon that tells us about the Greek Gods. A thoughtful guys is not less of a man for being like that , or introverted. A strong woman is not less of a woman for being strong.
We all have fcking different personalities. Its normal for us to be different .We are billions.
Personal question, sorry: Do you like other women falling for you?
I think it's the same as other men looking at one guy and saying look at that cool man. I need to learn from him and improve myself.

" I see woman DANGEROUS like they have a problem with you, but they don't come as a man to tell you IN YOUR FACE. They would dig your grave silently. AND THEY DON'T KNOW LOYALTY AS MUCH AS A MAN WOULD KNOW.

Use magick and destroy them. We are nice people , but its TOTALLY MORAL to use magick to take care of people who disrespect you for no apparent reason.

" Exactly what you said with the power of the women over the man I think I wrote in the other post, I attached you the link. We are in total agreement.
We are a team, we need to team up. "
I started speaking with one girl and trying to find a way to speak with also one guy from our forums. If you dont mind we can also discuss. Usually i talk with her about our day, what she's doing. Just what happens on our life. We say what we like, what we dont and we try to know each other better. I make her smile a lot. If you also want we can talk. We can contact each other by email and try to find ways to speak on a daily basis. If you trust me and feel the same.
You said when that Mancy upset you again, that you want to talk to other people whom you respect and want to be in a good mood and happy ,so if you want hook me up.We are from the same country and it would be amazing if we could be friends.

And I just chuckled at his message LOL . He saw that you are a woman thought and you are easy just because you are open to discuss things. He saw what you wrote to me and thought he now has the right to make some jokes about you.

" be able to handle your fiery, feisty, wily ways (yes, you are wily!) and see in advance when you're going to shoot out a coronal
mass ejection. Then I'd direct it to our enemies and we'd be as cool as a cucumber in the rain. ;-) Let's watch Netflix and chill
. :p You certainly need a good...erm...massage. cough"
He thinks he's in porn when a man just tells the woman to take her clothes off, she does that and then instantly jumps on him .
Netflix and chill lol

Oh my dear brother. Only if you would know how to talk with women. It is clear that you didn't like at all how he approached you .
I dont know if he was trying to win some points with you, but he lost HARD. :lol:
And still, you behaved mature because he's your brother and all that, and STILL, you apologised:
" if I ever offended you in any way, please forgive me, honestly do this and at the same time, just leave me alone. That's all. "
While kindly asking him to spot writing to you.
Wow. I applaud you.

" No, trust me, my dad created a force of nature, a self-reliant girl, I came to the point when I don't need anybody. Throw me anywhere, and you can be sure, I WILL SURVIVE.
Of course, a kid still needs to be watched over from a distance, but not too much, too much care can damage.
I don't have kids, so I don't know yet. I would like to talk one day from experience, at first hand."
Wow,ok. You're pretty confident in yourself. I have no idea about kids or how they sould be taken care of. Im also curious.
Maybe too much care for a boy can make him a pussy.Men need to experience hardship and grow as tough guys. This is what i want from my boy.Go to gym, learn manners, get smart, chase women, be really good at something.
Well, we will see one day.

" What about a threesome? LOL, I am joking, no.
Have consideration for your girl, this is extremely wonderful, I just love the way you respect her, I love men like you.
Tell her that she has no reason for jealousy in case she is there reading, as I have nothing to do with you other than friendship and since I didn't fall for you at the first read, is impossible for the future. Therefore ZERO REASONS TO WORRY. "

Ok, so ;) i want to joke now. Since you started i will just assume you dont mind.
I dont want to lie. But daaaaamnnnnn im supposed to not be thinkind about things like these. Im fine but i still need to recover a bit. A threesome sounds just fine.Wouldn't mind.She's open minded, just make sure you dont forget about her in bed ;) and play a bit.
Dont be so sure about not falling for me. Just wait until you know me well, take you out for a meal and an expensive bottle of italian wine .Be prepared for me to compliment your beauty when we first see each other , discuss things for you to see my opinion about anything you want, because i also care about thrilling your brain. I want you to see me as an smart young man. Im sure you are well aware younger performs better than older ;) . Then get home for a menage-a-trois while i slowly whisper in your ear some french fancy words: Tu est tout pour moi. Then carefully hug you and put you on the bed while playing and waiting for you to scream HARDER. Here you can use your rich woman imagination.
Then fuck the work for the next day, because we are about to have a reeeeeallly busy night.

" I am a scorpio, sex is private.
If you ask me about this need to satisfy I KNOW, REAL MEN NEED TO SATISFY GETTING THEIR SATISFACTION OUT OF THEIR PARTNER SATISFACTION. It is very common in your world and wonderful.
i am a brute in this regard. You need to fuck me for yourself. This is my sexual satisfaction; too much consideration on me is boring in bed.
But most women appreciate what you say. Keep it as it is, as most want this."

Oh my Dear Lord Satan. I swear when i read this " fuck me for yourself" sentence, it makes my mind go wild.
And " too much consideration is boring"
I think this turns me on 400%.
You want to feel you heart flutter, dear sister? Feel it skip a beat ? You want to forget about everything else and for a few hours feel like a desired woman ? Then Talk dirty to me!

"I love father Satan to bits, my loyalty to Him is eternal; I will serve him into the infinite, HE IS ...I DON'T HAVE WORDS FOR HIM. "
I believe my GD is Andras. He is extremely dedicated to Lord Satan. So, this says everything about me.
I will be usefull to Him.There's no other way.

" Awwww, Nikolas, you are a lovely person, I am so proud to be your sister in Satan. Thank you for your beautiful soul. "
I love and appreciate/support women for what they are. I said i know everything about you and how to make you happy, provided of course that the woman is a nice,kind one and not one of those who disgust me.
Again some interesting topic here. Love happens at first sight, but WHAT IF, something can develop AFTER that.
I've seen cases when love happens after first being friends. Then feelings develop.
I believe this depends on the woman's personality. Or maybe a woman says she cant fall for guys , but what is she just didn't meet the one that actually makes her feel special?

" Ai doar 20 de ani? Amazing. Tot respectul meu.
I have a blood brother he just turned 17; age is not essential, this little fellow is my advisor on everything, business and serious personal matters.

I also respect you. Fun, amazing, smart people all start showing the traits since they're really young.
But, i disagree with the last statement. I believe anyone with a little bit of help can become smarter or whatever.
They need guidance.

the doctor said i can freely use my body to do anything i want after a relatively short period of recovery ;)
So get in touch with me

(((((((((((((I have no idea how this quote thing works. But whatever, who cares. I will start writing now.

"I will not ignore anyone, and this is because their INTENTIONS are reasonable, we are family, we try to teach each other the best. I like their styles; I don't mind. "
Ok, i understand. You said you grew in a mostly manly environment and you have 2 brothers. I can see you're not the type of woman who gets over-sensitive and cries easily. As you said, you're a beast of nature, self reliant, men-loving woman.
I want to start picturing you.)))))))))))))))))


((((((((((((((((((((((("I don't want to be treated in a specific way, just because I am a woman. I don't need this. Forget that I am a girl if this makes you treat me more softly. Be real, that's all it matters to me but at the same time, I will tell you when you crossed the line. "
This confirms even more what i said. You said about being masculine and have lesbians falling for you.You stand out with your personality in a GOOD way. I dont usually see a woman like you.)))))))))))))))))))))))

90% of my female friends who I had no previous idea about their bisexuality, jumped on me. I always refuse. But it happens on the street or places, as well to flirt. I am flattered, but I can't help them.
The worse was when I shaved my head on zero and was the worse decision.
Be aware that I am not that masculine when a real mature man is around, I would insult him to do that.

Being smart and mature goes a loooong way.For a SS these are really important traits. )))))))))))))))))))))))))

Indeed, but this is a learning environment, also imagine people from all over the globe, different ages, different socio-economic situations, different this and different that.

(((((((((((((((((((((((" I like the boys' styles, I want them to be themselves and deliver it, however, as I said, when it is exaggerated, I will tell.
Let's be reasonable, that's all I want "
You just like men who know how to behave aroung/with women, isn't it? You are traditional. as you said in the other post.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I like people who try to treat other people nice and fair. Here mostly because is our brotherhood and we don't need to measure ourselves up in ridiculous ways, and outside where a conduit is required, as we make our real life outside, this is important.
I never understood mean people to be honest, since i was little little little I have said, mean people are stupid. I even wrote a dissertation on this. As I don't understand being mean just for the sake of it.

((((((((((((("A man will become a real man only with a woman's help and the other way around."
Total agreement. Men NEED women and this goes both ways. ))))))))))))))))


(((((((((((((((((((((((((" MEN, naturally love to take care of us, remember this, actually why do you think they work so hard? IT IS ALL

FINALLY A WOMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS THIS. I want to get in touch with you.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Getting in touch with me will stay online, here or emails. I am flattered what so ever. I just need to point this out in regards to the rules.

Also, a short story in regards to question I got married at 19 and my husband was young as well 22, he was short on funds, still we were still fine, but to a limit. One day, we went to the mall, I saw something, like a kid, start jumping I want this, I want this. He was ashamed, I was blind: this-this this.
We came home and while in the car, he starts crying, I will never forget this.

The fact that he loved me was obvious and I stopped being demanding from that day on, because I didn't want to damage him; furthermore I decided to contribute to the family. So I got some funds from my family, opened my own business, he got pissed on me for this, and we spit at his decision.
This was the first catastrophic emotional collaps in my life.
Sometimes, even men are hard to understand.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((("I am pretty sure we love to do the same in return"
This depeds on the woman.There are a lot of women who have shitty personalities aka feminists or dont understand shit about men.This is why i dont talk why any woman. Im the romantic type so if one gets offended for me holding the door she can just consider me gay.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The door thing happened to me only once or twice and I was surprised, but whatever, I said in my mind, maybe I am too obsessed with the etiquette, or maybe they had a bad day, whatever...

(((((((((((((((((((((((((("Am I paying at dates? I tried to pay at times and men were offended. "
Because we love to take care of you, and im happy you're one of the few who genuinely understands this.)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Well, at least on the first date the guy should pay and choose an affordable place to meet if he is on a budget.
From there on, if they like each other, I am sure they can find a middle ground without this hassle.
What I mean is that if a girl really likes you she wouldn't mind to meet you even in the MIDDLE OF THE FOREST.
I personally don't care for money when it comes to love. We can make them together.

((((((((((((((((((((((((" I know a girl in her 20s with a partner in his 30s she would split the bills in half, not in terms of 'I pay this,
and you pay that', in terms of here is the gas bill 40 euros, give me 20. Do I agree with this? NO. All the bloody
romance is dead. "
That girl needs me in her life. )))))))))))))))))))))

I confronted her since I am a materialistic bitch in her understanding, (who got diamonds all her life from boyfriends) - she accuses me so, - to try and help her but/ and she hates me for it.
I asked her, how do you know he really loves you, what effort is he making? you are his comfort zone, period.
Does he at least write you poetry ot something?
Don't you want to be adored and venerated by your man? HOW DOES HE VENERATE YOU? Does he sings to you, anything, anything at all?!!!!!
Nothing at all.
Mundane life.
Insane world.

((((((((((((((((((((((" In the universities, in our current times, there is a big emphasis and brainwashing on how women are being paid less,
etc. I raised my voice in the class one day and asked, what about the family, bearing kids and all that things, what
about paying on dates, receiving flowers, covering the most of the family bills, etc., etc.? We, at an unconscious
level as women, EXPECT THIS. Why then expect equal pay? Isn't this degenerating in abuse? "
Im curious what did the other women say.... I would get pissed if they disrespected you for standing up for us.
Forget about whatever they said. You are clearly above them in terms of mindset.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Well, they forgot to be women. I don't remember reactions, who cares, they want equality but at the same time FOR you to pay for most if not all AND THIS CAN BECOME ABUSE.
To put it simply: THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. it is a too large discussion.

(((((((((((((((" The romance is dead!!!!! " Wait for the right guy to show up.))))))))))))

