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Long Live The Empire - CHAPTER 11 – FAMILY


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
It is in our future Empire, it has been and always will be the fundamental construct of life and the continuity of life and civilization. It is absolutely hallucinating how the enemy has convinced millions that the most important aspect of existing is to be not only dismissed, but attacked and discredited, while using the foreign races to destroy it faster.

For this exact reason, first and foremost, the constitutions of the world or at least in white countries, as the rest are entitled to choose their own destinies be them continuity or erasing oneself from history, must state without exception that families are to be formed only by members of the same race and that foreign races must not breed with the natives and only be allowed on a country’s territory for temporary work, delegations, diplomacy and tourism.

There is no debate here after we almost got erased due to not only enemy propaganda, but our own stupidity and degeneration.

Family is to be held in high esteem and promoted on every channel we have control over: television, radio, social media, cinematography and so on. The degenerate elements of the enemy were able to catch root in the youth’s minds and souls because the enemy made them mainstream and “cool”. When promoting something, one must use the same mechanism, but for the right purposes. The mechanism the human mind and psychology and the purpose is the well being and survival of the white race.

We are talking about the construct that produces offsprings, educates them, offers them love and a sense of safety and security and most importantly builds trust. So, as we debate, one can clearly see that family does not only mean breeding, but a set of responsibilities as well.

Movies, social media posts, and all related media content relating to family, kids and marriage should visually highlight the feeling of accomplishment one has inside of it.

Previously, good willed politicians have tried to increase the birth rates by giving all sorts of financial help to families, but did not work as well as they expected. It is hard to change the minds of people even with financial help, if you have an internal saboteur that is discrediting everything relating to the concept. First and foremost, you need to make sure your society is clean of saboteurs. Our future societies will have to learn from the past and take all those aspects into account.

In the past, gentiles as opposed to Jews, have also had this shallow vision that anything can be solved by pumping some money into it, but the Jew knew that the money had to go into the minds of their enemies first of all. The white gentile will have to evolve as to never let such things ever happen again. We must learn from history and apply what works. Filling our minds with pseudo-moral values that do not produce the proper results, but instead harm society will have to become an extinct ideology. Pragmatism above all else must be the mindset of the society.

The state must give clear directions to parents in regards to how their children will live their childhood. Childhood must be filled with joy and trust. A child who does not develop a strong sense of trust in their family will become a grabber in their adulthood. They will not perceive any notions of good and bad, of morality and doing what is right. They will become lone survivors that will do whatever is necessary for them to survive even at the detriment of others while disregarding the social constructs of family and nation and only being materially oriented.

In the present perhaps many still take for granted what they have inherited in their lives and this is the legacy and history of many generations before them who did what was natural, procreated and worked to advance society or keep it alive during trying times. The fact that we still have a majority white Europe where things are at least peaceful and we can have our life with goods and bads is a legacy of previous efforts that have materialized and gave us this comfort similar to the phone or car that you buy instead of still waiting for it to get invented. We need to keep building up on what we already have and not reduce it back to formula as the Jew always wanted.

There is a movie called “The believer” with Ryan Gosling in which he plays the role of a neo nazi. Although the movie is meant to serve as Jewish propaganda there is a moment when Gosling’s character gives a short speech on how the Jews see society. He states as follows: “Look, the Jews clearly control the media and the banks. Investment banks, not the commercial ones, but the point is,... they carry out in those realms the exact same principles they display in sexuality. They undermine traditional life and they deracinate society. Deracinate. Tear out the roots. A real people... derives its genius from the land, from the sun, from the sea, from the soil. This is how they know themselves. But Jews don't even have soil. - There's Israel. - Yeah. Those aren't Jews.- Of course they're Jews. - Notice the lsraelis. lt's a fundamentally secular society. They no longer need Judaism because they have soil. The real Jew is a wanderer. He's a nomad. He's got no roots and no attachments... so he universalizes everything. He can't hammer a nail or plough a field. All he can do is buy and sell and invest capital, manipulate markets... and it's, like, all mental. He takes the life of a people rooted in soil and turns it into a cosmopolitan culture,... based on books and numbers and ideas. You know, this is his strength. Take the greatest Jewish minds: Marx, Freud, Einstein. What have they given us? Communism, infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. In the three centuries it's taken these people to emerge from the ghettos of Europe,... they've ripped us out of a world of order and reason, thrown us into class warfare,... irrational urges, relativity,... into a world where the very existence of matter and meaning is in question! Why?! 'cause it's the deepest impulse of a Jewish soul to pull at the very fabric of life...

