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love affairs

because the thing is that when you are a straight male, you generally don't have the privilege of forgetting about the other sex entirely and just "doing you" or whatever. You can't just be like, oh well, I should worry about myself. When you are a man it's up to you to initiate relationships almost 95% of the time. So as a straight man if you're alone it's virtually always your fault because you miss every shot you don't take.

So the big problem is when a man is always looking, there is always someone there to criticize him for not being happy with just being alone. Someone always says, "just stop looking and someone will come along! Just do you! Can't you be happy alone?" People don't realize that we constantly need to be on the look out for opportunities because you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. It's up to us to make the shots, and no girl is going to come around and find us when we aren't even looking. Very very rarely does this happen, and never to me or any straight man I'm friends with that I know of.
Another problem is when a man asks out 20 girls and gets rejected every time then someone will always be there to warn him about hating society because he didn't get his way. The man doesn't even have to suggest that he is displeased from being rejected, but we will get shit for being rejected anyways because we are literally expected to be jealous. Women seem to (not saying they do just saying seem to) immediately categorize single men as either players or jealous men who hate society, so I have no idea why they even date us at all sometimes. They just like to feel in control through this way of thinking I guess. I wish this would stop already. Not that you (caeryx) were doing that, but it could so easily snowball into that. It does way too often. When I point out what's wrong with society, it doesn't mean I hate it or am jealous of it basically, it just means that factually there is an issue or an error whether I benefit from it or not.
Oh I'm sorry for all the posts one after another but finally I agree with hammerofthegods that in general race mixing is just absolutely not to be tolerated. There is one or two cases where someone is young and flirts with another race, because maybe they are mixed themselves and etc... but YOLO doesn't cut it when it comes to someone who actively betrays their own race but mixing out, instead of sucking it up and looking down on those who do. Its like those girls who go for the ugly avocado tasters I was talking about. You think I'm going to beat them by "settling"? Hell no! Never stoop to someone else's level just so that you can "have someone" and be "content" and feel "normal"
One thing I saw how the influence of racemixing comes is porn. Its realy simple who the do this.
First the porno looks like from Amateurs but both are paid professsionals, scd most of the time the girl of the race Mixing couple Talks dirty like its the best sex she ever had and third she fakes an orgasm really hard. These three aspects let the film look like you only have great orgasms when you race mix. The people watch this get programmed and think that they only get great orgasms with race mixing but it’s all fake. Also the black big dick agenda and once you go black you never go back shit is all a jewish hoax but the minority only sees that. Sad but true. Even you hurt the woman if the dick is too big and then she screams out of pain not pleasure, that’s also common.
I had one theory about porn too which is kinda weird. Specifically with the black porn and the BBC thing. Well if they portray it as the best thing ever, and people watch porn while masturbating(associating sexual pleasure with that image), would it also technically be turning people into cucks who like race mixing too? It makes a bit of sense cuz the base feeling would be you want to give your partner the best pleasure. Since that's associated with it, the person will like it. Just a theory though.
The guy I know is older, and has had a lot and I mean A LOT of sexual partners. However, he only likes whitish people when he is black. That means he has a bunch of Jew links. I personally don't know how to go about it spiritually since if I make him attracted to his race more, he will pass on the Jewish links to people of his race(which will also be multiple people). That is why I let Satan know the situation.

My mix is primarily asian with a small percentage of black. I'm a "hispanic" so I'm a mixed asian. So a hybrid. Many people have tried to say I was not asian, including more traditional looking racial Asians. That's how the enemy made me have racial identity issues. They used the fact I've been rejected by asians, only, got sexual or romantical offers from blacks or jews, and seem to not have trouble being with Asians in general. Satan made it clear what I was but I still feel the enemy trying to cause confusion.

I guess whether it's confidenct or conservative depends on the partner and also the person themselves. We do express emotions differently a bit. Like how some people will explode with rage or have more patience when annoyed. For me I'm naturally conservative but it makes me seem uninterested.

