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Looking Past "Co-Vid As A Pandemic" Into The Political Aspect

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I wanted to just write this briefly, we must remember, despite of the whole virus situation, there are other things that deserve attention, that are not directly related to the virus, but to the governmental reaction to the virus situation, and which are used by the jews as a distraction off of other serious news and events. Certainly that is a health crisis but the health crisis is not the only thing happening. We have a freedom crisis happening at the same time.

These are passed on the low radar. Hitler, while explaining how the Jewish governments strangulate populations, explained that a little freedoms are removed at a time, until people, without even understanding it, are living inside Communism. This can be progressive and take decades to manifest. The enemy is never upfront about things. Always gradual, corrosive, and patiently working to destroy the foundations of Nations.

Said events are things like the revolution taking place in France, or the Hong Kong revolution. People are finally waking up. This is gradual, but it is reaching points where the enemy cannot contain things anymore. Everyone is censored in Jewtube and since 2018 they have purged everything from comments to channels, but awakening is keeping up, with rapid pace. The enemy is largely revealed now.

This awakening is meeting also a financial chaos created by the enemy and their practices, which spells red alert for many of them.

Videos from the French uprising show that this also has to do with the Jews directly, both insofar the Jews as Jews, and the measures taken to replace the native population which is also a plan concocted from the same brains. Messages against "le Juifs" and other things are being shouted on the streets, and also, this revolution taking place up there is nothing but the oppressed French working class that is being replaced with looters, invaders, and foreign tribes until no French people remain in France. Whatever happens in France, has a total racial dimension to it.

This is why as many have seen in videos, there are no foreigners, or Arabs, or Blacks in the protests, unless it is to loot and ape-mode. But mostly these protests have to do with local French people. This situation has been going on for years and the French Gov has lost control of it.

I also posted years ago on how during the start of the movement, COHENCIDENTALLY, the French State bought new surveillance equipment including facial recognition cameras, that are to be put all around France, which should obviously reveal what they think about the right of people to protest. We are progressively all trying to be wrestled to become Communist China. Little by little, brick by brick.

Even the people who revolt don't really like or accept foreigners to come and pretend that they want to revolt together, people are THAT fed up with their gradual replacement. Days ago, people marched despite of the CoVID craze, and despite of issued Quarantines, without giving one fuck. After this, the measures tightened even more in France. This shows that people are really fed up and feel like their back is literally on the corner, to where infection is the least of their concerns.

The enemy has also knowledge and insight of the financial flows worldwide. They know, that they have put, as many times before, too much exponential weight on the backs of working classes and other people that they steal from and have been stealing from for centuries. This is only a timebomb.

When these erupt, jews normally get destroyed. This time around, this is going to be fatal for them after all this theft, so in this case, this is why this time around during this crisis, they try to kiss ass as much as possible. Jews are the last to care about the people, and how they treat people when they are in power is very well known. Their excessive and careless money lending on people, still persists on this world, and leads millions with mathematical precision to an impasse where they can no longer exist under excessive and unrealistic debts. These demographics after a point tend to explode violently.

Meanwhile, those beneath the age of 40 are experiencing difficulties to meet up to the most simple financial requirements, and the enemy knows this really well. Therefore the enemy has been preparing Communism with many re-branded names such as Bernie Sanders which the establishment pushes as an alternative and as an outsider, all while suddenly advertising him in reverse.

The thing is when you are becoming a total wage slave without a future and you are on top of it replaced in your own homeland, or soon to be replaced by both a robot and foreign tribes that cohabit with your women, get free loot money, and are elevated as if by a magic wand inside your society, or just linger as parasites there, things like the CoVID make you care less about things. Hong Kong is similar, as people have no clue if they are going to be annexed in the next few years by the Communist government of China:


The above is also a very little tip of a giant iceberg that the enemy knows in full. Some of this has to do with their hoax religions collapsing, some of this has to do with bad rep that they have worldwide, and here below is an example of the draconian [or we might say Reptilian] laws that they are going to try to push, such as forced Vaccination, Quarantine and so forth.


