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Love Spell

Braun666 said:
I actually considered jobs, as well - you have to try and win the boss over to choose you. It's OK to use a spell to manipulate (if anyone is not uncomfortable using that word) the boss into choosing you, or you can just use raw, non-Spiritual charisma and CV and skills/achievements to do it. Why one but not the other?

I believe the argument could have been ended with simple understanding of the above and how Magick or "Witchcraft" is the act of taking directing and controlling of what occurs on the unconscious. Controlling your destiny. On the JoS there's even spells to break up lovers and kill an enemy. If one is saturated with muh feels, a step to this can be near impossible. I've read some of the replies on this thread and they are really bordering, xtian and new age muh feels type of teachings. This has to stop.
Someone did say a bit ago (and my interpretation/memory of what they said was) that because we're not in an actual SS/NS reality at the moment, the rules are different; that we have a more free-reign, to a certain extent, on doing things. Regrettably, it is, very literally, us versus them; if they are not SSs, then they are closer to being the enemy (although I wouldn't say are the enemy exactly - there has to be a distinction between that). Once Satanic and National Socialist reality and Natural laws return, then I think a lot of the things that some SSs might be doing these days would not be permitted. In war, the rules are different - but yes, of course, even in war there are still rules (perhaps). Also I think this is relevant for the time being - "Delight in what you create; delight in what you destroy".

In the NS/SS future, all things, Nature, energies, etc., will all be more beneficial for us, so we wouldn't need to 'manipulate' an ignorant 'Without' person into accepting us (if necessary) as a lover/luster or friend or boss or whatever. Things would gel much better and easier naturally and Naturally - "naturally" meaning "of course", and "Naturally" meaning of Nature.

Then, in the NS/SS future, while rules and laws are not of wartime, then we can still dream lucidly, so in there we can do absolutely anything we want, bar none (whether they be "illegal", "immoral", "unethical", etc., or not) - and there are no "rules" or "laws" imposed upon that. To refer back to what I said earlier - define "wrong" (not you, necessarily, but to anyone).
A lot of you accuse me of a new age and furthermore treat me like an outsider aka 'we think this vs you'.

stop this disrespectful approach,

I am part of satanism. but I tend to think that some of you take the teachings mot-a-mot

satanism is about JUSTICE.

justice is about getting your revenge when people are stabbing you with no reason /as you did not deserve it
justice is treating something good with good and something bad with bad.

when we go into a topic like love, is about 2 people emerging together in a relationship aimed to last on a true, real foundation.

love is not 'OUR AMBITIOUS'. love is not a business, is coming together with a significant another into a symbiosis. is aiming to make the other happy and the other way around. is meeting their needs and ours. has to be mutual in one word.

a brother spoke about performing magic as the extension of words/flirt/etc FINE, GREAT, I AGREE. Add it on IF IS THE CASE. but, If you meet a woman who said NO TO YOU, as she is not drawn to you for VARIOUS REASONS, why insist using a proper working? IS THIS ETHICAL?

if the significant other is happy we will be happy. LOVE IS A TWO WAY STREET. Unhappy partners can bring a lot of misery. Should we keep them under a permanent spell when in fact there are plenty of other suitable people around? Why get so stuck on a person? Nobody is that special after all if you want to look at things from this perspective. No matter the perspective, as I wrote a lot about it, from my humble point of view, which is the only mine and I don't necessarily see it as supreme, is WRONG. I don't see why so much struggle for something which should actually FLOW naturally.

As I said if we go down to this that in flirt words who carry vibration is magic, this and/OR that is magic THUS we came to the conclusion that everything is MAGIC.
use your PRESENCE ITSELF to decide if the connection is there or not. Presence itself should be enough 'sort of magic' when it comes to love at the initiation stage.

Some of you came to satanism to show your true colours aka FORCE, POWER OVER THE OTHERS, WE DO WHAT WE WANT AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS, ETC - Is this satanism when it comes to love? NO, IT IS NOT.

Love is sacred guys, stop treating it like some sort of cheap undertaking.
now EGO perspective. Yeah, let's forget about 'the other', let's focus on us. What the HELL do we want out of love? TO BE LOVED FOR WHAT WE ARE, ISN'T IT?

what about being true to yourself?

Do you want to PLEASE so much a person who in fact doesn't want the same?

is this called respect for your own being?

are you that insignificant to GIVE UP ON YOURSELF to look in a certain way in their eyes?

Aren't you enough as you are in their eyes?

Think about this as well.

be true to yourself, you are important, check if THEY meet your needs, not the other way around.

If they reject you, they are not better than you, they are simply not for you. Why overcomplicate things, then?

When you insist upon a refusal is just a fact that proves that you see yourself LOWER than them. Or an arrogance from the category 'if you don't want me, I want you'. Or an overall bad impression over your own being and quality and lack of self-respect.
Love yourself. Be proud of yourself and accept yourself ultimately. The sun doesn't rise from anyone ass. Nor them, or yours. Has to be mutual.

I am fed up to hear whenever somebody is considerate over the other is automatically a new age. We don't live on this planet by ourselves. We live with others. We need to love ourselves as proof that we love the others, and love the others as proof that we love ourselves. This is interchangeable.
I am not talking about jesus type of sick cheap and abusive love. Be careful as you tend to go into that sort of abusive sort of thing if not careful.

Even Father doesn't make us love HIM if is not coming from the bottom of our own being and will, He is that proud.

Be that proud as well.

We don't abuse ourselves and we don't abuse others undeserving.
If I continue with your rhetoric why not let's make people love Satan using magic?

Are we doing this? No, we don't. We are breaking the spell that humanity has on Him. We help humanity to see Him clearly for what he is in REALITY.
So they can come at their own free will and love Him for what He is.

If Father wanted to use magic to be loved I think this would have been entirely easy. But he is too proud for this.

Think about this as well, when it comes to the love topic.
Take another viewpoint.

The energy takes the shortest route to achieve whatever,
You want a person who said NO and you might end up being transformed by the programmed energy in order to fit.
OR WORSE, YOU TRANSFORM THE OTHER IN SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT. Different from what you actually liked at the beginning, even if it wasn't mutual.
You mention in a positive way, but you will get adjusted for that specific person and that person as well, This will alter a lot your personality, whatever.

My question is why this hassle? Make the 'compromises' that you explicitly want if we speak about some compromises which might be inevitable. Make it CONSCIOUSLY only if you want to. Playing with the energy which is still not fully understood is not a good idea, at least in the love area.

Energy will act too subtly in this manner to even observe it. Why end up something totally different or the other person as well?

I was speaking about couples who are in love but at the same time obsessed to CHANGE the other. THIS IS INSANE. Let's be genuine from the beginning and till the end. I won't repeat those things, anyhow.

My point is to take what is already there or not - as it is - . and the other way around.
Why this obsession for finding soul mates then?

If we have the magic to manipulate others, let's simply take our ex-partners and transform them like puppets and that's it. Simple. Problem solved.


I am sorry that I got really triggered by the subject, if it was up to me I would have made it extremely short as it is really simple if you look at it.

But the accusations of the NEW AGE crap are really disturbing FOR ME, when in fact I am a PRACTICAL PERSON, SIMPLE IN MY APPROACH, CONSIDERATE FOR THE PARTNER, MOSTLY CONSIDERATE FOR ME BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE OTHER, SEEKING FOR BALANCE AND HARMONY IN LIFE; Just and correct, expecting in return exactly what I give; Totally in acceptance with myself, not willing to change for another and not trying to change. I FIND IT ENTIRELY HEALTHY, in fact, I SEE MYSELF A GREAT SATANIST.

Stop talking satanism mot-a mot. Try to go deeper into ideas and concepts. I don't talk gibberish, you just hate to think by yourself; if an authority doesn't come over to deliver everything on a plate, that's all. You don't even bother to filter the information. if you do this in life you will end up NOWHERE. Don't offend me for your inability. The fact, if you think in a certain way but expect an authority to change your view, (but at the same time not for his smart view, but simply because the person in question is an authority and just an authority) - is a big problem for you - think about this, especially you Aquarius. We are human beings and here to learn from each other not for the sake of so-called positions, but for the sake of the TRUTH.
At the same time Aquarius I don't want this to sound like I don't consider hps take on manners, I haven't found any gaps in their logic yet. Hopefully, you got the idea right plus, I was speaking about general authorities.
Just going to add my two cents here.

Doing a love spell on someone doesn’t make them be with you or stay with you if they are unhappy. Love spells work by increasing the love that person feels for you, or sparking an interest in you. It’s not a spell to make someone your slave that does your bidding. If done with an appropriate and positive affirmation, then there is nothing to fear here, and nothing disrespectful.

The whole point of doing one of these workings is to unite with someone that you care for. Just bear in mind that there might be someone better out there for you, so a general love working might be better suite me for some. Other people however might actually know who is best for them, and in that case that can use a working to bring that about.

Doing workings to bring about love, happiness, money, careers, or even sex is not evil. Especially since we are SS and any partner that we have will also enjoy the benefits of us being able to help protect them, further their goals and dreams, etc.

Trust your intuition in regards to whether or not you should do a love working on a specific person, or a general one. Remember, we are all different souls with different needs.

One final note, there are even Gods who specialize in uniting lovers, breaking up rivals, etc.
sunrise said:
Aww, you replied to me (it had my quote within it!), so you do love me! All is forgiven. Mwah! :p

My claim was simple, you interact with a being who doesn't respond to you as you wish. move on. that's it. don't go home to do a complex working to change his/her mind. there are plenty of people who can and should love you FOR WHAT YOU ARE without going to that so-called 'extension' you mentioned.
The make-up (constitution) of everyone means that they have vary many different amounts of Elements and experiences, upbringing, opinions, etc. so with your advice here, as well-intentioned as it is, it simply wouldn't work for everyone.

Your presence should be enough kind of magic to decide if somebody likes you or not without performing magic on the person to make this happen.
Perhaps if you're very advanced, but if you're not...

Life is not about me me me me me me me and only me; life is about us us us us us
That is like the NS side of things, but the SS side of things is about the individual, self, one, me - and selfishness is not negative, bad, etc., in and of itself. Of course selfishness has negative connotations, but it, inherently, is not negative in every situation.

A lot of you accuse me of a new age and furthermore treat me like an outsider aka 'we think this vs you'.

stop this disrespectful approach,
I was only disrespectful to you as a retaliation. My original reply to you was not meant to be offensive at all. As for "us v you" - it is important to have different ideas and understandings brought 'to the table', and your doing that is helpful.

when we go into a topic like love, is about 2 people emerging together in a relationship aimed to last on a true, real foundation.
That's merely an opinion/preference. Polygamy/polyamoury is perfectly-fine and acceptable. For some, they just want or need lust/sex, without the love aspect, and this could, and also could not, be a relationship.

a brother spoke about performing magic as the extension of words/flirt/etc FINE, GREAT, I AGREE. Add it on IF IS THE CASE. but, If you meet a woman who said NO TO YOU, as she is not drawn to you for VARIOUS REASONS, why insist using a proper working? IS THIS ETHICAL?
"I am receiving all the love X has for me from X." For all you know, s/he could be playing hard-to-get and s/he might want someone who is determined and wouldn't give up simply after the first hurdle.

Should we keep them under a permanent spell when in fact there are plenty of other suitable people around?
I don't think anyone meant to keep them under a permanent spell. Taking the example of part of an affirmation I just said, it is to draw-out every possible bit of love that this person, in their Soul, might have for you compatibility-wise. You say there are plenty of fish in the sea, but you need to get to know them and see if they are good enough; using Magick can draw this out in a more efficient manner.

Why get so stuck on a person? Nobody is that special after all if you want to look at things from this perspective.
Perhaps either you haven't been in love or had super amounts of lust (infatuation) for someone, or you have and have decided to be hardened against it. Of course, one should tread carefully while in that. Why is no-one, and how do you know no-one is, that special? You are not everyone's Mind and perspective.

I don't see why so much struggle for something which should actually FLOW naturally.
If it was easy and it flowed naturally, then everyone would have their perfect partner/s already... We can use Magick as a way to hasten that process.

As I said if we go down to this that in flirt words who carry vibration is magic, this and/OR that is magic THUS we came to the conclusion that everything is MAGIC.
I would say that everything is energy, in one form or another, and it can be changed, moved, programmed, manipulated...

use your PRESENCE ITSELF to decide if the connection is there or not.
That sounds like it is based on looks and immediate Physical attraction solely. Where is the bit about getting to know the person? Then, with hanging out with any/many person/s, the mere presence of you itself might/should be enough for any number of those work colleagues or gym mates or pool party friends, etc.

Presence itself should be enough 'sort of magic' when it comes to love at the initiation stage.
Why should it? Some people have Mental/Intellectual relationships, others have Physical/Sexual relationships, others platonic in other ways... Why should it be only that one? If you don't know a person, say they're a very disreputable person, then just being there merely in their presence would not be very healthy/safe.

Some of you came to satanism to show your true colours aka FORCE, POWER OVER THE OTHERS, WE DO WHAT WE WANT AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS, ETC - Is this satanism when it comes to love? NO, IT IS NOT.
Can you please provide actual source references for this?

Love is sacred guys, stop treating it like some sort of cheap undertaking.
The fact that if one is willing to work hard at it, in whichever various ways, then that proves in and of itself that it is not a cheap undertaking; that energy (in multiple senses of the word) is expended and trying and effort is done to find and achieve one or more of the many types of love (and/or lust, of course, as well). Using Magick does not make it cheap, necessarily.

Aren't you enough as you are in their eyes?
One cannot know if you're enough in their eyes, if the "mere presence" is supposed to be enough; they must know them.

be true to yourself, you are important, check if THEY meet your needs, not the other way around.
...and by "receiving all the love X has for me, from X" this is one of the ways that can be done. If you use only one single tool, e.g. your eyes, to decide if someone is right for you, then you might not realise that they could stab you in the back; you have Magick as a tool to use, as well. I still haven't been told why Magick "cannot" or "should not" be used - and now another question; how is it related to "morals" and "ethics" to use or to not use Magick in this manner? Again - I don't think anyone meant to keep them under a spell; if any individual does that, then that is their own business and I'm sure they'd have their reasons.

When you insist upon a refusal is just a fact that proves that you see yourself LOWER than them.
I don't think so, necessarily. Probably in some ways, but not absolutely. A member said either on this forum or the other one that some people need to look after others, to be there for them, to care for someone else. That can be seen in a lot of areas. If you are drawn to someone but they reject you, that is not always meaning you are lower than they are if you persist. You must hear stories, "I pursued him/her for X time and s/he kept refusing, but then s/he relented...and the rest is history, and we couldn't be happier". You can deny that if you like. Do you see male pigeons anywhere cooing and trying to get the girl, not caring for anything else happening around them? They are relentless and must find a mate. That is just one example. See how other Animals show off their plumage and whatever, do mating dances, and persist to get the girl. Some could lol and say the girls are hard and rejecting bitches (said in a funny way), but the boy Animal persists.

We need to love ourselves as proof that we love the others, and love the others as proof that we love ourselves.
Not relenting shows willingness to persist and not quit after the first hurdle - some people like that and they play hard to get deliberately, because they don't want a weakling. We can show we love them, as you say, by persisting, showing that we are bothered to be there for them and with them, etc.

If I continue with your rhetoric why not let's make people love Satan using magic?

Are we doing this? No, we don't. We are breaking the spell that humanity has on Him. We help humanity to see Him clearly for what he is in REALITY.
So they can come at their own free will and love Him for what He is.

If Father wanted to use magic to be loved I think this would have been entirely easy. But he is too proud for this.

Think about this as well, when it comes to the love topic.
There are different forms of love. I thought we were talking in this thread about relationship/partnership love, not love/admiration/respect of/for a Leader/Saviour.

The energy takes the shortest route to achieve whatever,
You want a person who said NO and you might end up being transformed by the programmed energy in order to fit.
It is repeated endlessly "in a safe, positive, happy ... way" to be added to affirmations.

You mention in a positive way, but you will get adjusted for that specific person and that person as well, This will alter a lot your personality, whatever.
It wouldn't be positive to be altered to be able to fit. It's not just our words which we speak in the affirmations but also our intentions, emotions, visualisations... all behind it, as well. When the mage knows themself properly and realises their true Self properly, then they will know who they are, truly and actually, so then they would be able to detect if they are changing or about to change, into someone who is not their true self. At this point, as you say, they shouldn't continue pursuing because then they wouldn't be their true self, but possibly they might try continuing in a different way, with bringing out all of the love and compatibility, etc., of the other person.

Thinking about it, the mage could test it with a trial run with being with the person, or with a realisation/revelation Magick working so that the mage can see the other person/s truly without being with them, but by the time a mage should be proficient enough, then they should sense compatibility or lack thereof already, so then they wouldn't need to pursue the interest either by being connected with the person or from a distance. See - if you hadn't have replied, I wouldn't have thought this now. My original reply was not an attack against you; I was being silly, and then I only retaliated to you, but then now reading your reply and me thinking about it helped me realise some things which some others would surely have realised already, and hopefully my realisation can help others who didn't think about it yet.

My question is why this hassle? Make the 'compromises' that you explicitly want if we speak about some compromises which might be inevitable. Make it CONSCIOUSLY only if you want to. Playing with the energy which is still not fully understood is not a good idea, at least in the love area.
A better way, to maybe agree with you, than persisting with a love interest is instead to do a working to find/bring to you a compatible/the perfect love/lust mate or mates. People can become fixated on things, though, but then as said, if they know their true self, then they should be well further along and hopefully not fall into the trap of infatuation/fixation.

Although, seeing a person who you think is amazing - and even their little imperfections might be perfect - you might persist with them, getting them to be with you, etc., and later on you could be their love and joy, etc. Reading about the Thoughtforms coypastad by a member, by another member, that was amazing to read. If the Thoughtform evolved far enough, it (or he/she, as the member described them) could question, "Why did you create me this way?"; with alternative energies of the Planets and things, making the constitution of the Thoughtform very different, once hesheit advances far enough (if possible), then they might have desires of hisherits own, and perhaps wonder "Why did you not create me with X energy, instead?". The Thoughtform could be told that you decided to create himherit for reason X or reasons X, Y and Z, but then advancing them to have 'free will' and sentience (if possible), then can give himherit the ability to be himherits own self with different energies as hesheit wants. Similarly, pursuing a particular person for a love (and possibly lust) interest and winning them over, they might question you privately, "Why did you persist with me after I kept on rejecting you?" You might say that you were so drawn to them that you wanted to nurture them, etc., so very much, which they would appreciate.

Energy will act too subtly in this manner to even observe it. Why end up something totally different or the other person as well?