It's very weird how I can have a complete analysis on women yet not get any lol. In my case it's legit my area. If i do anything with anyone it will be spiritually dangerous. The one person Satan did bring to me neglected me. Now she's with a kike. It sucks knowing all these jews are taking my options away from me. Especially since you don't get 50+ rejections without putting in some effort. Bad thing is regular people is all I can be with. Satan made it clear i wasn't eligible for a demoness. Even if I find someone I'd technically be settling too. I know he has his reasons but literally I only seek regular people(even if I'm not comfortable with them) is due to the fact I wasn't able to be with a demoness. The struggle is real out here my man.
I don't want people to think that I in anyway do not abhor race mixers and Muslims and the like.But once we take out the Jews who try to hide behind others. We will take out the root of all our problems.
So Satan comes down and we just kill everyone who opposes us? Hmm I dont think this is the way.

These people that alot of people here hate are the same people we are trying to save. We must raise the consciousness of All Gentiles. In doing so race mixing will be far in the minority to where it is no longer an issue. Then over more time it will absolve itself all together.

There is no instant fix for this planet. It will be alot of work fixing each problem at a time. The first problem is simply removing the Jewish curse from our people and their power and letting the light of the Elder Gods shine through.

This will fix so many problems and allow for further solutions to be had. Alot of people sit back and poison themselves with chronic hatred for everyone. Negative energy has a place but when used you dirty your own aura as well. Negative thoughts and energy must be directed and then disconnected from.

Stewing over hatred for everyone does nothing but corrupt ones own mind. Hatred should be directed at our true enemy the Jews. Destroy THEM and you will solve all problems.

Not the race mixers, Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, Homo Sexuals, liberals or Christians.

Our true enemy is always the JEW.
There are people who are subhuman and don't deserve to be saved. That's the truth, unfortunately.

And guys in this thread must understand that a lot of women, especially nowadays, are huge bitches to each other and men for absolutely no reason.

Not all of them are like this, Gods no. But a lot of them. I'm sure you'll all find a partner. Just be open minded. My partner is in another country and he is SS, but we plan on moving together as soon as we can.

You'll find someone for you.
@diexyll4 Yup, porn is Jewish as fuck.


Totally agree about what you said on porn. It is like cuckoldry watching porn at all to an extent, I mean maybe if it's a dildo or no-face? but I always thought that about men who watch BBC porn too. I honestly don'tt think many white guys who aren't active cuckolds are actually into it though.

Ahhhh, I gotcha. Yeah that's honestly a difficult question. If you think he can be salvaged, and Satan either gives the go ahead or passively allows it (depends on how much you can communicate I guess) you could be doing something very good for both the man and his race, and even his girlfriends.
Do you find that you look Asian? It sounds like you should. While I can sympathize with that struggle, I'm actually pretty much just white and nothing else, so I am grateful for having a more simplistic path. There was always the jewish worry thing, but yeah, really don't often wonder if I'm jewish at this point. I wouldn't take rejection too personally though, because many people face rejection at the hands of their own kind due to the jewish race-mixing propaganda. I always got rejected a ton so it made me think there was something, erg, "wrong" or "cursed" about me too. Or I thought that I hadn't got myself figured out and it was my fault, or something.
Totally relate about that confident vs conservative thing and I actually like that terminology more than "introvert" vs "extrovert". I'm quite in between, which is a quality I appreciate in myself, because I can be at least "out there" enough to get the benefits of that without basically relying on other people for my own energy and strength.
I actually remember your posts about wanting a demonsess and I am genuinely disappointed second-hand that that did not work out here. I used to live in a small town too and area will make all romantic prospects impossible so I totally understand that one. The struggle is most definitely real.
I also agree about the having theories on women and such lol, I think women are typically put off by guys who understand them to be honest with you lol. It's okay to be disappointed, just can't let it eat you up. If you keep trying you will find someone obviously, but yeah who honestly knows when or if you or I will find someone to last long term with and love like crazy and everything. We'll see, right? but I wish you luck. And same to Dylan.

