Shemsu said:
some downsides I haven't considered
I'll give you some broader points in random order to ruminate on.
• winterproofing the house (or a cabin) and stocking up on firewood
• food: how and where to preserve (traditional methods like sauerkraut don't require electricity and can sometimes be the healthiest ways) (you may need to build a root cellar)
• create initial seed reserves for your vegetable garden
• learn how to make compost for the vegetable garden from manure
• electricity: if there is a grid, have a contingency plan (a backup generator)
• water source: is the water clean and safe? does the system work on power? get a spare pump.
• bottled gas for cooking: have reserves
• create fuel reserves for your truck/chainsaw/generator etc.
• get quality tools: cordless drill and impact driver, circular saw, jigsaw, angle grinder, air compressor, stick welder etc.
• how to keep rodents at bay
• invest in top of the line working clothes and boots. You'll thank yourself later.
• security and hunting: guns, ammo
• growing your own meat: learn to kill, gut and process the meat. How to keep the whole process clean, avoiding contaminations and consequent poisonings
• feed reserves for the meat animals (I'm talking about supplemental feeding for the animals to get minerals etc)
• first aid kit and medical supplies
• there must be fire extinguishers in the house and in your workshop
• what happens if you come down with some illness, who is going to run the household, feed the animals etc.
• don't expect to have 3+ hours daily for SS JoS workings during the initial stages.
I'm sure I missed some.