I was speaking about couples who are in love but at the same time obsessed to CHANGE the other. THIS IS INSANE. Let's be genuine from the beginning and till the end.
One should be more advanced to be able to sense it and use it correctly. I just remembered something a HP said, which I might not be repeating 100% correctly, but from memory it appeared as if they said that...and I hesitate to say this, but love has to be earned. If you're a dick, then you shouldn't be with someone, for example. Love is a serious and important thing - sacred, indeed. If you're not ready for it, then you can do it stupidly, causing more problems. I have seen it before, "I can change!" - why? You're the same person you were when you got together with your partner... People are quite false and you said that - I agree. Most people don't know their true selves - that's why "I can change!" after you've been together for however long.

My point is to take what is already there or not - as it is - . and the other way around.
I do maintain, though, to draw-out the love/things of the other person/s - not to change them, nor yourself (because then it would be false and not real), but to discover about compatibility and being able to be together properly. Magick can help expedite that.
Lanius said:
Just going to add my two cents here.

Doing a love spell on someone doesn’t make them be with you or stay with you if they are unhappy. Love spells work by increasing the love that person feels for you, or sparking an interest in you. It’s not a spell to make someone your slave that does your bidding. If done with an appropriate and positive affirmation, then there is nothing to fear here, and nothing disrespectful.

The whole point of doing one of these workings is to unite with someone that you care for. Just bear in mind that there might be someone better out there for you, so a general love working might be better suite me for some. Other people however might actually know who is best for them, and in that case that can use a working to bring that about.

Doing workings to bring about love, happiness, money, careers, or even sex is not evil. Especially since we are SS and any partner that we have will also enjoy the benefits of us being able to help protect them, further their goals and dreams, etc.

Trust your intuition in regards to whether or not you should do a love working on a specific person, or a general one. Remember, we are all different souls with different needs.

One final note, there are even Gods who specialize in uniting lovers, breaking up rivals, etc.

Absolutely brilliant answer. I want to add on your final note the following regarding Gods who are breaking relationships, etc. There are also Gods who are teaching you how to steal. Does this make stealing ok? NO. there are special conditions and special circumstances that the Gods Might consider.
Still, exceptions confirm the rule.
sunrise said:
Jack said:
sunrise said:
Aquarius, don't try stupid tricks and tactics with me. leave the HPs alone. Formulate your own opinions and preferences. this is not kindergarten. you have a mind of your own; we are individuals.

Now I won't debate more on the topic as I said everything I had to say. and even 1000000 more words on it.
Your always back peddaling after writing a bunch of incomprehensible gibberish which makes no sense and is self contradictory. People have been peddling this sort of pseudo moralistic viruses within our community since long trying to intentionally or unintentionally lead people astray. Yes doing a love spell is completely moral,doing a revenge spell or a destruction working when one has wronged you is completely moral. Do not spread this kind of anti satanic shit here. We are going to keep doing this even if your past 'moral' virtues or whatever say so.



I think you take satanism as some sort of I DO WHAT I WANT WITHOUT ANY RULES. THIS IS NOT SATANISM - THIS IS ANARCHY.
I'm not sure why you keep repeating this ,have you even read what I said ? Yes, this is ethical and yes this is mutual. And yes, doing a love spell to attract someone who is not attracted to you is ethical. Why ? Simply because that is within our power and personal responsibility. Satanism is about individualism as well as collective responsibility. As I said a woman may develop feelings suddenly for someone and yes inducing that effect at will is ethical. There is mutual love because you induced it yourself. Your morals are derived from a common anathema against anything really Satanic. Love spells, sex spells, evil eyes, controlling others, influencing others, projecting your will over others is an integral part of magickal practice. That's why life becomes so much better after you practice satanism because you have personal power and responsibility. The cap to this is the Gods. The Gods give signs and tell us if we're going down the wrong road. The Gods warn us if we're doing something really immoral in an actual sense. Yes, breaking up couples is perfectly moral. There's no God who specializes in stealing. This morality is derived from Nietzschean individualism combined with National, cultural and societal collective responsibility. And we're fulfilling both of them. A girl can fall in love with two persons at the same time. Yes, a girl can fall out of love with her bf if you make them fight by inducing such programmed energy in their Aura. Yes, this is perfectly moral and could be done if you take responsibility for it. Power to the responsible is the motto of working magick. Yes ,this pseudo moralistic viewpoint you espouse is still antithetical to our morals. Because our morality is different from yours. This lingering feelings of guilt, unable to control your life and enact your will in the world is because of psychological roadblocks inside your mind either from Christianity or from childhood brainwashing. I suggest you do a munkayah working to rid yourself of this psychological roadblock.

And yes, we're going to continue doing magick on girls who do not love us to make them love us, which is perfectly moral for us. And yes those who are looking for soulmates will continue to search for them using magick or physical means.

Responsibility to the responsible, power to the responsible. Self knowledge, self evaluation and taking responsibility and control of your life is central to our view of life.
Jack said:
sunrise said:
Jack said:
Your always back peddaling after writing a bunch of incomprehensible gibberish which makes no sense and is self contradictory. People have been peddling this sort of pseudo moralistic viruses within our community since long trying to intentionally or unintentionally lead people astray. Yes doing a love spell is completely moral,doing a revenge spell or a destruction working when one has wronged you is completely moral. Do not spread this kind of anti satanic shit here. We are going to keep doing this even if your past 'moral' virtues or whatever say so.



I think you take satanism as some sort of I DO WHAT I WANT WITHOUT ANY RULES. THIS IS NOT SATANISM - THIS IS ANARCHY.
I'm not sure why you keep repeating this ,have you even read what I said ? Yes, this is ethical and yes this is mutual. And yes, doing a love spell to attract someone who is not attracted to you is ethical. Why ? Simply because that is within our power and personal responsibility. Satanism is about individualism as well as collective responsibility. As I said a woman may develop feelings suddenly for someone and yes inducing that effect at will is ethical. There is mutual love because you induced it yourself. Your morals are derived from a common anathema against anything really Satanic. Love spells, sex spells, evil eyes, controlling others, influencing others, projecting your will over others is an integral part of magickal practice. That's why life becomes so much better after you practice satanism because you have personal power and responsibility. The cap to this is the Gods. The Gods give signs and tell us if we're going down the wrong road. The Gods warn us if we're doing something really immoral in an actual sense. Yes, breaking up couples is perfectly moral. There's no God who specializes in stealing. This morality is derived from Nietzschean individualism combined with National, cultural and societal collective responsibility. And we're fulfilling both of them. A girl can fall in love with two persons at the same time. Yes, a girl can fall out of love with her bf if you make them fight by inducing such programmed energy in their Aura. Yes, this is perfectly moral and could be done if you take responsibility for it. Power to the responsible is the motto of working magick. Yes ,this pseudo moralistic viewpoint you espouse is still antithetical to our morals. Because our morality is different from yours. This lingering feelings of guilt, unable to control your life and enact your will in the world is because of psychological roadblocks inside your mind either from Christianity or from childhood brainwashing. I suggest you do a munkayah working to rid yourself of this psychological roadblock.

And yes, we're going to continue doing magick on girls who do not love us to make them love us, which is perfectly moral for us. And yes those who are looking for soulmates will continue to search for them using magick or physical means.

Responsibility to the responsible, power to the responsible. Self knowledge, self evaluation and taking responsibility and control of your life is central to our view of life.

Well, on the romanian website, at Valefor you can still read that He teaches how to steal. Can ca be easily checked.
Apparently has been changed - it is simply exactly the same as on the original website but this info at the end, it's simply cut.

You know what in another 5 years the website might look totally different, don't worry about it the INFO IS NOT SET IN STONE. We don't know yet how much is altered as it is in a continuous update
Do you have any idea how many things have fundamentally changed since its beginning? Basically, what I suggest you use logic and common sense if you are capable of, not this WARRIOR WHO STEPS ON DEAD BODIES ATTITUDE. This is not a true Satanist and it is not attractive for any decent human being who would want to enrol here, as it's only yours and yours only and of those you speak for.

What I mainly use now is common sense. You can take the website mot-a-mot if you may.

It is still disturbing this speaking of yours in the name of the entire community WE V.S YOU. Please speak for yourself, drop this Captain attitude as not all the people agree with you. There are people who don't, I included, this doesn't make us less Satanists - hence this attitude of yours, I won't even consider your opinion nor replying exactly on your matters. After all, what's the point? I said all I had to say, you simply respond with the same old saying 'responsable for the responsable' like you discovered the universe. Thanks for the reply anyhow
sunrise said:
A lot of you accuse me of a new age and furthermore treat me like an outsider aka 'we think this vs you'.

stop this disrespectful approach,

I am part of satanism. but I tend to think that some of you take the teachings mot-a-mot

satanism is about JUSTICE.

justice is about getting your revenge when people are stabbing you with no reason /as you did not deserve it
justice is treating something good with good and something bad with bad.

Of course some people accused you of new age stuff, but really you tell people to think for themselves yet you can’t think for yourself as to why you’re being accused of being new agey?

Justice is fairness, but I guess you never heard the saying the world isn’t fair?

There is a positive and negative side to all things to keep them in balance --
to keep the Universe going. There are awful and terrible things that must happen,
destructive deathly things, and there are good and miraculous things that must
happen full of life and creative construction. It seems this would come to each
randomly and it seems thus it should continue this way for eternity. This is not
true. And this is the essence of Who I Am.
The world is to evolve out of this. There is always another way to do a thing. That
way is far away. But it is still a possible way. Destruction and terror will not
always be the other way. But until the time comes when destruction and terror
are removed the world you must work how the world works.
Until that time, that
will come in time, this is Me -- a Perfect Balance. This is necessary. Destruction
and creation.
Since the time is not yet, and you are in the time that is not yet, destruction and
creation are in your hands as they are Mine. Do not be afraid to do these things.

Until the time comes where these things have found more peaceable means you
must keep the earth in balance. Do not be afraid to destroy. Do not be afraid to
create. LISTEN to Me. Create with all of your being. Destroy with all of your
You will not be more created by creating any more than you will be
destroyed by destroying. Are you more created now? Are you here or are you
destroyed? You are here. You will be here as long as I am here and that is
forever. Listen to what I tell you. If I tell you to create -- do it. And do it with
perfection and pleasure. And if I tell you to destroy, do it. Do not hesitate. Destroy
with all of your might and pleasure; yes, I tell you to delight in what you have



The world isn't fair, by trying to play fair you put yourself at a disadvantage, the jews especially like when people play fair, because they don't and end up taking advantage of those who play fair and exploit their fairness.
I hope you see why you're being called out as new agey, some of your views are very close to the whole 'live and let live' and 'peace and love' BS.
while some of your other views i actually agree with.

This fair play of yours is even worse when it comes to relationships, finding a mate can be a competitive thing, even you said that if a guy doesn’t make his move quickly his chances are down, this is because someone else would make their move.
Like I mentioned above even animals evolve ‘selfish-genes’ to increase their chances of getting a mate like making themselves more colorful etc.

And honestly, lets put a similar scenario like nick’s, this guy wants this girl but decides not to use magic because of the ‘ethics’ you proposed, there’s also a chance that some other guy comes along and gets her via his spiritual power, what’s the result?
guy with your ‘ethics’ – no girl.
guy without your ‘ethics’ – girl.
Things come to those who seize the opportunity and for it. (Even you said this in that a guy has to move his move quickly)

Also the whole thing you said about falling in love at first sight is contradictory to your ‘mutuality’, appearances like most things can be deceiving, as people change their looks to be more attractive, this can lead to falling for someone that leads into an abusive relationship or unfair one, whereas people who could be in a mutually fair relationship may not get together due to not 'falling at 1st sight’.
does this sound like 'justice' to you?

Why do people want a soul mate?
Like I mentioned above it has to do with competition ideally people would want things to be in abundance so there’s no need for competition in this sense having a perfect girl that’s just there for him would be the ideal thing and what someone would want.
This is not the case in reality.

Why doesn’t Satan just make people come to him?
Because it’s counter intuitive to do that, there’s already a sermon on this:
"Why the JoS doesn't have 10,000,000 members?".

But I will tell you the real reason. I have witnessed myself the Gods wipe out the minds of humans overnight, in ways that are impossible to be done by any natural means. They have power over humanity, and they can unscrew any human in a matter of seconds. They can turn anyone they want to 'their side', but they just do not care to attract anyone on this planet as it's not necessary. This would only hamper the progress of their work which is to find people who by their own understanding and free will, decide to undertake the Great Work.
Jack said:
sunrise said:
Jack said:
Your always back peddaling after writing a bunch of incomprehensible gibberish which makes no sense and is self contradictory. People have been peddling this sort of pseudo moralistic viruses within our community since long trying to intentionally or unintentionally lead people astray. Yes doing a love spell is completely moral,doing a revenge spell or a destruction working when one has wronged you is completely moral. Do not spread this kind of anti satanic shit here. We are going to keep doing this even if your past 'moral' virtues or whatever say so.



I think you take satanism as some sort of I DO WHAT I WANT WITHOUT ANY RULES. THIS IS NOT SATANISM - THIS IS ANARCHY.
I'm not sure why you keep repeating this ,have you even read what I said ? Yes, this is ethical and yes this is mutual. And yes, doing a love spell to attract someone who is not attracted to you is ethical. Why ? Simply because that is within our power and personal responsibility. Satanism is about individualism as well as collective responsibility. As I said a woman may develop feelings suddenly for someone and yes inducing that effect at will is ethical. There is mutual love because you induced it yourself. Your morals are derived from a common anathema against anything really Satanic. Love spells, sex spells, evil eyes, controlling others, influencing others, projecting your will over others is an integral part of magickal practice. That's why life becomes so much better after you practice satanism because you have personal power and responsibility. The cap to this is the Gods. The Gods give signs and tell us if we're going down the wrong road. The Gods warn us if we're doing something really immoral in an actual sense. Yes, breaking up couples is perfectly moral. There's no God who specializes in stealing. This morality is derived from Nietzschean individualism combined with National, cultural and societal collective responsibility. And we're fulfilling both of them. A girl can fall in love with two persons at the same time. Yes, a girl can fall out of love with her bf if you make them fight by inducing such programmed energy in their Aura. Yes, this is perfectly moral and could be done if you take responsibility for it. Power to the responsible is the motto of working magick. Yes ,this pseudo moralistic viewpoint you espouse is still antithetical to our morals. Because our morality is different from yours. This lingering feelings of guilt, unable to control your life and enact your will in the world is because of psychological roadblocks inside your mind either from Christianity or from childhood brainwashing. I suggest you do a munkayah working to rid yourself of this psychological roadblock.

And yes, we're going to continue doing magick on girls who do not love us to make them love us, which is perfectly moral for us. And yes those who are looking for soulmates will continue to search for them using magick or physical means.

Responsibility to the responsible, power to the responsible. Self knowledge, self evaluation and taking responsibility and control of your life is central to our view of life.

Allow me to answer a bit more properly, I am a lady after all
What I want to add here because I am not a narrow-minded person, is that I don't agree with you still I don't totally disagree.
there is a grey line in everything, I simply hate people who are ABUSING their power or getting arrogant over them to the point of doing WHATEVER.
if you stay a sec to think what you're doing, is fine.
life is not in black and white, I haven't suggested this, still, I don't want to go to the other extreme at the same time.
My comments were aimed at the very stubborn people who want a specific partner with any price.
Any situation asks reflection, I have nowhere said look people 'this is the only way'. No. I have simply suggested another and other ways to look at a situation.
I can see that you didn't bother to read what I had to say either but at the same time, you expect me to do it with your comments.
I repeat I am not totally against your view, It would be hypocrite from me to say something like this, still, understand my point of view as well AS A WHOLE and in the specific question, we discussed. Let's not mix all things together make a big salad or whatever trashing the subject in all directions.

I still reject totally that attitude of yours which you might have to a bigger or smaller degree of abusing your power. If you don't and are using it responsable, then I am sorry for the accusation. I hope you are wise which I hope for all the people around here and new ones to come.

With loving 2 people at the same time, has no relevance in the topic, the same with breaking relationships means that they are not solid, if there are no kids involved, aka innocents, I don't necessarily have a problem, not necessary but still, something to think about it. As I said, your examples are ON THE GREY AREA.
My examples were aimed at one single concept, aka 'the rejected ones' solely where I presented a different point of view from which can be looked at the matter. Not claiming they are supreme, simply saying that look, being rejected is not the end of the world and shouldn't make you stubborn. Questing yourself Why this happens, maybe there are serious aspects that your blind ambition can't see, and etc.

I even went to the HIGHER OF THE HIGHER SATAN who is so PROUD that he doesn't need a love that is not entirely sincere and looked for, as a supreme example.
Jack said:
sunrise said:
Jack said:
Your always back peddaling after writing a bunch of incomprehensible gibberish which makes no sense and is self contradictory. People have been peddling this sort of pseudo moralistic viruses within our community since long trying to intentionally or unintentionally lead people astray. Yes doing a love spell is completely moral,doing a revenge spell or a destruction working when one has wronged you is completely moral. Do not spread this kind of anti satanic shit here. We are going to keep doing this even if your past 'moral' virtues or whatever say so.



I think you take satanism as some sort of I DO WHAT I WANT WITHOUT ANY RULES. THIS IS NOT SATANISM - THIS IS ANARCHY.
I'm not sure why you keep repeating this ,have you even read what I said ? Yes, this is ethical and yes this is mutual. And yes, doing a love spell to attract someone who is not attracted to you is ethical. Why ? Simply because that is within our power and personal responsibility. Satanism is about individualism as well as collective responsibility. As I said a woman may develop feelings suddenly for someone and yes inducing that effect at will is ethical. There is mutual love because you induced it yourself. Your morals are derived from a common anathema against anything really Satanic. Love spells, sex spells, evil eyes, controlling others, influencing others, projecting your will over others is an integral part of magickal practice. That's why life becomes so much better after you practice satanism because you have personal power and responsibility. The cap to this is the Gods. The Gods give signs and tell us if we're going down the wrong road. The Gods warn us if we're doing something really immoral in an actual sense. Yes, breaking up couples is perfectly moral. There's no God who specializes in stealing. This morality is derived from Nietzschean individualism combined with National, cultural and societal collective responsibility. And we're fulfilling both of them. A girl can fall in love with two persons at the same time. Yes, a girl can fall out of love with her bf if you make them fight by inducing such programmed energy in their Aura. Yes, this is perfectly moral and could be done if you take responsibility for it. Power to the responsible is the motto of working magick. Yes ,this pseudo moralistic viewpoint you espouse is still antithetical to our morals. Because our morality is different from yours. This lingering feelings of guilt, unable to control your life and enact your will in the world is because of psychological roadblocks inside your mind either from Christianity or from childhood brainwashing. I suggest you do a munkayah working to rid yourself of this psychological roadblock.

And yes, we're going to continue doing magick on girls who do not love us to make them love us, which is perfectly moral for us. And yes those who are looking for soulmates will continue to search for them using magick or physical means.

Responsibility to the responsible, power to the responsible. Self knowledge, self evaluation and taking responsibility and control of your life is central to our view of life.