Another thing that will manifest is forced suppression of masses, and who knows what else. A lot of personal freedoms suppressed, the nose-dive of the markets, and a lot of other things, that mostly contribute in wrecking the life of citizens.

Now also, Israel, which is basically in bed with the NSA and has been controlling it for decades, has applied Emergency Spy Powers, supposedly with the pretext of the CoVID epidemic. This is nothing but all more of the same that Israel triggered in the United States with the Patriot Act after the hits on the Twin Towers.

Meanwhile, the EARN-IT act, which will render all communication open and revealed, and all software will be forcibly created with backdoors for the government to access, is pushed forth to be made a reality. All of this, coincidentally, happens right now, where everyone's time and attention is elsewhere. Even politicians who are valid have all their sights elsewhere, while these things creep them by the back.

This can be used easily by Jews to destroy other Jews or general innocents that they deem an issue, with the false pretext of Coronavirus. From reports online, doctors in Wuhan or in China who have warned or have been critical on Chinese handling of the CoVID, all of them disappeared, as with the usual disappearance of people who question Communism.


That aside, it has also been reported, that in Iran the situation is not going well. For those who may have forgotten, the Jews almost got Iran into war a few months ago. Still, Iran is on the aim for the enemy, and has recently been airstriked.


Rest reassured the above is only the tip of the general iceberg, but it should illustrate further beyond on the emergency of the actual CoVID and how this is being used to further specific agendas of social, political, financial control, and wreck further what the enemy has been trying to wreck for a very long time. Except of the actual danger of the CoVID, the situation is that the enemy is trying to push out with other situations which are damning. But most people have caught wind as to what is being attempted.

This is an ongoing spiritual, intellectual, and information battle that we have to win and fight hard into. If anyone feels like sharing additional important and valid info, please go ahead.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is will denitely escalate in a revolution (at least in Italy) people's where arleady fedup. I already knew that it would take something this bad to wake up people's to the truth, normaly people's are so busy that they don't try to see the Truth but now that they are home in a bad situation they are seeing the ammount of mistakes the left and especially Europe is making and they are getting so exposed that there is no turning back for them. This is a huge win for us that i would have never expected that we would have get in this year. Keep doing the Final Rtr!
There is a Void Moon now btw.

I've been watching this after I read some comments on the forum that the Jews are testing to see how far they can push people in these situations.

There is an ongoing similar issue in Norway. The government is trying to push for a "Crisis Law" giving them powers to override national laws with immediate effect during the Coronavirus situation. It's been packed together nicely with a minority opposition veto (one third of the national assembly) and that it should not override the constitution or human rights.

It was first proposed to last 2 years, then it was reduced to 6 months.

An argument against it is that these policies usually comes in "packages", which also includes popular policies, like shorter process times for social benefits. That means they won't be able to get a minority opposition to oppose the policy package.

Another argument: they will be able to put aside laws and policies "to handle the Coronavirus crisis". Among these are:

- the labour law.

- social benefits, like day pay for unemployed citizens, to implement automatic case processing and wider sharing of personal information.

- judge law, simplification of cases, amongst it the ability to process trials without the parties being physically present.

- construction law, increased possibility to requisition buildings on short notice. Also requisition of ships to secure provision lines.

- local laws, to give municipalities authority to decide on issues that are not located to the municipality board.

- exception from demand of police background checks. (My note: Maybe this can affect places where you need security clearance to get employed or enter.)

- increased use of "foot devices", that device they attach to the legs of convicted criminals for surveillance if they do their time at home.

- possibility to put the EFTA-agreement (Norway is not part of the EU, they have an EFTA-agreement instead) and other international convention a side.

* The Coronalaw will last for 6 months.

The fishy situation here was that the biggest newspapers in the country didn't inform about this before the day before yesterday. The proposition was handed over from the Government to the National Assembly yesterday. There hasn't been any open debate or information about this before this. It went on behind closed doors. There isn't any new information regarding this today, only that the proposition was handed over to the National Assembly yesterday.