I am not speaking for me personally (the point was regarding the world), I got plenty of romance and adoration. I would want more, of course. We always want MORE, is a nice part of LIFE AND LOVE.

My last boyfriend was a professional hitman, still, he was intellectual and romantic with a great sense of adventure, I learned a lot from him, how to dig a hole in the ground, how many metres, how to get over the initial shock, etc etc.
Fascinating guy. Love at first sight. Such a romantic story I had, he was so sweet.

Bad boys are really sensitive with women. I don't want this to sound like women should jump on this category, for fuck sake, it is just an observation, - it is just strong men usually measure up with other men, not with women, this is their mindset.

Unfortunately, my big brother came into play and in 2 hours made him disappear. My big brother is sort of feminine, but may Gods forbids if he sees me in some sort of danger, he will become the opposite in an instant and ...I liked to worry him in the past to develop his protective and masculine side, etc. I love when he comes to me with the authority to tell me how stupid I am in my dealings.

I was always drawn to bad really bad boys, I can't hide this. Now I mature. I got over it. They have a sense of danger in the eye, self-confidence, shit like that. I repeat, now I am a mature person.

((((((((((((((((((" Remember a man who is in love would actually give you the world, whatever he is capable of, in other words.
Don't focus on this. Focus on building up that man, you have no idea what kind of impact you can actually have."
Fuuckkkk . I guess having grown in that environment with a manly father and 2 brothers made you a great woman.
You said something about having unfortunate love experiences with other men ? Forget about them. Glad you made them suffer. They have no idea they lost a becoming Goddess.))))))))))))))))))))))))

I grow up with many other men, like cousins as we are a large family. The thing is the cousins were protected from me and not the other way around. I was the trouble. lol

All my exes wants me back, if I have satisfaction over this, I don't know. I know for a fact they would come back in an instant. Or that they are always there to do anything for me if I ever need them. Satisfaction over this? I don't know.

(((((((((((((((((((((" You have a gentleman mindset which makes me respect you a lot, but I repeat, it is fine. It is fun, we are learning from each other. People are so diverse. But thank you for being what you are. "
I appreciate.Imagine me after a few years. I have the co-dominant planets in my astrology chart retrograde. I will be a beast in a few years.))))))))))))))))

I have extensive experience with people, since I lived a crazy life;
when I was a teenager i was changing my phone number at every three months, and friends once with it,
I was thiisty to UNDERSTAND PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE, - this helped me to shift,
at some point i said that I will lose my own identity, in the process, so I stopped. But in the initiating years, was a learning experience; - and I can assure you, you will get far, far if you stay on the right path and do MEDITATIONS, RTRs, learning everything and from everybody, READ, READ AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Don't expose yourself to shit, etc.
I am striving every day to become better, knowledge was my life purpose since forever and finding my creator, so satanism came as destined to happen.


(((((((((((((((((((((((((" Men can be both at the same time. They can love deeply one woman and sleep with others. Or love them all in different ways. A mix of this can arise. I think for some the label is redundant.
What I meant in my previous post, was that, for some polygamous being sensitive in a sense that They are afraid to commit themselves to one single person deeply. This is for some. They have been hurt before, they just jump fast, making sure this way that this doesn't happen again. But only for some, as men are capable to love many women at the same time, differently, and I respect that. Or they simply want to have fun, etc etc, hard to label or classify. "

Well, we are complex beings, and those trillion sexual cells are definetely having an impact. I think i understand polygamous behaviour. Im interested in this subject.Im also curious about myself. I would like to find out more about this is possible. How can I love more women at the same time?? Or deeply one but spend time with others? Will she get bothered. I think this depends on the specific couple. We all have different mindsets and personalities. This is why direct communication in a relationshop is necessary. She should tell directly what bothers her so that the man changes it. This goes Both ways.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

NO, LISTEN, DON'T BECOME WHAT YOU ARE NOT. IF YOU KNOW YOURSELF TO BE MONOGAMOUS, THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE, still, experiment first hand, try to figure out if you are indeed this or that.

You are still young, listen, you have all the life ahead of you. Things will come.
Understanding will come.
Continue meditating.
Trust your guts.
Be true to yourself.

((((((((((((((((" You are not using anybody. sex is in 2. it is a mutual thing. "
Well, the saying goes : man FUCKS woman, not woman fucks man. This is why i care about her satisfaction. I just honesly like to fuck her hard lol and see her having an orgasm, or 10. I want her to MOAN A LOT. Im an Aries . If you like the type that takes charge and controls you in bed, im the perfect partner for you.))))))))))))))))))))))

Offtopic but yeah, whatever I love to be dominated, but this is not always the case, it depends.
AND including that 'fuck hard part' is not always the case.
Come on, what I mean is that I don't need a robot in bed or a slave to my vagina. You take what you want and don't worry, I will take what I want. Simple.

Well, you know we make this place our own playing ground and not general topic discussion, so we need to get over this fast. NO ONE CARES WHAT I OR YOU LIKES IN BED NICKOLAS, IMAGINE PEOPLE READING THIS SHIT.... hahaha

((((((((((((((((((((((" This is the romanian style. Our men are charming. Flower shops are their normal, AT LEAST WEEKLY route.
Not sure if this is only in Romania. I also lived in France and will go again in one month because Im at University there.
I got to see that french men are different and this made me realize that men for every specific country are different when it comes to seducing women. I tried to learn all the best from them and combine it with my romanian style , and BANG. The french is the sexiest language and i learned some tips and tricks. This is why im even more romantic now. I know everything about women, i can read them like a book. I know how to make you smile, happy, or whatever. I can be your best friend or the amazing lover.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

That's nice. You are developing your own style and preferences, which is great. Keep it up. Absorb everything around you and be at your best.
i love your confidence, optimism, positive mindset, WILL LEAD YOU FAR IN LIFE, AND MOSTLY YOUR CURIOUS NATURE.
You want to know this and understand that and you are not afraid to ask, this is great NICKOLAS, KEEP IT UP.

((((((((((((((((((((((" People are different Nickolas, that's life, that's the diversity of it. Overall that's the beauty of it,
There are plenty of women who wants this so-called diversity as well. Or girls highly respected who are cheating horribly. Or many many other examples. People are doing what they want, you know... "

Again, forget about the fucking pussies who made you sad in the past. They dont deserve your attention. My name is not Nickolas, call me by my name if you dont mind. I will send it privately, though.
Again an interesting topic. Why do people cheat? hmm. If a woman's cheating, then is the man's fault for seducing her.
When it comes to men cheating, i can understand a little bit. I heard one guy saying that for us sex is a necessity, just like going to a restaurant to eat, or taking a shower. If a man has sex with a different woman , this doesnt mean he will stop caring about his Gf . His girl is still going to be the center of his Universe and he's still going to stay with her.
Again the monogamous/ polygamous question now.
Well, i guess we are too complex. This is impossible to label.)))))))))))))))))

Nickolas, I want to tell you the following, YOUR TRUST, THE TRUST YOU ARE TREATING ME WITH, IS A GREAT HONOUR AND PRIVILEGE for me.
Whenever somebody entrusted me with secrets I always seal them meticulously, the best I could, for which reason I know a lot of secrets and a lot of people trust me.

People were and coming at me telling me HUGE things that could normally put them in big trouble, I AM ALWAYS HONORED. I even insisted NOT TO KNOW ANYTHING, but they need to tell. Fuck me, I hate this.

Please don't give me your real name. Please don't do it.
And one more thing, promise me that you will not give it to anyone on the forums/groups. PROMISE ME YOU WON'T TRUST ANYBODY. I NEED YOU TO PROMISE ME THIS. I care for your safety, there is a BIG DANGEROUS HORRIBLE WORLD OUT THERE. You are lucky with me because I am raised in an environment where I head the word VIRTUE 100 TIMES A DAY,
But this was only lucky for you, the luck might end up one day, and then what? Think about this. I WANT YOU TO THINK, NICKOLAS, THIS IS SERIOUS.

I am already cursed with people's secrets. I don't want to know personal things of anybody.

But, please I am begging you to promise, you wonderful stupid kid, that you will always be cautious. You are so smart, don't get overly impressed by a girl talking shit online. I trust you on this Nickolas.








((((((((((((" Yes, young men especially need to EXPERIMENT. Also, there are older men in this position highly passioned about sex for the sake of sex. Not all of them change, you know, Some men need sexual validation, to compare, to experiment all their life...so on, so forth. Nothing to blame after all. "
Impossible for me to comment, impossible to label. I have no idea what to say. Sexual energy is the strongest so a lot of people fall in its trap.))))))))))))

it is no trap, it is life itself. sex is wonderful isn't it? lol

let's be free and treat it freely as we please.

(((((((((((((((((((" How I see men, I LOVE YOU GUYS, I AM CRAZY ABOUT YOU. The world would be such a boring place without you. I love lifting a man spirit up. I love everything about you. I have been raised by men in a mostly manly environment. still I have been working extensively with woman. "
And we love women like you who actually can use their mind and understand man-woman relationship on a deep level.)))))))))))))))))

Of course, but this also comes with experience. I wish a perfect balanced world with no woman-man conflicts anymore. Which will come when we get rid of the jews influence.

(((((((((((((((((" There are the soul polarities, There are extensive recent sermons on that, look for them... girls being more masculine or boys being more feminine.
I am more masculine a lot of lesbians are falling for me, lol.
The Most rest of the women hate me deeply, maybe I should do a MUNKA to overcome this, as I tend to have a lot of bad feeling over them and I am a woman after all. "

Everyone has a perfect partner, there is just the problem to look for it and find it.
Masculine women and feminine boys are totally ok. There is the sermon that tells us about the Greek Gods. A thoughtful guys is not less of a man for being like that , or introverted. A strong woman is not less of a woman for being strong.
We all have fcking different personalities. Its normal for us to be different .We are billions.
Personal question, sorry: Do you like other women falling for you?
I think it's the same as other men looking at one guy and saying look at that cool man. I need to learn from him and improve myself.))))))))))))))))))

I don't like girls looking at me but I don't mind either as I take it as a compliment ultimately. If both sexes like me and feel drawn to me, I feel good, why not, it feels good.

The problem comes when they confront you in your personal space as they did to me, ...in those moments I simply freeze, like ok....what I should I do know, do you want me to masturbate you? Would it release you at least? if we stop to that are you happy, leave me alone and continue our friendship as it is? lol

They want passion and tender, LOL, I don't have it for them.

But generally speaking, people, my friends, are really comfortable with me, very natural. I want them to be like this. I encourage free expression.

(((((((((((((((((" I see woman DANGEROUS like they have a problem with you, but they don't come as a man to tell you IN YOUR FACE. They would dig your grave silently. AND THEY DON'T KNOW LOYALTY AS MUCH AS A MAN WOULD KNOW.

Use magick and destroy them. We are nice people , but its TOTALLY MORAL to use magick to take care of people who disrespect you for no apparent reason.)))))))))))))))))))))

I don't want this to sound too general, it is my BAD EXPERIENCES which are only mine.

There are out there excellent women; in all ways, I know a few. Maybe I didn't meet enough of them as I prefer males's company.

(((((((((((((((((((((((" Exactly what you said with the power of the women over the man I think I wrote in the other post, I attached you the link. We are in total agreement.
We are a team, we need to team up. "
I started speaking with one girl and trying to find a way to speak with also one guy from our forums. If you dont mind we can also discuss. Usually i talk with her about our day, what she's doing. Just what happens on our life. We say what we like, what we dont and we try to know each other better. I make her smile a lot. If you also want we can talk. We can contact each other by email and try to find ways to speak on a daily basis. If you trust me and feel the same.
You said when that Mancy upset you again, that you want to talk to other people whom you respect and want to be in a good mood and happy ,so if you want hook me up.We are from the same country and it would be amazing if we could be friends. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I am a professional woman in my 30s, I have a family to look after. I study 3 things at the same time.
Have a large list of books I need to finish.
Meditations, RTRs. PROJECTS,


for you, because I like you, I am always available as WE CAN ALWAYS MAKE TIME FOR THE PEOPLE WE WANT. This no time is bullshit. You can always make time WHEN YOU WANT for the people we want.