With all due respect, as you are my brother in Satan, please read all my comments at your convenience. Understand that we need for this Planet some higher principles in order to set the order and harmony among people.
This attitude of yourself is a bit slippery, where people don't know what to expect, where you are so unpredictable in a bad way to the point where people don't know what to expect from you thus won't trust you.
We need to trust others and be trusted. Not blindly as this is stupid, but you got the idea, too much PARANOIA will ultimately poison us. One of the bible curses is something like 'cursed be the man who trusts another'.

People should set themselves some higher values and views and not flip flop as the weather. I woke up today and mmm I decide to steal someone's wife because I CAN. wtf is this? You got the idea.

Satanists are the elites are the engine of the planet we need to be perceived as beings that nobody should fuck with but at the same time, set boundaries in our power manifestations.

Having great power, as you already know comes with a lot of responsibility. The way you seem to put it is mostly, 'let me do my thing as there are no consequences and I shall see later'. You seem that person that want and want and want but let me tell you what. It is clear to me that you don't have power, because you don't. And I thank Gods for it because who knows what you might be up to. People will great and serious power are not in such a state to scream it out, not abuse it as they are content in their own being, they know what they can and they don't need demonstrations for the sake of it or ego gratification thing. I lived to see a lot of people with great power.

Having someone's life in your hand and treat it honourably is a big deal and a position where life put me many times.
Give power to a person and see what will do with it.
I did this many times, guess what, 90% of people screw it. There are incapable of understanding. I want to see Satanist different.

No, I don't need to do a MUNKA to become a power-thirsty person with no limits or boundaries, as I have enough power and will never use it like a fool or be the person who would do whatever out of my own caprice. This is not nobility. I came from a line of governors and lords, my grandfathers were judging an entire village being a higher respected figure, among others. I honour my ancestors.

I want to see Satanists at a very high level of understanding, justice, compassion, strength, honorability. All of this is not christian. it's what we are or should be.


I am sorry I went a bit offtopic, just make sure you are indeed honorable. I am not weak in comparison with you because I don't scream my power or because I don't do all my caprices at the expense of others.

You said: 'doing a love spell to attract someone who is not attracted to you is ethical. Why ? Simply because that is within our power and personal responsibility. '

When you speak about personal things is about I, ME. It is meant to deal with whatever has to do with YOU AND ONLY YOU solely. But when another person cames in question is not about YOU, IS ABOUT 2 PEOPLE, YOU NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE OTHER PERSON AS WELL.
as an example: who is that person, what does that person want, etc etc.
A couple is not about me me me me.

don't say I quote you: ' The Gods give signs and tell us if we're going down the wrong road. The Gods warn us if we're doing something really immoral in an actual sense'

Gods will let you do your thing, man, trust me, they are not babysitting you to watch all your moves at the same time, they will let you learn it by yourself and deal with the consequences yourself. WHY ARE YOU RELYING to this extent and TO THIS POINT ON THEM, I CAN SEE HOW RESPONSABLE YOU ARE FOR YOURSELF.
Jack said:
sunrise said:
Jack said:
Love can be developed gradually. I think what your describing here is lust, that genetic attraction you get for high value dudes. If you then keep thinking about this it might turn into love.

Sex appeal is everything. You see a woman you are attracted, you fall in love.
First, let's make a distinction between 'FALLING' aka lust and that deep love you are talking about. There are two different aspects. Two different things BUT they emerge one from the other.

If you fall 'gradually' then it is something artificial there.

Falling in love is ONLY at first sight. Never at the 2nd, 3rd.

If, you don't initially fall, or have that sort of lust, don't tell me you will eventually love deeply that person one day. You can't.
Unless you do it for the sake of being in a couple with a person which you came to the LOGICAL and/or INTELECTUAL conclusion (after some time in a friendship), that you can work out something together.
Which is again, artificial.
it Is like ...ok, we look fine together socially, etc logically speaking, we seem to match = let's be together. I see zero sparklings here.

When in fact you should do this (all the logical process) AFTER you initially 'fell'.

I will go even deeper than that. Let me tell a short story. I once a long time ago fall for a guy, Didn't know shit about him. He was a journalist, writing shit, Read an article. Fall immediately. Didn't know how he looked like, didn't even care. Meet him shortly after this. This exemplary was a mirror for me physically, NOT only that I liked the way he 'thinks' hence the appreciation for the so-called articles, but IT CAME OUT TO BE A MIRROR OF MY PHYSICAL TRAITS. From here on, an incredible love story emerged.

So, the metaphysical aspect of love is quite complex but simple at the same time. It is spiritual in its essence. I don't know. I would like to be able to explain it like math, the same with the fact that I would like to know EXACTLY how energy works.

So again, you cannot fall gradually, but gradually you can love more or less, depending on the evolution of other aspects, and levels.

I Know people who fall bit by bit but something artificial is there, something BORING. If you need time to figure out what you feel for somebody is really nothing there, you feel it or not.
BUT and at the end, what you do with that 'feeling' is another story.

1)Sex appeal is 'not' everything. I do think many girls I see everyday are sexy but I am 'not' in love with all of them.
2) Love does not happen on first sight. First probably you get sexually attarcted. Or by some chance you get to know each other and then get sexually attracted. Love is not a linear process. Falling in first sight almost never happens (only in Hollywood movies.)
3) 'Falling' is love. Lust is simply 'sexual attraction' that you can have for any being walking past you on the street. Doesn't mean you love them.
4) Love does not generally happen at first sight,it starts with either lust or getting to know you. Sometimes even both things don't happen and sudden from a very small minute detail a girl falls in love, sometimes in seconds. Its not logical. It just happens. People who've been friends for a long time suddenly become lovers or lovers fall out of love. Happens all the time. There's literally no way to tell as it depends on the individual. There's nothing artificial here.
5) You just contradicted yourself. You said sex appeal is must then you say you suddenly fell for a guy you haven't even seen ? Lol

1)Sex appeal is 'not' everything. I do think many girls I see everyday are sexy but I am 'not' in love with all of them.

sex appeal is not being solely 'sexy'. You as always and like many others take notions MOT A MOT.
and it is if not everything, it is still 80% the thing that would help you succeed socially. Generally speaking.
Again, do your homework.

2) Love does not happen on first sight. First probably you get sexually attarcted. Or by some chance you get to know each other and then get sexually attracted. Love is not a linear process. Falling in first sight almost never happens (only in Hollywood movies.)

You might get attracted sexually at first sign or you can fall and be attracted sexually it is a whole, it didn't happen to me for just sexual thing, but falling is ONLY AND ONLY AT THE FIRST SIGHT.
It can hit you strongly or not that strongly, still, the sensation is there, AND you don't need plenty of dates to feel it or acknowledge it.
Still, The attraction CAN INCREASE AS THE TIME GOES into something more deeply, OR SIMPLY DIE.
Obviously, as people mature, this so-called 'falling' at first sight is happening less and less once with the UNDERSTANDING and EXPERIENCE. But at the same time is the only thing that I accept as genuine if it's more personal or general I can't decide.
I repeat, it might be an entirely personal choice the way I see it.

3) 'Falling' is love. Lust is simply 'sexual attraction' that you can have for any being walking past you on the street. Doesn't mean you love them.

Don't go into the deep sense of love; I was making clear differentiation in my other posts. You don't bother to read all my posts or reply before saying this.

4) Love does not generally happen at first sight,it starts with either lust or getting to know you. Sometimes even both things don't happen and sudden from a very small minute detail a girl falls in love, sometimes in seconds. Its not logical. It just happens. People who've been friends for a long time suddenly become lovers or lovers fall out of love. Happens all the time. There's literally no way to tell as it depends on the individual. There's nothing artificial here.

You are a bit self-contradictory, make some order in those ideas. Lust - falling in love - they can be interchangeable, or a mix of those two, or even more, whatever. Falling in love is not 'PROFOUND LOVE' is that sensation which you don't know the person quite good or at all, but you feel drawn to in a mixture of feelings, a bit lust, a bit of butterfly in the stomach, etc.

Falling in love is impossible to rationalize. it just hits you!

I already explained all of this, and you didn't care to read.

But I agree that people are different, as I said, I speak for myself. If you fall for somebody, who was before a friend, good for you, for most people I know this is impossible. WHY? Because, In most cases, once you perceive somebody in a particular light, you tend to keep on seeing him in the same way, This why the first impression matter so much.
As the brain once learned something, is fierce to relearnt it differently — this why we need to learn it right from the start, in a different note.

5) You just contradicted yourself. You said sex appeal is must then you say you suddenly fell for a guy you haven't even seen ? Lol

Yes, because this was SPIRITUAL. I even wrote there, that I can go even 'deeper than seeing' Have you read it? Again, are you actively reading my shit, as I know my English is far from perfect, still, I make things clear.

This particular situation was because souls recognise each other.
What happened to me was a lucky situation where I fast recognise something in tune with me, without even see it. Was the energy, the intuition; maybe I knew him before, was simply something familiar there.
Because falling in love or love is spiritual, after all.
You are trying to ridicule me for something which turned out sublime in my life and who eventually made perfect sense, for me.

And yes, sex appeal is a lot in life if not everything. Go search for the expression; see what it means. Read about the subject. Have a deep understanding of it.

Unless you're ugly, you should have zero problems with it. Hopefully, you are not as I hate ugly people and avoid them like the plague,( as the outside is a reflection of the inside) and those kinds of people have only hate inside. This was a different note, as sex appeal is more than beauty or sexual things, don't take it mot a mot.

I honestly suggest you taking excellent care of your appearance, personal style, etc. because you seem to neglect it and this why girls are not falling for you at first sight. A good looking man with charisma sees girls with their heart beating, getting nuts over him everywhere. They are used to it — nothing spectacular here. Sorry that you don't have this privilege, yet.

NOTE: This is my last comment for you, as I don't play the interesting but honestly have PLENTY OF DEADLINES COMING, I don't mean to ignore you, but you seem one by one to appear each day to prove me wrong, JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT. No other reason.
I can assure I am the type of person that knows what she speaks, always, or in most cases; you with your efforts to put me in a corner are mostly something to laugh about.

And Pantsy as well, that 'SAHARA DESERT', I told him I am not addressing him anymore since his rudeness but seems to insist; too bad I will never read whatever he has to say, his words are going into a void. Keep it up Pantsy, I WILL SCROLL DOWN, for as long I respect people, I expect the same in return, or IGNORE. I won't force you to respect me but don't force me to read your shit.

This is my last reply to you personally on this topic. And I will have a fuckin break; I have a life to sort out. This forum can become INSANE at some point.

I hope I fuckin made sense if I wasn't entirely is because I am extremely exhausted from outside sources, still, I tried my best. and remember I GENUINELY HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS AND WISHING YOU THE VERY BEST ALWAYS MY BROTHER.
Rook said:
sunrise said:
A lot of you accuse me of a new age and furthermore treat me like an outsider aka 'we think this vs you'.

stop this disrespectful approach,

I am part of satanism. but I tend to think that some of you take the teachings mot-a-mot

satanism is about JUSTICE.

justice is about getting your revenge when people are stabbing you with no reason /as you did not deserve it
justice is treating something good with good and something bad with bad.

Of course some people accused you of new age stuff, but really you tell people to think for themselves yet you can’t think for yourself as to why you’re being accused of being new agey?

Justice is fairness, but I guess you never heard the saying the world isn’t fair?

There is a positive and negative side to all things to keep them in balance --
to keep the Universe going. There are awful and terrible things that must happen,
destructive deathly things, and there are good and miraculous things that must
happen full of life and creative construction. It seems this would come to each
randomly and it seems thus it should continue this way for eternity. This is not
true. And this is the essence of Who I Am.
The world is to evolve out of this. There is always another way to do a thing. That
way is far away. But it is still a possible way. Destruction and terror will not
always be the other way. But until the time comes when destruction and terror
are removed the world you must work how the world works.
Until that time, that
will come in time, this is Me -- a Perfect Balance. This is necessary. Destruction
and creation.
Since the time is not yet, and you are in the time that is not yet, destruction and
creation are in your hands as they are Mine. Do not be afraid to do these things.

Until the time comes where these things have found more peaceable means you
must keep the earth in balance. Do not be afraid to destroy. Do not be afraid to
create. LISTEN to Me. Create with all of your being. Destroy with all of your
You will not be more created by creating any more than you will be
destroyed by destroying. Are you more created now? Are you here or are you
destroyed? You are here. You will be here as long as I am here and that is
forever. Listen to what I tell you. If I tell you to create -- do it. And do it with
perfection and pleasure. And if I tell you to destroy, do it. Do not hesitate. Destroy
with all of your might and pleasure; yes, I tell you to delight in what you have



The world isn't fair, by trying to play fair you put yourself at a disadvantage, the jews especially like when people play fair, because they don't and end up taking advantage of those who play fair and exploit their fairness.
I hope you see why you're being called out as new agey, some of your views are very close to the whole 'live and let live' and 'peace and love' BS.
while some of your other views i actually agree with.

This fair play of yours is even worse when it comes to relationships, finding a mate can be a competitive thing, even you said that if a guy doesn’t make his move quickly his chances are down, this is because someone else would make their move.
Like I mentioned above even animals evolve ‘selfish-genes’ to increase their chances of getting a mate like making themselves more colorful etc.

And honestly, lets put a similar scenario like nick’s, this guy wants this girl but decides not to use magic because of the ‘ethics’ you proposed, there’s also a chance that some other guy comes along and gets her via his spiritual power, what’s the result?
guy with your ‘ethics’ – no girl.
guy without your ‘ethics’ – girl.
Things come to those who seize the opportunity and for it. (Even you said this in that a guy has to move his move quickly)

Also the whole thing you said about falling in love at first sight is contradictory to your ‘mutuality’, appearances like most things can be deceiving, as people change their looks to be more attractive, this can lead to falling for someone that leads into an abusive relationship or unfair one, whereas people who could be in a mutually fair relationship may not get together due to not 'falling at 1st sight’.
does this sound like 'justice' to you?

Why do people want a soul mate?
Like I mentioned above it has to do with competition ideally people would want things to be in abundance so there’s no need for competition in this sense having a perfect girl that’s just there for him would be the ideal thing and what someone would want.
This is not the case in reality.

Why doesn’t Satan just make people come to him?
Because it’s counter intuitive to do that, there’s already a sermon on this:
"Why the JoS doesn't have 10,000,000 members?".

But I will tell you the real reason. I have witnessed myself the Gods wipe out the minds of humans overnight, in ways that are impossible to be done by any natural means. They have power over humanity, and they can unscrew any human in a matter of seconds. They can turn anyone they want to 'their side', but they just do not care to attract anyone on this planet as it's not necessary. This would only hamper the progress of their work which is to find people who by their own understanding and free will, decide to undertake the Great Work.

It's this phrase of yours
'Justice is fairness, but I guess you never heard the saying the world isn’t fair?'
something that you expect me to take it seriously? I am sorry I don't have the stomach to reply to something like this.
I am sorry, I don't.

'The world isn't fair, by trying to play fair you put yourself at a disadvantage, the jews especially like when people play fair, because they don't and end up taking advantage of those who play fair and exploit their fairness.'

I agree here, but people need a fair chance to be treated right, isn't it? The same you expect from this so-called horrible word.
Jews are not people, to begin with.

At the same time, I agree with you in a sense, but let me give you the solution as well if the person plays it dirty with you, do the same. But make sure before HE deserves it. It is only fair. I myself don't even bother in most cases.

'I hope you see why you're being called out as new agey, some of your views are very close to the whole 'live and let live' and 'peace and love' BS.
while some of your other views i actually agree with.'

Trust me, my brother, I am the kind of the enemy people would freak themselves out. The level of sadism I am capable of is unbearable.
AND YOU KNOW WHY? Because I am extremely upfront, honest and good in my dealings and I tell people clear right from the beginning what to expect if they stab me. I give my best in all cases, for which reason revenge is horrible when needed. I believe in payback 100%

No, I don't live and let live, I would get my hands extremely dirty in order to destroy the enemy aka jews in a way that most of you can see it even mad.

This fair play of yours is even worse when it comes to relationships, finding a mate can be a competitive thing, even you said that if a guy doesn’t make his move quickly his chances are down, this is because someone else would make their move.
Like I mentioned above even animals evolve ‘selfish-genes’ to increase their chances of getting a mate like making themselves more colorful etc.

If my partner which I shared something so honest with doesn't want me at some point, I find it fair to let him go. We need to both be happy and in tandem. I myself have always too many options to consider, why get stuck to someone who doesn't want me anymore? I don't get you. If your GF doesn't want you anymore, what are you doing? Bound her? insane

About guys making their moves fast is reflected by the fact that girls have plenty of admirers, they are the one choosing, the girls. And some men are so ASHAMED BY THEIR FEELINGS AND AFRAID OF GETTING HURT BY REJECTION THAT THEY WILL WAIT AND WAIT AND WAIT AND WAIT up until that girl is already with another guy.
I saw many men wasting years seducing women and it is a pity for their time and etc.

And honestly, lets put a similar scenario like nick’s, this guy wants this girl but decides not to use magic because of the ‘ethics’ you proposed, there’s also a chance that some other guy comes along and gets her via his spiritual power, what’s the result?
guy with your ‘ethics’ – no girl.
guy without your ‘ethics’ – girl.
Things come to those who seize the opportunity and for it. (Even you said this in that a guy has to move his move quickly)

Agree, but the ethics weren't the sole reason WHY I have said he should CONSIDER.
I told him to make sure that, that person has a real affinity for him, or he considers her needs as she's refusal might be from other reasons as well.
Ethics like ethics but self-respect, pride, consideration for the other, plenty of aspects are to be taken in the equation.

AS I said, act quick, check if the things are in mutual interest or not and proceed from there; if rejected, reconsider if you should insist or not based on other reasons, etc
This why I encourage him to communicate to the lady simply speak with her without assuming x or y, as most of the things can be clear out easily by getting to know each other via conversations.
I explained why the spiritual power can transform you or her in ways that should be avoided as FIRST AND FOR MOST, ideally you should find reasons behind a refusal, even without reasons THE COUPLE DOESN'T MATCH AT SOME LEVEL, isn't it? Do magic, readjust yourself or her this is stupid for me. As I want to be myself and be loved for what I am and the other way around. I wrote all of this if you want to check the other posts.

Also the whole thing you said about falling in love at first sight is contradictory to your ‘mutuality’, appearances like most things can be deceiving, as people change their looks to be more attractive, this can lead to falling for someone that leads into an abusive relationship or unfair one, whereas people who could be in a mutually fair relationship may not get together due to not 'falling at 1st sight’.
does this sound like 'justice' to you?

No. This mutuality appearances thing you say was meant to highlight the genetic similarity. I am not talking about what you say there, changing your hair colour or other superficial things, IT IS ABOUT GENETICS HERE since you didn't got this right, is no point to explain myself for the rest of your sentence.

'' They can turn anyone they want to 'their side', but they just do not care to attract anyone on this planet as it's not necessary. This would only hamper the progress of their work which is to find people who by their own understanding and free will, decide to undertake the Great Work.''