On another note the central bank of Denmark is also increasing the interest rate, to minus 0,60 percent, to strengthen the Danish currency against the Euro. As opposed to other central banks cutting the interest rate to stimulate the economy. According to an economist the central bank chief is responsible for thousands of Danes losing their jobs.
I feel like this is relevant as well.


Senator Richard Burr Sold a Fortune in Stocks as G.O.P. Played Down Coronavirus Threat

After the sales in February, the North Carolina Republican warned a group that the virus could soon cause a major disruption in the United States. Three other senators also sold major holdings around the same time.

Senator Richard M. Burr in January at the Capitol. He has long pushed for the United States to better prepare for the threat presented by pandemics.Credit...Anna Moneymaker/The New York Times

By Eric Lipton and Nicholas Fandos

Published March 19, 2020Updated March 20, 2020, 10:21 a.m. ET


WASHINGTON — Senator Richard M. Burr sold hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of stock in major companies last month, as President Trump and others in his party were still playing down the threat presented by the coronavirus outbreak and before the stock market’s precipitous plunge.

The stocks were sold in mid-February, days after Mr. Burr, Republican of North Carolina and the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, wrote an opinion article for Fox News suggesting that the United States was “better prepared than ever before” to confront the virus. At least three other senators sold major stock holdings around the same time, disclosure records show.

Two weeks after Mr. Burr sold his stocks, he spoke at the Capitol Hill Club in Washingtonto a nonpartisan group called the Tar Heel Club, warning that the virus could soon cause a major disruption in the United States.

The gathering, which drew fewer than 100 people, included representatives from the North Carolina governor’s office, as well as staff members from other congressional offices in the state.

“There’s one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything we have seen in recent history,” Mr. Burr said, according to a recording obtained by NPR, which reported on his remarks on Thursday. “It’s probably more akin to the 1918 pandemic.”

He added: “Every company should be cognizant of the fact that you may have to alter your travel. You may have to look at your employees and judge whether the trip they’re making to Europe is essential or whether it can be done on video conference.”

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Mr. Burr has long pushed for the United States to better prepare for the threat presented by pandemics, including sponsoring legislation that Congress passed in 2006 called the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act.

Latest Updates: Coronavirus OutbreakAt a task force briefing: Border closures and warnings against immigration.New York’s governor ordered the state’s residents to stay indoors and most businesses to keep workers at home.With critical supplies running low, Trump says, without specifics, that he is using federal powers to speed their production.

“His message has always been, and continues to be, that we must be prepared to protect American lives in the event of a pandemic or bio-attack,” Caitlin Carroll, a spokeswoman for Mr. Burr, said in a statement. “Since early February, whether in constituent meetings or open hearings, he has worked to educate the public about the tools and resources our government has to confront the spread of coronavirus.”

In a series of posts on Twitter, Mr. Burr accused NPR of twisting his comments into a “tabloid-style hit piece.” He argued that the report made him look duplicitous for sharing information at a publicly advertised event that was consistent with the message members of the Trump administration were then trying to promulgate. He did not address his stock sales.

As the Intelligence Committee chairman, Mr. Burr receives regular briefings on threats to the United States, including the coronavirus. He is also a member of the Senate health committee, which in January hosted a briefing with top Trump administration officials open to all senators.

It is apparently not the first time Mr. Burr has acted decisively to shield his assets from financial turmoil after hearing from government officials. In 2009, he recounted in a speech how after he heard Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson discuss a major company’s difficulty moving money between banks, he called his wife and instructed her to withdraw as much cash as possible from their own accounts out of fear there would be a run on funds.

Three other senators also sold major holdings around the time Mr. Burr did, according to the disclosure records: Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, who is also a member of the Intelligence Committee; James M. Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma; and Kelly Loeffler, Republican of Georgia.