What I will do, I will reply to your emails whenever I will be able. Chat is a bit difficult at the moment, but emails are fine. I want to keep in touch with you with the CONDITIONS I ALREADY MENTIONED AND YOU NEED TO GIVE ME YOUR GENTLEMAN WORD AND PROMISE ON IT.

((((((((((((((((And I just chuckled at his message LOL . He saw that you are a woman thought and you are easy just because you are open to discuss things. He saw what you wrote to me and thought he now has the right to make some jokes about you.

" be able to handle your fiery, feisty, wily ways (yes, you are wily!) and see in advance when you're going to shoot out a coronal
mass ejection. Then I'd direct it to our enemies and we'd be as cool as a cucumber in the rain. ;-) Let's watch Netflix and chill
. :p You certainly need a good...erm...massage. cough"
He thinks he's in porn when a man just tells the woman to take her clothes off, she does that and then instantly jumps on him .
Netflix and chill lol))))))))))))))))))))))))

I don't honeslty blame him on this I actually appreciate that he spoke his mind.

Sounds like a nice porno afterall, don't you agree, he was funny in a way. Sexi in another way.

It is still something that CLASHES whenever I get reading his messages, is not neccessarly what he says, but how he says it, I don't know. I won't blame anyhow. It doesn't matter anyhow, I GOT OVER IT.

But his porno style is not bad, not bad at all. 'I would handle you fiery' mmmm, Mancy, you got potential...

((((((((((((Oh my dear brother. Only if you would know how to talk with women. It is clear that you didn't like at all how he approached you .
I dont know if he was trying to win some points with you, but he lost HARD. :lol: )))))))))))))))))

Honestly Nickolas, he didn't won anything in order to lose, to begin with.

I don't blame people for being themselves for as long they are being themselves.


He was himself I was myself, we didn't match in our frienship, we shake our hands. SIMPLE.
i take life simple.

((((((((((((((And still, you behaved mature because he's your brother and all that, and STILL, you apologised:
" if I ever offended you in any way, please forgive me, honestly do this and at the same time, just leave me alone. That's all. "
While kindly asking him to spot writing to you.
Wow. I applaud you. ))))))))))))))))))))))))

This is because the sun doesn't rise from my private parts, and this forum is not about ME or HIM. Is about ALL OF US. Thus he makes a considerable amount of effort/help given to the community which needs to be ACKNOWLEDGED AND RESPECTED ACCORDINGLY.

Should I blame him that he has an intense imaginative sexual sentence with me? No. Why would i? it would be silly from me. I take it as a compliment in a deep sense, STILL, I don't want to have this sort of COMMUNICATION with him for the long run.

How can I explain it to you. I got upset on him first time where I accused him with names, I gave it a second attempt but we went to square 1.
It became a pattern. a repetitive thing.

I don't feel like correcting this guy, he didn't do anything BAD TO ME. I swear. i would be a hypocrite. I simply don't want this to be repeated as It makes me feel ODD IN A SENSE.
I don't know, your first reaction is EVERYTHING, GO WITH THE GUTS, YOU LIKE IT FINE, YOU DON'T, FINE, I WON'T OVEREXPLAIN IT, I SIMPLY DIDN'T LIKE IT. It was something when I read his comment that really affected my night in a bad way, maybe is me the problem. whatever.

((((((((((((((((((" No, trust me, my dad created a force of nature, a self-reliant girl, I came to the point when I don't need anybody. Throw me anywhere, and you can be sure, I WILL SURVIVE.
Of course, a kid still needs to be watched over from a distance, but not too much, too much care can damage.
I don't have kids, so I don't know yet. I would like to talk one day from experience, at first hand."
Wow,ok. You're pretty confident in yourself. I have no idea about kids or how they sould be taken care of. Im also curious.
Maybe too much care for a boy can make him a pussy.Men need to experience hardship and grow as tough guys. This is what i want from my boy.Go to gym, learn manners, get smart, chase women, be really good at something.
Well, we will see one day. )))))))))))))))))))))


(((((((((((((((" What about a threesome? LOL, I am joking, no.
Have consideration for your girl, this is extremely wonderful, I just love the way you respect her, I love men like you.
Tell her that she has no reason for jealousy in case she is there reading, as I have nothing to do with you other than friendship and since I didn't fall for you at the first read, is impossible for the future. Therefore ZERO REASONS TO WORRY. "

Ok, so ;) i want to joke now. Since you started i will just assume you dont mind.
I dont want to lie. But daaaaamnnnnn im supposed to not be thinkind about things like these. Im fine but i still need to recover a bit. A threesome sounds just fine.Wouldn't mind.She's open minded, just make sure you dont forget about her in bed ;) and play a bit.
Dont be so sure about not falling for me. Just wait until you know me well, take you out for a meal and an expensive bottle of italian wine .Be prepared for me to compliment your beauty when we first see each other , discuss things for you to see my opinion about anything you want, because i also care about thrilling your brain. I want you to see me as an smart young man. Im sure you are well aware younger performs better than older ;) . Then get home for a menage-a-trois while i slowly whisper in your ear some french fancy words: Tu est tout pour moi. Then carefully hug you and put you on the bed while playing and waiting for you to scream HARDER. Here you can use your rich woman imagination.
Then fuck the work for the next day, because we are about to have a reeeeeallly busy night. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I ENJOYED READING THIS, was nice to read. Too bad, I am extremely monogamous.
But honestly, I think I touched a sensitive nerve of yours which is the need to explore. Go out there and explore things, people, situations.
Do eveything in bed, be free, enjoy yourself. do you understand?
You are extremly charming, you will always make women happy ANYWAYS, make sure you can make yourself happy, or that THEY make you happy!!!!!!

((((((((((((((((((" I am a scorpio, sex is private.
If you ask me about this need to satisfy I KNOW, REAL MEN NEED TO SATISFY GETTING THEIR SATISFACTION OUT OF THEIR PARTNER SATISFACTION. It is very common in your world and wonderful.
i am a brute in this regard. You need to fuck me for yourself. This is my sexual satisfaction; too much consideration on me is boring in bed.
But most women appreciate what you say. Keep it as it is, as most want this."

Oh my Dear Lord Satan. I swear when i read this " fuck me for yourself" sentence, it makes my mind go wild.
And " too much consideration is boring"
I think this turns me on 400%.
You want to feel you heart flutter, dear sister? Feel it skip a beat ? You want to forget about everything else and for a few hours feel like a desired woman ? Then Talk dirty to me!)))))))))))))))

You are funny. I laughed.

I don't have distributive attention.
And I am jealous.
Extremely boring in this regard, me personally.

I tried to be freer, I did some stuff to an extent to know myself, I already know myself.
I didn't need for lots of men to know myself sexually.

The problem comes when you feel the need to be -and you are not-,
Or when you feed the social pressure to -be- , and you become for the sake of fashion.


Be what you are. Know yourself.

Your sexual preferences, experience - all of this don't ADD YOU ANY VALUE OR TAKE VALUE FROM YOU.

It is your private world where you find people alike and have sex. That;s it.

I don't care about people's matters in bed. I don't look down at them if they prefer crazy sex all day with 100 people. I never did this.

We need a sexual revolution. Sexuality needs to be revised, people still got a lot of hangups on the subject, and men are discrediting women with more sexual appetite, thus inhibiting them, THEN WONDER, WHY THEY DON'T HAVE SEX? MAYBE BECAUSE of YOU DON'T RESPECT SEX. ETC ETC

"I love father Satan to bits, my loyalty to Him is eternal; I will serve him into the infinite, HE IS ...I DON'T HAVE WORDS FOR HIM. "
I believe my GD is Andras. He is extremely dedicated to Lord Satan. So, this says everything about me.
I will be usefull to Him.There's no other way.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I GOT TWO GUARDIANS. I am not sure about the 2nd as we spoke only once. I always check multiple times, in various ways or methods.

Azazel and Amdusias.

((((((((((((((" Awwww, Nikolas, you are a lovely person, I am so proud to be your sister in Satan. Thank you for your beautiful soul. "
I love and appreciate/support women for what they are. I said i know everything about you and how to make you happy, provided of course that the woman is a nice,kind one and not one of those who disgust me.
Again some interesting topic here. Love happens at first sight, but WHAT IF, something can develop AFTER that.
I've seen cases when love happens after first being friends. Then feelings develop.
I believe this depends on the woman's personality. Or maybe a woman says she cant fall for guys , but what is she just didn't meet the one that actually makes her feel special? ))))))))))))))))))))))))

Love, for me, is only at first sight. It never happened to me at second, and I AM OLD ENOUGH. I don't want you to think that I didn't tr.y.

(((((((((((((((((((((" Ai doar 20 de ani? Amazing. Tot respectul meu.
I have a blood brother he just turned 17; age is not essential, this little fellow is my advisor on everything, business and serious personal matters.

I also respect you. Fun, amazing, smart people all start showing the traits since they're really young.
But, i disagree with the last statement. I believe anyone with a little bit of help can become smarter or whatever.
They need guidance.))))))))))))))))))))

On the last statement, indeed, ONLY IF THEY ACCEPT GUIDANCE ETC.

((((((((((((((((((" SUNT ALATURI DE TINE, AI TOATA SUSTINEREA MEA. IMI PARE SINCER RAU PENTRU TINE SPER SA TE RECUPERZI NUMAIDECAT. " Am fost operat de apendicita. Im fine now. But remember,
the doctor said i can freely use my body to do anything i want after a relatively short period of recovery ;)
So get in touch with me )))))))))))))))))))))

hahahahahhahahhahahaha, this was a subtle one, I got it.

FINAL NOTE: Since this was incredibly long, I respectfully suggest you for us to stop making here our own playing ground for as long as it doesn't concern the general public.
Maybe it was educative in a way, but we went way too offtopic with all those things in between and I really want to respect this topic/forum.
So, if the questions are not concerned more for the general interest or in relation to the topic, I suggest you email me and keep in mind my absolutely hectic life in relation to how fast I can answer.
I will always be here, forums or email for as long Mancy will handle me fierly. To be honest, he was sexy in a way but something there in the message was too much, too much is too much,

and the same with this post, is too much Nickolas, LOL. I will stop here, I had to answer due to the respect I have for you.
FancyMancy said:
Am I right in thinking that you agree with what I said, about because it is war now the "rules" are different now? I also say that in the SS/NS future World it (I expect) wouldn't be permitted. Some might argue that that is "wrong" to do it now because we're using 'Without' persons as tools - but it is for a very good reason, not to use them and misuse them, but because we're working towards saving the very lives of People and the Planet. In this way, I think the strict rules are relaxed just a bit for now.

In the future World, naturally and Naturally (again meaning "of course" and "of Nature" respectively), things would be more harmonious and things would flow so much better and easier (eventually), so instead we wouldn't need to work on a person to get them to like us; rather, we'd (which some would argue that we should do now, though) attract the best person/s to us relevant to our Soul and our constitution and preferences and likes, etc.
Lolz yes if that's your idea I agree with you.
You said it in a funny way though, when reading it was like: "Since we are saving the world we can have all the pussy we want from who we want" hahahahaa.
Nikolas said:
Ok I will stop. I had a lot of time and thought it is fun to talk to you. I also learned a lot. I like talking to people and absorbing all the knowledge.
I dont know why i wrote that much.Sorry for your time! As I look at it now, it seems rather stupid. I even described you as a MAN LOVING woman. Wtf.Delete that. Im better than that.
I see im more the romantic,gentleman type , while FancyMancy is more, idk you describe him.
I would never get in an argument with a woman like he did, or push things like him. I thought he was disrespectful.
This is what makes me question a lot. We all have different personalities. Forget about the meditation, but in my opinion a SS aka becoming God should also work on his mindset.
So if we are all different, what are the superior personality traits?! How should i think, speak and act to actually STAND OUT as the one amazing leader who takes care of everything. I love helping others. But first i need to help myself.
It seems talking to people to find out what they think or how ,makes me analize my entire behaviour, which leads to me growing "smarter' or more experienced.