Exactly. QUALITY BABY. This should be the aim in love as well. and as you can see, THEIR OWN WILL. This is what we want in a partner, NOT A PUPPET. Someone with eyes to see us and appreciate us and the other way around.

Thank you for your care, because I notice that you care for me to have a healthy understanding and I highly appreciate that and for a pleasant conversation.
sunrise said:
Jack said:
sunrise said:


I think you take satanism as some sort of I DO WHAT I WANT WITHOUT ANY RULES. THIS IS NOT SATANISM - THIS IS ANARCHY.
I'm not sure why you keep repeating this ,have you even read what I said ? Yes, this is ethical and yes this is mutual. And yes, doing a love spell to attract someone who is not attracted to you is ethical. Why ? Simply because that is within our power and personal responsibility. Satanism is about individualism as well as collective responsibility. As I said a woman may develop feelings suddenly for someone and yes inducing that effect at will is ethical. There is mutual love because you induced it yourself. Your morals are derived from a common anathema against anything really Satanic. Love spells, sex spells, evil eyes, controlling others, influencing others, projecting your will over others is an integral part of magickal practice. That's why life becomes so much better after you practice satanism because you have personal power and responsibility. The cap to this is the Gods. The Gods give signs and tell us if we're going down the wrong road. The Gods warn us if we're doing something really immoral in an actual sense. Yes, breaking up couples is perfectly moral. There's no God who specializes in stealing. This morality is derived from Nietzschean individualism combined with National, cultural and societal collective responsibility. And we're fulfilling both of them. A girl can fall in love with two persons at the same time. Yes, a girl can fall out of love with her bf if you make them fight by inducing such programmed energy in their Aura. Yes, this is perfectly moral and could be done if you take responsibility for it. Power to the responsible is the motto of working magick. Yes ,this pseudo moralistic viewpoint you espouse is still antithetical to our morals. Because our morality is different from yours. This lingering feelings of guilt, unable to control your life and enact your will in the world is because of psychological roadblocks inside your mind either from Christianity or from childhood brainwashing. I suggest you do a munkayah working to rid yourself of this psychological roadblock.

And yes, we're going to continue doing magick on girls who do not love us to make them love us, which is perfectly moral for us. And yes those who are looking for soulmates will continue to search for them using magick or physical means.

Responsibility to the responsible, power to the responsible. Self knowledge, self evaluation and taking responsibility and control of your life is central to our view of life.

Well, on the romanian website, at Valefor you can still read that He teaches how to steal. Can ca be easily checked.
Apparently has been changed - it is simply exactly the same as on the original website but this info at the end, it's simply cut.

You know what in another 5 years the website might look totally different, don't worry about it the INFO IS NOT SET IN STONE. We don't know yet how much is altered as it is in a continuous update
Do you have any idea how many things have fundamentally changed since its beginning? Basically, what I suggest you use logic and common sense if you are capable of, not this WARRIOR WHO STEPS ON DEAD BODIES ATTITUDE. This is not a true Satanist and it is not attractive for any decent human being who would want to enrol here, as it's only yours and yours only and of those you speak for.

What I mainly use now is common sense. You can take the website mot-a-mot if you may.

It is still disturbing this speaking of yours in the name of the entire community WE V.S YOU. Please speak for yourself, drop this Captain attitude as not all the people agree with you. There are people who don't, I included, this doesn't make us less Satanists - hence this attitude of yours, I won't even consider your opinion nor replying exactly on your matters. After all, what's the point? I said all I had to say, you simply respond with the same old saying 'responsable for the responsable' like you discovered the universe. Thanks for the reply anyhow
You did not use common sense as you did not read the website.As for Captain Attitude ,there is no 'we' vs you .There is 'i' vs the whole ideology of our organization. Your viewpoint is fundamentally antithetical to our understanding and act.
We take the stance of "responsibility to the responsible." We place no limitations on knowledge or personal power and do everything we can to make all knowledge available to EVERYONE- not just a select few who are a self-appointed "elite" as with other religions. Satan encourages self-study, learning, direct experience.

Allow me to answer a bit more properly, I am a lady after all
What I want to add here because I am not a narrow-minded person, is that I don't agree with you still I don't totally disagree.
there is a grey line in everything, I simply hate people who are ABUSING their power or getting arrogant over them to the point of doing WHATEVER.
if you stay a sec to think what you're doing, is fine.
life is not in black and white, I haven't suggested this, still, I don't want to go to the other extreme at the same time.
My comments were aimed at the very stubborn people who want a specific partner with any price.
Any situation asks reflection, I have nowhere said look people 'this is the only way'. No. I have simply suggested another and other ways to look at a situation.
I can see that you didn't bother to read what I had to say either but at the same time, you expect me to do it with your comments.
I repeat I am not totally against your view, It would be hypocrite from me to say something like this, still, understand my point of view as well AS A WHOLE and in the specific question, we discussed. Let's not mix all things together make a big salad or whatever trashing the subject in all directions.

I still reject totally that attitude of yours which you might have to a bigger or smaller degree of abusing your power. If you don't and are using it responsable, then I am sorry for the accusation. I hope you are wise which I hope for all the people around here and new ones to come.

With loving 2 people at the same time, has no relevance in the topic, the same with breaking relationships means that they are not solid, if there are no kids involved, aka innocents, I don't necessarily have a problem, not necessary but still, something to think about it. As I said, your examples are ON THE GREY AREA.
My examples were aimed at one single concept, aka 'the rejected ones' solely where I presented a different point of view from which can be looked at the matter. Not claiming they are supreme, simply saying that look, being rejected is not the end of the world and shouldn't make you stubborn. Questing yourself Why this happens, maybe there are serious aspects that your blind ambition can't see, and etc.

I even went to the HIGHER OF THE HIGHER SATAN who is so PROUD that he doesn't need a love that is not entirely sincere and looked for, as a supreme example.
Dont backpaddle these statements again .You make such haphazard posts that its difficult to know which specific kind your talking to. Anyone reading would get that your talking about generally doing a love spell is immoral.

With all due respect, as you are my brother in Satan, please read all my comments at your convenience. Understand that we need for this Planet some higher principles in order to set the order and harmony among people.
This attitude of yourself is a bit slippery, where people don't know what to expect, where you are so unpredictable in a bad way to the point where people don't know what to expect from you thus won't trust you.
We need to trust others and be trusted. Not blindly as this is stupid, but you got the idea, too much PARANOIA will ultimately poison us. One of the bible curses is something like 'cursed be the man who trusts another'.

People should set themselves some higher values and views and not flip flop as the weather. I woke up today and mmm I decide to steal someone's wife because I CAN. wtf is this? You got the idea.

Satanists are the elites are the engine of the planet we need to be perceived as beings that nobody should fuck with but at the same time, set boundaries in our power manifestations.

Having great power, as you already know comes with a lot of responsibility. The way you seem to put it is mostly, 'let me do my thing as there are no consequences and I shall see later'. You seem that person that want and want and want but let me tell you what. It is clear to me that you don't have power, because you don't. And I thank Gods for it because who knows what you might be up to. People will great and serious power are not in such a state to scream it out, not abuse it as they are content in their own being, they know what they can and they don't need demonstrations for the sake of it or ego gratification thing. I lived to see a lot of people with great power.

Having someone's life in your hand and treat it honourably is a big deal and a position where life put me many times.
Give power to a person and see what will do with it.
I did this many times, guess what, 90% of people screw it. There are incapable of understanding. I want to see Satanist different.

No, I don't need to do a MUNKA to become a power-thirsty person with no limits or boundaries, as I have enough power and will never use it like a fool or be the person who would do whatever out of my own caprice. This is not nobility. I came from a line of governors and lords, my grandfathers were judging an entire village being a higher respected figure, among others. I honour my ancestors.

I want to see Satanists at a very high level of understanding, justice, compassion, strength, honorability. All of this is not christian. it's what we are or should be.


I am sorry I went a bit offtopic, just make sure you are indeed honorable. I am not weak in comparison with you because I don't scream my power or because I don't do all my caprices at the expense of others.

You said: 'doing a love spell to attract someone who is not attracted to you is ethical. Why ? Simply because that is within our power and personal responsibility. '

When you speak about personal things is about I, ME. It is meant to deal with whatever has to do with YOU AND ONLY YOU solely. But when another person cames in question is not about YOU, IS ABOUT 2 PEOPLE, YOU NEED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE OTHER PERSON AS WELL.
as an example: who is that person, what does that person want, etc etc.
A couple is not about me me me me.

don't say I quote you: ' The Gods give signs and tell us if we're going down the wrong road. The Gods warn us if we're doing something really immoral in an actual sense'

Gods will let you do your thing, man, trust me, they are not babysitting you to watch all your moves at the same time, they will let you learn it by yourself and deal with the consequences yourself. WHY ARE YOU RELYING to this extent and TO THIS POINT ON THEM, I CAN SEE HOW RESPONSABLE YOU ARE FOR YOURSELF.
Ive previously talked about not breaking a happily married couple. That's one of the purviews of our individual responsibility.Your the one being so paranoid about morals and ethics . A manifestation of power is understanding your limitations of your personal power and using it wisely .As Satanists we manifest the harmonious universal essence through the application of our personal power and realization of our ideals.
We take the stance of "responsibility to the responsible." We place no limitations on knowledge or personal power and do everything we can to make all knowledge available to EVERYONE- not just a select few who are a self-appointed "elite" as with other religions. Satan encourages self-study, learning, direct experience.

Demons do not babbysit us. But if your doing some fundamentally opposed to our universal religion or are taking steps,going to take steps towards rampant magickal abuse,or going towards a dark future, they will warn us as they guide us. They keep tabs and know about us,they care about us and they won't leave us alone .
Satan knows everything about us and where we are headed by our actions, lack of initiative or whatever the case may be. If we are doing something that will have a detrimental effect on our lives down the road, he will often let us know, blatantly.
A couple is not about 'me', using the power of oneself we transform into 'we',with mutual reciprocation from her.

1)Sex appeal is 'not' everything. I do think many girls I see everyday are sexy but I am 'not' in love with all of them.

sex appeal is not being solely 'sexy'. You as always and like many others take notions MOT A MOT.
and it is if not everything, it is still 80% the thing that would help you succeed socially. Generally speaking.
Again, do your homework.
Yet you yourself said you fell for that guy without seeing his face.(((Cognitive Dissonance intensifies )))

2) Love does not happen on first sight. First probably you get sexually attarcted. Or by some chance you get to know each other and then get sexually attracted. Love is not a linear process. Falling in first sight almost never happens (only in Hollywood movies.)

You might get attracted sexually at first sign or you can fall and be attracted sexually it is a whole, it didn't happen to me for just sexual thing, but falling is ONLY AND ONLY AT THE FIRST SIGHT.
It can hit you strongly or not that strongly, still, the sensation is there, AND you don't need plenty of dates to feel it or acknowledge it.
Still, The attraction CAN INCREASE AS THE TIME GOES into something more deeply, OR SIMPLY DIE.
Obviously, as people mature, this so-called 'falling' at first sight is happening less and less once with the UNDERSTANDING and EXPERIENCE. But at the same time is the only thing that I accept as genuine if it's more personal or general I can't decide.
I repeat, it might be an entirely personal choice the way I see it.
As i said 'falling' is love and sexual attraction may happens at first site. Why do you keep confusing obvious know expressions ?Is your first language not english ?

3) 'Falling' is love. Lust is simply 'sexual attraction' that you can have for any being walking past you on the street. Doesn't mean you love them.

Don't go into the deep sense of love; I was making clear differentiation in my other posts. You don't bother to read all my posts or reply before saying this.
I corrected your wrong interpretation of commonly known english phrases because i read all your posts.

4) Love does not generally happen at first sight,it starts with either lust or getting to know you. Sometimes even both things don't happen and sudden from a very small minute detail a girl falls in love, sometimes in seconds. Its not logical. It just happens. People who've been friends for a long time suddenly become lovers or lovers fall out of love. Happens all the time. There's literally no way to tell as it depends on the individual. There's nothing artificial here.

You are a bit self-contradictory, make some order in those ideas. Lust - falling in love - they can be interchangeable, or a mix of those two, or even more, whatever. Falling in love is not 'PROFOUND LOVE' is that sensation which you don't know the person quite good or at all, but you feel drawn to in a mixture of feelings, a bit lust, a bit of butterfly in the stomach, etc.

Falling in love is impossible to rationalize. it just hits you!

I already explained all of this, and you didn't care to read.

But I agree that people are different, as I said, I speak for myself. If you fall for somebody, who was before a friend, good for you, for most people I know this is impossible. WHY? Because, In most cases, once you perceive somebody in a particular light, you tend to keep on seeing him in the same way, This why the first impression matter so much.
As the brain once learned something, is fierce to relearnt it differently — this why we need to learn it right from the start, in a different note.
Yeah no, Lust and Love are not interchangeable but they do evolve out of one another. And its not impossible for friends changing the ways they look each other. It happens all the time.
The butterfly effect is because of the brain releasing pleasure chemicals indicating a satisfaction or push for mate choice .

5) You just contradicted yourself. You said sex appeal is must then you say you suddenly fell for a guy you haven't even seen ? Lol

Yes, because this was SPIRITUAL. I even wrote there, that I can go even 'deeper than seeing' Have you read it? Again, are you actively reading my shit, as I know my English is far from perfect, still, I make things clear.

This particular situation was because souls recognise each other.
What happened to me was a lucky situation where I fast recognise something in tune with me, without even see it. Was the energy, the intuition; maybe I knew him before, was simply something familiar there.
Because falling in love or love is spiritual, after all.
You are trying to ridicule me for something which turned out sublime in my life and who eventually made perfect sense, for me.

And yes, sex appeal is a lot in life if not everything. Go search for the expression; see what it means. Read about the subject. Have a deep understanding of it.

Unless you're ugly, you should have zero problems with it. Hopefully, you are not as I hate ugly people and avoid them like the plague,( as the outside is a reflection of the inside) and those kinds of people have only hate inside. This was a different note, as sex appeal is more than beauty or sexual things, don't take it mot a mot.

I honestly suggest you taking excellent care of your appearance, personal style, etc. because you seem to neglect it and this why girls are not falling for you at first sight. A good looking man with charisma sees girls with their heart beating, getting nuts over him everywhere. They are used to it — nothing spectacular here. Sorry that you don't have this privilege, yet.
In your earlier posts you said love was about sex appeal and other wrong interpretations of commonly known english phrases,now you write about an actual interpretation which can be considered genuine then you immediately contrast it with sex appeal being a lot in life.
Sex appeal is a lot, but it isn't everything which i note you specifically said was everything in your previous posts. You are living testament that it isn't everything .
I'm not trying to ridicule you ,im simply pointing out the relative contradictions in your thinking pattern and the way your presenting your ponts.
And i am not 'ugly,' i'm taller than 6'(taller than 95% of the population ),have high cheekbones and a face that's definitely handsome because i see many many girls staring at me while i go out. Is that called falling for me ?And i do take very good care of my appearance ,style,grooming etc.Basically all your personal attacks are invalid .I also have a people friendly aura and vibe, i smile and people just seem to like me .Didn't see that coming did you .

I'm now convinced that you have not completely read the joyofsatan. Please do, then read HPS Maxines sermons followed by HP HoodedCobra's sermons .Its impossible you missed these statements about power, responsibility and Satan while reading it,which are very important underlying formative principles of Satanism .
NOTE: This is my last comment for you, as I don't play the interesting but honestly have PLENTY OF DEADLINES COMING, I don't mean to ignore you, but you seem one by one to appear each day to prove me wrong, JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT. No other reason.
I can assure I am the type of person that knows what she speaks, always, or in most cases; you with your efforts to put me in a corner are mostly something to laugh about.

And Pantsy as well, that 'SAHARA DESERT', I told him I am not addressing him anymore since his rudeness but seems to insist; too bad I will never read whatever he has to say, his words are going into a void. Keep it up Pantsy, I WILL SCROLL DOWN, for as long I respect people, I expect the same in return, or IGNORE. I won't force you to respect me but don't force me to read your shit.

This is my last reply to you personally on this topic. And I will have a fuckin break; I have a life to sort out. This forum can become INSANE at some point.

I hope I fuckin made sense if I wasn't entirely is because I am extremely exhausted from outside sources, still, I tried my best. and remember I GENUINELY HAVE GOOD INTENTIONS AND WISHING YOU THE VERY BEST ALWAYS MY BROTHER.
Yes ,please don't .Invest your time in productive work rather than putting out haphazard unfounded ,semantically incorrect points in posts.Please do the working i have suggested to you ,grow in life,read the website carefully ,study and come with collected well-founded ideas. I too have good intentions which is a collective responsibility. I only replied to you this way as your posts can easily be misinterpreted. Again ,good luck in growing.
sunrise said:
With all due respect, as you are my brother in Satan, please read all my comments at your convenience.
What? No "all due respect" and politeness to me, also? My. So subtle.
Let me just preface this by saying that I'm not intending to argue against any of your other points in this topic here. I saw you mentioning that you are busy and frankly it's similar for me. So I will spare everyone here any long-winded spiels about my personal stances on this all. The only point that I feel should be clarified, whether that be for you or for any other members visiting this thread, is this one.
sunrise said:
I hate ugly people and avoid them like the plague,( as the outside is a reflection of the inside) and those kinds of people have only hate inside.
Your statement here is generally true, but not in every case. I agree that internal unbalance and disharmony can commonly cause an ugly outward appearance, and I too would stay away from any ugly normies I encounter. However, when it comes to the topic of a fellow SS being "ugly", I believe there should be a bit more leeway allowed. Keep in mind that many of us have been fighting for this cause for several lifetimes, and almost all of us have sustained wounds and trauma in varying degrees in these past lives. This of course can be due to stupidity, or other fallacies on our own part, which had intensified consequences due to the enemy energy-grid. But some of us may have sustained these injuries not out of stupidity, but out relentless battling for our cause. Some may have spoken out against the enemy openly when they had a chance to reach thousands, and spread the word thereby. These brave souls would have likely been tortured by the enemy afterwards before fading into death, all so they could spread the word further and foul the plans of the enemy, to give us more time to win this war. Now if one of these souls reincarnates today, and has internal struggles as a result of past life trauma, they could indeed have an ugly outward appearance until they have managed to fully heal their wounds. If one of these people came up to you offering knowledge on a topic they are experienced in, or asking for your assistance in some way, would you feel good about yourself if you just ignored them or cast them aside, because they are "ugly"? I know this is a far stretch, and only applies to a few cases, but still. I think that just plain "rejecting" everyone who is ugly, even SS, is a bit too extreme. Perhaps give some of your brothers and sisters a chance and let them share their story, instead of just ignoring them instantly based on their appearance.
And no, I'm not ugly. I have sustained my wounds and healed them at this point. However I used to be ugly, and trust me when I tell you that I didn't have only "hatred" inside of me. I was just incredibly hurt and scared because of what had happened in my past lives.
Take this however you will. I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm mainly putting this out there for any other members that may stumble accross this all, so they have both viewpoints to consider. Overall I think the whole discussion in this thread is great. Anytime people with vastly different viewpoints debate with each other, there is much to be learned for both sides. :)
Nikolas said:
Wow. You took your time lol.