The record of Mr. Burr’s stock transactionshows he and his wife sold 33 different stocks on Feb. 13 that were collectively worth $628,000 to $1.7 million, according to the disclosures filed with the secretary of the Senate. Those sales include as much as $150,000 worth of stock in two hotel chains, Wyndham Hotels and Resorts and Extended Stay America. The values of both companies have declined significantly in recent weeks. He also sold as much as $65,000 worth of stock in Park Hotels & Resorts.

Ms. Feinstein and her husband sold $1.5 million to $6 million worth of stock in Allogene Therapeutics, a California-based biotech company, in transactions that took place on Jan. 31 and Feb. 18.

Mr. Inhofe sold a large amount of stock — all on Jan. 27 — including holdings in PayPal, Apple and Brookfield Asset Management, a real estate company, with the overall value of the sales totaling as much as $400,000, a disclosure report shows.

Ms. Loeffler and her husband, Jeffrey C. Sprecher, who is the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, reported 27 stock sales worth millions of dollars starting on Jan. 24. On that day, Ms. Loeffler tweeted about attending the Senate briefing on the coronavirus. The stocks the couple sold were in companies including Exxon Mobil, Ross Stores and AutoZone.

“Appreciate today’s briefing from the President’s top health officials on the novel coronavirus outbreak,” she wrote about the briefing. “These men and women are working around the clock to keep our country safe and healthy.”

Ms. Loeffler’s office issued a statement early on Friday that said she did not even know the trades had taken place until weeks after they were made.

“Sen. Loeffler does not make investment decisions for her portfolio,” the statement said. “Investment decisions are made by multiple third-party advisers without her or her husband’s knowledge or involvement.”

The sales by Ms. Loeffler were initially reported by The Daily Beast.

A spokesman for Ms. Feinstein said that she played no role in the decision to sell the stock. “All of Senator Feinstein’s assets are in a blind trust,” a spokesman, Tom Mentzer, said in a statement. “She has no involvement in her husband’s financial decisions.”

In a statement on Friday, Mr. Inhofe said he had not attended the Jan. 24 briefing and does not have “any involvement” in his investment decisions. He said that when he became chairman of the Armed Services Committee in late 2018, he had instructed his financial adviser to begin selling off all equities in favor of mutual funds and that the January sales were a part of that transition.

Congress began requiring its members to disclose their stock sales in 2012, when it passed a law called the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act, which was intended to prevent lawmakers from using inside information to profit. The forms do not require lawmakers to record their actual earnings from those sales, just a range of the value of each transaction.

Details of Mr. Burr’s stock sales were first reported by ProPublica and the Center for Responsive Politics, which maintains a database of congressional stock transactions.

The sales by Mr. Burr appear to be a significant share of his holdings, according to his most recent annual financial report.

The coronavirus first surfaced in December in the Chinese city of Wuhan. By mid-February, Mr. Trump continued to play down the threat.

“I think the numbers are going to get progressively better as we go along,” the president said on Feb. 19.

Aides to Mr. Burr said that the decision to sell the stocks was a private one that was made long before the stock market plunged and evidence of a widespread health threat emerged in the United States.

Liberal groups quickly sought to capitalize on the sales, suggesting Mr. Burr should give up his office and advancing unsupported claims that he may have broken the law.

“Senator Burr needs to resign immediately,” said Zach Hudson, a spokesman for American Bridge, a Democratic advocacy group. “His conduct as detailed by this report represents a gross violation of the public’s trust and he must be held accountable for his behavior that appears criminal.”

Criticism came from the conservative side as well, with Tucker Carlson, a Fox News host, also calling for Mr. Burr’s resignation.

“He dumped his shares in hotel stocks so he wouldn’t lose money, and then he stayed silent,” Mr. Carlson said during his show on Thursday night. “Maybe there is an honest explanation for what he did. If there is, he should share it with us immediately. Otherwise, he must resign from the Senate and face prosecution for insider trading.”