If there is any advice, whether it applies to either of you or not, its that I wish someone told me or forced me to take way back when... you really gotta force yourself to get out the first word and let the rest roll off, and not worry too much about how you come off, because both of you will be nervous and nobody is going to reject you for saying good day it's nighttime or something. And do it as soon as it's appropriate because you have a seriously small window of time with people

And finally speaking of all this, I actually had a good day today..
Managed to conveniently run into to this girl who works at the dollar store I'm a regular at, asked her out to a bar show, it turns out she actually turns legal age next weekend and she said she would. Wished each other happy valentines after I told her I'd get some more information on it.

That made my day. Especially after all these posts of me talking about the loneliness of this path. Who knows what if anything will come of it but she seems really promising and is cute as fug at the least. I also think there's probably a point where you can judge by one's appearance if they will be Ok with Satanism, and she is probably at that point. A good feeling about her, I have. She actually looks like the hotter version of this other girl I used to crush on, it's amazing, I just won't let myself fall for her until I'm confident that she is a good person and reliable and everything like that

@mirela_14 Thank you. I just don't take it personally when someone is a bitch. The truest part is that they are that way for absolutely, literally, no reason.
We don't share our pictures here, that's even worse than sharing your personal information. When you have someone's picture, you can easily curse them. We have infiltrators in our egroups, so don't share any personal info and much less your picture. I read your other post, I'll advise you to keep reading the JoS website and its related sites like exposingchristianity, exposing Islam and Kabbalah exposed. The best you can do for yourself is empower your soul through daily meditation and hatha yoga. You can also be of help to the Gods by doing the final RTR. We need as many people as possible doing it. Check out our forums for the link.

On Fri, 22 Feb 2019, 18:25 isaacnawa13@... [JoyofSatan666], <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hi guys , ,how are you doing??? I'm very much curious to know you ,,kindly send your pictures....
I was stood up again. I'm not letting this joke go on any longer until I have proof there is a decent woman. Wish me luck because by no stroke of effort have I ever found a human being inside of a cunt.
February 24th, 2019
Maybe that is your problem. Perhaps you are searching for a woman to make you happy. Perhaps you should consider exploring a relationship with a man. You just might find it to be refreshingly rewarding. I know you will find it very pleasurable and extremely erotic to say the least. You would also make Father Satan very happy in doing so. Think about it. You could have greatest sex and lust everyday something you will never get with a woman.  
On 2019-02-24 01:39, thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:
  I was stood up again. I'm not letting this joke go on any longer until I have proof there is a decent woman. Wish me luck because by no stroke of effort have I ever found a human being inside of a cunt.
I usually don't care for a love relationship like I would have the time anyway I just want sex lol
I feel bad tho cus there's this girl who I helped perform the dedication ritual and she loves me, she says she fanatizes about me but she doesn't meditate as much as i do so she is not in my level of power yet! or I doubt she will ever will be.
So i try to keep my distance from her even tho I do guide to her when ever she needs help, and don't get me wrong shes beautiful and pure but I just don't have the time for any of that.
One should worry more about advancing in their meditations once youre powerful enough you will have all types of women throwing themselves at you. Lol
Loooool... kick rocks buddy. Why would you even say that. How about why don't you suck my dick and I'll close my eyes and think of your mom...  I'm sure that will make your father happy too

The way to get a relationship is to know a chick through mutual friends, and happen to wind up talking to her enough that it happens extremely naturally. Except the problem is once there is a single hiccup in the relationship, the chick is going to start questioning whether it was truly meant to be until she cheats or something. Eventually like 95% of them are all complete whores who will only respond to either cuckery or being treated poorly. It will get to the point where she is married to someone with progeria and can't have sex unless she is raped. You might have the impression that I hate women and while this is true I also hate men, just not all of either.
@ericgarcia469 Maybe you should make the time for her, maybe she's actually really cool and you might not get someone who's that passionate again. Maybe you just don't click with her but it's better to be with someone you don't fully click with than someone who is absolutely garbage to you and in every other way. This is talking about a relationship with kids down the line, not talking about just getting laid here.