I also have a perspective. I didnt read all the stuff you wrote. I just remember the first question. So, should he or not use magick to take a girl's heart ? Hmm
I think it depends on his personality.
In my opinion, if i was in his place I would take my time to think if im polygamous or monogamous.

Why? Well i also believe love is something sacred that happens at first sight. You see a lot of girls in the streets to whom you may be attracted, but when you see the ONE, you will know it. Its a special feeling that you sense the second you look at her. Its not like what you feel when you look at all the other women. You know its YOUR girl, and always when this happens she feels the same.
So you both feel the same for each other. This in my opinion is REAL love. You know and she knows you are meant for each other.

So if she doesnt like you and your love is one sided, then think at what i asked you at the beginning.
If you are monogamous search for the ONE. You know she is the ONE because she will also fall for you HARD. So it will be reciprocal.
If you are polygamous, then its fine. Use the magick. You want to fck her and as a man, I understand you. You see a hot girl, you want to bang her. Of course, why wouldnt you? Who is stopping you? We are Satanists. We do whatever we want.

HOWEWER: so Lady sunrise argued with the other guy about it. Should you or should you NOT play with people's feelings ??

Well sunrise said it is NOT okay, and the guy said its okay because why not. Well, we men have like 10 billion more sexual cells than women , so for me its totally obvious that the woman's brain works different.
Is it moral or not? Here we have different perspectives. For me it is not. I am a monogamous guy. I care about women's feelings. I love to seduce them. I love women in general, but i always stay LOYAL to MY girl.
But i also want to think from his perspective. He likes a girl and wants to fck her. The girls doesnt. What has to be done?
Think about his feelings. Moral or not, just do the magick and have fun. Be nice to her. Take her to a dinner, make her some wonderful memories. I hate men who just want to take advantage of women's body. THEY ARE NOT OBJECTS FOR YOUR PLEASURE FOR FUCKS SAKE. Make her smile, you know. Dont take her to bed the first hour. Dont force anything.
And a little advice when in bed :) Create tension. You know, do some foreplay. What i mean is kiss her everywhere SLOWLY and dont touch her private part for the first 15 min. Dont go with your tongue ARHGHGHGH . No. Go easy. Dont put your thing in immeditaly. NO. Play with the girl. Make her say she wants it. If you do fine in bed she will come ON HER OWN the second time. This is why i looove women. They must be treated really nice. Cherished.

I wouldnt do it as it is NOT moral to me.But again i think all these perspective revolve around the fact if you are monogamous ( believe in true love and all that ) or polygamous ( want to fck as much as possible because why not).
So yea. You take the decision.
My dear sister sunrise ,I will just assume you are also romanian, so : scuze daca te-a deranjat parerea mea. Am vazut ca ai o personalitate puternica. Nu te-ai lasat pana nu i-ai zis toate punctele tale de vedere .Stiu ca ai zis ca nu mai raspunzi ,dar sunt curios ce parere ai de opinia mea.Ma insel, nu ma insel. Eu cred ca cunosc bine femeile, si vazandu-te mai inteligenta sunt curios ce o sa zici. ( da, am strecurat si un compliment . Poate iti face ziua mai buna. Fara alte interese, suntem frati si surori aici si doar atat) .
Inca ceva . Esti cumva NishaWillow? Nu prea mai esti activa pe forumul nostru.
Astept sa vad ce zici.

Dear Nikolas,

I will answer in English. First, thank you for the intention of making me smile, you did, indeed, is a beautiful trait. Keep on making women smiling that's a very masculine, kind and human thing to do.
Thank you for your decent tone and approach, that's very sweet of you, you came to save me like a knight on a horse, that's so romantic and charming, so so so sweet of you. Thank you once again, it feels great, BUT I CAN DEAL WITH THEM BY MYSELF. LOL. They are my brothers nothing too worry about, even if they weren't my brothers I can deal with trouble, lol, seriously now, joking aside, we spoke in a relaxed manner, trust me, we are enjoying this hence so much engagement is just the time pressuring me and I am bad on focusing on many things at the same time.

Well, about your vision, I can't comment on the sexual part, on how you prefer to make love or things as this is really private and improper to even discuss. At least this is how I personally see it. It is really up to each how they create their settling in their private bed, how fast sex after a date, etc. Still, bits, we can talk.

The only thing I would strongly correct you is the part where you imply polygamous men are solely for sex without any sort of feelings.
You would laugh but those kind of men are the most sensitive and 'loving women type of'.

I have said in other topics that I don't believe that women are being used sexually for as long they commit. Some are making a big fuss about it. Carnal pleasures are mutual, let's not be hypocrite, we don't make you a favour. Woman complaining about this are exaggerating And they do this because they believe the sun rises from their private parts, also they don't have anything else to offer.

Sexual desire is complex, for both women and men when we want somebody is not because is solely a 'beautiful piece of meat'. It is MORE in that being that we want, for both men and women. it is emerging with that being. indeed men can see a woman generally speaking in a more practical way, as a man can't live without any sort of sex for long in a healthy manner. indeed they might be more sexual. I repeat, men can't live without any sort of sex, it is essential for them. Most need diversity. Most need to prove their masculinity, I got all of this.

But I am pretty sure, that even for a 'fuck boy' in its nature, by meeting a woman that's right for him/has more to offer than sex, will make him stay. Don't take this as a sort of thing that I WOULD PERSONALLY WANT TO CHANGE SOMEBODY'S NATURE OR WHATEVER. I PERSONALLY TAKE PEOPLE FOR WHAT THEY ARE. Sex is not enough to keep anyone by itself in a relationship at the same time it is an essential part /that IF is meet in a satisfactory, manner, will keep the partners bound.

Polygamous or monogamous people have feelings. For instance, we have in our culture this mindset, men are none and both at the same time. The wife is home as a wife, never to be left, but other women might come and go. It is already a cultural thing.
Men who are polygamous, but in their hypocrisy, would get extremely hurt if betrayed by their wife, they would not even forgive her.
Do I find this right? No, as it is not honest, still, it is happening already in an accepted manner by both sexes.

I respect men nature and choice, but I cannot accept it for myself (cheating) as I have a nose that will see it coming and will get hurt immensely. I am monogamous and this has to go both ways. My ex-partners know it better they end up in mental hospitals and even worse etc after cheating on me as they knew prior to this, as I warn them, but they DIDN'T LISTEN AND underestimated me. Life, you know. Responsibility for the responsible, as a brother would say.

There are plenty of articles to read about studies about love or love at first sight, out of curiosity I already asked in a fast manner a lot of people I know, and nobody said NO.
Of course, it's mutual, is an energetic exchange. Most of the time, at least.
Our brothers are either too little in age, I don't know. My point is I am not an expert in this matters, I was simply giving them a female perspective or another human being perspective with POSSIBILITIES and they want to see it in a specific, stubborn way. I can ultimately respect that as stupid as it is.

I am not sure If I missed any points of your comment if so, feel free to speak with me later on and anytime, I will answer when I can with great pleasure.

Also, It would be extremely easy to understand if you take your time, at your convenience, to read all my comments and replies, I think you will understand what opinion I have if you are interested as you said. Keep in mind, my take is not supreme, AND I am flexible to change my opinion if STRONG ARGUMENTS are coming.
At the moment all I hear is just that baby crying: 'we do what we want, we do what we want, WE DO WHAT WE WANT!!!!'


I remember, my dad did something extremely smart with me when I was about 13. Since I was an extremely rebellious kid he took me one day and had a conversation with me saying that I am allowed to do EVERYTHING I WANT. Come and go as I please. BUT IF, something BAD HAPPENS My dear daughter, DON'T COME TO ME, I WILL NEVER FIX YOUR SHIT. And he kept his word. Luckily, I was extremely careful, more than usual anyhow, to avoid disasters as I KNEW NOBODY HAS MY BACK.

SO, I WILL TELL THE SAME TO YOU WHO RELY SO MUCH ON THE GODS, (because one brother said so, that he is waiting for the Gods to warn him on every little shit) do what the fuck you want, is not like we should strongly bend each other till we agree, guys. But if the shit hits the fun in your existences, don't come crying to daddy Satan.

But basically things escalated in a sense in our conversations and went in all directions far apart from the initial topic, still, I do not regret participating

Parerea ta nu m-a deranjat in niciun fel. Esti un barbat elegant, ti-ai exprimat cinstit punctul de vedere. Cadem de acord ici-colo. Inteleg maniera ta de a fi impaciuitor. Apreciez echilibrul cu care ai incercat sa impaci pe toti si pe toate. Eu insa le-am spus STRICT ce gandesc. Am avut si am consideratie cu privire la 'punctele lor de vedere', dar raman fidela in acelasi timp punctului meu de vedere, atata timp cat nimeni nu vine cu argumente solide sa mi le darame. Sunt deshisa.
Cand oamenii argumenteaza, oamenii vor din pacate SA-SI IMPUNA ceea ce gandesc, shimbarea de perspectiva nu e usoara. Eu nu mi-am impus punctul de vedere, am ramas deschisa dar nu m-au convins argumentele lor, ce sa fac? Nu pot sa le dau dreptate doar de dragul pacii. Ii iubesc, sunt fratii mei, altfel nu investeam timp la dezbateri.

Iti multumesc mult inca o data, categoric mi-ai schimbat starea de spirit, nu ca ar fi fost neaparat rea, ci pentru ca ai fost minunat in intentia si in interventia ta. Apreciez mult, sa stii!

INTR-ADEVAR PREA ACTIVA NU SUNT; nu sunt printre cei vizibili

my current mood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HezznYnR2Qk
Someone, please tell PantsyClumsy aka the Sahara Desert, we will talk in 20 years. thank you :p :cool:

He wants to drain all the water out of me, I can't allow this to happen. :) :shock: thanks again
sunrise said:
Someone, please tell PantsyClumsy aka the Sahara Desert, we will talk in 20 years. thank you :p :cool:

He wants to drain all the water out of me, I can't allow this to happen. :) :shock: thanks again
I've tried explaining to you that I did not attack you, and you continue to troll, ignore and attack me - and you have no idea why. Enjoy your false-logical, AKA emotional, responses in your ignorant and immature attitude. You have problems but you are comfortable with them and don't want to remove them. Enjoy.
Nikolas said:
Wow. You took your time lol.

I also have a perspective. I didnt read all the stuff you wrote. I just remember the first question. So, should he or not use magick to take a girl's heart ? Hmm
I think it depends on his personality.
In my opinion, if i was in his place I would take my time to think if im polygamous or monogamous.

Why? Well i also believe love is something sacred that happens at first sight. You see a lot of girls in the streets to whom you may be attracted, but when you see the ONE, you will know it. Its a special feeling that you sense the second you look at her. Its not like what you feel when you look at all the other women. You know its YOUR girl, and always when this happens she feels the same.
So you both feel the same for each other. This in my opinion is REAL love. You know and she knows you are meant for each other.

So if she doesnt like you and your love is one sided, then think at what i asked you at the beginning.
If you are monogamous search for the ONE. You know she is the ONE because she will also fall for you HARD. So it will be reciprocal.
If you are polygamous, then its fine. Use the magick. You want to fck her and as a man, I understand you. You see a hot girl, you want to bang her. Of course, why wouldnt you? Who is stopping you? We are Satanists. We do whatever we want.

HOWEWER: so Lady sunrise argued with the other guy about it. Should you or should you NOT play with people's feelings ??

Well sunrise said it is NOT okay, and the guy said its okay because why not. Well, we men have like 10 billion more sexual cells than women , so for me its totally obvious that the woman's brain works different.
Is it moral or not? Here we have different perspectives. For me it is not. I am a monogamous guy. I care about women's feelings. I love to seduce them. I love women in general, but i always stay LOYAL to MY girl.
But i also want to think from his perspective. He likes a girl and wants to fck her. The girls doesnt. What has to be done?
Think about his feelings. Moral or not, just do the magick and have fun. Be nice to her. Take her to a dinner, make her some wonderful memories. I hate men who just want to take advantage of women's body. THEY ARE NOT OBJECTS FOR YOUR PLEASURE FOR FUCKS SAKE. Make her smile, you know. Dont take her to bed the first hour. Dont force anything.
And a little advice when in bed :) Create tension. You know, do some foreplay. What i mean is kiss her everywhere SLOWLY and dont touch her private part for the first 15 min. Dont go with your tongue ARHGHGHGH . No. Go easy. Dont put your thing in immeditaly. NO. Play with the girl. Make her say she wants it. If you do fine in bed she will come ON HER OWN the second time. This is why i looove women. They must be treated really nice. Cherished.

I wouldnt do it as it is NOT moral to me.But again i think all these perspective revolve around the fact if you are monogamous ( believe in true love and all that ) or polygamous ( want to fck as much as possible because why not).
So yea. You take the decision.
My dear sister sunrise ,I will just assume you are also romanian, so : scuze daca te-a deranjat parerea mea. Am vazut ca ai o personalitate puternica. Nu te-ai lasat pana nu i-ai zis toate punctele tale de vedere .Stiu ca ai zis ca nu mai raspunzi ,dar sunt curios ce parere ai de opinia mea.Ma insel, nu ma insel. Eu cred ca cunosc bine femeile, si vazandu-te mai inteligenta sunt curios ce o sa zici. ( da, am strecurat si un compliment . Poate iti face ziua mai buna. Fara alte interese, suntem frati si surori aici si doar atat) .
Inca ceva . Esti cumva NishaWillow? Nu prea mai esti activa pe forumul nostru.
Astept sa vad ce zici.
The argument was not about trying to fuck anyone without feelings. The argument was simply about the OP trying to use magick and getting "the" girl,or the girl he's in love with. Then arguments about ethics and morals,things about being stubborn (OP hasn't even confessed or being rejected ), and other convoluted things were made in haphazard posts.
sunrise said:
It's this phrase of yours
'Justice is fairness, but I guess you never heard the saying the world isn’t fair?'
something that you expect me to take it seriously?

Yes, based on the way you spoke before it seems like this wasn't quite clear to you.

“I agree here, but people need a fair chance to be treated right, isn't it? The same you expect from this so-called horrible word.
Jews are not people, to begin with.”

Of course jews are not people, they’re some sort of parasitic reptilian excretion, thing is before they were exposed as this to us, people used to treat them as ‘equals’, in fact people gave them special treatment due to that holobunga lie.
Do people need a fair chance to be treated right?
Of course but the affairs of other people, their struggles, future, ambitions, etc. is not my concern nor do I see a reason to be concerned with it, I always put myself 1st and my needs come before others, the only exception to this are the people I actually care for like my friends and family etc and obviously I care for my Satanic family here.
Nor do I expect random people I meet to put me before their needs.

“At the same time, I agree with you in a sense, but let me give you the solution as well if the person plays it dirty with you, do the same. But make sure before HE deserves it. It is only fair. I myself don't even bother in most cases.”
A prevention is better than a cure, I’m not gullible like other people I can always tell when someone is trying to bullshit me, and I don’t tolerate bullshit from anyone, and the thing when it comes to deception is that you only find out about it usually when it’s already done.
But I suppose this is why we all have this thing called intuition.

Trust me, my brother, I am the kind of the enemy people would freak themselves out. The level of sadism I am capable of is unbearable.
AND YOU KNOW WHY? Because I am extremely upfront, honest and good in my dealings and I tell people clear right from the beginning what to expect if they stab me. I give my best in all cases, for which reason revenge is horrible when needed. I believe in payback 100%

No, I don't live and let live, I would get my hands extremely dirty in order to destroy the enemy aka jews in a way that most of you can see it even mad.”

So you’re sadistic and upfront, I suppose this makes us both then, with that said I don’t act like a dick or anything to anyone, in fact I’m rather nice to people I’m kool with, but those who take my niceness as some sort of weakness regret it.
I actually despise new age people, and some of the views you portrayed seemed to be sympathetic of the ways they see things, I’m glad you cleared that up.

If my partner which I shared something so honest with doesn't want me at some point, I find it fair to let him go. We need to both be happy and in tandem. I myself have always too many options to consider, why get stuck to someone who doesn't want me anymore? I don't get you. If your GF doesn't want you anymore, what are you doing? Bound her? Insane”
This is your approach and in fact it’s also my approach too, it’s quite easy for me to detach form people, but for others they’re some who dislike letting go, but if they have the power to bind someone to them then I could care less about the moral implications or whatever of it so long as it doesn’t affect me.

“No. This mutuality appearances thing you say was meant to highlight the genetic similarity. I am not talking about what you say there, changing your hair colour or other superficial things, IT IS ABOUT GENETICS HERE since you didn't got this right,”
My point is that some genetics evolve to give creatures and edge to increase their chances of survival and finding a mate in a selfish way, perhaps it was a brash comparison, appearances themselves was just another example, thing is people are more concerned about giving themselves an edge in things and put the needs and consideration of others as a lower priority or not at all.

“Agree, but the ethics weren't the sole reason WHY I have said he should CONSIDER.
I told him to make sure that, that person has a real affinity for him, or he considers her needs as she's refusal might be from other reasons as well.
Ethics like ethics but self-respect, pride, consideration for the other, plenty of aspects are to be taken in the equation.

AS I said, act quick, check if the things are in mutual interest or not and proceed from there; if rejected, reconsider if you should insist or not based on other reasons, etc
This why I encourage him to communicate to the lady simply speak with her without assuming x or y, as most of the things can be clear out easily by getting to know each other via conversations.
I explained why the spiritual power can transform you or her in ways that should be avoided as FIRST AND FOR MOST, ideally you should find reasons behind a refusal, even without reasons THE COUPLE DOESN'T MATCH AT SOME LEVEL, isn't it? Do magic, readjust yourself or her this is stupid for me. As I want to be myself and be loved for what I am and the other way around. I wrote all of this if you want to check the other posts.”

Ethics alone wasn’t the only reason as writing all the others seemed redundant, as in my example the 2nd guy worked his ‘magic’ without giving a shit, while the first guy may have contemplated these things.
I believe if you have the power to attain something if you think it’s going to make you happy you should go for it, as later down you might regret not taking your chances when you had them.
Perhaps the 2nd guy in my example found out that although he was infatuated with her and really wanted her they don’t really work together and the time and energy spent wasn’t really worth it.
Perhaps it was worth it and the both of them have a great time together.

People’s goals and ambitions in life change and they’re a lot of things that can change these things besides going into a relationship, people can always adapt to the other and get along great, I don’t believe in the ‘perfect lover’ kind of deal where you just meet a partner that is perfect and the both just synergize perfectly.
I believe that people can adapt to one another and learn to make small exceptions to things to get along and co-operate well.

