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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
First and foremost, the state must encourage the concept of private property and lead its reform.

The concept of private is a sacred and fundamental value of the human being and an absolutely mandatory mission for the state and its leaders.

Land must not be owned by private corporations or companies. If this is the case, the state must interfere and buy the land from the giant privates while keeping in mind that it has the ability to regulate the market in case of exaggerated prices or dangerous monopolies and cartels if that is the case, while still keeping a strong degree of free market. The regulatory agencies of governments must not become clients of the elements which they must regulate. This constitutes a severe act of treason!

Land must be then given back to citizens at fair prices. Debt based money must not be a concept of the future and this mechanism will be gradually eliminated and replaced by the quantification of products and services while taking quality and other variables into account. The formula must be defined by specialists in economy that also prove loyalty and integrity.

The producer must be helped in his business. The state can provide tools, equipment and a certain amount of funding to help in the start of a fresh new business. Progressive taxing is a concept that discourages productivity and will by no means be considered in our future societies. It should even be condemned constitutionally and legally.

National banks must be extremely well organized and at the same time be loyal and fully integer. Regulations must be in place so that dangerous cases such as printing money without a production or gold-based standard may cause heavy inflation.

Also, private banks, while the debt-based profit is still in place for a while (this is the fundamental definition and existence base for private banks), must not be allowed to practice usury and the interest rates must be reasonable in accordance with the current market configuration.

The main vision here is that encouraging production will make money circulate in the system and will increase the economy. To achieve this, taxing must be very low, but enough to sustain the state budget for reasons explained in the previous chapters, such as research, public sanitation and other public services.

Housing is defined by how the state regulates and encouraged the construction market. This is an industry that is essential to life and the well-being of citizens. It is correlated with the prices of construction materials and the cost of logistics which 90% translates into low energy prices. This is why most of the economy is linked to energy. You have the resource, prices go down and consequently, the prices of products and services go down due to the low cost of transportation.

Also, here we have the component of family sustainability which implies the schemas of houses. Houses ideally, should have the necessary space or rooms to host two generations. The American housing model if adapted to a more humane market without the enemy’s manipulation, energy crises and artificial fluctuations, would be a good model to host two, maybe three generations in which the average couple birthrate could be between two and three children. In the initial stages of us taking power, a boom in birthrates could help the healing of the white race. Maybe in some places even above 5 children per family. At least for a while.

Advertising and psychological models should be used in opposition to what the enemy has used them for. They should be used to predict and influence the birthrates however it is needed and be combined with carefully played eugenics.

Another model of housing which I consider ideal and also fits well with the local culture is the Greek house. It can host many people per family and can also be rented for tourism which makes Greece a superpower in tourism and economy. They have a culture of hard working, quality services and very humane interaction.

They display a high sense of civic education and they pass on those concepts from generation to generation as well as the concept of hard and honest work. It can also be much more desirable than the tedious work in a corporation.

Considering how we must make it our mission to keep housing as affordable as possible for the population, we must also take into consideration the fact that based on the two mentioned models, we must have as much houses with yards in favor of apartment flats or blocks. Newly build buildings must usually be around three or four floors if possible and usually in the center of the city. The communist model of apartment flats in many cases force people to be to close to incompatible individuals and limit their options and space. So, it is best to advocate for houses as much as possible.

Another service that is funded by its public budget which the state must provide is public transportation which must be encouraged for easier and more comfortable movement while at the same time cars and private taxi companies will always remain in the norm.

Traffic can also be helped with systems such as smart city technologies based on traffic lights AIs which are also used similarity for GPS and logistics. Smart city systems could also be used to detect crime and mobilize the authorities as fast as possible, but should not be used for privacy violation and stealing of private data. This must be heavily regulated and would be ideal in a very advanced society from the human point of view where general and natural understanding is very high. This is related to factors such as education and spiritual training.

Public administration should also strive as much as possible to create as many parks and green spaces around the houses. Those should ideally, contain as much biodiversity as possible. This aspect will be treated in a separate chapter involving subjects such as accelerated tree growth and natural catalyzers, tree and plant variation in various places to not create a monotone environment and the quick replacement of cut trees plus the ban of illegal cutting.