till there's nothing left but a thread. They want nothing but nothingness. Nothingness without end.”

High Priest Hooded Cobra has said in a post in regards to natural understanding, in a writing about the Pythagorean Verses: “In Ancient Greek, the word ΔΙΑΚΕΙΝΤΑΙ means that both regulation has been instated, and also, that one is commanded in this regulation, but also simultaneously we have the implied notion that these laws are encompassing everything at all times, therefore, one has to banish the illusion that one is above said regulations, such as natural laws; we exist in these and we ought make peace with these, because these laws are precisely put there to help us empower and discover.”

This is in direct contrast with the so called “relativity” madness of the enemy. In order to have order and harmony, humans must live by certain rules which are nothing more or less than the rules and laws of nature. All science is based on it.

Relativity is applied only in deciding one’s objective and then he goes on to implement it using those exact rules.

In regards to raising children, one must raise them with carefulness and balance. They must push ideas of ambitions to make them want to grow and develop, but also do it with love and understanding while providing at home a sense of peace and security. Our children will always encounter hardships in their lives so home must be seen as a refuge and safe zone until they are mature enough to take on the world.

Parents must take an active role in their education and development, but also allow them the pleasures and joys or life. And above all else parents must keep in mind that children will mimic their behavior. Satanists must also take into account their knowledge about mind and spirituality. Children will feel and perceive one’s emotions and the energy one emanates in his own house, so one must be mindful of the atmosphere they maintain in the house and the thoughts and feelings they direct towards their children. For example, parents who have a decent amount of trust and an overall positive mindset towards their children will make them have a greater chance to succeed in various aspects of life. Parents who overwhelm their children with too much care or worry about them being independent will induce feelings of weariness, doubt and being incapable to solve problems into their minds.

The key as always is balance and a focused mind.

Same goes for one’s partner or spouse. The relationship must be kept in all ways of balance and the two must show understanding to each other, given both have a common sense and an overall understanding of natural laws.

One must spend time with their partner, help them, show them love in both emotional and sexual ways, but also allow them their own pleasures and recreations and give them their own time and space to do their activities.

Your partner must not be forced to do any repetitive activities they despise based on the fact that they are emotionally attached to you. Taking someone for granted and having this mentality that they will do a specific unpleasant activity with you because they love you and wouldn’t dare say “no” is a major mistake which may lead in time to the diminishing of the love they bear for you.

Show mutual understanding, make this a task and a measure of maturity and achievement and if your partner is a Spiritual Satanist and you are not, at least give them the time to work for this endeavor.

It is difficult enough that they fight for you and the rest on the world, but taking their time away and depriving them of their progress will build up some negativity between the two.

So, in short be brave, mature, balanced and keep in mind that building your own family will get you in an area where you feel an enormous sense of joy, accomplishment, power and prestige. You will also know that all that work for your career and material well-being has a greater purpose than just your own safety and satisfaction and that you are now able to share them with your loved ones, them being the ones who will have your back if you treat them well.

Your possessions will pass to the next generations instead of dying childless and leaving it all to the state and therefore you will play your solid part in the continuation of our people’s history. This is the biggest and most solid part of your legacy!

Take a moment to picture yourself with a family of your own if you are not there yet and see what feeling that gives you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