“Exactly. QUALITY BABY. This should be the aim in love as well. and as you can see, THEIR OWN WILL. This is what we want in a partner, NOT A PUPPET. Someone with eyes to see us and appreciate us and the other way around.”
I too see things this way in that I don’t want to force people to like me, but that is mostly because I dislike spending a lot of time and energy on someone else to just get something like that in return, I like investments that give me a profit I’m just like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

But when things come down to Nick’s scenario, I support his decisions, why?
At the end of the day giving up something you think would make you happy over some ethics and morals, what do you have left? Just the ethics and moral but then you’re left lonely?
Whereas I believe that pursuing the things that make you happy and not really getting caught up in the moral implications of things, if it makes you happy it’s worth it, rather than going along in life regretting not taking the chances you had.
If Nick thinks that having this woman will make him happy I support his decision because I want my Satanic family to be happy, which is why i told him to do a regular binding ritual as I think that’s more efficient than what he’s doing.

Either way he will learn from his experiences and in the future if someone else is having a similar situation he’ll be able to add his experiences to the mix.

They’re a lot of perks and benefits to being SS these are some of them, being able to bind people to get what you want, and all sorts of things of course no one else would be able to do this to us, as we have Satan, our GD and a strong AOP, like I said perks and benefits, most people overlook this and think that SS is just about struggling to fight the enemy.

And you may as well take advantage of it now, as we obviously follow Satan’s laws and the laws of our country (as we’re law abiding) and there's no country that have laws against binding or using black magic, but in the future when people fully acknowledge the spiritual side to things laws may be made around it, so hey, go wild when you can and use the way the world works to your advantage, this is my advice.
Hitleriano1440 said:
Love spell: Mental rape
Love Spell=True Love.
Everyone should do a love spell with their significant other to better their relationships.
FancyMancy said:
sunrise said:
Someone, please tell PantsyClumsy
Damn, guess you gotta buy a new belt Nancy Boy, now your pants are falling down! :lol:

I really shouldn't have wrote this, about to get 50 replies where every one is a 5 page essay screaming the same phrases and talking points over and over, as if they weren't noticed the first time. Maybe if it wasn't noticed the first time, it's because no one wants to read your 35 pages of rantings anyway. It's like nobody is allowed to ever have any different opinion, no matter how small of a difference it may be. (Mancy, it's like the flying brains in futurama when they wanted to erase the world so there couldn't be any more different ideas and opinions!) But as long as you scream the LOUDEST while pretenting to be THE MOST moral and reasonable above everyone else, that makes you the BIG WINNER, and everyone else has to go stick their head under the sand like a Ostrich bird. Classic modern ((((Liberal)))) mind set and reasoning. This isn't describing anyone specific here, it's actually about a few people.

Wow, a slightly different opinion than mine :eek: ,(turn your volume way up for this before you click it because it's quiet and only 3 seconds) https://youtu.be/ScRCuFpTNXg !
Shael said:
Let me just preface this by saying that I'm not intending to argue against any of your other points in this topic here. I saw you mentioning that you are busy and frankly it's similar for me. So I will spare everyone here any long-winded spiels about my personal stances on this all. The only point that I feel should be clarified, whether that be for you or for any other members visiting this thread, is this one.
sunrise said:
I hate ugly people and avoid them like the plague,( as the outside is a reflection of the inside) and those kinds of people have only hate inside.
Your statement here is generally true, but not in every case. I agree that internal unbalance and disharmony can commonly cause an ugly outward appearance, and I too would stay away from any ugly normies I encounter. However, when it comes to the topic of a fellow SS being "ugly", I believe there should be a bit more leeway allowed. Keep in mind that many of us have been fighting for this cause for several lifetimes, and almost all of us have sustained wounds and trauma in varying degrees in these past lives. This of course can be due to stupidity, or other fallacies on our own part, which had intensified consequences due to the enemy energy-grid. But some of us may have sustained these injuries not out of stupidity, but out relentless battling for our cause. Some may have spoken out against the enemy openly when they had a chance to reach thousands, and spread the word thereby. These brave souls would have likely been tortured by the enemy afterwards before fading into death, all so they could spread the word further and foul the plans of the enemy, to give us more time to win this war. Now if one of these souls reincarnates today, and has internal struggles as a result of past life trauma, they could indeed have an ugly outward appearance until they have managed to fully heal their wounds. If one of these people came up to you offering knowledge on a topic they are experienced in, or asking for your assistance in some way, would you feel good about yourself if you just ignored them or cast them aside, because they are "ugly"? I know this is a far stretch, and only applies to a few cases, but still. I think that just plain "rejecting" everyone who is ugly, even SS, is a bit too extreme. Perhaps give some of your brothers and sisters a chance and let them share their story, instead of just ignoring them instantly based on their appearance.
And no, I'm not ugly. I have sustained my wounds and healed them at this point. However I used to be ugly, and trust me when I tell you that I didn't have only "hatred" inside of me. I was just incredibly hurt and scared because of what had happened in my past lives.
Take this however you will. I'm not asking you to agree with me. I'm mainly putting this out there for any other members that may stumble accross this all, so they have both viewpoints to consider. Overall I think the whole discussion in this thread is great. Anytime people with vastly different viewpoints debate with each other, there is much to be learned for both sides. :)

Shael, Thank you, my brother, for your answer and mostly for your time. I appreciate that.


When we speak about something, we put it on a general note, OF COURSE, THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO EVERYTHING.

Except for the jews, there are always exceptions to the rule.

A thing to keep in mind is that having a handicap doesn't make you ugly. I have an uncle SS who is gorgeous but he has a scar on his eye. This damage his inside a lot along all his developing years.

I am extremely considerate on any matter. I don't look superficially at anything, anyhow since you made your point I want to make a few more points in relation to that:

People, be careful with people without who are less than you on any level. I have lived since 9 among various types of people, being exposed to a huge amount of people from aristocracy to the worse mafia. I have been reading a vast amount of books, years I had one book a day. I have experience when I say BE CAREFUL THAT PEOPLE WILL WANT TO STEAL YOUR LIGHT, PEOPLE WILL WANT TO SUCK YOU UP, USE YOU, in ways that are so sophisticated to even notice.

One example, I had a friend who was a sort of midget, SORT OF, about for 2 years, she was sabotaging everything around me, (since she was short and sweet) I could not even imagine in my mighty. I was blind. I was young, myself and still learning about life. Everything was collapsing around me and didn't know why. When I finally figure it out, I confronted her and she looked at me with big innocent eyes and said: 'ME, WHAT CAN A TINY CREATURE as I DO TO YOU? ' Moment when I got in a shock. Everything made sense, her strategy all along, everything. She was using her stature to manipulate people around in such a way... all strong people were in big pity for her and helping out but the gratitude was never there. She had only hate as life was unfair to her. I have more examples, I will stop to this.

I wrote this just for my brothers here, be careful with weaklings, nobody wants you to have more money, more women, more success, be smarter, etc THEY WILL HATE YOU PROFOUNDLY IF YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEM.
SEEK FOR EQUALS IN ANY DEAL. Even when you find sort of equals, people from the outside want competition, they are that stupid, they don't want to work in a team to create something even greater. BE CAREFUL what friend you are making. That's all I had to say. People around you are ultimately making your life. Better alone if this is the case.
Jack said:
Nikolas said:
Wow. You took your time lol.

I also have a perspective. I didnt read all the stuff you wrote. I just remember the first question. So, should he or not use magick to take a girl's heart ? Hmm
I think it depends on his personality.
In my opinion, if i was in his place I would take my time to think if im polygamous or monogamous.

Why? Well i also believe love is something sacred that happens at first sight. You see a lot of girls in the streets to whom you may be attracted, but when you see the ONE, you will know it. Its a special feeling that you sense the second you look at her. Its not like what you feel when you look at all the other women. You know its YOUR girl, and always when this happens she feels the same.
So you both feel the same for each other. This in my opinion is REAL love. You know and she knows you are meant for each other.

So if she doesnt like you and your love is one sided, then think at what i asked you at the beginning.
If you are monogamous search for the ONE. You know she is the ONE because she will also fall for you HARD. So it will be reciprocal.
If you are polygamous, then its fine. Use the magick. You want to fck her and as a man, I understand you. You see a hot girl, you want to bang her. Of course, why wouldnt you? Who is stopping you? We are Satanists. We do whatever we want.

HOWEWER: so Lady sunrise argued with the other guy about it. Should you or should you NOT play with people's feelings ??

Well sunrise said it is NOT okay, and the guy said its okay because why not. Well, we men have like 10 billion more sexual cells than women , so for me its totally obvious that the woman's brain works different.
Is it moral or not? Here we have different perspectives. For me it is not. I am a monogamous guy. I care about women's feelings. I love to seduce them. I love women in general, but i always stay LOYAL to MY girl.
But i also want to think from his perspective. He likes a girl and wants to fck her. The girls doesnt. What has to be done?
Think about his feelings. Moral or not, just do the magick and have fun. Be nice to her. Take her to a dinner, make her some wonderful memories. I hate men who just want to take advantage of women's body. THEY ARE NOT OBJECTS FOR YOUR PLEASURE FOR FUCKS SAKE. Make her smile, you know. Dont take her to bed the first hour. Dont force anything.
And a little advice when in bed :) Create tension. You know, do some foreplay. What i mean is kiss her everywhere SLOWLY and dont touch her private part for the first 15 min. Dont go with your tongue ARHGHGHGH . No. Go easy. Dont put your thing in immeditaly. NO. Play with the girl. Make her say she wants it. If you do fine in bed she will come ON HER OWN the second time. This is why i looove women. They must be treated really nice. Cherished.

I wouldnt do it as it is NOT moral to me.But again i think all these perspective revolve around the fact if you are monogamous ( believe in true love and all that ) or polygamous ( want to fck as much as possible because why not).
So yea. You take the decision.
My dear sister sunrise ,I will just assume you are also romanian, so : scuze daca te-a deranjat parerea mea. Am vazut ca ai o personalitate puternica. Nu te-ai lasat pana nu i-ai zis toate punctele tale de vedere .Stiu ca ai zis ca nu mai raspunzi ,dar sunt curios ce parere ai de opinia mea.Ma insel, nu ma insel. Eu cred ca cunosc bine femeile, si vazandu-te mai inteligenta sunt curios ce o sa zici. ( da, am strecurat si un compliment . Poate iti face ziua mai buna. Fara alte interese, suntem frati si surori aici si doar atat) .
Inca ceva . Esti cumva NishaWillow? Nu prea mai esti activa pe forumul nostru.
Astept sa vad ce zici.
The argument was not about trying to fuck anyone without feelings. The argument was simply about the OP trying to use magick and getting "the" girl,or the girl he's in love with. Then arguments about ethics and morals,things about being stubborn (OP hasn't even confessed or being rejected ), and other convoluted things were made in haphazard posts.


You gave me a lot of advice, to the Munka, etc

Maybe you see something that I don't, so rest assured, I will take you seriously.
If you care to understand my stance is up to you, but I will for sure care for your observations for JUST IN CASE.

thank you for the time invested on those conversations as I ultimately know you are trying to help rather than be right, I am not an idiot. This message is aimed at your older replies to put a reply on all and everything.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
sunrise said:
Someone, please tell PantsyClumsy
Damn, guess you gotta buy a new belt Nancy Boy, now your pants are falling down! :lol:

I really shouldn't have wrote this, about to get 50 replies where every one is a 5 page essay screaming the same phrases and talking points over and over, as if they weren't noticed the first time. Maybe if it wasn't noticed the first time, it's because no one wants to read your 35 pages of rantings anyway. It's like nobody is allowed to ever have any different opinion, no matter how small of a difference it may be. (Mancy, it's like the flying brains in futurama when they wanted to erase the world so there couldn't be any more different ideas and opinions!) But as long as you scream the LOUDEST while pretenting to be THE MOST moral and reasonable above everyone else, that makes you the BIG WINNER, and everyone else has to go stick their head under the sand like a Ostrich bird. Classic modern ((((Liberal)))) mind set and reasoning. This isn't describing anyone specific here, it's actually about a few people.

Wow, a slightly different opinion than mine :eek: ,(turn your volume way up for this before you click it because it's quiet and only 3 seconds) https://youtu.be/ScRCuFpTNXg !


PANSY IS NOT A DESERT, I change my mind is ....mmm, a WATER DIGGER. This is how I will call him from now on.
Rook said:
sunrise said:
It's this phrase of yours
'Justice is fairness, but I guess you never heard the saying the world isn’t fair?'
something that you expect me to take it seriously?

Yes, based on the way you spoke before it seems like this wasn't quite clear to you.

“I agree here, but people need a fair chance to be treated right, isn't it? The same you expect from this so-called horrible word.
Jews are not people, to begin with.”

Of course jews are not people, they’re some sort of parasitic reptilian excretion, thing is before they were exposed as this to us, people used to treat them as ‘equals’, in fact people gave them special treatment due to that holobunga lie.
Do people need a fair chance to be treated right?
Of course but the affairs of other people, their struggles, future, ambitions, etc. is not my concern nor do I see a reason to be concerned with it, I always put myself 1st and my needs come before others, the only exception to this are the people I actually care for like my friends and family etc and obviously I care for my Satanic family here.
Nor do I expect random people I meet to put me before their needs.

“At the same time, I agree with you in a sense, but let me give you the solution as well if the person plays it dirty with you, do the same. But make sure before HE deserves it. It is only fair. I myself don't even bother in most cases.”
A prevention is better than a cure, I’m not gullible like other people I can always tell when someone is trying to bullshit me, and I don’t tolerate bullshit from anyone, and the thing when it comes to deception is that you only find out about it usually when it’s already done.
But I suppose this is why we all have this thing called intuition.

Trust me, my brother, I am the kind of the enemy people would freak themselves out. The level of sadism I am capable of is unbearable.
AND YOU KNOW WHY? Because I am extremely upfront, honest and good in my dealings and I tell people clear right from the beginning what to expect if they stab me. I give my best in all cases, for which reason revenge is horrible when needed. I believe in payback 100%

No, I don't live and let live, I would get my hands extremely dirty in order to destroy the enemy aka jews in a way that most of you can see it even mad.”

So you’re sadistic and upfront, I suppose this makes us both then, with that said I don’t act like a dick or anything to anyone, in fact I’m rather nice to people I’m kool with, but those who take my niceness as some sort of weakness regret it.
I actually despise new age people, and some of the views you portrayed seemed to be sympathetic of the ways they see things, I’m glad you cleared that up.

If my partner which I shared something so honest with doesn't want me at some point, I find it fair to let him go. We need to both be happy and in tandem. I myself have always too many options to consider, why get stuck to someone who doesn't want me anymore? I don't get you. If your GF doesn't want you anymore, what are you doing? Bound her? Insane”
This is your approach and in fact it’s also my approach too, it’s quite easy for me to detach form people, but for others they’re some who dislike letting go, but if they have the power to bind someone to them then I could care less about the moral implications or whatever of it so long as it doesn’t affect me.

“No. This mutuality appearances thing you say was meant to highlight the genetic similarity. I am not talking about what you say there, changing your hair colour or other superficial things, IT IS ABOUT GENETICS HERE since you didn't got this right,”
My point is that some genetics evolve to give creatures and edge to increase their chances of survival and finding a mate in a selfish way, perhaps it was a brash comparison, appearances themselves was just another example, thing is people are more concerned about giving themselves an edge in things and put the needs and consideration of others as a lower priority or not at all.

“Agree, but the ethics weren't the sole reason WHY I have said he should CONSIDER.
I told him to make sure that, that person has a real affinity for him, or he considers her needs as she's refusal might be from other reasons as well.
Ethics like ethics but self-respect, pride, consideration for the other, plenty of aspects are to be taken in the equation.

AS I said, act quick, check if the things are in mutual interest or not and proceed from there; if rejected, reconsider if you should insist or not based on other reasons, etc
This why I encourage him to communicate to the lady simply speak with her without assuming x or y, as most of the things can be clear out easily by getting to know each other via conversations.
I explained why the spiritual power can transform you or her in ways that should be avoided as FIRST AND FOR MOST, ideally you should find reasons behind a refusal, even without reasons THE COUPLE DOESN'T MATCH AT SOME LEVEL, isn't it? Do magic, readjust yourself or her this is stupid for me. As I want to be myself and be loved for what I am and the other way around. I wrote all of this if you want to check the other posts.”

Ethics alone wasn’t the only reason as writing all the others seemed redundant, as in my example the 2nd guy worked his ‘magic’ without giving a shit, while the first guy may have contemplated these things.
I believe if you have the power to attain something if you think it’s going to make you happy you should go for it, as later down you might regret not taking your chances when you had them.
Perhaps the 2nd guy in my example found out that although he was infatuated with her and really wanted her they don’t really work together and the time and energy spent wasn’t really worth it.
Perhaps it was worth it and the both of them have a great time together.

People’s goals and ambitions in life change and they’re a lot of things that can change these things besides going into a relationship, people can always adapt to the other and get along great, I don’t believe in the ‘perfect lover’ kind of deal where you just meet a partner that is perfect and the both just synergize perfectly.
I believe that people can adapt to one another and learn to make small exceptions to things to get along and co-operate well.

“Exactly. QUALITY BABY. This should be the aim in love as well. and as you can see, THEIR OWN WILL. This is what we want in a partner, NOT A PUPPET. Someone with eyes to see us and appreciate us and the other way around.”
I too see things this way in that I don’t want to force people to like me, but that is mostly because I dislike spending a lot of time and energy on someone else to just get something like that in return, I like investments that give me a profit I’m just like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

But when things come down to Nick’s scenario, I support his decisions, why?
At the end of the day giving up something you think would make you happy over some ethics and morals, what do you have left? Just the ethics and moral but then you’re left lonely?
Whereas I believe that pursuing the things that make you happy and not really getting caught up in the moral implications of things, if it makes you happy it’s worth it, rather than going along in life regretting not taking the chances you had.
If Nick thinks that having this woman will make him happy I support his decision because I want my Satanic family to be happy, which is why i told him to do a regular binding ritual as I think that’s more efficient than what he’s doing.

Either way he will learn from his experiences and in the future if someone else is having a similar situation he’ll be able to add his experiences to the mix.

They’re a lot of perks and benefits to being SS these are some of them, being able to bind people to get what you want, and all sorts of things of course no one else would be able to do this to us, as we have Satan, our GD and a strong AOP, like I said perks and benefits, most people overlook this and think that SS is just about struggling to fight the enemy.

And you may as well take advantage of it now, as we obviously follow Satan’s laws and the laws of our country (as we’re law abiding) and there's no country that have laws against binding or using black magic, but in the future when people fully acknowledge the spiritual side to things laws may be made around it, so hey, go wild when you can and use the way the world works to your advantage, this is my advice.