Sounds awfully a lot like what happened prior to 9/11. These people knew what was happening or what was about to happen. Their corruption shall keep being exposed to the people.
Germany is already using this as a pretext for political detainment.
my question is do you think the Final RTR helps with exposing and ruining Communist China or no? Also, hypothetically speaking, if it was made by China, do you think their top members have the cure for it?
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have a question. If some of us SS live in areas that in the "dark times" that are to come won't have access to internet anymore, what is the plan? Just carry on with the RTRs?

Yes, daily RTR is a full on plan indefinitely from now on, and no matter what.
Darksage666 said:
my question is do you think the Final RTR helps with exposing and ruining Communist China or no? Also, hypothetically speaking, if it was made by China, do you think their top members have the cure for it?

I really think they do or at least they have powerful anti-virals which would reduce their chance to be infected [plus gear] to a very low percent of probability.
Darksage666 said:
my question is do you think the Final RTR helps with exposing and ruining Communist China or no? Also, hypothetically speaking, if it was made by China, do you think their top members have the cure for it?

I really think they do or at least they have powerful anti-virals which would reduce their chance to be infected [plus gear] to a very low percent of probability.
Hello satan brothers and satan sisters, I made my dedication this evening I managed to write my name in the blood to see the name / but I gave up a small amount of blood, is it okay or should I repeat the ritual ? Thank you for your answers! Sorry, my english is not very good :(
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Darksage666 said:
my question is do you think the Final RTR helps with exposing and ruining Communist China or no? Also, hypothetically speaking, if it was made by China, do you think their top members have the cure for it?

I really think they do or at least they have powerful anti-virals which would reduce their chance to be infected [plus gear] to a very low percent of probability.

yes of course, because why would they release such a thing without having such things right?
but HP Cobra, it’s not possible that this is a direct attack from China against the world to try to take over for communism. i mean look at the nations that are going on lock down and are steps away from martial law, wouldn’t that be the ideal time to attack a nation or is this just overthinking?
i’m not saying it’s that but you know those commies wanna spread their communism and destroy their opposition.
I wanna say smth about affirmations. When doing a working on immunity keep in mind that immunity can also hit the human body. It can be the case with covid. So when doing workings on immunity it would be best to not say "my immunity is very strong" or "my immunity is very powerful"
Instead say things like: my immunity is perfect, is working at optimum capaity, my immune system is perfectly ballaced and repels any pathogen instantly.
Zalmoxis said:
Hello satan brothers and satan sisters, I made my dedication this evening I managed to write my name in the blood to see the name / but I gave up a small amount of blood, is it okay or should I repeat the ritual ? Thank you for your answers! Sorry, my english is not very good :(

And yes its valid. You don't need an entire glass of blood, just a tiny drop is more than enough.
Zalmoxis said:
Hello satan brothers and satan sisters, I made my dedication this evening I managed to write my name in the blood to see the name / but I gave up a small amount of blood, is it okay or should I repeat the ritual ? Thank you for your answers! Sorry, my english is not very good :(

This is a frequently-asked question and the answer to it is already on the page of the dedication. Please, read ALL of our websites and use the search function of the forum. This will help both you and us. https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html
Zalmoxis said:
Hello satan brothers and satan sisters, I made my dedication this evening I managed to write my name in the blood to see the name / but I gave up a small amount of blood, is it okay or should I repeat the ritual ? Thank you for your answers! Sorry, my english is not very good :(
Don't worry about it, it's valid! :)
The insider news from China is that the majority of the Chinese population are enraged at the Communist Party over this situation and they know the Communist Party is the cause of all the suffering they have in society not just the virus problem but all the problems. They also all know the State media is all fake news. It seems that the protest movement against the Communist Party in Hong Kong might start in the main land as well. They are still in the streets of Hong Kong. The Communist Party rule in China is probably not going to last as this is combined with the collapsing of their economy. The Communist Party is losing what it needs to stay in power.
Department of Justice is now trying to gain the ability to imprison anybody with no due process and no say from any Judge. And for an indefinite amount of time. So they can just grab you out from your house and lock you up for the rest of your life with no crime, no trial, and no judge. The excuse is they want to force possibly infected people into a quarantine, but they could use it on anybody for any reason, or no reason, if they get that ability.
Saturn has just reached Aquarius and it unfourtunately will be used by the jews to suppress and restrain all our liberties and freedoms mainly freedom of speech on the internet. If you thought the censorship imposed by the Torquemada of our era Jewish Zuckerberg was hard and severe then you don't know the kikes, now they will seek to pass law bills in order to imprison he who "dares" expose the truth concerning the jews, the holohoax, christianity and so forth. To make matters worse, Uranus is in Taurus making a square with Saturn aggravating this problem. Worse, in a few days Mars will join Saturn making their energies more vile and even more aggressive. I believe that by April the 15th or somewhere near the birthday of the Führer, this issue with the coronavirus will have finished or the attention the media gives to it will definitely lower as they will be busy torturing us with this planetary transit looking forward to banning internet for good. If we have to use the internet via the deep web so be it the truth cannot be silenced (I will be vibrating Laguz "The Revealed Truth" over my blogs, my writings and my post)
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hey hooded, just a question here, should we all still persue are dreams(goals) while all this is happening.