Those fcking retrograde planets are holding me down in my life.
I already said im an Aries. I really want to be the best, the one and only.
There was a sermon called " Satan's new man" which directly describes what Satan expects from us, and I want to become exactly like that.

We will speak by email. I dont actually have something exact to discuss, but i like socializing and want to do it more with all SS.
I will probably ask for advice on meditation mostly since you're advanced or from time to time saying a simple " how is your day, hope your fine".
What else.. ?
Oh.. about the sex.I dont really care about what people think. Im really open to discuss anything with anyone. I learned SO MUCH from you and it was a pleasure, so people laughing for some shit does not make care for even one second.
I see I also made some gramathical errors , is instead of if and others. Who cares. Someone is dumb when he doesn't know how to write correctly, not when he writes fast and errors happen.

And you have AZAZEL, REALLY? wow.

I enjoyed taking with you sister. Kisses .


Ok I will stop. I had a lot of time and thought it is fun to talk to you. I also learned a lot. I like talking to people and absorbing all the knowledge.
I dont know why i wrote that much.Sorry for your time! As I look at it now, it seems rather stupid. I even described you as a MAN LOVING woman. Wtf.Delete that. Im better than that.

Don't worry over small insignificant details. I always Look at the big picture. And grammar errors? come on. really? this is not our native language, plus writing in a hurry...
My English is fucked up and worse 1000 times than your small unintentional errors

Spending my time with you was a lovely experience. I don't regret one second don't forget that, I just needed to emphasize on time and responsibilities if I am not able to answer quickly always, so you know. It's out of care.

I see im more the romantic,gentleman type , while FancyMancy is more, idk you describe him.
I would never get in an argument with a woman like he did, or push things like him. I thought he was disrespectful.

Going back to Fancy if you want to go back to Fancy, we need to stop talking about him as this will activate him again hahaha.
You are a proper real man. A REAL MAN DOES'T SHOW TEETH TO A WOMAN. He was harsh, brutal, indeed, but whatever, you know, whatever, who cares? I don't need to be treated as a woman necessary, is up to everyone.

This is what makes me question a lot. We all have different personalities. Forget about the meditation, but in my opinion a SS aka becoming God should also work on his mindset.

Mind is important, of course, because we get power but we need also brains to use it.
I know meditations also open up your mind but we need active learning, thinking, exploring, reasoning, etc.

All levels are important, material, spiritual, intellectual, etc, neglecting one will create imbalances.

So if we are all different, what are the superior personality traits?! How should I think, speak and act to actually STAND OUT as the one amazing leader who takes care of everything. I love helping others. But first i need to help myself.

In regards to this, you NEED TO DEVELOP YOUR OWN SELF. Since I don't know you good enough and I don't have you in my eyes is hard to say.
Basically, I think you should start investigating all great leaders, see their up and downs, learn from their success and failures. Don't repeat their mistakes, but first determine wisely the so-called mistakes, etc, etc.
There are many typologies of leaders, I don't know anything about your leading abilities other than your Sun sign, Keep the rest of your chart PRIVATE FROM EVERYONE.
How is your mind working, are you more analytical type, you like to make strategies, etc etc. Are you powerful with words? Do you dwell better on spiritual things? etc etc

Become something of your own AND UNIQUE. This should be a good starting point. and the most precious thing to remember is to give it time. remember TIME IS YOUR BEST AND YOUR WORSE ENEMY AT THE SAME TIME, USE IT WISELY.

Learn things and then reflect and meditate on them.

It seems talking to people to find out what they think or how ,makes me analize my entire behaviour, which leads to me growing "smarter' or more experienced.

Those fcking retrograde planets are holding me down in my life.
I already said im an Aries. I really want to be the best, the one and only.
There was a sermon called " Satan's new man" which directly describes what Satan expects from us, and I want to become exactly like that.

Taking Satan as the best example is always the best. Set yourself HIGH STANDARDS.
Also, you need to make yourself useful. You will learn as well while helping others you know, as knowledge has different levels and approaches. Don't underestimate yourself.

You already teach those little boys a lesson of ELEGANCE, if they took it or not is their problem.

About retrograde planets, I think they are not all bad, like Jupiter for instance.
You can order a chart from HP HC; he will guide you extremely well, trust me you need his expertise on this; and he can be trusted in his wisdom. He has an amazing brain and soul. Top class. He and Lord Mageson should become your role models, but not to copy them. As you can see they got extremely different styles. just observe them on how they lead, they should be a great inspiration to you. Don't copy, again.

HP Hooded Cobra will know FOR SURE how to guide you according to your own personal chart, apparently, this is another starting point that you need: A GOOD NATAL CHART.

We will speak by email. I dont actually have something exact to discuss, but i like socializing and want to do it more with all SS.
I will probably ask for advice on meditation mostly since you're advanced or from time to time saying a simple " how is your day, hope your fine".
What else.. ?
Oh.. about the sex.I dont really care about what people think. Im really open to discuss anything with anyone. I learned SO MUCH from you and it was a pleasure, so people laughing for some shit does not make care for even one second.

I am open; I love to serve my brothers the best in my capabilities. And especially LOVELY ADORABLE PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

I see I also made some gramathical errors , is instead of if and others. Who cares. Someone is dumb when he doesn't know how to write correctly, not when he writes fast and errors happen.

fuck the errors, you are better than that, stop obsessing over details, you lose the big picture in the process.

And you have AZAZEL, REALLY? wow.

I was wow as well at the beginning asking him WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS, YOU GORGEOUS BEING FROM ANOTHER WORLD?!!!!!!!

You know how is Azazel, imagine, the head of the army but so soft-spoken, so charming at the same time. I don't know if he treats men differently or Gods if they treat us differently, they might, since our different personalities and approaches, but I never have seen such a love from such a MIGHTY PERSONALITY. HE IS HUGE.
I am activated now. I am obsessed with Him.

I USED ALL THE METHODS TO ASK AGAIN, different periods of time, I ASKED HIM FOR DIFFERENT NAMES which I am not/wasn't aware or never read, TO CONFIRM IT that is not just my imagination.

I am always like 'IS THIS REAL?' no matter how real it is and facts are there, I am extra careful with my spiritual experiences. ALSO COMMON-SENSE. Or asked him things I don't know at all to again, check over at a later time. I WAS A LITTLE OBSESSED, BUT HE WAS UNDERSTANDING. then I stopped disturbing him.
I just couldn't believe it. And I am also very jealous that I have to share his love with others. I would keep Him only for myself,

I want to get to know Amdusias better now. But I don't force it, whenever He will consider, have time, etc. He seems extremely busy, but They are ALL extremely busy since we are at WAR.

My advice to you, build a solid relationship with Satan, work for Him, PROVE YOURSELF WORTHY. HE WILL GUIDE YOU; HE NEVER ABANDON US. Show your worthy.

We have plenty of needy people around, show Him That you can fight, stand on your own two feet. He will reward this. Focus on serving him the best you can, with love and devotion and you will become whatever you want in life, as HE will guide you.

I didn't have the honour to meet Him personally yet, but I developed patience. I become very respectful in this regard since I meet other Demons to be sure enough JOY OF SATAN IS REAL AND NOT MY IMAGINATION...

because at first, I was obsessed with this fact,... I didn't want to live in a fantasy world for the sake of it, so experience FIRST HAND was needed, meditations and seeing Gods proved that. But in time. I was keen to test it, and it is the best thing I did with my life.

My dad, who was all his life an atheist, believed in Satan in an instant, my uncle the same, I was the hardest to believe lol although I introduced Him to them.

Keep in mind, if you will meditate properly, and give it time, patience is crucial for new people to have.

Since I GOT AZAZEL, ... YOU KNOW...I AM LIKE,...THE WORLD IS MINE. I was arrogant before, and now I am like ...' bitch, you know who is my Guardian?'
Of course, not out loud.

Also, get busy, help that operation curing, help your healing process, clean that area multiple times a day. Read everything on the healing topics. Empower yourself the best you can for as long as you don't put too much physical effort. Work your best way to help yourself to stay strong.

I enjoyed taking with you sister. Kisses .

Aquarius said:
FancyMancy said:
Am I right in thinking that you agree with what I said, about because it is war now the "rules" are different now? I also say that in the SS/NS future World it (I expect) wouldn't be permitted. Some might argue that that is "wrong" to do it now because we're using 'Without' persons as tools - but it is for a very good reason, not to use them and misuse them, but because we're working towards saving the very lives of People and the Planet. In this way, I think the strict rules are relaxed just a bit for now.

In the future World, naturally and Naturally (again meaning "of course" and "of Nature" respectively), things would be more harmonious and things would flow so much better and easier (eventually), so instead we wouldn't need to work on a person to get them to like us; rather, we'd (which some would argue that we should do now, though) attract the best person/s to us relevant to our Soul and our constitution and preferences and likes, etc.
Lolz yes if that's your idea I agree with you.
You said it in a funny way though, when reading it was like: "Since we are saving the world we can have all the pussy we want from who we want" hahahahaa.
:lol: I didn't mean it quite like that. Although...! :cool: :D

That's hilarious. :lol:
Thanks for the reply NinRick and Jack.

I've been doing successful love spells and all the targets had the usual intense and passionate dreams of me. I was curious about your steps as never once I heard them dreaming about someone else.

Thanks again and good luck.

NinRick said:
Syt said:
Hi NinRick,
Thanks for sharing your experience with your love spell. Your target dreaming of having sex with her ex sounds like subconsciours confusion/ resistance to the strong and rapid 'blossoming' of feelings for you. I strongly recommend for you to continue.

Can you do me a big favor?

Can you kindly list out the original steps to your love spell and then also list out the spell with the new adjustments that you'll be making?


Hail Satan.

NinRick said:
So okay now the story:
Currently I am doing a Love spell what I do is, I pull her light body out of her body when she sleeps and I „have sex“ with her. And obviously on climax I do the normal stuff I shoot Bright Energy inside her lightbody and physical body an aura and program it.
It feels like it is super effective. She also said that she is dreaming almost each night about having sex since I started this.

Now the Bad thing she is kinda confused, and obviously I can not tell her what is going on. And she also dreamed having sex with her ex.

So what do you think should I pull out her light body from the very start or should I just direct the energy at her? Is it more effective the way I do it or will I get same results if I do it differently?


I did everything according to the JoS-Site except that I additionally pulled her lightbody out of her body from the very start. If you do this with someone who was recently in a relationship I would say do not pull the lightbody out. If she/he dreams about sex (because you perform the spell while she /he sleeps) chances are that they will dream about their ex.
Syt said:
Thanks for the reply NinRick and Jack.

I've been doing successful love spells and all the targets had the usual intense and passionate dreams of me. I was curious about your steps as never once I heard them dreaming about someone else.

Thanks again and good luck.

NinRick said:
Syt said:
Hi NinRick,
Thanks for sharing your experience with your love spell. Your target dreaming of having sex with her ex sounds like subconsciours confusion/ resistance to the strong and rapid 'blossoming' of feelings for you. I strongly recommend for you to continue.

Can you do me a big favor?

Can you kindly list out the original steps to your love spell and then also list out the spell with the new adjustments that you'll be making?


Hail Satan.


I did everything according to the JoS-Site except that I additionally pulled her lightbody out of her body from the very start. If you do this with someone who was recently in a relationship I would say do not pull the lightbody out. If she/he dreams about sex (because you perform the spell while she /he sleeps) chances are that they will dream about their ex.

So wait is a love spell always linked to sex dreams? xD

Can you please tell me how you did it?
Or did you just do it like on the JoS page described?
Hello again Ninrick,

I am more than happy to answer your questions and help.

1. Choose an hour at night when you think your target might be tired, drowsy, or sleeping. These mental states make your target most susceptible to influencing and programming.

2. Sit down and relax. I perform all my spells and workings sitting upright and comfortably.

3. Clearly visualize your target standing in front of you and visualize their entire body/being glowing a radiant, bright, and intense green.