One must feel safe and cozy at home and have the necessary space and comfort to do his daily activities. Having a yard is something exceptional from my point of view. It is what forms the individual for a large part of their character and ability. The space which gives one creativity and ingenuity. Placing trees, gardening, working, opening a small business or a store, doing some basic activities like plumbing, constructions, electrical engineering, car mechanics, playing and teaching your children and playing with pets are just some of the activities which form a family in such a positive way.

The state must always watch over its citizens that they have the basic needs such as water, electricity, energy and heating. Society must form and train its citizens on basic professions such as engineers, construction workers, mechanics, plumbers and so on. It must stimulate the market to have firms and authorized individuals for those sectors in order to not be dependent on foreigners.

Subsequently, the government must use regulatory agencies so that energy companies and facility providers do not manipulate the market to their advantage and raise prices to unreasonable levels.

Infrastructure should ideally be nationalized.

Public administration must have clear and humane schemas for buildings and spacing. Often in our times, real estate giants bribe mayors and build illegal structures sometimes way to close to each other to the detriment of people and create very crowded neighborhoods. Bribes and greed can be like a parasite, then real estate viruses can even define policies and influence politicians again ending up in the situation that the agency that should regulate becomes the regulated one.

This must be declared as a crime and propaganda must always insist on those topics as well as the poor quality of buildings done for similar purposes. Often, builders use cheap material which is easy to damage, does not isolate heat or sound and is extremely susceptible to earthquake damage. This must not be allowed. Projects must be made public, not just kept strictly for the builder and mayor. This is also directly linked to the level of education and honesty of a society. This is why I am always making the parallel with the advancement of the human being and its raised level of understanding. If a human only understands the pure materialistic side of life, this will make him pray on others and disregard the interconnectivity of people as the main objective of a functioning society.

Everything always comes back to our ability to dream and manifest. Idealism may not always be the solution for foreign policy, but it could be a good growing factor for the vision on housing. Just imagine all those details in a society where work is optimized, done with easiness and good will and where raising a family and interacting with your neighbors in a clean and beautiful rural or urban environment is common activity, instead of traffic jams, honking, pollution and anger.

This is the ideal life we wish to create for our people so they can grow and each one of the set their objectives of personal and collective development.

The comfort of living will make one dream further than just his own survival thus defining new goals and achieving new abilities and success.
First and foremost, the state must encourage the concept of private property and lead its reform.

The concept of private is a sacred and fundamental value of the human being and an absolutely mandatory mission for the state and its leaders.

Land must not be owned by private corporations or companies. If this is the case, the state must interfere and buy the land from the giant privates while keeping in mind that it has the ability to regulate the market in case of exaggerated prices or dangerous monopolies and cartels if that is the case, while still keeping a strong degree of free market. The regulatory agencies of governments must not become clients of the elements which they must regulate. This constitutes a severe act of treason!

Land must be then given back to citizens at fair prices. Debt based money must not be a concept of the future and this mechanism will be gradually eliminated and replaced by the quantification of products and services while taking quality and other variables into account. The formula must be defined by specialists in economy that also prove loyalty and integrity.

The producer must be helped in his business. The state can provide tools, equipment and a certain amount of funding to help in the start of a fresh new business. Progressive taxing is a concept that discourages productivity and will by no means be considered in our future societies. It should even be condemned constitutionally and legally.

National banks must be extremely well organized and at the same time be loyal and fully integer. Regulations must be in place so that dangerous cases such as printing money without a production or gold-based standard may cause heavy inflation.

Also, private banks, while the debt-based profit is still in place for a while (this is the fundamental definition and existence base for private banks), must not be allowed to practice usury and the interest rates must be reasonable in accordance with the current market configuration.

The main vision here is that encouraging production will make money circulate in the system and will increase the economy. To achieve this, taxing must be very low, but enough to sustain the state budget for reasons explained in the previous chapters, such as research, public sanitation and other public services.

Housing is defined by how the state regulates and encouraged the construction market. This is an industry that is essential to life and the well-being of citizens. It is correlated with the prices of construction materials and the cost of logistics which 90% translates into low energy prices. This is why most of the economy is linked to energy. You have the resource, prices go down and consequently, the prices of products and services go down due to the low cost of transportation.

Also, here we have the component of family sustainability which implies the schemas of houses. Houses ideally, should have the necessary space or rooms to host two generations. The American housing model if adapted to a more humane market without the enemy’s manipulation, energy crises and artificial fluctuations, would be a good model to host two, maybe three generations in which the average couple birthrate could be between two and three children. In the initial stages of us taking power, a boom in birthrates could help the healing of the white race. Maybe in some places even above 5 children per family. At least for a while.