Yes, by all means, definitely. Nothing stops here as life does not stop. Do not stop going after what you need or your goals. Just make some reasonable space in case you need it for self protection.

Life goes on.
About the studies on the chloroquine

a french specialist Pr Didier Raoult had success with a new treatment for the Covid 19:


now to understand how it is possible to have a solution before israel( yeah you know the vaccine...)

you have to understand a few things

this specialist have his own establishment and is independant ,

and he is known worldwide as the biggest specialist in his field :


which is why he was able to perform his little study on his own , because the INSERM

(National Institute of Health and Medical Research) wanted NOT to do this research with this drug

About the INSERM ,

his president "Yves Lévy" was named the 11 october 2018 by the minister of justice

Yves Lévy was present at the accreditation ceremony of
the P4 high biological security laboratory "in Wuhan, on February 23, 2017, greeted by Bernard Cazeneuve.
and the P4 laboratory work in particular on "'' Sars-Cov-2 vaccines '' ', one of the very many existing coronaviruses, a“ cousin ”of the new coronavirus that is currently rampant.

the government classified this solution as a Fake news until now

( probably because he chooses to inform the result via the social media...)

and now the INSERM are making bigger studies on this drug...

he also criticised the quarantine method, and wanted to put a strategy of mass testing, isolating and treating instead

but as unlucky as we are , the governement named the drug as a "class 2"
drug and make this drug way less accessible the 13 january 2020

actually while the US have ordered a large number of dose in France there is only the establishement of him who heals people with it and with results

Also do you remember the cover page of The economist 2019 ? there is a pangolin on it , the animal were the virus is supposed to come from....
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hey hooded, just a question here, should we all still persue are dreams(goals) while all this is happening.

Yes, by all means, definitely. Nothing stops here as life does not stop. Do not stop going after what you need or your goals. Just make some reasonable space in case you need it for self protection.

Life goes on.
Thanks hp, don't tell anybody, but besides aldric, you're my fav :D :D :D
dragon bleu 666 said:
About the studies on the chloroquine

a french specialist Pr Didier Raoult had success with a new treatment for the Covid 19:

Some people are saying that India and Japan have been using malaria and hiv drugs for quite a while and have had success with it. Of course, the USA just had to rely on Indian medicine (whose assessment methods are also mixed with ayurveda) because the stupid xtard doctors in US (and Europe) and their conventional medicine methods aren't good enough.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Saturn has just reached Aquarius and it unfourtunately will be used by the jews to suppress and restrain all our liberties and freedoms mainly freedom of speech on the internet. If you thought the censorship imposed by the Torquemada of our era Jewish Zuckerberg was hard and severe then you don't know the kikes, now they will seek to pass law bills in order to imprison he who "dares" expose the truth concerning the jews, the holohoax, christianity and so forth. To make matters worse, Uranus is in Taurus making a square with Saturn aggravating this problem. Worse, in a few days Mars will join Saturn making their energies more vile and even more aggressive. I believe that by April the 15th or somewhere near the birthday of the Führer, this issue with the coronavirus will have finished or the attention the media gives to it will definitely lower as they will be busy torturing us with this planetary transit looking forward to banning internet for good. If we have to use the internet via the deep web so be it the truth cannot be silenced (I will be vibrating Laguz "The Revealed Truth" over my blogs, my writings and my post)