4. As you visualize this, affirm "(Jane Doe) is deeply and uncontrollably in love with me. She is lovingly obsessed with me." See their being shining brighter and brighter with the green light. Do this for 10-15 minutes straight. This is enough time to saturate their soul with the energy and affirmations.

5. When you are done, take a few minutes to visualize yourself and your target being in happy and desired situations. E.g happily kissing each other, holding hands and walking on the beach, having passionate and affectionate sex, getting married, cuddling, etc. FEEL these scenarios with all your senses. These situations are enough to create sexual dreams of varying degrees on their own. But the more 'wilder' & sexual imagery you apply, the more intense & sexually charged their dreams will become.

In my opinion, having positive dreams about someone is THE most powerful way to influence someone's subconscious and conscious actions. My above method usually takes me around 7-8 days before I start seeing significant results.

I find it important to say that I have done love spells during waxing/ waning moon phases and regardless of moon signs. It did not make a difference in effectiveness to me. Don't begin it on a void moon for obvious reasons.

All that matters here are your focus and desire.

Hail Satan.
Syt said:
Hello again Ninrick,

I am more than happy to answer your questions and help.

1. Choose an hour at night when you think your target might be tired, drowsy, or sleeping. These mental states make your target most susceptible to influencing and programming.

2. Sit down and relax. I perform all my spells and workings sitting upright and comfortably.

3. Clearly visualize your target standing in front of you and visualize their entire body/being glowing a radiant, bright, and intense green.

4. As you visualize this, affirm "(Jane Doe) is deeply and uncontrollably in love with me. She is lovingly obsessed with me." See their being shining brighter and brighter with the green light. Do this for 10-15 minutes straight. This is enough time to saturate their soul with the energy and affirmations.

5. When you are done, take a few minutes to visualize yourself and your target being in happy and desired situations. E.g happily kissing each other, holding hands and walking on the beach, having passionate and affectionate sex, getting married, cuddling, etc. FEEL these scenarios with all your senses. These situations are enough to create sexual dreams of varying degrees on their own. But the more 'wilder' & sexual imagery you apply, the more intense & sexually charged their dreams will become.

In my opinion, having positive dreams about someone is THE most powerful way to influence someone's subconscious and conscious actions. My above method usually takes me around 7-8 days before I start seeing significant results.

I find it important to say that I have done love spells during waxing/ waning moon phases and regardless of moon signs. It did not make a difference in effectiveness to me. Don't begin it on a void moon for obvious reasons.

All that matters here are your focus and desire.

Hail Satan.

Wow thank you my brother! :D
SS Amonra said:
wow…. I am going to add my own percentage of information compared to what I just read when sunrise got triggered.

First of all for sunrise. It just seems like you cant stand the fact of using Magick to get what you want when it comes to love. Because when it comes to a man attracting a woman, if magick is one of being able to manifest your reality that has to do with ones will, and it is known that there needs to be STRENGTH and strength and will are masculine qualities (since we all have masculine and feminine qualities we all tend to lean towards one or the other). when you say "flow naturally" and "let two people just emerge together" isnt that just another excuse to have a woman be hypergamous and another way of hindering self improvement when a man wants to change? I think its a bunch of hogwash. It is about living in the "feminine" matrix, and just another way of a woman to stay in control. I am not saying this is what you are doing sunrise but in everything you spouted out, the information sounds like it comes from a feminist perspective and shaming a man is also part of it.
Yeah, and I became hated because of reasons unknown, and ignored out of subjectivity, which was said to be logical but in actuality was very emotional - and after I tried repeatedly, the bullshit continued the same way.

This reminds me of a video I had on my youtube channel before the jew shoahed it, where a man came across feministas shouting nonsense and he was tying to speak with one in particular saying he supported her, but she assaulted him, so he hit her back with a paper or something. Shout into a megaphone, "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!" like a street preacher, or that disgusting, ugly (I think Southern Baptist) woman calling a Black lesbian in school derogatory words while continuing to interrupt her, baybay.
I posted on this subject many many times.

I simply took the problem in many perspectives.

I clearly explained that some take a notion from SS mot-a-mot and for as long as something is not forbidden, they think automatically is good to them.

Nothing is forbidden or necessary immoral in satanism.

You have the power of choice as your choices are making the difference. You have free will. Definitely, you do what you want.

I already told brother Jack I will consider his opinions, at the moment I don't have time to read properly or reflect but I keep my word. I am always willing to change my mind if arguments are coming.

The only arguments are:
-why not?
-because we can


I shared many perspectives, answered while taking in consideration different shades.

Ultimately, let me tell you what. If a girl refuses you and you still want to do this spiritual rape, in my eyes, you are:

- no real men capable of accepting a clearly pronounced refusal. Rapists. aka I WILL MAKE YOU LIKE ME, BITCH.

-You are libidinous.

-It flows saliva out of your mouth.

-you probably have missing teeth or other physical and psychological disorders.


If you don't understand clearly and humanely, that - while meeting a woman, A SORT OF BLOODY CONNECTION /MUTUALITY THING IS HAPPENING, (not really instant, but SOMETHING HAS TO BE already there in a sense), - you are out of your mind.

Beautiful men have great pain in the dick when refused. They do not waste their time obsessively over one FEMALE doing complex magic works, as they have maximum options all the time.


Even so, IF she said no, maybe zero has to do with you, she just feels she wants/needs something else out of life.

Even when we do business, we create a product LET'S SAY, AND do magic but not to manipulate people's perception on the product, but OFFER A GOOD AND USEFUL PRODUCT THAT CAN BE HIGHLIGHTED WITH THE MAGIC. You truly want people to benefit out of it- So you can benefit out of their buying experience. IT IS A TWO WAY THING.

Love is even worse. At a deep level is even more complicated than a commercial transaction. Because we claim we really love somebody but we don't care for their needs.

Instead of wasting your time on one WOMAN WHO SAID NO, better wash up, go out and search for others. Make sure you look and play enough decent with them, and you will definitely find the right woman for you. Or even more. Get fuckin' sociable, in a sense.

Of course, you probably want some top models, but you do not look first in the mirror. That's your fucking problem. YOU WANT ONLY TO TAKE NOT TO GIVE. IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU.
You do not want to work on your own improvement. You just want supermodels to fuck. It doesn't matter if you are having 100 killos, fuck that.

Very well, make love spells on them, in a positive way for you, I hope the energy turns them into some fat housewives for your own satisfaction. Enough to be tailored to your needs and laziness.

I'm sure you will never have them at the top level if you do not TRANSCEND yourself first, consciously, at a top level as SUPER MALES.

The energy will take too much to "propel" you at their level so will drag them at your level (since they are weaker spiritually?),

or maybe not,

who knows,
You don't want to be loved for what you are, ANYHOW, or love people for what they are, you just want to manipulate with all and by all means.
You have no cure.

And you don't clearly know what true love is, or respect, or many many other things.





Let's actually take this stupid odious discussion into a different area.

Do you expect superior people to come in and enrol to satanism if satanism is only about me me me me?????


But when you are becoming too selfish or too generous you create the so-called INBALANCES.






At the moment, people from the outside will perceive us like some Guys who don't step on other Satanism only because (THE REST ARE EXCLUDED, THE REST ARE UP TO OUR MOOD or whatever, 'call that reason whatever'), is Lord Belzebut there to punish us.
I ask you what is the difference between this and Christianity? Christians are afraid of their God. we are afraid of our Gods.



we don't need to avoid doing shit on others out of FEAR!!! OR DO HIT THEM IN A PREVENTIVE WAY.



BUT WE ARE HERE TO SET THE FOUNDATION BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL THE PLANET AND as WE WANT AND DO WHAT IS RIGHT!!! what is right first to us, of course. But again, this me me me if taken to the extreme, WHAT'S THE POINT OF US COLLECTIVELY?

What is right for all of us MATTER, ultimately as we don't live in isolation here. WE NEED TO CONVINCE PEOPLE THAT IS FIRST IN THEIR BEST INTEREST TO COME HERE.


When you come as a member to say 'THIS IS ME', but in essence, you are rude or other shit and you impose this shit, because you claim your own shitty 'individuality' at the expense of their nerves, DO YOU actually CONSIDER OTHERS? TO WHICH POINT DO YOU ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THEM? Think about this.

AND BY THE FUCKING WAY, START TREATING THE NEW FACES DECENTLY SO THEY CAN HAVE THE PLEASURE AND PATIENCE TO LEARN. STOP FUCKING JUMPING AT THEIR NECK LIKE INSANE GORILLAS, I AM FED UP WITH YOUR AGGRESSION AND STUPIDITY. If you don't have the patience to HELP, make a step back, let the others who are reasonable to do it. Stop behaving too important and shit in a rude way.


My current mood. VOLUME UPPPPP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDMmzCK6vjA

When we ever meet up and I remember this I will punch both of you.

1)Mancy stop playing the victim
2) Sunrise stop being a smartass, and you do not know anything about our situations. „Aka I hate men who can not take a NO“ nobody said about being refused. (Didn’t read everything you guys said)

And please do not post in this Topic anymore 100 comments of stupid fighting >.<

To give my view:

Your Natalchart determines virtually everything about you. It is a map of the soul, literally.
People can either fall in love on first sight. It can be lust or love or BOTH.
This attraction has to do with THEIR OWN energy inside their beings. (You can tell with alittle astrology easily if two people feel love for each other or if it will ever happen)
However it even may be that 2 people meet up and fall in love/Lust LATER ON. This has to do with astrology again, with the energies of planets that influence and trigger this reaction.
So everything is caused by energy, if you know abit astrology you will probably agree.

Now here is the point, if ENERGY is influencing people ALL THE TIME, what is wrong about raising energy and directing it properly? I mean with their natal charts you could just never use magick and wait for the perfect time to strike the energy will be there.

You are not forcing anything you are just directing energy. Ofcourse if attraction is already there, this will be easy. If not you have to put MUCH WORK into it, but you have to decide for your own if it’s worth it. For me probably not.

Ofcourse since you change their energies, you might even change them abit, however this should be to very very small extent and nobody should notice it. But if 2 people are really not meant for each other and you put enormous amounts of energy into them, this might even become significant. So here you have to consider ETHICS again.

This is not my situation I just wanted to share my opinion on this topic.

Now PLEASE just let it be!
Still love you guys as brother sbd sister but just stop this senseless fighting
sunrise said:
Let's actually take this stupid odious discussion into a different area.

Do you expect superior people to come in and enrol to satanism if satanism is only about me me me me????
Well, Satanism is about me (not me, but the individual, of course). It is to improve our self, to empower and advance ourself, ourselves, to become infinitely more, in positive and beneficial ways. No, it's not about ourselves only, but we have National Socialism for that, and we are social beings, but at the end of the day, we do things for ourselves. This might be 'selfish' but selfishness is not negative, bad, horrible necessarily. e.g. if someone cared 100% about someone else, entirely, and didn't do things for themself, then they would suffer. Take silly, extreme examples - waking up and not brushing teeth, combing hair, washing, putting on clean clothes...but instead just working for another person - basically being their slave (willing or whatever).

I would say at least 50% of Spiritual Satanism is for the self, but not 100% of it; likewise, more than 50% of National Socialism is for each other/society, but not 100% of it. It's a bit like a parallelogram. Cut a square in a parallelogram - a lot of it overlaps, but some of it is for the self, on both sides, and the bit in the middle which overlaps is for the self and for each other/society. Everyone, and their opinions, is/are like a 'shape', and once we become each our True Self, we can 'fit' things into the bigger picture jigsaw puzzle; whereas the jew, on the other hand, wants everything to be squared (or cubed).

NinRick said:

When we ever meet up and I remember this I will punch both of you.

1)Mancy stop playing the victim
? If you read the posts, you will see everything. There is no "playing" here.