WOW ROCK, I must say I like you a lot, your mental energy is strong. Keep it up, you are stimulating me to a great extent. I had a project+a presentation which I did in about 5-7 hours in 48 of no sleep, thanks to debating mostly with you and the other restless brother and let me tell you what man, I DID JUST BRILLIANT.
I will reply extensively in shortly, I just wanted to thank you hahahah; I simply humiliate my competitors' thanks to you guys. I needed to thank you first thing first
stop it guys, there is nothing to prove here.
Rook said:
sunrise said:
It's this phrase of yours
'Justice is fairness, but I guess you never heard the saying the world isn’t fair?'
something that you expect me to take it seriously?

Yes, based on the way you spoke before it seems like this wasn't quite clear to you.

“I agree here, but people need a fair chance to be treated right, isn't it? The same you expect from this so-called horrible word.
Jews are not people, to begin with.”

Of course jews are not people, they’re some sort of parasitic reptilian excretion, thing is before they were exposed as this to us, people used to treat them as ‘equals’, in fact people gave them special treatment due to that holobunga lie.
Do people need a fair chance to be treated right?
Of course but the affairs of other people, their struggles, future, ambitions, etc. is not my concern nor do I see a reason to be concerned with it, I always put myself 1st and my needs come before others, the only exception to this are the people I actually care for like my friends and family etc and obviously I care for my Satanic family here.
Nor do I expect random people I meet to put me before their needs.

“At the same time, I agree with you in a sense, but let me give you the solution as well if the person plays it dirty with you, do the same. But make sure before HE deserves it. It is only fair. I myself don't even bother in most cases.”
A prevention is better than a cure, I’m not gullible like other people I can always tell when someone is trying to bullshit me, and I don’t tolerate bullshit from anyone, and the thing when it comes to deception is that you only find out about it usually when it’s already done.
But I suppose this is why we all have this thing called intuition.

Trust me, my brother, I am the kind of the enemy people would freak themselves out. The level of sadism I am capable of is unbearable.
AND YOU KNOW WHY? Because I am extremely upfront, honest and good in my dealings and I tell people clear right from the beginning what to expect if they stab me. I give my best in all cases, for which reason revenge is horrible when needed. I believe in payback 100%

No, I don't live and let live, I would get my hands extremely dirty in order to destroy the enemy aka jews in a way that most of you can see it even mad.”

So you’re sadistic and upfront, I suppose this makes us both then, with that said I don’t act like a dick or anything to anyone, in fact I’m rather nice to people I’m kool with, but those who take my niceness as some sort of weakness regret it.
I actually despise new age people, and some of the views you portrayed seemed to be sympathetic of the ways they see things, I’m glad you cleared that up.

If my partner which I shared something so honest with doesn't want me at some point, I find it fair to let him go. We need to both be happy and in tandem. I myself have always too many options to consider, why get stuck to someone who doesn't want me anymore? I don't get you. If your GF doesn't want you anymore, what are you doing? Bound her? Insane”
This is your approach and in fact it’s also my approach too, it’s quite easy for me to detach form people, but for others they’re some who dislike letting go, but if they have the power to bind someone to them then I could care less about the moral implications or whatever of it so long as it doesn’t affect me.

“No. This mutuality appearances thing you say was meant to highlight the genetic similarity. I am not talking about what you say there, changing your hair colour or other superficial things, IT IS ABOUT GENETICS HERE since you didn't got this right,”
My point is that some genetics evolve to give creatures and edge to increase their chances of survival and finding a mate in a selfish way, perhaps it was a brash comparison, appearances themselves was just another example, thing is people are more concerned about giving themselves an edge in things and put the needs and consideration of others as a lower priority or not at all.

“Agree, but the ethics weren't the sole reason WHY I have said he should CONSIDER.
I told him to make sure that, that person has a real affinity for him, or he considers her needs as she's refusal might be from other reasons as well.
Ethics like ethics but self-respect, pride, consideration for the other, plenty of aspects are to be taken in the equation.

AS I said, act quick, check if the things are in mutual interest or not and proceed from there; if rejected, reconsider if you should insist or not based on other reasons, etc
This why I encourage him to communicate to the lady simply speak with her without assuming x or y, as most of the things can be clear out easily by getting to know each other via conversations.
I explained why the spiritual power can transform you or her in ways that should be avoided as FIRST AND FOR MOST, ideally you should find reasons behind a refusal, even without reasons THE COUPLE DOESN'T MATCH AT SOME LEVEL, isn't it? Do magic, readjust yourself or her this is stupid for me. As I want to be myself and be loved for what I am and the other way around. I wrote all of this if you want to check the other posts.”

Ethics alone wasn’t the only reason as writing all the others seemed redundant, as in my example the 2nd guy worked his ‘magic’ without giving a shit, while the first guy may have contemplated these things.
I believe if you have the power to attain something if you think it’s going to make you happy you should go for it, as later down you might regret not taking your chances when you had them.
Perhaps the 2nd guy in my example found out that although he was infatuated with her and really wanted her they don’t really work together and the time and energy spent wasn’t really worth it.
Perhaps it was worth it and the both of them have a great time together.

People’s goals and ambitions in life change and they’re a lot of things that can change these things besides going into a relationship, people can always adapt to the other and get along great, I don’t believe in the ‘perfect lover’ kind of deal where you just meet a partner that is perfect and the both just synergize perfectly.
I believe that people can adapt to one another and learn to make small exceptions to things to get along and co-operate well.

“Exactly. QUALITY BABY. This should be the aim in love as well. and as you can see, THEIR OWN WILL. This is what we want in a partner, NOT A PUPPET. Someone with eyes to see us and appreciate us and the other way around.”
I too see things this way in that I don’t want to force people to like me, but that is mostly because I dislike spending a lot of time and energy on someone else to just get something like that in return, I like investments that give me a profit I’m just like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .

But when things come down to Nick’s scenario, I support his decisions, why?
At the end of the day giving up something you think would make you happy over some ethics and morals, what do you have left? Just the ethics and moral but then you’re left lonely?
Whereas I believe that pursuing the things that make you happy and not really getting caught up in the moral implications of things, if it makes you happy it’s worth it, rather than going along in life regretting not taking the chances you had.
If Nick thinks that having this woman will make him happy I support his decision because I want my Satanic family to be happy, which is why i told him to do a regular binding ritual as I think that’s more efficient than what he’s doing.

Either way he will learn from his experiences and in the future if someone else is having a similar situation he’ll be able to add his experiences to the mix.

They’re a lot of perks and benefits to being SS these are some of them, being able to bind people to get what you want, and all sorts of things of course no one else would be able to do this to us, as we have Satan, our GD and a strong AOP, like I said perks and benefits, most people overlook this and think that SS is just about struggling to fight the enemy.

And you may as well take advantage of it now, as we obviously follow Satan’s laws and the laws of our country (as we’re law abiding) and there's no country that have laws against binding or using black magic, but in the future when people fully acknowledge the spiritual side to things laws may be made around it, so hey, go wild when you can and use the way the world works to your advantage, this is my advice.

I will take a few points

you said:
'I always put myself 1st and my needs come before others, the only exception to this are the people I actually care for like my friends and family etc and obviously I care for my Satanic family here.
Nor do I expect random people I meet to put me before their needs.'

My answer:
Be careful as you will need to find new friends, new people, people are coming and going in our life.
My point is, DON'T BECOME SELFISH over this concept.
Because, you will meet INTERESTING PEOPLE WITH EXPERIENCE let's say to do a business, and you will need with your partners TO BOTH BENEFIT.
For the long term beneficial thing, THINGS NEEDS TO BE MUTUAL.

People are not stupid, don't underestimate them.
Learn to test them, check the waters, see what they are capable of, proceed from there.


2. You said:
'A prevention is better than a cure, I’m not gullible like other people I can always tell when someone is trying to bullshit me, and I don’t tolerate bullshit from anyone, and the thing when it comes to deception is that you only find out about it usually when it’s already done.
But I suppose this is why we all have this thing called intuition.'

Prevention is proper but sounds to me more like 'I will hit you for just in case'. Don't do this. We will go back to the first point, where you CAN and should not MISS OPPORTUNITIES.

My point is indeed be suspicious of everybody, but don't show it up front, don't suspect them in their eyes.
Second, yes, Be CAUTIOUS, indeed being cautious is great.
The next point you made: 'and the thing when it comes to deception is that you only find out about it usually when it’s already done.' YOU ARE PERFECTLY RIGHT. I had a friend who play me PERFECTLY for as long she wanted THINGS, but PERFECTLY. I was willing to put my hands in the fire for her; eventually, she showed her true colours too late for me to save myself in that specific situation.

Life is even worse when it comes to friends or business affiliates as let me give you another example, I had a friend I did a deal with, she was simply the right person at the right time. Things went fine, and we made money, Her effort compared to mine, in time became was insignificant. I was putting my head on the pillow every night in peace knowing that she can't fuck the things up, because
1. people know their best interest
2. she needs me

What did she do? She fucks it up.

Because remember, there are out there people WILLING TO LOSE just TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU DON'T WIN.
People are that stupid,

We know the category of the people who even if they don't have anything to lose out of a situation, they don't want you to win, BUT WORSE CAN HAPPEN AS THE EXAMPLE ABOVE.

You said:
'So you’re sadistic and upfront, I suppose this makes us both then, with that said I don’t act like a dick or anything to anyone, in fact I’m rather nice to people I’m kool with, but those who take my niceness as some sort of weakness regret it.
I actually despise new age people, and some of the views you portrayed seemed to be sympathetic of the ways they see things, I’m glad you cleared that up.'

My answer:
I am sadistic and upfront with the people I do partnerships. I tell them before signing in. Look, I will give my best, for you and me. I will keep my deal up to the end, even IF I will personally lose in the process. My word and honour is my oyster. But if you, don't do the same, I WILL GIVE YOU THE NIGHTMARE OF YOUR LIFE.
And I always do.

You know what Rock, usually the nicest people are the ones who will become the worse.
I once meet a girl, she said to me that I am so wonderful she doesn't want to imagine me in my bad mood.
She was smart with this observation.

This why - the revenge is only fair for me (to apply), when, underserving shit is coming on the way.
I treat people in my real life the best I can AND expect WHAT I GIVE.

You said:
I don’t believe in the ‘perfect lover’ kind of deal where you just meet a partner that is perfect and the both just synergize perfectly.
I believe that people can adapt to one another and learn to make small exceptions to things to get along and co-operate well.'

My answer:
I agree with this as well, I know people some, are searching for the soul mates, and I am sure there might exist.

We are permanently changing. We are forever evolving. And this might answer to other points you made, and I didn't cut it here.

For some couples, they might become too extremely different in time that they can no longer work it out together. Therefore, a spit is needed. A perfect mate today might become a curse tomorrow. We can never know.



With the rest of your comment, regarding Nick decision, ultimately is his choice and indeed he needs to be happy.

My point was meant to look at the question from various perspectives as it depends on many factors.

It depends on what he wants out of the situation if he wants something for the long term or only a hookup, etc. For both scenarios, and more, I wrote my opinions. At the same time, I am not totally against your view, AS you put it nicely here, thanks for all the time invested, I enjoyed talking to you.

Life is really about knowing yourself and know what you are looking for, THIS WAY WE CAN make things easier in our approach.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Damn, guess you gotta buy a new belt Nancy Boy, now your pants are falling down! :lol:

I really shouldn't have wrote this, about to get 50 replies where every one is a 5 page essay screaming the same phrases and talking points over and over, as if they weren't noticed the first time. Maybe if it wasn't noticed the first time, it's because no one wants to read your 35 pages of rantings anyway. It's like nobody is allowed to ever have any different opinion, no matter how small of a difference it may be. (Mancy, it's like the flying brains in futurama when they wanted to erase the world so there couldn't be any more different ideas and opinions!) But as long as you scream the LOUDEST while pretenting to be THE MOST moral and reasonable above everyone else, that makes you the BIG WINNER, and everyone else has to go stick their head under the sand like a Ostrich bird. Classic modern ((((Liberal)))) mind set and reasoning. This isn't describing anyone specific here, it's actually about a few people.

Wow, a slightly different opinion than mine :eek: ,(turn your volume way up for this before you click it because it's quiet and only 3 seconds) https://youtu.be/ScRCuFpTNXg !
If an ignorant idiot loser (notice I say these things in retalliation) chooses to be an ignorant idiot loser, instead of realising this is how I speak and that I was not attacking, that I was being silly in reference to something, then that's their problem, and they are comfortable in that zone while [all of the things I mentioned in my replies already].

As for you, Old Arsefacego fucktittyus - see? Retalliation - you and all members should do the same to the HPs/HPSs, instead of being religious xian-types, worshiping the preachers and condemning the congregation.
Nikolas said:
sunrise said:
Please ignore the other guy who doesnt know what respect means and behaves like this to another girl from our FAMILY.
I dont understand his attitude nor do i want him to pick on me now. He has an argument and you dont agree with it, and it seems that the problem is you. I hope he doesnt do this because you are a woman and he has the need to prove his masculinity or why men are right and women are women.

You dont talk to a girl like this. Even if you are right( or wrong) i dont agree with this type of behaviour towards women.
Now i will have to write something nice to make you feel good and forget about that message.

I enjoyed talking to you and im glad i made you smile. This is what REAL men do. Making women smile/feel good is the ultimate supreme prove of MaScUlynItY. I am a man but i never feel the need to prove it. Women notice on their own. No need for me to try hard lol .

So i keep being that knight on a horse but in the same time my girl is pretty jealous, so even if she has no way to see this i will have my limits because i also think of her :)

Ok, so you see it as a private thing. I dont really mind talking about it. I just feel i need to satisfy ;) my girl or im in bad trouble lol.

About the polygamous being most loving of women. They maybe are because they have multiple partners right , but its different from monogamous love. I have just one girl and i dont want to lose her, whereas a polygamous even if he loses one partner, he still has 3-4. He still gets hurt, i uderstand, but i believe not to the same EXTENT a monogamous man would get.

You're saying women dont make us favors when having sex. Im glad you mentioned this. I always feel like im taking advantage of her body. I make sure she enjoys it, but STILL, a part of me feels bad, like im using her. I dont understand why or how. This is why i feel the need to seduce her so that she ONLY comes when she DECIDED its the time. No pressuring whatsoever.
This in my eyes is what a real man does with his girl. Also those little gestures: hugging from behing, romantic stuff, i want you to feel like the most loved girl ever, flowers, also COUNT a lot .

I agree, men can't live without any sort of sex. But i dont get the diversity and masculinity part. If im masculine i dont go to another girl to prove it nor i feel the diversity need. If im getting bored there is always something like trying different foreplay or doing if more seldom and actully going in adventures- travelling to different countries, chit chatting about the day or simply asking her oppions about anything.

About the fuck boys, i only think they are immature men. When they mature or meet the woman mature enough to change them, they really change .

Im curious what you, as a lady, mean when you say men nature and choice. How do you really see us, men?
I always look at women with so much more interest than at guys. Im a guy, im bored of what other guys think or feel because i can already tell without even having them open their mouth.But women in my eyes are different Behind every strong man is an amazing woman. Women have the power to take the BEST out of men, to motivate and control men.With the right girl in his arms, any guys can achieve a lot. My opinion:)

Im glad you are a lfexible person. Im not sure if i have STRONG points of view. Whatever. I will see what you want to say.
" At the moment all I hear is just that baby crying: 'we do what we want, we do what we want, WE DO WHAT WE WANT!!!!'

WELL, I AM NOT YOUR MOMMY. DO WHAT YOU WANT!" Hhahaha your so fine.Like how you approach them.

I respect your dad, im sure he knows you the best so he knew how to take care of his girl. Im actually more the type: No matter what you do/ the hardships that will come. I WILL ALWAYS BE RIGHT THERE TO PROTECT YOU.

" But if the shit hits the fun in your existences, don't come crying to daddy Satan. " Hahahaa lol.You have a nice humour.
I think if someone genuinely asks Father for help and guidance, Father will help as much as He can.

And this is why i appreciate women. Guys are usually too boring and arrogant and care too much about their point of view , but when i see how women speak , like these sweet things it makes me feel fascinated. It would be so awkward to hear a guy saying it, but i like it when its from a woman.
We love you too.

" Parerea ta nu m-a deranjat in niciun fel. Esti un barbat elegant, ti-ai exprimat cinstit punctul de vedere. "
Am doar 20 de ani :) Ma rog,suntem cu totii suflete "batrane" , nu cred ca conteaza ce varsta am in viata asta.

Iti multumesc mult inca o data, categoric mi-ai schimbat starea de spirit, nu ca ar fi fost neaparat rea, ci pentru ca ai fost minunat in intentia si in interventia ta. Apreciez mult, sa stii!
Si mie mi-a facut placere sa discutam.In continuare mai vreau sa mai vorbim pe forum.Nu ezita sa-mi scrii caci eu nu ezit:)
Am mult timp liber.Am iesit din spital dupa o operatie si acum ma recuperez.Scrie-mi oricand si din orice motiv.Si eu mai am of-uri si imi place sa povestesc cu cineva, chiar si ceva banal gen cum mi-a fost ziua.Cred ca noi SS trebuie sa fim mai uniti si sa discutam liber.

'Please ignore the other guy who doesnt know what respect means and behaves like this to another girl from our FAMILY.
I dont understand his attitude nor do i want him to pick on me now. He has an argument and you dont agree with it, and it seems that the problem is you. I hope he doesnt do this because you are a woman and he has the need to prove his masculinity or why men are right and women are women.'

I will not ignore anyone, and this is because their INTENTIONS are reasonable, we are family, we try to teach each other the best.
I like their styles; I don't mind.

Just Pantsy, I have my humour with him. It is only between him and me.

I don't want to be treated in a specific way, just because I am a woman. I don't need this. Forget that I am a girl if this makes you treat me more softly. Be real, that's all it matters to me but at the same time, I will tell you when you crossed the line.


I like the boys' styles, I want them to be themselves and deliver it, however, as I said, when it is exaggerated, I will tell. Even so, it is not like I WILL GET OVERLY OFFENDED OR SOME OTHER CRAP, cry or get over sensitive over it.

Let's be reasonable, that's all I want

'You dont talk to a girl like this. Even if you are right( or wrong) i dont agree with this type of behaviour towards women.
Now i will have to write something nice to make you feel good and forget about that message. '

You have a gentleman mindset which makes me respect you a lot, but I repeat, it is fine. It is fun, we are learning from each other. People are so diverse. But thank you for being what you are.

'I enjoyed talking to you and im glad i made you smile. This is what REAL men do. Making women smile/feel good is the ultimate supreme prove of MaScUlynItY. I am a man but i never feel the need to prove it. Women notice on their own. No need for me to try hard lol .'

Obviously, some things speak for themselves.

'So i keep being that knight on a horse but in the same time my girl is pretty jealous, so even if she has no way to see this i will have my limits because i also think of her :)'

What about a threesome? LOL, I am joking, no.
Have consideration for your girl, this is extremely wonderful, I just love the way you respect her, I love men like you.