Do not freak out I have studied astrology in my off time for at least 13 years. I don’t think this is something you need to overly worry about with the internet or any of that. I don’t think anyone in power is going to focus much on those areas right now. What this could lead to though is a restructuring of social rules or institutions or society in some way. If Neptune were to go into Aquarius right now yeah I’d be worried about exactly what you are talking about and I think we would be fucked on more than just that front. However remember Saturn is domicile in Aquarius. This doesn’t break down the principals of this sign just so you know. It adds structure and order to it and kind of solidifies the ideas of Aquarius. Saturn is exactly why this is a fixed sign energy. I don’t think the energy of this is bad. It’s much lighter than Capricorn just so you know. I may not be extremely spiritually open but I did notice the energy shifted to being much less heavy with this. So yeah I don’t think you need to worry. Uranus Squaring this that is kind of what lead to this whole social isolation trend. The Nature of Taurus a lot focuses on money and the economy in this instance. This could be a predicter for collapses or restructure of something.

What I really would be more worried about with this is Marxism in some way making huge gains in the population the all are equal collectivism stuff that was a corruption of Aquarius ideals to begin with kind of. I think they planned to time it so communism would take over right when we shifted into the Aquarian age. Just like xtianity and Islam was Pisces. If we don’t stop them the enemy will have a corruption for all kinds of energies.

Relax all will be fine if we keep on the final rtr and do extras.

Remember Saturn is Domicile here so it would not undermine literally everything in the sign that would not make sense at all.
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
Hey hooded, just a question here, should we all still persue are dreams(goals) while all this is happening.

Yes, by all means, definitely. Nothing stops here as life does not stop. Do not stop going after what you need or your goals. Just make some reasonable space in case you need it for self protection.

Life goes on.
Thanks hp, don't tell anybody, but besides aldric, you're my fav :D :D :D

I second what HP HoodedCobra told you. Do I have to remind you Maxine said as it was dictated to her that we had already won??? The war on Orion is already won. In a few years will begin the war in the astral and another war downwards. Besides the Gods are coming back to retake our beautiful planet from the clutches of this putrid assholes. We must keep struggling. Life is predation. Danger lurks at every curve and we must be ready to strike back all their bullshit and evilness 108 times. Quoting HP HoodedCobra "Life goes on" life continues. Tomorrow the sun rises and will continue to rise. That is what they are desperately looking for to frighten you, to weaken you, to make you lose your faith in the Gods and lower your guards so they can slaughter you easier, they wish to destroy your Kundalini. Moreover, the more scared you are the more your aura becomes weak making it easy for any disease or any low astral thoughtform or curse by the enemy to attach to your aura and make you ill. They want you depressed poor, without any power devoid of any spiritual power. An ignorant sheep scared to death powerless and without any money so they can keep slaving you.
Struggle and strife don't let them win you over. We as Satanist committed to Him are the Elite of this world we are warriors of Him we must defend Earth, the animals, our freedoms and we as individuals. When I wrote my commitment letter I told him I was going to be a BERSERKER to end the Jewish tyranny. I won't let them keep murdering our Nature as they see fit not on my behalf. Besides there is nothing more disgusting than a fucking coward coach potatoe who sits in front of the time and whines all day due to all the tragedies on the world without lifting a finger to aid or to stop them. A person who lacks of dreams and is depressed becomes a parasite to the Life and an easy target for the low astral insectoids to drain your vital energy
2 orthodox jews were arrested in Lakewood, New Jersey because they hosted a wedding at their house with a huge crowd of guests.
He also talks about orthodox jew yeshiva schools in the same town which a few days ago have had groups of hundreds of students at a time. When the rule for social distancing and preventing the spread says all groups have to be less than 50 people. And mentions a rumor going around that hundreds of orthodox jews in that town have all been exposed to the virus and likely may all have been infected. Just like last summer when all the orthodox jews in NYC were having Measles virus infections and were purposefully trying to spread it to each other and other people.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Lordbaphamet666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yes, by all means, definitely. Nothing stops here as life does not stop. Do not stop going after what you need or your goals. Just make some reasonable space in case you need it for self protection.