Advertising and psychological models should be used in opposition to what the enemy has used them for. They should be used to predict and influence the birthrates however it is needed and be combined with carefully played eugenics.

Another model of housing which I consider ideal and also fits well with the local culture is the Greek house. It can host many people per family and can also be rented for tourism which makes Greece a superpower in tourism and economy. They have a culture of hard working, quality services and very humane interaction.

They display a high sense of civic education and they pass on those concepts from generation to generation as well as the concept of hard and honest work. It can also be much more desirable than the tedious work in a corporation.

Considering how we must make it our mission to keep housing as affordable as possible for the population, we must also take into consideration the fact that based on the two mentioned models, we must have as much houses with yards in favor of apartment flats or blocks. Newly build buildings must usually be around three or four floors if possible and usually in the center of the city. The communist model of apartment flats in many cases force people to be to close to incompatible individuals and limit their options and space. So, it is best to advocate for houses as much as possible.

Another service that is funded by its public budget which the state must provide is public transportation which must be encouraged for easier and more comfortable movement while at the same time cars and private taxi companies will always remain in the norm.

Traffic can also be helped with systems such as smart city technologies based on traffic lights AIs which are also used similarity for GPS and logistics. Smart city systems could also be used to detect crime and mobilize the authorities as fast as possible, but should not be used for privacy violation and stealing of private data. This must be heavily regulated and would be ideal in a very advanced society from the human point of view where general and natural understanding is very high. This is related to factors such as education and spiritual training.

Public administration should also strive as much as possible to create as many parks and green spaces around the houses. Those should ideally, contain as much biodiversity as possible. This aspect will be treated in a separate chapter involving subjects such as accelerated tree growth and natural catalyzers, tree and plant variation in various places to not create a monotone environment and the quick replacement of cut trees plus the ban of illegal cutting.

One must feel safe and cozy at home and have the necessary space and comfort to do his daily activities. Having a yard is something exceptional from my point of view. It is what forms the individual for a large part of their character and ability. The space which gives one creativity and ingenuity. Placing trees, gardening, working, opening a small business or a store, doing some basic activities like plumbing, constructions, electrical engineering, car mechanics, playing and teaching your children and playing with pets are just some of the activities which form a family in such a positive way.

The state must always watch over its citizens that they have the basic needs such as water, electricity, energy and heating. Society must form and train its citizens on basic professions such as engineers, construction workers, mechanics, plumbers and so on. It must stimulate the market to have firms and authorized individuals for those sectors in order to not be dependent on foreigners.

Subsequently, the government must use regulatory agencies so that energy companies and facility providers do not manipulate the market to their advantage and raise prices to unreasonable levels.

Infrastructure should ideally be nationalized.

Public administration must have clear and humane schemas for buildings and spacing. Often in our times, real estate giants bribe mayors and build illegal structures sometimes way to close to each other to the detriment of people and create very crowded neighborhoods. Bribes and greed can be like a parasite, then real estate viruses can even define policies and influence politicians again ending up in the situation that the agency that should regulate becomes the regulated one.

This must be declared as a crime and propaganda must always insist on those topics as well as the poor quality of buildings done for similar purposes. Often, builders use cheap material which is easy to damage, does not isolate heat or sound and is extremely susceptible to earthquake damage. This must not be allowed. Projects must be made public, not just kept strictly for the builder and mayor. This is also directly linked to the level of education and honesty of a society. This is why I am always making the parallel with the advancement of the human being and its raised level of understanding. If a human only understands the pure materialistic side of life, this will make him pray on others and disregard the interconnectivity of people as the main objective of a functioning society.

Everything always comes back to our ability to dream and manifest. Idealism may not always be the solution for foreign policy, but it could be a good growing factor for the vision on housing. Just imagine all those details in a society where work is optimized, done with easiness and good will and where raising a family and interacting with your neighbors in a clean and beautiful rural or urban environment is common activity, instead of traffic jams, honking, pollution and anger.

This is the ideal life we wish to create for our people so they can grow and each one of the set their objectives of personal and collective development.

The comfort of living will make one dream further than just his own survival thus defining new goals and achieving new abilities and success.
This, is amazing! 😃❤️ I love your mind. And You, are amazing! ✨️ Thank you for sharing this story.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