2) Sunrise stop being a smartass
sunrise just has strong opinions, and as I have said before you can't change a person's mind. Only the person can change their mind. Before I am accused of anything - I have also said in posts about members bringing things to the table to discuss or argue or debate, so as to learn more and inspire thinking in different ways. A lot of people here have strong opinions and they can not quite 'fit' 100% of the time; each 'shape' of a person and their opinions, etc., are being shaped and transformed constantly, and nicks and notches and dents appear, until our 'shape'...well...takes shape properly.
sunrise said:
I posted on this subject many many times.

I simply took the problem in many perspectives.

I clearly explained that some take a notion from SS mot-a-mot and for as long as something is not forbidden, they think automatically is good to them.

Nothing is forbidden or necessary immoral in satanism.

You have the power of choice as your choices are making the difference. You have free will. Definitely, you do what you want.

I already told brother Jack I will consider his opinions, at the moment I don't have time to read properly or reflect but I keep my word. I am always willing to change my mind if arguments are coming.

The only arguments are:
-why not?
-because we can


I shared many perspectives, answered while taking in consideration different shades.

Ultimately, let me tell you what. If a girl refuses you and you still want to do this spiritual rape, in my eyes, you are:

- no real men capable of accepting a clearly pronounced refusal. Rapists. aka I WILL MAKE YOU LIKE ME, BITCH.

-You are libidinous.

-It flows saliva out of your mouth.

-you probably have missing teeth or other physical and psychological disorders.


If you don't understand clearly and humanely, that - while meeting a woman, A SORT OF BLOODY CONNECTION /MUTUALITY THING IS HAPPENING, (not really instant, but SOMETHING HAS TO BE already there in a sense), - you are out of your mind.

Beautiful men have great pain in the dick when refused. They do not waste their time obsessively over one FEMALE doing complex magic works, as they have maximum options all the time.


Even so, IF she said no, maybe zero has to do with you, she just feels she wants/needs something else out of life.

Even when we do business, we create a product LET'S SAY, AND do magic but not to manipulate people's perception on the product, but OFFER A GOOD AND USEFUL PRODUCT THAT CAN BE HIGHLIGHTED WITH THE MAGIC. You truly want people to benefit out of it- So you can benefit out of their buying experience. IT IS A TWO WAY THING.

Love is even worse. At a deep level is even more complicated than a commercial transaction. Because we claim we really love somebody but we don't care for their needs.

Instead of wasting your time on one WOMAN WHO SAID NO, better wash up, go out and search for others. Make sure you look and play enough decent with them, and you will definitely find the right woman for you. Or even more. Get fuckin' sociable, in a sense.

Of course, you probably want some top models, but you do not look first in the mirror. That's your fucking problem. YOU WANT ONLY TO TAKE NOT TO GIVE. IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU.
You do not want to work on your own improvement. You just want supermodels to fuck. It doesn't matter if you are having 100 killos, fuck that.

Very well, make love spells on them, in a positive way for you, I hope the energy turns them into some fat housewives for your own satisfaction. Enough to be tailored to your needs and laziness.

I'm sure you will never have them at the top level if you do not TRANSCEND yourself first, consciously, at a top level as SUPER MALES.

The energy will take too much to "propel" you at their level so will drag them at your level (since they are weaker spiritually?),

or maybe not,

who knows,
You don't want to be loved for what you are, ANYHOW, or love people for what they are, you just want to manipulate with all and by all means.
You have no cure.

And you don't clearly know what true love is, or respect, or many many other things.





NinRick said:
Just because some discussions get a little heated that doesn't mean they should be "stopped". Exchanges and debates(if you want to call it that) can be valuable experiences for both sides, as long as general respect and manners are applied.
As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing bad happening here.
sunrise said:
Rook said:
sunrise said:
"People are not stupid, don't underestimate them.
Learn to test them, check the waters, see what they are capable of, proceed from there."

You're right, i don't underestimate people, i always test the waters so to say due to some helpful and annoying astrology, i also like testing people's competence in a debate, you did well btw.

"Prevention is proper but sounds to me more like 'I will hit you for just in case'. Don't do this. We will go back to the first point, where you CAN and should not MISS OPPORTUNITIES."
lol amusing statement, but that sounds more like an act of compensation rather than prevention, but no what i meant is that i can see BS and manipulation in it's early stages and i confront/call it out before it gets worse.

"You know what Rock, usually the nicest people are the ones who will become the worse."
There're a lot of types of 'nice', when it comes to deception and such, these people appear 'nice' as they tell you exactly what you want to hear and show you exactly what you want to see.

I must say i do actually agree with almost all your points, i know you treat people the best you can, but you should never expect that in return, they're a lot of POS out there that will take advantage of such treatment and become an overall leach, i threat people with good intentions but i never sugar coat anything and i hate having to do so.

Since it's been a while since i read from this topic there was quite a lot to read, i skimmed through it, i noticed you said somethings about your GD, remember what we talked about above when it comes to deception and people acting nice.
Don't be gullible, astral parasites latch onto people and leech of them 24/7 listening to all their thoughts, they know exactly how the person thinks and know exactly what to say to that person.
i remember some time before when people asked to find out who their GDs are, the response was almost always 'you'll find them when you're ready'.
because when someone asks for their GD, these astral parasites see it as an opportunity to pose as one, same with when someone asks for a succubus, you'll find these parasites are quick to fill that position to exploit those sexual energies.

When it comes to the astral plane sis, just like in the physical there're shitty people, so to when these people die they end up in the astral, and they're all sorts of nasty and extremely manipulative entities out there, i just thought i'd point this out to you, so you don't end up like the recent amount of people who're asking for help when it comes to astral entities or recently discovered that they were being manipulated.

BTW i almost forgot but gratz on your presentation and project i assume you got over 90%? i'd expect no less really. kinda late reply but i recently had my birthday a few days ago so i've been somewhat preoccupied.
FancyMancy said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Damn, guess you gotta buy a new belt Nancy Boy, now your pants are falling down! :lol:

I really shouldn't have wrote this, about to get 50 replies where every one is a 5 page essay screaming the same phrases and talking points over and over, as if they weren't noticed the first time. Maybe if it wasn't noticed the first time, it's because no one wants to read your 35 pages of rantings anyway. It's like nobody is allowed to ever have any different opinion, no matter how small of a difference it may be. (Mancy, it's like the flying brains in futurama when they wanted to erase the world so there couldn't be any more different ideas and opinions!) But as long as you scream the LOUDEST while pretenting to be THE MOST moral and reasonable above everyone else, that makes you the BIG WINNER, and everyone else has to go stick their head under the sand like a Ostrich bird. Classic modern ((((Liberal)))) mind set and reasoning. This isn't describing anyone specific here, it's actually about a few people.

Wow, a slightly different opinion than mine :eek: ,(turn your volume way up for this before you click it because it's quiet and only 3 seconds) https://youtu.be/ScRCuFpTNXg !
If an ignorant idiot loser (notice I say these things in retalliation) chooses to be an ignorant idiot loser, instead of realising this is how I speak and that I was not attacking, that I was being silly in reference to something, then that's their problem, and they are comfortable in that zone while [all of the things I mentioned in my replies already].

As for you, Old Arsefacego fucktittyus - see? Retalliation - you and all members should do the same to the HPs/HPSs, instead of being religious xian-types, worshiping the preachers and condemning the congregation.
I'm all for retaliation, no one should just take BS from anyone, and i certainly don't.
However people sometimes misinterprets things or get triggered over noting, which can lead to unnecessary retaliation and just add more confusion into the mix especially if the other also decides to retaliate.

We're all SS here, trying to find understanding should come 1st before conflict, the enemy always tries to cause confusion and division among SS for obvious reasons, while i am for retaliation i dislike the mindless 'shit flinging' fest that can happen.
it's like doing our enemies work for them.
Nikolas said:
I think Nick nailed it.
What i understood from all of this is that everyone is still going to do whatever they want or think its the best. Everyone trusts his opinion the most, which is totally fine.
So everyone has the right to do whatever they decide with their time.
But really.... getting a girl is easy:
Smell good ( invest in a nice fragrance) , dress nice, be YOURSELF ( if she has the same personality, she will like you NATURALLY. If you want to use magick and get her out of your own reasons, just DO IT) , have manners, be cool, have a haircut, WORK OUT , dont be fat, have ambitions, be succesfull ( or on your way to get there) , dont be lazy, LEARN HOW TO LISTEN PROPERLY TO what she has to say, pay attention to her, humour is a must...a least a lill bit , be smart ( so read) - i think being smart goes hand in and with being funny. If you are smart you can also make jokes. Watch out though for the creepy jokes... and watch out how you speak.. dont let her think you're a clown or stupid....
I think this is it. Just wtf... I get it we are men so we want to have sex.. but really, getting a girl is not difficult. Magick? You can do it by yourself...
Idk about that girl Nick. I respect you and think u will get the best decision. I hope its not the case like sunrise said. She being a model and you really trying to get something OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE.
Unless you understand everything i said above and advance urself. Again i say... when you are really cool girls come on their own....They all get attracted to men that stand out as being the best. You want a 10 out of 10 ( not only at body ffs... dont only look at the body... i never understood why most men always look at the body..I couldnt give a sh.it about the size of her things. she should look OK, SO SLIM/NOT FAT, and that really white white milky skin mmmmm; but search for the personality dudeee) , then you must work so that you yourself become a 10/10. Have character.
Mancy with all respect, maybe you are a little bit too arrogant and cant get yourself to agree with people. I dont know you in real life but judging from your personality.... just try to be more nice man. Dont play the bad boy.Girls like bad boys at first but eventually they will think you're a creep arrogant fuck ( generally speaking).

My mood : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaXaig_43lU&list=LLb0d25o1tFgzRHrf9GzcYCw&index=5&t=0s

Listen to this shit, CHILL, and have fun with women ;) They are just so so fine. :cool:
All the best. Go get the girl.
I think i posted too much without really thinking at the content :lol: my comments are still moderated lol. Ok.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using magick little one :D
Why do you think it is on the JoS site to begin with?
It is also good learning experience as I see it.
FancyMancy said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Damn, guess you gotta buy a new belt Nancy Boy, now your pants are falling down! :lol:

I really shouldn't have wrote this, about to get 50 replies where every one is a 5 page essay screaming the same phrases and talking points over and over, as if they weren't noticed the first time. Maybe if it wasn't noticed the first time, it's because no one wants to read your 35 pages of rantings anyway. It's like nobody is allowed to ever have any different opinion, no matter how small of a difference it may be. (Mancy, it's like the flying brains in futurama when they wanted to erase the world so there couldn't be any more different ideas and opinions!) But as long as you scream the LOUDEST while pretenting to be THE MOST moral and reasonable above everyone else, that makes you the BIG WINNER, and everyone else has to go stick their head under the sand like a Ostrich bird. Classic modern ((((Liberal)))) mind set and reasoning. This isn't describing anyone specific here, it's actually about a few people.

Wow, a slightly different opinion than mine :eek: ,(turn your volume way up for this before you click it because it's quiet and only 3 seconds) https://youtu.be/ScRCuFpTNXg !
If an ignorant idiot loser (notice I say these things in retalliation) chooses to be an ignorant idiot loser, instead of realising this is how I speak and that I was not attacking, that I was being silly in reference to something, then that's their problem, and they are comfortable in that zone while [all of the things I mentioned in my replies already].

As for you, Old Arsefacego fucktittyus - see? Retalliation - you and all members should do the same to the HPs/HPSs, instead of being religious xian-types, worshiping the preachers and condemning the congregation.
The only part of that comment that was even about you was just that little harmless joke at the beginning. The rest of it had nothing to do with you at all. I was actually thinking about Sunrise and Jack when I wrote everything except that first line. I know you were not attacking, and that's why I wasn't talking about you or attacking you... You aren't the one who was writing 50 page rants saying the exact same shit over and over and over and over. I was on your side in this, like we were spectators watching the other people freaking out. I considered you to be pretty calm and not doing anything wrong, so I made to you a reference you would understand about how OTHER people were being, to be like "look at them over there, what a joke." But I said nothing even remotely against you in any way here.