---In [email protected], <dmoore@... wrote

February 24th, 2019
Maybe that is your problem. Perhaps you are searching for a woman to make you happy. Perhaps you should consider exploring a relationship with a man. You just might find it to be refreshingly rewarding. I know you will find it very pleasurable and extremely erotic to say the least. You would also make Father Satan very happy in doing so. Think about it. You could have greatest sex and lust everyday something you will never get with a woman. 
On 2019-02-24 01:39, thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:
 I was stood up again. I'm not letting this joke go on any longer until I have proof there is a decent woman. Wish me luck because by no stroke of effort have I ever found a human being inside of a cunt.
Thisisfalsealias: You're probably right this path can be a lonely path, i just don't wanna be distracted from my meditations because I know one slip up will land me back to drug and alcohol abuse and I don't wanna fall victim to that anymore I'm tired of always falling.
This path is not easy but remember we are not alone we have our gods who are family, our demon friends and father Satan himself guiding us each step in the way. Don't give up on yourself just because you can't find love, those who are without are lost and they will not become what you will become one day something great and powerful!!!!
Does anybody else find that shit about "Game" in dating really stupid and degenerate? Like all that bullshit RooshV says. Here is a quote:
"I remember the days when boldly approaching a girl was enough for her to think you were confident and attractive, but now that girls are approached so frequently, how bold is she going to think you are when you’re the third guy to speak to her that day?"
Think of a girl who works as a cashier. Doesn't get out much. This girl is not being asked out multiple times a fucking day. It just doesn't happen, unless you're in New York? Guys speak to her all day and if she gets hit in it's in a bizarre way by someone totally random. When a relatively normal guy shows interest, she is obviously flattered.
I've lived in small places. Some of the girls there, many of them, maybe most, expect more game than do women from cities. They expect it probably because they just want to be "normal", and act like how they think women in big cities would. They want to feel like you're just a silly man who doesn't know the ways, because they are probably embarrassed, scared, and has only even had sex two times in their lives before.
I get it. People can be brainwashed. And if women can be so easily brainwashed into being so bad, why should I still want them? Well who cares because they should be brainwashed into doing the right thing. All these magazines like Vice and Cosmopolitan and these individuals like Roosh should put the maximum focus on why this new direction is wrong and treat it like cannibalism. I would never marry someone who is into "casual sex culture". I actually kind of hate them. I would have no problem with someone who's had many short relationships where love and that special thing between people was realized, but I hate these robotic materialistic new societal standards.

I have read a ton of posts similar to this one. Satan will give you an INCUBUS when he gives you one. You need to have patience. Satan obviously doesnt think youre ready yet. The spirit youre seeing. Ask who it is. Hail SatanMellee
On Thu, Oct 18, 2018, 3:10 PM Rabit Feet owlhoot10@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
hey been awhile since ive talked on  here , im not having the best in luck , i feel almost cursed i was robbed at school , bullied ect , dumped for another girl you name it . nothing seems to be looking up and at this pont i feel alone and hopeless ,i feel like all my friends have left me for the wolves and with the stress of my family and school and more and more responsibilities , i feel like im getting no where im turning 18 soon and am trying to find a place to move out of my parents house . i would like to share a place with some one but my luck in relationships fail and lately ive sorta given up on human relation ships, sory if im rambling . my question i guess is how do i summon a inscubis i tried onc and i saw a figure that night but other than that nothing happened. Can you have a relationship with a inscubis and if so what are you getting into? I dont want a repeat of my old relationship where i was used for sex . i want a real relation ship , something to build with some one who will love me for me the website is confusing for me and im bad at focusing when i meditate . please no rude awnsers thank you hail satan 
rabbit feet
I'm thinking I might have given that girl the wrong number and when she didn't get a reply that's when and why she did not arrive. It's a shame our schedules are so different I'll have to wait a week to talk to her. I'll ask her if she tried texting me and if she says yes I'll give her the right number and tell her to text me so I can give her the details. I really hope that is the case even though I'd feel so bad. If she said no I didn't try to text you, I'll tell her I gave her the wrong number anyways and walk away. I am a master at recovering from being stood up lol. Sorry to talk about myself so much in this thread but I'm happy to read other peoples' experiences and comment on them as well because I'm interested in hearing about my brothers' and sisters' lives.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