Tell her that she has no reason for jealousy in case she is there reading, as I have nothing to do with you other than friendship and since I didn't fall for you at the first read, is impossible for the future. Therefore ZERO REASONS TO WORRY.

'Ok, so you see it as a private thing. I dont really mind talking about it. I just feel i need to satisfy ;) my girl or im in bad trouble lol.'

I am a scorpio, sex is private.
If you ask me about this need to satisfy I KNOW, REAL MEN NEED TO SATISFY GETTING THEIR SATISFACTION OUT OF THEIR PARTNER SATISFACTION. It is very common in your world and wonderful.

i am a brute in this regard. You need to fuck me for yourself. This is my sexual satisfaction; too much consideration on me is boring in bed.

But most women appreciate what you say. Keep it as it is, as most want this.

'About the polygamous being most loving of women. They maybe are because they have multiple partners right , but its different from monogamous love. I have just one girl and i dont want to lose her, whereas a polygamous even if he loses one partner, he still has 3-4. He still gets hurt, i uderstand, but i believe not to the same EXTENT a monogamous man would get.'

Men can be both at the same time. They can love deeply one woman and sleep with others. Or love them all in different ways. A mix of this can arise. I think for some the label is redundant.

What I meant in my previous post, was that, for some polygamous being sensitive in a sense that They are afraid to commit themselves to one single person deeply. This is for some. They have been hurt before, they just jump fast, making sure this way that this doesn't happen again. But only for some, as men are capable to love many women at the same time, differently, and I respect that. Or they simply want to have fun, etc etc, hard to label or classify.

'You're saying women dont make us favors when having sex. Im glad you mentioned this. I always feel like im taking advantage of her body. I make sure she enjoys it, but STILL, a part of me feels bad, like im using her. I dont understand why or how. This is why i feel the need to seduce her so that she ONLY comes when she DECIDED its the time. No pressuring whatsoever.'

You are not using anybody. sex is in 2. it is a mutual thing. Your consideration for the partners is a beautiful thing and if it makes you feel good, that's great.
Please stop with this using thing. I beg you, don't ruin your own satisfaction over this worry. Sex is something so natural and normal. Stop overthinking, go with the flow.
I hope your partner cares for your satisfaction as much as you care for her. Make sure that you take enough as you seem to give a lot.

'This in my eyes is what a real man does with his girl. Also those little gestures: hugging from behing, romantic stuff, i want you to feel like the most loved girl ever, flowers, also COUNT a lot .'

This is the romanian style. Our men are charming. Flower shops are their normal, AT LEAST WEEKLY route.

'I agree, men can't live without any sort of sex. But i dont get the diversity and masculinity part. If im masculine i dont go to another girl to prove it nor i feel the diversity need. If im getting bored there is always something like trying different foreplay or doing if more seldom and actully going in adventures- travelling to different countries, chit chatting about the day or simply asking her oppions about anything. '

People are different Nickolas, that's life, that's the diversity of it. Overall that's the beauty of it,
There are plenty of women who wants this so-called diversity as well. Or girls highly respected who are cheating horribly. Or many many other examples. People are doing what they want, you know...

'About the fuck boys, i only think they are immature men. When they mature or meet the woman mature enough to change them, they really change.'

Yes, young men especially need to EXPERIMENT. Also, there are older men in this position highly passioned about sex for the sake of sex. Not all of them change, you know, Some men need sexual validation, to compare, to experiment all their life...so on, so forth. Nothing to blame after all.

'Im curious what you, as a lady, mean when you say men nature and choice. How do you really see us, men? '

You can read this. I think I posted on different topics but don't remember wuite well.

How I see men, I LOVE YOU GUYS, I AM CRAZY ABOUT YOU. The world would be such a boring place without you. I love lifting a man spirit up. I love everything about you. I have been raised by men in a mostly manly environment. still I have been working extensively with woman.

There are the soul polarities, There are extensive recent sermons on that, look for them... girls being more masculine or boys being more feminine.
I am more masculine a lot of lesbians are falling for me, lol.
The Most rest of the women hate me deeply, maybe I should do a MUNKA to overcome this, as I tend to have a lot of bad feeling over them and I am a woman after all.

I see woman DANGEROUS like they have a problem with you, but they don't come as a man to tell you IN YOUR FACE. They would dig your grave silently. AND THEY DON'T KNOW LOYALTY AS MUCH AS A MAN WOULD KNOW.

'I always look at women with so much more interest than at guys. Im a guy, im bored of what other guys think or feel because i can already tell without even having them open their mouth.But women in my eyes are different Behind every strong man is an amazing woman. Women have the power to take the BEST out of men, to motivate and control men.With the right girl in his arms, any guys can achieve a lot. My opinion:)'

Exactly what you said with the power of the women over the man I think I wrote in the other post, I attached you the link. We are in total agreement.

We are a team, we need to team up.

'Im glad you are a lfexible person. Im not sure if i have STRONG points of view. Whatever. I will see what you want to say.
" At the moment all I hear is just that baby crying: 'we do what we want, we do what we want, WE DO WHAT WE WANT!!!!'

WELL, I AM NOT YOUR MOMMY. DO WHAT YOU WANT!" Hhahaha your so fine.Like how you approach them.'

I am flexible, I am here to teach and learn. Teach if I CAN, as I want to give back. The best I can; the best in my capabilities.

I am joking with them. I want a bit of entertaining out of life as well. I don't want to see us around here being overly serious over a topic when it is not the case. The is an open discussion.

'I respect your dad, im sure he knows you the best so he knew how to take care of his girl. Im actually more the type: No matter what you do/ the hardships that will come. I WILL ALWAYS BE RIGHT THERE TO PROTECT YOU.'

No, trust me, my dad created a force of nature, a self-reliant girl, I came to the point when I don't need anybody. Throw me anywhere, and you can be sure, I WILL SURVIVE.

Of course, a kid still needs to be watched over from a distance, but not too much, too much care can damage.

I don't have kids, so I don't know yet. I would like to talk one day from experience, at first hand.

" But if the shit hits the fun in your existences, don't come crying to daddy Satan. " Hahahaa lol.You have a nice humour.
I think if someone genuinely asks Father for help and guidance, Father will help as much as He can.'

I love father Satan to bits, my loyalty to Him is eternal; I will serve him into the infinite, HE IS ...I DON'T HAVE WORDS FOR HIM.

And this is why i appreciate women. Guys are usually too boring and arrogant and care too much about their point of view , but when i see how women speak , like these sweet things it makes me feel fascinated. It would be so awkward to hear a guy saying it, but i like it when its from a woman.
We love you too.'

Awwww, Nikolas, you are a lovely person, I am so proud to be your sister in Satan. Thank you for your beautiful soul.

'" Parerea ta nu m-a deranjat in niciun fel. Esti un barbat elegant, ti-ai exprimat cinstit punctul de vedere. "
Am doar 20 de ani :) Ma rog,suntem cu totii suflete "batrane" , nu cred ca conteaza ce varsta am in viata asta. '

Ai doar 20 de ani? Amazing. Tot respectul meu.
I have a blood brother he just turned 17; age is not essential, this little fellow is my advisor on everything, business and serious personal matters.



'Iti multumesc mult inca o data, categoric mi-ai schimbat starea de spirit, nu ca ar fi fost neaparat rea, ci pentru ca ai fost minunat in intentia si in interventia ta. Apreciez mult, sa stii!
Si mie mi-a facut placere sa discutam.In continuare mai vreau sa mai vorbim pe forum.Nu ezita sa-mi scrii caci eu nu ezit:)
Am mult timp liber.Am iesit din spital dupa o operatie si acum ma recuperez.Scrie-mi oricand si din orice motiv.Si eu mai am of-uri si imi place sa povestesc cu cineva, chiar si ceva banal gen cum mi-a fost ziua.Cred ca noi SS trebuie sa fim mai uniti si sa discutam liber.'


Simte-te liber sa-mi scrii la [email protected] daca ai neaparata nevoie de mine.
FancyMancy said:
sunrise said:
Someone, please tell PantsyClumsy aka the Sahara Desert, we will talk in 20 years. thank you :p :cool:

He wants to drain all the water out of me, I can't allow this to happen. :) :shock: thanks again
I've tried explaining to you that I did not attack you, and you continue to troll, ignore and attack me - and you have no idea why. Enjoy your false-logical, AKA emotional, responses in your ignorant and immature attitude. You have problems but you are comfortable with them and don't want to remove them. Enjoy.


First thing first, you lack a sense of humour. Since your dryness it's understandable.

I had a second thought and I said that I am willing to give you a second chance, since you're my brother, you deserve it,


You admit publicly that you are a... WATER DIGGER!

That's all. I don't ask for much. That's my deal, take it or not.

PS: we should all gather and send you some gallons of water, get you a swimming pool, take you to the seaside...anything really...

sunrise said:
FancyMancy said:
sunrise said:
Someone, please tell PantsyClumsy aka the Sahara Desert, we will talk in 20 years. thank you :p :cool:

He wants to drain all the water out of me, I can't allow this to happen. :) :shock: thanks again
I've tried explaining to you that I did not attack you, and you continue to troll, ignore and attack me - and you have no idea why. Enjoy your false-logical, AKA emotional, responses in your ignorant and immature attitude. You have problems but you are comfortable with them and don't want to remove them. Enjoy.


First thing first, you lack a sense of humour. Since your dryness it's understandable.

I had a second thought and I said that I am willing to give you a second chance, since you're my brother, you deserve it,


You admit publicly that you are a... WATER DIGGER!

That's all. I don't ask for much. That's my deal, take it or not.

PS: we should all gather and send you some gallons of water, get you a swimming pool, take you to the seaside...anything really...

You, actually, are the one who don't have a sense of humour. You cry and bitch all the time and then talk shit like you have done, while ignoring the fact that I didn't attack you. Tell me why I would attack you; I have no reason to - other than in retaliation, which you know and see that I have done. It is very possible to get the wrong end of the stick. I have said numerous times that text, despite emoticons and picture/video memes, is shit for proper communication.

Seeing as you choose to be ignorant, I shall repeat myself - I can neither confirm nor deny my Astrological make-up, so you, who accuses me of digging, keep on trying to dig for information all you want.

I am not accountable to you and you know that, so take your "deal" and shove it where the sun doesn't rise from. Your name is not sunrise; it is shitrise.

I would end with this previous paragraph just above, but I also wanted to say something else in a different tone to my reply above. The tone I intend for this paragraph is jocular, humourous, funny, silly... I also decided to add a bit of blue humour in here, as well. I also want to end my reply on a light note/tone, as well. This might not be funny, but since your fire doesn't burn properly allow me to try and guide it, just this once. If you agree, then I will say this - seeing as this might not be funny, humour me! You allege I lack this, that, and the other, and you say that your fire doesn't burn properly. Don't take your own shit out on me - unless you should decide to agree with me that you and I have a non-serious, playful, jocular online "relationship" and have a HP or HPS pretend to marry us in the presence of the thousands of members/users (the jew not invited) here. Then we can be like an old...well, young and newly-married couple who complains a lot but we enjoy it and we enjoy each other. We can put on little skits for our JoS fans and entertain them like in a sitcom, with canned-laughter at very non-funny jokes. We can put ARv2 to shame because he failed to get with Lydia. As such, sunrise, what's your Venus? You can tell me your Venus (not literally; this is a joke, don't forget), or you can shut the fuck up and do the King and Queen and stop your bitching. Erm... darling. By the way, I'll be home late - the boys and I are going out to paint the town yellow (the colour of sunrise, :p).

End of joke/humour. Take that as you want it.

There was another member who I replied to before and I tried helping them not be upset with what I said. They replied back to me saying that they didn't mind my direct and blunt answer - that is a part of their make-up; yours, with whatever constitutes you, is yours; mine is mine. Please try and chill out. You tell me that I need water. It's OK for you to ask for direct help yourself. Your fire, as you said, doesn't burn properly; you need water to calm down and not be hot-headed. You project things onto others that you can't or don't know how to ask for yourself.

[Activate humour again] If you and I were together, I'd definitely learn pyrokinesis and pyromancy, then I'd be FancyPyroMancy, then I'd be able to handle your fiery, feisty, wily ways (yes, you are wily!) and see in advance when you're going to shoot out a coronal mass ejection. Then I'd direct it to our enemies and we'd be as cool as a cucumber in the rain. ;-) Let's watch Netflix and chill. :p You certainly need a good...erm...massage. cough (I prefer torrents than Netflix, but then the joke wouldn't make sense...)
Hi NinRick,
Thanks for sharing your experience with your love spell. Your target dreaming of having sex with her ex sounds like subconsciours confusion/ resistance to the strong and rapid 'blossoming' of feelings for you. I strongly recommend for you to continue.

Can you do me a big favor?

Can you kindly list out the original steps to your love spell and then also list out the spell with the new adjustments that you'll be making?


Hail Satan.

NinRick said:
So okay now the story:
Currently I am doing a Love spell what I do is, I pull her light body out of her body when she sleeps and I „have sex“ with her. And obviously on climax I do the normal stuff I shoot Bright Energy inside her lightbody and physical body an aura and program it.
It feels like it is super effective. She also said that she is dreaming almost each night about having sex since I started this.

Now the Bad thing she is kinda confused, and obviously I can not tell her what is going on. And she also dreamed having sex with her ex.

So what do you think should I pull out her light body from the very start or should I just direct the energy at her? Is it more effective the way I do it or will I get same results if I do it differently?
FancyMancy said:
sunrise said:
FancyMancy said:
I've tried explaining to you that I did not attack you, and you continue to troll, ignore and attack me - and you have no idea why. Enjoy your false-logical, AKA emotional, responses in your ignorant and immature attitude. You have problems but you are comfortable with them and don't want to remove them. Enjoy.


First thing first, you lack a sense of humour. Since your dryness it's understandable.

I had a second thought and I said that I am willing to give you a second chance, since you're my brother, you deserve it,


You admit publicly that you are a... WATER DIGGER!

That's all. I don't ask for much. That's my deal, take it or not.

PS: we should all gather and send you some gallons of water, get you a swimming pool, take you to the seaside...anything really...

You, actually, are the one who don't have a sense of humour. You cry and bitch all the time and then talk shit like you have done, while ignoring the fact that I didn't attack you. Tell me why I would attack you; I have no reason to - other than in retaliation, which you know and see that I have done. It is very possible to get the wrong end of the stick. I have said numerous times that text, despite emoticons and picture/video memes, is shit for proper communication.

Seeing as you choose to be ignorant, I shall repeat myself - I can neither confirm nor deny my Astrological make-up, so you, who accuses me of digging, keep on trying to dig for information all you want.

I am not accountable to you and you know that, so take your "deal" and shove it where the sun doesn't rise from. Your name is not sunrise; it is shitrise.

I would end with this previous paragraph just above, but I also wanted to say something else in a different tone to my reply above. The tone I intend for this paragraph is jocular, humourous, funny, silly... I also decided to add a bit of blue humour in here, as well. I also want to end my reply on a light note/tone, as well. This might not be funny, but since your fire doesn't burn properly allow me to try and guide it, just this once. If you agree, then I will say this - seeing as this might not be funny, humour me! You allege I lack this, that, and the other, and you say that your fire doesn't burn properly. Don't take your own shit out on me - unless you should decide to agree with me that you and I have a non-serious, playful, jocular online "relationship" and have a HP or HPS pretend to marry us in the presence of the thousands of members/users (the jew not invited) here. Then we can be like an old...well, young and newly-married couple who complains a lot but we enjoy it and we enjoy each other. We can put on little skits for our JoS fans and entertain them like in a sitcom, with canned-laughter at very non-funny jokes. We can put ARv2 to shame because he failed to get with Lydia. As such, sunrise, what's your Venus? You can tell me your Venus (not literally; this is a joke, don't forget), or you can shut the fuck up and do the King and Queen and stop your bitching. Erm... darling. By the way, I'll be home late - the boys and I are going out to paint the town yellow (the colour of sunrise, :p).

End of joke/humour. Take that as you want it.

There was another member who I replied to before and I tried helping them not be upset with what I said. They replied back to me saying that they didn't mind my direct and blunt answer - that is a part of their make-up; yours, with whatever constitutes you, is yours; mine is mine. Please try and chill out. You tell me that I need water. It's OK for you to ask for direct help yourself. Your fire, as you said, doesn't burn properly; you need water to calm down and not be hot-headed. You project things onto others that you can't or don't know how to ask for yourself.

[Activate humour again] If you and I were together, I'd definitely learn pyrokinesis and pyromancy, then I'd be FancyPyroMancy, then I'd be able to handle your fiery, feisty, wily ways (yes, you are wily!) and see in advance when you're going to shoot out a coronal mass ejection. Then I'd direct it to our enemies and we'd be as cool as a cucumber in the rain. ;-) Let's watch Netflix and chill. :p You certainly need a good...erm...massage. cough (I prefer torrents than Netflix, but then the joke wouldn't make sense...)

now Fancy, let's have a serious really serious conversation (not conversation) but allow me to put it on the best I can. I want this to be mature and upfront.
Look, I have no idea, what or how, but I don't like you. I don't like you at all.
You are not among the type of people I would like around.
You don't need me around, or my validation or anything, you have plenty of people around to help as you are doing a great amount of work all ready for the family. Which is Great. You are doing great.
Maybe there are things in our charts that simply clash in a way, I don't know, I don't really care.

What I know is that you are the only person that again, drained all my all being after having an absolutely brilliant day, I feel extremely tired and pissed for no reason, I mean for your reason, NOONE HERE DID THIS, ONLY YOU. and I really want to keep myself in a happy beautiful mood, I deserve this Fancy, I deserve to be in a good mood and talk with people who I can get along. This is what I want for myself. Please respect that, take it as it is. Stop writing to me, you don't need to change, I don't need to change if we can't go along why all this struggle?

Please understand that I don't want to talk with you never again, show me that you are mature, and a fine person deep inside and you can take this as it is, as I hate pretending and simulating what I actually don't feel or think. We are brothers, we need to be honest with each other.
if I ever offended you in any way, please forgive me, honestly do this and at the same time, just leave me alone. That's all.

You are the one insisting and I thank you for this, I am sure in your own very specific way, you tried to get along and actually help me, but we don't get along and I don't need a to be helped in a forceful way.
I won't hold any bad feelings over you, I promise, I just simply don't want this anymore. It is the second time and I don't want it anymore. I ask you nicely. Call me, however, think whatever, but just leave me alone, the second time when I read a comment from you on the topic and I get the same very horrible sensation. Maybe is not you, maybe I am the problem, but let me live with it. Have all the satisfaction of whatever you want, but just leave me alone Mancy.

Our brothers don't deserve to read this shit, I am deeply ashamed for them, really,
My idea is that if you really wanna do it just do it, maybe you will regret it or maybe not who cares, but in a Satanic NS future society this will just not be permitted as you are just programming the free will of the people you are doing it on.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