But if you want to go have a big insecure chimp-out over literally nothing at all, then fine go do it. :lol: Make yourself look like a loser for no reason, while I didn't even do anything against you so you're just crying over nothing. :lol: Ignoring context, making incorrect assumptions, then getting mad at me based on your own imaginary and incorrect assumptions about what I meant.

By the way I don't worship anybody here, and I try to not even condemn anyone here either unless they just really deserve it. Not worth the effort to even think about life from the perspective of trying to categorize everyone into some groups "worship" or "condemn" I've never even thought about that before. So I'm not sure what that part is about. But I do just try to respect the people who deserve respect based on their actions and goals, which is usually basically everybody here.

FancyMancy obviously your personality is a kind that not everyone likes, but I personally have always liked you. I agree with all the blunt honesty and all that goes with it, I appreciate a large portion of your jokes (even the ones I don't understand). There's never been a situation where I don't like you and I'm generally always on your side, maybe with slight disagreements of opinions, but never really against you. However, the last few days you've just been being a jackass. Having your ridiculous little insecure chimp-outs over every slight little (and often imaginary) disagreements. You imagine conflicts and insults that are not really there, or insecurely exaggerate the slightest little jokes to ridiculous levels, and you just keep having these little cry-baby chimp-outs about everything.

I don't know what's wrong with you but the last few days you've been acting so different from your normal self, but I guess it's probably all your Yiddish shit you've been reading. An entire language created based only on the energies of irritability, insecurity, paranoid thinking everyone else is against them, hostility, and all that kind of shit. We've all seen a yiddish "woman" and how insanely irritable, insecure, hostile, and just poisonous they are in every way. You've been reading all your Yiddish shit, invoking all those Yiddish energies, and the last few days it's like you turned yourself into a Yiddish. It's really disgusting! That's why I tried to very politely warn you how disgusting all those Yiddish energies are, but it was too late you already absorved too much of them. So you just threw another one of your little chimp-outs that you keep having recently, ignored me, and probably invoked even more Yiddish.
Rook said:
FancyMancy said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Damn, guess you gotta buy a new belt Nancy Boy, now your pants are falling down! :lol:

I really shouldn't have wrote this, about to get 50 replies where every one is a 5 page essay screaming the same phrases and talking points over and over, as if they weren't noticed the first time. Maybe if it wasn't noticed the first time, it's because no one wants to read your 35 pages of rantings anyway. It's like nobody is allowed to ever have any different opinion, no matter how small of a difference it may be. (Mancy, it's like the flying brains in futurama when they wanted to erase the world so there couldn't be any more different ideas and opinions!) But as long as you scream the LOUDEST while pretenting to be THE MOST moral and reasonable above everyone else, that makes you the BIG WINNER, and everyone else has to go stick their head under the sand like a Ostrich bird. Classic modern ((((Liberal)))) mind set and reasoning. This isn't describing anyone specific here, it's actually about a few people.

Wow, a slightly different opinion than mine :eek: ,(turn your volume way up for this before you click it because it's quiet and only 3 seconds) https://youtu.be/ScRCuFpTNXg !
If an ignorant idiot loser (notice I say these things in retalliation) chooses to be an ignorant idiot loser, instead of realising this is how I speak and that I was not attacking, that I was being silly in reference to something, then that's their problem, and they are comfortable in that zone while [all of the things I mentioned in my replies already].

As for you, Old Arsefacego fucktittyus - see? Retalliation - you and all members should do the same to the HPs/HPSs, instead of being religious xian-types, worshiping the preachers and condemning the congregation.
I'm all for retaliation, no one should just take BS from anyone, and i certainly don't.
However people sometimes misinterprets things or get triggered over noting, which can lead to unnecessary retaliation and just add more confusion into the mix especially if the other also decides to retaliate.

We're all SS here, trying to find understanding should come 1st before conflict, the enemy always tries to cause confusion and division among SS for obvious reasons, while i am for retaliation i dislike the mindless 'shit flinging' fest that can happen.
it's like doing our enemies work for them.
As far as I know, this nonsense started after I replied to sunrise in my usual manner, referring to something and being lighthearted. I then retaliated after 1) I was accused, repeatedly, after I tried, repeatedly, saying I wasn't attacking, and 2) being attacked (perhaps in retaliation, perhaps out of misinterpretation).

If we mention the enemy causing in-fighting, then in this context/thread, as far as I can tell that can be either one or both of sunrise and/or myself. I haven't, nor do I care frankly to checked to see how "SS-like" sunrise is, so I can't accuse himherit of being of the enemy by hisherits posts hesheit makes. Hesheit said hesheit dislikes me and as I said as far as I know it's because of my initial silly reply, and despite the fact of me not attacking, which I repeated which seemed to fall on deaf ears (blind eyes), this thing became as it is.

I tried being silly and not moody, and then I got punished for it. Whoever created that saying, "No good deed goes unpunished" must have known something. How ironic, sarcastic, profound (well, not quite), humourous (perhaps)... that this had to happen in a thread about love. You can't make this shit up. :roll:
Rook said:
FancyMancy said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Damn, guess you gotta buy a new belt Nancy Boy, now your pants are falling down! :lol:

I really shouldn't have wrote this, about to get 50 replies where every one is a 5 page essay screaming the same phrases and talking points over and over, as if they weren't noticed the first time. Maybe if it wasn't noticed the first time, it's because no one wants to read your 35 pages of rantings anyway. It's like nobody is allowed to ever have any different opinion, no matter how small of a difference it may be. (Mancy, it's like the flying brains in futurama when they wanted to erase the world so there couldn't be any more different ideas and opinions!) But as long as you scream the LOUDEST while pretenting to be THE MOST moral and reasonable above everyone else, that makes you the BIG WINNER, and everyone else has to go stick their head under the sand like a Ostrich bird. Classic modern ((((Liberal)))) mind set and reasoning. This isn't describing anyone specific here, it's actually about a few people.

Wow, a slightly different opinion than mine :eek: ,(turn your volume way up for this before you click it because it's quiet and only 3 seconds) https://youtu.be/ScRCuFpTNXg !
If an ignorant idiot loser (notice I say these things in retalliation) chooses to be an ignorant idiot loser, instead of realising this is how I speak and that I was not attacking, that I was being silly in reference to something, then that's their problem, and they are comfortable in that zone while [all of the things I mentioned in my replies already].

As for you, Old Arsefacego fucktittyus - see? Retalliation - you and all members should do the same to the HPs/HPSs, instead of being religious xian-types, worshiping the preachers and condemning the congregation.
I'm all for retaliation, no one should just take BS from anyone, and i certainly don't.
However people sometimes misinterprets things or get triggered over noting, which can lead to unnecessary retaliation and just add more confusion into the mix especially if the other also decides to retaliate.

We're all SS here, trying to find understanding should come 1st before conflict, the enemy always tries to cause confusion and division among SS for obvious reasons, while i am for retaliation i dislike the mindless 'shit flinging' fest that can happen.
it's like doing our enemies work for them.

Guys, come on, we are not children. Let me tell you what, I had fun and I am having great fun talking to you, even having arguments, I don't mind,

and eventually we can even 'fight' or 'insult' each other for hours, the moment when an enemy jew or not, ((((((IS AROUND)))))), I will kill him literally in an instant for any of you. This is loyalty. This is a brotherhood. The rest is silly.
So, from my side, be open, express yourself, I am not narrow-minded. I am totally laid back as a person in general.
Even Pantsy is funny in a way to be honest... in a way

let's go back to proactive essential activities, so we can win this war faster!!!!!
FancyMancy said:
I tried being silly and not moody, and then I got punished for it. Whoever created that saying, "No good deed goes unpunished" must have known something. How ironic, sarcastic, profound (well, not quite), humourous (perhaps)... that this had to happen in a thread about love. You can't make this shit up. :roll:
If you were punished here, it was not by me. I didn't say anything against you, and the only things I said that could be negative were about other people, not about you. Only you misunderstood me and you assumed that I was going against you when I really wasn't. If anyone has been punishing you here, it was only you punishing yourself. You deserve to feel better than this, don't let incorrect assumptions bother you.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The only part of that comment that was even about you was just that little harmless joke at the beginning. The rest of it had nothing to do with you at all.
I was thinking about all the jew trolls who come here when I quoted you, but I quoted you instead of quoting them.

sunrise said:
Keep trying, shitrise. Your subtle attacks are not subtle enough. If you were so laid back then you would [/sarcastic] continue to reply in capitals and make long-arsed posts, claiming to be logical when clearly you're on your period all the time. Don't pretend to be upset - I'm just retaliating. If you don't like it, then don't give it. Realise also that you don't reply to me directly. That's "laid back and logical".

So someone refuses to accept that I did not attack them, and me explaining that, which continues to be ignored, makes me "chimp-out" and be the baddie - and I'm at a loss as to how it does, when at the exact same time it is being ignored that someone who dislikes and disagrees with me misuses my username and that someone else who likes me and agrees with me misuses my username, both at the same time; how that doesn't make them the baddies and be "chimping-out" is also lost. Go on - misuse the HPs'/HPSs' usernames and Satan's and the Gods' and Goddesses' names. What point do you have to prove? If what I said was understood and accepted early on, and if they bothered to take notice of someone else for once and see how they reply to posts on the forum which is the same way I replied to them, then this retarded shit wouldn't exist. I said already that sunrise is wily - and look at this shit here. Then the arrogance of demanding I admit publicly that I try to dry everyone up so that I can have a pretend "friend" online reply to me a lot sooner than 20 years' time, despite being ignorant of my Astrological make-up and refusing to accept that I am not going to share that information, and despite me being silly and lighthearted...is all just beyond stupid. Let me take a page out of your book - admit publicly that you refused to accept that I was not attacking you, and also refused to accept my repeated attempts of trying to explain that to you, and that you are wily and closed-minded and that you prefer to be ignorant and accept only what you have decided. Don't worry - I won't expect you to because you hate replying to me now for reasons you won't admit, and perhaps don't know, plus also because you are closed-minded, ignorant and accept only what you have decided. Did anyone realise that sunrise said hesheit would speak to me in 20 years, the rough early estimate of when we're supposed to get a visit from some very VVIPs? Only behaving when the boss is around, like a suck-up, brown-nosing arse-kisser. Good one.

Now please continue to say I am feeling attacked and abused, while every relevant person keeps misusing my username and ignoring the fact that they wouldn't dare do that against the HPs'/HPSs' usernames nor Satan and the Gods' and Goddesses' names, and keeping it an attack, while trying to make it a subtle one, by both the good copper and the bad copper both saying "it's a joke". As for that yid book - I haven't read any more than what I posted in the OP of that thread. A friend and an enemy both misuse my username and that makes me the baddy. Great logic.

If this wasn't such a place of importance to help ourselves and each other, then I would go on a lot more than I have - and those who have learnt things about my posts on here know that I can go on for quite a while; if you don't know this, then just see some of my posts...but my points have been made - and I bet ignored yet again.

I said I don't come here for "friendship". This is hardly the place, and I said already that as far as I know this retarded nonsense all started after I made a silly reply to someone, who chose to get the wrong end of the stick - or at the very least, chose to ignore the fact that they were mistaken when they were told. In the future, accept that I did not attack, when there was no reason to attack. If I were to attack, it would be obvious.

So because you all (whomever, relevant individuals) need to have the last word, I give you my permission - please have the last word. You may have the last word. You need it.
Rook said:
FancyMancy said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Damn, guess you gotta buy a new belt Nancy Boy, now your pants are falling down! :lol:

I really shouldn't have wrote this, about to get 50 replies where every one is a 5 page essay screaming the same phrases and talking points over and over, as if they weren't noticed the first time. Maybe if it wasn't noticed the first time, it's because no one wants to read your 35 pages of rantings anyway. It's like nobody is allowed to ever have any different opinion, no matter how small of a difference it may be. (Mancy, it's like the flying brains in futurama when they wanted to erase the world so there couldn't be any more different ideas and opinions!) But as long as you scream the LOUDEST while pretenting to be THE MOST moral and reasonable above everyone else, that makes you the BIG WINNER, and everyone else has to go stick their head under the sand like a Ostrich bird. Classic modern ((((Liberal)))) mind set and reasoning. This isn't describing anyone specific here, it's actually about a few people.