Life goes on.
Thanks hp, don't tell anybody, but besides aldric, you're my fav :D :D :D

I second what HP HoodedCobra told you. Do I have to remind you Maxine said as it was dictated to her that we had already won??? The war on Orion is already won. In a few years will begin the war in the astral and another war downwards. Besides the Gods are coming back to retake our beautiful planet from the clutches of this putrid assholes. We must keep struggling. Life is predation. Danger lurks at every curve and we must be ready to strike back all their bullshit and evilness 108 times. Quoting HP HoodedCobra "Life goes on" life continues. Tomorrow the sun rises and will continue to rise. That is what they are desperately looking for to frighten you, to weaken you, to make you lose your faith in the Gods and lower your guards so they can slaughter you easier, they wish to destroy your Kundalini. Moreover, the more scared you are the more your aura becomes weak making it easy for any disease or any low astral thoughtform or curse by the enemy to attach to your aura and make you ill. They want you depressed poor, without any power devoid of any spiritual power. An ignorant sheep scared to death powerless and without any money so they can keep slaving you.
Struggle and strife don't let them win you over. We as Satanist committed to Him are the Elite of this world we are warriors of Him we must defend Earth, the animals, our freedoms and we as individuals. When I wrote my commitment letter I told him I was going to be a BERSERKER to end the Jewish tyranny. I won't let them keep murdering our Nature as they see fit not on my behalf. Besides there is nothing more disgusting than a fucking coward coach potatoe who sits in front of the time and whines all day due to all the tragedies on the world without lifting a finger to aid or to stop them. A person who lacks of dreams and is depressed becomes a parasite to the Life and an easy target for the low astral insectoids to drain your vital energy
Thank you for your comment. Life indeed does go on.
Apparently, Israel was developing a vaccine for the virus before it was a known pandemic.
I think it’s also worth stating that they aren’t a signatory to the biological weapons convention.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Saturn has just reached Aquarius and it unfourtunately will be used by the jews to suppress and restrain all our liberties and freedoms mainly freedom of speech on the internet. If you thought the censorship imposed by the Torquemada of our era Jewish Zuckerberg was hard and severe then you don't know the kikes, now they will seek to pass law bills in order to imprison he who "dares" expose the truth concerning the jews, the holohoax, christianity and so forth. To make matters worse, Uranus is in Taurus making a square with Saturn aggravating this problem. Worse, in a few days Mars will join Saturn making their energies more vile and even more aggressive. I believe that by April the 15th or somewhere near the birthday of the Führer, this issue with the coronavirus will have finished or the attention the media gives to it will definitely lower as they will be busy torturing us with this planetary transit looking forward to banning internet for good. If we have to use the internet via the deep web so be it the truth cannot be silenced (I will be vibrating Laguz "The Revealed Truth" over my blogs, my writings and my post)

what is your blog?
I just know that as of today I hate the USA, I know that many of you here are Americans, I live in a third world country and Brazil is already a bad country, come to the USA and buy materials from Brazil, condemning many here to death, I apologize to the members of this forum, but I speak this from the heart and I am a follower and I have Azazel as my God and Pazuzu and Paimon as my patrons.

Just saw this was posted yesterday. Whether or not what the article is saying is entirely true, the "Limiting Section 230 Immunity to Good Samaritans Act" can be found with a quick search. Like with the EARN-IT Act, they use blanket terms like "Good Faith" for providers to follow how they would enforce this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