Wow, a slightly different opinion than mine :eek: ,(turn your volume way up for this before you click it because it's quiet and only 3 seconds) https://youtu.be/ScRCuFpTNXg !
If an ignorant idiot loser (notice I say these things in retalliation) chooses to be an ignorant idiot loser, instead of realising this is how I speak and that I was not attacking, that I was being silly in reference to something, then that's their problem, and they are comfortable in that zone while [all of the things I mentioned in my replies already].

As for you, Old Arsefacego fucktittyus - see? Retalliation - you and all members should do the same to the HPs/HPSs, instead of being religious xian-types, worshiping the preachers and condemning the congregation.
I'm all for retaliation, no one should just take BS from anyone, and i certainly don't.
However people sometimes misinterprets things or get triggered over noting, which can lead to unnecessary retaliation and just add more confusion into the mix especially if the other also decides to retaliate.

We're all SS here, trying to find understanding should come 1st before conflict, the enemy always tries to cause confusion and division among SS for obvious reasons, while i am for retaliation i dislike the mindless 'shit flinging' fest that can happen.
it's like doing our enemies work for them.

Happy birthday, Rock, may Father Satan and the Gods bless you and your spiritual journey. I wish you the very best! :) :)

I hope you had a nice celebration, great hearing back from you, was such a pleasure talking to you!
FancyMancy said:
I'm sorry for calling you Nancy Boy and Pansy Pyro Mancy. But when I did it, I didn't think you would care since normally you are so light hearted and care free. And also you didn't chimp-out anywhere near as much as some other people did in this topic. But those other people's much-much-bigger-than-your's chimp-outs were not directed at me, so that's why I didn't mention theirs.
Listen to this, watch the video (is amazing!), get some inspiration, remember why we're here:

SS Amonra said:
What do you mean Nikolas that its total opposite of what a feminist does? All I see is her shaming men and recent posts says she cant stand "sick ambitious men" and men's biological nature is to be ambitious,actually it seems like she doesnt like men's biological nature of being men.
She actually said the opposite of this if I remember correctly. Stating how the vast majority of men are born as natural "pursuers" and should be the ones to make the first move on females.
This is rather far up in the discussion, on page 1. Here the most important parts-
sunrise said:
Now gentlemen, allow me to have the last comment on this subject. Speaking about love is boring anyhow

Now, this is the reason why some of you get into the so-called FRIEND ZONE. You are too slow to make your move. You missed the 'moment'. Chase the fuckin' moment and act quick
You need to act when the things are 'warm-up' and don't be afraid to come up like freaks! This is nonsense. Make your intentions clear asap, see what happens, doesn't happen. move to the next and so on and so forth. After all, you are 'hunters'.
Learn how to act when 'the tension' is there, without fear, I repeat, a lot of men are stupid on this regard.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What Sunrise said about men being hunters and so forth is correct. Despite of some men who are overtly feminized and/or gay, for the rest, while not in the traditional Ooga Booga hunterism, this is truly the case.

Also, this is natural thing, and if one does not do it, their chances of ever getting a mate just plummet to zero.

What also was said about men hanging in the friendzone is also very true. Instead of bashing, one could take these things and understand them as it's rare that women in that context admit or say these things, and these are to help you out.

I didn't read every single reply to this thread just a couple ones, just to be sure.
FancyMancy said:
when clearly you're on your period all the time.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sunrise be like



And then be like,

Your angry and you want to do something like this,

But instead you use tact and say something like this,

And then her anger evaporates and she becomes extremely happy,



And then we wuz slothz be celebratin for saving the world from a Period Apocalypz
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
when clearly you're on your period all the time.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sunrise be like



And then be like,

Your angry and you want to do something like this,

But instead you use tact and say something like this,

And then her anger evaporates and she becomes extremely happy,



And then we wuz slothz be celebratin for saving the world from a Period Apocalypz


this made my day, hahahhahaha
sunrise said:
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
when clearly you're on your period all the time.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sunrise be like



And then be like,

Your angry and you want to do something like this,

But instead you use tact and say something like this,

And then her anger evaporates and she becomes extremely happy,



And then we wuz slothz be celebratin for saving the world from a Period Apocalypz


this made my day, hahahhahaha

I just saw after laughing and commenting on this, the above comm with 'the period'

Guys, this is really degrading and cheap, to laugh about women's biological functions, and you should be ashamed of yourself, this is not satanism, I don't know how to call this, I never came across something like this. Laughing about my periods will definitely convince me to stop posting once and for all.
Shael said:
SS Amonra said:
What do you mean Nikolas that its total opposite of what a feminist does? All I see is her shaming men and recent posts says she cant stand "sick ambitious men" and men's biological nature is to be ambitious,actually it seems like she doesnt like men's biological nature of being men.
She actually said the opposite of this if I remember correctly. Stating how the vast majority of men are born as natural "pursuers" and should be the ones to make the first move on females.
This is rather far up in the discussion, on page 1. Here the most important parts-
sunrise said:
Now gentlemen, allow me to have the last comment on this subject. Speaking about love is boring anyhow

Now, this is the reason why some of you get into the so-called FRIEND ZONE. You are too slow to make your move. You missed the 'moment'. Chase the fuckin' moment and act quick
You need to act when the things are 'warm-up' and don't be afraid to come up like freaks! This is nonsense. Make your intentions clear asap, see what happens, doesn't happen. move to the next and so on and so forth. After all, you are 'hunters'.
Learn how to act when 'the tension' is there, without fear, I repeat, a lot of men are stupid on this regard.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What Sunrise said about men being hunters and so forth is correct. Despite of some men who are overtly feminized and/or gay, for the rest, while not in the traditional Ooga Booga hunterism, this is truly the case.

Also, this is natural thing, and if one does not do it, their chances of ever getting a mate just plummet to zero.

What also was said about men hanging in the friendzone is also very true. Instead of bashing, one could take these things and understand them as it's rare that women in that context admit or say these things, and these are to help you out.

I didn't read every single reply to this thread just a couple ones, just to be sure.

Ok, I will explain the hunting nature of men vs the 'repulsive obsessive sick thing.'

You need to understand something so simple, something that ANY MAN SHOULD KNOW: more attention you put in a woman, more obsessed over her, most of the times will be already a game over. Puppies like this are at her door already. Understand that hunting is not efficient like this.

What you need to do is to INTRIGUE a woman, so, if she is used to be treated usually with attention, plenty of it, you will need to take a step back, allow her to move her attention at you. Which naturally will happen.

Nobody likes desperate people. We tend to depreciate them, or people who are 'offering themselves up on the table.' It's for women and men valid.

Also, I don't want to discourage you from chasing the beautiful woman or extremely beautiful. ON THE CONTRARY!
From what I have seen, those are the most LONELY as the males are assuming they are already in a relationship,
they are reluctant to speak with them from the fear of being rejected (huge ego again),
so most of the time they end up with ugly inferior males, as their ego is not that huge and they take the risk anyhow (being already used with rejection.) Guess what? They are more courageous, and they win.

Above anything and everything, work on yourself!!! By doing this, you will boost your being from every point of view, and this WILL SHOW UP., and there is nothing more attractive for a woman than a self-confident man.

As I said in another post, don't waste precious time thinking before pursuing a woman, leaving a woman to overthink is always a bad idea.
Also if you got obsessive nature, get 2-3 in your focal point, so you don't get in this trap. Yeah, you should act fast when the moment is favourable. How did I contradict myself?

All I said is not math 1+1. There are general ideas. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. It is really about what you want to get out of a relationship.

My 'mutuality approach' is the sort of magic that I, personally appreciate, but you, as well need to learn to create the magic and play your cards right and right from the beginning. I think this also comes with experience. Therefore, necessary, go out, interact with as many as possible women and people. You will learn in time how to make a first significant FIRST (which unfortunately sometimes remain THE LAST), impact on people, which will make you memorable. It is also a matter of practice.

And yes, act fast but act tactfully. It is a difference between fast and desperate. You get in the friend zone for overthinking strategies, timing, waiting and waiting and waiting etc. This whole concept again will come with experience and practice.

Yes, as I said, she said 'no', and you will always know if that 'No' is serious or not, RECONSIDER what the hell you are doing. If or not, etc. Understand for yourself if you care WHY this happened, ...in my opinion, you should not care, but again, if it helps the learning process, might help.

And yes, you should move fast and get used on being rejected and not allow this to discourage you with other girls. WE, females, can't say yes to all of you. And you cannot like us all. It's a selection process. Get used to it talking into consideration ALL ASPECTS. Not just ambition.

Sick ambition can damage you as much as she and the gain will be quickly thrown once earned. How many girls are actually refusing you for knowing clearly that you want only sex and trophies? Plenty. Maybe they want something serious, but you want just sex, why not search for the ones who want the same as you do? Once you FOOL a lady who wants something serious and get her in bed, what you will do next, out of revenge for saying in first place NO, you will punish her AGAIN THE SECOND TIME, by being thrown and replaced. Those are some attitudes I profoundly dislike at some of you,

sunrise said:
How did I contradict myself?
Just in case you were reply to me also, let me clarify that I did not intend to attack you in any way. I was just providing SS AR with your other reply that he most likely overlooked.
I have a masculine internal thing, but my aspect is feminine, I did ballet, modelling, sort of things.
My type of men are the ones extremely masculine, the more, the better, FROM THE OUTSIDE, still with a feminine side concerning art, music, literature, culture, sort of interests.

I like men who know NO FEAR
I like men who demand respect in their posture.
Men who while entering a room, everybody listens

For which reasons, I got into a lot of trouble.

No, I do not like feminine guys, unless we speak about long hair or things I already mentioned: long hair or no hair. whatever hair

I do not like young men, never did, if they don't have 15, 20, even 25 over me, I won't consider them. The only exception was my husband, who was atypical in all senses to my tastes and who turn up the worse mistake I ever did.

I like smart men with a high IQ and with the heart of a kid.

While in a group, men measure themselves up, if I see weakness in a guy, I pity him thus respect is over.

My love is all about respect; if I lose respect over a person, love is dead.
I can lose respect over many other things, men who are not respecting their word, men who have no honour, men who show teeth to women, unkindness to weaker persons or beings, ...

I appreciate men with a code, a code of honour in everything they do.

With this sort of men, I am a pussycat. With the rest of the men, I treat 'equally'. I treat humanely. I don't owe them 'my feminity' what so ever.

I heard many women saying that they want a man to 'do what they want' out of him. I disrespect this type. A man has to be respected, listen, obeyed.

When I go out with my man, everybody knows who the boss is; I complement him. I want everybody to respect him and envy him; I never in my life did a public scene. He is always in charge.
At home is another story.

I do not control or manipulate men, not that I can't, but I don't take pleasure out of it. I don't like puppets.

My big brother is feminine, hates violence, and masculine things to an extent; I had to play a bit more rebellious than usual to balance him out and make him come on my way to 'fix' things and demand authority over me.
I push him to K1fights and other activities, but he has more cosmetics than I do, lol. He loves his face too much.

ALL OF THIS helped him with women; he takes initiatives better, acts better, etc. Imagine I brought a criminal close to the family just to piss him off, I am nuts. I can't surprise them anymore, I was outrageous and eccentric all my life. For Satan, they already forgave me, If I wasn't this type of personality, maybe I wouldn't have found Him, in their acceptance.

Indeed I like very bad men, not bad, the badest of the bad, but I need to control this infantile urge as I am old enough and I need wiseness; and risk takers are sexy but for as long as they take calculated risks.

I have a downside to my personality due to my Jupiterian emphasis, I am excessive, expansive, over-enthusiastic, I AM WELL AWARE I NEED TO BALANCE ALL OF THIS.

Since Nickolas you are becoming this kind of a man, I want to tell you: MIIIIIIAAAAAAAUUUUU or meeeeoowww. Try this band, they have amazing songs, volume to the maximum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA3fNvbZoBM&list=PL41775772741DFC65

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
